GL Transcript Friday 5/16/08

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 5/16/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Harley: It's a fix.

Mallet: What? What are you talking about? Someone here tipped off the dealers?

Marina: Do you want to turn the whole force against us?

Harley: I want to protect Gus' name. Every time he went in to make the bust, the drugs were already gone.

Jeffrey: Because someone tipped them off that he was coming.

Mallet: Don't worry about this. I'm the last one who wants a dirty cop here, right?

Harley: What did you find?

Mallet: I need you to stay out of this, Harley.

Little chosen one...

Kenny: Are you looking for these?

Jeffrey: Who are you?

Kenny: Oh, I'm Kenny, the locations scout. We were checking out the lighting. We moved some things around.

Jeffrey: Yeah, I figured.

Yeah, so, are these yours?

Jeffrey: Mm-hmm.

Waiting for the moment to calm down

to see the faces you loved just one more time...

Daisy: Good morning.

Harley: Hey, good morning. What do you think about these for graduation?

Daisy: For you, or for me?

Harley: For you, silly.

Daisy: Oh, no. I have to try those on before you buy them.

Harley: Well, I don't have to be at work for a few hours. Do you want to go to the mall, pick out some things there?

Daisy: Are we out of skim milk?

Harley: There's 2% in the back. Do you have to study for finals? We can go another day. It's not a big deal.

Daisy: I hate 2%. It tastes like I'm drinking cream. Um... you know, I'm just going to wear something I have. You know, because it's just going to get hidden by a big robe anyway, right?

Harley: It's kind of a special day, huh?

Daisy: What about the money?

Harley: Don't worry about the money.

Daisy: We can't afford to keep skim milk around.

Harley: I just have to go shopping. Come on, I want to take pictures. I didn't get to take pictures of you at the prom.

Daisy: Yeah, well, that's because I didn't feel like going to the prom. Maybe I don't feel like going to graduation, either. I can't eat this. I'm just going to get something at Company.

Cyrus: Oh. Ladies first.

Adrianna: Thanks. Um... I don't usually do this, but are you single?

Cyrus: Um... no. I'm with someone.

Adrianna: Is it serious?

Cyrus: I think so.

Wolfe: You hold a gun with those fingers?

Harley: Yeah. You want to see?

Wolfe: You have anger issues.

Harley: I have a lot of issues! Hey. This is a surprise. A nice surprise.

Cyrus: I wasn't sure what time your shift ended.

Harley: A few hours.

Cyrus: Do you want to grab dinner?

Harley: I mean, it was supposed to be a few hours. I... look at all this work I that have to do!

Cyrus: I didn't think it would be a problem for me to stop in.

Harley: It's not.

Cyrus: I was just driving by, so I though...

Harley: No. No, I just... I'm working on this case, and I have so much stuff. I have all of this stuff in my head. (Telephone rings) Wait. Detective Cooper. Yeah, I'll take it. No, you got a name? Wait. Hold on. Yeah, I'm still here. Um... just spell that for me?

Reva: Hi! You working?

Jeffrey: You know, the computer can be useful for many things. Yes, I am working. But you know what? Then I thought I would do my fantasy baseball.

Reva: Oh, well, I'm sorry I'm interrupting.

Jeffrey: Well, you wouldn't be the first. Is this for me? Or is this for Kenny?

Reva: Um, sorry. I had no idea that those movie people were going to be in here again today.

Jeffrey: You didn't make this, did you? I mean, they brought this with them.

Reva: Well...

Jeffrey: It's like, Craft Services, right?

Reva: Yeah, but it's good. Really, it's kind of one of the perks of the invasion. (Laughs)

Jeffrey: I... I want you to have this movie. I really do. Because you have led an amazing life. You have an amazing life.

Reva: Wow!

Jeffrey: Yeah. I just want this part of it to be over.

Reva: Yeah. Big case?

Jeffrey: No. Just I've got a hearing today, but then I'm working on a police corruption investigation, so...

Reva: Oh, actually, that's a movie script. Somebody must have left it here. Um... I've been wanting to talk to you about this.

Jeffrey: Really? That's the movie script?

Reva: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Well, you know what? I've been meaning to read it. All right! I can't wait to get into this. (Laughs) I can't wait. All right! Good. I'll give you my notes on this when I'm done.

Reva: Okay.

Jeffrey: Got to run.

Reva: Have a good day.

Jeffrey: See you.

Reva: Bye.

Harley: Hey, long day?

Jane: Yeah. And I have a commencement meeting later. I'm telling you, some of the parents on that committee... (laughs) So is Daisy as excited about graduation as Bree is?

Harley: I guess that would depend on how excited Bree is. But, anyway, we have a winner, I think, for the scholarship in Gus' name.

Jane: Do you need another ticket?

Harley: Uh, no. No, I have all my tickets for my family. And that's all I need.

Jane: Just in case.

Harley: Thank you.

Buzz: Did you lose her again?

Cyrus: What?

Buzz: No, who. Harley? If you're looking her, she isn't here.

Cyrus: I'm not crashing family poker night, am I?

Buzz: No. We stopped that for a while. This is an open game. Alan Spaulding’s idea.

Cyrus: Oh.

Buzz: Yeah.

Cyrus: Does he know that you play for turkey and you use Pringles for chips?

Buzz: That was ham. And Pringles are chips. I set up this game, and I closed the place down. Alan Spaulding isn't here. Nobody's here. I don't know.

Cyrus: Well, I can stick around.

Buzz: (Laughing) Two con men alone at a table? Not much of an incentive for people to join in, is it?

Cyrus: Oh, we'd make a killing.

Buzz: Don't I know it.

Reva: (Sighs) So I have no idea when they're even going to start shooting because the way the script is now, it's kind of...

Daisy: What do you mean?

Reva: Well, it’s... hi!

Buzz: Did we not see the "Closed" sign in the window?

Reva: Ah, well, we didn't think you meant us.

Daisy: Closed. Cyrus, see ya.

Reva: So what is all of this?

Buzz: Alan Spaulding’s poker game.

Reva: Really? Well, where's Alan?

Buzz: Are we complaining?

Reva: No, no, no, not at all. In fact, Daisy and I can sit in for a couple of hands.

Daisy: No, I won’t.

Cyrus: I'll go.

Buzz: Sit.

Reva: Sit!

(Knock on door)

Harley: Hey, anything new?

Jeffrey: Well, um, I'm living on a movie set. And you?

Harley: I... I meant with the investigation.

Jeffrey: Oh, yeah. Well, I'm going to see a judge about getting some subpoenas.

Harley: You haven't done that yet?

Jeffrey: I will. Today.

Harley: Okay. If you need anybody to give testimony...

Jeffrey: Yeah. Harley, you know, I was hoping to keep this kind of like an independent investigation.

Harley: I got it. I got it. I'm just, I'm trying to help. But, would that independent of me or the police in general?

Jeffrey: Yeah, both. You know you're way too close to this. Harley, are you going to be able to let this thing go, you know, back off and let this case run its course?

Harley: Jeffrey, I trust you. I know you're a straight shooter. Who wrote this? Who wrote this?

Buzz: Ah, no. It's a dime short, dear.

Daisy: What? No, I'm not.

Reva: It's a dime, Buzz!

Buzz: She looks innocent...

Reva: It's a...

Buzz: ...But she isn't innocent.

Cyrus: Daisy, I can spot you a dime.

Daisy: Oh, wait, sorry. Yeah, right. I added wrong.

Buzz: They're going to give you a high school diploma?

Daisy: Whatever!

Reva: (Laughs)

Daisy: Who needs math, anyway?

Reva: You need math if you want to balance your checkbook!

Buzz: Or to tip properly at a restaurant.

Cyrus: Or count cards in the casino. What? It's not illegal.

Daisy: No, no. It's just cheating. Oh, wait, speaking of... Grandpa, how's Marina doing?

Buzz: I call. Whoa!

Reva: Damn!

Buzz: I guess a full house beats a set of hockey sticks over there. ( Laughter)

Reva: I'll take those. Thanks.

Buzz: I wonder who's cast as me in the movie?

Reva: Uh, Buzz, sorry to tell you this, but you're not in the movie.

Buzz: Ooh, we were married!

Reva: The movie is two hours long.

Buzz: So was our marriage! (Laughter)

Reva: Okay. My deal. The game is seven card stud, follow the queen.

Buzz: Well, isn't that just the way, isn't it? The women in charge and the men are just studs...

Reva: Oh, come on! It's a movie! It's not real.

Buzz: Studs don't get to be in the movie. They're put out to pasture.

Reva: You know what? If the name of the movie was "All My Husbands," you would definitely have a part in it.

Cyrus: What is the name?

Reva: Let's play cards.

Daisy: Stupid title.

Reva: That's not the title. That would be what the game is. We're playing the game. Let's just play cards.

Cyrus: Well, can we drop this "Follow the queen rule?" When you change the wildcard every time you deal a queen, it changes the whole game right in the middle.

Reva: That's the point of the game! You follow the queen, it changes.

Cyrus: I don't get that.

Reva: Oh, come on.

Daisy: The wildcard doesn't stay the same. Things change. People change.

Buzz: Daisy.

Daisy: Wait, no, no. If he can't keep up, he should get out.

Cyrus: I can keep up.

Daisy: Why? Because you love the game, or just, you like the challenge?

Cyrus: Both.

Daisy: Even when the game is treating you like dirt?

Reva: What are you talking about?

Daisy: I'm just saying, you already have one foot out the door anyway.

Cyrus: I'm not going anywhere. Your mom knows that.

Daisy: Even though you know the deck is always going to be stacked against you?

Reva: Who stacked the deck?

Daisy: You'll never be Gus.

Buzz: Game over.

Reva: What just happened?

Jeffrey: Mallet, it's Jeffrey O’Neill. Look, give me a call, okay. I want to talk about the investigation into Gus' cases. We would really like to work with you and the police department, not against you. All right? So give me a call.

Buzz: I thought you could use some fries.

Harley: Wow! Thanks, Daddy. You're sweet.

Buzz: You missed one hell of a poker game. Three of the best bluffers you're every going to meet were cleaned out by your daughter.

Harley: Why am I not comforted by that? And now, great, ham for weeks!

Buzz: Once! Once we played for ham. And now everybody thinks that all we play for is food.

Harley: Okay, so who is everybody?

Buzz: Well, Cyrus was there.

Harley: So it was Cyrus and Daisy playing cards together, getting along?

Buzz: And Reva.

Harley: Oh, so it was everybody, everybody. Wow! How bad was it?

Buzz: Um... compared to our last family poker game, um, your daughter was awfully hard on old Cyrus. She asked him why he even bothered to stick around.

Harley: So the fries come with a price.

Buzz: No, don't tell me. I don't want to know. I just thought you should know.

Harley: I'll tell you. We have an arrangement. I mean, we're not together, together. We're dating. We're just dating. And when you're dating somebody, you don't dump your whole life on them right away.

Buzz: Cyrus said you were dumping your life on him?

Harley: No. Cyrus wants to be dumped on. I'm the one who is not ready.

Buzz: Well, what is this arrangement, then? You go out with him, but you keep him away from everything else?

Harley: I just... I just want to know it's real. You know? I don't want to do that to myself or my kids. I want to make sure.

Buzz: Honey, you can never be sure.

Harley: I was before.

Buzz: Oh, come on!

Harley: I was. Oh, come on, Daddy.

Buzz: It's a poker game, you're either in or you're out.

Harley: My life is not a card game.

Buzz: (Laughs) Look, you knew this the moment you fell in love with the guy. Marina knew. You won. You got the ham. You just can't leave it on the counter and decide whether you want it or not. It's a ham. They go bad.

Harley: That's a gross image. Thank you.

Buzz: Well, excuse me for being poetic.

Cyrus: Hey, your girlfriend is one hell of a poker player.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, you should see her at "Go fish."

Cyrus: I can only imagine.

Jeffrey: You know, I just saw Harley down at the courthouse. She seems very driven these days.

Cyrus: Yeah. She kind of keeps me out of her work stuff. And most of her other stuff. We're more casual these days.

Jeffrey: Well, you know what, that's not necessarily a bad situation, is it? It's a lot to take on, you know, trying to raise someone else's kids, especially after what happened.

Cyrus: Not something you would do?

Jeffrey: Well, you know, lately I'm doing a lot of things I never thought I would do.

Cyrus: Is that right?

Jeffrey: Well, you know, it sounds like a pretty good deal to me. You know, you get to have a little fun without all of the complications. Heck, anyone who can pull that off in this town is an urban legend. That used to be me.

Reva: What happened?

Jolene: Wardrobe pulled this for me. Do you think it's too over the top?

Reva: (Sighs) You're playing me. (Laughs) There's no such thing. But we need to discuss your definition of the word "Emergency." I thought maybe they dug up the backyard to install a fountain!

Jolene: Well, it's been talked about.

Reva: Ha, ha, ha.

Jolene: I have a producer's credit. It will never happen.

Reva: Yeah, well, I have a producer's credit, too. And I haven't been able to do anything. Oh, no! No, no, no, no, no! This is my home.

Jolene: They had a production meeting. The interns were supposed to clean all of this up. So, when did it start?

Reva: I have no idea. I wasn't here.

Jolene: No. I mean "Always." What does it mean to you?

Reva: It was just a word, you know? It was Josh and my word. It's in the script. Read it in the script. Here's a little help.

Jolene: You know, being here, in Springfield, and talking to you about all of this, has just done wonders for my process.

Reva: I'm glad.

Jolene: And I was thinking I would have to go back to Oklahoma, but I don't think so. I mean, every corner in this town has some memory of you and Josh.

Reva: Uh-huh.

Jolene: And everybody I talk to has a story.

Reva: Do me a favor... take it outside. The trash.

Jolene: Oh! (Laughs) Okay. I'll be right back.

Reva: One, two, three...

(On radio): Foley! Come in!

Cyrus: Foley.

(On radio): We've got a drunk outside room 1523. We need you out here.

Cyrus: Okay, I'm on my way.

Harley: Hey. I'll tell you something. It is pretty easy to get your hands on one of these. Security should do something about that.

Cyrus: I thought you were finishing late.

Harley: I'm not. Is your shift over soon? How do you feel about dinner?

Cyrus: I love dinner. Dinner's good.

Reva: Hey, it's me. I'm home. Call me on my cell. You know what? I think we need to talk about boundaries.

Jolene: Okay.

Reva: Okay.

Jolene: Do you have any of this caffeine-free? This is fine.

Reva: Producer to producer, I don't think we should shoot the movie here.

Jolene: I'll have all of those interns fired.

Reva: Do they get paid?

Jolene: Reva, I'm you, but you're you. I mean, this whole movie is you.

Reva: Yeah, well, let me tell you something. This movie is getting in the way of my life with Jeffrey, and that's a problem.

Jolene: Okay. Well, we won't be here nearly as much as you're thinking. We'll build sets for most of the interiors, and we'll only shoot outside from time to time. It's not like you have to move out of your house. I mean, we will work around you. And nothing will happen without us clearing it with you first.

Reva: Okay.

Jolene: Oh, we were thinking about moving that guitar and these C.D.’s and things down to the basement. They're not important, are they?

Reva: That's Jeffrey’s stuff.

Jolene: Oh, okay. Well, we'll just move it.

Reva: Jeffrey's important.

Jolene: Of course. Of course. But this is for the movie.

Reva: Right.

Buzz: Rafe's not here, is he?

Daisy: No. I don't even know why I looked.

Buzz: So what are you going to do with your winnings?

Daisy: All $17 and 46 cents! Whoo-hoo, I'm rich!

Buzz: Oh, come on now. Every little bit helps.

Daisy: Oh, no. Is this the "You're going off to college" lecture?

Buzz: No, it's not the "You're going off to college" lecture. It's the, "Who does Daisy get it from" game here. Because, you know... is it me, is it your mom's, is it your dad's, is it Reva’s, is it Billy’s?

Daisy: I'll bet you all try to deny it. "No, she didn't get her nasty attitude from me. Oh, no, her bad math skills? Not me."

Buzz: Well, she got her poker skills from me.

Daisy: Good.

Buzz: Have you ever heard of the expression, in German, "Wanderlust?"

Daisy: No, but it sounds kind of pornographic. (Laughing) It does.

Buzz: Well, it’s... you've got it. But we wonder which one it comes from, because we all have it.

Daisy: Is this a good thing? Is it a bad thing?

Buzz: It's not... you know. It's just when you want to get out in the world. You know, no plan, no nothing. Just go where life carries you, that kind of thing.

Daisy: Well, life carried you all back here. So I don't know how wanderlusty you all think you were, but...

Buzz: If you only knew.

Daisy: So tell me.

Buzz: You don't have enough money to pay me.

Daisy: I've got $17.46. Does my mom have it?

Buzz: Your mom. Your mom wanted roots. She wanted them down deep.

Daisy: So you think I should be more like that?

Buzz: I think you should take a middle ground. You know, go out and then come back. The roots can spread out wide.

Harley: I'm sorry about before at the station. I didn't know you would be there.

Cyrus: A guy who's been in jail as many times as I have... I get homesick. ( Laughter) I'm just trying to figure you out. But until I do, I'll just make a home wherever I'm at. And I'll make a dance floor where there isn't one.

Harley: Are you kidding? Well... we aren't finished eating. And don't you think this is a lot like elevator music?

Cyrus: Well, that's too bad, because there's going to be dancing, because that's what they do on dates in the movies. And I'm new to this whole dating thing, so that's all I have to go on. Come on. You don't get to call all of the shots.

Oh how I admire you... all I need is for you to stay

with me a while

Reva: Surprise!

Jeffrey: What? What's wrong?

Reva: Nothing. How was your hearing?

Jeffrey: Okay, don't tell me. We'll wait until we get home, and I have a couple of beers, huh? Is the movie crew still there?

Reva: We need to move.

Jeffrey: Move?

Reva: Yeah, now. Like now. We need to move out.

Jeffrey: Reva?

Reva: Oh, I don't know. You should sit, on a perch. Sit. The movie that they're making? It isn't just a movie about my life. It's a movie about my life with Josh. It's the Josh and Reva love story.

Jeffrey: I know, Reva. I got it. I'm fine with it.

Reva: No. It's just going to be weird, though. You know, living there with this film company that's trying to make this movie about me and my ex-husband. I don't want you to have to deal with that. We haven't even had the time yet to make Cross Creek our own. We've been dealing with heart transplant patients, and bunking in with Hawk, and trying to get an entire film crew into that teeny tiny study. It's not fair. You're going to hear so much about me and Josh, more than you ever even wanted to know, and I want you to hear it from me before you read the script.

Jeffrey: I read it. I read the script.

Reva: Oh!

Jeffrey: While I was waiting for the judge. (Laughter) You know, it's maybe dragging a little bit in the middle. Maybe you could lose that Amish bit, but I think it was a good read. I laughed; I cried.

Reva: Jeffrey!

Jeffrey: It's a good story.

Reva: So we're okay?

Jeffrey: Well, as long as you agree to reenact some of it for me. Especially that "Slut of Springfield" scene. (Laughs)

Reva: (Laughs)

Cyrus: So what happens now?

Harley: Um... I think we might have the house to ourselves. (Laughs)

Cyrus: But I thought you were the one who wanted to take things slowly. I don't know what the rules are.

Harley: I... I don't think that there are any. Um... we could go inside and we could have a drink. We could have a glass of wine or beer.

Cyrus: I'll have a beer. It's high school graduation?

Harley: Yeah, about that...

Cyrus: No, that's okay. I know it's too soon for me to meet the family.

Harley: It's not that. I just... if I start including you in family stuff, then I'm going to start needing you, and I just, I don’t...

Cyrus: Shh! (Music playing softly) (Daisy slamming door) Okay, I'm going to go.

Harley: No, no, no.

Cyrus: No, it's okay. Really.

Jeffrey: So... this is all of our stuff?

Reva: Yeah, yeah. Well, all the important stuff.

Jeffrey: How did you pack so fast?

Reva: I didn’t. The movie company people, they have interns. So it was their assignment for the day. I know it's almost like we're here already, like it's our place, isn't it?

Jeffrey: You know, you're enjoying this way too much. You've been evicted from your own home, Reva.

Reva: Well, this could be fun, though. I mean, hotel rooms! You know, I like hotel rooms.

Jeffrey: (Laughs)

Reva: They're sexy. I mean anybody, anybody can share a house, but a room?

Jeffrey: Mm-hmm.

Reva: Mm-hmm! (Laughing) You know what?

Jeffrey: Huh?

Reva: We should have a song.

Jeffrey: You're right. You're right. Let's put some music on... one of these C.D.'s...

Reva: No, no, no, no. No. Not just a song. I mean our song. We have a new home; we should have a new song.

Jeffrey: What was our old song?

Reva: I'm talking about a couple song! Every couple has a song. So either you sing, or you unpack! (Laughing)

Jeffrey: Okay. Okay. I'll sing.

Reva: Okay, good. I'll sing... what do you want to hear?

Reva: I don't know. What do you want to play?

Jeffrey: Uh, "Freebird?"

Reva: (Sighs) For a couple's song? No.

Jeffrey: All right. A couple's song?

Reva: Yes.

Jeffrey: So something nice and sweet and romantic?

Reva: Nice and sweet and romantic. Just make something up.

Jeffrey: Make up a song right now?

Reva: Yes. Well, what's to it? You know, a couple of chords, some words that rhyme? I'll help.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Reva: Okay. (Guitar playing) Let's see... bed...

Jeffrey: Bed.

Reva: Head. (Laughing) Bed head!

Jeffrey: (Singing) Bed head.

Reva: Bed head Jed...

Jeffrey: Who's Jed?

Reva: (Laughs) Jed! Jed is the guy who helped me change my tire the other day. (Laughs)

Jeffrey: I'll bet he did!

Reva: Okay? Let's just make something up. We'll make it up as we go along. How's that? (Guitar playing)

Jeffrey: Hey, that's the title of our song. (Guitar playing)

Harley: Daisy! Get out here! Get out here!

Daisy: What?

Harley: No. Out! Here! Come out! Let's sit.

Daisy: Let's not. So, what, are you and Cyrus...

Harley: We're dating. I won't bring him to your graduation or anything.

Daisy: Oh, I don't care. I'm not going to be there.

Harley: Oh, yes you are. I'm buying you a new dress and everything.

Daisy: What's the point? I'm just going to cover it with an ugly robe, and I'm going to wear a stupid, flat hat. And we're going to sit there and we're going to listen to people give boring speeches, and what, just for a piece of paper, and it proves that I suffered through four years of pop quizzes and book reports and disgusting cafeteria food?

Harley: Yes, yes, yes! Because that's what normal people do. This happens once in your lifetime, Daisy!

Daisy: And you didn't have yours, and so now you're forcing me to go.

Harley: Yes, I'm forcing you to go. I'm forcing you.

Daisy: I'm not going to college. What is... what is the point of this? You're going to have to drag me.

Harley: You bet I will!

Reva: Okay.

Jeffrey: Yeah?

Reva: I have it.

Jeffrey: You've got it.

Reva: I have it. I've got the beginning.

Jeffrey: All right, here we go. All right. Same thing, right?

Reva: Okay. Yee-haw! I once met a guy named O’Neill

who I thought was a pretty good deal... (laughing) too much of a limerick?

Jeffrey: You "Thought was a pretty good deal?" You "Thought was a pretty good deal?"

Reva: Well, you try to find something that rhymes with Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: You know, it's a song. Okay, it doesn't have to be a Dr. Seuss book, all right?

Reva: Okay. Just pick something then. Pick something that you used to play when you had your band. But it will be our song, okay? We'll make it our song. I'm exhausted. (Laughs)

Jeffrey: Okay. Give me some wine!

Reva: Okay.

Jeffrey: I'm going to sing you something.

Reva: Okay. Sing me something.

Jeffrey: Walking down the boulevard...

Reva: Oh, I like it already.

Jeffrey: Attracted to your sight

Reva: Hmm!

Jeffrey: I tried to keep my dignity

but nature took control tonight

and I'm walking, up and down the street

creating opportunity

for you and I to finally meet and I

Reva: Oh, I like that!

Jeffrey: I'll tell you...

Reva: Tell me something, baby.

Jeffrey: I want you...

Reva: You want me? You got me.

Jeffrey: You are everything.

Reva: You got me. You so got me.

Jeffrey: Don't hold it over me

when all is said and done it's just a human thing.

Reva: Oh, I like this! I do.

Jeffrey: (Laughs)

Harley: Daisy, sweetie? Could you come out here for a second?

(Cell phone rings)

Cyrus: Hello?

Harley: (Crying) No. I don't need him. I don't need anybody!

Adrianna: You didn't seem sure if you had a girlfriend. I'm Adrianna, from the gym.

Cyrus: I'm Cyrus.

Jeffrey: What are you doing?

Reva: My best Martha Stewart impression.

Jeffrey: Martha Stewart. You know, I always liked her.

Reva: You didn't know I was crafty, did you?

Jeffrey: Oh, I knew that.

Reva: We can hang it up. It's us! I would have carved something, but we don't have a mantle.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Josh: I know we still have a long ways to go. But this morning I'm... I'm not angry.

Cassie: I know. That's good. That's really, really good.

Josh: She's my wife.

Chris: Get the hell off me! Stop!

Cassie: Josh!

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