GL Transcript Monday 5/12/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 5/12/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Bill: You want me to get Dinah to back off Spaulding. Why?

Mallet: She's proven her point. She's sharp as ever.

Bill: You know, I thought with all of the time that had passed, you'd cool down a little bit.

Lizzie: You're out of your mind.

Bill: What?

Lizzie: Shouldn't you be at work, trying to take over my family's company? We're done, Bill. You need to get on with your life.

Jeffrey: (Laughs) Sucker!

Reva: No, no, no, no, no. Look, look, look how close I came!

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Reva: (Laughing)

Jeffrey: Tell me again why you waste your money on those things?

Reva: Tell me again why I have to even explain that to you?

Jeffrey: So you don't have an excuse?

Reva: I just thought it might be nice to give those movie people a happy ending.

Jeffrey: Well, what's wrong with the one you have, not good enough for you?

Bill: Hey, Beth! Hey there, little cutie! (Laughs)

Beth: Rule number one, Peyton, don't talk to strange men.

Bill: Strange men?

Beth: I don't know you.

Bill: Wait a minute. You're not mad at me because you think that Dinah stole Alan’s house out from underneath him, are you? Besides, if she did, he had it coming.

Beth: You think that's why I'm angry? You hurt my daughter! Do you understand how few people she can trust?

Bill: Yes, but that’s... I wasn't trying to hurt her, okay? Truth be told, I love your daughter. Okay? And if she just trusted me a little bit, then things would be happy for all of us.

Beth: Oh, I see. You would have shared her family's millions with her.

Bill: Okay, well, I am a generous guy, so...

Beth: And you almost killed her dog.

Bill: Oh.

Beth: You're an immature, reckless jerk.

Bill: Have a great day, Beth!

Lizzie: I thought that I could save you, but I think that you have gone completely out of your mind.

Alan: Well, I just wanted to make my room a little homier, and Buzz said that I could do anything I wanted to.

Lizzie: This was easier than taking all of your stuff and putting it somewhere big and empty, like the condo that I bought you?

Alan: I appreciate that very much. But, you know, I'm making it work here, Elizabeth, and, besides, it's a little closer to the ground. And, well, it's how I roll now.

Lizzie: (Laughing)

Alan: You want to help me with this stuff, huh?

Lynn: Oh, Alan, let me know when you're ready to take a break. Buzz just baked a fresh batch of those muffins you love.

Alan: Hmm. Well, I think we'll take a break in just a minute, won't we, Elizabeth?

Lizzie: Yeah. We've been working hard.

Lynn: Good. I'll set two aside for you.

Lizzie: Okay. Maybe they did you a favor.

Alan: Who?

Lizzie: Dinah and Bill.

Alan: Bill?

Lizzie: I'm just saying that you seem to be.... you kind of like this place.

Alan: Wait, wait, wait. You expect me to thank Bill, is that it? Why would you even mention Bill? I thought you were over...

Lizzie: Okay, don't worry. I still hate him, okay? He... he almost killed Roxy yesterday.

Alan: Really? Well, I never liked the dog, but what happened?

Lizzie: He ended up saving her, he was actually really upset about it.

Alan: Oh, so this little drama brought you closer together? Is that what you're trying to tell me?

Lizzie: What?

Alan: Elizabeth, if you're conflicted in this, I want you 100% on my side.

Lizzie: Who said that I'm not? Who said that I'm not?

Alan: Well, you just said that Bill saved your dog...

Lizzie: No, no. He is the one that caused it in the first place, okay? It's over, and we should get back to work.

Reva: My feeling is just that, if you and I end up together, then the movie is boring. It will be too good to be true.

Jeffrey: You know what? You're right.

Reva: I'm right?

Jeffrey: Yes. Let's do this and make this that. There you go. Better?

Reva: I'm a winner!

Jeffrey: Big time.

Hawk: Morning, kids! I'm making soy and seaweed cocktails for breakfast. Who's in?

Reva: Sounds great, Pop. Why don't you go on into the kitchen, and I'll come in in a minute and cook you some real food.

Hawk: You've got yourself a deal, sister.

Reva: He won't be here forever.

Jeffrey: I didn't say anything.

Reva: Yeah, well, you didn't have to.

Jeffrey: I'll tell you what, you try and cash that lottery ticket, and then I'll have you arrested, and then I'll really have you all to myself.

Reva: Oh! Stay for breakfast.

Jeffrey: Can’t. Got court.

Reva: Oh.

Hawk: Where's the coffee?

Jeffrey: Bye. Oh, I almost forgot, your mail is on the computer.

Reva: Thank you. (Sighs) Oh! (Music playing)

Lizzie: Oh, I'm going to throw up.

Ava: Hey.

Bill: Hey, you.

Ava: I just wanted to say thank you for going with me to my appointment.

Bill: Well, I just want to make sure the baby's okay. That's the right thing to do.

Ava: Listen, I want my job back.

Bill: You want your job back.

Ava: You have a big meeting today?

Bill: Yeah.

Ava: I can help you.

Bill: The meeting, yeah. I have to cinch it. The Spaulding’s have decided that they hate me more than they hate each other, so it's going to be tense around here. Do you think you can handle it?

Ava: Absolutely.

Bill: Yeah?

Ava: Yeah.

Bill: You've got what it takes? Walk and talk?

(Whistling) (cell phone rings)

Jeffrey: O’Neill. Yeah. You're kidding me? (Laughing) Well, tell your client he made the right decision. Five minutes. You've got it! All right, all right, all right. (Whistles)

Doris: You shoot like a girl, O’Neill.

Jeffrey: Um, how would you know how a girl does anything, Doris?

Doris: Oh, funny. What are you so cheery about?

Jeffrey: Well, Nicky Davidson just took the deal. So that means that a bad guy goes to jail, but more importantly, I get spared four weeks of a grueling trial.

Doris: Well, I think you'll have extra time your hand these days.

Jeffrey: What is that supposed to mean?

Doris: Yeah, well, I know this is your area, but, you know, I am mayor, so I made the final decision.

Jeffrey: What are you talking about?

Doris: Put the letter opener down first.

Jeffrey: Doris, just tell me.

Doris: All right. I assigned a special prosecutor to take over the investigation of Alan’s financial shenanigans.

Jeffrey: You did?

Doris: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Great. Good. See ya.

Doris: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You're not angry?

Jeffrey: Why would I be angry?

Doris: I don't get it.

Jeffrey: You don't have to.

Doris: All right. (Laughs) Are they still making a movie about your girlfriend?

Jeffrey: Yeah. Is that a problem?

Doris: No. I just thought they would choose somebody, you know, a little more dynamic, a little more...

Jeffrey: More like you?

Doris: Well...

Jeffrey: I'm sorry, Doris, they can only remake Godzilla only so many times.

Doris: Good one, O’Neill. Nice.

Reva: So, I see you found another one of my husbands, huh?

Jolene: Buzz was telling me all about your Amish outfits.

Buzz: Oh, she was so hot.

Reva: Oh, yes, sexy. So sexy, with the little bonnet, the whole thing.

Buzz: I was just pitching myself here for craft services.

Reva: So Jolene told you her story, right?

Jolene: Look at his hands. They're rough, callused, working man's hands.

Buzz: From picking up kegs, I guess, huh?

Jolene: But those eyes, they see. They're not callused at all. Everything gets through. That is so rare. Do you act?

Buzz: Some people think I never stop.

Reva: (Laughing)

Jolene: Seriously, on stage. You would such a power. That quiet strength, it is awesome.

Buzz: Uh-huh. Wait, wait, those... these things?

Reva: Yeah, they're...

Buzz: They're for the auction?

Reva: Yeah. Can you put them up for me?

Buzz: Yeah. Better sooner than later, right?

Reva: Yes.

Buzz: Yeah, that would be great.

Reva: You get on that, Buzz.

Buzz: I'll get on it.

Jolene: It was nice meeting you, hubby number four. (Laughter)

Reva: Or five, depending on if you want to count Josh twice.

Buzz: Oh, I do. I do want to count Josh twice.

Reva: (Laughing)

Jolene: You know, he thinks I'm kidding. But he would be...

Reva: I know. He's awesome. So, I got your call.

Jolene: Yes. I have just been pouring through the photos...

Reva: Oh!

Jolene: ...And just soaking them all up.

Reva: Great!

Jolene: I feel like I'm really finding this character. Oh, the diary was so helpful.

Reva: Diary?

Jolene: Yeah. It was in the box with all of the Oklahoma stuff.

Reva: It was in the box?

Jolene: Yeah.

Reva: Oh, God!

Jolene: No, it's great. If I know who you were, then I can be who you became. But I need more.

Reva: More than the diary? I don't think so.

Jolene: Well hearing how you remember those days. Growing up the maid's daughter in that incredible Lewis household.

Reva: Well, that was a long time ago.

Jolene: Oh, it will just seem like yesterday once you start remembering it. So you and Josh...

Reva: And Billy. And Billy. Billy was there. It was the three of us. It was always the three of us, hunting and fishing.

Jolene: More. Give me more. (Laughter)

Reva: Well, I think people just assumed that I was going to be best friends with Trish-- that was Billy and Josh's older sister-- but, really, I just always wanted to be with those boys, those Lewis boys. Those boys.

Jolene: What was Josh like back then? Was he as handsome as he is now?

Reva: Oh, he was... devastating.

Alan: Yes, I know he has lots of energy. But what if the phone rang at 3:00 A.M. and he discovered that his stock was in single digits, what would he do then? Huh? Did I tell you he is a drinker? (Knock on the door) Uh, look, I have another call that I need to take, but keep an open mind on this. Wow!

Beth: Look what I found.

Alan: Oh, my goodness. You know, I saw them taking that down at Spaulding today.

Beth: I know. I caught them just as they were throwing it out.

Alan: Really? And you brought it over here to me, huh? Where’s... where's Peyton?

Beth: She's asleep downstairs. I was afraid that I would wake her up, so Buzz is watching her.

Alan: I have to go down there and see her. Tell me, did you... did you get the flowers and the note that I sent you on Mother's Day?

Beth: Yes, I did. They were... they were beautiful. Thank you.

Alan: Well, I think I'll clean this up a bit. And I bet Peyton would like this in her room.

Beth: Yes. (Laughing)

Ava: You don't have go. I'll go across the street to the hospital if you want to stay and cram for the meeting. It's important.

Bill: No, no. I think I've crammed all I can cram, so...

Ava: Are you sure?

Bill: Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah. Let me ask you something. How is your mom?

Ava: She's okay.

Bill: Yeah?

Ava: Yeah.

Bill: Well, you know, you might want to call her and find out about her Spaulding voting shares. She might want to give you proxy.

Ava: (Laughing) Yeah, right.

Bill: No. I'm not kidding. Seriously.

Ava: Um, you know, I haven't had a chance to ask you...

Bill: Yeah?

Ava: Why you've had a change of heart. (Cell phone rings)

Bill: About what?

Ava: About me and the baby, and letting me back in again.

Bill: Hm? Um, yeah, just, I'm sorry, more meeting stuff. I'll talk to you later?

Ava: Sure.

Bill: Hello? Yeah, just a second.

Ava: Thanks.

Bill: Yeah. Uh, yeah? Lewis. Um... yeah, big day. Big, big day. Listen, can I call you back? No, no. I'll call you right back. All right. Thank you.

Jeffrey: Hey.

Ava: Hey.

Jeffrey: Am I late?

Ava: What a surprise. Mom's not...

Jeffrey: No, no. Your mom's fine. She's the one who told me you had the appointment, so...

Ava: Oh, I thought you were in court today.

Jeffrey: I got a reprieve. So how are you? Is everything okay?

Ava: Full steam ahead, Grandpa. (Laughing)

Jeffrey: (Laughing) I'm worried about you. You know, you're juggling all of these things, taking care of your mom, work...

Ava: No, no, I'm not alone. I've got Bill, and he is taking care of me, exactly the way I knew he would.

Jeffrey: I hope so.

Bill: So, anyway, I saw this blonde, and I waved, she looked a lot like you, but it couldn't have been you because... well, she didn't wave back. And I know if it was you, you would have come over and said hello, especially since I saved your little doggie yesterday. Through a terrifying, terrifying incident, but I remained brave and strong. Anyway, just checking in. So, um, talk to you soon, I hope. Bye-bye. It's Bill, by the way. Bill Lewis? Hey, Jim, what's going on? Yup, yup. Ready to go. Ready to go.

Reva: Okay let's see what we have here that I can share. Oh, look at this! And this! I remember this. This is fabric and a flower from a prom I went to.

Jolene: Did you go to the prom with Joshua?

Reva: No, no. Actually, he was-- he was away at college, and we weren't really in touch that much anymore. That's kind of when Billy and I got closer. Um, no. I went to the prom with, um... oh, what was his name? Bobby... Harvey... Bobby Harvey! (Laughter) It was boring. It was awful. I mean, I remember just kind of standing around, wanting the night to end, and I looked up, and there he was. He was standing right there. It was Joshua. He was just standing there staring at me, we were looking at each other, and it was almost like there was no one else in the room. But we didn't, you know, talk. We just kind of circled each other all night long. Both of us just too damned stubborn to make the first move. Well, that's when Billy and I ended up together. And that's a whole other movie.

Jeffrey: Hey. (Laughter) Hi.

Reva: What are you doing?

Jeffrey: Good news!

Reva: What, what? What are you doing here? You were supposed to be in court all day long!

Jeffrey: I managed... I managed to get away.

Reva: Why? Why did you do that?

Jeffrey: So I thought that maybe we could...

Reva: I had this whole day planned now, thinking you were going to be gone all day. I have to meet with Lizzie, I have to take a bunch of fliers to her, and then I'm supposed to take Pop to the doctor's and then... oh, you remember Jolene, right? Well, you can fill in for me.

Jeffrey: "Fill in?"

Reva: Yeah.

Jeffrey: "Fill in?"

Reva: Fill in. You know, tell her a little bit about our history. It's a really good story.

Jolene: Oh, I'm sure it is.

Reva: (Laughs) I won't be that long.

Jeffrey: (Sighs)

Reva: You're cute.

Lizzie: That's a little crooked.

Reva: You're late.

Lizzie: Is it?

Reva: Oh, I guess it is.

Lizzie: Well, everything looks off-kilter to me these days.

Reva: Are you okay?

Lizzie: I am, it's Mother's Day, so...

Reva: Oh, yeah. How's Bill?

Lizzie: Bill's an ass. How are you?

Reva: (Laughing) I'm okay. Guess what? So the Indy film-makers want to do a movie about my life.

Lizzie: Seriously? Who gets to play me?

Reva: Oh, you little ego maniac! (Laughter)

Lizzie: (Laughing) I was just asking!

Reva: I've got something for you.

Lizzie: Oh, I have enough fliers.

Reva: No. He didn't want to send it to Alan’s. I figured you could handle it, you're a grown woman and a mother...

Lizzie: A Mother's Day card from Sarah. Um, this envelope...

Reva: Yeah?

Lizzie: ...You wrote an address on it.

Reva: Did I? Back to work.

Lizzie: Hey, what the hell?

Bill: Hey. Giving the economy a much-needed boost, I see.

Lizzie: Give it back.

Bill: Come on, let me help you take it, because you're going to the car, and it's so far...

Lizzie: Okay, look, don't you have a stockholder meeting you need to be at? Give it back to me.

Bill: It's at 4:00. Where are you parked, in the back? You planning on crashing the meeting?

Lizzie: Not everything is about business.

Bill: Yes, but, honey? Sometimes it is.

Lizzie: And sometimes it's not.

Bill: Longer legs!

Lizzie: Put them in the back.

Bill: Can a guy catch his breath first?

Lizzie: I'm in a hurry.

Bill: To get away from me? Lizzie, I thought after everything turned out okay with Roxy...

Lizzie: I really have to go, okay?

Bill: Fine. Fine. I'll just put these in the trunk.

Lizzie: No. I said the back.

Bill: No.

Lizzie: Hey!

Bill: There's more room right here. Why not? There's more room.

Bill: You going somewhere?

Lizzie: I'm late.

Bill: Lizzie, are you going to see Sarah? How did you get the address?

Lizzie: Just back off, okay?

Bill: All right, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Do you really think this is a good idea?

Lizzie: Maybe.

Bill: Are you leaving right from here?

Lizzie: I have plans with my mom.

Bill: But when are you coming back?

Lizzie: I don't know.

Alan: Did you tell Xavier to try that thing with the portobellos?

Buzz: Oh, God. Ask me.

Alan: I knew it would work.

Buzz: You have filled that man's head with blasphemy! You know that, don't you?

Alan: Look, you put it on the menu, and the sales will go out of the roof, you know?

Buzz: No, no. People do not like change. They come in here, and they want to see something familiar.

Alan: Well, that's why you're here, Buzz.

Buzz: Oh, please.

Alan: Have you got a deck of cards?

Buzz: Yes-- no! You'll get them greasy.

Alan: No, no, no. I mean, you know, we can play a game of poker maybe later, huh?

Buzz: I whooped you the other day.

Alan: Yeah, yeah, well, you whooped me because we don't have a routine going. If we got a routine going, maybe, you know...

Buzz: Since when are you interested in poker?

Alan: Since your tenant kicked my...

Buzz: Helen?

Alan: Yeah.

Buzz: I should have warned you. She's a professional, you know.

Alan: Now you tell me.

Buzz: Mm-hmm.

Alan: Well, are you interested in getting a game going, or not?

Buzz: Oh, I think we need more than two people.

Alan: Well, then get anyone-- anyone but Helen.

Buzz: Just between us, um... you do hate losing, don't you? Perfect.

Jolene: So you're who, again?

Jeffrey: No, that wasn't me. That was... well, it was this guy, Richard. He was a prince, Richard Winslow, and, anyway, some people thought that, you know, I looked like him. You know what? It's a long story.

Jolene: Wow.

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Ava: Dad, wait until you see what I have.

Jeffrey: This is Ava Peralta, my daughter.

Ava: Hi.

Jolene: Hi.

Ava: Hi, oh, you must be the girl from the movie. Well, you're not what I expected!

Jolene: Well, I think we're all going through that. (Laughter) Well, I'll let you go.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Jolene: I bet you'll be glad when all of these people are out of here, huh?

Jeffrey: Oh, did I give you that impression?

Jolene: Oh, I'm good at reading people. It's an occupational hazard.

Jeffrey: You know what? If Reva is for it, I'm for it.

Jolene: Well, it's just between me and Carson and all of the production people that are going to be here once we start...

Jeffrey: Other people?

Jolene: ...And with her dad living here...

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Jolene: ...And didn't that other woman just move out?

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Jolene: What's her name, Olivia?

Jeffrey: Yeah.

Ava: That's my mom.

Jeffrey: So what are you trying to say?

Jolene: It's just like a train station around here. That's all. It would drive me crazy.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, I guess we're different. Bye.

Jolene: Bye.

Ava: Bye. Sorry I interrupted.

Jeffrey: I've never been happier to see you in my whole life.

Ava: (Laughing) Wait until you see my very first sonogram.

Jeffrey: Wow! That's going to be something.

Reva: Pop!

Hawk: Hm?

Reva: You wrote down the year of your birth wrong here. Are you going soft on me, huh? (Laughs) Right there.

Hawk: That's right.

Reva: You shaved off eight years!

Hawk: In Hollywood, you always shave a few. Nobody wants to work with an old koot.

Reva: This is not Hollywood, Pop. And you can't lie to your own doctor about your age.

Hawk: I was thinking about dying out the gray. But I don't want to confuse the movie people. They might think we were brother and sister or something, you know?

Reva: I think we're safe there. And can we please talk about something outside of the movie, please?

Hawk: What else is there?

Reva: Look. My life is really good right now. I have Jeffrey, I have the cancer support group, I'm on good terms with my kids. I would have loved this ten years ago. But I am tired of the drama, Pop, I am. I don't know whether I want to relive all of that stuff anymore. I'm going to go tell your doctor you're ready.

Hawk: Whew! Maybe I should.


Reva: (Gasps)

Bill: (Laughing)

Reva: You scared me.

Bill: Happy Mother's Day.

Reva: You're two days late.

Bill: Yes?

Reva: But I'm touched.

Bill: Well, it is the thought that counts.

Reva: H'mmm, that depends on the thought.

Bill: Are we good? I mean, you look good. So I mean, are you feeling good?

Reva: I'm fantastic.

Bill: Good. Good.

Reva: You want something.

Bill: I want a lot of things, world peace, jell-o wrestling in the Olympics. But, hey, when is the last time you and I just sat down and had a little chitchat, a little talk?

Reva: Oh, let's see. I think the last time we had a little chitchat was when you wanted something. So why don't you save us both the trouble and just spill it.

Bill: Okey-dokey. Um, Lizzie got Jonathan’s address from you, didn't she? I mean, are you encouraging her to go see him? Is that what you're doing?

Reva: She's a big girl now. She makes her own decisions.

Bill: Come on, Reva. All right, fine. You know what? I do have a meeting that I have to get to that I can't miss.

Reva: What do you want?

Bill: How long is she going to be gone for?

Reva: I don't know, Bill. But if you want to work something out with her, why don't you find her and go talk to her?

Beth: I'm glad you caught me. I was just on my way out.

Lizzie: Hmm, I was lucky then. Mm!

Beth: This is nice. We don't do this enough.

Lizzie: I know we don’t.

Beth: I saw that Roxy had her food this morning.

Lizzie: Uh-huh. She's feeling better, I think. Thank goodness.

Beth: So, you're going somewhere? Is this trip for Alan?

Lizzie: Um, no, not for Granddad.

Beth: Oh, okay. I just assumed that it was for business because it's so last minute. So, um, where are you going? Oh? Really?

Lizzie: I got an address. I have to do this, Mom. I have to see her. It's just the only thing that makes sense right now.

Beth: So I'm the only one that knows? What about, um...

Lizzie: What about who?

Beth: Bill? Oh, I see. He didn't try to stop you.

Lizzie: Why would he do that?

Beth: So you're going?

Lizzie: Don't worry about me.

Beth: Of course, I'm going to worry. Hey, you'll call me?

Lizzie: Yes. I'll call you as soon as I can, okay? Hey, hey, Mom. Oh, don’t...

Beth: When am I going to see you again?

Lizzie: I don't know.

Alan: Hey Bill, pick a card, any card.

Bill: Ace of spades. I've seen this trick before.

Alan: Not the way I do it!

Bill: Uh, I'll pass. Thank you.

Alan: Oh, that's right. You've got to go to a meeting, don't you? 4:00, I believe. Got to get those shareholders on your side.

Bill: Ah, it's pretty much a lock.

Alan: Yeah, well, when you finish, why don't you drop by for a game.

Bill: I'm sorry?

Alan: Poker.

Bill: Oh!

Alan: The more the merrier!

Bill: Yeah, maybe I'll come by and wager the company. Is that it?

Alan: It will just be a game of small stakes.

Bill: I'll tell you what, get yourself a Buzz burger on me.

Alan: Wow.

Reva: Hey.

Jeffrey: You're still here?

Reva: Yeah, I'm just taking a minute.

Jeffrey: Where's Hawk?

Reva: He's going to be a while. I'm going to pick him up later.

Jeffrey: Hmm. Can't wait.

Reva: It won't be forever.

Jeffrey: Yeah. I was just wondering, you know, when do you think it will be just the two of us around here?

Reva: When Pop goes back to Oklahoma.

Jeffrey: So not until the movie is over, and all these people are gone? But then maybe, maybe someone is going to be taking their place?

Reva: I don't think I like where this conversation is going.

Jeffrey: I'm not thrilled about it either.

Reva: What is this?

Jeffrey: I'm tired, Reva. I'm tired. There just always seems to be something getting in the way of the two of us, you know? Jonathan, the movie...

Reva: Olivia. Oh, sorry, that would mess up your argument, though, because you were the one that brought Olivia in here. Did you forget about her?

Jeffrey: Okay. Just forget I mentioned anything. I'm just tired. (Cell phone rings)

Reva: I'm not all that excited about this whole thing as you may think. In fact, I'm ready to just pull the plug on the whole thing.

Jeffrey: O’Neill. No, no. No, no, you just wait there, okay? Wait there. That was Ava. Olivia is not doing well. (Music playing)

Beth: "Many more to come," Alan. (Music playing)

Jeffrey: All right, so just tell me.

Ava: Tell you what? The doctor got called away before I had a chance to ask him any questions. I don't know.

Jeffrey: But he got the blood work, right?

Ava: Yes.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Ava: I have to be at this meeting, I...

Jeffrey: Listen, Bill is going to understand. Don't worry.

Ava: I just want to understand. If they give her more antibiotics, then her body might reject the heart. But if they don't give her antibiotics, then the infection may take over her body and then...

Reva: Breathe. Breathing is good.

Ava: Ahh!

Jeffrey: Listen, everything is going to be okay.

Ava: Okay. I have to get back to the hospital. I'll see you there.

Reva: See you, Ava.

Jeffrey: We'll be right there.

Reva: Poor kid.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry.

Reva: For what?

Jeffrey: Before.

Reva: No apologies.

Jeffrey: Well, I was, I don't know what I was.

Reva: Seriously, no apologies.

Jeffrey: Just accept it, would you?

Reva: No, no, no! I will not let you say "I'm sorry" for defending our relationship. I'm just sorry I didn't beat you to it.

(Music playing)

Assistant: Mr. Lewis, they're ready for you inside. Mr. Lewis? It's almost 4:00.

Bill: Well, then let's get in there, then.

(Music playing)

Bill: Gentlemen, I hope you're all ready to be impressed.

(Music playing)

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Josh: I'm going to see Chris Boyle.

Harley: You're going to see the guy?

Josh: Yes, I'm going to see the guy. That did the thing. I just want to see him face-to-face.

Chris: Chris Boyle.

Josh: Yeah, I know. My name is Joshua Lewis. My wife runs the hotel.

Chris: I think I met her. Beautiful lady, great smile?

Josh: You think so?

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