Guiding Light Transcript Friday 5/2/08
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Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Reva: I don't get it, Pops. What's he paying you for?
Hawk: The rights to your story. We are making a movie. Reva, meet Reva.
Reva: You're playing me?
Jolene: I think it's the role of a lifetime.
Reva: You have no idea.
(Knock on the door) (Knock on the door continues)
Cassie: Cyrus? Come on, I know you're in there! Cyrus, look, the thing about getting this employee discount is you actually have to show up for work. (Knocking on the door)
Josh: Hello. Oh, man.
Jolene: Hi there.
Josh: Uh, if you're looking for a service, we finished up a little while ago.
Jolene: Service? No.
Josh: Okay. Well, is there something I can help you with then?
Jolene: This place seems like a really good fit for you.
Josh: Well, yeah, I guess it is. Are you from this area?
Jolene: The whole minister thing, it just fits, doesn't it? For you, for your family. There's a certain harmony to it.
Josh: Do we know each other?
Jolene: Not exactly. It was nice talking to you, Joshua.
Jeffrey: Okay, come on, nice and easy. Come here, sit down here. Nice and easy. Okay. It's all right. Hey, there you are.
Reva: Hey. Do you have any darks you want to throw in this load?
Jeffrey: No, I'm good. But, you know, Olivia had a sweater...
Reva: Yeah, it's right here.
Jeffrey: What's with the... the bag over there?
Reva: You remember when I said there was something I wanted to talk to you about over breakfast?
Jeffrey: Yeah. You know what? Can I wait till lunch? It's not that I'm not curious, but I...
Reva: Olivia?
Jeffrey: She's got some test results this morning.
Reva: Okay, then. Lunch.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Reva: Um, I should probably come with you and say good morning to the patient. It's a beautiful morning, huh?
Olivia: I'll have to get back to you on that.
Reva: Seeing the Doc?
Olivia: Well, so far just getting to the car is an adventure. Jeffrey has offered to drive me, unless you have a problem.
Reva: Yes, I do. Because when he borrows my car, which he does on occasion, he never fills it up. Would you remind him?
Olivia: Men.
Reva: Men!
Jeffrey: Hey.
Reva: Good luck, Olivia.
Olivia: I'm just, um, a little anxious. The waiting. What's he gonna say? Something good? Something not-so-good?
Reva: You can always do what I did. Every other day, when it was about waiting for this test or this result, I used to sit and try to picture what my doctor looked like naked.
Olivia: Naked?
Reva: Uh-huh.
Olivia: With or without a stethoscope? (Laughter)
Josh: Uh, hello, again.
Jolene: Not bad coffee, huh?
Josh: Yeah. I feel like we didn't finish before.
Jolene: How so?
Josh: Well, you know my name. But I don't think that I know you, even though...
Jolene: Even though...
Josh: Even though you do seem familiar to me.
Jolene: (Laughs) I get that a lot.
Josh: Really? Yeah. Do you also get that it seems like you follow people around?
Jolene: I'm sorry. I'm usually better about blending into the background. I did background stuff to pay my way through college.
Josh: Wait a minute. Are you saying that you... you are following me around?
Jolene: I pick up a lot just by observing.
Josh: Pick up what? And by the way, I've got to tell you something, I don't find this funny at all.
Jolene: You know, I would love to pick your brain some time, just to know about, about how things are with Reva now, and how you got to this place. The whole arc.
Josh: The arc?
Jolene: It's very organic to my process.
Josh: How did this become about Reva?
Jolene: You don't know? Oh! Maybe we should work on this another time.
Josh: Work on what?
Jolene: It's not my place to say. So long, Bud.
Cassie: Oh, good, you're alive. I was beginning to wonder.
Cyrus: If you could just keep it down a little bit, that would be great.
Cassie: Whiskey and rum together? That's a... that's a good combination.
Cyrus: Well, I ran out of tequila, so...
Cassie: Okay. Look, why don't you finish getting dressed, and I will wait.
Cyrus: I may not be the best person to take care of this place today.
Cassie: No, probably not. But you are the one on the schedule.
Cyrus: Right. The schedule.
Cassie: Okay. Um, why don't you get Harley back before it's too late, and you can do the Beacon and your liver a favor.
Cyrus: Who says this is all about Harley?
Cassie: It's true. I didn't think you were the kind of guy to go all to pieces over a woman.
Cyrus: I'm not. I wasn’t. What are you doing here today, anyway? I thought it was your day off.
Cassie: It's just easier to be here than at home sometimes, that's all.
Cyrus: Oh, sorry to hear that.
Natalia: I don't get this.
Harley: Well, there's nothing to get. Rafe just shows up for the course at the times that it says, and it lasts six weeks.
Natalia: It's college prep.
Harley: Yeah, it will look good on his resume next year. Help him get into a good school.
Natalia: You just signed him up?
Harley: I heard one of the other officers talking about it, and he said it really helped his kid.
Natalia: No, I can’t... Rafe can’t... I can't accept this.
Harley: Just take it.
Natalia: No. You are having some money issues right now...
Harley: So are you.
Natalia: So what else is new? I still have a job, I have Gus' pension. It's not much, but...
Harley: Just take it, really.
Natalia: So, you just... you called me over here just to...
Harley: No. There is one other thing. Here, for Rafe.
Natalia: This was Gus'.
Harley: You could have it. You can have it if you want.
Natalia: Did you just find all of this stuff today?
Harley: I find stuff of his around the house all the time here. Look, here's this ball signed by Ron Santo. Of course, he's got CD's in here. Endless CD’s.
Natalia: And, of course, he didn't take any of this stuff when he moved out.
Harley: Gus was never the most organized person.
Natalia: No, he was not. Rafe has a jacket of his already. Maybe... maybe you should keep it. The jacket might fit Cyrus.
Harley: Cyrus isn't living here right now.
Natalia: I'm sorry. He seemed like a nice guy. I can look through this stuff, but I think maybe you should keep some of it. Keep some of... Gus. I was the same way the first time I lost him, because he left a lot of stuff behind then, too. I'm sure it was a bunch of junk, but it wasn't junk to me.
Harley: Just tell Rafe that class starts at the end of June.
Harley: I'm Detective Harley Cooper. You're sitting at my desk. Can I help you? Tommy Monday, Ace Debt Collection.
Tommy: We work with the credit card companies.
Harley: Yeah. Well, I thought that everything was okay. They said everything would be okay as long as I put the check in the mail this week.
Tommy: I'm just here as a courtesy, unless, of course, you did mail that check. We're not going to put a lien on your property... yet. We would garnish your wages before we would consider doing anything that drastic, so just relax. This is just a courtesy visit.
Jeffrey: So?
Olivia: Yeah, so?
Jeffrey: So, what's he look like... naked?
Olivia: I think I'm in love. (Laughter) Well, you kind of have that good news, bad news look, unless there is no good news.
Doctor: You're here and looking more like yourself. That's good news.
Olivia: But?
Doctor: There are certain realities we have to contend with. It's nothing we haven't seen before. The numbers for your white blood cell count aren't exactly where we'd like to see them.
Olivia: Okay, but you told me you did expect them to be low.
Doctor: There's low, and then there's low.
Jeffrey: Doctor, please.
Doctor: The regimen we have you on is designed to keep your body from rejecting the new heart. But at the same time, it's going to make you susceptible to infection. It's a balancing act.
Olivia: And I'm working without a net?
Doctor: Please don't be discouraged.
Olivia: Is there something else that's bad for me?
Jeffrey: Should she be doing something differently?
Olivia: You know, why don't I just save us all the trouble and stop breathing?
Doctor: Stay indoors, except for short walks when the weather permits. Get plenty of rest. Follow the diet we sent home with you, and stick to your medication as scheduled. Don't push your limits.
Jeffrey: Ready to go?
Olivia: Not quite.
Jeffrey: The doctor said that...
Olivia: I know. I know what the doctor said.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Olivia: Why don't you go back to work?
Jeffrey: I'm your ride, remember?
Olivia: You have things to do.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, one of them is this.
Olivia: Go, really. Vamoose, scram, skedaddle, keep walking.
Jeffrey: You want to call someone, you know, you can talk to?
Olivia: Talk to about what?
Jeffrey: This.
Olivia: A therapist? No. No.
Jeffrey: It couldn't hurt.
Olivia: My luck, the therapist probably would have a cold. You know, I have to keep germs at bay.
Jeffrey: (Laughing) Well, your luck has been pretty good so far. Okay, you know what, I'll let you have a little alone time, but I'm going to send someone to come get you in about 15 minutes, okay?
Olivia: Okay. Thanks, pal.
Jeffrey: See you at home.
Olivia: Okay.
Reva: Hi.
Josh: Hey, come on in.
Reva: Thanks.
Josh: You're lucky you caught me. I was going to do an extra couple of miles today.
Reva: Really?
Josh: Yeah.
Reva: What stopped you?
Josh: The extra couple of miles.
Reva: Are you okay? You don't look so good.
Josh: No. I'm fine. I had kind of a strange encounter this morning, you know, sort of odd.
Reva: Oh, well, you're going to have another one. (Laughs)
Josh: Great.
Reva: I have some news and a request.
Josh: Let's hear it.
Reva: Hawk is in town, and he introduced me to this movie producer who thinks that my life will make a great movie. And um...
Josh: Oh, boy.
Reva: Yeah. So I've got these right here-- these, lots, lots of pictures and photographs and things. But I have a few blanks, and I thought maybe you might be able to fill those blanks in with your scrap books and old stuff.
Josh: Reva, this is the worst idea ever. And for you and me, that's saying a whole lot.
Reva: It's going to be tasteful.
Josh: Oh, so it's going to be fiction?
Reva: Would you give me a break, Bud, please? Look, they've already cast the lead, and she is doing some research.
Josh: Wait a second. Wait a minute.
Reva: What?
Josh: The lead... sort of your height, wispy blonde?
Reva: You met her?
Josh: Yes. That strange encounter that I had this morning.
Reva: Yeah, well, she's an actress, so you have to expect her to be a little...
Josh: She called me "Bud."
Reva: (Sighs) Okay. So I have these... that's cute! But I have nothing from the summer before.
Josh: Neither do I.
Reva: You haven't even looked.
Josh: I don't need to.
Reva: You don't need to, or you don't want to?
Josh: Reva, if you give your life story over to somebody, you have no control over what they're going to do with it.
Reva: I'm going to be involved!
Josh: Oh, so you're covered. Great!
Reva: What are you worried about? You and Cassie have nothing to be ashamed of, right?
Josh: We don't need the distraction right now, okay?
Reva: You're being selfish.
Josh: Yeah, well, you know what? You're being... look, it's you!
Jolene: Hi.
Reva: You didn't have any trouble finding the place, did you?
Jolene: No, not at all. Your directions were perfect.
Josh: Wait a second. You asked her to come here? How long have you been standing there?
Jolene: Two seconds. Is this a bad time?
Reva: No, no, no. She's here because she wants to pick up all these materials to give to the writer. Josh Lewis, this is Jolene Bowles.
Jolene: I'm sorry about before, Joshua.
Reva: Josh. It's Josh. Just stick to Josh.
Josh: "Reverend Lewis" would be good.
Reva: Or Reverend Lewis.
Jolene: Well, now that you know what's going on, I'd love to sit and talk.
Reva: Well, I just... I don't know. You know, it’s... it's about my life, and it's not about Josh's life, and it's not about Cassie’s life. So I think if you have questions, you should run them through me just to help everyone concerned might be upset...
Jolene: Okay. Sure. Whatever's best.
Reva: Why don't I run into you later?
Jolene: Okay.
Reva: I'll find you and we'll talk.
Jolene: Great.
Reva: Okay.
Jolene: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt whatever conversation you were having.
Reva: No. It's cool. It's fine. It's great. See ya, sweetie. Cute. All right, I get it. It's weird. I know it's weird. But it's also kind of fun.
Josh: Call her back.
Reva: What?
Josh: No. Seriously, call her back, Reva. Because there's something about you I think she absolutely needs to know if she's going to do this.
Reva: Really? What?
Josh: That when you're like this, there's no stopping you!
Natalia: Are you resting?
Olivia: No. I was just reading. Is that for the warriors in pink auction? Because Reva’s not here.
Natalia: First of all, thank you for returning my wedding rings.
Olivia: It wasn't my style.
Natalia: I can write you a check for the money for...
Olivia: Whatever. Whatever.
Natalia: This is actually for you. This is Gus' stuff. Harley has some of it; I have a lot of it. So...
Olivia: Thanks. We can trade off on his birthday.
Natalia: Why do I bother?
Olivia: That's a good question. Why do you? (Coughing)
Natalia: I'm going to make you some tea.
Man: Foley?
Cyrus: Yeah?
Man: You want anything from Manny's?
Cyrus: No, I'm good.
Man: Anything going on over there?
Cyrus: You're kidding, right?
(Knock on the door)
Harley: Just a second. Hey, I'm sorry. I just got your message off my answering machine.
Josh: Great. Great. That's great. Did you get the other two messages that I left for you earlier on your cell phone? I thought... I thought we had an agreement. I thought you were working for me.
Harley: Not officially.
Josh: So you haven't done anything yet?
Harley: Cassie is my friend. Um, I just... I was... waiting.
Josh: Waiting doesn't help me.
Harley: You guys love each other. Can't you work this out?
Josh: That's not what this is about, okay? I just need to know the truth, that she's telling me the truth.
Harley: About the guy?
Josh: Yes, that he's gone. And that he's not coming back.
Harley: You can believe her.
Josh: I want to believe her. I do.
Harley: Okay then.
Josh: Harley, this is sitting in the back of my brain, okay? This is festering. And every time I close my eyes to go to sleep, I see things that I really don't want to see. I have to put this behind me. I'm sorry. I just... here. I wrote you out a check earlier. You would really be helping me out. I understand the problem that you're having, but the fact is that you'd be helping both of us. So, please, just think about it, okay?
Cyrus: Yeah, I'm going to take my break.
Man: It's not time yet.
Cyrus: Sorry, you're breaking up. Over and out.
Cassie: A movie?
Josh: That's what she said. Yes.
Cassie: (Laughs) Um, is this some kind of stunt?
Josh: I don't know. I think it must be flattering for her. Either way, it’s... nuts.
Cassie: But it's definite?
Josh: I met the actress. She was very actressy.
Cassie: What does that mean?
Josh: It means that she was calling me "Joshua"... and "Bud."
Cassie: Oh! Did Reva attack, or what?
Josh: No, not really.
Cassie: Well, was she acting like Reva?
Josh: No, no. I don't think she was in character yet.
Cassie: That's too bad, because, you know, two Reva's... got to be better than one.
Josh: You're really okay with this?
Cassie: Do you really think it matters? You didn't shave today.
Josh: No. No, I didn’t. I forgot, I guess. I've been a little distracted.
Cassie: I miss you.
Josh: I miss you.
Cassie: Come back upstairs with me tonight. I mean, move back into our bedroom, into our bed.
Jeffrey: So is this like a... um, big blockbuster Julia Roberts-type of thing? Or is this more like, you know, a small art house, Indy-type thing?
Reva: Somewhere in between.
Jeffrey: Well, it sounds like fun.
Reva: And that's it?
Jeffrey: Well, I mean, you know, it's not life or death or a heart transplant. I don't think it's that big a deal.
Reva: No, it's not. Hey! (Laughs) You want to meet Reva?
Jeffrey: (Laughing) Yeah.
Jolene: Hey.
Reva: Jolene Bowles, this is...
Jolene: Jeffrey O’Neill. I can call him Jeffrey, right?
Reva: (Laughing) Yes.
Jeffrey: Well, what else would you call me?
Jolene: This is such a treat for me!
Jeffrey: Oh, thank you. I get that all the time. (Laughter) So you're Reva?
Jolene: Well, I'm working on it. I can be brassy when I need to be. (Laughter)
Reva: I wouldn't exactly refer to myself as "brassy."
Jeffrey: (Laughing)
Jolene: No... strong.
Reva: Yeah, "strong."
Jeffrey: "Strong."
Reva: Strong. I like that better.
Jolene: What I'd really love is to spend some time with you. I mean, this connection, I want to feel it the way you feel it.
Reva: Oh, that's not going to happen.
Jolene: Well, maybe I should watch you in action. I mean, in court.
Reva: Oh! He'll get you a tape. (Cell phone rings)
Jolene: It's my agent. Do you mind if I take that? Hey, sweetie!
Reva: So, come on. You must have some opinion.
Jeffrey: Are there any nude scenes in this movie? (Laughter)
(cell phone rings)
Cassie: Sorry. Hello? Uh, George, hold on one second. I'm sorry, I have to take this. It's catering at the Beacon... if you just give me a minute to handle it, then we can talk about tonight.
Josh: Tonight?
Cassie: Yeah. I was thinking... well, I already called Daisy to see if she would watch R.J. I thought maybe we could go out or... I don't know, stay at the suite. Don't you just think we could use some alone time?
Josh: Oh, yeah. It's just that... I, uh...
Cassie: You have plans.
Josh: No. No, not plans. There's just something that I should do. I have to go. Um, but I won't be gone long.
Cassie: So then, we're on for tonight?
Josh: I'll call you.
Cassie: Okay.
Josh: Yeah, go ahead.
Cassie: Go ahead, George, I'm here.
Cyrus: Hi.
Harley: This isn’t... you can't just...
Cyrus: You look great.
Harley: I don’t. And you can't just show up like this.
Cyrus: It was a bad day. I needed to remember why I stayed in this town.
Harley: Do you remember?
Jeffrey: We can come back later. Let's go do something.
Reva: Something?
Jeffrey: Something, you know, just the two of us.
Reva: You're going to think about her the whole time.
Jeffrey: Reva, when I am with you, I am thinking only of you.
Reva: Hmm... liar.
Jeffrey: It was worth a shot, right?
Reva: I'm going to make sure they put that in the movie.
Jeffrey: Let's slip away.
Reva: No. You go do your thing. Go check on her. She needs you. I've got things I have to do anyway. But I'll meet you back here later.
Jeffrey: You promise?
Reva: I promise.
Natalia: You're very nosey.
Olivia: You're very bossy.
Natalia: You're welcome.
Olivia: I didn't ask for that, thanks.
Natalia: You know, Jeffrey’s with Reva. Grabbing a man is not going to fix anything.
Olivia: (Laughing) Well, I wasn’t... you're right. I'm sorry. You are the expert. Thanks for stopping by.
Natalia: This whole recovery thing is hard enough. People actually care about you, believe it or not. So why don't you just let that be the thing that you lean on? Thanks again, for returning my rings.
Olivia: Take the box.
Frank: There you go.
Natalia: Thank you.
Frank: You're welcome. This is nice.
Natalia: Yeah. But I don't want you to turn me into a charity case. You've already been very good to me and Rafe.
Frank: Well, you know what? You're the lifesaver, actually. Um... it's been really nice to have a friend to talk to, and it means a lot to me.
Natalia: We've all been having a rough time.
Frank: Yeah, we have.
Natalia: I guess it... I feel guilty. You have every right to be mad at me... for Harley, for Gus. If they had stayed together, then Harley wouldn't have fallen for Cyrus, and your daughter wouldn't have had her heart broken.
Frank: You know what, Natalia? Life's too short. And things are what they are. Okay?
Natalia: Okay.
Frank: Good. I just... I just want to make sure that we're good, because I really want to make a couple of Frank burgers, and I really only make them for friends, so...
Natalia: Frank burgers?
Frank: Frank burgers! Believe it or not, yes.
Natalia: Are they as good as Buzz burgers?
Frank: Oh, they're better, but don't tell him, okay?
Natalia: Frank?
Frank: Yeah.
Natalia: While we're eating, maybe you might want to tell me one of your favorite Gus stories?
Frank: You got it.
Harley: Why are you here?
Cyrus: You let me in.
Harley: That is not a good enough reason.
Cyrus: Why are you fighting this?
Harley: Because I have to.
Cyrus: It doesn't make any sense.
Harley: You tell me something that does make any sense lately.
Cyrus: You, me, this. What else is there?
Harley: There's a lot. There is so much it makes my head want to explode.
Cyrus: I can help you with all the other stuff.
Harley: I'm spying on one of my best friends.
Cyrus: What?
Harley: It's a job. I mean, at least it's a job, right?
Cyrus: Which best friend?
Harley: Cassie. She slept with another man, and Josh wants me to find out who. Fun, huh?
Jeffrey: Did I wake you up? I'm sorry.
Olivia: No. That's okay. You didn't, really.
Jeffrey: Hey, I was going to call Ava and have her come over here tonight.
Olivia: Tonight?
Jeffrey: Yeah. Reva and I were thinking of doing something. You know what? We can keep it upstairs, and, you know, if you need something, you can just use the intercom.
Olivia: No. Don't worry about it, really.
Jeffrey: You won't be alone.
Olivia: Yeah. Now that you mention it, I think it's time I should go.
Jeffrey: You heard the doctor. It's too early.
Olivia: He's a quack. This time tomorrow, you and Reva will have the place back to yourselves. Three's a crowd.
Josh: Am I late?
Reva: Well, actually, I wasn't really even expecting you to...
Josh: Well, I'm a man of many surprises. I found a bunch of old photos out in the barn.
Reva: That's a good place for them. Thanks.
Josh: Sure. So young.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Harley: Josh is going to hire somebody to find whoever Cassie slept with. The last thing I want to do is spy on Cassie.
Cyrus: Let me do it.
Cassie: Hiring a P.I.?
Cyrus: I took care of it. I convinced Harley to hand the case over to me.
Cassie: To you?
Cyrus: You sure that you want this?
Josh: What's his name?
Cyrus: Chris Boyle.
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