GL Transcript Wednesday 4/30/08

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 4/30/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Olivia: Are you stalking me?

Natalia: I'm glad to see you up and around. It's better than watching you waste away, trying to put Gus' heart in the grave.

Jeffery: Natalia, it wasn't his fault.

Natalia: I'm trying to figure out what Gus would want me to do.

Olivia: For God's sake, you were his wife. Shouldn't you know? Because I do.

Natalia: My husband was a very good man. He'd forgive you. So do I.

Dinah: Hello, Bill. Give me a call as soon as you can, okay? We need to discuss plans. The countdown is on. Bye.

(Music playing)

Natalia: Oh, oh!

Daisy: Hi.

Natalia: Oh.

Daisy: Sorry.

Natalia: Oh, okay. Thank you.

Daisy: Yeah, sure. Um, uh, how's Rafe doing?

Natalia: You don't know?

Daisy: We're... we're not... we're not together anymore. It's been pretty hard.

Natalia: Well, he's not doing so good. He got into a fight.

Daisy: Oh, my God. Is he okay?

Natalia: Yeah, he, uh... actually, it was more of him just busting his hand against another kid's face, so he'll be fine.

Daisy: Uh, where is he? Is he alone?

Natalia: Yeah. I had to come to work.

Daisy: You know, I wasn't all bad for Rafe. We had plans. We had good plans.

Natalia: (Laughs)

Daisy: What?

Natalia: No, nothing. It's just...

Daisy: What?

Natalia: It's just that Gus said the same thing to my father when we were in high school.

Olivia: Jeffery. Jeffrey?

Jeffrey: What's wrong?

Olivia: My heart. It's beating so fast, I can't get it to slow down.

Jeffrey: All right, come on, come on. Sit down over here. Now, do you want me to call an ambulance? We can get you to the hospital.

Olivia: No, I don't need a doctor. I just had a bad dream about Gus, and I can't calm down.

Reva: You should put that on. Wouldn't want to catch your death. Are you surprised I'm home? I know Olivia was.

Jeffrey: Well, you made quite an entrance.

Reva: Yeah, well, just testing her new ticker. Look what you get.

Jeffrey: What is it?

Reva: It's cologne.

Jeffrey: Cologne?

Reva: Mm-hmm.

Jeffrey: What? Are you trying to tell me something?

Reva: What?

Jeffrey: Whoa, this is strong!

Reva: (Laughs) Maybe that you stink for moving the missus into the home?

Jeffrey: The ex-missus, okay? We got an amicable divorce.

Reva: Congratulations! Why is she here?

Jeffrey: She's recovering, Reva.

Reva: In my home?

Jeffrey: Yes. I mean, no. Yes! For now.

Reva: Were you snuggling on the couch?

Jeffrey: Stop. Look, I didn't tell you because I knew if I did that you would cut your trip short.

Reva: Which I did, when Billy called.

Jeffrey: I wanted you to come back when you were ready. I didn't want you to worry. Okay, am I in big trouble?

Reva: Hm. But you smell fantastic! (Sniffs) Whoo!

Jeffrey: What, what?

Reva: Hoo!

Jeffrey: We got an annulment. Okay, doesn't that make you feel better?

Reva: Uh, not so much.

Dinah: Oh, hey. Is Bill in there?

Natalia: No, I just finished making up his room.

Dinah: Oh. Shoot. I really need to talk to him. You know what? I never told you how sorry I am about Gus. I really am sorry.

(Music playing)

Ashlee: It was the best night of my life.

Daisy: I would ask for details, but Coop was my uncle before he was your boyfriend, so I'm just going to say I'm happy for you guys.

Ashlee: We were safe, if that's what you mean.

Daisy: Oh, good to know. Thanks. You look like you lost some weight already.

Ashlee: Yeah, my jeans are a little loose.

Daisy: I don't know how you do the "just liquids" thing. I would go crazy.

Ashlee: It's not for too much longer. Do you want to do some cardio first?

Daisy: Sure. I can't believe they let you work out already.

Ashlee: Well, they say to wait longer, but I feel fine now, so...

Daisy: How much longer?

Ashlee: Um, a month.

Blake: Nervous? Hmm?

Coop: Um, should I be?

Blake: Oh, no! No, no, no, no, no! This is actually a wonderful way to connect with the fans.

Coop: What kind of people can I expect to meet there?

Blake: Mature women. They come to these meetings, and they buy the books.

Coop: "Mature?" Old people?

Blake: Mature women. You got a problem with that?

Coop: (Laughing) No. No, ma'am.

Rafe: Oh, crap.

Natalia: Have you even left this room today?

Rafe: Oh, French dip!

Natalia: Yes.

Rafe: Gus got me into them.

Natalia: I know. I knew you liked them.

Rafe: Yeah, thank you.

Natalia: So, is the swelling going down?

Rafe: Mom, would you just leave it alone, please? Stop. I'll take care of it.

Natalia: I can take you for an x-ray. It's not good for you to just be sitting in here by yourself all day long.

Rafe: Well, I'm not. You're here.

Natalia: Well, don't you want to do something? You should go out. Maybe call Daisy, see what she's doing.

Rafe: Do I need to take you to see the doctor?

Natalia: You spend too much time worrying about me. You need your friends, and you need something to do.

Rafe: Stop, stop. I hate when you do that, all right? Stop it!

Natalia: I'm just trying to learn to trust the man I've raised. Yes. That's what you are.

Ashlee: What? I was just about to hit a mile!

Daisy: I just, I don't want Coop getting on me about you working out.

Ashlee: Look, I just want to get moving. I'm tired of sitting still and walking around the block.

Daisy: Yeah, but, just wait, please?

Ashlee: You know what? I'm tired of waiting. I'm sorry, you're right. I shouldn’t... I shouldn’t. I'll just...

Daisy: Why don't we just go see a movie? What do you want to see?

Ashlee: You know what? I think I'm just going to walk home and rest.

Daisy: Okay, good. All right, so, we'll be back here. A few weeks.

Ashlee: Yeah, I'll see you then.

Coop: So, what chapter should I read?

Blake: Page 53.

Coop: 53. That's pretty specific.

Blake: Yup.

Coop: Um... (laughs) No way. No way am I reading this to a bunch of "mature" women.

Blake: No, honey. They're going to love it. They're going to love you. I'll be right back, and then we'll take off.

Coop: Okay, okay. Take your time.

Andy: I saw the flier, man. Nice book!

Coop: Hey! Thank you very much. Oh, don't tell me you guys are playing today?

Andy: Yeah, and our point guard is ditching us for book club.

Coop: All right, all right, all right. Enough. Look, I will be back, as I told you, but I just, you know, this publicity stuff has been keeping me pretty busy.

Blake: Oh, okay. All right, that's Freddy, from the bookstore, and he would like us to get there early so you can sign some copies for the staff, okay?

Coop: Okay. All right, yeah, I'll just grab my stuff.

Andy: Who's that?

Coop: That? Blake? Oh, well, yeah, Blake. She's my agent.

Andy: Nice, dude!

Coop: Dude, shut up! (Laughs)

Dinah: Boy troubles?

Daisy: How did you know?

Dinah: Slammed your phone. I have about 20 broken phones to prove it.

Daisy: I want to help him. I want him to know I'm here for him.

Dinah: Rafe? We both know what it's like to lose a dad, don't we?

Daisy: I know. That's why he needs me right now, you know? I've done this before, twice. I lost both of my parents. I can help.

Dinah: Maybe you ought to start by helping yourself. I mean, you could have every thing, I mean, you could have everything you want for Rafe and everything you want for Daisy. I did it.

Reva: So, how's that sweater working out for you?

Olivia: Fine, thanks.

Reva: You look good. Better than you did the last time I saw you.

Olivia: Well...

Reva: What?

Olivia: I have my good days, I have my bad days.

Reva: Well, you're up and moving around.

Olivia: I can't get very far, but I'm working on it.

Reva: And you know what? I'm going to help you work on it. Let's go take a nice, long walk.

Jeffrey: Reva?

Olivia: I can't walk very far.

Reva: Yeah. I heard you the first time. Doesn't matter. Why don't you go on upstairs, I'll help you get dressed.

Olivia: Well, you'll be happy to hear I've been doing that on my own.

Blake: I want you to read a little from chapter two, and then skip to right there. Now practice for me.

Coop: Oh...

Blake: Read it.

Coop: Blake, are you serious? I mean, come on, shouldn't I do something a little more suspenseful? You know, get the people really involved with it? What about the boat chase?

Blake: Trust me. They're going to eat it up. Read.

Coop: (Sighs) All right. "He knew he was too young, and definitely too inexperienced, for a woman like her. But he couldn't leave. Every time he tried to walk away, he took a step closer." Yeah.

Blake: Perfect.

(Knock on door)

Daisy: Okay, I'm coming. Chill. Hey. I'm just doing some statistics.

Rafe: You need any help?

Daisy: You want to help me with statistics?

Rafe: Will it get me in the door?

Daisy: Um, I'm confused.

Rafe: All right, which one?

Daisy: No, I know how to do the math. Rafe, what are you doing here?

Rafe: I just want to be here, okay?

Natalia: Yeah. There you go. You eat it.

Dinah: Hey, working up a sweat, huh?

Ashlee: Yeah, no... (coughs) No pain, no gain.

Dinah: You all right?

Ashlee: Yeah.

Dinah: You know, if I ever work out, I get a terrible stitch.

Ashlee: I have stitches, actually. I had surgery.

Dinah: Really? For what?

Ashlee: Um, it's a gastric banding procedure. They put this thing of elastic around your stomach to suppress your hunger.

Dinah: Wow. Good for you.

Ashlee: You think so?

Dinah: Yeah. I think if you know what you want, you should do whatever it takes to get it.

Reva: It's a long walk back from death.

Olivia: Isn't that a Neil Young song?

Reva: My whole life is a Neil Young song.

Olivia: Really? You kind of strike me as a Dolly.

Reva: Dolly?

Olivia: Yeah.

Reva: Maybe. So are you happy to be here?

Olivia: In the woods?

Reva: On this earth. I know what it's like, I do. When you think, "this is it." That it's over, it's done, it's finished, you've said your good bye's and you try to wrap your heart around that whole thing. That it's done. And then all of a sudden, a miracle. You're a miracle, Olivia.

Olivia: I'm tired.

Reva: That's when you have to push yourself even harder. So, let me ask. Did Jeffery cook his chicken O’Neill?

Olivia: No. He didn't mention his chicken O’Neill.

Reva: Really?

Olivia: Mm-hmm.

Reva: Hm. Good.

Olivia: Did you bring me out here to talk about chicken?

Reva: This is a very special chicken. It's kind of a personal dish.

Olivia: I see. Um, nope, no, didn't cook for me at all... well, breakfast. Does that count?

Reva: Yes.

Olivia: Oh.

Reva: Yes, that counts! Why did you divorce him?

Olivia: It seemed like the right thing to do. I don't have the energy to make up a big story. He did something nice for me, so I decided to do something nice back. That's it. It's just my good deed for the year.

Reva: Right.

Olivia: All right, look. If you're going to kick me out of the house, could you at least walk me back?

Reva: You can stay.

Olivia: What?

Reva: Just stay away from Jeffrey. I'll take care of you. (Laughter) Watch your step! (Laughter)

Jeffrey: Yes, that's right. For two. Thank you. Thank you. You made it.

Olivia: Barely.

Jeffrey: Can I get you anything?

Olivia: Oh, I probably should go lie down. Would you help me get there?

Reva: Sure.

Jeffrey: Reva?

Reva: Yeah?

Jeffrey: Is everything okay?

Reva: Yeah, sure, oh yeah. We're great.

Blake: You're great. You are better than great. I am so proud of you.

Coop: Oh, Blake, thank you so much. Oh, God! Oh! Wow. (Laughter)

Blake: Yeah.

Daisy: Does it hurt?

Rafe: Pretty much, all the time.

Daisy: I know what it feels like, you know? I've been there. I'm glad you came over.

Ava: Hi!

Olivia: She's back!

Ava: (Laughing) I know. She let me in. You look beat. Did Reva beat you?

Olivia: No, it's worse. She's trying to take care of me.

Ava: Ooh. That's scary. Is there something else wrong? I can take you to the hospital.

Reva: No, you know what? You can take me to get my prescription. That would be great.

Ava: Okay, I'll go get it. You stay here.

Olivia: I... know, I've got to...

Ava: You stay here.

Olivia: I've got to get out of here, really. It's okay.

Ava: No...

Olivia: Tell me something to cheer me up.

Ava: I'm pregnant! (Laughs)

Coop: Well, first we had a difference as to what to read, which chapters to focus on, but in the end, Blake picked, and she picked right. They loved her.

Blake: I'm watching out for you. You remember that!

Coop: I do.

Ashlee: (Laughs) So Daisy, she called me, and she was wondering if we could get together with her and Rafe. I think they're back together, or something.

Coop: Oh.

Blake: Well, that sounds like fun. Where are they?

Ashlee: Um, they're at Company, actually, but I don't know for how long.

Coop: Hm. Well, we're done here, so Blake, again, thank you so much for everything today. I really appreciate it. And I will talk to you soon.

Ashlee: Thanks.

Coop: All right?

Ashlee: Bye.

Coop: Bye, Blake. Thanks.

Blake: Bye. Have fun.

Olivia: So, who's the lucky guy?

Ava: (Laughs) Sperm donor number 387TZ3. I'd introduce you to him, but he's not really the kind of guy you take home to your mom and dad. (Laughs)

Olivia: I'm tired. I told you, I'm tired. I'm happy for you. And I signed some divorce papers today. (Clears throat) It's only my fifth, you know, not including breakups on wedding days.

Ava: Well, it was nice to see my parents together for a little while.

Olivia: I've had too much time to think about my life. And right now, I'm up to Gus, and I just keep thinking, "God, what was I thinking? The poor man, why did I..."

Ava: Don't say that. Don’t. Don’t. He cared about you a lot. It just, it was...

Olivia: Bad timing?

Reva: It was a smooth move, taking me out instead of your usual takeout. Thank you.

Jeffrey: (Laughing) I'm glad you're home.

Reva: Aw!

Jeffrey: I've gotten used to you.

Reva: Oh! Sweet. Well, you owe me the most expensive meal on the menu...

Jeffrey: Okay.

Reva: ...And then some!

Jeffrey: Most expensive thing on the menu. Let's see. Um, that's the surf and turf. (Laughs) You don't like it.

Reva: I'm going to order it anyway. (Laughs)

Jeffrey: Fair enough.

Reva: I missed you, too. Strange.

Jeffrey: Everything okay?

Reva: Yeah. Um, I'm just going to go powder my nose.

Jeffrey: Powder your nose?

Reva: Mm-hmm.

Jeffrey: Do you guys actually powder your nose? In there, I mean? You always say "powder your nose."

Reva: Rare.

Jeffrey: Thank you.

Reva: No, no. I mean the surf and turf. Rare.

Jeffrey: Okay.

Reva: (Laughs)

Natalia: How are you?

Olivia: I'm peachy. How are you?

Natalia: Fine.

Olivia: Where's your car?

Natalia: I walk when I can. Save money on gas.

Olivia: Is Cassie giving you a lot of shifts at the Beacon?

Natalia: You know, you don't look so good.

Olivia: Ava's getting my meds. I'll rest when I get home.

Natalia: Home at Reva and Jeffrey’s, or home like the house you took from me and my son? What are you doing out here?

Olivia: Where are you living, anyway? The motel?

Natalia: We moved into Buzz's boardinghouse. Frank helped us out.

Olivia: Frank's a good guy.

Natalia: Yes, he is.

Olivia: So I hear that Rafe, um... they didn't press charges.

Natalia: I heard you offered to pay his bail.

Olivia: I'm glad I didn't have to.

Natalia: Well, thank you, anyway.

Ava: Hey.

Jeffrey: Hey.

Ava: Where's Reva?

Jeffrey: Uh, she's in the bathroom. I thought you were supposed to be watching Olivia.

Ava: Oh, I am. Or I was... I actually just had to pick something up for her.

Jeffrey: Oh.

Ava: Ooh! This looks fantastic. Yum!

Jeffrey: Um...

Ava: I think I'm just going to have a little bite.

Jeffrey: Maybe we should wait for Reva.

Ava: Oh, I don't think she's going to mind. What's she going to do? Say "no" to a hungry pregnant chick? Seriously this time, Dad. I'm pregnant.

Jeffrey: Okay. Wow.

Ava: (Laughs)

Jeffrey: Congratulations. I guess you really have Bill hooked this time, right?

Ava: Come on. Don't rain on my parade, Grandpa.

Olivia: Oh, no. What are you doing? Stop it!

Natalia: Why can't you just sit there and be quiet for once?

Olivia: Stop it! Stop! Stop! When you look at Rafe, you see Gus, right?

Natalia: Of course.

Olivia: And you feel him? You feel him with you, his love?

Natalia: Yeah.

Olivia: I can’t. I can't feel it. I can't feel him. I can't feel anything.

Natalia: I don't know... what do you... what do you want from me?

Olivia: I want your wedding rings.

Rafe: Hey, Mom, it's me. I'm just calling to check in. You don't have to call me back, though, because I'll see you soon. Okay? All right, bye.

Olivia: Wait, please? It's a good offer, and you need the money.

Natalia: You are out of your mind.

Olivia: Yeah, well, Gus even knew that.

Natalia: Why? Why do you want my rings? You have his heart. You have our house.

Olivia: I don’t... the house... I'll sell it back to you one day. I'll give you a good deal.

Natalia: Yeah, and I'll pay for it with what?

Olivia: Well, the money that I give you for the ring. That'll help.

Natalia: I can't believe you.

Olivia: You need the money, right? You need the money.

Natalia: You're right. That's fine. I don’t need them. And Gus would want me to take the money for our son. So, here. You enjoy them, because I don't need them. I have his name, I have his son, you loved him for a few months, I loved him half my life. I don't need those to know how he felt about me.

Ava: Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm! Mm! Buy Reva a nice bottle of wine, get her a little drunk, and then make her sign something saying that Olivia can stay in the house. What?

Jeffrey: Just keep it. All right, first of all, you're going to need that for diapers.

Ava: I know.

Jeffrey: And besides, Reva already said that she could stay.

Ava: But why?

Jeffrey: Sometimes, you know, there isn't an angle.

Ava: But I'm just saying that...

Jeffrey: Reva isn't threatened.

Ava: Should she be?

Jeffrey: No. As much as you want your dear, old dad and your sweet mommy to be together, it's just, it's not going to happen, okay? First of all, Olivia... she doesn't want it. She's in mourning over Gus. You are in denial over Bill, and Reva is in the bathroom now for over five minutes.

Ava: (Laughs) Who would have thought that Reva would be the least-complicated lady in your life?

Jeffrey: Not me.

Ava: Hm. (Laughs)

Reva: Hello? Who's there? I didn't mean to scare you.

Dinah: Well, I don't scare that easily these days.

Reva: You didn't happen to see anyone else come in here, did you?

Dinah: Nope. Just me.

Reva: I'm glad that I'm seeing you. I was going to call and talk to you about our business proposition.

Dinah: Well, you don't have to bother calling. The deal's off the table.

Reva: Oh, come on, Dinah. I know it's been a while, but I'm still interested.

Dinah: You had your chance. You backed out. I have all the manpower I need. I have the only Lewis I need. Have a good day, Reva. Take care.

Coop: Uh, Ashlee, where's the remote for the TV?

Ashlee: It's on the dresser.

Coop: Dresser. What's this?

Ashlee: Uh, you found my stash!

Coop: Your stash? You're not trying to look like these women, are you? I mean, half of them look like they need to be in rehab.

Ashlee: Um, you know, you can't actually tell that from just looking at a person. You know, they can be naturally skinny.

Coop: Please! Are you okay?

Ashlee: Yeah, I'm fine.

Coop: Are you sure, really? Because you didn't look that way, I mean, a plate of French fries was right in front of you...

Ashlee: I told you that I am not hungry for that kind of food anymore.

Coop: Well, neither are the girls in those magazines...

Ashlee: I looked through the magazines because I was looking at swimsuits. You don't even realize what a big deal it is for me to wear a bikini. This was never an option for me before.

Coop: Wait, so you were looking at those magazines because you were shopping through them?

Ashlee: The last time I wore a bikini in public, I was six years old. And even then, I felt embarrassed and fat. So, I'm sorry if you don't like it...

Coop: No, no, no!

Ashlee: ...That I've been looking through some trashy magazines.

Coop: Stop, stop, stop! Please, I'm sorry. Okay, I didn't know that. I didn't realize that's how it was for you when you were younger, okay?

Ashlee: Well, it's not going to be that way anymore, so it's fine. It's fine.

Daisy: This isn't going to work, is it?

Rafe: I'm trying.

Daisy: Yeah, but it's like I'm homework. I never want to be homework.

Rafe: You're not.

Daisy: But being with me freaks out your mom?

Rafe: Yeah. It does.

Daisy: So, that's it, then.

Rafe: I'm sorry.

Daisy: No, it's nobody's fault. It's just... I just, I want you to be okay.

Rafe: It's just going to take some time.

Daisy: Time, yeah.

Rafe: I loved you.

Daisy: Yeah, I loved you, too.

Rafe: Um, I should... I should probably get going.

Daisy: Yeah, I need to go home.

Dinah: Rough day?

Blake: Kind of.

Dinah: Well, I've had a lot of those. Not so much anymore, though. I am in control now.

Blake: It really makes me nervous when you say things like that.

Dinah: Not this time. It's different.

Blake: Well, for all of our sakes, I hope that's the truth.

Dinah: I'm going to make Daddy proud. See you.

Ashlee: Coop, um, do you mind if I skip out on the movie? One really bad thing about this liquid diet is I get tired really easily.

Coop: No problem. Get some rest, okay?

Olivia: Excuse me? Um, Natalia Riv -- Natalia Aitoro left these with me by accident. Would you make sure she gets them?

Reva: Ooh, look! The lights are still out! She's still out with Ava! Come on! Who knows how much time we'll have together? I'll show you some of the things I learned while I was away.

Jeffrey: Oh, okay... wait a minute. Who were you practicing with?

Reva: Ooh!

Jeffrey: Did you find what you were looking for out there?

Reva: No. Because I left it here.

Coming up, on "Guiding Light:"

Reva: Why are you following me?

Hawk: Maybe you ought to let me do the talking.

Reva: What's going on?

Hawk: We are here to change your life, and we're in business.

Reva: I don't get it, Pop, what's he paying you for?

Hawk: The rights to your story. We are making a movie.

Reva: About my life?

Man: Told your way.

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