Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 4/17/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Dinah: Thank you.
Hanz: Chief Mallet. A fight broke out on the fifth hole. I'm on my own here.
Dinah: I love you.
Mallet: I love you, too.
Dinah: We can do this.
Mallet: I have to go.
Reporter: The candidate declined further comment on the controversy. And now we turn to local news. The governor is breaking his silence about Alan Spaulding. We go live for his comments about his long-time...
Alan: Fabulous! Oh, God. (Knock on the door)
Alan: Who is it?
Rick: Room service. Hey.
Alan: Go away.
Rick: Whoa, whoa, whoa! What do you say we break bread, you and me? Got time to catch up a little bit?
Alan: Catch up?
Rick: Catch up. Yeah. My treat. And those are words I don't say very often. ( Music from TV playing)
Billy: That's going to be on me.
Natalia: Oh, thank you. Billy?
Billy: Yeah. I'm Daisy's grandpa.
Natalia: Daisy.
Billy: I wanted to tell you how sorry I am about Gus. I wasn't able to make it to the service.
Natalia: That's okay. It all happened very quickly.
Billy: I was Gus' A.A. sponsor.
Natalia: Oh, yeah.
Billy: He used to talk a lot about you and the boy.
Natalia: Thanks. I have to get to work.
Billy: Okay, well, you know, if there's anything that I can do.
Natalia: Thank you, but no. I mean, everyone's been very kind to us in this town, but um, we're okay. We take care of each other, me and Rafe. So... and we're just here because of Gus, anyway.
Billy: Yeah. The offer still stands, if you need it.
Natalia: Thank you.
Billy: Okay.
Marina: Whew! I whipped your butt, big Chief.
Mallet: The morning jog. It's not about butt-whipping. You're so competitive. The morning jog is about getting in touch with your soul.
Marina: Okay. Well, it is a beautiful day, and I am in touch with my soul. Want to go for another lap?
Mallet: Knock yourself out. I'm going to grab some breakfast and take a shower.
Marina: Yeah, you're right. I probably should take a shower, too.
Mallet: Want to share?
Marina: (Laughs) In your dreams.
Dinah: Remy! Remy!
Remy: Good morning.
Dinah: Okay. You know what? Come here. Let's go get up. Okay. My sofa, all right? My desk. My fancy elephant. My stairwell. Right there, my room. All right? Over there, your room. Plenty of space. Nice room. Perfect to put all of your stuff, okay? So you can keep your stuff there. It's not a bad deal. Okay? You've got a bedroom with an adjoining bathroom. You'd be very lucky to find a deal like that anywhere else in town.
Remy: Cool. Okay, I got, I got it. Listen, I'm going to go take a shower in my... my big room.
Dinah: Good.
Remy: Want to join me?
Dinah: In your dreams.
Remy: Hey.
Natalia: Hi.
Remy: I've been thinking about you.
Natalia: You're doing your good deeds.
Remy: Oh, yeah. Well, I wish I could take the credit. But my sister called and told me to drop some stuff off. She does a lot of work with the food drive. So how are you? No work today?
Natalia: I was just on my way there. And I heard my cans were clunking around in the back, so I figured I should take them down here now. What do you have in there? Caviar? Do people eat caviar?
Remy: (Laughs)
Natalia: I just feel cheap. I brought some canned beans and baby food.
Remy: No, no. That's all the Spaulding’s had in their pantry. I kind of grabbed them and ran.
Natalia: You robbing from the rich and you're feeding the poor now. That's good. I like that.
Remy: No. Actually, I'm staying there.
Natalia: You lead a very interesting life.
Remy: Lately, yeah. So how are you?
Natalia: Please, don't ask me how I am. If one more person asks me that, I'm just going to scream. I'm as... well as I can be without Gus. At work, I worry about Rafe. I have to go. It was nice to see you.
Rick: How's your breakfast, pal?
Alan: You get used to the food here, Rick.
Rick: It's not caviar and champagne, is it there, rich man?
Alan: You know this is only a temporary setback.
Rick: You've got to hate it, right? I mean, you hate being hungry and broke, and more than anything else, you hate not having power. Because power makes a man sexy. And without power, Alan, guess what?
Alan: Don't forget, I'm not very fond of you either.
Rick: I know. But do you hate me enough, Alan, to turn your back on a deal that would get you back on your feet again?
Alan: What kind of deal?
Rick: Well, you can think about me as your personal banker. I can underwrite, Alan, for a new company. Yeah. You'd get all of that power back that you covet so much. What do you say?
Alan: And in return?
Rick: It's pretty simple. You walk away from Peyton, and you give me the custody rights.
Alan: So you want to buy my daughter.
Rick: Alan, you sold off your other children for a lot less, and you know that.
Alan: How can you be my banker when my tie collection is worth more than you make in a year?
Rick: You're not getting any younger.
Alan: You know, you've got this fairy tale running around in your brain about your high school sweetheart and you being reunited.
Rick: That's not a fairy tale.
Alan: And in truth, you're not back together, not really back.
Rick: Do we have a deal or not?
Alan: What really bothers you, Rick, is that you've always thought that Beth and I... well, her attraction to me was because I was powerful and rich. Well, the truth is I don't have anything right now, and she and I still have chemistry.
Rick: My wife has more chemistry with a rock than she has with you.
Alan: I understand her. I understand the kind of woman she's become. And there is no way I will ever give up Peyton. There isn't enough money in the world. Give that to him.
Marina: Okay. You're a guy. What took you so long?
Mallet: I have a look. It takes time.
Marina: Again, dude, you're a guy. Want to throw this around a little bit before we officially clock in?
Mallet: And get all sweaty again? Gus and I used to throw this around a lot.
Marina: Yeah?
Mallet: Yeah. You know, Gus and I were never supposed to get along.
Marina: Harley.
Mallet: Obviously, yeah, Harley. It was rough in the beginning. You know, I was trying to remember this morning, I was trying to think back when did it get okay between Gus and I? I don't think there was ever one big moment. I think there was a bunch of little moments, and then somewhere along the line we got to be friends... good friends. And partners.
Marina: And partners. I don't think anyone really understands what that means unless they've been a cop.
Mallet: I think you might be right.
And time stands still for one sunken angel
yeah, one sunken angel...
Mallet: Do you pull that away like Lucy?
Marina: Only if the guy deserves it. How many of those did you eat on the way over?
Mallet: None. Okay, I'm on my third.
Marina: You are hopeless.
Mallet: Come on. We've got a big day, Cooper. Let's get to work. You got a problem?
Marina: No, no. I was just hoping to get out of here by a decent hour.
Mallet: I've never understood that. What's an indecent hour? What do you got, a hot date tonight or something?
Marina: No. No, I'm just going clubbing with some friends. Do you want to come?
Mallet: Ah, yeah... well maybe not.
Marina: Why not?
Mallet: Because this is all of the social life I can handle for one day. It's a nice morning.
Marina: Yeah, yeah it is. You want to run again tomorrow?
Mallet: You're on. I'll cook you tomorrow. You will eat my dust tomorrow.
Alan: Well, Dinah, what are you looking at?
Dinah: Nothing. Nothing at all.
Alan: Nothing at all, is that supposed to be some witty comment? Of course, you're not really equipped to make something quick or clever, are you?
Dinah: Not being nice, Alan.
Alan: It wasn't very nice of you to give me your credit card that had expired.
Dinah: That card didn't go through?
Alan: No, it didn't go through. And a lesser man would have been mortified.
Dinah: You act as if I did that on purpose.
Alan: I don't even know why I'm standing here talking to you. You won't remember this conversation in ten minutes.
Dinah: You want something memorable, Alan. I'm gonna give you something memorable.
Alan: What? Did you forget it? Did your brain forget that?
Dinah: Why don't you give me my card back?
Alan: I told you that your card's no good. They shredded it.
Dinah: Then I guess I'm not going to get it back, eh?
Alan: I guess not.
Rick: Hey. Where did you two guys come from?
Beth: Well, we thought you might be hungry, so I brought you some Chinese food.
Rick: No. Mu shu?
Beth: Extra pancakes.
Rick: Thank you. You have no idea what this means to me. Thank you.
Beth: Bad day?
Rick: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, it's been a bad day. I've had better days.
Beth: You know, I wasn't sure that we were even going to see you, because when I called earlier, they said they couldn't find you.
Rick: Sweetheart, are you hungry? Because there is plenty of food here, and it would give us an opportunity to actually have some quality time.
Beth: No, um... I can’t.
Rick: You can't? You're not going to take off again already, are you?
Beth: Well, I, you know, I have some things to take care of on this side of town and, um... I should, I should get to that.
Rick: Okay. Bye. I'll get this for you all right, be safe. Hey Beth, I mean it. Thank you. Thank you for doing that and thinking of me. I appreciate it.
Beth: I'll see you later.
Natalia: Olivia, are you all right?
Olivia: Unfortunately.
Natalia: It's a mess in here. What kind of nurse did they hire for you? She should be fired.
Olivia: She was. I got rid of her two hours after she got here. I think she was drunk.
Natalia: Where is your family? Where are your daughters? Where is Jeffrey O’Neill?
Olivia: You're nosey, you know that?
Natalia: I saw them at the hospital. You're a pain, but they wouldn't just leave you like this.
Olivia: And they didn’t. Ava has Emma until... and Jeffrey is away on business.
Natalia: But they thought that you had a nurse. I'm going to call Ava. You have messages.
Olivia: Just get out. Thanks for stopping by.
Natalia: You need some help.
Olivia: I need to die.
Marina: Please tell me that you don't smoke those things at my grandfather's place.
Alan: I have no trouble observing your grandfather's rules.
Marina: A cop's life is not all doughnuts and coffee. If I don't take care of myself, who will?
Alan: Well, there is a whole band of Cooper’s surrounding you.
Marina: Well, not so much these days. Things are kind of a mess, you know? But it's not your fault this time around. Don't worry.
Alan: That's nice to hear.
Marina: So how are things at the boarding house?
Alan: I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. I've got a routine down, making connections.
Marina: At the boarding house?
Alan: Yeah! One works wherever one is. Besides, one of the good things about it is I'm getting to spend a lot of quality time with Zach.
Marina: Yeah. I really feel bad for that little guy. He really misses Gus. I imagine you do, too. Well, I'm glad things are working out for you there. I kind of miss that place.
Alan: Well, there will be a room opening up very soon, Marina. I'll be back where I belong.
Marina: Are you sure that's what you want? I mean, you seem to be doing pretty well away from that place. I'm just saying...
Alan: I'm Alan Spaulding, Marina.
Marina: Right.
Olivia: Are you deaf? Leave!
Natalia: I can't now.
Olivia: I have a plan and I'm sticking to it. I want to die.
Natalia: Well, not on my shift.
Olivia: I'll fire you!
Natalia: You are a whiny, little, bratty baby having a tantrum. You're worse. You're the most disgustingly selfish person I know.
Olivia: Then you won't miss me when I'm gone. Now, leave!
Remy: The old mid-morning coffee break. Black, two sugars, right?
Mallet: That's the most important thing a rookie can learn. How's life, Remy?
Remy: I'm alive. Lonely at the top, huh?
Mallet: News travels.
Remy: Uh-hmm.
Mallet: Did you ever think about coming back?
Remy: Yeah, right.
Mallet: Seriously. You have a lot of potential. You needed a little bit of a reality check, but...
Remy: I guess.
Mallet: I don't even know what you're up to nowadays. I mean, I don't even know where you live.
Remy: That's because I just moved. And I do freelance at Lewis, odd jobs here and there.
Mallet: Well, you know, if you ever want to dig in again and try this police stuff again, call me. I'm big on second chances.
Remy: That's good to know.
Mallet: Just stay away from the tracks. Don't get hit by a train. All right. See you, man.
Alan: Beth?
Beth: Hi, Alan. I, um... I didn't think you were here. I called and...
Alan: What have you got here? Have you been shopping or something?
Beth: I, um, I got you a shirt. It's no big deal. It was on sale at Eaton’s, and I saw the color and I thought it would look good on you.
Alan: Oh, yeah, that's beautiful. That will be just, just what I need it, too. Thank you.
Beth: It's no big deal.
Alan: Well, it was very nice of you to bring me this present, to come here. So...
Beth: Well, I was dropping off some food for Rick, you know, I was in the neighborhood and um... I... I... I got you these cookies I know you like.
Alan: (Laughs) This is better than Christmas. Wow. Um, does Rick know that you're here?
Beth: No, no, I... Alan, don't read too much into this visit.
Alan: Oh, I see. I see. Still playing the middle of the road, huh, Beth?
Beth: Alan...
Alan: Look, you know that I want you, Beth. But I want you to want me, too. It's all or nothing.
Dinah: Don't mess with me! I am so sick of people not taking me seriously! I cannot wait until people find out what I've pulled off! Huh?
Remy: This?
Dinah: Yes, this! This is amazing! And Alan thinks that I am a whacked-out freak.
Remy: So tell him. I don't get all of the secrecy anyway. Tell the guy.
Dinah: I want to tell him. I want to tell him because I don't think I'm going to be able to stand it when I see the look on his face when he figures out that he has been one-upped by dopey Dinah.
Remy: Um-hum.
Dinah: But I can't tell him.
Remy: Why not?
Dinah: Because I'm not ready. I really can't take one more minute of this.
Remy: Girl logic.
Dinah: Shut up!
Remy: (Laughing) Now I know I'm right.
Dinah: What do you know about this situation?
Remy: Well, I happen to know that your ex believes in second chances.
Dinah: What's your point?
Remy: My point? My point is, is get this crazy stuff out of your system, okay, get Alan out of your system, and go work on Mallet.
Dinah: And why should I take any advice from you?
Remy: No reason. No reason. I just thought that telling the truth might be a relief.
Olivia: You need to move along, please. Go back to work. The customers will complain.
Natalia: What do you care? You'll be dead.
Olivia: And you'll be happy.
Natalia: If that's what it would take to get rid of this sick feeling, to make me stop missing Gus every second of every day, then I would close up this room and leave you in here to rot. Believe me, I wish it had been you that died. And I will wish that every day for the rest of my life.
Olivia: You know, if you wish it enough and you want it really bad, it will happen.
Natalia: What are you talking about?
Olivia: I made Gus die.
Natalia: Gus died in a motorcycle accident.
Olivia: It's my fault.
Natalia: In a way, yes. He was looking for you.
Olivia: You don't get it. You don't get it. I prayed, I prayed so hard for a heart. I didn't care who died. I just never said, "God, please, don't make it someone that I know and love." And that’s...
Natalia: Do you think God let Gus die to answer your prayer?
Olivia: Yeah. I guess you think it unlikely that God would listen to me at all.
Beth: Alan. Don't, don't wake her. Alan, I know it seems like I am playing you and Rick down the middle, but I'm not. I'm just... I'm just trying to be nice. You lost a son and, please don't read too much into my visit. Okay?
Alan: Beth, I have known you for a long, long time, and I know you. This beautiful shirt, these cookies...
Beth: Okay. Okay. Yes, I... I care for you. I do. But that's as far as it goes. That's as far as it can go.
Alan: Really? So are you telling me that you're choosing Rick?
Beth: Yes.
Alan: Honest Rick Bauer, huh?
Beth: Yes.
Alan: The guy who was just here offering to buy Peyton from me, to write me a check to help me get on my feet if I would give up my daughter, our daughter. The man who switched the birth records at the hospital. So he bribed me, he switched the records. You know, this guy is sounding more and more like me, isn't he?
Beth: No, he wouldn't do something like that.
Alan: What is your basis for choosing? Because it sounds to me as if the choice is between me and someone pretending to be like me. Huh?
Beth: I have to go. I've got to go... have to go, have to go.
Alan: Thank you for the cookies and the shirt, Beth.
Remy: Alan.
Alan: Well, my day keeps getting better.
Remy: It's always a treat seeing you, too. So let's keep this brief. I've got a delivery for you.
Alan: A delivery, huh?
Remy: Read it and weep.
Alan: Hmm! It's on my stationery. Remy!
Dinah: Who's that over my bridge?
Mallet: Hello?
Dinah: Hello.
Mallet: Hi. Hey, what are you doing down here?
Dinah: Everything changes.
Mallet: Well, not everything. You still have that beautiful face, and that's a good thing. I always liked that face. So how's that house?
Dinah: Oh, I love it. It's mine. I love it. Think it's gonna rain?
Mallet: (Laughs) Uh, maybe just a sprinkle.
Dinah: I get a throb in my brain sometimes, kind of like when your knees tell you when it was going to rain. But I can't figure out what the pain is trying to tell me.
Mallet: What do you have in your hand? Is it a bullet?
Dinah: Not a bullet. The bullet.
Mallet: How did you get that?
Dinah: Does it matter?
Mallet: Well, do you keep it with you as some kind of a reminder or something?
Dinah: I don't think I could forget what... it means. What it cost me.
Olivia: What? Say it?
Natalia: God loves everyone, even you. But I don't believe that it was your prayer that took Gus away. And I think that there must be a reason, and I hope that some day I can understand what that reason was. But it wasn't because you were hoping and wishing for a heart.
Olivia: I feel so much better.
Natalia: Do you?
Olivia: No! You can spout all you want to, but I know what I did. I know what I did. And I can't live with it. I won’t.
Natalia: And I can't just let you die. Not with Gus' heart inside you.
Olivia: No, I'll call the police.
Natalia: Oh, good. Call them and then they will take you to the hospital and they will keep you alive.
Olivia: I cannot understand how Gus settled for a stupid, self-righteous woman like you. He deserved so much better.
When we are one when we're one...
Olivia: I'm sorry, Gus. I'm sorry! I miss you.
Right now I need you to stay it's the middle of the night
the rest can wait till the morning light...
Natalia: Hi, this is Natalia Aitoro. Um... I'm calling because I have to take some time off for personal reasons. I'm really sorry about the short notice. Okay. Thank you. Yeah, I'm back. And I'm staying. I'm here to keep you alive.
Rick: Hey, you're back. Thanks for the food. Where's Peyton?
Beth: I put her on the open market. I hear she's worth quite a lot these days.
Rick: What else do you want me to do? Just tell me what else...
Beth: Stop acting like him for a change! That would be a start.
So lonely, so hurt I'm so in love with you
you know I'd do anything for you
so if you need someone to run to
and if you need someone to hold you
and if you need someone to plead for you, to die for you
Mallet: What are you still doing here? Why don't you go do whatever you people do before you go clubbing?
Marina: I'm not going.
Mallet: You'd rather stay here with me?
Marina: Don't freak out. I know you're not over Dinah yet. The truth is, I'm not really over Cyrus either. And I don't know if I'll ever be. Things just seem easier when I'm around you.
Mallet: Oh, I feel the same way, partner. (Laughter) Oh, we're pathetic.
Marina: No. You, you're pathetic. And I am... (laughs)
Dinah: Not another place like it, huh?
Alan: What are you doing in my house? Where's Phillip?
Dinah: You know, when I was growing up, I never had a home. I would look inside the windows of other places and dreamed of the day when other people on the outside would see me on the inside of those beautiful homes.
Alan: Stop rambling and tell me where Phillip is.
Dinah: Well, you tell me. Didn't you squirrel him away somewhere after he was shot?
Alan: Phillip sent me a note and told me to meet him here.
Dinah: Really?
Alan: Yes, really. Now, I don't have time for this!
Dinah: Oh, you have all of the time in the world now that you are no longer Alan Spaulding.
Alan: Phillip!
Dinah: Look at you down there.
Alan: Phillip!
Dinah: Well, he's not going to hear you.
Alan: Do you work for him?
Dinah: Work for who?
Alan: Phil-lip.
Dinah: Well, as much as I would love to see my cuz again, no. And people call me stupid? Would you like a drink, Alan? Help yourself.
Alan: That does it. Get out of my house!
Dinah: No. Come on! You still don't get it, do you?
Alan: Get what?
Dinah: Let's have a toast. Let's have a toast to this great house. Hmm? My house.
Coming up on "Guiding Light,"
Ava: You want to meet my doctor today?
Bill: What does it say?
Ava: That's not really-- not today.
Bill: Ava, the sooner, the better, don't you think?
Ava: Bill, I said not today! Okay?
Olivia: There's no baby, right?
Ava: No, not yet. But I really want Bill.
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