Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 5/8/08
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Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Harley: Trying to save money, as usual.
Cyrus: Every time I see you, you're looking at these bills.
Harley: We're drowning in debt. Gus left me this building. I know it doesn't look like much, but I can kind of see what Gus saw in it.
Marina: Vanessa caught breaking Cyrus breaking into her room.
Harley: No.
Marina: You guys need the money, right?
Harley: I know what you did.
Harley: Ten dollars a head. Beer, food... did I call Blake about the door prizes? No, I did. I did. What else? What else? What else? That's good. It's good. Don't worry, babe, I've got you covered. (Music playing) You guys are the best, the best! You did not have to can come in so early. Thank you!
Frank: Hey, sis, I'm going to have to go to court, but I'll be back, all right?
Harley: Wait. Is that about the Flores case? Because I was supposed to go in on it.
Frank: Don't worry about it. Marina's got you covered.
Harley: I'll bet that's getting old.
Buzz: It's about focus. It's about, like, your project. It's about raising money for a good cause, all right? We just collect money and serve beer, and, you know...
Coop: (Filled with helium) That's right, and I'm tending bar. (Laughter)
Buzz: What's the matter with you?
Ashlee: And I'm gonna do the music.
Harley: Oh, good.
Daisy: And I've got the cash part covered. I'll be at the door.
Harley: You are collecting the money? You are?
Daisy: Uh-huh. Yeah. Ten for the boy's club, ten for me. (Laughter) I'm kidding. (Music playing)
Ashlee: So, I'll see you later.
Blake: I'm going to go to Egan’s, and I'm going to pick up the door prizes and -- you're not going to wear that, are you?
Harley: No. I'm going home and I'm changing. Just give me a few minutes. Everyone -- everyone, thank you for all of your help. We'll reconvene in a little while. You're excused.
Buzz: Gus should be loving this, don't you think? Loving it, loving it.
Harley: I hope so.
Frank: Okay, soda.
Buzz: Natalia and Rafe...
Frank: Rafe will be here after the Cub's game, and hopefully Natalia will be here after work. I've got to get to court right now, and then I'll be back.
Mallet: You know what, Frank? I'll walk out with you. Now, Harley, listen, the guys are coming over, okay? So if you need them, put them to work.
Harley: All I need from them is their money. I mean, I need them to have a good time, and drink beer and think of Gus. (Laughter)
Mallet: All right, bye.
Harley: Bye, guys. All right, checklist, money boxes?
Daisy: Check.
Harley: Food?
Buzz: Check.
Harley: Beer?
Daisy: Check. I mean, I saw it in the back.
Buzz: Are you all right?
Harley: I'm fine. I'm just remembering everything I should have done that I haven't done.
Buzz: Okay. You were asking me...
Harley: Daddy, the champagne? We have to put the champagne on ice. Did you forget the...
Buzz: Frank's got it. It's all fine.
Harley: I love you. I love you!
Buzz: I love you, too. It's going to be all right.
Harley: Yeah, I think so.
Daisy: We're closed.
Frank: Hey. Hi!
Natalia: Hey.
Frank: Are you heading home to get ready for the fundraiser?
Natalia: Oh, I don't think I can go. You don't need me there anyway.
Frank: What are you talking about? Of course we need you! You were Gus' wife. Hey, and we're raising money for the boy's club. Anyway, besides, we could use a pretty bartender.
Natalia: I'll think about it.
Frank: Well, good. Then I'll expect to see you there after I come back from court.
Cyrus: Here, let me get the other side.
Harley: It's actually a quilt.
Cyrus: There...
Harley: Hold it down. This goes over. I think most everything is done, except I have to change. Obviously, I'm not going to wear this.
Cyrus: Well, I'll swing by and pick you up in about an hour.
Harley: Or you could stay and you could help my dad, see if he needs anything. And I could go back and change and then just meet you back here. That would be better for me.
Cyrus: Just... call me if you need me. And tell me if you don't want me to come.
Harley: I want you here.
Cyrus: I'll meet you back here.
Harley: Okay. First, could you help me get that inside?
Cyrus: Sure. I'll get it.
Harley: No, no, no. I think it would be easier if we do it together.
Cyrus: You know, those pictures where it looks like the eyes are following us?
Harley: Stop it.
Cyrus: What, you don't think Gus would laugh?
Harley: I think he would laugh his butt off. (Laughter) I guess it does feel like he's always in the room with us.
Cyrus: Yeah, sometimes more than others.
Harley: It's going to be so much better after this. I think it's just all this planning so hard, and I've had so many money problems lately, you know?
Cyrus: I know.
Harley: I'm going to go back and get fixed up, and I'll meet you back here in a little while.
Cyrus: Okay.
Marina: All right, big guy, hit me with your best shot. Why are you here?
Coop: Just waiting for Ashlee to get dressed, so I figured I'd take some notes for me next story.
Marina: Excellent! Just make sure I'm the heroine. You know, the one who has to do all of the grunt work because my partner is too busy having panic attacks?
Frank: Excuse me, but you are the lead detective on this case.
Marina: Oh, I'm so tired of having to cater to her! She has everything, and I still have to tiptoe around her.
Coop: You know, she's got a point, Frank. I mean, at some point, you know, Harley is going to have to get back into the real world.
Marina: Thank you.
Frank: Excuse me. Can we be nice to Harley today? Is that possible?
Marina: How is it that I'm the woman scorned, and yet I'm the one who has to make sure that everyone else is comfortable?
Frank: Okay. You know what? Are we gonna do this, or not?
Marina: I've done this before, Dad?
Frank: Okay. So you don't need your old man to prep you for this? Is that what you're saying?
Marina: I have to go prepare myself and get ready for Harley mourning Gus while she clings on to Cyrus.
Frank: I doubt Cyrus will be there.
Marina: Why not?
Frank: Because she threw him out.
Marina: Interesting.
Frank: Well, I'm sure that now that they're broken up, he'll be coming right back to you.
Marina: Oh, don't worry, I'm not going back.
Frank: Then where are you going?
Marina: I've got things to do. I'll see you later.
(Music playing)
Harley: Oh!
(Music playing)
(Knock on the door)
Natalia: Uh-oh, I paid my rent.
Buzz: We're to escort you down to the party, and then put you to work.
Frank: Yeah, that's the downside of being an honorary Cooper.
Buzz: You going to be okay?
Natalia: I had a busy day. And I'm not good at parties, and I don't think I'll feel comfortable.
Frank: Well, that's why we're just going to give you like a little job, you know, where you can be where all of the action is, and then you don't have to come up with any small talk.
Buzz: There are plenty of things to do.
Natalia: I thought Harley had this all figured out. I wish I could be half as
together as she's been.
Frank: Oh, my God, please! She's had her moments.
Natalia: Yeah, but she planned this whole thing, and I still don't know if I can get myself down the steps.
Buzz: Well, Frank, you help her. I've got to go downstairs.
Frank: All right. Thanks, Pop. What's the matter?
Natalia: I just can't fix this...
Frank: It's sticking, right?
Natalia: Yeah.
Frank: Here is all you have to do. You just have to kind of bang it twice here, see? And now you just jiggle the handle, and that's it. It opens right up. I bet you it's that hinge. Let me just see.
Natalia: Well, as you can see, there is nothing in there because I haven't even unpacked.
Frank: Uh-huh.
Natalia: I've been here almost a week. I just can't do it.
Frank: Well, you know what, Natalia? I think it's just, it's going to take a little time, you know? But it may not be a bad idea to be around people.
Natalia: You're a good friend, Frank. And you look really nice in your suit.
Frank: Really?
Natalia: Yeah.
Frank: Thanks. It's fitting a little tighter these days, though. (Laughing) I'll work on it, though.
Natalia: Yeah, I can tell you're one of those guys that your place is all neat and tidy and...
Frank: Neat and tidy? What, are you kidding me? My place is a total mess! (Laughs) In fact, I'm so embarrassed every time the maid comes by at the Inn that I...
Natalia: I'm surprised you don't just stay here.
Frank: I do. I do. But sometimes you need a break from the family.
Natalia: You never had a house of your own?
Frank: A while ago. But I don't really need one now.
Natalia: How long have you been there at the Springfield Inn?
Frank: You know? I think your door is ready to go. I think it was just the hinge here. So... I don't think that is going to be sticking anymore. So, I'll see you downstairs.
Natalia: I'll see you downstairs, Frank.
Ashlee: I... I just need one more second.
Coop: Okay. Is there anything I can do to help?
Ashlee: Um, no. I'm just trying to figure out a dress to wear.
Coop: Hmm. Well, I mean, either of them will look good. Ashlee, you're going to look great.
Ashlee: Yeah, thanks. I'm not... I'm not feeling too well. I'm kind of tired. It must be the liquid diet.
Coop: I mean, did you try on all of these dresses?
Ashlee: Yeah... um, no. I, um... I just tried on these two. I just don't know which one. I just brought them all out. Do I have to go tonight? Can I just skip it?
Coop: The fundraiser? Ash, I thought you love this stuff. People love seeing you there. Besides, you're pretty good at getting people to give up their money, which is the point of this whole thing. So...
Ashlee: I'm just really tired.
Coop: Um... yeah. Yeah, sure. We can stay in. That's fine.
Ashlee: Oh, no, Coop. You have to go because your whole family is there and they need you, and...
Coop: I don't have to go.
Ashlee: And I'm just going to sleep anyway. No, go.
Coop: Are you sure?
Ashlee: Yeah, of course. Tell them I say hi.
Coop: Okay. Alright. Be careful. Take care of yourself, all right?
Ashlee: Okay. Bye.
Daisy: You're back.
Cyrus: Wouldn't miss it.
Daisy: Ten bucks.
Cyrus: Here, keep the change. It's a good cause.
Daisy: So what are your plans? Heading back down under? I mean, there's nothing holding you here.
Cyrus: No, don't you worry. I'll be sticking around.
Daisy: Great. Oh, be careful, the place is swarming with cops.
Cyrus: Good to know.
(Knock on the door)
Marina: Hey.
Mallet: Wow!
Marina: What? Should I change...
Mallet: No. No. Don't change anything. Wow!
Marina: Sometimes I forget that you're the Chief. What, you didn't think I could make it to this gig on my own?
Mallet: Well, you could start with, "Mallet, what a nice surprise. Gee, I would love a ride to the party."
Natalia: All right. Just come straight here after the game. I know what I said. I just think it is important that you should be here. Your dad would want you to be here. Bye. Hey. Put me to work.
Mallet: Thank God you're here, because we're suffering a server shortage of beautiful women. Beautiful women with darker hair.
Frank: He's right. You do look beautiful, and good for you for coming.
Natalia: Thank you.
Frank: You know what? Maybe I should look for Harley.
Daisy: Oh, no, no, no. Um, let me go find her. But will someone man the cash box?
Buzz: No worries.
Natalia: Oh, boy. I used to really hate coming to these things alone.
Marina: You know, I got strangely accustomed to it.
Natalia: For a while, I didn't think I had to anymore. I spent most of my life losing him. The other times, I just thought there was hope he would come back.
Frank: Well, you know, at least you got to know him and he got to know Rafe, right? They were able to spend some time. I know it wasn't very much time, but knowing that he had a son really changed his life.
Daisy: I thought so.
Harley: I changed my mind. I'm not going.
Daisy: But you planned the whole thing!
Harley: I went. I set everything up. It will run itself.
Daisy: I thought this was important to you?
Harley: It was important to Gus. And Cyrus, you know, being my date... I can’t. I can’t. Why don't I make you something to eat? I think there is some leftover macaroni and cheese.
Daisy: No. No, thanks. I'm going back.
Harley: Then I will eat the macaroni and cheese.
Daisy: Mom, you can't make us all crazy planning this thing and then ditch us.
Harley: Well, here's a lesson. Sometimes we have to do what is right for us, and right now, I am doing the best I can.
Daisy: Okay, okay, okay. Fine. Yeah. I'll cover for you. Um, but I should get back because Grandpa is getting all sweaty and...
Harley: Honey, nobody is going to miss me. I mean, there is going to be a million people there.
Daisy: Yeah, well, yeah. And Natalia came.
Harley: See? That's good.
Daisy: Okay. I'll see you later.
Harley: Yeah, I'll call you.
Daisy: Okay.
Marina: Hey.
Cyrus: Hey.
Marina: How are you?
Cyrus: I'm good.
Marina: Good.
Mallet: Hey.
Marina: Hey.
Mallet: People are looking for you.
Marina: It's fine. I'll see you in there.
Mallet: Okay.
Coop: Frank, listen. You've got to chill, okay? It's not going to make things any better. It's going to make it worse.
Natalia: Frank, I know it's hard, but she's a grownup. And I'm sure she knows what she's doing.
Frank: It's what he's doing that worries me.
Natalia: I tried so hard to keep Rafe and Daisy away from each other. There's nothing you can do.
Cyrus: You gonna head back in?
Marina: No. No. I feel bad making you wait out here all by yourself, sitting here waiting. I kind of saw this coming.
Cyrus: What do you mean?
Marina: Well, you and Harley. I mean, I never thought that you guys were really right for each other. But I didn't think you'd break up so soon.
Cyrus: I don't know what you've been told, but, um...
Marina: I mean, it makes sense. You know? I mean, you thought I tied you down, and I didn't come with a mortgage and kids and ex-husbands...
Cyrus: I'm not sure...
Marina: Look, Cyrus, all I'm trying to say is, I still care about you. Okay? So if you need a place to stay while you're trying to...
Cyrus: We didn't break up.
Marina: I thought that, um... I heard that you guys weren't living together anymore?
Cyrus: No, not right now. But, um, we're going to give it another shot, just taking things slower this time.
Marina: Right. Right, because last time you guys just jumped right in.
Cyrus: Marina...
Marina: No. It's great. Hey, congratulations! I really hope it works out.
Mallet: Come on. Why don't you get away from her?
Cyrus: I didn't do anything!
Daisy: Hey. Thanks for leaving me with a bunch of cops and my mom's boy toy.
Ashlee: Well, Coop was there, and, you know. How did you escape?
Daisy: Well, I had to go look for my mom because she went awol, too. If Gus wasn't as popular as he was, the whole thing would have been a bust.
Ashlee: Well, what about Rafe?
Daisy: We're over.
Ashlee: Oh, I'm sorry.
Daisy: I'm okay. Really. No, I know it sounds weird, but... I don't know. Things had just gotten so complicated with each other and with our parents. What's going on with you?
Ashlee: What?
Daisy: Well, was that your dinner?
Ashlee: I'm fine, Daisy.
Daisy: That's not what I asked.
Ashlee: I'm tired, okay? I'm tired of looking like this, and I'm tired of drinking that sludge, and I'm tired of hearing people say, "Is it okay to eat around Ashlee?" You know, "Can she work out yet?" You know? I'm just tired. I just want to get over this and stop being obsessed and move on and live my life.
Daisy: I can tell. I knew you never really liked that nasty shake. Well, have you... have you told Coop how you feel?
Ashlee: Um, no. Things are really good with us right now. And I don't want to be a pain, especially since I was the one that wanted to do this, and he didn't even want me to do it.
Daisy: Are you sorry you did it?
Ashlee: No, no. I'm just sorry that it's not working fast enough. I'm just trapped, and I don't want to live my life like this forever. What?
Daisy: "I don't want to live my life like this forever..." it kind of sounds like you're auditioning for one of those movies on the women's channels.
Ashlee: Yes, I am, actually. That's why I was... I was rehearsing my piece. I'm auditioning for "The girl who kicked her best friend's skinny behind."
Daisy: I would watch that.
Ashlee: I know you would.
Daisy: Ooh, I got you a present.
Ashlee: You got me a... why? What size is it?
Daisy: It's one-size-fits-all. Happy birthday!
Ashlee: (Laughing) It's not my birthday.
Daisy: Oh, yeah it is! Yeah. You just turned 21.
Ashlee: Oh! (Laughter)
Daisy: Looks just like you.
Natalia: So, Blake. You're really good friends with Harley, huh?
Blake: Yes, I am. This is nice. A lot of people loved Gus. It's a good party. How are you doing?
Natalia: For a while, I really hated when people asked me that. I just thought they really didn't care about me, and it seemed a little fake. But now, see, everyone's been very kind.
Blake: I lost my husband a couple of years ago, so I know it's very -- um -- it's very hard and it's very strange. It's strange when people want to take care of you. And it's very strange when they stop. But, if you just keep busy, it's helpful. You should get out there. You should meet people.
Natalia: People? Are you talking about men?
Blake: Yes. Oh, please, you're beautiful, you're young. You'll have no problems!
Natalia: No, I don't think so.
Blake: Okay, so you're shy. So why don't you try the on-line dating thing. I'm doing that.
Natalia: Isn't that meeting people, like, on the computer?
Blake: Yes. You get a chance to chat with them before you meet them in person.
Frank: Hi, ladies. What's going on here? So, Blakey, what are you doing, reading excerpts from Coop's book here? Because Natalia looks a little snoozy. ( Laughter)
Coop: (Laughing) It's funny. Thanks a lot, Frank, for the support.
Blake: We're just doing a little bonding here.
Frank: Oh.
Blake: Yeah, yeah. Oh, Coop, though, they're sending mockups of the book jacket over, so if you want to come by and take a look...
Coop: Oh, yeah, I'd like to, but I don't want to ditch out on my dad right now. If you could actually send those book covers over to me, I can take a look at it that way.
Blake: Sure.
Coop: Okay.
Blake: Absolutely.
Coop: Great.
Blake: Don't worry, Frank. I'm just giving Natalia just a little advice on how to live after you've lost a husband.
Frank: No worries.
Daisy: Should you be drinking so soon?
Ashlee: Well, I am on an all liquid diet. Hi.
Waiter: Hey. What can I get you?
Daisy: Um... two martinis.
Waiter: Can I see some I.D.?
Ashlee: Wow. Yeah. Yeah, here you go.
Daisy: So did I tell you that I got a job working on that movie they're shooting about Reva’s life?
Ashlee: No. When did that happen?
Daisy: Ah, just the other day.
Waiter: All right. Thanks. Here you go.
Daisy: Thanks.
Marina: Why are you staring at the wall?
Mallet: I didn't know if you were done. Are you done?
Marina: No. No, I'm not. I need your help.
Mallet: With what?
Marina: The zipper. It's stuck.
Mallet: I don't -- where's the zipper?
Marina: Mallet, come on!
Mallet: Where's the zipper?
Marina: Right here.
Mallet: I can't get it, it's stuck.
Marina: Well, try harder. There. Well, at least Dinah’s not anything like Cyrus, right? Cyrus lies.
Mallet: Are you kidding me? Dinah believes all her lies.
Marina: Well, he steals.
Mallet: Dinah helped him steal.
Marina: Cyrus cheats.
Mallet: Dinah cheated on me with her mother's husband.
Marina: Ow!
Mallet: I'm sorry. I almost got it.
Marina: Well, at least she didn't cheat on you with your aunt.
Mallet: That doesn't even make any sense.
Marina: Well, like you don't know what I mean!
Mallet: I don't even have an aunt!
Ashlee: Did you see the way that he was looking at me? Thanks.
Daisy: What, like checking you out?
Ashlee: No, just the opposite. Like I was gross or something.
Daisy: No. He was checking you against the, um, the I.D. You're being paranoid.
Ashlee: Maybe. But... (laughing) since this procedure, it's like all of these things keep coming up.
Daisy: What things?
Ashlee: Like things, like thoughts. Like things that used to happen. Like how I had to, like, bribe Jonathan to take me to the prom. I mean, school was -- it was never easy. It was, like, hard. I don't know, I used to eat my lunch in the library.
Daisy: The library?
Ashlee: Yeah, in the reference section.
Daisy: Ah, well, there is your problem. You were alone because no one uses encyclopedias anymore. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just think you should be putting all of this stuff behind you.
Ashlee: You know... (laughs) I probably-- I probably could do that if I, like, got angry about it then. But, no, I had to do the whole, "everything's fine," and smile and try and be happy thing.
Daisy: Ashlee, you're shrinking in front of my eyes. Pretty soon you'll just be able to throw all of this into all of those stupid people's faces.
Ashlee: And then what?
Cyrus: Harley? I thought you might be trying to be fashionably late.
Harley: Do I look fashionable?
Cyrus: You've got a fire going in May?
Harley: Well, I haven't started it yet. I'm sorry. I know I should have called you and given you a heads up or something.
Cyrus: I'll try not to take it personally, but you did leave me in a room full of cops.
Harley: No. You stayed.
Cyrus: Yeah, I did. I stayed just long enough to know that the event was a big success and they made lots of money.
Harley: Really?
Cyrus: Gus would be very proud of you. So planning the thing ends with standing me up.
Harley: Cyrus...
Cyrus: Come on, get in the car.
Harley: I can’t.
Cyrus: Sure you can.
Harley: Okay.
Coop: Hey.
Ashlee: Hi.
Coop: (Laughs) You don't look tired.
Ashlee: I look drunk! Daisy came over, and we, um, had a little martini.
Coop: Ashlee, you're not even supposed to be drinking. How did you even get served?
Ashlee: I had one little martini. It was delicious. I want to have a second, but I guess I'm a lightweight.
Coop: (Laughs) You know why you're a lightweight? Because you don't drink.
Ashlee: You're right. You're so smart. You're so smart.
Coop: Uh-huh.
Ashlee: Hmmm.
Coop: Hmmm, that tastes good.
Ashlee: Hmmm.
Coop: Thank you.
Ashlee: (Giggles)
Coop: So what is...
Ashlee: Yeah, this.
Coop: ... All this?
Ashlee: I, um, decided to write letters to everyone who hurt me, and, you know, made me feel bad. So that's what I did. I saw it on some, you know, talk show.
Coop: Talk show?
Ashlee: And maybe it's helping.
Coop: Dear Doris, dear Alan, dear Lizzie, dear snobby boutique guy?
Ashlee: Oh, yeah, that one... (laughs) That was good.
Coop: Who was that?
Ashlee: It was this guy that was really mean and he worked in this place in the mall. And he said he didn't have anything for "full-figured gals."
Coop: Um, who is Karen Cucci?
Ashlee: You mean Karen Cucci! Yes. She’s... she was in girl scout camp with me, and she spread this really nasty rumor that I was the top cookie seller because I ate all of the inventory. (Laughs) You can laugh at that because it's funny. It is.
Coop: No, it's not funny. Ashlee, I'm not going to laugh at something that's so horrible. That's just mean.
Ashlee: Yeah?
Coop: So are there any "Dear Coop" letters in there?
Ashlee: No.
Coop: You sure?
Ashlee: Yeah.
Coop: All right. So you're writing all of this stuff and it's supposed to be therapeutic, I mean, is it working? Is this helping?
Ashlee: Yeah. Yeah.
Coop: Yeah? That's good.
Ashlee: You know what -- you know what?
Coop: What?
Ashlee: I don't need it. I don't need it anymore. This is all -- it's not needed!
Buzz: Oh, terrific.
Daisy: Don't tell my mom or Uncle Frank or any other cops who still happen to be here. But I'm just a little...
Buzz: Tanked, yes.
Daisy: I love you, Grandpa. You always understand.
Buzz: Eat something, and we'll talk about your underage drinking later.
Daisy: Sh-sh-sh. I'll get arrested!
Frank: Buzz, have you seen Marina or Cyrus?
Buzz: Oh, she was headed up the stairs.
Natalia: She spilled something on herself. So I sent her up to my room to grab something. I'll go get her-- check on her.
Frank: Thank you.
Buzz: Great.
Natalia: Marina, are you up here? Oh, my gosh -- excuse me! Okay.
Marina: Oh, my gosh, Natalia, I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry. Please don't tell my dad.
Natalia: Tell him what?
Frank: Oh, hi. Did you find her?
Natalia: She's not -- she's not dressed yet. She's changing.
Frank: Okay. Do you think I'll ever stop being an overprotective dad?
Natalia: No. No one ever tells you that being a single parent is doubly hard, but it makes the good days twice as good, right? I'm trying this new thing where I stop talking at Rafe, and I actually listen. So far so good.
Frank: Yeah, I just never seem to let Marina get a word in ever, so... I'll tell you what, I promise from now on, I'll be a much better listener. Thanks.
Natalia: There you go. Thank you.
Frank: Thank you for what?
Natalia: I really needed -- I needed a break, I guess. I'll call it a break.
Frank: Gus would want you to have a break, right? I mean, have a little fun?
Natalia: Yeah. I think so.
Frank: Well, fun's over.
Mallet: Can I give you a ride home?
Marina: I think I'm going to stick around for a bit.
Mallet: Okay. Um... to be continued?
Marina: To be continued.
Ashlee: You know, I couldn't have done any of this without you.
Coop: No, no, no. You are not blaming this, any of this, on me.
Ashlee: No, no, no. I mean that I felt like when this stuff was happening, that it would never end. And then I met you, and you loved me for exactly who I am. So, you know, all of this stuff, this stupid stuff, doesn't matter anymore. It doesn’t.
Coop: Hmmm.
Harley: I feel ridiculous.
Cyrus: It's fine. I understand.
Harley: It wasn't because of you. It wasn’t. I think I just spent so much time trying to plan this perfect thing for Gus, and I just hit a wall.
Cyrus: It's okay.
Harley: Why are you here? You don't have to do this. You don't have to be with somebody who will always remember somebody else.
Cyrus: I want to be with you. And I'm not afraid of the memories and the ties with Gus. It's part of who you are. And, let's face it, I've got a past, too. That's life.
Harley: What if it never gets better?
Cyrus: It will. You'll get through this. And at the end of the day, you'll come back to me. (Laughter)
Coming up on "Guiding Light,"
Bill: Happy Mother's Day.
Lizzie: Are you out of your mind?
Bill: What? Did you eat that stuff? How much stuff did you eat?
Mallet: You know chocolate's like, poison to a dog?
Bill: Well aware of that, Mallet. Thank you very much. Excuse me, I need some help. This dog just ate some chocolates, and my ex-girlfriend will kill me if she finds out her dog ate a box of chocolates.
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