GL Transcript Monday 4/28/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 4/28/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Cyrus: Harley asked me to move out.

Cassie: You could have a room at the Beacon.

Josh: I haven't been able to bring myself to go inside.

Harley: Be so grateful for what you have.

Josh: I came home because I wanted to be with you.

Cassie: I told you it was just one time.

Josh: I'm going to sleep in Will's old room. Just for now.

Cassie: Well, good morning.

Jason: Hey, Cassie.

Cassie: Hi. How'd these work out for you?

Jason: Pretty well. I'm sorry I had them so long, I mean, you know, it was a big job, a lot of things to do, but I really appreciate you letting me borrow them for a little while.

Cassie: No worries! No problem. I have a big job today...

Jason: What is this going on over here?

Cassie: Do you need some more, uh...

Jason: Uh, yeah, you know. Just about anything you could really let me borrow, I would really appreciate it.

Cassie: Really?

Jason: Yeah.

Cassie: Well, I mean...

Jason: The shovel, the spade, everything.

Cassie: (Laughing) You need all tools for all kinds of jobs.

Jason: I do, I do, I know.

Cassie: Alright.

Jason: I don't really know how to do all this, so whatever you could help me out with.

Cassie: Okay. Um, well, I see you're going to need a watering can.

Harley: Office document. I'm not typing this report again. Not again. Where did it go? I'm not typing this report again.

Mallet: It's got automatic backup. Relax.

Harley: God, I hate this. I don't want to do this. I'm terrible on the computer. I want to be back out on the streets again.

Mallet: You'll get there, you'll get there.

Harley: When?

Mallet: (Sighs) Just take the rest of the day off. Relax. Ease into it.

Harley: When?

Mallet: Just go home, all right? We'll save it.

Harley: I'll see you tomorrow.

Frank: Can I buy you a cup of coffee? Or are you going to report me for sexually harassing you again?

Sheila: Look, Chief Cooper, I...

Frank: No, actually, I'm not the chief anymore, because of you.

Sheila: I'm sorry if this whole thing...

Frank: No, why don't you tell me why you lied, and who put you up to it?


Dinah: Every woman should have you in her study.

Remy: You've got that right. Is that Alexandra’s?

Dinah: Why? Don't you like it?

Remy: (Laughs) Not without support hose!

Dinah: Oh, come on, now. If I'm going to be with the Chief of Police, I have to have a good girl vibe.

Remy: (Laughs) "Good girl?"

Dinah: Yeah.

Remy: Right!

Dinah: Hey, I only have to look the part.

Remy: Uh-huh.

Marina: Don't bother me, I'm busy. So you sent Harley home, huh?

Mallet: Yeah, I did. Why don't you ride with Frank? He'll be back any minute.

Marina: Or two, or three. He got a lead on that woman who accused him of sexual harassment, so he's out looking for her.

Mallet: Why doesn't he just let that go? Just let that go and move on? I don't think he should push that. What's Frank doing?

Marina: Mallet?

Mallet: Just, you should go find Frank.

Marina: Hey, thank you for taking me seriously about that whole Harley thing.

Mallet: Yeah, you're welcome. I can't really have one of my officers freezing up on the job. Especially when that officer's partner is you. Anything else, Detective?

Marina: Yeah. You're cute when you're bossy.

Cassie: How did you sleep?

Josh: Okay. How about you?

Cassie: Okay.

Josh: Who's your friend? The guy you were talking to outside?

Cassie: Jason? Well, he moved into the Miller place, up the road.

Josh: When?

Cassie: Uh, I think, like, a month ago.

Josh: Did you meet his wife?

Cassie: Uh, no. They're divorced.

Josh: Any kids?

Cassie: He said that they got married very young, and so they weren't ready.

Josh: Wow. He told you all of that while he was here borrowing the hedge trimmer?

Cassie: Yes, he did. It just came up.

Josh: What else do you know about him?

Cassie: Not much. Why?

Josh: I just like to know who my neighbors are.

(Music playing)

Harley: Are you kidding me? Son of a bitch!

Cyrus: Did you lose something? If you need a lift, I can give you one.

Harley: You stole my car.

Cyrus: Why would I do that?

Harley: So that I would need a ride, and you could conveniently offer me one.

Cyrus: It's just platonic.

Harley: Where's my car? You know what? Forget it. I'm a cop, I'll find it myself.

Cyrus: Maybe you just left it at home this morning, and you don't remember.

Harley: You know, I could get a ride from any officer in the station.

Cyrus: You could.

Harley: But it's cold, so I'll take one from you.

Cyrus: Don't worry. We'll find the guy who took your car.

Josh: So, you want to be a missionary in Kenya? Myrtle? That's right. Myrtle. You see, that's admirable, but that's grueling work. You do realize that, right?

Myrtle: I'm not great with bugs.

Josh: I'm sorry?

Myrtle: Bugs.

Cassie: You know, if you're really interested, I think you should talk to my husband.

Josh: You know what, here's the problem. We only have a budget for two people to go to Africa, so why don't you stay here in the states with me, and we can work on the homeless project together. How would that be? And it would be bug-free.

Myrtle: But, will it be as rewarding?

Josh: Um...

Myrtle: Reverend Lewis?

(Radio switching stations)

Cyrus: Driver controls the radio.

Harley: Driver should concentrate on driving. The light's green.

Sheila: Look, I really have to go. I have a meeting.

Frank: I'd really like to buy you a muffin, but, you know, I've got to watch what I spend right now because they cut half my salary. I lost my title, my vacation days and part of my pension.

Sheila: I'm sorry.

Frank: What are you sorry about? That you falsely accused me of sexually harassing you, or that I can't buy you a muffin?

Sheila: You know, I have a six-year-old daughter. I'm raising her all by myself. I know how it is when money's tight.

Frank: Is that why you took the pay-off?

Sheila: It wasn't like that.

Marina: Then what was it like? Because my dad is such a gentleman, I have to coach him before he goes out on dates. He wouldn't know how to sexually harass anyone.

Frank: Marina...

Marina: No. I want to know who did this. Who paid you off? Who's behind everything? All right. You know what? We can go finish this conversation downtown at the station. We can go to the interrogation room. I can hold you for hours before I have to make a charge, and put you in a cell with the hookers and the drunks...

Frank: This is Detective Marina Cooper. She's my daughter. She's a little overprotective.

Marina: I love my dad. He's the best man in the world.

Frank: Look, no one's going to make you do what you don't want to do, okay? Because both of us respect the law a little too much, right, honey?

Marina: Being a cop-- being the Chief-- meant everything to my father. It was more than just his job. It was his life. And now, because of what you said, it's gone. Everything that he has worked for is gone. I just hope whatever they paid you was worth it.

Frank: That's all.

Sheila: What? You're not going to arrest me?

Frank: For what? Why don't you go home to your little girl?

Sheila: How can I fix this?

Dinah: So, what do you think?

Woman: It's definitely conservative.

Remy: Come on! She wants to be buried in that thing!

Dinah: You can go, you know, Remy.

Woman: You can have style and still be a philanthropist. What we have to do-- accent your good points and spin the bad.

Remy: Well, I'm getting dizzy already.

Dinah: You said that you did some research on me?

Woman: Uh, yes. See? You were convicted of murder, spent years in Europe as a fugitive impersonating Cassie Winslow, you went to prison...

Dinah: You know what? That pretty much sums it up.

Remy: No, no, I think you left a few things off there. I'm just trying to help.

Dinah: You know, I hired you to help me with my image, to improve it, and I'm hoping you can find something good to write about me.

Woman: You saved the police chief's life.

Dinah: Yes, I did. I took a bullet for A.C.

Woman: Changed your perspective! You saw the light, and became involved in all sorts of good causes.

Dinah: I did?

Woman: Yes, you did. (Cell phone ringing)

Dinah: Excuse me. Hello?

Sheila: Ms. Marler? Look, I can't go through with it. I'll pay you back the money when I can.

Dinah: Uh, Stella-- Sheila, I mean-- where are you?

Sheila: I've got to go.

Dinah: Wait, uh, Sheila? Sheila?

Dinah: I have a teeny-weeny problem.

Mallet: Oh jeez, let me guess. The woman you paid to set Frank up...

Dinah: How did you know that?

Mallet: I should have handled this completely different. I should have gone right to the Commissioner, right from the beginning, and told him everything that was happening. But I didn't do that. I didn't do that. That was stupid of me! I should have not listened to you. Do me a favor, please, don't ever try to help me again.

Dinah: I did this for you.

Mallet: I didn't ask you to. I didn't ask for your help.

Dinah: Okay. You know I'm involved with a lot of causes? A lot of good causes.

Mallet: Dinah, go home. Just go home.

Dinah: Go home?

Mallet: Yeah, I don't want you here when... Officer? (Music playing)

Sheila: Can I have a soda?

Frank: Sure.

Mallet: I know you're a busy man, Commissioner.

Commissioner: We've already buried this scandal. Now, why would we get into it again and risk another media beating?

Frank: To clear my name, sir.

Commissioner: What is this woman going to tell me? You two made up, and now you're dating?

Frank: How about that she was paid to lie? No offense, Mallet, I want my job back.

Mallet: None taken, Frank, I want what's best for the town.

Commissioner: And I want lunch. Now, you were a good Chief, Frank, but so is Mallet.

Frank: I thought you were just keeping my seat warm?

Mallet: That's what I said, Frank. Well, let's go see what this woman has to say.

Cassie: I just think that, why can't the men host the spring food drive. It's always the women's bible study group.

Josh: I think it's some kind of tradition.

Cassie: "Tradition" is what men say when they want women to do the work.

Josh: No, actually, men claim that they don't know how to do something, and then they don't have to do it.

Cassie: See now, that's even worse.

Josh: I see your point.

Cassie: Okay, then I'll start recruiting the men.

Josh: No, actually. Why don't you let me do that? Why don't you make phone calls, get some donations? I think the men will respond better to me.

Cassie: Are you ever going to be able to get over this?

Josh: I don't know.

Cassie: I really am sorry.

Josh: I know you are.

Cassie: And this family means everything to me.

Josh: I know that, too.

Cassie: Okay. Then I'll start working on the donations.

Josh: No, why don't you go ahead and do the recruiting? (Music playing)

Harley: Wow! You were right about my car being here. Amazing! And this is as far as it goes.

Cyrus: The thing is, I need to... borrow some tools.

Harley: It's not enough that you stole my car, now you're going to break in to the safe at Company? (Laughter)

Cyrus: I'm redoing the locks at the Beacon.

Harley: They don't have a lock expert for that kind of thing?

Cyrus: Oh, yeah. Me.

Harley: Yeah, well, thanks for stopping by. Too bad you have to leave.

Cyrus: I just, uh...

Harley: Cyrus? What are you doing?

Cyrus: This molding's about to come down. I've been meaning to nail it.

Harley: Oh. Well, you don't have to do that today.

Cyrus: Well, you wouldn't want it to hit one of the boys?

Harley: Because that's an excellent point, you can fix that for me. Thank you.

Cyrus: Okay.

Harley: But then you have to go.

Cyrus: Okay. Just so we're clear, I'm going to hammer that one piece down, and then I'm going to go home.

Harley: Right.

Cyrus: I'll stay for a sandwich...

Harley: No!

Cyrus: ...Or a coffee?

Harley: No.

Cyrus: I'm just going to finish and go.

Harley: Yes. The second it's done. (Laughter)

Cyrus: Have those cracks on the ceiling always been there?

Harley: I don't know, I never noticed.

Cyrus: I should probably spackle them. I wouldn't want them to get any worse. But that's not the only spot, either. This house is settling, you really should fix...

Harley: No.

Cyrus: Well, you've got to have a good ceiling, otherwise the whole house suffers.

Harley: No. This is the last time.

Cyrus: Hey, hey. Look at me. It won't bring him back, pushing me away. It doesn't mean that Gus is any less a part of...

Harley: Don't say it.

Cyrus: I don't have to.

Harley: I don't see anything the same anymore. I mean, asking me if there cracks in the ceiling? I don't know. I don't remember.

Cyrus: I can fix them.

Harley: You can’t. Not for good.

Cyrus: Well, I'm here.

Harley: You're leaving.

Cyrus: Not unless you make me.

Harley: You can't stay.

Cyrus: Why?

Harley: Because I have to concentrate.

Cyrus: On what?

Harley: I have to concentrate on getting my life back, and I can't do that with you.

Cyrus: (Sighs) (music playing)

Frank: Why don't you just tell the Commissioner what happened?

Sheila: I filed a sexual harassment suit against Chief Cooper.

Frank: Yes, he already knows that. But just tell him why.

Commissioner: Just tell the truth. Did Cooper harass you, or not?

Sheila: Yes.

Frank: What?

Sheila: And today, he followed me...

Frank: No, no, no. That’s...

Sheila: Today, he followed me to the mall and threatened me and my daughter.

Frank: That's insane. That didn't happen.

Commissioner: Just let her speak.

Sheila: And then, his daughter showed up and told me she'd arrest me if I didn't take back what I said.

Frank: What are you talking about? You said you wanted to fix this.

Sheila: I said what you wanted me to say, because I was afraid. I don't feel safe.

Frank: Wait, wait, wait. Tell them the truth, please.

Commissioner: Send a squad car to her house.

Mallet: I don't think that's necessary, sir.

Commissioner: I want her under 24-hour protection, for her own peace of mind.

Sheila: Thank you.

Mallet: Uh, yes, sir.

Sheila: Is that all?

Commissioner: That had better be all. Chief Mallet, have an officer escort her downstairs.

Frank: You have no idea. None of that happened.

Commissioner: Have you lost your mind? Strong-arming a victim is a serious offense. You could have cost us a major lawsuit.

Frank: Commissioner, I just bought her a cup of coffee and asked her some questions. That's it. It was her idea to come clean. She was so sincere. I have no idea what the hell happened.

Marina: Hands up! Spread 'em.

Cyrus: Funny. A little blast from the past.

Marina: Yeah, well, I'm working on the whole "Friends" thing. Friends kid around.

Cyrus: Yeah. Can I buy you a coffee?

Marina: Sure. Friends buy friends coffee.

Cyrus: You know, I'm glad to bump into you. I was wondering how it's going on the job with your new partner?

Marina: Harley, Harley, Harley.

Cyrus: No, I just hope you're not giving her too much of a hard time. She's nervous enough.

Marina: Yeah, well, you don't need to worry about me. I am holding up my end. You just better hope that she comes to her senses and quits the force. Don't worry about it. I'll buy my own coffee, friend.

Remy: Let me, let me. I got it.

Cassie: Thank you.

Remy: No problem.

Cassie: Wow. I haven't seen you in a really long time. Are you okay?

Remy: Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. I'm thinking about stopping by all the time, but I, I don't know, I'm just afraid that I make you sad or something.

Cassie: Why, because of Tammy? Actually, you are a very comforting presence in my life, because I know I can talk to you about Tammy, and you're not going to make me feel like I'm crazy for missing her as much as ever.

Remy: Well, you're not the only one.

Cassie: You look good. You do. You look like you've been taking care of yourself.

Remy: I'm trying, I am. I am. And, hey, I'm sorry about Will. I'm sorry he had to go away.

Cassie: Yeah. Thanks, yeah. The house feels pretty darn empty.

Remy: Well, I promise I will stop by soon. As long as you're cooking.

Cassie: Well...

Remy: Mm-hmm?

Cassie: ...I promise to cook, if you promise to help me with the church...

Remy: No, the other day, I dropped cans off!

Cassie: Oh, come on, now you can do better than that. I am in charge of recruiting and you can do it for Tammy.

Remy: Wow, wow, okay. You are one pretty but evil woman!

Cassie: (Laughing) Why, thank you. I think I'll take that as a "yes."

Remy: (Laughs)

(knock on door)

Harley: Hey.

Josh: Hi. I hope this isn't a bad time. I... you know what? I shouldn't even be here. In fact, I hate what I'm about to do, so maybe I should just go before I do it.

Harley: No, you know what? I could use a walk. Let's talk.

Josh: I want to hire you to get some information for me about someone.

Harley: I'm not actually doing the private detective thing right now. I'm back on the force.

Josh: You don't need the money, or...

Harley: What is this about? Is it business?

Josh: It's about Cassie, actually. She was with someone else. She told me about it herself.

Harley: When?

Josh: A couple of weeks ago, and I haven't been able to sleep since then.

Harley: Do you have any idea who it was?

Josh: No, I don’t. It could have been some guy... a guest at the hotel, or... the guy that lives down the street from us, you know? That's the problem, though. I don't feel like I can get to a place of forgiveness with her until I do know, because I don't want to spend the rest of my life wondering about my friends and my neighbors.

Harley: Cassie's my friend, though.

Josh: I know. I understand that. But this could save our marriage.

Harley: Cassie's my friend, Josh. I can't do that to her. I'm sorry.

Josh: It's okay. Actually, I'm sorry. This was a mistake.

Harley: Do you want my advice? You know, who it was, maybe you should drop that. Because she told you, and she didn't have to. So that's something, right?

Josh: Yeah, yeah, that's something.

Cassie: "Virgin blush" on hands? Maybe I like that color.

Harley: Whatever you want, my treat.

Cassie: No way. You're broke.

Harley: No, I have a gift certificate. Marina got it for me for Christmas. See?

Cassie: Really? In that case, I guess I'll get the pedicure, too. Two pedis.

Harley: Oh, no, no. I just want to get my fingers done.

Cassie: I was kidding. I will pay.

Harley: It's my treat.

Cassie: (Sighs) I've been wearing this color since high school.

Harley: Well, you change it up every once in a while. When you want to get a little spicy.

Cassie: Yeah, I think bland is good for now. I like bland.

Cyrus: Hey, Josh.

Josh: Hi.

Cyrus: Uh, Cassie left a little while ago.

Josh: Oh, well it's too bad that I missed her, then. How are you doing?

Cyrus: Good. Great. Just guarding the fort.

Josh: Right. You must see everything that happens around here, right?

Cyrus: Pretty much.

Josh: Have you ever seen Cassie, I don't know, maybe by herself, sitting at the bar at night?

Cyrus: Uh, once or twice. She's always working really hard.

Josh: Yeah, yeah, I know that. I... would it be possible for you to keep an eye on her for me? I'm just worried about her a little bit, you know? I wonder sometimes if some of the customers here, you know, particularly the men, might mistake her friendliness for something else.

Cyrus: Gotcha. Alright, um, yeah. I can do that.

Josh: Thank you. Take care.

Cyrus: You, too.

Josh: Hey. Say "Hello" to Harley for me.

Mallet: Dinah! Dinah, what did you say to her?

Dinah: It doesn't matter. You're still the Chief, and I did this because I love you.

Mallet: Well, then, you've got to love me a little less.

Dinah: Fine. You want to blow your career? Then tell the Commissioner the truth. I'm sure he is still upstairs. Go ahead.

Mallet: Do you have any idea what you've done here? Do you understand that?

Dinah: Yes, I do. I gave you a great job, and a great salary, and lot of respect. Boo hoo.

Mallet: What do you think of Frank? What do you think he's going to do? How do you think he feels?

Dinah: He's Frank. He's Frank, he'll be fine.

Mallet: Oh, so Frank was just, he was in the way? He was just a speed bump?

Dinah: Yeah. Yeah, he was. Do you know how hard I have tried to change for you? To show you that I'm the right woman for you? But, you know what? You don't need a good woman. You need someone like me. Someone who will go to extremes to get you what you want. You loved that about me when we first met, and I know you still do.

Mallet: It's too much.

Dinah: Is it? Who else would take a bullet for you, huh? You tell me, what woman out there can give you anything close to this? When I was lying on that hospital bed, dying, what do you do?

Mallet: Dinah.

Dinah: You come home with me.

Mallet: I'm working.

Dinah: After work. Your job is safe. We don't have to talk about it ever again, but I want you to know, I am the woman for you, and you know it, deep down inside. And you need someone who isn't afraid to fight for you, and that's me.

Mallet: I'm going upstairs.

Dinah: I'll tell Hilda to expect you.

Harley: Thank you.

Cassie: Sure, I really needed this.

Harley: I know, I mean, it's about time. The whole town was talking. (Laughter)

Cassie: Eh, let them talk.

Harley: So, how are you and Josh doing? What's going on with you guys?

Cassie: Well, we're trying. I'm just wondering if maybe I shouldn't have told him.

Harley: Maybe, Cass.

Cassie: He is going to be able to get over this, right?

Harley: Sure.

Cassie: Yeah. We should do this again, soon.

Harley: Yeah, yeah we should.

Cassie: Yeah.

Harley: (Laughs)

Dinah: Excuse me, Mr. Spaulding, but can you please go out to the barn tonight, get kicked in the head with one of the horses?

Remy: Whoa, ma, ma, ma! Who are you trying to seduce?

Dinah: Okay, get up. Listen, I've got $500 here. Go out, lose this with your gambling buddies.

Remy: (Laughs) It has got to be Mallet.

Dinah: Yes, Mallet. And I don't need the extra company.

Remy: Well, he'll never even see me!

Dinah: Get out!

Remy: Okay.

Dinah: Thank you. And don't come back until breakfast! Lunch!

(Knock on door)

Marina: Hey, boss.

Mallet: Hey. Want to get something to eat?

Marina: Sure.

Harley: How could I be over my limit? It's $10,000. Yes, I bought that. Um, yeah, I think I bought that, too. Yeah, yeah. Yes, yes, I got it. I'll send it. I'll send the check. The minimum. Thank you. Why? Why, why, why? Come in.

Frank: Hey.

Harley: I'm fine. You can't fix it, so I don't want you to worry about it, okay?

Frank: Fine.

Harley: What?

Frank: Well, whatever is going on with you, I'm sure you'll be able to fix it. You'll take care of it.

Harley: Thanks for your support. I'll figure it out. Are you okay?

Frank: Well, I was actually this close to being okay. I got that woman, Sheila to come down to the station to retract her statement about me harassing her.

Harley: Oh, that's good!

Frank: Oh, no, it's not good, actually. Something spooked her and she clamed up, now it's worse than ever. Why the hell would she do that to me?

Harley: Men and women should never mingle. Nothing good comes of it. Nothing. (Music playing)

Josh: Let me help you with that.

Cassie: Thanks. I just had my nails done with Harley. You want to see?

Josh: Very nice. But, uh, I didn't ask.

Cassie: No, you didn’t. Does that mean you didn't want to know?

Josh: It just means that you don't have to tell me about every place that you've been.

Cassie: Good. Because I'm not always going to tell you.

Josh: I'm sorry, this is... this is going to take a little while.

Cassie: All right. But does that mean that we are going to get through this?

Josh: I think we have to, don't you? (Cell phone ringing) Sorry. Hello?

Harley: Hey. I'll take that job.

Josh: You will?

Harley: Yeah, I'll watch Cassie, but just for a few days.

Josh: You're sure?

Harley: Well, I want to make sure she's okay, too. And if she's seeing somebody or if this guy is still hanging around, oh, I'll find him.

Coming up on "Guiding Light..."

Frank: This kid was inexperienced, and he was driving with a learner's permit, and...

Kid: I hit the brakes, but I couldn't stop.

Olivia: He killed Gus!

Natalia: He didn't mean to do anything wrong.

(Crowd fighting)

Rafe: Watch yourself! Watch your back!

Jeffrey: Get him out!

Rafe: I will find you, I will find you!

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