Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 4/29/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Mallet: What is Frank doing?
Marina: He got a lead on that woman who accused him of sexual harassment.
Dinah: I've got a teeny-weeny problem.
Mallet: Oh, jeez. Let me guess. The woman you paid to set Frank up?
Dinah: Do you know how hard I have tried to show you that I'm the right woman for you?
Marina: You're cute when you're bossy.
Dinah: What woman out there can give you anything close to this?
Dinah: To the left there. No, no, no. That's too far. Here, let me show you, okay? See, just like that. See, don't you think that looks better?
Hilda: Yes, that's perfect, ma'am. Is there anything else?
Dinah: Music. I asked you for music, romantic music. Nothing too obvious, though.
Hilda: Obvious?
Dinah: Yeah-- sappy, frilly. You know, we're talking about the Chief of Police here. He's a man.
Hilda: So smooth jazz?
Dinah: You know what? I've changed my mind. Turn the TV's on all in the house, okay, to sports.
Hilda: Sports. Which sport?
Dinah: It doesn't matter-- All of them. Just go.
Marina: So this is really just about dinner? I mean, it's not about work?
Mallet: You calling me a workaholic?
Marina: Pretty much.
Mallet: Who did I just see shoving files into her bag when she was leaving the Beacon?
Marina: Well, that was in case you got really boring.
Mallet: Impossible.
Marina: I hope you know this doesn't make up for you partnering me with my aunt.
Mallet: Of course not.
Marina: Or what you did with my dad.
Mallet: Well, I hope you know me better than that.
Marina: So then what's this about?
Mallet: I went out walking, I left the station, bought some sandwiches, wanted to eat them with you.
Dinah: Deep breaths. Calm, composed. Panic is not sexy. Who's there? This place drives me crazy. There's too much nature. Okay. Where was I? Deep breaths. Calm, composed. Panic is not sexy.
Matt: Depends on who you ask.
Dinah: What are you doing sneaking up on me like that?
Matt: How are you?
Dinah: You can't be here. You've got to go.
Mallet: What happened to calm and composed?
Dinah: Look, this is my yard, my patio. I can say and do whatever I want.
Matt: Well, I just thought you might like to talk about the mini golf course.
Dinah: So you just show up?
Matt: Well, next time I'll call ahead and make an appointment.
Dinah: Don't you do that for all your other clients?
Matt: Okay. I'll go.
Dinah: Wait. I'm not finished with you yet.
Matt: Right.
Lynn: Here you go.
Frank: Oh, good, just the person I was looking for.
Natalia: Me?
Frank: Yes, ma'am. I've got good news. We are going to Chicago.
Natalia: What?
Frank: I have three tickets right here to the Cubs game. Where's Rafe?
Natalia: Wait. You want us to go to Chicago today? Now?
Frank: Well, yeah, these tickets won't be good tomorrow. (Laughs)
Natalia: It's all kind of sudden.
Frank: Natalia, it's a great series. It's against the Brewers.
Natalia: Oh, that's so sweet, Frank. I don't think I can go today, but maybe, you know, next time we can.
Frank: No, no, no, no. We've got to go today. Come on, Natalia, you've got to be impulsive. Come on.
Natalia: I don't even know where Rafe is.
Frank: Well, you know what? Then we'll find him. I'm a detective, and that's what I do best.
Jeffrey: Doing some cardio?
Olivia: Yeah, if two steps counts.
Jeffrey: Every step counts.
Olivia: Oh!
Jeffrey: What?
Olivia: You've got cream cheese here. You eat every meal in your car?
Jeffrey: It saves time.
Olivia: Well, it's not very attractive. Here. Can you get me a little breakfast? Please?
Jeffrey: You know what? I can do better than that. After you, madam. Not bad, huh?
Olivia: Yeah. No, it's nice. Why don't you take some? You need some energy for court.
Jeffrey: Nope. I've got to be a lean, mean fighting machine today. I'm glad that you are hungry.
Olivia: Thanks. Just one more bite.
Jeffrey: Make sure you tell Ava that I'm taking care of you, because I'm not sure she has much faith.
Olivia: I will give you a good report. I promise.
Jeffrey: Thank you.
Billy: Hey!
Jeffrey: Billy.
Billy: What's cooking?
Olivia: Excuse me, Jeffrey just made me some breakfast, but I'm a little full, so you want to have some?
Billy: Oh, yeah, sure. Good. Whoo! Mm. You're a good cook. Who knew?
Jeffrey: Well, Reva. Reva knew.
Billy: Reva. Hey, how is old Reva gal?
Jeffrey: She's enjoying her trip. Listen, I've got to run. Billy, keep an eye on Olivia for me, would you?
Billy: Sure. Yeah, no problem.
Jeffrey: Thanks.
Billy: This is fun.
Dinah: You know what? Forget it, just go.
Matt: Well, you know, what do you want? It's not like I'm an expert on relationships.
Dinah: Well, that's clear.
Matt: Why would you even ask me?
Dinah: Because I'm looking for a generic all-purpose male point of view. Is that too much to ask?
Matt: All guys are different.
Dinah: You really are clueless, aren't you?
Matt: Am I on the clock?
Dinah: What?
Matt: The clock. Am I on the clock?
Dinah: Unbelievable! Do you know how selfish that sounds?
Matt: Okay. You know what? I'm going to go. And I just... you know, hey, good luck on this date or whatever this is. I... I... I hope it works out.
Dinah: Fine. I'll tell you tomorrow.
Matt: Tomorrow?
Dinah: Yes, when we take a look at the project.
Matt: I don't know about tomorrow. Tomorrow's kind of sketchy for me. I... maybe in the morning, maybe in the morning. I've got to pick up Maureen in the afternoon, so...
Dinah: All right. You know what? Perfect. We will pick up Maureen after school, and then we'll all go to dinner, or get ice cream or something.
Matt: I'll talk to Vanessa, and I'll get back to you on that one.
Dinah: You are going to call my mother and ask if I'm allowed to see my little sister?
Matt: Well, she's got her concerns. I mean, you know how your mother is.
Dinah: You know what? You're concerned whether or not I'm a good influence. And it's nice. She has decided to protect one daughter, and she learned from her mistake: Me.
Matt: Dinah...
Dinah: You know what? It's good, it's good. I'm taking care of myself these days, you know? I'm awfully good at it.
Matt: Tomorrow! I will meet you sometime tomorrow.
Dinah: Good. Tomorrow.
Lynn: There you go, honey.
Frank: Thank you Lynn. No word? Oh, then I'll you what. Then send him a text. And also, you know, tell him they're really good seats.
Natalia: Okay. You know, Frank, I think maybe you should think of some backup people just in case I can't get a hold of him.
Frank: That's a good idea. You know, I'll get a couple squad cars to look around for him.
Natalia: Are you kidding?
Frank: No, no, no. I mean, they can check the mall, they can go to the park.
Natalia: No! I don't want a bunch of squad cars chasing after my son. It will totally freak him out.
Frank: Natalia, they're not going to arrest him.
Natalia: Okay. What's really going on here? Because I know this is not about a baseball game.
Frank: Okay. I don't know if you saw this or not. The kid's really not on trial. He's just appearing in front of a judge. You're... you're not going to go, are you?
Natalia: Of course I'm going to go. I want to know what happened.
Frank: I'll tell you what happened. I talked to the officer, okay? I read the report. The kid, he was inexperienced, okay? He was driving with a learner's permit. Natalia, it wasn't his fault.
Natalia: You sure about that?
Frank: Unfortunately, Gus ran a stop sign. He was speeding. I know it's easy to want to place blame somewhere else, but...
Natalia: Randy Linders.
Billy: Hey, I'm not even through yet.
Olivia: I'm sorry. Did you say something?
Billy: You know, you're not making me feel very wanted around here.
Olivia: Well, then good. It's working. Look, Billy, I have to be here because of this heart thing, but you being here, you're just kind of being a nuisance.
Billy: Well, you know, I don't think Reva would see it that way, so, darling, you better get used to me being around. Okay. Got that settled. Let’s... how about we play some cards? I didn't feel the fork go into my back, so I guess that's an okay. All right, so what do we play? A little poker? Gin? Hearts?
Olivia: Ooh. Ooh.
Natalia: Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Hey. What's up?
Natalia: Are you handling this case?
Jeffrey: What?
Natalia: That boy, the one that hit Gus. Are you handling the case?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Natalia: I want to say something in court.
Jeffrey: Well, Natalia, you know, it's not a trial, it's just a hearing, so the kid can explain what happened, and there's no evidence that he's done anything wrong at all.
Natalia: Well, what about Gus? Who's going to tell his side of the story? Just let me talk. Please. I'm his widow. Don't I deserve that?
Jeffrey: Okay. You've got some time, so I'll see you inside.
Billy: Read 'em and weep. (Laughs)
Olivia: Oh! Oh! Did you cheat? All right, does this mean you're leaving now?
Billy: Well, I've got to go see a man about a horse for...
Olivia: Thanks for sharing. Downstairs bathroom. Be sure to flush.
Mallet: No, because I think if we can go back and see that same witness again, drill him again, I think the case will break wide open.
Marina: I thought we weren't talking about work.
Mallet: Oh, yeah. We're not. We're talking about the internet. You know, this internet thing, I think it’s really going to take off.
Marina: Oh, face reality, dude. You suck at small talk.
Mallet: I'm good at sports.
Marina: Oh, really? Is that a challenge? Oh, I think it is, bad boy. What am I going to kick your butt at today?
Mallet: On your feet, smack talker. Unfair.
Marina: What?
Mallet: Distraction.
Marina: No distraction. Let's play.
It's too quiet now it's 2:00 A.M.
Lying beside you don't want to lose
this reckless feeling scared out of my mind
what does it mean that look in your eyes...
Dinah: Hilda? Hilda?
Before I fall in love with you unless you want me to...
Dinah: Voice mail. Hilda?
Hilda: Yes, ma'am?
Dinah: Get rid of everything, the candles and the flowers. Throw them in the pool.
Hilda: And the steak, ma'am?
Dinah: I'm becoming a vegetarian.
Mallet: Thank you.
Marina: Yup. A man of your age needs to stay hydrated.
Mallet: And to think that I almost offered to take you to Towers.
Marina: Oh, see, I like deli sandwiches better than Towers.
Mallet: That's because you're easy.
Marina: What?
Mallet: No, I didn't mean... (laughs) I didn't mean "easy," I meant...
Marina: I'm not like Dinah.
Mallet: Yeah. Sip?
Marina: No, I'm good. See how easy I am?
Mallet: Just like it says on the men's room wall.
Marina: (Laughs)
Mallet: (Laughs)
So, baby, please why don't you stay with me?
Dinah: Hey, Matt. Are those the changes?
Matt: Yeah, as a matter of fact, they are. I was going to swing them by your place tomorrow.
Dinah: Oh, I don't want to wait for tomorrow. Why don't we sit in the park, take a look at what you've got?
Matt: The park?
Dinah: Yeah. Come on, think outside the box.
Marina: I dare you not to look over your shoulder. You lose!
Mallet: Okay. Big deal.
Marina: All right. Come on. I'll go with you, so you don't look like such a stalker.
Jeffrey: You again?
Billy: Yeah, well, the house was too quiet without you there.
Jeffrey: Well, do I need to call home and make sure that Olivia’s still alive?
Billy: That girl is too mean to die. Hey, tell me, when is Reva coming home?
Jeffrey: Soon, I hope.
Billy: Something tells me she doesn't know she has a house guest.
Jeffrey: Well, we wouldn't want to ruin her vacation.
Billy: Yeah, thinking of her. Okay.
Jeffrey: Yes, I was.
Billy: Well, I think if you're smart, you'll get Olivia out of there before Reva comes home, because, I mean, she's a great gal, but she's got her limits.
Jeffrey: Thanks for the advice.
Billy: And good luck in court. Oh, remind me to get you some new music for your birthday, okay?
Jeffrey: What's wrong with the music?
Natalia: What are you doing here?
Olivia: Hopefully the same thing you are.
Natalia: You shouldn't be here. There's a lot of people and germs and...
Olivia: Don't worry about me.
Natalia: Just so you know, the police think that it was an accident, and the driver was just a kid.
Olivia: Well, somebody let him drive. Obviously he wasn't ready.
Natalia: You going in there and causing a scene is not going to make it any better.
Olivia: For who? You?
Natalia: For Gus' family.
Olivia: And I have no stake in this? Maybe I wasn't married to the guy, but you and Jeffrey, you could have told me about this hearing.
Natalia: I am here trying to figure out what Gus would want me to do.
Olivia: Oh, for God's sake, you were his wife. Shouldn't you know? Because I do.
Rafe: Hey, Mom, you're probably at work right now, but I have some good news. I just might have a job for the summer.
Judge: Is the state ready, Mr. O’Neill?
Jeffrey: Yes, your Honor, everyone's here.
Judge: Let's begin. People's inquiry into the death of Detective Gus Aitoro, docket number 156.
Dinah: Look at him. He can't even stay away from me.
Matt: He's with Marina.
Dinah: Whatever. Matt! These plans are incredible!
Matt: Yeah, you think so? Well, I expanded on the home theater idea. I thought that would... you don't think it's too much, do you?
Dinah: No. No, no, no, no. There's no such thing. Really, I can't thank you enough.
Matt: You can tone it down a notch. He's not even watching.
Dinah: What?
Matt: He's not looking.
Dinah: He doesn't even know I'm here.
Matt: I thought you hired me because I was good.
Dinah: You are good.
Matt: We've been down this road before.
Dinah: Well, then help me sell it! Matt! (Laughs) Shut up!
Marina: You know what would be perfect? If Harley and Cyrus showed up right about now. I think that would just make the day complete.
Mallet: When did her laugh become so...
Marina: Forced?
Mallet: Yeah, forced. I didn't know Matt was so funny. Oh, well, you know what? It's fine if she wants to follow us around. It's fine.
Marina: It's fine?
Mallet: Yeah. Yeah. We're just going to ignore her, because we came here to have fun, right?
Marina: Whatever you say.
Mallet: Yup. So come dance with me?
Marina: Um, there's no music. (Laughs)
Mallet: I'm better when there's no music. I feel the music here.
Marina: (Laughs) Oh, really?
Mallet: Yeah.
Marina: (Laughs)
Matt: I suppose you want me to ask you to dance now.
Dinah: Look at them! It's embarrassing.
Matt: Humiliating.
Dinah: All right. Tell me about the theater seats. Are they cozy?
Randy: It all just happened so fast.
Judge: Take your time. Tell us about that afternoon.
Randy: I just keep thinking, what if I'd gone another way? That isn't even the normal way I drive home. Or what if I left a few minutes earlier? I wouldn't have been there. None of this would have happened.
Jeffrey: What did happen?
Randy: I was coming home, and this bike, this motorcycle, just came out of nowhere, so fast, right through the stop sign. And I tried. I hit the brakes, but I couldn’t. I couldn't stop. And I hit him. It was loud. I remember it being really loud. So I jumped out of my car, and I saw him lying on the ground. I didn't touch him. I heard you shouldn’t. I called the ambulance. I told them what happened.
Olivia: He could have helped him.
Judge: Mr. O’Neill?
Jeffrey: The state believes that Mr. Linders is telling the truth, based on the police report and the skid marks and the damage to the car. And he's not responsible for the death of Detective Aitoro. Your Honor, at this time, unless the court has any further objection, the office of the District Attorney would like to...
Natalia: Wait.
Jeffrey: Your Honor, this is Detective Aitoro’s wife. She asked to be heard.
Judge: Please come down, Mrs. Aitoro. You understand this is not a formal trial?
Natalia: Yes.
Jeffrey: What did you want to say, Mrs. Aitoro?
Natalia: (Clears throat) Everyone's talking about Gus and the accident, and nobody's talking about who he was. He was a husband and a father. He cared about life, and he cared about people. On that day, on that motorcycle, he was on his way to helping someone. I just wanted the court to know that if he was speeding...
Jeffrey: Are you disputing Randy’s version of the events?
Natalia: You seem like a good boy. My husband was a very good man, and I know that he wouldn't want this hanging over your head. He wouldn't punish you for something that wasn't really your fault. He'd forgive you. So do I. (Olivia slams door)
Everyone's waiting to see what I'm gonna do...
Marina: So you think it worked?
Mallet: It certainly worked for me. I'm going to go splash some cold water on my face.
Marina: (Laughs) Don't scare the geese.
Mallet: They love me.
Dinah: Someone needs to save him from himself.
Matt: Dinah...
Dinah: Something's wrong with you.
Mallet: What? What's wrong with me? I'm just out enjoying some fresh air.
Dinah: Seems like you're following me.
Mallet: That's what Marina said you'd say.
Dinah: You know, you're a hypocrite. You've been acting real high and mighty lately, ever since I told you I was responsible for getting you the Chief's job. Is this how you're going to make it up to Frank, by dating his daughter?
Mallet: You think it would help?
Matt: Hi.
Marina: Hey.
Matt: They sure are lucky they know us.
Marina: Yup.
Olivia: You forgive him?
Natalia: It wasn't easy for me to say that.
Olivia: It was easy to let that kid off the hook. He should be in jail.
Natalia: For what?
Olivia: He killed Gus!
Natalia: He didn't do anything wrong. Did you even look in that boy's face, see how miserable he was? If you think for one second that Gus would want that boy suffering any more than he has, then you really didn't know him at all.
Olivia: Gus was racing to save me. He was driving so fast. He was racing to save me.
Natalia: Yeah.
Olivia: I can't live with it.
Natalia: You need to go home and rest.
Olivia: Aren't you mad? At Gus? At that boy? At God? At me?
Natalia: What do you think? Just because I don't make a big show of it like you do...
Olivia: You seem okay.
Natalia: Well, then I'm doing a much better job at hiding it than I thought, because this hurts. This hurts.
Olivia: You just want it to all go away, don't you?
Natalia: Except I don't, because it's all I have.
Olivia: You got a few quarters? I need change for the meter.
Natalia: Just let me drive you home.
Olivia: No, I'm okay now. Come on.
Natalia: I'll get it.
Jeffrey: I need you inside now.
Rafe: Let go of me! Let go of me!
Natalia: What are you doing?
Rafe: You killed my dad! Watch yourself, man. Watch yourself! I'm going to find you!
Jeffrey: Get him out!
Olivia: You have to do something. You can't let Gus' son get arrested.
Marina: You want to talk about it?
Mallet: Nope.
Dinah: Let's just rip all our clothes off and show him who's fun. We can swim with the geese.
Matt: Oh, come on, Dinah. Stop it.
Dinah: What do you mean?
Matt: Enough with the games already.
Jeffrey: Okay, I'm doing everything I can, but Rafe just assaulted someone in a court in front of a judge, so, you know, I can't just make it disappear.
Olivia: I know. I know. Look, I get that the cop has to file a report, but if, after that, Rafe gets arrested, Natalia is not going to be able to bail him out.
Jeffrey: I can recommend a low bail, but, Olivia, that's all I can do.
Olivia: No! I mean, if it comes to that, then I'll... I'll pay his bail.
Natalia: Let me see your hand.
Rafe: I'm fine.
Natalia: Just let me see your hand.
Rafe: Just stop!
Natalia: You're going to need some ice.
Frank: Hey.
Natalia: Hey. So I guess we can't really make that game today, huh?
Frank: Yeah, I heard.
Natalia: So what's going to happen?
Frank: I don't know. But the arresting officer is a friend of mine. I'm going to talk to him, okay?
Natalia: Okay. Thank you.
Frank: Rafe? You sit tight, okay, buddy? I'll talk to you later.
Olivia: Let me know how much it costs. I'll be at home.
Frank: Olivia?
Olivia: Hi. Don't worry, I'm heading home.
Frank: Were you at the hearing?
Olivia: Yeah.
Frank: I just spoke with Jeffrey, and I think it's nice that you offered to want to help Rafe.
Olivia: No, it’s... you know, I have my moments.
Frank: Well, you're a mom, and you must know what Natalia is going through right now.
Olivia: Don't do that, Frank. Don’t. We're very different people. You know, she's all about forgiveness and doing the right thing. I wanted to do what Rafe did. You know, I think that somebody should pay for Gus' accident.
Frank: Yeah, well, unfortunately, you know, it will be Rafe who pays if he doesn't learn how to control his temper. You need a ride home?
Olivia: No, I've got a cab coming. Why don't you go check on...
Frank: You know what? I don't want you to worry about Rafe, okay? He's going to be safe.
Olivia: I'm not worried. I'm not worried. See ya.
Frank: Bye.
Dinah: That sandwich any good?
Matt: Where's Mallet? I mean, that's what we're doing, right? I mean, you chase me, so he chases you?
Dinah: I'm sorry. You were right. I used you to bother Mallet. But it wasn't a big plan. I saw Mallet and Marina, and then I saw you. You were always really good to me, you know, when I was in the hospital and afterwards. You didn't deserve what I did to you.
Matt: What about the plans? Are they... are they even real?
Dinah: Absolutely real. I cannot wait until you finish. (Laughs) The new master bedroom with the fireplace and the skylight-- it's absolutely fabulous. And the walk-in closet with the moving shoe racks. You spoiled me.
Matt: I guess you did look at them.
Dinah: You think we could start over?
Matt: Here, have a half a sandwich. You look skinny.
Dinah: Oh, thanks!
Marina: So what now?
Mallet: I'll walk you home.
Marina: I'm not afraid of Dinah.
Mallet: Are you sure? Because I can't guarantee what will happen next. She could parachute into a restaurant or cut the brakes on my car-- anything to get my attention. I just don't want anything to happen to you.
Marina: Listen, stop, okay?
Mallet: Well, what if she were to do something, and then you could potentially get hurt...
Natalia: Don't say anything.
Rafe: Why did we even come back here? This is stupid.
Natalia: I'll show you. Being angry and blaming someone else doesn't work.
I will write my own erasing all these tears
don't you cry it's bad luck
God knows I'm on your side...
Jeffrey: You okay?
Olivia: Oh, just tired.
Jeffrey: I figured.
Olivia: Why didn't you tell me the hearing was today?
Jeffrey: Well, because I knew you would try to go, and what good would that do?
Olivia: Oh, I don't know. Rafe is probably feeling a lot better about now.
Jeffrey: Yeah, for a minute. And then what? Gus is dead.
Olivia: Yes, he is.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Olivia: I can't feel it. I can't feel him. I can't feel anything.
Natalia: What are you... what do you want from me?
Olivia: I want your wedding rings.
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