Guiding Light Transcript Monday 5/19/08
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Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Cyrus: I'm with someone.
Adrianna: Is it serious?
Cyrus: I wasn't sure what time your shift ended.
Harley: A few hours.
Cyrus: Do you want to grab dinner?
Harley: I mean, it was supposed to be a few hours. Look at all this work that I have to do.
Daisy: If you can't keep up, you should get out. You'll never be Gus.
Cyrus: I don't know what the rules are.
Harley: I don't think that there are any.
Adrianna: You didn't seem sure if you had a girlfriend.
Adrianna: No wonder you're at the gym.
Cyrus: You said you were buying.
Adrianna: I'm always buying.
Cyrus: You know I already have a job.
Adrianna: And yet you're still here.
Cyrus: Free food.
Adrianna: I run an import/export business of antiques, art, and jewelry.
Cyrus: Is that so? Well, I know a lot about all of those things... and about how to acquire them.
Adrianna: Why do you think we're here?
Harley: Strawberry or grape? Daisy!
Daisy: What?
Harley: Strawberry or grape, sweetie?
Daisy: I know we're on a budget, but PB & J again? Seriously.
Harley: We have to be extra careful this week.
Daisy: Why?
Harley: Now, what would you say if your brothers did that?
Daisy: They don't wash their hands, that's different. Strawberry.
Harley: See, it's a good thing I asked.
Daisy: So, um, why are we extra poor this week?
Harley: You know why.
Daisy: I told you, I... I don't care about a graduation dress for the stupid ceremony. It's a waste of time. Life is too short.
Harley: And sitting around here doing nothing isn't a waste of time?
Daisy: Let the boys eat what they want.
Harley: Trust me, this is what they want.
Daisy: I don’t... I just don't care. I'm not going to let you spend money on... we don't have on a dress that I don't want for a graduation ceremony I'm not going to.
Harley: Oh, you're going.
Daisy: Says who?
Harley: Do you need me to list all of the relatives that will be attending this thing to watch you walk on to stage?
Daisy: What, so, great, you're guilting me into this now?
Harley: I will bribe you, if that works. You're welcome. You forgot your sandwich.
Josh: Good morning.
Cassie: Well, good morning.
Josh: I can't believe I slept that late. Did we elect a new president yet?
Cassie: Still have a little...
Josh: A little something.
Cassie: Stuff, yeah.
Josh: Thank you. I appreciate it. Thank you. What are you looking for?
Cassie: I'm looking for those napkins, those blue plaid napkins.
Josh: You talking about these?
Cassie: Yes, exactly those.
Josh: How many do you want?
Cassie: Two.
Josh: There you go.
Cassie: Thank you.
Josh: I really... I just... I can't remember when the last time was that I got such a good night's sleep. (Laughs) Yeah. What you got in there?
Cassie: Muffins for the Outreach committee.
Josh: Well, look at those.
Cassie: But they are hot and they are not for you, anyway.
Josh: First of all... first of all, I work there. And secondly, I have to protect my parishioners, you know? I've got to make sure there's no poison... ow, ow.
Cassie: Mm-hmm.
Josh: No poison in these. Ow. Hot. Oh, very nice.
Cassie: Uh-huh, of course they are. You need a shower.
Josh: Gee, thanks. Hey, um, I know we still have a long ways to go, but this morning, I'm... I'm not angry at all.
Cassie: I know. That's good. It's really... it's really good.
Josh: Yeah.
Cassie: Get out of there!
Josh: Ooh, ow!
Cassie: (Laughs) Serves you right.
Natalia: Olivia?! Something is wrong.
Jeffrey: Mee... (humming) Now, that is some serious talent.
Reva: Just when you thought you knew everything there was to know about me. (Cell phone rings)
Jeffrey: Oh, that's me. You know, I know you said that we need our own song, our own place, our own thing, but maybe this is not it, okay? Maybe we can do better than that.
Reva: Oh, it's pretty.
Jeffrey: Hello?
Natalia: Hi, Jeffrey, it's Natalia.
Jeffrey: Natalia, what's wrong?
Natalia: I'm in Olivia’s room right now. Ava's been calling the front desk because she can't get a hold of her. It's a mess in here. It looks like she was upset or something, and she's not picking up her cell phone. I'm so sorry to bother you with this, but I just feel like it might be better if you called your daughter.
Jeffrey: Okay, I'll take care of Ava and then I'll get back to you. I'm sorry you keep getting roped into all of her dramas. I'll talk to you later, okay?
Reva: Is Olivia okay?
Jeffrey: I don't know. I’ll have to tell you when I get back. Bye.
Reva: Bye.
Jeffrey: Well, she's not answering her cell phone, okay, and she's not at Company and she's not at the doctor.
Natalia: No. I mean, I don't know. Have a look around, maybe you can figure out where she might be.
Jeffrey: Well, it looks like she was here recently, but she left in a hurry.
Natalia: But where? She's just starting to get around, you know? It's not like she can just jump up and take off.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, it is Olivia. Look, you know what? I'll find her-- this is not your job, you don't have to....
Natalia: Hi, this is Natalia Aitoro. I'm on the list for Emma Spaulding. Can you please tell me if she's at school today?
Reva: Hey.
Harley: Hey!
Reva: I thought I might find you here hard at work. Oh.
Harley: Too many unsolved cases doesn't look good.
Reva: Sure. Um, I actually came by for my graduation ticket.
Harley: Graduation ticket.
Reva: Yeah. And, oh, I wondered if maybe you had an extra one, for Jeffrey. Oh!
Harley: I just happen to.
Reva: Thank you.
Harley: By the way, I don't know if it matters, but Daisy says she's not going to graduation.
Reva: Why not?
Harley: Well, this is all part of the "I'm not going to college" thing, but then I wouldn't know that because she's not confiding in me.
Reva: Oh. Cyrus? I... I only mention that because she's actually mentioned it to me. Once.
Harley: Well, of course, she has. Because she talks to you because you're the fun one. So maybe you can convince her to go.
Reva: Well, thanks.
Harley: Hey, Reva, um, I... I wasn't planning to bring Cyrus to the ceremony.
Reva: That's none of my business.
Harley: Well, it's just... I know it's not the only reason that she's not attending. But I'm aware of that and I'm sensitive to it. It's other things for her. You know, it's Rafe and it's Gus and it's, you know, life.
Reva: Things are really good with me and Jeffrey.
Harley: Good.
Reva: I'm saying that because my life is really happy right now. But that doesn't make the past any less important.
Harley: No, it doesn’t.
Josh: Hey.
Boyle: Can I help you?
Josh: So, you checked in under a different name?
Boyle: Mr. Lewis?
Josh: Yeah, you told me you don't get to Springfield that often. So, why are you here now? What, are you visiting someone?
Boyle: Business.
Josh: Business. So why the phony name?
Boyle: You know what? I don't even really know you.
Josh: She’s... she's my wife! Doesn't that mean anything to you?
Boyle: What the hell are you talking about? Have you lost your mind?
Josh: Are you going to stand there and you're going to lie to me? I know!
Boyle: I don't know what your problem is but get the hell off me.
Cyrus: Stop! Think about what you're doing.
Josh: The guy's gone!
Cassie: Josh! Are you okay?
Cyrus: Yeah, I'm fine. But we have a problem.
Bailiff: Okay, kids. I'm a bailiff. Right here is where the judge sits. And this is the District Attorney, Jeffrey O'Neill.
Jeffrey: Hey.
Emma: I know Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: That's right, we know each other, Emma, don't we? We go way back. Emma, is your mother here?
Bailiff: Mr. O’Neill, please say a little...
Natalia: Why don't you have your cell phone on?
Olivia: Shh.
Jeffrey: Me? Well, you know what? I... I...
Olivia: I volunteered to chaperone for this day a long time ago, long before any of this.
Natalia: Emma looks like she's having fun.
Olivia: Yeah. The driver brought me over here. I barely could make it up the steps. I just don't want Emma and her friends to see me like this.
Natalia: Like what? You look fine. Okay, maybe you need a little touchup.
Olivia: Can you help me? I... I... it took everything I had just to get over here and I really... I don't want to scare my daughter.
Natalia: Well, I can't promise any miracles.
Olivia: That's funny. That's funny. That's good.
Jeffrey: Um... you know what this box is for, who sits here? No? This is where the... normally... who does sit here, Bailiff?
Bailiff: The witness.
Jeffrey: The witness sits here.
Daisy: Hey.
Reva: Hey! I didn't know whether you were going to show up.
Daisy: What else do I have to do?
Reva: Are you okay?
Daisy: Yeah.
Reva: Because you look kind of... blah.
Daisy: Uh... what is this?
Reva: Oh, this is a chart of my life. Jolene made it to keep track of everything.
Daisy: Cool! Wait a minute. You were married to Alan Spaulding?
Reva: I was in a coma. (Laughs)
Daisy: This is what I want my life to look like.
Reva: No, you don’t.
Daisy: Why not? Look at everything you've done, all the places you've been. I...
Reva: It also points up everything I missed. I mean, there's a lot of stuff that I missed.
Daisy: Like what?
Reva: Like... well, I don't know, like... like right here is where I probably should have gone to my high school graduation and....
Daisy: Harley talked to you.
Reva: And right here is probably where I should have gone to college.
Daisy: Why? You did fine without it.
Reva: Sweetie, I did everything I could in order to survive. And it made me make some really bad decisions, because I was so desperate.
Daisy: Well, like what?
Reva: Oh, what the hell. You're gonna see it in the movie anyway, so I might as well tell you. When I first came to Springfield, Alan Spaulding paid me a whole heap of money to break up your Grandpa Billy and Vanessa Reardon’s marriage. I also believed that, in order to get ahead in life, you had to marry someone rich.
Daisy: That sounds exciting.
Reva: You're missing the point. I don't have to make you go to college, but if you want to work on my movie, you have to go to graduation.
Daisy: That's not fair.
Reva: That's another thing about life. (Laughs)
Boyle: I don't want your help.
Cassie: I just want to make sure that you're okay.
Boyle: I should call the cops. Your husband's nuts.
Cyrus: Here, this should help.
Boyle: Maybe I'll sue your hotel.
Cyrus: Listen, mate, I'm the security officer here and this whole thing was just a big misunderstanding. It won't happen again.
Boyle: Well, I guess I should thank you for pulling him off me. Are you going to report him?
Cyrus: Yeah, but he’s... he's been having a rough time of it.
Boyle: That doesn't give him the right to attack me.
Harley: The front desk said there was some trouble here. Were you in a fight?
Cyrus: We got it all under control.
Cassie: Okay, look, I am going to comp your room for your entire stay. And if there's anything else I can do, just say the word.
Boyle: Fine. Keep your nut-job husband away from me.
Harley: What happened?
Cassie: I'm going to have to let Cyrus explain. I have to find Josh.
Harley: That looks like it hurts.
Reva: (Laughs) Do I even want to ask?
Cyrus: It's all right.
Harley: You're not even gonna let me see it?
Cyrus: It's not that big of a deal.
Harley: I can't even believe Josh did that to you.
Cyrus: He's got a nice right hook for a man of God.
Harley: Who was that other guy?
Cyrus: Josh thinks that he slept with Cassie.
Harley: That was the guy?
Cyrus: And I don't think he expected to see him in town again.
Harley: So, why was he... is Cassie still....
Cyrus: No, no, no, that's over.
Harley: Obviously, Josh doesn't think so.
Cyrus: Josh just lost his temper.
Harley: Yeah, on your face.
Cyrus: Oh, this is not going to feel good tomorrow.
Harley: Come on, let's get you some first aid. You were in prison. I mean, didn't you ever learn how to duck a punch?
Cyrus: I wasn't trying to.
Harley: Oh. Well, you did a really good job getting hit. (Laughs)
Cyrus: Thanks. I didn't want Josh to kill that guy. And usually when you say "Hit me instead," it stops them, but...
Harley: You can't really blame him for hating that guy, Cyrus.
Cyrus: I just hope he leaves town soon.
Harley: Why, is Josh planning to come after him again?
Cyrus: I think it's better that they don't see each other again.
Harley: That looks bad. Why don't you take a hot shower? Maybe it'll make you feel better.
Cyrus: Ow.
Harley: Yeah.
Cyrus: I can't believe that Josh called my bluff.
Harley: Well, maybe he doesn't like you, either.
Cyrus: Yeah.
Reva: So, you know, what were you doing, punching out Satan? (Laughs)
Josh: Something like that, yes.
Reva: It must have been pretty serious. It looks like more than one punch.
Josh: It was.
Reva: Do you at least feel better? (Laughs)
Josh: Only you would ask me that question, Reva. Yes, I feel a little bit better. But I cannot keep doing stuff like this. I mean, that is...
Reva: No, you can’t. You might want to try using your left hand every so often. (Laughs) Oh, I can't believe this! I was going over script points for the movie with Jolene, and she mentioned that time when you were about 19 when you punched out Billy. (Laughs)
Josh: That was a good punch.
Reva: Yeah, that was a good punch. Billy hit you back and knocked you into next week.
Josh: Yeah, that was a hard punch, that hurt.
Reva: That was a hard punch.
Josh: In fact, my nose still makes that clicking sound.
Reva: Yeah, I've noticed that. (Laughs) No one had ever done anything like that for me before. I thought it was very romantic... that was, until your nose started bleeding.
Josh: You didn't think that was romantic?
Reva: No, it was yucky. It was really yucky.
Olivia: Emma's going to be home soon.
Natalia: Don't worry, you look good.
Olivia: You mean, not zombie-like.
Emma: Mommy! I missed you so much!
Olivia: I missed you, too.
Emma: Are you still sick?
Olivia: I'm trying not to be. Do you know what? Even if I'm not with you, I'll always love you, remember that.
Emma: I love you, too.
Olivia: That's my girl.
Cyrus: It was just one punch, I'm not an invalid.
Harley: Okay. Get into bed.
Cyrus: Now you're talking.
Harley: To rest. I don't think your lips are in any condition for kissing.
Cyrus: I'll give it a try. Come on! Spend the night. Be my nurse. Take care of me. We'll take care of each other.
Harley: You just stay in bed. I'm going to get you some more, uh... ice. Oh, hello, Mrs. Bailey.
Mrs. Bailey: Well, hello, Ms. Cooper.
Harley: I'm very excited about the graduation ceremony.
Mrs. Bailey: Daisy hasn't told you?
Harley: That she doesn't want to go-- I know. I think she's just saying that. I think she's in a funk. I'm going to talk to her. I mean, she's stubborn, but so am I.
Mrs. Bailey: Daisy can't go to graduation. She's been suspended.
Harley: Why? Her grades are fine. She's been doing so well.
Mrs. Bailey: You'll have to talk to Principal Sanders.
Cyrus: Just so you know, I'm naked under this blanket.
Harley: I have to go home.
Cyrus: I can put underwear on.
Harley: No, it's a family problem.
Cyrus: Well, can I help?
Harley: I didn't even get you ice.
Cyrus: Don’t... don't worry about that. What's going on?
Harley: I don't know. I'll just... I'll call you, okay? I'm sorry, I feel like I'm always... I just have these problems coming up in my life. I really did want to stay with you. Thank you.
Cyrus: For what?
Harley: Helping my friends. When I was watching you with Cassie and Josh, I just... I was so proud of you, you know, and proud to be your... anyhow, I'll call you, okay?
Cyrus: Yeah.
Cassie: Yeah. I'm sure we just got our wires crossed or something. I was just hoping that maybe you'd seen him. Billy, he just walked in.
Josh: Hey.
Cassie: Where have you been? I have been looking everywhere for you!
Josh: I just needed to go for a walk, that's all.
Cassie: I don't understand. I mean, I thought this morning things were better.
Josh: Well, so did I, and then I... I saw him.
Cassie: Cyrus told me that you hired him and Harley.
Josh: That's true, I did. Because I needed to see this guy, okay? I just needed to do that.
Cassie: So, you hire my friends to spy on me?
Josh: Hey! Just... where's R.J.? Is he here right now?
Cassie: No, he's at Brian’s.
Josh: Cassie, you... you slept with another man.
Cassie: Are you going to use that to justify everything from now on?
Josh: No.
Cassie: Because I told you it was one time.
Josh: Cyrus told me who the guy was. He told me he was from out of town. I went to see him.
Cassie: You tracked him down?
Josh: I don't know how else to put it, okay? I needed to see him, to see this guy, to see what kind of a guy he was and whether or not this would happen again.
Cassie: Because you couldn't believe me. You couldn't trust what I told you.
Josh: Cassie, I just talked to him, that's all. Okay? And then I felt better. I came home, I felt better, I thought things would be better, but that was before when I thought he would never come here to this town again, to my town! And then I see him in a parking lot talking to somebody on a cell phone, laughing and joking.
Cassie: Well, so what? You just assume he was talking to me?
Josh: Was he, Cassie?
Cassie: No. No! My God, Josh, no. Look at my phone. Check my phone for strange numbers.
Josh: I just want to get past this.
Cassie: I want to get past this, too. I told you, I'm committed to you.
Josh: I believe you when you say that, okay? But it doesn't help me with the pictures I that have in my head, Cassie. Pictures of you with another man, with this man! I mean, this... this was the guy, right?
Cassie: I... you know, I cannot do this right now.
In the blink of an eye with a twist of her hair
like a bird on a breeze she's there
in the morning she's sun in the darkness seduces
like a rare exhibition she is there and gone... she is there and gone.
Natalia: I told you she'd be happy to see you.
Olivia: Thanks.
Natalia: I did it for Emma-- you were a little scary.
(Cell phone ringing)
Olivia: Could you get that?
Natalia: Yeah. Hello? Oh, hi, Frank. Yeah, I'm still here.
Olivia: Hey, Frank, thanks for calling. Yeah, I'm sorry if I caused a panic.
Natalia: Hey. Yeah, can I just call you right back? He wants to help me get a new baseball glove for Rafe.
Olivia: Yeah, you know, Frank's a good guy.
Natalia: Yeah, but we can do that any time.
Olivia: Please, go live your life.
Natalia: Okay. You take care.
Daisy: So, how much have you lost? Oh, my God, that's excellent. No, of course, Coop....
Harley: Daisy's going to have to call you back.
Daisy: What are you doing? That was Ashlee, she has a lot going on right now.
Harley: Oh, Ashlee will be fine. Ashlee has a diploma. I ran into Mrs. Bailey.
Daisy: Oh, she's a busybody.
Harley: You were suspended? What did you do?
Daisy: A freshman got caught with one of my fake IDs and totally ratted me out.
Harley: So you were suspended from school and no one even contacted me?
Daisy: No, they did. I forged your name on the slip.
Harley: I don't even know what to say about that. When did this happen?
Daisy: It was right after Gus' accident, so I didn't want to dump this on you, too.
Harley: So I don't understand. What... what does this mean? Does it mean that you're... are you just suspended from the ceremony or... are you even going to graduate? Daisy? I asked you a question.
Daisy: I don't know... I...
(Knock on door)
Cyrus: Hang on.
(Knock on door)
Cyrus: Yeah, I'm coming. Hey.
Cassie: Hi.
Cyrus: Hey.
Cassie: Close the door.
Cyrus: Is Josh following you?
Cassie: Um, I don't know, but... well, first of all, I'm sorry about your face.
Cyrus: It was lucky I was there.
Cassie: Yeah, but what about next time? I mean, he's not letting this go. He wanted me to admit that that guy was the guy that I slept with.
Cyrus: I did kind of point him in that direction. Next time I'll choose someone from Alaska.
Cassie: I'm just starting to think that maybe I should tell him the truth.
Cyrus: I don't think so.
Cassie: Well, I don't want to hurt you and Harley but, I mean, what am I supposed to do? Let him attack this innocent man?
Cyrus: This Boyle character is going to be gone soon and I doubt he'll be back.
Cassie: How do you know?
Cyrus: Would you come back to a town where the minister kicks your ass? You want a beer?
Cassie: Yes. So you think that this is out of his system?
Cyrus: Well, it kind of feels like it.
I step away just before she gets too close...
(Knock on door)
Josh: Mr. Boyle, I'm sorry I lost my temper, I don't know what got into me.
Boyle: Come on, hurry up. I don't want anyone to see.
... In a fantasy it'll be love from the waist down...
Jeffrey: Uh-oh. Is this about the script?
Reva: No, issues with "Living in the past." This movie, it's not what I thought it was going to be. It's hard. Did you just fold a sweat sock with a dress sock?
Jeffrey: Um, yeah. (Laughs) Yeah, sometimes I do that, you know, for good luck at court.
Reva: I didn't know you did that.
Jeffrey: Well, you know, it’s... I don't show it off. It's a little weird.
Reva: But it's important to you.
Jeffrey: No, it's not a big deal. Tell me about the script.
Reva: No, it is a big deal. If you wear one dress sock and one sweat sock to court, I should know that.
Jeffrey: Well, now you know.
Reva: I know, but it's not enough, it’s... we can't do this.
Jeffrey: Do what?
Reva: This, this, this thing... this day-to-day casual thing. Marry me.
Jeffrey: Marry you?
Reva: It doesn't have to be next week. It doesn't even have to be next month. But I need to know that we have a future together, you and me. Marry me, Jeffrey. Oh, boy, now I know why I've never proposed before. It's nerve-wracking. (Laughs)
Jeffrey: You know, we... we're not Romeo and Juliet.
Reva: I know.
Jeffrey: We're the two people who said, "What the hell, let's be together, you know"? And then we'd say, "What the hell, let's do it again."
Reva: And again. And again.
Jeffrey: And then we said, "What the hell, let's be a couple. Let's be a real couple."
Reva: And then, "What the hell, let's live together."
Jeffrey: So, that's who we are, we're the "What the hell" couple. So ask me again.
Reva: Why?
Jeffrey: Just ask me again.
Reva: Fine! Marry me.
Jeffrey: Um... what the hell. What the hell, let's do it.
And in the end you know we're gonna see that you and me were never meant to be...
Jeffrey: (Laughs) Let's do it! What the hell? (Laughter)
Coming up on "Guiding Light,"
Natalia: Olivia, are you there?
Olivia: Yeah, I'm here.
Natalia: What's the matter? You sound funny. Hello? Olivia?
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