GL Transcript Thursday 4/24/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 4/24/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Marina: I'm your partner.

Harley: I realize this isn't perfect with us.

Marina: Rookies ride shotgun.

Mallet: I'm running down a tip about an attempted break-in yesterday.

Cyrus: Well, I'm living with a cop. How crazy do you think I am? You told me your panic attacks are almost gone.

Harley: Then Gus died.

Cyrus: The time is going to come when you can let go.

Harley: I don't know.

Jeffrey: Here, let... let me help you with that.

Olivia: Show off.

Jeffrey: Well, superhuman strength is only one of my many talents.

Olivia: Huh. (Chuckles)

Jeffrey: (Whistles) Nice day.

Olivia: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Want to go for a drive?

Olivia: Yeah. I'll get my coat.

Rafe: What the heck is wrong with this thing, man?

Natalia: It broke again. I called the super a couple of days ago. He just didn't get back to me.

Rafe: I should give him a call, tell him not to screw with my mother.

Natalia: Don't talk like that. It's fine. I'm going to go out today and buy a hot plate. It'll be fine.

Rafe: This place sucks, Ma! I'm sorry, all right. It's just... we had a house, all right? We had a real frickin' house.

Natalia: And now it's Olivia’s.

Angela: Looks like a good one.

Daisy: Yeah. Has your real name, too. McLovin. I'm kidding. It says Angela Hicks.

Angela: So you decided where you're going next year?

Daisy: I'm not sure. I thought maybe I'd take a year off, you know, before I go to school, travel, get away for a while.

Angela: Is that because Rafe has a new girlfriend?

Daisy: What?

Frank: Am I going to have to worry about you freezing up in the field again when my little girl needs you?

Harley: Hey. How are you doing?

Frank: I'm serious, Harley. You left her stranded, and she could have been hurt.

Harley: The guy couldn't even hold onto his gun.

Frank: That's not the point.

Harley: I know. You know, it was a one-time thing. I swear, Frank.

Frank: What set it off?

Harley: You know, I... I have so much going on right now.

Frank: Then why did you come back to the job?

Harley: Well, there's that little thing, you know, money?

Frank: I notice that you put your name on all of Gus' cases.

Harley: It wasn't just that. I mean, I... I have so many responsibilities. I... I'm... I've got the kids, I'm trying to help Natalia and Rafe as much as I can, and... and Gus left behind a lot of work.

Frank: It's a lot of work for just one person.

Harley: Well, I'm not just any person.

Cyrus: Hey, boss.

Cassie: What are you doing here?

Cyrus: You hired me, remember?

Cassie: Yeah... no, I mean, didn't you just work a shift last night?

Cyrus: Yeah, well... you know, in prison, they used to have us standing around for hours. At least here I get to leave at the end of the day, go home to a nice, warm bed, and Harley.

Cassie: How is that banister coming?

Cyrus: Fine. Harley's gone back on the force. She's got all of Gus' unfinished cases. Anyway, I should go and do the rounds.

Cassie: Yeah, okay.

Olivia: Ah, I almost beat you. So can we take a drive down to the water? I hear the air is good for invalids.

Jeffrey: You're not an invalid. Let me go get you a jacket. And we can go there, but first we're going to go see Mel to go over the terms of our divorce.

Craig: Is this seat taken?

Cassie: No, no. But it will cost you one of your fries.

Craig: Ah. I'm Craig Phillips, in town on business. You ever hear of Spaulding Enterprises?

Cassie: No, but I... you know, I don't really follow that kind of stuff, so... I'm Brooke, by the way.

Craig: That's a great name.

Cassie: Thank you. Yeah, I thought so. (Laughs)

Diaz: Cooper, you got a minute?

Harley: What'd you bust him for?

Diaz: Trying to buy beer with a fake I.D.

Harley: Yeah, I got it. Come on.

Frank: Oh, hey, hey, hey. Let me... let me help you here.

Natalia: I got it. Thank you.

Frank: Here you go. Hot plate? They still make these things?

Natalia: Yeah. Well, the stove broke again.

Frank: Oh, no!

Natalia: I know. And Rafe needs his soup. What are you going to do?

Frank: Well, um, you know what? Here. At least let me help you take these to your car.

Natalia: No. I... I'm actually going to take the bus because my car is broke.

Frank: Well, hold on a second. You're going to take a huge toaster oven here and all this, and what else you got here?

Natalia: I got some... some ramen noodles.

Frank: You're going to take this on the bus? No. I'll tell you what...

Natalia: Yeah.

Frank: ...Why don't I just give you a ride? Okay?

Natalia: No. It's fine.

Frank: I'll... I'll take you in my car.

Natalia: I can take this. This is fine.

Frank: Natalia, Gus would haunt me if I didn't help you, okay?

Natalia: Okay. You can carry this one.

Frank: All right.

Harley: Thomas Springer. Is that your real name? How old are you, anyway? 15? 16?

Tom: 17. I... I look young for my age.

Harley: Especially if you're 21. Well, I guess I'll let you off with a warning.

Tom: Thank... thank you, sir... ma'am. My mom would have killed me if, you know, she found out.

Harley: Well, there is a condition here: You have to let me know where you got this from, because I'm a mother, too. I just.... I hate it if some jerk is out there selling fake IDs to 17-year-olds. Being a mother and all, I don't want to have to call your mother, so I'm going to need to know where you got this from.

Tom: I mean, the same person sold them to half the school.

Daisy: And it looks real professional, so you don't have to worry about getting caught.

Keith: Awesome! And you can get them for my friends, right?

Daisy: Yeah. Give me a call. You know the number.

Keith: All right, thanks.

Daisy: What? What is your problem? I'm trying to make us some money... unless, did you win the lottery? Can you pay for the gas and the electric and the cable? Or the mortgage?

Cyrus: Daisy...

Daisy: No. I suggest you let me get back to work.

Cyrus: It would hurt you to listen.

Daisy: What, are you an expert on fake IDs now?

Cyrus: No. I'm an expert at not getting caught at things.

Daisy: (Laughs) Says the ex-convict.

Cyrus: Move your operation somewhere a little less high-profile. You... you're selling in a wide-open space. What happens if your Uncle Frank walks in or something?

Daisy: See, that's the thing, Cy. No one suspects me. But you, you on the other hand, you have jailbird written all over you. So I'm going to relocate because you're bad for business.

Olivia: Thanks. This is very anticlimactic, you know. Most of my marriages end in death threats or adultery. You're the first husband I didn't have to fight with, cheat on or generally despise with every bone in my body.

Jeffrey: Well, I'll take that as a compliment.

Olivia: You should. Because there was a time where I despised you with every bone in my body. Every muscle, too.

Jeffrey: Hmm. Well, you know, this is the first divorce I've ever been through, so you're ruining everything for any future Mrs. O’Neill’s that are out there.

Olivia: (Laughs) That reminds me, I get to have at least half of your earnings from the past two weeks, so come on.

Jeffrey: Yeah. Well, I work for the state, so I think that 50 bucks should about cover it.

Olivia: Ooh, 50 bucks! So if my body rejects this heart or I get an infection, are you going to marry me again?

Jeffrey: Hey, we'll worry about that some other time.

Olivia: There's only so much Reva can take, huh?

Jeffrey: I had Mel add some specific language to the last paragraph.

Olivia: Are you going to get all lawyery on me? I'll let you off the hook on alimony payments.

Jeffrey: It's just that I... I don't want you to feel alone after you sign this, so you'll see in the fine print on the last paragraph that it says that you can stay with me and Reva for as long as you need. And that's not negotiable.

Olivia: Reva signed off on this?

Jeffrey: Reva's okay with it. Need a pen?

Olivia: Yeah. Thanks. You know what? Can I call you when I want to get picked up? I just want to hang out here for a little while.

Jeffrey: Sure. Don't climb any trees or go swimming or anything.

Olivia: I promise.

Natalia: Home sweet home.

Frank: Well, it’s... it's nice, you know. It’s... it has a certain charm to it. It's rustic.

Natalia: Frank... Frank...

Frank: It works.

Natalia: You're a cop and a father. You shouldn't lie. Can I get you some water or some noodles or...

Frank: No. I'm good. Thanks.

Natalia: Just don't sit on the chair. Don't sit on the chair!

Frank: Whoa! Oh. (Laughs) No worries.

Natalia: It's not exactly Spaulding, huh?

Frank: Well, thank goodness for that, right?

Natalia: Yeah. You know, honestly, I really thought that we were kind of out of this-- you know, the broken furniture and broken stoves-- because we had a house. More than a house, we had a home with Gus. You should have seen Rafe’s face when he walked in and saw his own room, you know, and the Cubs poster that Gus hung up for him.

Frank: He'll have that again.

Natalia: I know. I believe that. We just sort of hit a bump in the road, you know, a big, steep bump, but it's okay.

Frank: Well, you don't have to have that one more day if you don't want to.

Natalia: What?

Frank: Remember the other day when I told you about not being afraid to ask for something if you really needed it?

Natalia: Yes.

Frank: What do you think about maybe staying at the boarding house behind Company? It's a... it's a nice place. There are friendly faces around there. I mean, Rafe could work at Company. It'd take his mind off of things. You know, make a little money.

Natalia: That's so nice, Frank. Thank you. But we're... we're going to be fine. We're always fine.

Cassie: So you really do all of those... what do you call them again?

Craig: Mergers and acquisitions.

Cassie: Right. Yes. You know, that's fascinating.

(Cell phone rings)

(Cassie laughs)

Craig: I've got to take this. Excuse me.

Olivia: I thought I left the Beacon in better hands.

Cassie: What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be resting or... or in the hospital?

Olivia: Do you know CPR just in case? Do me a favor, don't broadcast it to the bar, because, you know, chicks with heart conditions, they don't get a lot of action.

Craig: So how about a drink, Brooke?

Cassie: Actually, my friend and I were just...

Olivia: I hate to bring this up, but I just got out of the hospital. I had a heart transplant. And I need my friend here to change my disgusting bandage. I'm sorry. You probably don't want to watch.

Cassie: Thank you. Thank you for not even asking.

Olivia: I get it. Sometimes you want to be somebody else. In fact, most of the time, I want to be anybody else.

Cassie: Does anybody else even know that you're here?

Olivia: I escaped from Jeffrey. He's going to kill me when he finds out. Of course, he probably might not have to.

Cassie: So you guys are married now. Is that right?

Olivia: Uh-huh.

Cassie: How's that going?

Olivia: Oh, you know, not so good.

Cassie: Uh-huh.

Olivia: But it's okay. He's actually been really great. He offered to let me stay with he and Reva while I rehabilitate.

Cassie: Ooh, that sounds like a great time! Well, why don't you let me buy you a soda. And, no, you cannot put rum in it.

Olivia: You're strict. Must be that whole minister thing rubbing off on you.

Daisy: Just a second. Okay, there. Can I have your name, please?

Harley: I'm guessing you don't have one that says "Mom."

Jeffrey: I'm sorry. My fault.

Betty: Hey, Jeffrey, how's Reva?

Jeffrey: She's good. I'm sorry...

Betty: I'm Betty, from her cancer group. I haven't seen her in a week or two. Everything okay?

Jeffrey: As far as I know.

Betty: She's happy?

Jeffrey: Well, she better be, or I'm in big trouble.

Betty: You're funny, Jeffrey. You must make Reva laugh.

Jeffrey: Yeah. Well, I'm late for an appointment. I'll tell her you said hi.

Olivia: A virgin, huh? I haven't said that in a while.

Cassie: So... does it hurt?

Olivia: Mmm, what do you think?

Cassie: Sorry, I just... I don't really know.

Olivia: Well, you've been on the other side of this, Cassie.

Cassie: Well, yeah, but I don't blame Rick. I mean, I don't hate him, if that's what you're worried about.

Olivia: I hate me.

Harley: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where do you think you're going?

Daisy: "Young lady, where do you think you're going?" Young lady. You forgot the "young lady." Isn’t... isn't that in, like, the mom's handbook or something?

Harley: You're not going anywhere until we talk about this.

Daisy: Another cliché, great.

Harley: Do you know how I found you today? It was not mere coincidence. Do you remember Tom Springer? Tom Springer? Yeah, well, we busted him using the fake I.D. that you sold him. And I told him that he would get off with just a warning if he would give up the dealer.

Daisy: What kind of loyalty is that?

Harley: I have to make dinner for your brothers.

Daisy: Okay, I'm sorry, okay? Can I please go up to my room now?

Harley: No, you can't go to your room until we talk about what you did. Why would you do this? Why? What were you thinking?

Daisy: Are you going to cuff me? Are you going to bring me down to the station? Is this just you playing good cop before bad cop comes out and gets me?

Harley: No, I am not going to cuff you. As much as I would like you to... to walk away humiliated, I'd love to throw your moronic butt in jail, I am not going to bust you, no.

Daisy: I did it because of the money. Isn't that why anyone does anything that they do? I asked you, remember? You said no, for that class trip to New York.

Harley: What? There was really a class trip?

Daisy: No, okay? There... there was no trip. Are you happy? No. I wanted to move in with Rafe, and he wanted to, too. We were so sick of being apart, of doing everything everybody else's way. This was going to be our way, it was going to be our chance. Only Gus...

Harley: What? Gus what?

Daisy: Rafe doesn't want to be with me anymore because he thinks Gus didn't want him to be. And that would really make me mad if it didn't make me so sad, because I loved Gus, too, you know. And now Rafe, he doesn't have a dad, and our family is just falling apart. And there's nothing anybody can do about it. And I'm going for a walk, and please don't follow me.

Harley: Daisy....

Daisy: Please.

Cyrus: Hey. What's wrong?

Harley: Today. Today is wrong. I just busted Daisy. And you will never guess what she was doing. She was selling fake IDs.

Cyrus: I know. I was helping her.

Daisy: Hey, Aunt Reva? It's me, Daisy. I don't know what time it is where you are. Do you have reception? Hello? Hello? Hey, I'm Daisy.

Rafe: You guys don't know each other?

Christina: Not really. I'm Christina. I'm going to go make a call. Save my seat, Rafael.

Daisy: A cheerleader? I thought you hated cheerleaders.

Rafe: Not all cheerleaders. She's pretty cool.

Daisy: We used to make fun of them, their stupid pom-poms and their stupid cheerleader outfits. Is she your girlfriend?

Rafe: Daisy, look, I'm just trying to...

Daisy: No. You know, I'm sorry. It's okay. You want to date someone that Gus would approve of, right?

Rafe: No. Come on. It's not like that.

Daisy: No. Oh, great. No. Great, you also want to date someone your mom would approve of. And Christina, oh, she looks like a nice catholic girl. Bet she's never even been pregnant.

You think too much to give it up and let it flow through you

the time is now...

Harley: This better be good.

Cyrus: Daisy started this whole thing on her own, with Rafe.

Harley: Yes, because apparently they were looking for an apartment.

Cyrus: They already had it.

Harley: You knew about that?

Cyrus: I busted them.

Harley: And you didn't tell me?

Cyrus: No. Because you were going...

Harley: That's my child!

Cyrus: You were going through hell with Gus. So I just... I just took the money away from them. And, actually, it was... it was quite a nice sum of cash, and I used it to... to pay off some of our credit card debt.

Harley: All right, let me get this straight. So you... you busted them, you take the money away, they break up, they don't need the apartment anymore, and... and, what, she keeps this... this job going on the side anyway?

Cyrus: No. I... I realized that Daisy's operation wasn't such a bad deal. I mean, the money helped, didn't it?

Harley: Are you joking?

Cyrus: And if you look at it in a certain light, she's learning some real-life skills.

Harley: Are you joking?

Cyrus: She's an entrepreneur. She could end up in business school one day.

Harley: She could end up in prison!

Cyrus: I was just looking out for her.

Harley: What are you thinking? What could possibly be going on in your head?

Cyrus: I promise you, Harley, this whole thing was on the up and up.

Harley: Do you have any idea how this looks? How this makes me look as her mother? That my boyfriend, my boyfriend is... is working with my daughter? You have... people have their children taken away for a lot less than this, Cyrus.

Cyrus: Nobody's taking Daisy.

Harley: You don't know that.

Cyrus: Nobody is taking her away.

Harley: Just wait.

Cyrus: Are you all right?

Harley: I can't breathe.

Cyrus: It's okay.

Harley: No, stop it. Please don't take care of me right now.

Cyrus: I'm sorry. We had no money. We were in trouble, and I... I did the only thing I could think of. But I would never let Daisy get hurt. I was just trying to help her. I was. And I was trying to help us.

Harley: I know. I believe you. You know that Cassie’s daughter was killed in a car accident. Tammy. Daisy was in the car that hit Tammy.

Cyrus: Daisy was...

Harley: Yes. And Gus found her in the car, alone and petrified and ashamed. And she could have been charged with aiding and abetting. She could have been charged with manslaughter. But he hid her to protect her, because he loved me. He put his career on the line, he put everything on the line because he loved me. So I believe you.

We're one we're here

and we are...

Jeffrey: Hey.

Cassie: Got a minute?

Jeffrey: Come on in! Have a seat.

Cassie: So, what are you working on?

Jeffrey: Nothing that would interest you-- which tells me you got something on your mind and you're stalling.

Cassie: I just am wondering if maybe you heard from Josh lately?

Jeffrey: Josh? Yeah, because Josh and I, we... we talk to each other every night and we call each other.

Cassie: Okay. I just mean through Reva. Maybe Reva has spoken with him?

Jeffrey: Not that I know of. What's going on? Are you worried about something?

Cassie: No. He’s... I mean, he's just off at a convention. It's a minister thing. I was just wondering if maybe they confiscate cell phones at the door.

Jeffrey: And you're anxious to talk to him.

Cassie: We had a fight before he left.

Jeffrey: Ah.

Cassie: And I don't know if he's still mad at me.

Jeffrey: Well, you know, Cassie, Josh is in the forgiveness business, so...

Cassie: Right. Yeah, well, okay. I'm sorry I bothered you. But you... you should give Olivia a call.

Jeffrey: Olivia? You know, I was just going to go pick her up at the park.

Cassie: You might want to take a little detour.

Natalia: You're hungry, huh?

Rafe: How do you always know that, Ma?

Natalia: I don't know. You okay?

Rafe: I... I should be great, but I'm not. Wait. Why are you... why are you all duded up? Where you going?

Natalia: I have to go to Towers, a job interview.

Rafe: No.

Natalia: I know. Well, they need a late-shift waitress, so...

Rafe: Ma, you know I hate that snooty place. Please.

Natalia: I know. I know. But I need more work. And I'm hoping they don't remember you.

Rafe: Oh.

Natalia: I'm going to make you a little something, okay, before I leave. Oh, no, no, no.

Rafe: What did you do?

Natalia: Oh, no way. We are not going to live like this anymore.

Rafe: Ma, relax. I'm not even that hungry.

Natalia: You know what? I will call you after my interview. Get ready for some changes.

Olivia: He was just this really special person. His name is Gus Aitoro. You heard of him? He was a cop on the Springfield P.D. You should have heard of him because he just did so many amazing things for this town, and for me. And that's why I can't really talk about it anymore. I'm sorry.

Jonas: Hey! Natalia, right? It's Jonas, from Chicago. Used to eat at Luigi's.

Natalia: Oh... wow! Hey. Nice to see you. Go back to whatever you were doing. Enjoy.

Olivia: Thanks for listening. Are you stalking me?

Natalia: No. I heard they're hiring.

Olivia: You work for me at the Beacon.

Natalia: Nights. Why are you here?

Olivia: Oh, okay. Go ahead, give me the big moral lecture.

Natalia: I'm glad to see you up and around.

Olivia: That's it?

Natalia: Yeah. It's better than watching you waste away, trying to put Gus' heart in a grave.

Olivia: Oh, see, that's right. This is your fault that I'm here, because you wanted me to stay alive. So, like it or not, here I am.

Natalia: Listen, I can't tell you how to live. I just want you to live.

Cassie: Josh, it's me, again. I thought you tried to call me earlier, but I guess it wasn't you. I just really want to talk to you. Daisy? Are you okay? What’s... what's wrong?

Daisy: Rafe has another girlfriend already. And I saw him before. He didn't even seem sad about it. He didn't seem sad about us. I just... I don't understand. How can someone be so in love with someone one day, and then the next...

Cassie: I wish I knew what to tell you, sweetie. I... I don't know. You'd think love would be so simple, but sometimes it's just not. Do you want to maybe grab an ice cream?

Daisy: Sure.

Olivia: And the prisoner gets escorted back to her cell for bad behavior.

Jeffrey: You told me you didn't drink tonight.

Olivia: I didn’t. I... Cassie wouldn't let me. Big drip. Okay. So do you have an extra pen?

Jeffrey: You didn't sign it yet?

Olivia: Uh-uh. And, actually, you know, I have to be honest with you. There was a time when I would have taken these papers and torn them up and told you that I filed them, and shown up a year later, maybe, you know, snuck into your bedroom, booted Reva out and thrown the papers in her face.

Jeffrey: Are you going to do any of those things? Because right now I think Reva could probably take you.

Olivia: No. I... I wasn't going to make this easy for you, and then I couldn't figure out a reason to make it difficult. So here. Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours... or not. Here.

Frank: Oh, hey, guys. What's up?

Rafe: What's up, Frank?

Frank: Not too much.

Natalia: We just wanted to see if maybe the rooms were still available.

Frank: Yeah, yeah. Actually, we... there... there are two rooms available, and they're together, and they're down the hall, close to the bathroom. And, hey, they're... they're yours if... if you want them.

Rafe: Ma, you know Alan still lives here, right?

Natalia: It's okay. We'll just avoid him.

Rafe: Oh, come on. Ma, he's my grandfather, and he's Gus' dad. I mean, he's a little... he's a little crazy, but he's family, right?

Natalia: He is family.

Frank: Hey, just out of curiosity, I mean, what... what made you change your mind?

Natalia: Well, I think Gus, you know, would want us to look out for each other and just take care of ourselves.

Rafe: We were making soup, we blew a fuse, and then this one blew a fuse.

Natalia: Shut up.

Frank: (Laughs)

Natalia: Wasn't that bad.

Frank: Hey, listen, you know what? I... I think you might like it here, actually.

Natalia: Okay. So what... what do I owe you for the two rooms?

Frank: Well, you'll definitely get a family discount, that's for sure. But let me talk to the landlord first, okay?

Natalia: You'll let me know. You promise.

Frank: I promise.

Natalia: Okay. Okay. Thank you.

Rafe: Thanks, Frank.

Frank: You're welcome. All right. Good. Hey, Pop, listen, just a little FYI here. I... I vacated my room at the boarding house, okay? Natalia and Rafe, they... they don't have a place to stay, so... anyway, if you... if you want to get in touch with me, I'll... I'll be at the Springfield Inn, okay?

Cyrus: Daisy's not in her room.

Harley: She took off. I'll have to deal with her later. Frank told me today that everything I'm trying to do-- you know, taking care of my kids, helping Natalia and Rafe a little bit, Gus' work, his club, you-- it's all too much.

Cyrus: Harley, listen to me. We can do this. We're really good together. You know that we are.

Harley: It's not enough. It's just not enough. When people are counting on you...

Cyrus: Just let me finish. Let me finish. I screwed up. This-- all of this-- is new for me. It's new territory. To tell you the truth, I never stuck around long enough in a relationship to screw up this bad.

Harley: Do you know how it felt for me, being back at work? Working Gus' cases, sitting in his car, sitting at his desk, it just felt right, Cyrus, and this just feels wrong.

Cyrus: Says who?

Harley: Just me. I don’t... I don't want to hurt you when I say this because it isn't your fault, but now, the way that things are, when I'm with you, I feel like I'm cheating on Gus.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Josh: I haven't been able to bring myself to go inside yet.

Harley: I know that something happened before you left town.

Josh: We'll work it out.

Cyrus: Harley asked me to move out.

Cassie: You can have a room at the Beacon.

Josh: I want to get past this, if that's at all possible. I'm not perfect. I don't pretend to be. But I have given you everything that I have to give.

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