Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 5/6/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light".
Ava: This move could make or break you.
Bill: Well, I'll take my chances.
Lizzie: This company means a lot to a lot of people.
Ava: I want everything. If it means stepping over Lizzie to get it, I'll do whatever I have to do.
Bill: I had to hire her, all right?
Alan: He and his idiot sister are trying to take over my company.
Lizzie: And he is going to respect the past and take us into the future.
Lizzie: Blue is always good.
Bill: Blue is too safe.
Lizzie: That's my man: Living on the edge. How about green? Nope. That's too leprechaun. Bad, bad choice.
Bill: Hey, how's the cologne?
Lizzie: Let me see? Impressive.
Bill: Yes? Good.
Lizzie: Clean, straightforward. Says "This is a man in charge."
Bill: That works. That works. Hmm.
Lizzie: Really?
Bill: Hmm? Yeah. Yeah. This is it. And I am ready.
Lizzie: Oh, this is such a big day for you. I wish I could be at the meeting.
Bill: No, no, no. You don't want to be there.
Lizzie: I just can't wait for this whole thing to be settled, and you are the perfect man to blend our family businesses. You're just going to take care of everything.
Bill: Well, I will do what I have to do. Yeah.
Remy: Don't you ever just walk in?
Dinah: (Laughs) No. Today is a day for entrances. I'm feeling very much in control. Why aren't you dressed? I thought you were going to come to the meeting with me.
Remy: And watch you and your brother walk all over the Spaulding graveyard? Not interested.
Dinah: You hate the Spaulding’s.
Remy: Yeah, I'm not a big fan of corporate espionage. Call me crazy.
Dinah: Okay. Your loss. I'll fill you in later.
Remy: Hey, Dinah, Dinah, Dinah, Dinah. Sit down, please.
Dinah: Yes?
Remy: So what's the deal, hmm? You have the house. You have a big chunk of stock. I mean, why do you need the rest? It seems like a big headache to me. I don't get it.
Dinah: Remy, today is the day that my brother and I seal the deal. We are going to show Alan and the whole town-- not to mention my mother, Bill's father, Mallet-- that we are forces to be reckoned with.
Remy: The Alan and Alex of the new millennium.
Dinah: You got it! Yes, just younger and cuter. Actually, I'm very excited for Bill. He had been fighting the big boys a long time at Lewis, and it’s... it's about time some people give him some respect.
Remy: So they can treat him more than just like the obnoxious player which he is.
Dinah: Watch your mouth.
Remy: No, no. Listen, I get Bill. I know what it's like to be the underachieving son here. But, I mean, what else do you need?
Dinah: Love. (Laughs) I need Mallet. He's always taken care of me-- a little too much. And as soon as I get everything together, he will see that he doesn't have to take care of me, and all he has to do is love me.
Remy: (Sighs)
Dinah: Bye.
Alan: Where is it?
Rafe: It's right there. That's what you're looking for, right?
Alan: Yeah. I was just testing to see how good your eyes were.
Rafe: You actually know what you're doing, don't you?
Alan: Yes, thanks to you, I may have a new career as a computer hacker.
Rafe: How about you don't get ahead of yourself there, buddy? But look at you. You're all dressed up. You got a job interview?
Alan: Big meeting at Spaulding today.
Rafe: I thought you were, like, out of that place.
Alan: I'm ready to break the door down.
Rafe: Really? (Laughs) All right, go for it, man.
Ava: How is she? Is everything okay? Every time I bring her in here, I get so scared.
Nurse: The first-year post-transplant is all about monitoring. I'll go see if you can go in.
Ava: Okay.
Nurse: Dr. Mehta would like to observe her for the day.
Ava: What? No! Oh, my gosh!
Nurse: It's nothing serious. In fact, your mom said you should go to your meeting.
Ava: Go to my meeting? Who does she think I am, her? "Go to my meeting."
(Knock on door)
Bill: Oh, hey, Natalia. I can take those.
Natalia: Thanks. You're my last stop on the way out.
Bill: Oh, yeah?
Natalia: Mm-hmm.
Bill: Out of uniform. A much better look, by the way.
Natalia: Yeah, you think?
Bill: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Natalia: You look nice.
Bill: Thank you. Thank you very much.
Lizzie: Hey!
Natalia: Hi, Lizzie.
Lizzie: How are you?
Bill: And Lizzie looks nice, too.
Natalia: She always looks nice.
Lizzie: Thank you, Natalia. How is Rafe doing?
Natalia: He's good.
Lizzie: Oh, good.
Natalia: He's getting ready for graduation.
Lizzie: Wow. I'm so sorry that Gus can't be there.
Natalia: Me, too.
Lizzie: I'll come.
Natalia: Thank you. Good. I'm going to go get him now, actually, take him to a checkup.
Lizzie: We have to run, too. This guy has a big, big, big meeting today, as in life-changing.
Natalia: Wow. Good luck. I hope you get everything that you want.
Bill: Thank you.
Lizzie: You already have it.
Bill: I do.
Lizzie: Come on, let's go.
Bill: All right.
Lizzie: So I was thinking that it might be a good idea to offer Natalia and Rafe some kind of work at the company.
Bill: Why?
Lizzie: Because they're family.
Bill: Oh, yeah. Well we can do that. But, listen, I can take it from here, okay? Thank you so much for everything. Couldn't have done it without you. Behind every successful every man there is...
Lizzie: Behind?
Bill: Side by side, every step of the way.
Lizzie: Uh-huh, yeah.
Bill: That's what I meant to say.
Lizzie: I'm sure.
Bill: Listen to me. Go shopping, get yourself a dress, okay?
Lizzie: I can do that.
Bill: Okay? Because we're going to have a little party when this thing is all done, okay? Dinah is going to pick up Maureen. We'll have a little family to- do.
Lizzie: The hero surrounded by all the women that love him. Hmm? Well, go.
Bill: Yeah. Um... all right.
Lizzie: Knock 'em dead.
Ava: Who arranged this table?
Bill: Well, I have no idea.
Ava: Well, it's all wrong. It's all wrong. This goes here, and this goes here.
Bill: Really?
Ava: And we need the crystal glasses. What are these pens? These are the cheap pens. I'm going to go get the right ones.
Bill: Okay. Well, you know what? You can relax, because everything is going to be fine. But you can go get the good pens, and then you can... you can leave.
Ava: I can't leave.
Bill: Yes, you can. Because Dinah and I have everything covered, so just take off. In fact, you are a distraction, and not the good kind. Okay, so take the day off.
Ava: I left my mother at the hospital to be here.
Bill: Did you? Well, maybe that's where you should be, Ava. In fact, tell her I said hello. Bring her some flowers, will you, for me? And put it on the old Lewis account. Okay? Thank you.
Ava: Yes, sir.
Bill: What is it, Ava?
Ava: You can't just dismiss me. I'm having your baby.
Bill: Yes, yes. You are. You're having my baby, and I'm very excited about that. But today's not about babies; it's about business. So, please, I'm very busy.
Remy: (Laughs)
Lizzie: Okay, that's wrong. That's really wrong.
Remy: Relax. I didn't hit any of your pals. So how come you're not at the meeting?
Lizzie: Bill wanted to do this one on his own.
Remy: Interesting. Dinah invited me.
Lizzie: Good for you. You have better things to do, though, don't you? Like keeping Ava away from my man?
Remy: I kind of like her. No, I mean, I just... you know, I feel guilty for taking money on this one.
Lizzie: Okay.
Remy: Almost. Almost guilty.
Lizzie: You should go for it. I mean, she’d... she'd be lucky to have you. You're smart, fun, not terrible-looking. You know, if you got a respectable job, you'd actually be quite the catch.
Remy: Then you'd want me.
Lizzie: (Laughs) No, I want Bill, and I have him, and absolutely nothing is going to change that as long as you keep Ava busy. Put the rock down, Remy.
Remy: Okay. Okay.
Bill: Ava, today your mother needs you. I don't, okay?
Ava: I did all the prep.
Bill: And you will be compensated. So thank you, okay?
Dinah: Okay. So I'll pick you up after the meeting, all right? Then we'll go out and do some girly stuff. And we'll have dinner with Bill, yeah, and Lizzie, too. Now, tonight is important. It's a big night. We're going to party, okay? And what Mom doesn't know won't hurt her. All right, baby, I'll talk to you soon. Well, you look like you're ready to huff and puff and blow the house down.
Alan: Only if you're in it.
Dinah: Now if I had time to think, I'd say that sounds like a threat. Be careful.
Alan: I've got a meeting to get to.
Dinah: Oh, so do I. Come on, I'll race you.
Alan: Dinah, why don't you stop while you can? You know, you and your brother are lightweights. And if you don't stop, you're going to embarrass yourself in front of a lot of very important people here in Springfield.
Dinah: Okay. Well, I'll let you know how it turns out.
Rafe: Mom, I'm here. I'm ready. Let's do this.
Natalia: Uh-huh. Were you just eating?
Rafe: I had a couple bites of Alan’s breakfast. I was helping him with his computer.
Natalia: I know, but you're not supposed to eat before this test.
Rafe: Ma, having two bites? Relax. You look a little tired. Are you okay?
Natalia: I'm fine.
Rafe: I don't know. You look more tired nowadays, and you don't laugh as much.
Natalia: Well, you're not that funny. Come on, let's go.
Rafe: Mom, what are we doing here?
Natalia: Don't try to distract me. You're going to go to the doctor.
Rafe: I don't mean the doctor’s. I mean, like, this town. You know, Gus... Gus is gone, and Daisy and I broke up. So what are we doing here?
Dinah: Oh! Look at you!
Bill: Right back at ya, sis.
Dinah: Nice. You ready?
Bill: What do you think?
Dinah: Okay. It's a big day. It's a very big day. It's a bigger day for you than it is for me, okay? My big win was the house. You want this business more than I do.
Bill: I want this business more than anything. Nobody seems to get that.
Dinah: I get that. Lizzie gets that.
Bill: Well, you two ladies are crazy about me.
Dinah: That's absolutely right. Now, does Lizzie understand what this is going to do to her family?
Bill: Well, Lizzie knows what she needs to know. Almost time.
Alan: A note to myself: Upgrade security. Anyone can get in here.
Dinah: I thought it smelled like a cigar.
Alan: Surprise!
Dinah: Oh, unbelievable. How did this happen?
Alan: It happened because I belong here.
Dinah: You are a delusional man. You know that?
Alan: Raymond, nice to see you.
Cop: It's Richard, sir.
Dinah: You really need to work on the whole name thing, Alan. Richard, please escort Mr. Spaulding out the back way.
Alan: That would be a mistake.
Dinah: You know what? I like living on the edge. You know what? Check out the news tonight. We are the top story on WSPR. I can guarantee that. I just bought the station.
Alan: You're out of control.
Dinah: No, I'm in control. You know what? Why don't you take this as a souvenir of your visit here?
Lillian: Thank you so much, my sweetheart.
Lizzie: I thought they looked like you.
Lillian: Tulips, huh?
Lizzie: Mm-hmm. Sunny. Is that, um...
Lillian: Yeah. Do you want to go in and say hello?
Lizzie: No.
Lillian: Then why are you here? You're feeling all right, aren't you?
Lizzie: I am feeling more than all right. I'm feeling great, fantastic, wonderful, amazing. And I know you always worry about me, so I was just checking in and letting you know that everything's great.
Lillian: Well, thank you. And does this have anything to do with Bill?
Lizzie: Okay. I know that a guy doesn't solve everything, but he makes me so happy, and we're having so much fun, and we talk about everything. We both love business, and I just... honestly, I feel like this is my first real relationship.
Lillian: Oh, sweetie. I hope he realizes how lucky he is.
Lizzie: Okay, trust me. This guy has definitely got his priorities in order.
(Knocking on door)
Bill: Hey.
Dinah: We good? No worries? Mazel tov.
Bill: Thank you. Yes, we are good. Why do you keep asking me that?
Dinah: Because I'm not sure if you get what we're about to do.
Bill: Okay, you're starting to sound like my dad, okay?
Dinah: You're my brother. I want you to be happy.
Bill: And you are my sister, and I want me to be happy, too. (Laughs) Good.
Dinah: Lizzie?
Bill: I told you already. It's going to be fine, okay? I've just got to figure out a way to tell her. But we're crazy about each other, all right? So if she wants to be with me, this is part of the deal. Yeah.
Lillian: Hi. You're early. I'll page Dr. Olivio.
Rafe: There's no rush.
Natalia: No rush? The sooner we get in there, the sooner we can get out.
Rafe: Mm-hmm.
Natalia: What's the matter? You worried about something?
Rafe: No. I'm just not too crazy about the other doctor. I kind of miss Dr. Harvey.
Natalia: You've been thinking a lot about Chicago lately.
Rafe: It's just that it's still my home, Ma. I don't mean to keep bringing it up, but especially now that Gus is gone, it's just, what's the point?
Remy: Hey, what's up?
Natalia: Hi.
Remy: What's up, man? Hi, Mrs. Raines. How are you?
Lillian: Good.
Remy: Have you seen Ava Peralta? I know she was here with her mother.
Lillian: She went out, but her mom's still here, so I'm sure she'll be back.
Remy: Okay.
Natalia: Olivia's here right now? Is there something wrong with Gus' heart?
Ava: Lady of leisure. How nice.
Lizzie: I'm taking some time for myself, being my own friend.
Ava: (Laughs) Is that what your shrink told you to do?
Lizzie: My shrink told me not to spend too much time with you and your baby, but I'm doing the right thing.
Ava: So it's the big day, the big takeover. How does it feel to know that you opened the door and let Bill drive that steamroller right on in, right over your family?
Lizzie: Okay, I'm sorry. I think you're confused. Bill is doing this for me.
Ava: Snap out of it, Lizzie. He's doing it to you. You made it so easy for him.
Lizzie: Do you know something? Do you know something about the meeting today?
Ava: It's not my job to know what Bill is doing. He didn't even want me at the meeting. In fact, he tossed me out.
Lizzie: Sucks to be left out of things, doesn't it?
Ava: It does, doesn't it?
Lizzie: Been there-- never gonna be there again.
Ava: You don't need to really worry about that, do you? You have Bill, and he's saving the family business for you.
Lizzie: Exactly! He's incredible.
Ava: You are so naive. At least when I hooked up with Bill, we both knew what we were doing. We were using each other. He used me; I used him.
Lizzie: Bill loves me; and he is saving my family's business.
Ava: From what? His sister? Think about it, Lizzie. Connect the dots. Alan loses the family fortune, Alan loses the house, Alan’s family business...
Lizzie: So what?
Ava: I'm not finished yet. Then there's Dinah. She comes in, buys the house, buys up the stock-- Bill to the rescue. Do you know where I'm going with this?
Lizzie: You have no idea what you're talking about.
Ava: You're helping him, by sharing little secrets about Alan. And once Bill got you to trust him, who knows what other little things slipped out? Then he can take those little details and go to Dinah the very next day.
Lizzie: No. No. He would never do that.
Ava: Because why? He loves you?
Lizzie: Yes!
Ava: He wants to protect you from what they said, "Smashing Spaulding to smithereens"?
Lizzie: What?
Bill: Good morning, everyone.
Dinah: Well...
Bill: Well, well.
Dinah: We did it.
Bill: We did it.
Dinah: We are fabulous.
Bill: We are.
Dinah: Okay. Take that, Springfield! Little Bill and Dinah are running the show! I love it. You were amazing.
Bill: I was amazing. Yes, I was. But I couldn't have done it without you, so thank you very much, sis.
Dinah: You seem awfully calm.
Bill: I'm just enjoying the moment. That's what I'm doing. I'm enjoying the moment. Then I realize that there's one more step to go.
Dinah: Oh, okay. But first can we have a little victory dance?
Bill: Victory dance?
Dinah: Yeah, I won't tell anyone. I'm feeling it. I won't tell anybody. You know why? Because we're celebrating.
Bill: Do I got to?
Dinah: We are.
Bill: Do I?
Dinah: You know why? Because someone has arrived.
Bill: Who?
Dinah: And that's you and me.
Bill: That would be you and me.
Dinah: And there was an end of an evil empire.
Bill: End of it.
Dinah: That's right.
Bill: And where are we?
Dinah: Do you see it? We're here. We're here at Spaulding.
Bill: It's now.
Dinah: That's right.
Bill: It's the future.
Dinah: Do you feel it?
Bill: I feel it.
Dinah: Give me an elbow.
Bill: An elbow? This elbow?
Dinah: Yeah, yeah.
Bill: It's Lewis. It's Lewis.
Dinah: I've got to go pick up Maureen.
Bill: Yeah, do that, will you? Let's get serious.
Dinah: All right, if I don't pick up Maureen, Mom will never let us have her again. Okay, call Lizzie.
Bill: I will.
Dinah: Make a plan for later.
Bill: Got it.
Dinah: Okay?
Bill: Okay.
Dinah: I'm flying high.
Bill: You are.
Dinah: I'm flying high.
Bill: You are.
Dinah: Okay, I'm going to talk to you in a few.
Bill: Okay.
Dinah: All right.
Bill: Hey?
Dinah: Yeah?
Bill: Don't fly too close to the sun. Remember.
Ava: Lizzie Spaulding at a loss for words. Hmm. I kind of like that.
Lizzie: You're a jealous, stupid liar.
Ava: Jealous, maybe. Stupid? Didn't Bill sleep with you, and then screw you over for a business deal?
Lizzie: I was trying to screw him over, too. We were competing in business.
Ava: Bill came into town to make a name for himself. That's what he did. He didn't come into town to play with some little girl who cries over her dollhouse. He's a man, and you were just in over your head, Lizzie.
Lizzie: Shut your face!
Ava: I know it hurts, and I'd love to stick around and talk to you about how men suck. But I actually have to get to Cedar's and pick up my mom. So, you know, it’s... it's just another thing in your life that you'll get over. You've been through a lot. It's not that big of a deal.
Love, won't you look my way?
Bill: There you are. I can't wait to see you.
Lizzie: Me, either.
It's the middle of the night the rest can wait till the morning light.
Lillian: So Dr. Mehta is just being really cautious. I mean, he's going to give her a course of antibiotics in order to make sure infection stays at bay. But you can go in and say hello if you want.
Natalia: Okay. Yeah, if you see Rafe...
Lillian: Yeah, don't worry. Go on.
Natalia: Hi.
Olivia: Hi. So did you bring fresh towels? I'm so funny!
Natalia: I'm glad to see that you're well enough to make bad jokes.
Olivia: I'm fine. So what did they tell you?
Natalia: Mrs. Raines just said this was all part of the routine.
Olivia: Yeah, well, she would say anything to get me out of here.
Natalia: You? I can't imagine why!
Olivia: Oh, my gosh! Well, thanks for stopping by, but they're going to let me out of here in a minute, and Ava’s going to come and get me and... don't worry. I'm... I'm taking care of him.
Alan: (Laughs)
Rafe: I'm sorry. What are you doing here?
Alan: Well, I'm just keeping Lillian company.
Lillian: But he's all yours now. How was your appointment?
Rafe: It was good. I'm fine. Thank you.
Lillian: Oh, good.
Rafe: Hi five? All right, cool. I thought you had some big meeting, appointment thing?
Alan: Well, what I've had is a pretty lousy day. And I thought if I saw my grandson, he might cheer me up.
Rafe: (Laughs)
Natalia: I should go. I brought Rafe in for a checkup, so he should be done.
Olivia: Okay. Really, I'm... I'm fine.
Natalia: Okay.
Rafe: I actually had no idea.
Natalia: This is a surprise.
Rafe: Yeah, Grandpa Alan came to check on me. Good, huh?
Alan: You know, you've raised a very strong and intelligent young man.
Rafe: Oh. Oh.
Alan: And when I get back on my feet-- and I will-- I'm not going to forget all the help that he's given me.
Rafe: Oh, yeah, don't worry about that. I won't let you forget it. That's okay.
Natalia: You seem to be doing fine right now. Why push your luck?
Alan: I just want to get back what I've lost, that's all.
Natalia: Why not just hold on to what you have?
Remy: Well, you called. You called. And your mom will be ready in an hour, so let's just hang out and relax.
Ava: Relax? I don't think I can relax. I'm all... I just need to block everything out. My head is spinning. I don't think I can relax here. I can't even have a drink!
Remy: Right. Not to worry. I'm all about distraction. It's Remy to the rescue. Come on.
Ava: I think that I really, really screwed up.
Remy: Cool, cool. That's something we have in common. Let's go.
Bill: Hey! Have you heard?
Lizzie: I heard.
Bill: Well, it went great. It went great.
Lizzie: Congratulations.
Bill: Thank you so much, baby. Thank you. In fact, I couldn't have done it without you.
Lizzie: Yeah, I heard that, too. You slept with me to get my family's secrets. I guess you're ready to play with the big boys. Enjoy.
Remy: Was this my idea?
Ava: It was fun. Yes, it was.
Remy: Where did you learn to play cards?
Ava: My mom. She loved to play cards. We'd play them after dinner every night. How about you? Where'd you learn how to play cards?
Remy: Um... the internet.
Ava: Figures.
Remy: Mm-hmm.
Ava: Well, I would love to stay and take the rest of your money, but I should probably get back to the hospital.
Remy: Okay. Okay. I'll take you. I can sit with you if she's not ready.
Ava: You're awfully nice to me.
Remy: Well, it's not that hard.
Natalia: Why don't you say hello? You know Olivia pretty well, don't you?
Alan: Hmm, maybe I should do that. I was also thinking that maybe we should have lunch at Company a little bit later, and I will make the sandwiches. How about that, huh?
Natalia: Would you have ever made sandwiches at the old house?
Alan: It would never have occurred to me then.
Rafe: Actually, I'm hungry, so yeah.
Natalia: Say hello, and then we'll meet you back there.
Rafe: No, but, seriously, because I'm really hungry.
Alan: I'll be there soon.
Olivia: Oh, I've died and gone to the bad place.
Alan: Well, it's good to see that you haven't lost your sense of humor, Olivia.
Olivia: Same old me, different heart. I'm sorry.
Alan: Don't be sorry. You should be happy after all, because, thanks to Gus, you've survived.
Olivia: I know. Alan, I'll let you in on a little secret. I'm not happy. I think this sucks, and I want out.
Alan: You don't feel guilty, do you?
Olivia: You know what? I know I should be grateful for Gus' heart, and I know it's a gift, and I walk around all day trying to be cheery for my daughters. But the truth is, I just want to die most of the time.
Alan: I know the feeling. Sometimes it's a little too much to take, isn't it?
Dinah: Aha! Okay, so this is where it all happened. Wish you could have been there.
Maureen: Yeah, that would have been fun.
Dinah: Yeah, next time, okay? Because you're a part of this, too, now, Maureen. It's family business. You're my sister. We're going to have to make you Vice President or something like that. We'll figure it out.
Maureen: That's cool. You know, Mom was worried, but now I'm glad that you and Bill are finally working together.
Dinah: You know, I'm going to give you something that is going to help you throughout life. You can't worry about what Mom worries about, because you are like me.
Maureen: I wouldn't even think about saying that to Mom, sis.
Dinah: Okay. That's our secret, all right? Look, I want you growing up knowing how special and amazing you are. And sometimes the world's not going to understand what you're doing, so you're just going to have to use your gut and your heart to get what you want. But that's okay, because we're fighters. We're going to go after what we want, and we're going to show them, okay? Now, come on, let's get you an office.
Maureen: With a window and a view.
Dinah: That is my girl. That is my girl. You ask for what you want. Perfect. Now, I'm going to put you next to Bill so you can keep an eye on him, all right?
Maureen: I can do that. So is Mallet going to come live with you now? You told me you're doing this for him.
Dinah: You know what? I did this for all of us, okay? I did this for all of us, because I need to show people that we are just as strong as the Spaulding’s. And if Mallet doesn't come over, then that's okay, because I've got you, and I've got Clarissa, and I've got Bill and the boys, and that makes me pretty lucky, right? Okay. Now, come on, we have to plan a victory dinner. We have a whole lot to celebrate tonight.
Maureen: I really hope Mallet comes to dinner. He's always a blast.
Dinah: Okay. We'll see.
Bill: Lizzie! Lizzie! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait a minute! Come on, you can't just walk away without telling me what's going on.
Lizzie: Why not? Isn't that how you work? Oh, the only person you confide in is Ava.
Bill: Ava? What are you talking about? Ava was not at the meeting today, if that's what this is about.
Lizzie: She was at the meeting long enough to hear you and your sister talk about "Smashing Spaulding’s to smithereens."
Bill: She what?
Lizzie: Yeah, I know.
Bill: All right, look, whatever she heard, that's just business, okay? That’s...
Lizzie: Then what am I? What am I?
Man: Nice speech, Mr. Lewis. It's like you've known Spaulding all your life.
Bill: Let's table for another time.
Man: Look forward to working with you.
Bill: You as well.
Lizzie: Wow. You really did do your homework. I am so glad that I could help you with that. Do I get a consultant fee?
Bill: Okay, listen to me. My plan to take over...
Lizzie: To "Smash Spaulding’s."
Bill: No. Listen it has nothing to do with our relationship. You have to under...
Lizzie: I trusted you! I told you everything! Who knows what you used?
Bill: I didn't have to use anything, because I did my homework. Look...
Lizzie: I thought...
Bill: What?
Lizzie: I thought you were falling in love with me. But it was just a lie, wasn't it?
Bill: That is not a lie. That is not a lie, Lizzie, because, listen to me. I do. I love you. I love you. And this has nothing to do with our relationship. This is just business.
Lizzie: All the time. All the time that we have been together, from the moment we first hooked up, has just been business. Admit it. Admit it!
Bill: I'll admit this. When we first got together, yeah, I had a plan, and you weren't part of it, okay? (Stammering)
Lizzie: I got in the way, right?
Bill: A little bit, yeah.
Lizzie: I got in the way of your big, manly plan, so you had to prove what a tough guy you are and destroy my family.
Bill: When I realized how I felt about you, when I realized that, I couldn't stop it from happening.
Lizzie: Was it too late to tell me the truth?
Bill: I was trying to figure out how I was going to tell you to make you understand. And that's what happened here.
Lizzie: There is a way for us to work this out.
Bill: Yes! Exactly! There is.
Lizzie: Back out. Give up the takeover. That is what I thought.
Bill: Lizzie...
Lizzie: Bye, Bill.
Alan: I don't have any cheerful parable to tell you, like the sun is shining, the birds are singing, you should be happy you have another day, that kind of stuff.
Olivia: That's good, because I'm really tired of that crap. I get enough of it from Natalia and Ava, even Reva. I hate it. I just want it to stop.
Alan: You know, some days I have trouble putting one foot in front of the other. You remember when we thought we could rule the world? Hmm?
Olivia: The good ol' days?
Alan: Mm-hmm. You know, I still want that.
Olivia: You do?
Alan: Mm-hmm.
Olivia: Why?
Alan: Good-bye, Olivia.
Natalia: Good?
Rafe: Should we make something for Alan, too?
Natalia: What should we make?
Rafe: He likes grilled cheeses. He likes eggs. (Laughs)
Natalia: Grilled cheese. We'll do grilled cheese. Oh, just in time. Would you like some tomato on your grilled cheese?
Alan: No, thank you for asking, but I'll make it myself. Rafe?
Rafe: Yeah, I'll have one.
Alan: Okay.
Natalia: That's why we stay here, because you have family: Alan and Zach and Jude. Everything that's connected to Gus is in this town. So this is where we want to be if we want to feel close to him. That's why we're here. This is our home.
Ava: Thank you for bringing me here and keeping me company.
Remy: No problem. I had fun.
Ava: So did I. You don't have to wait around. I have my mom's car. It's fine.
Remy: Okay.
Ava: I'll call you.
Remy: Okay.
Ava: Okay. Hey, Mom! Hey! Hi, Mama.
Maureen and Dinah: Surprise!
Bill: Ah! Well, well, well. I am so glad you are here. Look at this. Oh, my goodness.
Maureen: Congratulations!
Bill: Thank you so much. Thank you so much. But there's still work to be done.
Maureen: So, where's Lizzie?
Bill: Lizzie? She's, um... she just couldn't make it today. But fine, don't be so disappointed. I'm here, my favorite girls are here, so let's keep it a party, right? Let's celebrate.
Dinah: Hit it!
The girls say the boys say
throw your hands up everybody say
the girls say the boys say.
Alan: Elizabeth? Is something wrong?
Lizzie: Maybe nothing. Maybe this is just exactly how it's supposed to be.
Alan: Can I help?
Lizzie: You're the only one who can. Granddad, we have to get the company back. Spaulding belongs with the Spaulding’s.
I think we are gonna be all right
it's just the undertone it pulls us far
from where we started out of our control
but you still feel something greater
keeping us together it brings us home the undertow.
Coming up on "Guiding Light,"
Bill: Did you think I'd be okay with you going to Lizzie, telling her that I'm going to take over the company?
Lizzie: I just can't believe I let myself believe in him, you know?
Alan: Getting our company back.
Lizzie: We are going to rip this out from underneath that arrogant jerk's feet. We're equal partners on this. We're a team.
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