GL Transcript Thursday 5/1/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 5/1/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Olivia: I just had a bad dream.

Reva: You should put that on. You wouldn't want to catch your death. Why is she here?

Jeffrey: She's recovering, Reva.

Olivia: If you're going to kick me out of the house, you can at least walk me back.

Reva: You can stay. Strange.

Jeffrey: Everything okay?

Lizzie: What is this? Hey, that's Mr. Wellmeyer.

Bill: It is.

Lizzie: Those are all the--

Bill: Members of the Spaulding board of directors, am I right? Check me, okay? Arnold Wellmeyer, married to his wife Joyce, 42, three kids, two grandkids, on the board 12 years.

Lizzie: He bought me my first racehorse.

Bill: You are so valuable to me. You and I can take over the world together.

Lizzie: How about you and your sister? Work on that. I've already proved myself in business. I'm working on a life with you.

Bill: You got it, babe.

Lizzie: Babe? (Laughter)

Lizzie: You know, I trust you to take care of Spaulding while we're merging. I know I fight my granddad a lot, but this company means a lot to a lot of people, including my little brothers and sisters, so...

Bill: I completely respect Spaulding, I do. I want these guys to like me. These are the guys with the edge, and they know if I don't play nice, my girlfriend will be mean to me-- burn my dinners or withhold sex...

Lizzie: Okay, I am not that mean. I'll never be that mean.

Bill: So we're good? Come here. Try again.

Lizzie: No. No. (Laughs)

Bill: I'm a busy guy. Let's grab our fun when we can. Go ahead. Oh! Oh, nice, nice! We're going to do it together. (Counting in Spanish) Oh!

Ava: Oh, yeah-- ooh, ooh.

Remy: The question is: Did you stretch?

Ava: Sure.

Remy: Right.

Ava: Sure I did. Sure.

Remy: Uh-huh.

Ava: The truth is that I hate stretching. I just want to get right to it, start whatever it is we're doing and go right to it.

Remy: Uh-huh, you want instant gratification?

Ava: Uh-huh. Who doesn't?

Remy: But is that any way to get what you really, really want?

Ava: What? What? (Coughs) What?

Remy: Results. You know, you can't just dive in. You've got to plan. I mean, life is full of enough surprises, right?

Ava: Yeah.

Remy: It's probably not my place, but, uh... Bill-- I mean, he should be the one jogging with you. He should be working out your cramps, you know?

Ava: Yeah.

Remy: But, hey, I'm not complaining.

Ava: No, no, no, not me, either. I'm not complaining either. Not at all. Ouch!

Remy: I got it. I got it. Magic fingers to the rescue. I can be here all day long.

Ava: Okay.

(Knock on the door)

Alan: One minute.

Beth: Hey, there! Somebody was missing her daddy.

Alan: Well, of course she missed her daddy. I knew the first time I saw her she was going to be a revelation.

Beth: And you didn't even know she was yours the first time.

Alan: No, but I do now, and that's all that matters. You know, you're really testing my willpower by bringing her over here.

Beth: That was not my intention. I heard what you were trying to do, get us back into the house.

Alan: Yes. And Dinah is going to pay severely for turning me down.

Beth: That wasn't necessary.

Alan: Well, there are a lot of things that aren't necessary, but that doesn't mean you don't want them, hmm?

Beth: Doing your own laundry, huh? (Laughs)

Alan: And I'm not that bad, not that bad at all. Listen, are you hungry?

Beth: Sure. But, I'll tell you what, I'll treat.

Alan: No. I'll treat.

Beth: Hmm. Okay.

Reva: Hey! Hey! Why are you following me?

Carsen: Wait, listen--

Reva: No, no, no. I don't have to listen. I saw you. You were watching me when I came out of the coffee shop, and then you turned around really quick and you started looking into the window of the wine store. What is up with that?

Carsen: Calm down.

Remy: Oh, I am calm. You should see me when I'm really pissed. You want to explain that to me? Now!

Hawk: Maybe you'll let me do the talking.

Reva: Pop?

Hawk: And give poor Carsen a break there.

Reva: What-- what's going on?

Hawk: We are here to change your life.

Bill: Hey, I got a surprise for you. It's a rough draft, so I just want to share with you.

Lizzie: Okay.

Bill: Tah-dah! You like? Do you love it? See, I told you, baby: I've got everything under control. No problems. No problems. Give me a kiss.

Lizzie: (Laughs)

Reva: Okay, what is going on?

Hawk: I've been picking up a few extra bucks lately taking tourists out on fishing trips down the creek.

Reva: Tourists are coming to Cross Creek?

Hawk: It's getting to be something of a destination-- slickers from all over: Chicago, Cleveland, California.

Reva: Really? And you're the guide?

Hawk: I show them the good spots and give them a little local fever.

Reva: I can see it all now.

Hawk: I'm sitting out in the boat with this fella. Terrible fisher, but he's a good talker, and nothing is biting, and I'm spit-balling to pass the time...

Reva: And what are you talking about?

Hawk: You mean who?

Reva: Me?

Hawk: Yeah. Before I know it, he whips out this checkbook and puts a bunch of zeros under my name and we're in business.

Reva: Business? What kind of business? I don't get it, Pop. What's he paying you for?

Hawk: Your life, the rights to your story. We are making a movie.

Beth: Okay, Peyton, this is the deal: Your daddy is not very domestic. So whatever he cooks, your mommy is going to say it tastes great because a little white lie never hurt anyone.

Alan: Here are your eggs. I'll go back and get your bacon in just one minute.

Beth: Mmm, this is good. That man can do anything he puts his mind to.

Alan: Yes, I can. Peyton, your daddy is full of surprises.

Hawk: We move in low, see, and establish you standing tall and firm against an angry Oklahoma sky.

Reva: What, you're a director now, too?

Hawk: No. Producer. I'm the one selling the story.

Reva: My story. You're selling my story?

Hawk: Right.

Reva: Who is going to write it?

Hawk: Carson says it will write itself, I mean, no problem getting someone to word it in.

Reva: That explains why the movies are so good these days.

Hawk: Do you think for one minute I would have said yes to something like this if I didn't think it would be great?

Reva: You said yes. I didn't say yes. I don't remember even being asked.

Carson: Who's ready for one-on-one?

Reva: You two are serious about this?

Carson: We'll ride, we'll talk, and if you don't like it, we'll both go our separate ways with no hard feelings. But at least hear me out. Please.

Reva: Okay, I'll hear you out.

Carson: Got it from here, Hawkman.

Reva: Hawkman? You've got to be kidding.

Carson: You know what they call me?

Reva: To your face or behind your back?

Carson: I love her.

Reva: Everybody loves me.

Lizzie: Are you okay?

Bill: You ready?

Lizzie: You are going to be amazing.

Bill: That's the plan.

Ava: It looks a little crooked. Especially your side, it should come up a couple of inches.

Lizzie: How did you get in here?

Ava: I'm still a part of Spaulding. I earned my pass key, unlike some of else.

Lizzie: I can't punch a pregnant woman, can I?

Bill: Ava, what's up?

Ava: I just stopped by to see how I could be a part of the team. I’m ready willing and able.

Bill: Promoting the mother of my baby the minute I walk in the door, not going to win a popularity contest. But thank you for the offer, just sit tight.

Lizzie: Good decision. See you tonight.

Ava: This move could make or break you. You know that.

Bill: Yes, I know that. And I am ready. I have been ready longer than you even know.

Ava: You need me. You know that I'm the closest one to Alan. I read all the memos I wasn't supposed to read, I listened in on all the private conversations.

Bill: You sure you want to be telling me this information-- the guy you want a job from?

Ava: I figured out a long time ago that the real currency around this place is information. Just forget it. You know what? I'm not in the mood to beg. You'll be sorry.

Bill: Well, I'll take my chances.

Carson: The thing is, in this business everyone has a good first act. My brother can pitch you a good first act, and he's a moron. The second act, that's the elephant graveyard for scripts.

Reva: And you think I have a good second act.

Carson: You think I'm a joke, don't you?

Reva: Why would I think that?

Carson: Here is what I know: Everyone is looking for a way to give their life meaning, to make it matter.

Reva: And it doesn't matter unless it's a movie?

Carson: Or a TV show, but movies are bigger.

Reva: Comedy or drama?

Carson: Small-town girl on the outside looking in, crawling, grasping, struggling her way to true love, coming close, only to find it slipping away. Finally making it happen against all odds, and then, whammo.

Reva: Whammo?

Carson: Cancer. There's no hope. It's time to pack it in. And she gives the love of her life to who? Her sister. I'm a mess; I'm crying. And you know what? I haven't even gotten out of act two yet. Wait until she beats it!

Reva: You actually believe all of this?

Carson: They're going to have to carry me out when the credits roll. I have lost the power to stand on my own two feet. (Laughs)

Reva: Wow, a movie, hmm... about my life?

Carson: Told your way. We would even put you in the room with the writer.

Reva: I think I'm going to need more than that.

Carson: An important credit, one that reflects your level of importance to the project.

Reva: Oh. Well, I was kind of thinking more along the lines of taking a look at that check you wrote my father. I'm sure he accepted the first low-ball offer you made him.

Carson: I'm beginning to smell a deal here.

Reva: Well, that depends. Who do you see playing me?

Ava: Oh, so adorable.

Beth: Thank you.

Ava: I know you don't like me.

Beth: I-- I don't know you, Ava. But I do know you're causing my daughter pain, and I don't like that.

Ava: Bill does have something to do with this. Why is it the girl that always takes the blame? I don't get it.

Beth: Do you love Bill?

Ava: I want a family for my baby. I just want my baby to have everything. I grew up poor.

Beth: I know. I did, too.

Ava: Well, to be totally honest with you, I want everything. And if it means stepping over Lizzie to get it, I'd rather not, but I'll do whatever I have to do.

Beth: We'll see.

Reva: You know what? I think I'm going to have Ruby put something toxic on these nails of hers so she'll stop biting them.

Daisy: It's a bad habit. I picked it up from my grandma.

Ruby: I'm running low on this shade. I'll get more from the back.

Reva: Maybe she should find something black to fit your dark mood.

Daisy: I'm sorry.

Reva: No sorries. Just know it will all get better.

Daisy: Maybe not. Maybe I hit my peak with Rafe. Did you ever think of that?

Reva: You are talking like a silly, silly girl. Yes, Rafe was part of your past, and he shaped what you are and who you are, but, you know, come on.

Daisy: Thanks, Dr. Reva. Let's get Ruby back here and maybe I will take that black polish.

Reva: Well, at least nobody is trying to make a movie about how miserable and messed up your life is.

Daisy: What?

Reva: Your great grandpa Hawk is trying to sell my life story to a movie producer.

Daisy: That's so amazing!

Reva: You think?

Daisy: Like a real movie, with cameras and actors? They'll shoot it here?

Reva: I guess.

Daisy: You have to do it. Can I work on it? I need a job. I'd do anything.

Reva: Daisy, I haven't even given them an answer.

Daisy: You have to say yes. You have to say yes. Why haven't you given them an answer?

Reva: Because... do I really need to relive the history of my life? Everything in my life now is simple, and I love living with Jeffrey, and I love looking after my beautiful granddaughter.

Daisy: That sounds like an excuse to me, like you're running from your past. Wait, movies, that means money. Do I get a free manicure out of this?

Reva: You are a con artist.

Daisy: Yeah, I got that from my grandma, too.

Lizzie: Wow, Mom told me, but look at you go.

Alan: It's all in the wrist.

Lizzie: What else can you make?

Alan: Waffles, corn beef hash, scrambled?

Lizzie: What is that?

Alan: You don't want to know. None of my wives cooked, but they didn't have to. Why don't we give it a shot? Let me ask you something: Is Bill a french toast kind of guy?

Lizzie: He doesn't really have time to eat breakfast, especially not these days.

Alan: Yeah, he and his idiot sister are trying to take over my company. I know.

Lizzie: I was going to tell you--

Alan: Don't worry. I'm not mad at you. You know, one of the problems is people flip the bread too soon. They don't have patience, but I do. When I start a project, I make sure it ends the way I want it to.

Lizzie: You know, Bill is really going to make this great. I wouldn't be surprised if we all ended up working together.

Alan: You know, I thought I had taught you a few basic things about life.

Lizzie: Like what?

Alan: Never trust a man.

Lizzie: Even you?

Alan: I'm your grandfather. I'm your family. I mean, you love me, but you don't trust me, and I respect you for that.

Lizzie: Well, I trust Bill. He's going to respect the past and take us into the future.

Alan: Really? I think he's just like any other man. He has an agenda. He has to prove himself. He has a chip on his shoulder.

Lizzie: He loves me and he wants me to be happy.

Alan: He wants it all, but he'll learn and you had better be careful.

Lizzie: I can't stand all of this cynicism. Here.

Alan: What's this? You want me to write down the recipe?

Lizzie: No. I want you to write down your bank account number. I'm going to raid my trust fund. I'm going to give you some money. It's a loan, it's not a gift. It's an investment to get you started with whatever you're starting.

Alan: You will never learn.

Bill: Hey, Dad.

Billy: You know who I am! I'm surprised.

Bill: Don't start, okay?

Billy: Where else are you going to get a reality check? Bill, you're in over your head.

Bill: Well, I'm a big boy now.

Billy: You're a man. Let's have a man-to-man about the Spaulding takeover. Your granddaddy started the family business, and now we're just another division in the world's most evil empire.

Bill: Thank you for your input.

Billy: Don’t you care about the family name? The legacy?

Bill: It is a merger.

Billy: Spaulding is ten times as big as our Lewis. We'll disappear--

Bill: Our business will not disappear.

Billy: I've been down this road. And it's not worth it.

Bill: You know what? It's not the same, because Alan is finished.

Billy: Maybe, but he always has a way of coming back. Just... what are you doing this now for? You've got a wonderful woman in your life, you've got a baby on the way. I know it's not perfect, but it's still happening. Don't you have more important things to do?

Bill: This conversation is why I'm doing it. You telling me I'm in over my head. You said I am a grown man. This is my shot, and I'm going to take it. And I can do this. Thank you for your concern, but I have work to do, so take care. You've got to come down to Lewis and meet me, okay? Now.

Rick: Hey, look who it is. What a surprise.

Beth: Hey, I thought you were in surgery.

Rick: Oh, so, I'm assuming you weren't desperately running around town looking for me? Hey, it doesn't matter. Now that you're here, I would love to take you guys out for breakfast.

Beth: Um, actually, I just ate a little while ago.

Rick: Oh, yeah, with Alan?

Beth: Let's not do this, okay?

Rick: I know. I'm trying to figure out why he's even an option for you now.

Beth: Well, if it helps, he wonders the same thing about you.

Rick: I was just assuming, you know, now that he doesn't have any money or power, it would make him a little less interesting--

Beth: What? Oh, you think that I'm just attracted to someone based on their money and power.

Rick: No, I didn't say that. I'm just talking about him, how pathetic he is-- he's a loser.

Beth: I don't understand why you want to save this marriage if you have such a low opinion of me.

Rick: You're trying to pick a fight with me because you, Beth, are feeling guilty about how much time you're spending with him.

Beth: I am not. Part of me is guilty, yes.

Rick: Thank you. And what about the other part?

Beth: The other part feels like you pushed me to this place.

Rick: Well, I didn't mean to, okay? How about I just give you a little break here? I can take Peyton for a walk for a couple of hours, just give you some time to yourself. How does that sound?

Beth: Okay. Thank you.

Daisy: I had a good day.

Billy: Did you?

Daisy: Yeah, I got free nails with Grandma and free shopping with Grandpa.

Billy: Well, we like to do what we can.

Daisy: Well, my wardrobe thanks you.

Billy: And where is your mom?

Daisy: I don't know. Out, I guess. You want one?

Billy: No. No, thanks.

Billy: Wait, wait. Where are your brothers?

Daisy: Well, I don't see a sitter, so they must be at a friend's house. I'm a big girl. You can leave me here alone, you know.

Billy: Sometimes it's good to have a distraction when you don't want to think about things you don't want to think about.

Daisy: It doesn't matter. I get my nails done, and I wonder what Rafe is going to think about the color. And I go shopping, and I wonder what Rafe will think about my new sweater. Empty house, house full of people, it just doesn't matter. But you know what?

Billy: What?

Daisy: I'm okay. You know, I'm sad that it's over, but I really loved him and I know that we tried. So somehow it makes it easier.

Billy: When did you get so wise?

Daisy: I don't know. Somewhere between the nail salon and the mall.

Billy: I have a feeling it was before that.

Daisy: Thanks.

Billy: You seem pretty good, so...

Daisy: Go, Grandpa.

Billy: I kind of want to go over to Lewis and see if Bill is ready to listen to some sense.

Daisy: Well, go meddle in Bill's life because I'm all set.

Billy: We'll do this again soon.

Daisy: You bring your wallet and I'll bring my keen fashion sense. Maybe we'll even get you something next time.

Alan: What happened, Rick? What did you do to her?

Rick: I didn't do anything to her. We're just taking a walk.

Alan: Why is she crying?

Rick: Boo-Boo. Where is Boo-Boo, the pink bunny? She wants it. That's why she's screaming like a maniac. That's my life, looking for pink bunnies. If I don't find Boo-Boo, I'm dead meat.

Remy: Mmm, I love working for you.

Lizzie: Well, you could have fooled me. Have you seen Ava? I had to hide behind a plant so she wouldn't see me. I have had enough of her for one day. I need you to step things up. Listen to me. Bill and I are on the verge of having everything we want, and giraffe girl is determined to screw it up.

Remy: What do you need?

Lizzie: I need you to step things up with Ava. I need you to distract her. I need you to make her want to be around you instead of latch on to Bill. I know she's hard to take, but that's what I'm paying you for.

Remy: She's not that hard to take.

Lizzie: Good. I need you to distract her. Use your best moves. Make her forget about Bill.

Ava: Hey, what's up?

Bill: Hey, I changed my mind. If you want the job, it's yours.

Ava: What job?

Bill: The job, the office, the name on the door, the whole nine yards.

Ava: Um, I don't know.

Bill: What do you mean you don't know? I don't have time for games. Are you in or not?

Ava: I’m in.

Rick: How do you possibly lose a bunny every five minutes like Peyton does?

Alan: Well, she probably threw it or it fell out of her stroller.

Rick: She throws it, she throws everything at me, forks, spoons, rocks...

Alan: I'm glad to hear that.

Rick: How far could she have possible thrown Boo-Boo? It's a pink bunny, right?

Alan: Where's the last time you saw it?

Rick: Last time it was over by the slide. That's the last time I saw it.

Alan: Go look.

Billy: Let's go to the movies.

Reva: A movie?

Billy: Yeah, something nice and mindless. I had a run-in with Bill and I need a little distraction.

Reva: A little escape?

Billy: Yeah, let somebody else do my thinking for me for a few hours. What?

Reva: Oh, I'll tell you some other time.

Billy: Okay. You in?

Reva: No, I think I'm going to pass. There's really nothing out right now that I want to see.

Billy: Okay.

Reva: Billy, what if they made a movie about you, about your life?

Billy: Who would pay to see that?

Reva: If they made a movie about you, would you change anything? Would you, maybe, I don't know, gloss over the rough edges?

Billy: Darling, my whole life has been rough edges. I don't think I would change anything. If you don't own who you were, then you can't own who you are, right? Anyway, I'm going to see if our granddaughter wants a free ticket to the movies.

Reva: Bye.

Rick: Beth's going to hang me upside down if I don't find Boo-Boo. You could come over here. Alan, could you stop making worthless a hobby and come over here...?

Alan: We're doing fine, Rick. Just keep looking.

Rick: Boo-Boo! Boo-Boo! Oh, my God, thank you. Beth's not going to kill me. Oh, just, just-- here, sweetie. Here's Boo-Boo. She needs a little bath.

Alan: You know something, Rick? This is the reason you should not be allowed to be around Peyton.

Lizzie: Hi.

Bill: There she is, shopping. I see.

Lizzie: I got you a present. I thought you worked at Spaulding.

Ava: Isn't it Lewis/ Spaulding?

Lizzie: Spaulding/Lewis, actually. That's right. I guess maybe you might have a future with the company yet.

Ava: Things are looking brighter every day. How about if I leave you two crazy kids alone? Before things get really nutty. Later. Boss.

Bill: Thank you, Ava.

Lizzie: Why did she look at you like that?

Bill: Like what?

Lizzie: Like you two have a secret. What's going on?

Bill: Okay, listen to me. I changed my mind. I had to hire her.

Lizzie: What?

Bill: Listen to me. If I'm going to take down Alan, put my father in his place and anyone else who doubts me, I will need everyone in my corner. So will you please support me on this, okay? Please?

Lizzie: I do support you.

Bill: Good. I'm glad. That means a lot to me.

Lizzie: Okay. I guess I can try to be okay with the Ava thing.

Bill: You'll try? Thank you.

Lizzie: You're welcome.

Bill: You’re the best.

Lizzie: I know.

Bill: I know you know.

Beth: You found this all on your own?

Rick: Hey, I like hunting for pink bunnies. Why is that so hard for you to believe?

Beth: Because you lose your keys every day.

Rick: Yes, I do. But I'm not a loser. (Cell phone rings) Oh, man. I have to get back to work.

Beth: It's okay. It's okay. I wasn't hungry anyway.

Rick: I didn't bring you here to have some food. I wanted to have a cocktail with you. Sorry. Try to hide that response. Bye, sweetheart.

Man: Ms. Raines, this is for you.

Beth: Oh, thank you.

Hawk: We're making a movie?

Reva: Yes, we're making a movie.

Hawk: You're doing it!

Reva: Although I absolutely do not know why. Hey, I know that girl. Wait-- hey-- excuse me! Stop, stop, stop! We've met before, haven't we? At the cancer group, and then at the Towers, but I tried to catch you but I wasn't fast enough.

Hawk: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let me make the introductions.

Reva: You know her?

Hawk: You don't recognize Jolene Bowles?

Reva: Why does that name sound familiar?

Hawk: She's only the biggest star in independent film.

Reva: Star?

Jolene: This is such a pleasure. I hope you don't mind. I like to observe, see how a person moves, interacts, just is.

Reva: You mean you...

Hawk: Reva, meet Reva.

Reva: You're playing me?

Jolene: Well, that's the idea. I'm excited. I think it's the role of a lifetime.

Reva: The role of a lifetime, huh, Jolene?

Jolene: Uh-huh.

Reva: You have no idea.

Ava: "You have to stay away from Remy. He was ready to tell Lizzie about what we did to Alan. I talked him out of it. This is the wrong time to get sloppy."

Lizzie: So the transfer did go through? Okay, thank you. Hey.

Bill: Hey. You know, Wanda can help you with that stuff.

Lizzie: Wanda is busy. Maybe Ava could do it. (Laughs) Look, I'm making Ava jokes. See, see, it's all good. Anyway, I wasn't paying a bill.

Bill: No? What are you doing?

Lizzie: I gave some money to my granddad as an investment.

Bill: Really? That's interesting.

Lizzie: I want him to be okay even if he's not king of the world.

Bill: Man, he does not deserve you.

Lizzie: Maybe not. You do, though.

Bill: I do?

Lizzie: Yes. I know I told you this like a million times, but my family is so lucky that you're the one that took over the company.

Bill: Really?

Lizzie: Uh-huh.

Bill: How about we take a shower?

Lizzie: That sounds like a great idea.

Bill: Great idea.

Lizzie: See, you're still fun.

Bill: Am I still fun? So get in there and get it started for us.

Lizzie: Do not take long.

Bill: Oh, my, my. Spaulding/Lewis Enterprises. Or maybe just Lewis Enterprises. Much better.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Harley: You guys love each other. Can't you work this out?

Josh: I just need to know the truth.

Cassie: I thought maybe we could go out or stay at the suite.

Josh: I'll call you.

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