Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 5/13/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Jolene: How weird is it that you married sisters?
Reva: It's not like you think. He was with many other women. But the important thing is, is that he always comes back to me.
Jolene: Carson, I know you've been having some trouble with the script. I know what it is now. Josh! Reva and Joshua! That's the movie!
(Knock on door)
Reva: Oh, since when do you have to knock on the door? (Laughs) Oh, hey, hi.
Doug: Reva Shayne?
Reva: Yeah.
Doug: Carson wanted you to have this A.S.A.P.
Reva: Wow, it's the script? It's finished already? I can't believe it.
Doug: Yeah. The, uh, story of your life.
Dinah: That's fabulous. I am very glad not to be at the office today. What time was the pedicure? Okay. You know what? That's my other line. Dinah Marler? Well, hello, little brother. How are you doing? How are you feeling? Oh, do we need a morning little cheer up? Okay. Two, four, six, eight, who do we appreciate? That's Bill. Yeah, yeah, that's Bill. You know, that's really Lizzie's job, that's not mine. Yeah. She what? You're kidding me. Oh, you know what? Don't worry, okay? The Spaulding’s are all about drama. She'll be back before the Memorial Day sale at Egan's, okay? Because I believe in happy endings, that's why. I plan on having one myself.
Jeffrey: Wow.
Reva: Oh!
Jeffrey: Hey there.
Reva: (Laughing) Oh! Don't do that! Hi!
Jeffrey: So, that's it, huh? The story of your life, ready for the big screen?
Reva: I don't know. We'll see. I just started reading it.
Jeffrey: You know what? I've got some time before my first meeting. We can read it together.
Reva: Uh, yeah.
Cassie: Morning.
Josh: Morning.
Cassie: Um, I don't want R.J. to see that you're sleeping.
Josh: Well, I can just tell him that I fell asleep in front of the TV set.
Cassie: Okay. He's really looking forward to this father/son outing you guys have today.
Josh: Yeah. I'm not going to be able to stay. I'll take him there, drop him off. I have an appointment I have to get to.
Cassie: What do you mean, you have an appointment to get to? You've known about this for weeks!
Josh: Yeah, this is important. It just came up.
Cassie: Yeah, well, this is important to R.J.
Josh: He'll have his friends there, you know? And that's the most... that's the big thing, right? I mean... and that's a big deal, right, when kids are that age? I remember I used to take Shayne, drop him off at the ball field, he'd run out there. Five minutes later he'd forget all about me.
Cassie: Well, that might be because Shayne has the luxury of taking you for granted. R.J. doesn't. He's always holding his breath, he's afraid you're going to disappear at any given moment.
Josh: R.J. knows that I love him.
Cassie: Please tell me this doesn't have anything to do with that stupid movie about Reva's life.
Josh: It doesn't, okay? I'll have one of the other fathers take him home.
Cassie: R.J., come on, it's time to go.
Blake: Thanks, Mom. Yeah, tell Clarissa I'll be there at the airport on Sunday. Are you sure you don't want to come with? That's okay, I understand. No, it's just a little lonely that's all with the boys away at school and Clarissa with you. Don't worry, I'm fine. No, I'm not going to do anything stupid. Okay. I love you, too. Bye.
Harley: Okay. Uncle Frank is on his way. This is important. He's very excited about this. He's never had a father/son thing. You've got to be good to him.
Zach: But what about Gus?
Harley: Gus will be watching you. I promise.
Frank: Okay. Who's ready for a little baseball? Oh, good, you've got your good-luck hat on. Let me tell you something, I'm picking up good vibes from this hat. Your Uncle Frank thinks that you're going to hit a home run today.
Zach: Come on, Uncle Frank. Can I have three hot dogs?
Frank: You can have six.
Harley: Two.
Frank: Four.
Harley: Two.
Frank: Three.
Harley: You clean it up! (Laughs)
Frank: Hey, batter, batter, batter, batter! Hey, batter, batter! Swing! (Laughs) Hey, batter, batter, batter! Hey, batter, batter! Well, hey, Blakey. What's up?
Blake: Hm. Not much, Frankie. Just taking a walk in some fresh air. How about you?
Frank: I'm here supporting my nephew. It's... it's father/son baseball game so...
Blake: That was always one of Ross' favorite days.
Frank: It's not easy sometimes, is it?
Blake: Hm. Everyday it's different.
Frank: Oh, man, I heard about the carriage house. They tore that thing down. That must be really rough on you.
Blake: I went there and I went in. Well, actually, I snuck in. I just... hmm. I soaked it all up. I just remembered all the good times we had there, all the bad times. It was like it was a lifetime ago and yesterday all at the same time. Those are precious memories.
Frank: And you will always have those.
Blake: Thanks, Frank.
Frank: Hey, you know what? What are friends for, right? Listen, I've got to go...
Blake: Oh!
Frank: ...Root for Zach, you know? He's having a tough day so... are you okay?
Blake: I'm fine. Go. It's fine.
Frank: I'll see you. Let's go, Zach! Come on, you can catch this one, buddy! Come on, you can do it. Go get 'em, pal. Atta boy! Good job, Zach.
Jeffrey: Okay. "Start outside in the woods. It's a clear, sunny Oklahoma morning. Little Reva Shayne..."
Reva: (Giggles)
Jeffrey: Aww! "...Hair in pigtails, knees and nose scraped from rough-housing with the boys."
Reva: Ooh!
Jeffrey: Well, I guess some things never change.
Reva: Hey!
Jeffrey: "Reva runs toward the brook with two boys in hot pursuit."
Reva: (Laughing)
Jeffrey: Like I was saying, so far, no surprises.
Reva: You need to go. You really do. You need to get out of here, because I need to be alone with myself. Go!
Jeffrey: Really?
Reva: Yes, really. I need to read this because I don't know if I'm going to do it or not, and I can't have somebody breathing down my neck, even you.
Jeffrey: Okay. I'll breathe on you later.
Reva: (Laughs)
Jeffrey: Okay? Do me a favor, mark all the juicy stuff for me, okay?
Reva: You couldn't handle the juicy stuff. (Laughs)
Jeffrey: Probably not!
Reva: (Laughing)
Jeffrey: Listen, I'll see you later, okay? You know what, I might be a little bit late because my daughter asked me to have a coffee with her.
Reva: You're such a good daddy. What a good daddy!
Jeffrey: I know. I know. So have fun, you and all the Reva’s.
Reva: Yeah, yeah. Go, get.
Jeffrey: Okay?
Reva: Get!
Jeffrey: (Laughs)
Reva: Drive carefully. (Cell phone ringing) Carson, hey. Now? Why? Oh. Okay. Well, no, come on over. You can take pictures and measure things, but I'm not going to be here. Because, dear, I have to read the script before I decide whether or not I want to do it. I mean, the whole project could be history. Yes. I'll leave a key for you. "Wish me luck?" Wish yourself luck. (Laughs)
Josh: Harley?
Harley: Hey, you.
Josh: Oh, hi.
Harley: Hey.
Josh: Hi. I hope the isn't a bad time.
Harley: Uh, no. No. I'm just doing gardening on this beautiful, beautiful day.
Josh: Okay.
Harley: Why aren't you at the father/son thing?
Josh: I actually dropped R.J. off there. Your brother's going to run him home for me.
Harley: That's not like you to miss a father/son thing.
Josh: Well, the thing is I don't really feel much like me these days. In fact, even when I am actually somewhere I don't feel... present.
Harley: The Cassie thing?
Josh: "The Cassie thing?" Yes, the Cassie thing. The thing! Where she had an affair with some complete stranger for a reason that I can't possibly wrap my head around, no matter how hard I try. Yes, the thing.
Harley: I just don't think you should take that out on R.J. He's been through so much already, Josh.
Josh: I know that.
Harley: I'm sorry, I... why are you here?
Josh: I'm going to see Chris Boyle.
Harley: You're going to see the guy?
Josh: Yes, I'm going to see the guy that did the thing, and I wanted to talk to somebody about it. You know, somebody that I could maybe... I just... I'm feeling very alone these days.
Harley: Well, if you're feeling alone, Josh, I think you're doing that to yourself! Cassie loves you! Yes, she made a mistake, but she wants to fix things! I know she does!
Josh: I want to fix it, too. Don't you think I want to fix it? Look, I would do anything right now to get this out of my head. The pictures that I have that in my head. When I think about Cassie, I think about what happened and I wonder if it's going to happen again.
Harley: It won't! I know her!
Josh: I thought I knew her.
Harley: Josh, you have to move on. Or... or move on. Seriously.
Josh: Well, maybe seeing this guy will help me to move on.
Harley: Or maybe you'll punch him out and end up in jail.
Josh: I won't do that. I just want to see him face to face.
Harley: I think you came here hoping I would talk you out of it.
Josh: I think I came here because I wanted to talk to a friend about it. And because I wanted to talk to somebody who knows about it, but isn't directly involved. I'm sorry I took up your time.
Harley: No!
Josh: Really I am, no.
Harley: Josh, I'm sorry. Josh, let it go!
Josh: Could you? (Music playing)
Reva: Is Frank here?
Waitress: No.
Reva: What about Buzz?
Woman: Not a Cooper in the place.
Reva: Oh, perfect! (Laughs) I mean, not that I don't love the Cooper’s. I do, I love them all. I just have to read this... um, if anyone asks if I'm here, I'm not.
Blake: Hello!
Harley: Hey, yourself!
Blake: Peanut butter and jelly. Ooh! Are you eating that because you want to, or you have to? (Laughs)
Harley: (Laughs) How are you?
Blake: Hi, good.
Harley: Be careful, I don't want to get any peanut butter on your precious jacket.
Blake: I banned that stuff from the house as soon as the kids were old enough to buy hot lunch.
Harley: Really?
Blake: Yeah.
Harley: I like it. It's healthy and it's economical.
Blake: All true. So how are you, speaking of economics? I'm worried about you.
Harley: I'm good. I'm back at work. I'm back on the force, and that's good. That will help me dig myself out from under the mountain of debt that I've collected.
Blake: Frank said that you are back on desk duty, huh?
Harley: Frank has a very big mouth. I had a... I had a panic attack. You know, and Mallet is my boss so... it's okay. He's keeping me busy.
Blake: Drink. You need it.
Harley: (Laughs) Harley, you have no food in this fridge.
Harley: No, oh, that's okay because I'm going to go shopping tomorrow. It will be full tomorrow.
Blake: Well, no wonder you're having panic attacks with the money situation, Gus, and Cyrus.
Harley: Well, Cyrus and I... that's... Cyrus... (laughs) We are going to be... you know, every time I talk about my life, I feel like I'm in a bad movie. How are you?
Blake: I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm busy helping promote your little brother's book.
Harley: Thank you for that! That is the one bright light in our family. (Laughs)
Blake: Bright light. Yeah. Yeah. So, everything's good. The kids are good. My mom's good. I joined an online dating service.
Harley: Wow! That's kind of funny.
Blake: Well... I know. I know. I just had to do something. I really felt like I was... had to connect soon, otherwise I might do something stupid.
Harley: Like what, Blake?
Blake: (Sighs) I'm hungry. I'm very hungry. No, you know what? Let's go out.
Harley: Well, I guess I could do that. The kids won't be back for a while, but you know who could use some cheering up? Really? Cassie.
Blake: Oh, let's go!
Harley: Yeah!
Blake: I haven't seen her for ages. Oh, let's do that, you know? Um, I'll buy the alcohol.
Harley: Alcohol? You said you were hungry! Don't you think it's a little early to drink? (Laughs)
Blake: You've got to loosen up. We're going to get some fresh air and... okay, I'll get some food to wash down whatever we have to drink. Okay. Let's go. Let's do it.
Harley: I hope Cassie's up for this.
Reva: Hey! What the hell are you doing?
Dinah: (Laughing) Well, I'm trying to read something but you're being very secretive.
Reva: Well, okay, it's a script, okay? Some nut wants to make a movie of my life. Go figure.
Dinah: Hey, can I get a B.L.T. and a coffee to go? Thanks.
Reva: Oh, Dinah, no. No, I'm really not the mood for company.
Dinah: Well, then why are you hanging out at Company? (Laughs) All right, I'm sorry, that's the best I could do before I eat.
Reva: Yeah, but, really, you do need to sit somewhere else because... I'll invite you to the premier.
Dinah: Ooh.
Reva: Yeah.
Dinah: Right on. Ooh, I love a red carpet.
Reva: No red carpet, unfortunately. It's an indie.
Dinah: Well, I have money and if I like the script, I might invest.
Reva: How are things on the hill? You keeping Alan at bay?
Dinah: Yes. Things are going very well. My brother's a rock star.
Reva: Yes. Yeah, he gets to play with the big boys now. Good for him.
Dinah: He is one of the big boys now. Actually, you know, we cut up a lot but we both have very serious plans for this town.
Reva: Like I'm very serious about getting this script read if you don't mind, please?
Dinah: You know, Reva?
Reva: Hmm?
Dinah: Do you still believe that you can have it all?
Reva: According to this script, you can.
Dinah: Well, how does it end?
Reva: I don't know because I'm still reading it and living it. Dinah, please, just go! Really, you need to stop asking me questions, and if you don't I'm going to team up with Alan and we're going to huff and puff and blow that big old house of yours down.
Dinah: Okay. Take it's easy there, killer. Enjoy reading about your life. Have a great day.
Chris: Chris Boyle.
Josh: Yeah, I know. You were recommended by someone. My name is Joshua Lewis.
Chris: Well, nice to meet you, Mr. Lewis. Who recommended me?
Josh: A mutual friend. In Springfield.
Chris: Nice town. How can I help you?
Josh: I don't carry much in the way of insurance.
Chris: Smart man. You can never have too much. You've got to look out for the people you love.
Josh: Yes, I do.
Chris: Let's start with the basics. Married?
Josh: Yes, I am. How about you?
Chris: Hey, I ask the questions here. (Laughs) I'm all for marriage, as long as it's someone else's. Kids?
Josh: Yes, I have kids. Four. Two of my own, two stepsons.
Chris: (Whistles) Better you than me, Josh. You mind if I call you Josh?
Josh: No, not at all. Is that why you stay at the Beacon, because they don't have many kids there?
Chris: (Laughs) How did you know I stayed there?
Josh: My wife runs the hotel.
Chris: Really? Hey, I think I met her. Beautiful lady, great smile?
Josh: You think so?
Chris: Look, Mr. ... Josh, Mr. Lewis, is something wrong?
Josh: No. No, no, there's nothing wrong at all. Let's talk about insurance, here. What do you got? Term? That's good. Whole. Universal! Oh, and long-term care! Why don't we talk about that?
Chris: You know what? I think you might be happier with our agent in Springfield. Let me get you his name.
Josh: No, don't bother. Don't bother. This was a mistake.
(Knock on door)
Jeffrey: Hello?
Cassie: Hey, come on in.
Jeffrey: Hi.
Cassie: Hi.
Jeffrey: I brought those papers from Alonzo's estate. It should help you with Will's care.
Cassie: Thank you, thank you for doing this.
Jeffrey: No problem. How is everything?
Cassie: Okay. R.J. has a baseball game today.
Jeffrey: He's such a good kid.
Cassie: Yeah, thanks, he is. I just want him to be happy. You know, there's been a lot of turmoil around here.
Jeffrey: Well, yeah, there has. But things have calmed down a little bit now, right?
Cassie: Yeah. Yeah, sure. You? How are you?
Jeffrey: Well, I live with your sister so, you know, there's never a dull moment.
Cassie: (Laughs)
Jeffrey: And now we've had this movie thing going on.
Cassie: Yeah. How do you feel about that?
Jeffrey: You know what? If your sister is going to have fun, then I'm all for it.
Cassie: You're a good guy.
Jeffrey: Yeah, I know. But don't tell anyone, because you'll ruin my reputation.
Cassie: (Laughing) Oh, it's too late. I think we're already on to you. (Laughter)
Blake: Hello, we're here!
Cassie: Hi.
Harley: Oh, sorry.
Blake: Hi.
Jeffrey: Hi.
Blake: Oh, we're here, actually.
Cassie: I see that. Did I forget something?
Harley: No, we're just, you know, here to remind you that you have two best friends that love you.
Jeffrey: (Laughs) Well, that sounds like my cue. Nice seeing you.
Cassie: Thanks again.
Harley: Bye, Jeffrey.
Blake: Did we, um, interrupt anything?
Cassie: No.
Blake: Are you sure? Because Harley said that...
Cassie: You told her?
(Music playing)
Harley: No.
Blake: So now I really want to know what's going on. But first, I'll get us some drinks. (Giggling)
Reva: Go away, Dinah!
Jolene: Is Dinah someone who should be in the movie?
Reva: Hey, hi!
Jolene: It's pretty amazing, isn't it?
Reva: It is. I have to say, it's good. I've had some life.
Jolene: Well, I cannot wait to play it. It's the role of a lifetime.
Reva: You can say that again, girly. (Laughs)
Blake: We should do this more often, you know that?
Harley: Yeah, we should, this was a good idea, Blake.
Blake: It's beautiful out here.
Harley: But you are restless, and that makes me nervous.
Blake: Nervous?
Cassie: Yeah, you get restless and you start causing trouble.
Blake: (Laughs) Trouble? Hey, I'm just tired of not knowing what's going on with you guys. I mean, if I want to know anything about your lives, I have to hear it through the grapevine.
Cassie: What does that mean?
Harley: She's just trying to catch up.
Blake: So, how are the kids? I mean without Gus.
Harley: It's hard. It's really hard, because they loved him so much. And Jude's so little. You know, he doesn't understand, really. And I don't have to tell you guys, but even though we weren't together, he was still my guy, you know? I'm just working through all that.
Blake: Well, what about Cyrus? Is he good with the kids?
Harley: I think he's smart, because he's not trying to be Gus. But I don't know who he is to them. I don't know who he is to me.
Blake: You'll figure it out. He's a cutie.
Harley: Yeah. He's different for me. You know, he's not a family guy. We'll see.
Blake: You can't always choose who you're attracted to, you know? Sometimes we make very inappropriate choices.
Harley: And you would know! (Laughs)
Blake: This time a little more than usual. (Laughs) I mean, not I'm going to do anything about this, at all. But it's just that I do have this guy that's on my brain, and I just can't quite get him out of my system.
Cassie: So? Is it someone we know?
Harley: Yeah, who is it? Tell us.
Blake: Oh, gosh. (Laughs) Don't hate me.
Harley: After everything we've been through? Who?
Blake: Your brother.
Harley: Oh, Blake! Oh, my gosh! Frank! Why would I be upset about that? That's wonderful!
Blake: (Laughing) I wish it were Frank. Oh, God, see. I told you, you'd be really mad at me.
Cassie: (Laughs)
Blake: Why is it that this always happens to me?
Harley: You're not helping.
Blake: Sorry.
Cassie: Well, it doesn't always happen to you, Blake. I mean, I... I had a one night stand with this guy, and I told Josh about it, and he won't forgive me, and I don't even know if I have a marriage anymore. So there you go.
Blake: And my head's gonna explode. (Laughter) Oh, maybe she won't see us.
Harley: I thought you and Dinah were doing okay these days.
Blake: Hello? Do you want Dinah to hear what we've been talking about?
Cassie: No, so let's just stop talking about it.
Harley: Hi, Dinah.
Dinah: Hey.
Cassie: Hi.
Dinah: Hello, ladies. What are you doing?
Harley: Just a little lunch. Would you like some cheese?
Dinah: Oh, no, thank you, I already hate.
Cassie: How about a beer?
Dinah: Oh, okay. Thank you, that looks lovely.
Blake: So, how's your new life?
Dinah: Fantastic! It's great, actually. I mean the house is spectacular, business is great. I'm on cloud nine.
Cassie: It's a big house.
Dinah: It is. It is. I try to keep it busy. You know Remy's living there now.
Blake: Oh, he's a cutie!
Harley: Is everybody a cutie? Aren't you in enough trouble?
Dinah: Uh-oh. Are you in trouble? Okay, that's good, keep your secrets. That's fine.
Cassie: Well, we're glad you're doing okay.
Dinah: I am, I am. Actually, I'd be doing a lot better if I could just get Mallet to understand what I'm doing, you know? And why. It's for him.
Reva: Whoo! You gotta won it, girl! You gotta own that table! As long as Buzz doesn't catch us, he's kind of funny about us dancing on his tables.
Jolene: Oh, he is so cute!
Reva: I know. I'm kind of sorry things didn't work out with us.
Jolene: Joshua.
Reva: Yeah. You know what? Come over here. Let's read that scene where Billy throws me over his shoulder when he catches me in bed with Josh.
Jolene: What a life!
Reva: Yes.
Jolene: And you are still having fun.
Reva: Yeah. I still have a lot of life ahead of me.
Jolene: The sequel.
Reva: Slow down! I haven't signed on the dotted line yet. I still have a few scenes to read before I even agree to part one.
Harley: Let's go back to Company and rob my father's pastry fridge.
Dinah: You know what? He's not there. Reva is, though, reading the script for her new movie.
Blake: What?
Cassie: Yeah, can you believe it? Somebody wants to make a movie out of Reva's life.
Harley: Yes, and my daughter wants to work on the film. Of course, she thinks it the most exciting thing ever. Imagine the guys she'll meet doing that. Oh, boy.
Blake: They're going to make a movie out of Reva's life? Oh, that's going to be awfully difficult and uncomfortable watching the Josh and Reva stuff. Well, who's gonna play me? Let's go, I want to go talk to Reva about this movie.
Dinah: Kate Winslet, I call Kate Winslet.
Blake: Well, okay. Renee Russo.
Dinah: Oh, perfect! (Laughter)
Reva: Hey, what's the occasion?
Blake: Girls day out.
Reva: Oh, I've always preferred boys day out. (Laughs) But that's just me. This could be fun.
Harley: Well, you missed the picnic, but we're on to dessert now.
Reva: Well, I can buy a round. You want to get some wine or anything?
Harley: Everybody?
Cassie: Okay.
Harley: Yeah, sure.
Cassie: I'll just have water.
Blake: And we can toast to your movie.
Reva: Well, I haven't said "yes" yet, so it still may not happen.
Blake: Well, you should, because this town could use it. It would be jobs, it would be money. I could be your agent.
Reva: Oh, no, really, that's fine.
Blake: It's okay. You know, I did a really good job for Coop and his book. I am serious.
Harley: What does Jeffrey think of all the commotion?
Reva: Jeffrey? Jeffrey just wants to know whether or not there's any nude scenes. (Laughter) He's been great. No, he has. He's been great, he really has. I just hope that I could do the movie without sacrificing this really good thing I have going with him. But I don't know.
Dinah: Why can't you have it all?
Harley: Who has it all?
Dinah: Well, I think Reva could set a trend for us. We could learn from your example.
Reva: Oh, well I've always been a pioneer.
Dinah: Yeah.
Reva: Here's to having it all.
Cassie: Okay.
Reva: Oh, hey. The ladies are looking for you. Blake wants to make another toast.
Cassie: Wow. I think that's, like, her fifth.
Reva: Yeah, but you know, it's Blake.
Cassie: (Laughs)
Reva: Everything good with you?
Cassie: Yeah, everything's good. You know, fine. Busy. You?
Reva: Yeah, same. No complaints.
Cassie: Okay, well, then I guess we better go in. You know how Blake is with her toasts.
Reva: Cassie? I just finished reading this really great part in the script.
Cassie: Really? What part is that? The part where you saved the Cuban refugee or karaoke with a dead guy?
Reva: Actually, it was the part where I found my sister. It's been fun, but I have reading to do and decisions to make. I'll talk to Josh before I make any final decision.
Cassie: Do what you have what to do. I'm sure Josh will support you either way.
Blake: Reva? I'm serious. I would like to have a job on the movie. I need to keep busy.
Reva: Okay. Daisy?
Harley: We'll just talk when you decide. Whatever you decide.
Reva: Okay, thanks. See ya.
Dinah: You know, I hung out at the carriage house before they tore it down. Snuck in, hung out there for a while.
Blake: I did, too.
Dinah: It was nice, you know? It seemed like Daddy was there.
Blake: He still is.
Dinah: Hey, what about those desserts, huh?
Harley: Oh, sorry.
Blake: Wow, you know, for somebody who's running the world, you certainly have a lot of free time on your hands.
Dinah: Well, Bill does a lot. And I am not having as much fun as I thought I would, being rich and well-connected. This is nice, just talking, no big secrets, no agendas. I like it.
Cassie: Well, I'm going to be getting out of here. R.J.'s going to be home soon and, you know, I want him to have somebody there to hear about his game.
Blake: Josh?
Cassie: I don't know.
Harley: I'll call you.
Jeffrey: Hey.
Reva: Hi.
Jeffrey: (Sighs) So?
Reva: So... it's good. I've had one hell of a life.
Jeffrey: (Laughs) So you're going forward with it?
Reva: I don't know. I think I... I need to talk to Josh first.
Jeffrey: Okay. Do that. But, you know, go with how you feel, because it is your story, right?
Reva: Right.
Jeffrey: And look at me. I am living with the heroine! Maybe tonight we can start working on the sequel. (Laughter)
Dinah: You know what, ladies? This has been a treat, but real life awaits.
Harley: Wow, that is such a buzz kill, Dee.
Dinah: I know. But if I have another pastry, I'm going to blow up.
Harley: (Laughs)
Dinah: Thank you.
Blake: Hey, Dinah, um, are you okay?
Dinah: Yeah. I'm great. On top of the world. Actually, on top of the hill, but why mess with metaphors?
Blake: I know you miss him. I miss him, too.
Dinah: Yeah, I do. He was the good in me. The good in both of us.
Blake: Well, he still is. I mean, he's still there. I know that he had faith in you. I know that he believed in you. And whatever it is you're doing with your new life and what you've got going with Spaulding, I'm going to believe in you, too, this time.
Dinah: Oh, you're giving me the benefit of the doubt?
Blake: Yeah, I think Ross would want me to.
Dinah: Yeah, I'm not gonna screw this up. I'm going to make him proud. Make myself proud.
Blake: Do it.
Dinah: Thank you.
Harley: Nicely done, my friend.
Blake: I have my moments.
Zach: Mom, I hit a home run for Gus!
Harley: Oh, my gosh! That is amazing!
Frank: It's beyond amazing. Your son did a very good job today.
Harley: Really?
Zach: Your breath smells funny.
Harley: Oh.
Frank: Oh, well, looks like Uncle Frank will be driving the girls home.
Blake: I think I need a nap.
Frank: I bet you do.
Josh: Hey.
Cassie: Hi. Where's R.J.?
Josh: I sent him straight upstairs to hit the shower as soon as we got home. He played a great game.
Cassie: So you stayed?
Josh: Yeah. Yeah. Well, no I didn't. I left, but got back in time for the good stuff and it was fun. It really was. Frank and I had a couple of hot dogs, we cheered him on and it ended up being a good day. How was your day?
Cassie: Okay. I just hung out with the girls. We haven't done that in a long time and, you know, everyone has so much going on, everyone's lives are so different, but...
Josh: But pretty much alike?
Cassie: Yeah. You know, I mean, we all just... we all just want to be loved.
Josh: I... I got you a little present.
Cassie: Wow. (Crying) They're beautiful. Really beautiful. Thank you. I can't believe you did that. I hope you sleep well.
Josh: Um, I was kind of thinking that it might be time for me to move back upstairs into our room. Would that be okay with you?
Cassie: (Laughs)
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Mallet: Are you on a date?
Dinah: You tell me.
Mallet: There's some things I have to make right.. there's some things I have to get in order.
Dinah: Marina.
Mallet: Stop, that's not it. I'm going to need your help. Harley came to me with some suspicions about someone that is possibly corrupt on the force.
Dinah: Is that true?
Mallet: Yeah, it's just kind of hard to say out loud.
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