Guiding Light Transcript Friday 4/18/08
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Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Natalia: Olivia, are you all right?
Olivia: Unfortunately.
Natalia: You need help.
Olivia: I need to die.
Natalia: You're the most disgustingly selfish person I know. You think God let Gus die to answer your prayer? Believe me, I wish it would have been you that died.
Olivia: If you wish it enough, it will happen.
Natalia: I'm going to keep you alive.
Lizzie: To us!
Bill: Ah, to us. Now, where is the pate with the little pickles? I'm kidding, I'm joking.
Lizzie: You know, I was trying to do something special.
Bill: And this is special. A little too special. I'll settle for just some quiet time with you and I, okay? This is, this is great.
Lizzie: Well, it's not just you and I.
Bill: It isn't?
Lizzie: No, it's not.
Bill: So you're having a baby?
Lizzie: I thought that Ava might like to have those.
Bill: Really? You know, I want to thank you. Because you... you could have broken up with me. And you could have just been gritting your teeth through the next few months.
Lizzie: 40 weeks, but who's counting?
Doctor: It's too early. A pregnancy test at this point won't be conclusive.
Ava: Well, we could just try. I am an overachiever.
Doctor: After an I.U.I., you should wait until you've missed a period. Hopefully, you and donor 387TZ3 are going to be parents.
Ava: Well, 387TZ3 may be the donor, but my baby has a father.
Olivia: Oh, you're back.
Natalia: Time for lunch. It was really fun charging your account. I am going to have a burger and some fries, and you're going to have soup.
Alan: You know, Dinah, you've totally lost it.
Dinah: No, you have lost everything. This is my patio. My trees. My wall, to keep people like you out.
Alan: You're pathetic.
Dinah: You know, I'm going to pretty much keep the place as you left it, sort of, kind of like a little museum. But I've already started to make some changes. I'm contemplating a mini-golf course on the back lawn. I think it's going to be perfect. Can I give you a tour?
Alan: You're not very funny.
Dinah: Can I have Hilda get you a drink at all? Would you take a look at this? This will help you understand.
Alan: How did you fake the seal?
Dinah: Wine, liquor, or are you a beer guy these days?
Alan: Come on, stop this. Tell me where Phillip is.
Dinah: You know, you keep doing this, you underestimate your enemies.
Alan: Enemies? Don't you understand what's going on? Phillip is manipulating you.
Dinah: You know what? You need to get it through your head, through your thick skull. I am Phillip! And now I am you!
Alan: You know you're a criminal.
Dinah: No, not this time.
Wallace: Yes, Ms. Marler?
Dinah: I want you to take Mr. Spaulding to the gate, now.
Alan: I'm glad you're here, Walter. I want you to have Ms. Alice in Wonderland removed from my property.
Wallace: The name is Wallace, Mr. Spaulding. You never did get it right.
Dinah: Rule number two, Alan, learn the staffs' name.
Alan: I'm going to the police, the D.A. and the mayor.
Dinah: What are you going to tell them?
Alan: I'm going to tell them you stole my property.
Dinah: Would you give us a moment, please?
Wallace: Yes.
Dinah: I want you to prove it.
Alan: All I have to do is pull up Phillip’s e-mail...
Dinah: Deleted. All of it, deleted. All the money, transferred... gone. You had all of your servers on absolutely no backup. I want to thank you for keeping my secret alive.
Alan: So you invented Phillip, and then you uninvented him?
Dinah: Yes. I did all of that with my brain power.
Alan: Well, don't take my insults personally. I'm that way with everyone.
Dinah: You just chose the wrong girl at the wrong time.
Alan: Dinah, I'm sure that you and I could come to some kind of an agreement, a deal, maybe, that we could discuss?
Dinah: Now, why would I want to do business with a loser like you? Wallace?
Alan: Enjoy it while you can, Dinah.
Natalia: Your soup is going to get cold. You have to eat, build up your strength.
Olivia: Didn't you hear a word that I s...
Natalia: I heard you. You think you want to die. Too bad. Gus didn't want to die. Gus loved life. And now all that is left of him is his big, beautiful heart, in there. I'm not going to let it go to waste. (Sighs) You're just like Rafe when he was a baby.
Olivia: This is my punishment. God is making me spend time with you.
Natalia: God gave you a gift. He obviously loves you.
Olivia: You need to take your God and your soup and leave me alone.
Natalia: You are a horrible, ungrateful person.
Olivia: Yeah, so?
Natalia: Do you think Gus would want you to squander the gift you've been given?
Olivia: I don't know.
Natalia: No! You've already destroyed enough. You have no right...
Olivia: There's nothing you can do!
Natalia: Okay. Fine. You win.
Lizzie: "Unexpected when you're expecting?" No.
Remy: I hope that wasn't a library book. (Laughing) Lizzie, are you...
Lizzie: No, no, not even close.
Remy: Thank God.
Lizzie: Bill is, with Ava.
Remy: Wow.
Lizzie: I mean, it's not his fault.
Remy: (Laughing) That's a new one!
Lizzie: I mean, we weren't together when it just... the point is, we are now together, and I am trying to do the right thing.
Remy: So we'll sic the dogs on Ava?
Lizzie: No. Remy, I'm serious. I just keep thinking, "What would Tammy do?"
Remy: (Laughing) Yeah, good luck with that!
Lizzie: Okay, I know I'm not Tammy. The first thing I thought when I heard is, "Ava got pregnant to trap Bill, great." Tammy always looked for the good in everyone, and somehow she found it.
Remy: I look for the worst, and I'm never disappointed.
Lizzie: Me, neither. But I'm trying. I'm trying. This is me, trying.
Remy: Well, let me know how that goes.
Bill: Ava? Oh, let me get that.
Ava: No, no, no, no, no! I've got them, I've got them.
Bill: You all right?
Ava: Yeah.
Bill: You sure?
Ava: Uh-huh.
Bill: I have a confession to make.
Ava: Uh-huh?
Bill: I called your office and found out you had an appointment. I think today's the day I meet your doctor.
Ava: My doctor? You want to meet my doctor today?
Bill: Alright, Ava, listen. I know you're mad at me, okay, because when you first told me, I didn't handle it well, okay? And, then that’s...
Ava: Well, fair enough, okay? I didn't handle it well, either.
Bill: Look, this is new to you, too, okay?
Ava: Well, it certainly is.
Bill: It does not give me the right to take it out on you, alright? And I am sorry. I'm sorry.
Ava: Look, this has been really hard for both of us. We're just trying to figure out...
Bill: Yeah. That's it. You know what we're going to do? We're going to figure it out together. And we're going to talk to the doctors and get some answers, okay?
Ava: Answers?
Bill: Yeah, like when the baby's due and how that little being is doing and everything...
Ava: Oh, okay you know what? This is all very sweet.
Bill: What's wrong? What did I say
Ava: I'm just not really... not today.
Bill: Ava, what did I say? Ava, the sooner, the better, don't you think?
Ava: Bill, I said not today, okay?
Bill: Ava...
Ava: What?
Bill: Ava, look, I said I'm sorry, okay.
Ava: And that's enough?
Bill: I never asked for this baby, okay? But now that it's here, I want to do my part. I want to make it work. I want to do my part.
Ava: Thank you for your heart-felt enthusiasm, Bill. I appreciate it.
Bill: Okay, listen to me. If I told you I was happy, you would never believe me.
Ava: I really don't care what you think about this baby. It's mine, and I will take it from here.
Bill: Ava, come on. Why are you doing this?
Ava: Because I've had it, okay? I've been begging you to take interest in this child. So do me a favor, come over for birthdays and Christmas and whenever you are not busy with Lizzie.
Bill: I'm here now.
Ava: Until she calls you.
Bill: I was with Lizzie when you called me.
Ava: Oh, so I pulled you away from her? Great.
Bill: I didn't say that. Please stop putting words in my mouth.
Ava: Look, the next time your conscious is hurting you, ignore it, Bill!
Bill: You still have to see the doctor. Think of the baby, Ava!
Lizzie: What's this color called?
Woman: "Out for blood."
Lizzie: (Laughing) I like that.
Dinah: Hey. I'll take what she's having.
Lizzie: Did Bill send you to checkup on me?
Dinah: Do you need a checkup?
Lizzie: No, that would be Ava.
Dinah: Oh, yes, I did hear that.
Lizzie: It's fine. It's gonna be fine. I'm not going to let Ava and her baby come in between what Bill and I have going right now.
Dinah: H'mmm, Lizzie, I'm rooting for you. I want my brother to be happy.
Lizzie: He is. He will be. We are... we are going to be.
Dinah: I'm glad. I'm glad. You deserve good things, you do. Especially with everything that happened, you know.
Lizzie: What?
Dinah: With your family, with your grandfather.
Lizzie: Yeah. It's sad that the house is gone, it is, but what can you do?
Dinah: Yeah. I know. Exactly. I mean, what can you do about that? How is Alan taking it?
Lizzie: I'm not too worried about him.
Dinah: You know what? Maybe it was his turn to be humbled.
Lizzie: Yeah, maybe. But, I mean, he'll be back. You know, it's, you know, not like my granddad is going to stay down. He is just licking his wounds, and he's going to come back stronger. I would not want to be the person who tries to get in his way.
Woman: Dinah, why don't you pick your color?
Dinah: I have a dentist appointment. I have a dentist appointment. Teeth and nails, I still get them mixed up. Good-bye.
Lizzie: (Laughs) Good-bye.
Woman: She needs to relax more.
Lizzie: Yeah. (Music playing)
Waiting for somebody to open up some door
Tuesday came and went as quickly as was scripted
sometimes I need to be neglected
I believe, somewhere there's a vision in the dark
Remy: Wait, do you knock? I mean, geez.
Dinah: Sorry. Sorry.
Remy: This is my room.
Dinah: Got a little damage control.
Remy: Uh-oh, I take it that Alan didn't enjoy his tour?
Dinah: No, no, no. It was fantastic. He just, he was squirming, he was suffering, it was good...
Remy: So then what's the problem? Other than the fact that you're going to make me late for my date?
Dinah: Okay. He's coming after me, is the problem.
Remy: Really? Shocking!
Dinah: Yeah, yeah. So I need to hire some more security. I need to hire a bodyguard.
Remy: I've got an idea. How about I just go rough him up?
Dinah: That's right!
Remy: Are you serious?
Dinah: Very good.
Remy: No! Listen, Alan is going to do what he wants to do. You've just got to be smart and stay one step ahead of him.
Dinah: Yeah, you're right.
Remy: Uh-huh.
Dinah: You're right. Okay, I can do that.
Remy: I put my money on you.
Dinah: That's right. You're right.
Remy: Uh-huh.
Dinah: Nothing to be afraid of. All right. I feel a little bit better. The world is looking better with you and your shirt off. You're very fit. You're very fit, there.
Ava: Oh, hey. Natalia.
Natalia: Hi.
Ava: Hi.
Natalia: How's Emma?
Ava: Oh, she's dying to see Olivia, but I think I'm going to hold her off for one more day. She needs a little time to adjust to being in the hospital. Olivia is not the best patient.
Natalia: No.
Ava: No. Well, I guess I better go. I'm sorry. Are you okay? How are you?
Natalia: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine.
Ava: Okay.
Natalia: Ava, can you just see if you can get her to eat a little soup?
Ava: Olivia? Olivia?
Olivia: Emma? You didn't bring her, right?
Ava: No, no, not yet. I didn’t.
Olivia: Good.
Ava: Ooh, French fries. I guess the nurse is on break? She probably won't mind if I eat a couple of those. She can order some more. Mom, I'm so glad to be here. I'm so glad to be here. I know that you said you needed a little bit of time, but there is just so much stuff going on with Bill, and I...
Olivia: There is no baby, right?
Ava: No, but I really want Bill. And I really, really want a baby. So I made a decision. I decided to do artificial insemination. Now, I know that it sounds nuts, but it's something I really, really want to do. And I'm really excited about it. In fact, I might be pregnant right now. I asked the hospital if I could take a test, but they said I have to wait a little while. But I just can't stop thinking about it. It's making me crazy.
Olivia: It's hard to wait.
Natalia: She's going to be fine.
Lost in your arms...
Remy: You know, when you think about it, you and I have a lot in common.
Alan: You told me you saw Phillip. You saw him in town. But you lied to me, Remy. How much is she paying you?
Remy: "She?"
Alan: Dinah and you are going to pay for this. I'll bury you both in a shallow grave.
Remy: Oh, that's nice. Honor Gus' memory by threatening to bury people.
Alan: If Gus knew right now what you were doing to me...
Remy: Alan, Alan, Alan, enough is enough. Okay? Alright? Enough with the threats. You have nothing to back them up. Dude, where's your car? Right. ( Laughs) I'm sorry. "Where's your car?" (Laughs) Sorry. You need a lift somewhere?
Dinah: He knows.
Bill: Who knows what?
Dinah: Alan. He knows that I bought the house, that it was me, that it wasn't Phillip. He knows everything.
Bill: Okay, let me ask you something. How does he know? Who told him? Dinah, what are you doing?
Dinah: Look, I couldn't help myself, all right.
Bill: Okay, mm-hmm.
Dinah: He was laughing at me, even though I have everything and he has nothing.
Bill: Okay. Listen to me, I love you, so I have to give you a bit of advice. You never kick a cobra, okay?
Dinah: Oh, please. He is de-fanged.
Bill: De-fanged? Well, fangs grow back.
Dinah: Oh, come on.
Vanessa: Oh, I thought I heard the two of you. Hello.
Dinah: Hi.
Bill: Hi, Mommy.
Vanessa: You're hiding from me?
Bill: Of course not. We were just catching up.
Dinah: No, we're catching up.
Bill: Yeah.
Vanessa: Oh, well, my turn. Come this way. Sit, sit.
Bill: Oh! Do you suddenly feel like your six years old?
Dinah: Oh, five-and-a-half.
Vanessa: Excuse me.
Bill: Mommy, do they have pens and paper so we can draw...
Vanessa: Yes!
Bill: ...Because I love to color. (Laughs)
Vanessa: You both sit very nicely. Thank you. And would you please tell me why I have to hear from a total stranger that you're going to become a father?
Dinah: I'll take this one. Bill, actually, is still hoping that that is all going to go away.
Bill: No. Well, I'm...
Vanessa: Do you have any reason to doubt Ava’s word?
Dinah: You know, I think that when this bad boy, actually he just didn't want any entanglements, and now he's got two.
Vanessa: Ah. Well, you know, if your brother really loves Lizzie, she is not an entanglement. And, Lord knows, a baby isn’t.
Bill: Thank you, Mommy, I feel so much better now.
Vanessa: But as for you, you know, buying Alan Spaulding’s house out from underneath him? That I would call an entanglement.
Bill: Okay, well, now, she played Alan’s games by his own rules, and beat him. What is wrong with that? Right? It's pretty impressive.
Dinah: (Laughing)
Vanessa: (Laughing) I like that. You're defending your sister.
Bill: Of course I am. Brothers and sisters defend each other. It's what we...
Dinah: Thank you for defending me. Thank you.
Bill: That's what we do, brothers and sisters.
Dinah: That's right.
Vanessa: How about what you do to mothers? You just leave them flapping in the wind?
Dinah: Mom, don't worry, please. We always land on our feet.
Bill: Like a cat. Or a feline.
Vanessa: Look at me, please.
Bill: I'm sorry, Mommy.
Vanessa: You know, when I was your age, I wanted to rule the world, too. The closer I got to it, the emptier it felt. And I hope you'll forgive me for sermonizing, but I want you to talk to your father.
Bill: Oh...
Vanessa: Because... a baby was the last thing he wanted. And if you talk to him now, his kids are the best thing in his life. So I'm hoping that that's the way you'll feel.
Bill: And what about Lizzie? Where does she fit into the picture?
Vanessa: Waiter, may we please see some menus?
Ava: Hey, how about a little company?
Lizzie: That sounds great. How are you?
Ava: Oh, I'm feeling fantastic. Especially since our visit.
Lizzie: Visit?
Ava: Oh, Bill didn't tell you? We went to the doctor together. He was feeling a little left out. It's funny. I didn't think he wanted to have anything to do with our baby, but I guess I was wrong.
Lizzie: (Whispering) What would Tammy do? Tammy, Tammy, Tammy.
Ava: What?
Lizzie: I am so glad he was there for you! I encouraged him to be there.
Ava: Well, that was very smart of you.
Lizzie: What?
Ava: I mean, it was very sweet of you. Yeah, and next we'll have the ultrasounds and then we're going to do the birthing classes, and then, of course, the big day.
Lizzie: You're just having his baby, but you can't have him. Okay, Helga?
Ava: Helga?
Lizzie: Just never mind, okay? I'm not the one who is going to be puking every day. I'm not going to be the one who feels like her bladder is going to burst every time she gets on an elevator, and I'm not going to be the one wearing a mumu when everyone else has a bikini on.
Ava: If I didn't know better, I'd think you lost him already.
Lizzie: He may be spending the days at the doctor with you, but he'll be spending his nights in bed with me.
Natalia: ...Able to drive me completely insane.
Remy: Car trouble? Car trouble?
Natalia: Oh, you just busted me. Talking to myself. Talking to Gus, actually. I know, I'm crazy.
Remy: Well, I talk to Tammy every day. It keeps me going.
Natalia: I'm having a hard time trying to figure some things out, you know, what the right thing to do is.
Remy: You?
Natalia: Yes, me. My life isn't as cut and dry as I make it out to be sometimes. You know me.
Remy: Oh, yeah. (Laughs) So, I just took Alan Spaulding to the Cooper boarding house. Talk about a life changing just like that!
Natalia: Everything's changing.
Remy: It's okay, you know, talking with Gus.
Natalia: I miss him.
Remy: You always will. But you've got to hold onto whatever you have left of him.
Natalia: Say that again?
Remy: (Laughing) You have to hold onto whatever's left of Gus? Yeah, I know, now I sound crazy.
Natalia: No. I think you're really smart. Thank you. Now, get out of the way because I'm going to run you over.
(Music playing)
Alan: I'll have the usual. Oh, you remembered. Pretty good.
Vanessa: Alan? I've been trying to reach you. I'm so sorry to hear about Gus.
Alan: Thank you, Vanessa. It's been very hard losing a son. Actually, you would hate to lose your daughter.
Vanessa: What?
Alan: She took my house.
Vanessa: Well, she told me that she bought your house.
Alan: Really? You should have heard her bragging about it, rubbing it in my face. You must be very proud of her.
Vanessa: Well, you don't expect me to criticize and turn against my own daughter?
Alan: If I were you, I would do something for your daughter. Do something for your daughter before someone else who doesn't care about her very much turns against her.
Vanessa: Are you threatening Dinah?
Alan: Me? No. Who am I? I'm a loser who lives here at a boarding house. If I were you, Vanessa, I would help Dinah. Don't wait too long, like I did with Phillip. You know what happened there.
Bill: Let me ask you a question, okay? We have our own credit cards, our own bank accounts, right? We never call home collect. Is that...
Dinah: That's pretty accurate.
Bill: That's accurate, isn't it?
Dinah: We also don't bring home laundry.
Bill: Never.
Dinah: We also don't borrow the car.
Bill: Well, maybe once or twice.
Dinah: No, you don’t.
Bill: But let me ask you a question. Why is it that when mom looks at us, all she has to do is shake her head, and we feel like little kids again? Why is that?
Dinah: Because that's what they do, that's what mother's do. They never stop.
Bill: That's it! "That's what mothers do!" To mothers! Whoa. Let me ask you another question. What are you going to do now that Alan has found out that you are involved in the...
Dinah: Oh, he didn't scare me.
Bill: That doesn't answer my question. What are you going to do?
Dinah: Legally, he can't do anything to me. But you know what? If he tries something, you know what, I got a little muscle.
Bill: Muscle? Like Remy?
Dinah: Have you seen his muscles?
Bill: Easy.
Dinah: Anyway, you know what? Alan is easier to handle than his granddaughter, I'll tell you that.
Bill: Okay, I do not handle Lizzie.
Dinah: No, you don’t.
Bill: No, I don’t. And we will be fine, okay? As long as she doesn't find out that I was involved helping you with Alan...
Dinah: I know. My lips or sealed.
Bill: You're lips or sealed, huh?
Dinah: Uh-uh.
Bill: Hm, it's going to be tough to drink, if that's the case.
Dinah: Watch me. Bartender, can I get two more shots, please?
Bill: Hm.
Dinah: Thank you. Fill her up!
Bill: Wow. Drink it. Don't hold it against me. (Laughter) Just so I can deal with the world around me.
Dinah: To my brother.
Bill: To my sister.
Dinah: Right down the hatch.
Lizzie: You okay?
Bill: Oh! Is it still today?
Lizzie: Yes.
Bill: Damn.
Lizzie: What's the matter?
Bill: Oh, I had a few drinks with Dinah, and I figured I'd get a little sleep before I got behind the wheel.
Lizzie: You are behind the wheel.
Bill: I am behind the wheel. That's a good point.
Lizzie: Yeah, scoot over, let me drive.
Bill: Scoot over? Where is your car?
Lizzie: I walked.
Bill: You walked?
Lizzie: Who did you get loaded with again?
Bill: I told you, Dinah.
Lizzie: H'mmm, celebrating your first born?
Bill: Come on, you know me better than that.
Lizzie: Do I?
Bill: Yes, you do. Are we cool? Are we cool?
Lizzie: Yes, we're cool. (Laughter) Let me drive.
Bill: Can you drive a stick shift?
Lizzie: Okay.
Bill: What?
Lizzie: Go. Out! Go! We're done here.
Bill: Wait a minute. I'm starting to feel a little used here.
Lizzie: Oh, well, this is our reality. Go check with your baby mama. Bye-bye.
Bill: Are you leaving me here? I got one more in me.
Lizzie: Really? Get back in. (Laughter)
Remy: (Laughing) Weird day.
Dinah: You think?
Remy: I just drove Alan home.
Dinah: Good.
Remy: Are you drunk?
Dinah: Maybe. I drank, maybe, six with my brother.
Remy: (Laughing)
Dinah: What, you never had a drink with your sister?
Remy: No, no. It's raining and chilly. You want to go inside?
Dinah: No, I'm good right here.
Remy: You can't get up, can you?
Dinah: I will... eventually.
Remy: Okay. Upsy daisy.
Dinah: Oh, no, no, no!
Remy: Oh, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.
Dinah: You're so strong.
Remy: I'm holding on, baby.
(Knock on the door)
Ava: Room service?
Bill: Not room service. It's Bill Lewis. What are you... what is that?
Ava: Oh, I was just practicing.
Bill: You were practicing. Thank goodness you told me. Because I would hate for our baby to be born with a tag that read, "Do not remove or face prosecution." That would be horrible.
Ava: Maybe you think this is a joke. I don't think our baby is a joke, Bill.
Bill: Ava, I don't think...
Ava: I don't think it's a joke at all.
Bill: Listen to me, I don't want to fight with you, okay? And, no, I do not think it is a joke. I don’t. I don’t.
Ava: Just a big, fat inconvenience for you, that's all, right?
Bill: No. It's just like I said, it takes a little getting used to, that's all. But it's growing on me, okay? It is. It's growing on me.
Ava: You're just saying that.
Bill: I'm not just saying that. In fact, you know what? The next time you go to the doctor's, I want to go with you. Okay?
Ava: Great...
Bill: No, listen to me. Not because I doubt you, but because I think... I think I should be there for our kid.
Ava: Our kid?
Bill: Our kid.
Ava: That's the first time that you used the word "our" in this conversation.
Bill: Are you keeping tabs?
Ava: Of course, I am.
Bill: Well, it's about time, don't you think? It's about time.
Ava: Yeah, I do.
Bill: Hey, guess what?
Ava: What?
Bill: What's this?
Ava: A book.
Bill: A book of baby names.
Ava: Baby names.
Bill: Yeah. I thought maybe you and I could sneak a peek, take a gander.
Ava: Oh!
Bill: And figure out what we're going to name this...
Ava: Want some of that?
Bill: No.
Ava: It's really good.
Bill: It looks fantastic...
Ava: It's really good.
Bill: No, but I'm trying to watch this area on me. Because I want to play games with our child. Excuse me?
Natalia: Too much of this is no good.
Olivia: Yeah. It's murder.
Natalia: Okay. Let's see what we have. We have juices. We have two kinds of smoothies, strawberry and mango, one is non-dairy. And, oh, look, more soup. The only thing I don't have in here is alcohol.
Olivia: That's too bad.
Natalia: There's got to be something in here that you would like.
Olivia: Stop it. You can't make me eat.
Natalia: I'm not a quitter, like you.
Olivia: Strawberry.
Natalia: I'm sorry?
Olivia: Strawberry.
Coming up on "Guiding Light,"
Ava: What were you doing, talking baby names?
Bill: I don't care what Ava wants, okay? Because I want you.
Lizzie: Are you living here?
Remy: Well, let me ask you out.
Ava: I have a guy already.
Remy: What you've got is a baby daddy.
Ava: How early do you notice pregnancy symptoms?
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