Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 4/22/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Ava: What are we doing, talking baby names?
Lizzie: What about Penelope?
Jeffrey: What do you expect to get out of this?
Ava: I want a family.
Jeffrey: And Lizzie?
Ava: It's just a matter of time before he dumps her.
Remy: A sponge comes in handy if you've got a mess.
Lizzie: Are you offering your services?
Bill: You worried about Ava?
Lizzie: No. I am not worried about Ava, not in the least.
Officer: Hey, Cooper. Who are you here for?
Harley: Nobody. The coffee's cold.
Ashlee: Hi.
Coop: Hi.
Ashlee: You're looking worse for wear. I'm the one who had the surgery. Well, I'm good, thanks for asking. (Laughs) Actually, I was thinking about getting up and taking a walk.
Coop: Whoa, whoa, easy, girl, calm down.
Ashlee: It's rules and regs. I'm meant to get up and walk around to keep my strength up, prevent blood clots and get all of the air out of my body.
Coop: Okay, we'll do the walk later. First off, we're going to look at the nutritional program and the exercise program they have set up for you.
Ashlee: Who knew that surgery would be such hard work? I'm kidding. Well, can you see a difference?
Coop: Well, Ash, it's a little soon to be seeing a difference.
Ashlee: I know. Well, maybe there’s not a change in my body, but I feel like there is a change. I feel like today maybe my life begins.
Coop: Your life begins?
Ashlee: Uh-huh.
Coop: So what were you doing before?
Ashlee: I guess I spent so much time worrying about how I looked, what I looked like, how people were going to treat me.
Coop: Uh-huh.
Ashlee: I could have done so much more. I could have been on the corner in Venice playing a guitar.
Coop: That's what you want to do?
Ashlee: No, but I could be. I'm just saying that I'm doing well. I'm almost okay. I think I'm totally okay.
Coop: Yeah?
Ashlee: Yeah. Okay, sorry. I guess almost okay.
Coop: Relax.
Bill: Wanda, have you not heard one word I've said. There is no way we lost the job to Goodman. We've underbid him by thousands. No, I've never worked with Guzman before.
Lizzie: Wait. Wanda, I have a whole file on Guzman. It is in Billy’s lower left file draw. Can you pull it and fax a few pages over here. Yeah, I will pick it up in the trailer. Thanks. I'm here for you, baby.
Bill: You are here for me. Yes, you are. All of this from a girl who will not come back to work.
Lizzie: I will. I will.
Bill: When? When?
Lizzie: When things cool down.
Bill: Baby, we're going to make a great team because behind every powerful and successful man there is a good woman.
Lizzie: I have a lot to do. I'm going to see Ashlee, go call my mom. Maybe we should send flowers to Ava.
Bill: You're laying it on a little thick. Whenever you are this nice to Ava, it makes me a little nervous.
Lizzie: Well, what does it say about you?
Bill: That I'm smarter than I look.
Lizzie: No way. (Laughs)
Ava: Decaf, right?
Remy: Yup.
Ava: So do I need to call the shop and let them know I'm dropping off my car.
Remy: I told you, it's fixed.
Ava: Permanently? It's permanently fixed?
Remy: I'm going to try not to be insulted here.
Ava: I don’t know what I owe you for the car?
Remy: Nothing. You can make it up to me. You can let me ask you out.
Ava: Oh, no, Remy, I can’t.
Remy: You didn't let me finish.
Ava: You're a very attractive guy, but I already have a guy.
Remy: What you've got is a baby daddy.
Ava: Yeah. Thanks for the coffee, Remy.
Cyrus: Harley?
Harley: Who else?
Cyrus: Hey.
Harley: Hey. That banister is really loose again.
Cyrus: Yeah, I know.
Harley: Fix it. So, the drawer where we usually keep bills is full. I've created a bill box. Only at the rate these bills are coming in, we're going to need another box, except we can't afford the shoes to get the...
Cyrus: That makes sense. Did you drop the boys off at Rick’s?
Harley: Yes.
Cyrus: Zach left a little note for you on the table...
Harley: I think I'm going to go back to the force.
Cyrus: Why?
Harley: I have to talk to Mallet about it. Because we need money and a steady job would be great right now.
Cyrus: You want to be a cop again? What about our business?
Harley: We don't have any clients, except for the one that you invented. And invented clients don't pay real money.
Cyrus: Right. Is a cop's salary worth all of the stress and all of the hours?
Harley: Well, it will help, a lot. You're working security, and you'll keep running the agency.
Cyrus: Well, it doesn't sound like we'll see each other much.
Harley: We will. We will, you know. We're in this together, right?
Cyrus: Yeah.
Cassie: Honey, are you sure this isn't going to be too heavy for you to ride with?
R.J.: Bobby's house is only like five minutes from our house on the bike. Hey, will Josh be home when I get home tomorrow?
Cassie: I'm not sure, honey. He is traveling for work.
R.J.: I wanted to show him the fastball I've been practicing.
Cassie: Well, you could show me.
R.J.: Yeah. Well, will he be home soon?
Cassie: I'm sure he will. I'm sure he will. You go have fun, and call me when you get there, okay?
R.J.: Okay.
Cassie: Josh, it's me again. Would you please just call me when you get this? We miss you. I miss you. (Music playing)
I never really cared about the things I never got to say
now I'm standing here observing what's here
and when I look back out...
Harley: I'm going back to work because we need the money, but also because Gus left six unfinished cases, and I want to work them. I want to finish those cases... because I think he would want me to, but, also, because I think it would be good for me. It would be a closure.
Cyrus: Okay. That's good. I just wish I could help.
Harley: You are. You're doing what you can. And I'm... I'm doing what I have to do.
Buzz: Cyrus.
Cyrus: Hey, Buzz. Can I get a hot coffee to go?
Buzz: Sure. Help yourself.
Cyrus: Oh, thanks.
Buzz: You working today?
Cyrus: No. No, I just-- I'm a night person.
Buzz: You've got a good job, you've got a home, you've got a good lady in your life. That's a good life.
Cyrus: Yeah. It's a lot.
Buzz: You sticking around?
Cyrus: Sure. Why?
Buzz: Well, I know a fellow runner when I see one. When the going gets tough, we run.
Cyrus: You?
Buzz: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Until I got smart.
Cyrus: Well, I'm not going anywhere.
Doris: Hey. How is she today?
Coop: She's good. She's doing really good.
Doris: Yeah?
Coop: Listen, Doris, Ashlee is really up, and she's acting like it is really nothing, so don't get her all hyper...
Doris: I know my daughter. Thanks. Hi, honey!
Ashlee: Hey!
Doris: Oh, how are you?
Ashlee: Okay, Mom.
Doris: Oh, sorry. Is everything okay?
Ashlee: It's fine. Just my incisions are a little sore.
Doris: Are you feeling any pain? Any shortness of breath or chest pain or anything
Ashlee: No.
Doris: Any pain at all, redness, swelling in your legs, or vomiting-- anything like that?
Ashlee: Not yet. Getting there.
Doris: Okay. Just making sure you don't have any belly pain. You know, the fluid pain might leak from the cut.
Ashlee: No cut fluid yet, Mom, but it feels like someone has been doing her reading. I feel just super, Dr. Wolfe.
(Cell phone rings)
Coop: Not now, Blake, not now.
Ashlee: Do you want to feel something weird? Yes, you do.
Doris: Oh, my God, what’s that?
Ashlee: It's an air bubble.
Doris: An air bubble? That's gross.
Ashlee: I know. Well, it's not that bad. Because they pump full of air and do their business, and then they suck it out, but some is left over --
Doris: You know, you don't have to be so funny about this, even though you are. This is a huge change in your life.
Ashlee: A good one, I think.
Doris: I hope so.
Coop: Hello, girls.
Ashlee: Hello, boy.
Coop: So, she's doing good, huh?
Doris: I think so. But I'm her mother, you know, so I worry.
Ashlee: I showed her my air bubble.
Coop: Ooh, oh! Why? That totally freaked me out when she showed me.
Doris: Coop, if you have things to do, I can stay with her?
Coop: No. I actually cleared my schedule.
Ashlee: I thought you had that book thing with Blake?
Coop: It’ll keep, don’t worry.
Doris: Okay. Then I'll go.
Ashlee: Thanks for coming.
Doris: Bye.
Ashlee: That was actually almost fun.
Ava: Um, hi. I was just wondering, how early do you notice pregnancy symptoms? That early? Maybe donor 387TZ3 is a little slow.
Bill: Who is that?
Lizzie: My mom.
Bill: Tell her I said hi.
Lizzie: Hi, Mom. I don't have a lot of time.
Remy: I broke her car, I fixed her car. I asked her out. It's all about Bill.
Lizzie: Well, keep trying until it is all about Remy. Think outside the box.
Remy: Was thinking in my job description?
Lizzie: How much?
Harley: Hey.
Cassie: Hey.
Harley: Can we talk? Zach left me a note today about this science fair project thing, the dioramas? Did R.J. ever have to do this project?
Cassie: Oh, yeah.
Harley: And I don't even have a shoe box to do the dioramas.
Cassie: Just be happy they're still doing dioramas. Wait until calculus.
Harley: Math, I like.
Cassie: Then I'll send R.J. to you.
Harley: My staircase is falling apart, and the agency doesn't have any clients. And I feel like I'm doing absolutely nothing for him.
Cassie: For who? Cyrus?
Harley: No. For Gus. Once the funeral is over and you've said your good-byes, how do you just move on like it is life as usual?
Cassie: I don't know. I haven't yet.
Harley: Don't you still find yourself asking: Does Tammy want me to be happy? Should I be doing things to move on and be happy?
Cassie: I wish I could tell you that goes away.
Harley: Well, Josh must help you through it.
Cassie: As best he can, yeah. Um, you are going to need scissors and tape.
Harley: I have that stuff at home, Cassie. I have scissors and tape.
Cassie: Good.
Harley: Are you okay?
Cassie: Yeah. I'm okay. I mean, it's nothing. I just -- I've been -- for like the last month or so, I've been staying late at the Beacon.
Harley: Well, I mean, you're just getting back into the swing of things. I'm sure there are tons of stuff for you to do.
Cassie: It's after the work is done. I'm just staying. I'm just wanting to hang around with people who don't know me or Tammy. You know what, I'm really sorry that you're grieving Gus, but I just don't think that I'm the right person to talk to about this.
Cyrus: Hey, Buzz, do you mind if I borrow these tools? We've got a banister to fix at home.
Buzz: Well, if you're sticking around. So you're fixing up the kitchen or something?
Cyrus: What's wrong with the kitchen?
Buzz: I'm asking you. Harley says the kitchen needs repairs. They keep asking me to bring over the leftovers from Company, and it's not because they love my cooking. Little low on funds?
Cyrus: Well, business isn't exactly booming, and Harley paid for Gus' funeral.
Buzz: And Harley helped you out.
Cyrus: Buzz...
Buzz: Listen, I don't care how you got into this situation. I just want you to get out of it because Harley and the boys deserve better.
Cyrus: I know that. I'm doing what I can.
Buzz: Do extra work at the Beacon. Pick up cans. Everybody is good at something. You figure it out.
Harley: Thank you for this. And Zach thanks you for this.
Cassie: You're welcome. And you are going to be okay.
Harley: Yeah. Anyway, I'll get out of your way before your guys get home. Are your guys getting home?
Cassie: Well, R.J. is at a sleep-over thing and Josh is at a church convention.
Harley: Well, put those away, Cassie.
Cassie: No. I can tell you I'm not going out.
Harley: No, no, you're not going out. Come eat dinner with us.
Cassie: No. I'm really okay.
Harley: Come on. Put these away. You can bring the wine.
Ashlee: Let's see what you've got.
Coop: A mix of all sorts of stuff. (Cell phone rings)
Ashlee: Oh, that's-- you better pick it up.
Coop: No, no. That's what voicemail is for.
Ashlee: She's your agent. She's trying to help you.
Coop: No. The woman is acting like she invented me, all right?
Ashlee: Well, she's trying to help you. She's trying to let the world know that you are amazing, and since she is doing that, she is my best friend.
Coop: The woman calls me like 20 times a day. You don't understand. She's calling me now because she's hounding me because she wants me to do some stupid photo shoot for a trendy magazine where they're doing a section on novelists and artistes...
Ashlee: When is the photo shoot?
Coop: Today, now.
Ashlee: You need to go.
Coop: No. I told her I was going to be with you today.
Ashlee: No. Go.
Coop: What about watching movies and taking a walk...
Ashlee: We'll do it later. Now go, go, go!
Coop: All right, fine. But I'm coming straight back, though.
Lizzie: Hey.
Ava: Hey. Hi. I was just here to see Bill to talk baby stuff.
Lizzie: Well, Bill's not here, but I don't have to rush out. So let's talk baby stuff.
Ava: Okay. Great.
Lizzie: Come on. So I went and picked up some of the baby stuff from the house before they auctioned it off. Most of it was Sarah’s, but some of the clothes and toys could work for a boy or a girl.
Ava: Wow, thank you. That was really, really nice of you.
Lizzie: Too nice?
Ava: Kind of.
Lizzie: So how's Remy. I heard you were out with him?
Ava: Oh, how did you hear that?
Lizzie: Oh, come on, this is such a small town. But Bill is not a huge fan, so you might want to steer clear so he doesn't go all crazy cowboy on you.
Ava: I don't think Bill has to worry about anything?
Lizzie: Good. Now that Bill knows I'm cool with the baby, that's all he can talk about. He bought half this stuff.
Ava: Bill went shopping for our baby?
Lizzie: You don't have to make a big deal about it. You know how guys are, which is why I wanted to give you a heads-up about Remy. I will be right back. So make yourself at home. Look around. Okay?
Ava: Okay. Bill went shopping for our baby. Hmm.
Harley: Cyrus?
Cyrus: Upstairs.
Harley: There's one more for dinner.
Cyrus: Oh, hey boss.
Cassie: Hi.
Harley: I had to practically drive her here. She knows all about my cooking.
Cassie: Your cooking is fine.
Harley: She was all alone, and we haven't been spending a lot of time together lately.
Cassie: But you're in the middle of something. I really should go.
Harley: It's just a banister.
Cyrus: It turns out it is more work than I thought.
Harley: He wants you here. And besides, it's less work for him.
Cassie: Okay, so how can I help?
Harley: That's okay. I've got it.
Cassie: No, really. You have to let me make myself useful.
Harley: Well, I think you can give Cyrus a hand.
Cassie: Cooking I know. Home repair, not so much. So why don't you let me cook and then you can help him?
Harley: Well, you are married to Josh Lewis, formerly of Lewis Construction, so maybe...
Cassie: Good point.
Harley: Thank God.
Cassie: Harley thought I could help.
Ava: Ding dong, oh, look, it’s daddy Bill, coming home to is most fabulous wife Ava, and a cute little baby, the most wonderful baby in the world. Gee, Ava, why do you have a chain on the door? Oh, it was horrible. So horrible. Your pathetic ex-girlfriend came by again, and her little dog, too. (Laughs)
Cassie: I did try to get out of it, you know.
Cyrus: Don't worry about it.
Cassie: I feel so awful. Harley is going through a terrible time.
Cyrus: Just let it go, Cassie.
Harley: You guys, soup's on.
Lizzie: You try to do something nice for somebody, and this is what you get.
Bill: What is wrong?
Lizzie: Ava. Amazon woman stole my dollhouse. I don't know what kind of freak would do this. She has your child and now she is trying to take my childhood from me. And I'm going to try to get it back from her.
Bill: Listen to me: No, you're not.
Cassie: This is really good.
Harley: All I had to do is boil water.
Cyrus: But it's the way you boil it.
Harley: Thank you. We are such a fun bunch.
Cyrus: Yeah, really. (Laughter)
Harley: Should I put on some music?
Cassie: Sure, that's a good idea.
Cyrus: Sure. (Soft rock music playing)
Harley: Why don't we make a toast? To, um... to dioramas, of course, but to the best part of my day, having dinner with the people that I love so much. I know I've been very difficult to be around lately.
Cassie: Harley, you haven’t.
Harley: I have. I have. And thank you for sticking by me and helping me get through this. (Soft rock music playing)
Buzz: Oh, no, no, no Doris, it is on the house.
Doris: Oh, no, that would be illegal.
Buzz: Just testing.
Doris: I've got to run. I've got to go over an interview about the budget.
Buzz: That's what it all comes down to, doesn't it?
Doris: Mm-hmm. Of course.
Ashlee: Hi.
Buzz: You just missed your mom.
Ashlee: Yeah, I know. I waited.
Buzz: (Laughing) Hey, how are you? You look good.
Ashlee: Thanks. No, I mean, the surgery went okay. And I've been following all of the instructions. It's easy. And in the hospital and in my room, everything is easy. But I went out, obviously, to this photo shoot that Coop was doing.
Buzz: Photo shoot?
Ashlee: Something that Blake set up. And I got there and it was great, and there was this table full of food. You know, cheese and crackers, and chocolate-covered strawberries, and all of these amazingly tasty things. And I sat down and I freaked out. I freaked out, and I had to get out of there.
Buzz: Oh, honey, it's tough on you.
Ashlee: I just miss it. I just miss all of it, everything. And I thought that I'd be stronger around food.
Coop: Hey, Pop.
Buzz: Take care of your woman.
Coop: What?
Buzz: Take care of your woman.
Coop: What's going on? Hey.
Ashlee: Nothing's wrong. Everything is wrong, actually. I, um... I was really happy to come and see you today, but with all of that food, I really kind of freaked out, and I had to go.
Coop: You're just feeling overwhelmed right now, okay? You just had surgery.
Ashlee: Yes, but I could feel normal. But I've never felt so un-normal in my whole life.
Coop: Ashlee, stop. You are perfect now. You were perfect before, but.. look, you knew going into this that it was not going to be easy.
Ava: Hi, come on in.
Bill: Hey.
Ava: Hey.
Bill: Lizzie's dollhouse?
Ava: What? I thought that you bought this for our baby.
Bill: Ava, stop.
Ava: Stop what?
Bill: Please stop giving Lizzie a hard time.
Ava: I'm not giving Lizzie a hard time. I thought you bought it for the baby. She invited me in. I was walking by, and she showed me the dollhouse and she said you got all of these things for the baby. I didn't think...
Bill: You didn't think what, it would be this complicated.
Ava: Just take it! I mean, geez. I don't want it. It's too complicated.
Bill: Great. Great.
Harley: More wine?
Cassie: I'll get it.
Cyrus: I'll get it.
Harley: I'm up. It's okay.
Doris (voice over radio):
As your mayor, I thought it was
very important for you to hear
it from me, and understand that
budget cuts in the police
department are a necessity at
this time.
There will be a hiring freeze,
and some cases will have to be
put on the back burner.
Cyrus: What's wrong?
Harley: I don't have any dessert. I want some cookies, I want something.
Cyrus: I'll go get some--
Harley: No, no. You guys stay here and talk business. I'll be back.
Cassie: Has she been doing that a lot?
Cyrus: What, taking off?
Cassie: Yeah.
Cyrus: I don't know if I'm supposed to chase her or just let her do her thing. This is all new for me. I mean, I love her. I'll stick by her. It's a lot, you know, for both of us. But I think that we... sorry. I'll shut up. I'm talking too much. (Music playing)
Harley: A hiring freeze?
Doris: People love tax cuts.
Harley: Yeah, and they also love when the police can protect them.
Doris: The force is fine.
Harley: No. See this, one, two, three, four, five, six-- six cases. These were Gus'. You cut that spot. These may never be closed.
Doris: You'll have to take that up with Detective Mallet.
Harley: These are Gus'. I'll take them. I know how he works-- how he worked. I'll take them. You can pay me less. It's a win/win for everyone.
Doris: I cannot just wave a wand and make you a detective again.
Harley: Well, don't do this. Don't take away the only part of him that is left.
Doris: All right, but you'll have to take up the details with Chief Mallet.
Ava: Hi, it's me. It's Ava. I don't trust my car. Can you give a girl a ride?
Remy: I'm on my way.
Ava: This won't take long.
Remy: It's cool. Take your time. I'm your guy -- you're guy friend.
Ava: Thanks, guy friend. I'll be back.
Bill: This is not broken. It's just under renovation.
Lizzie: It's all ruined.
Bill: Hey, hey, no negative energy on my job site. We're Lewis Construction, this is what we do.
Lizzie: This is no time to be cute.
Bill: I can't help it, baby. I'm always cute. Come here. I'm going to fix it, okay? Smile. Okay?
Ava: Dr. Meredith, thank you for seeing me on such short notice. I appreciate it.
Dr. Meredith: Well, you would have had to come in anyway.
Ava: I've been thinking. I've been thinking a lot. I don't think I can do this again. The I.U.I., one shot deal--
Doctor: Ms. Peralta.
Ava: What?
Doctor: You're pregnant.
(Soft rock music playing)
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Marina: Word on the street is I'm getting a new partner today. No, no, Mallet wouldn't do that to me. Gus had this informant on the other side of town.
Informant: Where is Aitoro?
Harley: You're dealing with us today.
Marina: Harley, he's got a gun. Harley! Harley!
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