GL Transcript Thursday 5/15/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 5/15/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Marina: Would you want to come over? I mean...

Mallet: Hell, yeah, I'll come over. But I can’t. Not right now. Not yet. There is something I have to take care of. There are some things I have to make right. There's some things I have to get in order.

Dinah: Marina.

Mallet: No, it's about me. I'm gonna need your help.

Dinah: Okay. Honey, you are very upset. Why don't you sit down and talk to me?

Mallet: Uh, maybe I shouldn't be here. Maybe I should go.

Dinah: Yes, you should be here. You should be here. You know what, Hilda? We need some privacy.

Hilda: Oh, yes.

Dinah: No, you can leave the food. It's all right. Thank you. Go ahead.

Mallet: Let's take a walk.

Natalia: Oh, Nicky, I need you here with me.

Dinah: All right, you're really starting to freak me out.

Mallet: I'm just not comfortable in that house.

Dinah: Well, I told you, it's totally different now.

Mallet: (Sighs deeply) Okay, here's the deal. Harley came to me with some suspicions about someone that was possibly corrupt on the force-- someone that was doing favors, crossing the line, letting criminals slide...

Dinah: One of your guys? Is that true?

Mallet: Yeah.

Dinah: How do you know this?

Mallet: I found some emails and I found some notes, and I sat on everything. And then when Harley came in with her suspicions, I destroyed everything after she left.

Dinah: You already knew when Harley came to you?

Mallet: Mm-hmm.

Dinah: Of course you did, because you're smart. That's why you're a good chief.

Mallet: Dinah, not now. This is... this is hard enough.

Dinah: Well, you know what? It's kind of hard to help you if you don't tell me everything. And I do want to help you.

Mallet: Yeah, okay. It's just kind of hard to say out loud. The cop that was doing the favors, the cop that was crossing the line, that cop was Gus.

Alan: Beth, how could you allow Elizabeth to leave like that? Well, she and I were doing some work together. Look, never mind. Never mind. I'll find another way.

Ashlee: Olivia, hey, how are you?

Olivia: Hey.

Ashlee: How are you feeling?

Olivia: I'm okay.

Ashlee: Yeah?

Olivia: Just heading out.

Ashlee: Oh, oh, good. Well, can I drive you somewhere? I'm just going to the gym. I don't have much to do.

Olivia: Sure.

Ashlee: Great. Where are you going?

Olivia: I have no idea!

Ashlee: Oh, okay.

Rafe: No. Are you serious? Is this for real?

Alan: That watch has been in the family for generations.

Rafe: Seriously?

Alan: Yeah. I gave it to your father when I found out that he was my son.

Rafe: No, I've never seen him wearing this.

Alan: Well...

Rafe: (Laughing)

Alan: ...Knowing your father like you do, he never did wear it, actually. He returned it to me. But I think you should keep it.

Rafe: No. Listen, you can pawn this, and you can pay back your bills.

Alan: No, no, no, I don't need to do that. I think that you should have something of your father’s.

Rafe: I do. I do. I have his leather jacket, and I have some other stuff...

Alan: But I'm thinking of something with a little family history.

Rafe: Thank you, I guess.

Alan: You're welcome.

Rafe: Um, so... do you need any help with your spreadsheets or anything?

Alan: No, not now. Let me ask you something. Have you heard anything about what's going on with our company?

Rafe: Um... yeah, I heard a little. People talk a lot about you.

Alan: I may need your help in the near future. I've got a lot of work to do if I'm going to secure the next generation of Spaulding’s future. And how would you feel about interning at Spaulding Enterprises after you graduate?

Rafe: What, do you mean like getting coffee?

Alan: No, no, no. More like conducting research. What I would like for you to do is keep an eye on Bill Lewis and report back to me.

Natalia: He means spying.

Rafe: Whoa, let him finish. This is interesting.

Natalia: No, no, no. You, go to your room and start your homework. And you, come with me.

Alan: Now, before you give me a big lecture, I want you to stop and think just for a second. Rafe misses his father terribly. And I think at this time in his life, he needs some structure and direction.

Natalia: I would really love to believe that that's why you made your little offer.

Alan: It is why. Look, and I can help him. And he can also help me.

Natalia: You know, not too long ago, I told Rafe that you were one of the reasons why we stayed in Springfield after Gus died. Because I would really like him to know his father's family.

Alan: Exactly. And that's why I'm reaching out to him.

Natalia: Yeah, well, the next time you want to "reach out" to him, take him to a baseball game.

Alan: I think it's time that he learned the family business. After all, it is his father's legacy.

Natalia: (Laughing) Oh, come on, Alan. Gus never had any interest in the family business, and you know that.

Alan: That doesn't mean that Rafe will make the same choice.

Natalia: Right. And if he decides to go to college and study business, then I will support him 100%. But I am certainly not going to let you send my son out to do your dirty work.

Alan: I think that choice should be left up to Rafe. And I'll tell you something else, I think if Gus were here today, he would support Rafe working at Spaulding Enterprises. He wouldn't try to micromanage his life.

Dinah: You know, you don't have to do that. I have people. You know, I don't get it. Gus, he wasn't greedy, you know? I mean, he was happy with a ham sandwich and two pairs of jeans.

Mallet: Why does anybody do anything? Who knows? Maybe he was in debt. He bought Natalia a house, he was helping out Olivia.

Dinah: Well, it doesn't make sense. You know, you sure he wasn't being blackmailed or threatened?

Mallet: I'm pretty sure. Can you hand me that wrench?

Dinah: Gus was one of the good guys.

Mallet: Yes, he was. He was definitely one of the good guys. That's why I shredded that file. Everybody knows what happens to a disgraced cop, and it would have completely destroyed Gus’s reputation. Natalia and Rafe would not have gotten the pension that they're entitled to. I wasn't going to let any of that happen.

Dinah: So you want me to help?

Mallet: Well, you've never been afraid of crossing the line, and I need somebody like that right now.

Dinah: Yeah, you do.

Doris: Ashlee, honey, aren't you supposed to pace yourself?

Ashlee: Um, Mom, the weight isn't going to come off if I sit at home watching made-for-TV movies.

Doris: You've already lost so much! I mean, you've got to give your body a chance to heal and not rush this.

Ashlee: Well, yeah, this is really funny coming from an overachiever like you.

Doris: This isn't a competition.

Ashlee: Maybe it is a competition... for myself, you know? To prove to everyone that I can do this. Everyone in this town who's waiting, watching, waiting for me to lose all this weight. Isn't that what you taught me? That, you know, that if you want something, if you really want something, you have to work harder and faster than anyone else?

Doris: I may have said that at some point.

Ashlee: Well, I want this, really badly.

Doris: What, to be thin?

Ashlee: To be normal. God, I thought you'd be proud of me, Mom. Hand me the 15’s. The yellow ones. Thank you.

Doris: I am proud of you. Just... look, do me a favor, just talk to someone about all of this. I mean, it doesn't have to be me. I know. But, you know, talk to someone. You're going through a lot of changes.

Ashlee: Good changes. Mom, I'm fine.

Doris: Okay, even so...

Ashlee: Mom, listen. Look, okay, fine. In a little bit, I'll take a break, okay, and I'll get a smoothie, and I'll be okay and take care of myself.

Doris: Good girl.

(Knock on the door)

Coop: Hello.

Blake: Hey.

Coop: Hey.

Blake: Thought that would be you.

Coop: Hmm.

Blake: Check it out.

Coop: What's this?

Blake: Well, I think this would be perfect for our book tour.

Coop: I thought we would just be driving in my car.

Blake: (Laughs) Why do that when we can travel like rock stars? Your car's too cramped, anyway.

Coop: (Laughs) True, but isn't that going to be just a bit expensive?

Blake: Don't worry. I've got it covered.

Coop: (Laughing) Okay. Well, if you've got it covered, then it looks great. I'm glad it's big enough to accommodate three people. I'm going to ask Ashlee to join us on tour.

Blake: Wow! Are you sure she's up for it?

Coop: Uh, yeah, I'll make sure she is.

Blake: You know, Coop, I think it's really admirable what she's doing. She's taking charge of her life, she's changing it for the better. From now on, nothing else is going to be the same for her. I'm actually kind of jealous.

Coop: This thing has a sun roof.

Dinah: If you put the file in the shredder, then why?

Mallet: Because Harley went to Jeffrey O’Neill.

Dinah: And she didn't trust you to handle it?

Mallet: She would have called in the National Guard if she thought that would help her close Gus' cases.

Dinah: And you don't want to get in the way of a woman who is fighting for the man she loves.

Mallet: No, you don’t.

Dinah: Look, I know that you were looking out for Gus and his family, but you're putting your career on the line for a man who's not here anymore.

Mallet: Well, he was my partner. He'd do the same thing for me.

Dinah: You're right, he would. What do you want me to do to help?

Mallet: (Sighs) I think we need to go to work on Doris.

Dinah: Well, that should be pretty easy. She's my new best friend now that I have all of this. Some people are very predictable. So you want me to get Doris to get Jeffrey to back off?

Mallet: Yes. Yes, I do. It's the only way I know how to approach this.

Dinah: I'm glad you came to me.

Rafe: You're always saying I'm late.

Natalia: It's very nice.

Rafe: That's all you've got to say?

Coop: You know, I think, I'm uh... I'll just get something later.

Ashlee: If I've told you once, I've told you a hundred times that you can eat in front of me. And, anyway, I'm off my liquid diet now. I can have mushy foods.

Coop: Mushy?

Ashlee: You know, yeah, like mashed potatoes-- well, not Buzz's actually-- they're a little too lumpy.

Coop: (Laughs) Okay. Um... how about... how about a milkshake?

Ashlee: I never want to see a shake again until I'm 50.

Coop: Right. Sorry. (Laughs) Uh, soup? You can do soup, can't you?

Ashlee: No, no, no. Actually, I had a smoothie before. I promised Doris, and with my little shrinking violet stomach, I...

Coop: You saw your mom?

Ashlee: Yeah. Yeah, she found me at the gym. She's been acting very maternal, and it's kind of bizarro, a little bit cute, kind of scary.

Coop: (Laughs) So did you tell her that you were going on the book tour with me?

Ashlee: Ah, no, I didn’t. Um... actually, about that, I was wondering if you really meant that. I... when you told me, I didn't really take it seriously.

Coop: Look, Ash, you can do whatever you want to do. I mean, it's fine. I just kind of wanted you there, you know? I thought it might be fun. I mean, Blake rented this huge behemoth of a traveling camper-- I saw a picture of it. It's huge, it's enormous. And, you know, it's so funny because as she was showing me these things, I just kept thinking about how much fun it would be to, you know, cuddle up next to you in that tiny little space, and be able to spend so much time alone with you on the road. I mean, Blake would be driving, of course, so...

Ashlee: That sounds really amazing. It does. I'm... just confused, because Blake will look so weird! Little tiny Blake driving that giant... thing!

Coop: (Laughing) I know! I know, I know. Don't let her fool you, though. She's a lot tougher than she looks. Look, she'll be fine doing that, I'm sure.

Ashlee: (Laughs)

Coop: So... all right, I have to get going, okay?

Ashlee: Okay.

Coop: Come here. Mm. All right.

Ashlee: Bye-bye, boyfriend.

Coop: Bye-bye girlfriend.

Ashlee: I'll see you later.

Coop: Yes, you will. Yes, you will. All right.

Daisy: Hey.

Coop: Hey, how are you?

Daisy: Good. Girlfriend's getting so hot! Pretty soon you're going to have to lock her up!

Coop: I know. I know. Hey, um, do me a favor. Keep an eye on her for me, okay?

Daisy: Five bucks? I'm going to find her a guy that's not so cheap.

Coop: Oh, very funny!

Daisy: Hi! You order?

Ashlee: Uh, no.

Daisy: What's wrong?

Ashlee: (Sighs) Okay. So Coop has this book tour thing, and, you know, I've been asked to go along, which is amazing. And I should really want to spend all this time with him alone, but I keep thinking about what I'm going to eat when we're on the road, and what's going to happen when I can't find a gym. And he was talking about this tiny little bed that we're going to have to share. And what if I don't fit?

Daisy: You're worrying way too much. You know what you need?

Ashlee: No, I'm too tired to shop today.

Daisy: Oh! (Laughs) No, no, no. Not shopping. No, you need your own thing. Coop has this big, exciting writing career that's taking off, and you don't want to just be the girlfriend. That's boring.

Ashlee: That's true. I'd want my own thing. I'd want to be like, uh... like I want to be a like Olivia Spencer, or Blake even.

Daisy: I'd rather hang out with you.

Ashlee: Well, anyway, why don't you enjoy your lunch? I'm going to walk off this smoothie that I ate, but I will text you.

Daisy: Okay.

Ashlee: Okay.

Natalia: Hi.

Mallet: Hi.

Natalia: Is this a bad time?

Mallet: No, not at all. Come on in.

Natalia: I know you're probably busy.

Mallet: No, here, sit.

Natalia: Thanks. I just actually wanted to ask you about the status of Alan’s case. Or if there even still is a case?

Mallet: No. There is a case. It's federal now, so it's out of my hands. I mean, if you know something, I can put you in touch with the right people.

Natalia: No. I'm actually just... I'm just concerned about Rafe and his involvement with his grandfather, and I'm probably just being really paranoid.

Mallet: No, I think you're being smart. Alan's track record with his own kids in this town? It's kind of legendary.

Natalia: I'm very well aware. It's just, it's hard, though, because it's Gus’s dad.

Mallet: Yeah. Can I ask you something about that?

Natalia: Yeah. Sure.

Mallet: Did Gus ever talk to you about any of his cases? We're just trying to tie up some loose ends around here.

Natalia: No, nothing specifically. I mean, mostly I just heard about you guys and your one-on-one games. I know he came home from work proud, you know, that he did his job and locked up the bad guys, just like his dad. Not Alan, obviously. I'm talking about Joe, his other dad. Boy, I really wish that Rafe had met him. But at the end of the day, it's Alan that Rafe sees when he gets home from school, because we're all in the boardinghouse together.

Mallet: You're not in the house that Gus bought?

Natalia: Gus was able to scrape together the down payment, but I couldn't afford the mortgage, so we had to back out of the deal.

Mallet: I see. I'm sorry.

Natalia: I'm going to get out of your hair now.

Mallet: I'll walk you out.

Natalia: No, that's okay. You sit. Do your job. Lock up the bad guys.

Dinah: Okay. Just make sure the footage is on my desk by 5:00, all right? Hey!

Ashlee: Hi! (Laughs)

Dinah: You look terrific!

Ashlee: Thank you.

Dinah: It's nice to see you again.

Ashlee: Good to see you! I couldn’t... sorry, I was overhearing that you were talking about footage? Are you back at the station?

Dinah: Yes, I am, among other things. I'm a busy bee lately.

Ashlee: Oh! Wow. Well, um... this seems odd, but you're not looking for an assistant, are you? I mean, we worked so well together before, and I could really use the distraction and a job.

Dinah: Um, this is incredible timing. You're hired, again. Okay, first assignment. Do you have any recent photos of your mother lying around? Yeah?

Ashlee: Um...

Natalia: How did you get here?

Olivia: A friend dropped me off. I have friends. Hello to you, too.

Natalia: Hello. I'm sorry if I was rude.

Olivia: Well, the part of the rude woman is usually played by me. So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go in and have some tea.

Natalia: Tea sounds nice. Can I join you? My treat?

Olivia: What?

Natalia: I have a problem. You might be able to help me.

Olivia: Help? Well, that will cost you a sandwich.

Dinah: This is fabulous work.

Ashlee: Really? You think so? I've really missed this.

Dinah: This was exactly what I was looking for.

Ashlee: Oh, good. So you're going to do a piece on my mom?

Dinah: Yeah, yeah. As soon as we can get the clips on the WSPR website, with any luck, these videos will go viral.

Ashlee: Oh, it's really rough.

Dinah: Well, listen, my editors will smooth this all out, don't worry.

Ashlee: Okay. Cool.

Dinah: You know, you're very personable. You're accessible. You should think about a career in television, on air.

Ashlee: Really? You mean after I lose the weight?

Dinah: No! Now, then, whenever. You look great. Think about it. I'll see you later. (Music playing)

Natalia: It's really hot.

Olivia: Thanks. So sit, if you want to talk already.

Natalia: I need to handle something that Gus would normally handle if he were here. It's Alan.

Olivia: Alan?

Natalia: Yes. And you know him pretty well.

Olivia: Yeah, I do.

Natalia: Well, he's doing something that I have to stop. Not with me. With Rafe. He's getting him all involved in his little world, and he's rearranging his life, and... I just want him to stop.

Olivia: Well, you know what? There is nothing wrong with wanting new things in your life. In fact, I think it's really worse to settle. And Alan could teach Rafe a thing or two about that. I mean, Alan actually has something to offer if you kind of pick and choose what you listen to.

Natalia: So you would send your son to him, if you had a son? I should really be talking to somebody else about this.

Olivia: I just don't know what you want from me.

Natalia: I just, I don't want Rafe involved in Alan’s little spider web. You know, he wants him to be his spy, and that's the worst possible thing for Rafe right now. And I need him to back off.

Olivia: Well, I can't help you because I left my magic wand at home. So you're on your own.

Daisy: Hey.

Rafe: Hey.

Daisy: You don't smoke.

Rafe: How do you know? We don't hang out like that.

Daisy: Why are you acting like a jerk?

Rafe: That's not cool. Don't! Those cost money.

Daisy: Hey, is that a new watch I see?

Rafe: Uh, yeah. It was Gus’s.

Daisy: I don't remember him wearing it.

Rafe: Oh, well, he didn’t. I mean, not for a while. Alan gave it to him a while back.

Daisy: Oh, no wonder he didn't wear it.

Rafe: You know, Alan’s a good guy. Just, people don't get him.

Daisy: Okay.

Rafe: Uh, so, are you excited about graduation?

Daisy: I guess. I'm more excited about working on Reva’s movie this summer, though.

Rafe: A movie about your grandma, that's weird.

Daisy: I think it's going to be pretty cool. What about you? Do you have any jobs, big plans for the summer?

Rafe: No... well, I might take this summer class. It's a college prep thing, so I can place out of some stuff.

Daisy: Cool. This is... I don't know.

Rafe: It's a little awkward.

Daisy: Yeah.

Rafe: Yeah. So did your mom flip out when you told her you weren't going to college next year?

Daisy: What do you think? Yeah, but whatever. So we get yearbooks tomorrow. My picture sucks!

Rafe: At least your mom didn't make you wear a tie.

Daisy: No, she didn’t.

Rafe: Maybe it's because you're a girl.

Daisy: Yeah. So are you going to sign mine?

Rafe: Your what?

Daisy: Yearbook.

Rafe: Uh, do you want me to?

Daisy: Yeah.

Rafe: Okay then. All right.

Alan: Well, well, well, look who's back from the dead?

Olivia: Well, you've done that trick a couple of times, haven't you, Alan?

Alan: Well, thank you for remembering, Olivia.

Olivia: Oh, I like to update my Alan Spaulding scrapbook on a regular basis. In fact, if I had my camera right now, I would take a picture of you in your new surroundings.

Alan: You know, believe it or not, I've enjoyed it here, I really have. But I'll be back where I belong very soon.

Olivia: No doubt. No doubt. Are you planning on taking your grandson Rafe with you?

Alan: Well, you know me. I like to mentor young family members.

Olivia: Of course you do. Of course you do. But I heard you were after him big time, you know, trying to bring him over to the dark side.

Alan: Well, he reminds me a lot of Gus, and I really want to develop a relationship with him.

Olivia: That's great. I think that's great. So, you know, Alan, take him to the movies, buy him some popcorn. Why don't you just, you know, leave his soul alone?

Alan: Since when have you been so interested in Rafe?

Olivia: Alan, you're not the best influence on a young person, okay? So what do you say, why don't you back off and leave him alone?

Alan: Do you think I'm going to take orders from you?

Olivia: No. It's a suggestion. It's just a suggestion. Take it or leave it. Remember, I have nothing to gain from this, so you might want to listen to a little bit of what I have to say. We've been through a lot, Alan, haven't we? Wouldn't it be nice if we learned a thing or two?

Doris: Can I help you with something?

Dinah: Unbelievable timing. WSPR has put together a video that I think you might enjoy. We are going to call it "Heartland's Mayor."

Doris: So far, so good. Wow, we should plan a party to premier the video. It's brilliant.

Dinah: Oh, good, I'm so glad you like it. It's difficult capturing things accurately with journalistic integrity.

Doris: Well, you did a wonderful job.

Dinah: You know, I don't think I mentioned to you, there are two versions. I just can't decide which one to run.

Doris: All right, I get it. You want something from me.

Dinah: Mm-hmm. Jeffrey O’Neill is digging into something that could be very uncomfortable at police headquarters. And I would like the investigation buried, put to rest, eradicated, destroyed.

Doris: I get the point.

Dinah: You do this for me, video number one is everywhere. And I will even throw in a full-time job for Ashlee. If you don't do it for me, video number two gets top billing.

Doris: (Clears throat) Say no more. Just call my assistant. Do we have a deal?

Dinah: Oh, I believe we do.

Blake: Okay, we're definitely stopping in Boise. Yes, they love you in Idaho.

Coop: Wow. Boise it is, then.

Blake: Uh-huh. (Cell phone rings)

Coop: Um, excuse me a second. Ash.

Ashlee: Hey! Hey, um, how are you? I have some bad news.

Coop: Is everything okay?

Ashlee: Uh, yeah well, it's actually not bad news. I, um... it's good news. I got my job back at WSPR.

Coop: That's great!

Ashlee: Yeah. It's just, the only thing is, is that I won't be able to go on tour with you. I have to stick around and work on some project that Dinah has me on, and the pay is really good, so...

Coop: No, of course. No... that's fine. Do... look, that's fine. I mean, I'm going to miss you on the tour, obviously, but, you know, this is a great opportunity, and you're going to get some great experience.

Ashlee: Yeah. But, hey, I mean, you think about it and I'll be even skinnier by the time you get back!

Coop: Ash, you know I don't even care about that.

Ashlee: I know.

Coop: Do you?

Ashlee: Yes, Coop. I was just kidding. Come on. I have some work to do actually, so I have to go, but I'll see you in a few hours.

Coop: All right, bye. (Sighs)

Blake: Everything okay with Ash?

Coop: She's not going to be able to make it on the tour. She just got this great job at WSPR, and she needs to stick around for a little while.

Blake: Oh, well, yeah, that's too bad for you. But great for the job, really.

Coop: Yeah, yeah.

Blake: Hey, you can drop her a postcard.

Coop: Right. You're right. I mean, yeah.

Blake: Oh, don't worry. It's going to be fun. We're going to do a little sightseeing... you'll be fine.

Coop: Look, I better, uh... I better get going. But, again, thank you for all of this. I am really looking forward to this tour.

Blake: Me, too.

Mallet: Know how a guy can get a brew around here, Alan?

Alan: If I were you, I would go take a shower before you come in here. What have you been doing?

Mallet: (Sniffs deeply) Just playing basketball, a little one-on-one. I smell musky. So, Alan, let me ask you something. Did Gus ever talk to you about his finances, his money situation?

Alan: Gus kept his money in his checking account and in a shoe box under his bed.

Mallet: Hmm. I figured as much.

Alan: I see that!

Mallet: Well, you also might want to take a look at this, too. This is cash for Buzz.

Alan: Well, at least your more ethical than your ex.

Mallet: Are you looking to start a fight with Dinah?

Alan: No. As a matter of fact, I would like nothing more than a peaceful truce with Dinah.

Mallet: "Peaceful" and "truce." Those are two words I'm not used to hearing from you, Alan.

Alan: I just want my home and my company back, and I will get them.

Mallet: I'll let her know. Hi. If you hurry away, he won't see you.

Alan: Natalia!

Natalia: Oops, too late.

Mallet: Need any backup?

Natalia: I'm fine. Thank you.

Mallet: Okay.

Alan: You look thirsty. Maybe I could buy you a soda?

Natalia: Why?

Alan: You were right, Natalia. Rafael is just a boy. He doesn't belong in my fight. It wouldn't be fair to him.

Natalia: That's it? You're just going to let him go, just like that?

Alan: You know, he reminds me a lot of Gus. I hope that I will be allowed to see him from time to time.

Natalia: But no assignments.

Alan: Understood.

Natalia: That's good. And thank you... thank you for respecting my wishes. Where's my soda?

Ashlee: You know, I'm not stalking you or anything.

Olivia: (Laughing) That's okay. It's just good to see you. And thanks for all the rides.

Ashlee: Oh, anytime. Well, actually, not anytime. I just got a job at WSPR!

Olivia: All right!

Ashlee: Thanks. Yeah, yeah. Dinah-- Dinah is running the show again, and I worked with her before, so...

Olivia: She's smart to snatch you up before someone else does.

Ashlee: You think so?

Olivia: Yeah. You have potential. I miss work.

Ashlee: Oh, but you'll be back to working soon.

Olivia: I guess so. I'm just not very patient about it.

Ashlee: Yeah, me neither. Anyway, it was good to see you.

Olivia: Congratulations!

Ashlee: Thank you.

(Knock on the door)

Ashlee: Hello?

Coop: Hey.

Ashlee: Hi.

Coop: There she is.

Ashlee: How are you?

Coop: Mm, I am good. How is my wonderful, super, mega-star television girlfriend?

Ashlee: Oh, she's good. No, it's not that big of a deal.

Coop: It is a big deal.

Ashlee: No!

Coop: Pretty soon you are going to be running that TV station, right? I am so proud of you.

Ashlee: Oh!

Coop: So proud of you.

Ashlee: (Laughing) Mmm. But wait, you're the one with the book deal.

Coop: Book deal, yes. Well, I just hope Dinah knows what a deal she's got in you.

Ashlee: So, what-- what are you writing?

Coop: I am writing a sequel to my book.

Ashlee: Well, let me get my red pen then.

Coop: No. No. No red pens, not yet. All right? It's just a rough copy. I will let you know when you can read it, okay? Yes? Yes?

Ashlee: Yeah.

Coop: Say yes.

Ashlee: Great.

Coop: Okay. Mm.

Rafe: I heard something today that I thought you might want to know about.

Alan: Well, now, I don't know if your mother would be happy to hear that.

Rafe: Uh... (laughs) I seen that Dinah chick with Doris today at Towers.

Alan: Towers, huh?

Rafe: Yeah. Well, I was there because I had done a couple of shifts a while back, and they owed me some money.

Alan: What were Doris and Dinah talking about?

Rafe: Okay, so, well, they must have been making some sort of an agreement, I guess, because I didn't hear everything, but Doris told Dinah that she would do whatever she asked.

Alan: Good work. I'll take it from here. This is the kind of information, though, Rafe, that I was talking about. This would really help me if I'm going to get the company back.

Rafe: I want to help.

Alan: Well, I don't know if your mother would approve of that, though. That's my concern.

Rafe: Then we'll keep it a secret. I have to make my own decisions, right?

Alan: I couldn't agree with that more.

Natalia: Let me.

Olivia: You know, one of these days, I'll actually be able to undress myself.

Natalia: Thank you.

Olivia: For what?

Natalia: Talking to Alan.

Olivia: I did it for Gus.

Natalia: Works for me.

Mallet: Hey. So you sounded pretty excited on the phone.

Dinah: Yeah. Everything is taken care of. Nobody will ask about Gus again.

Mallet: You're kidding me. Oh, man, you are incredible. Thank you.

Dinah: I'm glad I could help.

Mallet: Yes. Yes, you did. Thank you.

Dinah: Are you proud of me?

Mallet: No. I can't say I'm really proud of either one of us at the moment.

Dinah: Hmm.

Mallet: But I am very grateful.

Dinah: I know you are. And I know exactly how you can thank me.

Mallet: Dinah.

Dinah: Have dinner with me every now and then. Is that too much of a price to pay for Gus' reputation and his family's future?

Mallet: No. No, it's not.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Are you single?

Cyrus: No. I'm with someone.

Is it serious?

Cyrus: I think so. I didn't think it would be problem for me to stop in...

Harley: It's not.

Cyrus: I was just driving by.

Harley: No, I just... I'm working on this case, and I...

(Telephone rings)

Harley: Detective Cooper. Yeah, I'll take it. Wait. Hold on.

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