GL Transcript Friday 5/9/08

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 5/9/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Beth: Lizzie, what's wrong? Are you okay?

Lizzie: Bill and I broke up.

Bill: Wake up, pal. She's gone.

Lizzie: Nothing's going to blow over, not this time.

Bill: Come on, Lizzie.

Lizzie: I should have learned. We're done.

Bill: You say that, but you don't mean it. Look out your window.

Lizzie: I'm not looking.

Bill: Come on, Lizzie, just let me in.

(Peyton crying)

I think this is a breakdown I take notes and take down

what's becoming a cold day I think I'm gonna be moving

a place less confusing find my feet and I'm ok

and I feel like everybody's

making a face but I'm stuck with mine

the same face that I put on most every day

I tell you sometimes I get tired of

doing the same thing me and myself (Peyton crying)

sit still while the people around me all changing

you and yourselves someday gonna find

a feeling that's right but I wonder what'd be like...

Beth: I'm sorry. She's normally not this fussy.

Lizzie: It's okay. Babies cry.

Beth: Honey, I know this is a really bad time to ask you this-- shh-shh-shh-shh-- but could you watch her in the morning? I have a parent-teacher meeting for James, and I was going to bring her, but if she's this fussy now...

Lizzie: I would love to watch her. (Peyton crying) (Peyton crying) (Sighs) It's okay, little sister. I'm coming. (Peyton crying)

Bill: Uh-huh, uh-huh. Yeah, but stockholders want to see numbers, okay? I don't care how you do it, just have the budget ready by... damn. Let me call you back. Oh, man. Hello! Yeah. Yeah. No?

Marina: You're welcome. I thought it looked like you. No, no one in particular. You know, after the last mess. I'm not. I'm not giving up. I'm just... I'm just not rushing into anything, you know? I will. All right. I love you, too. Happy Mother's Day. Bye. Hi, what's up?

Remy: What did you just say to your mom?

Marina: That work is hectic, and my dad's okay...

Remy: No, no, you said happy...

Marina: Mother's Day?

Remy: I need your help.

Marina: Oh, no, you didn’t.

Remy: Yes.

Marina: You forgot Mother's Day.

Remy: I've been really busy.

Marina: Busy doing what? This is bad, Remy.

Remy: Let's go, come on.

Marina: I can't, dude. Mallet's got this speech today and I've got to go do that. You're going to have one heck of a time fighting your way to the front of that card line. Forget sending flowers. Chocolates?

Remy: No. No, she's not into candy, not so much.

Marina: Well, what did you get her last year?

Remy: I signed "and Remy" to a card, like I do every year.

Marina: Right, because your sister takes care of this every year.

Remy: Yeah, until now. So I need to step up and buy my own gifts this year. So what do I get her?

Marina: Well, it's the thought that counts.

Remy: Really?

Marina: No.

Remy: I'll make it work.

Marina: Yeah, make it work.

Mallet: The Springfield Police Department relies upon the help of the community to bring criminals to justice. That is where the "Back on the Beat" community... what are you doing?

Dinah: I'm trying to see where the sun will be... later.

Mallet: Where it is now, in the sky.

Dinah: No. I don't want people squinting at you while you're saying your speech. Come on.

Mallet: No, no. I'm just going to stay right here.

Dinah: Turn it around. People are going to squint at you. You're going to think they're making funny faces, you're going to lose your concentration and you'll blow the whole speech. And I'm spending a lot of money on this "Back on the Beat" thing.

Mallet: You mean, the community outreach program?

Dinah: I know what it is!

Mallet: You called it a thing.

Dinah: I know what it is, and it's bringing you lots of popular attention, Chief.

Matt: Dinah.

Dinah: Hi.

Matt: Hey.

Dinah: What's up?

Matt: We were supposed to go over a few changes. Hey, Mallet.

Mallet: Hey, Matt.

Dinah: I forgot. I'm sorry. You know what? Do you think you could squeeze me in now?

Matt: Sure, sure, sure. We have to talk astroturf. I would have gone with classic green, but I know how you are.

Mallet: Well, don't let me interrupt. Good for you, Matt. Go with the classic green.

Beth: Now, your best chance of getting her to go to sleep is to keep her in her car seat. There's formula downstairs, there's extra diapers--

Lizzie: In the hall closet.

Beth: And if you need me--

Lizzie: I know how to take care of a baby, Mom.

Beth: Are you sure this is okay? You look tired.

Lizzie: I am tired, but it's okay. This is your Mother's Day present.

Beth: Did you get one?

Lizzie: Jonathan doesn't know I'm living here, so I didn't really expect one. Thanks for thinking of me, though.

Beth: I'll be back in a bit.

Lizzie: Hmmm. Please be sleepy. Please be sleepy, Peyton. You know, Mom's right. I am a mess. Haven't you heard about beauty sleep? Mom didn't tell you how key it is? I used to tell baby Sarah... you know what else is key? Under-eye concealer. I'll tell you about that when you're... (Roxy barking)

Lizzie: Sh, sh, sh, sh, sh.

Bill: Hey, Roxy, it's your buddy! Happy Mother's Day! (Baby crying) You know, I thought with all of the time that had passed, maybe you'd have cooled down a little.

Lizzie: You are out of your mind.

Bill: What?

Ava: Oh, thank you.

Remy: Oh, man, nothing's fragile, I hope. (Laughter)

Ava: Sorry. No, no, no. Books of drawings. They're from Emma, for Olivia for Mother's Day.

Remy: Okay.

Ava: They couldn't do much when she was sick, but they did a lot of drawing.

Remy: And are you okay?

Ava: Yeah. Yeah, I'm just a little tired. That's all. It's normal, I guess.

Remy: How's your mom doing?

Ava: She's okay. It's been a little intense with the danger of infection. She's not the best patient in the world.

Remy: (Laughs) Are you surprised?

Ava: I feel a little helpless. I wish she would just get better.

Remy: Well, taking care of yourself and your little sister, that helps. Speaking of that, don't you have a doctor's appointment, like today?

Ava: Everybody else is so worried about this child, except for its father. I'm not going.

(Baby crying)

Lizzie: You barge in this house--

Bill: Yes, to bring you gifts.

Lizzie: Mother's Day is over.

Bill: I know that. But, look...

Lizzie: This is not an easy day for me, okay? And you're not helping. What about the mother of your baby? Did you think of her, huh?

Bill: Did I tell you that this is the good stuff, did I tell you? Come on, you know you want one.

Lizzie: No, I don’t.

Bill: Yes, you do. And if I think there's a chart on here that tells you which ones--

Lizzie: I haven't even had breakfast, and I've had, like, no sleep. Shouldn't you be at work trying to take over my family's company?

Bill: Can I tell you something? I'm supposed to be at a stockholders' meeting. But guess what? I'm not there. Why? Because I'm here with you, where I want to be, with you, you, you.

Lizzie: Gee, lucky me.

Bill: Fine. You know what? You can hate me, but did I mention that there is chocolate in here? I haven't even had an opportunity to try one. Well, maybe one because there's a long... come on. Where you going?

Lizzie: I am going to drive Peyton around until she falls back to sleep because you woke her up.

Bill: Sorry.

Dinah: Very nice. Very nice. You know what? I want a windmill.

Matt: Sand trap?

Dinah: What do you think we set up a little soda fountain right at the beginning of hole nine? Right there. Wouldn't that be fun? What?

Matt: You're having fun with this, aren't you?

Dinah: Well, I'm trying.

Matt: Want a bite?

Dinah: No, thank you. I had pancakes this morning.

Matt: I know. They did something to the syrup. It's different.

Dinah: Wow, those are good.

Matt: Right.

Dinah: Very good. You know what I should do? After the renovations are done, I think I should throw a big, honking party for the whole town. Mm-hmm.

Matt: And serve pancakes?

Dinah: And serve pancakes. That's right. That's right. I'd invite everybody but Alan. You'd be there, right?

Matt: You bet I'd be there. I'll bring Maureen with me.

Dinah: Oh, good. You know what? She suggested the soda fountain.

Matt: I'll bet she did. You know, she had a good time with you and Bill the other day.

Dinah: Good.

Matt: What's going on with WSPR?

Dinah: I bought it. I'm running it, it's fun. Bill can handle Spaulding, but you know, I needed a creative project.

Matt: Your mother?

Dinah: Listen. Believe it or not, I'm not trying to stick it to my mother. You know, I want her to know that I'm okay, and that I'm going to be all right. You know, that's what I need right now.

Matt: I get that.

Dinah: I thought you would. These are fantastic.

Marina: Hey.

Mallet: Hey.

Marina: All right, so blue is for narcotics, and yellow is for vice.

Mallet: Yellow is kind of hard to see on those folders.

Marina: Okay. Well, the folders that don't look like they have any stickers on them are vice. Pink is for homicide.

Mallet: Don't you think for murder, maybe we could use, I don't know, a more dangerous color.

Marina: Colors aren't dangerous.

Mallet: Red. We could use some red?

Marina: Red is for the white collar crime unit.

Mallet: Let me ask a question. It's just a question.

Marina: No, don't even.

Mallet: White collar, were we out of white stickers?

Marina: You know what?

Mallet: It's a question.

Marina: If you don't like the yellow, I will start all over again.

Mallet: I liked the color of the dress you were wearing yesterday. I think that’s... dangerous.

Marina: Now would that be the one that I spilled all over, or the one that you took off? Get back to work. Practice your speech.

Mallet: Right. Right.

(Cell phone rings)

Dinah: Hello?

Bill: Hey, did you... did you get mom a Mother's Day gift yet?

Dinah: What? Really, seriously, what's going on? Is everything revolving around her now? It's too late, anyway.

Bill: Look, I totally whiffed on Mother's Day. So if you... if you got her a gift already and you didn't give it to her yet, could you just sign my name to it?

Dinah: Oh, you know what? This is awesome. You are the brother that's going to the stockholder meetings, and I'm the sister buying the gifts and signing the cards. Is that it?

Bill: Well, you said you wanted to be the girl. (Chuckles) Look, will you do me a favor? Sign my name first, okay? Dinah! Dinah! Oh, my goodness, I'm a dead man. Hey, did you... look at me. Don't eat that stuff. Come over here, you. Stop eating that stuff. Did you eat that stuff? How much stuff did you eat, anyway? Oh, no, you don't look good.

Mallet: Okay. It's a very important day for everybody here in Springfield because... because we want to keep our streets safe. Hey, Bill. How's it going?

Bill: Hey.

Mallet: Hey, Bill, let me ask you something? Do you think you can get Dinah to back off of the Spaulding’s?

Remy: I need one itty-bitty minute. I need your opinion.

Marina: All right. You got it. Did you at least get some of those mushy, lovey-dovey happy Mother's Day cards?

Remy: I was lucky to find matching envelopes.

Marina: Let me see them.

Remy: Mm-hmm.

Marina: They'll do.

Remy: Uh-huh. It's your job to remind me next year, okay? That's you. That’s... that’s...

Marina: Wow. This is nice, dude. This is... how does it look? That's nice. That's nice. You didn't buy this at the card store? Who's that for, Mom or Mel?

Remy: Um... it's for Ava.

Marina: Interesting.

Remy: Well, you know, she's a mother... she's a mother, too.

Marina: Yeah. Absolutely. Now, if you give me a dollar, I won't tell your mom or Mel that you got a better gift for somebody else's baby mama.

Remy: (Laughs) I really like her.

Marina: Really? Like really, really?

Remy: Uh-huh. But, you know, I'm just a friend. I'm stuck in the friend zone, you know?

Marina: Yeah. Well, you know, the pin is nice. It's nice. But if you really want to grab her attention, you're going to have to come up with something just a little more creative.

Dinah: My feet feel so good. They look so pretty, they could model. (Laughs) You know, you should see these fabulous sandals I just bought. They're absolutely gorgeous. Here, let me show you.

Caroline: Hi.

Ruby: I didn't know you were coming in today.

Caroline: I didn't know either.

Ruby: Well, I can fit you in.

Caroline: Great. Dinah Marler?

Dinah: Yes.

Caroline: Caroline Clayburg. I'm a Spaulding stockholder. Your brother postponed our meeting today. He's not exactly inspiring confidence in his leadership skills.

Bill: You want me to get Dinah to back off Spaulding. Why?

Mallet: Because she has Alan’s house. He's lost all his money. She's proven her point. She's sharp as ever. The thing is, right now she's running wild, some people are going to get hurt, and they're gonna to remember that for a long time.

Bill: Okay, okay, okay. If I get Dinah to pull back a little bit, will you give her another chance? You are what she wants. All right. Listen, I've got to go to poison control. Lizzie's dog ate a whole box of chocolates, so...

Mallet: You gave chocolate to a dog?

Bill: No, I didn't give chocolate to the dog. The dog took it, so...

Mallet: You know chocolate's like poison to a dog?

Bill: I'm well-aware of that, Mallet. Thank you very much.

Mallet: A quick story: When I was seven, our neighbors had a cocker spaniel-- could have been a cocker spaniel mix, I don't know. The point is the dog's name was Precious. I tried to be nice, I was sharing my chocolate bunny from my Easter basket.

Bill: What happened?

Mallet: We had to move. Let's take my car. We can use the siren.

Ava: Is that Peyton in there? Hi!

Lizzie: Leave her alone.

Ava: I'm not doing anything, geez.

Lizzie: I just put her to sleep. You see these, see these dark circles? Welcome to your life.

Ava: I was going to offer to buy you a cup of coffee with Bill's "leave me alone" money, but since you're going to be like that, I won’t.

Dinah: The seat's taken.

Marina: I don't see your name on it.

Dinah: My butt's on it. Whoa! Whoa! You can't do that. I've spent a lot of time setting up these chairs.

Marina: Well, it shouldn't take you so long.

Dinah: Get your own chair.

Marina: You have another one.

Dinah: I want that one.

Marina: Well, it's not saved just for you, all right? And it's done being jerked around.

Dinah: Hey! It's not my fault that you're not woman enough to hang on to your own chair.

Marina: You leave my chairs out of this!

Remy: You following me?

Ava: You wish.

Remy: Yeah, I wouldn't mind. What's in the tray?

Ava: French fries.

Remy: Ooh, that's great for the baby.

Ava: Yeah? Since when do you care? I got extra large so you can have some.

Remy: Well, I don't care.

Ava: Why have you been keeping track of my doctor's appointments?

Remy: I remembered one, one appointment.

Ava: You're not getting all gushy on me because we did the you know what?

Remy: No, no, no, please. Come on, no. I liked you before.

Ava: Okay.

Remy: And... and I would tell any pregnant person I know not to eat that crap.

Ava: If I want to eat french fries every single day, breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next nine months--

Remy: Okay, okay.

Ava: I'm going to.

Remy: I have a family who butts in. I understand. I'll stop.

Ava: Thank you. You're a very nice friend.

Remy: Although you should be eating lean protein, whole grains, and... do you like brussel sprouts?

Ava: (Retches) Aahhh! Oh, I'm sorry down there!

Remy: Poor baby.

Bill: I got you. I got you, I got you, I got you. Hello, hello, I need some help. This dog just ate some chocolates. I need help now.

Vet: Buddy, I've got a sick turtle here--

Bill: I do not care about your turtle. My ex-girlfriend will kill me if she finds out her dog ate a box of chocolates. Very expensive box chocolates.

Vet: Okay, okay, calm down. I've got it.

Bill: Thank you, thank you, thank you. Ooh!

Beth: Hey, how was she?

Lizzie: I love playing mommy. How was the conference?

Beth: Oh, it was good. James is doing fine, thank God.

Lizzie: Yeah, I need a nap.

Beth: Yeah. Okay. Hello sweetie.

It don't get any worse than this

here I am just lying on the floor

how could it ever come to this my life's a mess

I just can't take no more.

Lizzie: Roxy?

Bill: It's okay. Shh. Come here it's okay.

Mallet: The Springfield Police Department relies upon the help of the community to bring criminals to justice, and this is where the "Back on the Beat" outreach program comes in.

Ava: Just do that one little thing for me, and I'll go to the doctor like a good girl.

Remy: Yeah, that one little thing? Girl, those hormones have got you going crazy.

Ava: (Laughs) I'll see you back here. Go on. Hope it's not cold.

Mallet: So this "Back on the Beat" initiative is supported generously-- (laughter) (laughter)

Marina: Remy. Remy, no!

Remy: You're fast.

Marina: You're naked.

Mallet: Well, there you have it. That’s... that's the reason we need more cops, because more cops means fewer naked people.

Bill: She's getting her stomach pumped, so she's going to be fine.

Lizzie: You let her eat the whole box? Are you out of your mind?

Bill: I didn't let her. She ate up the whole thing. Before I even looked up, they were half scarfed down.

Lizzie: You almost poisoned e my dog!

Bill: I wasn't paying attention.

Lizzie: Raisins-- by the way, raisins, dogs can't have those either.

Bill: Good to know.

Lizzie: Granddad used to threaten to give her chocolate-covered raisins.

Bill: Oh, what a guy.

Lizzie: Stop it.

Bill: What?

Lizzie: When Roxy was a puppy, she was chasing her tail, she was playing and she swung herself around right into a wall, and she knocked herself out.

Bill: Hmmm.

Lizzie: She's not the smartest dog.

Bill: I'm not saying anything.

Lizzie: I took her to the Vet, and he had to keep her overnight because she was so sick. Our little puppy head just swelled up. I felt like the worst dog mom ever.

Bill: Hey, hey, it's not your fault.

Lizzie: I remember the Vet told me, he said, "Small dogs are really fragile. It can just take one thing and..."

Bill: Hey. She pulled through, though, right?

Lizzie: Yeah, she did.

Bill: Yeah.

Lizzie: She's a good dog. The only person that ever understood me.

Bill: Well, she's not a person.

Lizzie: You know what I mean.

Bill: Okay. I say we get out of here. The dog's ready to roll, we'll go to the store, buy one of those fancy little collars, maybe a tasty little chew toy, a helmet so no more wall crashing into...

Lizzie: Stop trying to buy us. You don't even like her.

Bill: I just saved her.

Lizzie: After you poisoned her.

Bill: Oh!

Lizzie: Just go be with Ava and your baby, okay?


Marina: Does he belong to you?

Ava: (Laughs) This is for you.

Remy: Baby.

Ava: You forgot these.

Remy: Thank you. Whoops.

Ava: Oopsy.

Remy: A little help, please?

Marina: Mm-mm.

Remy: Are you serious? Can I have some help, please?

Marina: Bend at the knees please.

Remy: Okay.

Marina: I know you're no fan of the Springfield P.D., but, come on, guys, streaking?

Ava: It was his idea.

Remy: It was your idea. We had a bet. I won.

Dinah: I think you were really great up there.

Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, I think I handled it. I found your roommate to be slightly distracting.

Dinah: I'll talk to him when I get home.

Mallet: Home.

Dinah: What?

Mallet: Thank you for keeping the sun out of everyone's eyes. I didn't see a squinter in the bunch.

Dinah: What do you think about windmills and sand traps?

Mallet: Hmm, what?

Marina: Hey. They were blowing around everywhere.

Mallet: Oh, thank you.

Marina: The Commissioner wanted to know if you could stop back by the station to hammer some little things out.

Dinah: We're not really done here.

Marina: He has to catch a train in under an hour.

Dinah: All right, then let's go.

Marina: Actually... it's staff only. So... all right. I'm parked this way.

Mallet: Windmills and sand traps?

Dinah: Good luck with the Commissioner.

(Knock on the door)

Dinah: Hey.

Mallet: Hey. I thought you might want to see some of the Commissioner's notes.

Dinah: Oh. What happened to staff only?

Mallet: Well, you are the more generous of the generous contributors. So how are the plans for the house coming?

Dinah: Great. Look, I know you don't think so, but I have reasons for what I do. I'm trying to make a home, and helping my brother and piling up as much cash as I can, so I don't have to worry like we worried when I was shot. I have a plan.

Mallet: I don't doubt that. I'm proud of you, very proud of you. Although I have a question. Windmills?

Dinah: Mini golf.

Mallet: Mini-golf?

Dinah: Mini-golf and sand traps...

Mallet: Sand traps.

Dinah: It's going to be fabulous.

Mallet: Okay.

Dinah: It isn't illegal, is it? I got the zoning.

Mallet: We might have to patrol.

Dinah: (Laughing)

Lizzie: You're going to be okay once you get some rest, huh? As good as new.

Bill: Do you know how much I miss having you around? It's just not the same in bed without you. You know that? The big, sloppy kisses and knowing that you are there when I come home, tripping over your shoes that are laying around all over...

Lizzie: Oh, yeah, Roxy and her shoes.

Bill: I miss taking a shower with you.

Lizzie: Roxy takes baths.

Bill: And no one fights me for that remote with more passion than you do.

Lizzie: Well, Roxy just likes her animal planet, huh? We're done, Bill. You just need to get on with your life. You'll be a really good dad soon. Good luck.

Bill: Lizzie, I can deal with it, okay? I can deal with you, with the company, with the baby...

Lizzie: Stop, okay. Don't take that chance for granted. When you're a parent, it's something so special. I can't even describe it.

Ava: By the way, you did not win the bet.

Remy: Oh, yes, I did.

Ava: No, you did not. You did not make it to the tree.

Remy: I was tackled by the police.

Ava: You were tackled by a chick.

Remy: Okay. Okay.

Ava: Inside out.

Remy: What?

Ava: Your shirt is inside out.

Remy: Oh, okay. You know what? That's just great. Okay, she was off-duty. She was off-duty, but the girl, she can run.

Ava: Whatever makes you feel better. You were useless-- I'm sorry. Obviously, I'm kidding.

Remy: But, you know what? If I didn't know any better, I'd say this was just you trying to get my clothes off again.

Ava: Hmm, it's a good thing you know better.

Remy: Uh-huh. So what time is that doctor's appointment?

Ava: What doctor's appointment? I won the bet. I don't have to go to a doctor's appointment today.

Remy: What are you so afraid of?

Ava: Nothing.

Remy: Huh. At least you get to wear a gown, you know?

Ava: Oh, yeah, that's a real bonus. Put your feet in the stirrups and slide on down.

Remy: Hmm.

Ava: You are such a mess. Would you like some help? Do you need help getting dressed in the morning?

Remy: Are you volunteering?

Ava: (Inaudible) Remy, I really do care about this baby.

Bill: Hey.

Ava: Hey. I guess you want to know about the money?

Bill: What about the money?

Ava: The check-- I haven't cashed it yet.

Bill: Oh. No. My PDA crashed, and I just wanted to plug in some appointments.

Ava: Mine does that all the time. You don't back it up?

Bill: Your doctor appointments.

Ava: Oh. Oh, so you can have a general idea of what my schedule is?

Bill: I just think I should be there for you and the baby. It's the right thing to do, so...

Ava: Yeah, um, I would really like that.

Bill: Happy Mother's Day, by the way.

Ava: Oh, thank you.

Bill: A little late, but...

Ava: I'm not really a mother yet, so...

Bill: Well, you will be. You will be.

Ava: Thank you, though. Thank you.

Bill: Okay. See ya.

Ava: Okay.

Remy: What a guy.

Lizzie: Poor puppy. You had a tough day today, huh? Your mommy did, too. You know what? You're my baby. Yes, you are. So happy, sort of, Mother's Day.

Coming up on "Guiding Light,"

Reva: You can handle it. You're a grown woman and a mother.

Lizzie: A Mother’s Day card from Sarah. You wrote my address on it.

Bill: You’re going to see Sarah? When are you coming back?

Lizzie: I got an address. I have to do this.

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