GL Transcript Wednesday 4/16/08

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 4/16/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Cassie: I just felt like I wasn't that preacher's wife with the dead daughter and the messed up son. Didn't you just ever want to be somebody else for a while? I have to tell you something: I broke our wedding vows today.

Dinah: I have everything. Hilda?

Marina: Hey.

Mallet: Hey. You know, it still feels like he's out on a case.

Marina: Yeah, like he's going to roll in here any second, smelling of a dirty ashtray, an evidence bag in one hand, and a cup of coffee in another.

Mallet: Six cases he never had a chance to solve.

Marina: I'll see what I can do.

Mallet: Okay.

Marina: Hey Dad-- Chief Dad.

Mallet: You had your meeting with Doris. How did it go?

Frank: Honey, can I have a moment alone with Mallet?

Marina: No.

Frank: My suspension was lifted.

Mallet: Congratulations.

Frank: No. Actually, congratulations are in store for you. You're the new permanent police chief.

Marina: I don't understand that. How could Doris do that to you? How could you do this, you're his best friend?

Frank: Marina, he's your new boss and it wasn't his decision.

Mallet: Well, then we can fix this, Frank.

Frank: It's done.

Dinah: Hilda!

Hilda: Ms. Marler, Mr. Reardon is here to see you. He was out front.

Dinah: Thank you. Hello Mr. Reardon.

Matt: Ms. Marler, aren't you a little chilly? Not that it's a bad look.

Dinah: Are you flirting with me?

Matt: I never flirt with half naked women.

Dinah: Good. Mallet and I are getting back together.

Matt: Right. You want to take a look at these plans?

Dinah: It's just going to be a matter of time, you know?

Matt: I know.

Cyrus: Oh! You look very sexy.

Harley: That's me, the sexy housewife.

Cyrus: I wish I could stay home and take advantage of this, but I'm a little late for work.

Harley: I like this, you coming down the stairs and going off to work and I take care of the house. It's so normal. Grab some lunch money out of the envelope. I have a busy day, I have a lot of kid stuff to take care of, and house stuff, but I thought after work we could all watch a movie.

Cyrus: That sounds great.

Harley: Good.

Cyrus: I'll see you later. (Telephone rings)

Harley: Hello. He's not here. No, there is not a better time to reach him. No, he's not happy with his long distance carrier. Because he doesn't need a long distance carrier. Because he's dead. Yes, he's dead, and I didn't even get a chance...

Cyrus: How are you?

Cassie: Good, good, good. You?

Cyrus: Listen, about the other day...

Cassie: We do not have to talk about it.

Cyrus: I need to. I had had a fight with Harley. I-- this whole family thing is just new to me. I guess I just needed to not think about it.

Cassie: I understand.

Cyrus: You're a beautiful woman--

Cassie: It's okay. It's over. It's forgotten. I love Josh, and I know you love Harley.

Cyrus: It was just --

Cassie: Yes, that's exactly what it was.

Cyrus: So you're okay?

Cassie: Yes. Not to worry.

Cyrus: Great. It never happened. Move on, right?

Cassie: One thing: I told Josh.

Cyrus: What?

Cassie: I told Josh.

Cyrus: You told Josh?

Cassie: I didn't tell him that it was you. I just told him that it was.

Cyrus: Why?

Cassie: I don't know.

Cyrus: Um, what else did you tell him?

Cassie: I told him that it was just once, and that I'm sorry, and that I love him and... I will never tell him that it was you.

Cyrus: Okay. I hope not because Harley would be really hurt.

Cassie: Harley never needs to know, never, ever, ever, ever, ever.

Cyrus: So, we're good?

Cassie: We're good.

Cyrus: Okay.

Harley: Hey, Mallet, are you deaf? I tried to call you...

Mallet: Is this about Frank?

Harley: What about Frank? You know what, can we talk about that later. This is actually about Gus. I need your help with something.

Mallet: Okay.

Harley: He was apparently building this boys and girls' club for kids without fathers. And in his will, he left me in charge.

Mallet: Good for Gus. It sounds like a good idea. It sounds like him.

Harley: Yeah. And I thought maybe we would get the police involved, mentoring-- I don't know exactly how it works.

Mallet: That sounds good. I'll talk to the police about it.

Harley: Good. Thank you for listening. I've got to take care of this stuff--

Mallet: Yeah, and take care of yourself, too, Harley.

Harley: You, too, Mallet.

Marina: Come on, it's a beautiful day, let's go see Grandpa.

Frank: Come on, honey. We see this every day.

Marina: I happen to know there is fresh moussaka. I sliced the eggplant last night myself, and I am the best eggplant slicer in the family, you know. And you are the best cop.

Frank: I don't know who or what I am anymore. I spent most of my life living and breathing this job. Now it just seems like a waste.

Marina: No. No, it's not a waste. You're a got cop, and you have a job waiting for you. Mallet said they need a detective.

Frank: How generous of him. You know what, honey. I shouldn't be having this discussion with you.

Marina: Okay. Let's not discuss it at all. I will go home and get the chips and the cards and I will call Grandpa and Coop, and I will even let you kick my butt.

Frank: You know what? I would really like to take a few minutes to be alone.

Marina: No. No, not now.

Frank: Thanks for hanging out with your old man.

Marina: You're not old. You're young and handsome, and you're ready for this new, exciting life that is waiting for you now that you're not tied down to that stupid job! (Cell phone rings)

Marina: Hello.

Cyrus: Hey. Sorry, I've been meaning to call you, but things have been crazy.

Marina: Yeah. Yeah, I know.

Cyrus: So, lunch?

Marina: When?

Cyrus: Today. I'll pick you up at noon, unless you have other plans?

Marina: No, no plans.

Cyrus: Good. I'll see you soon.

Matt: Okay. I'll work on the plans a bit, and I'll come back tomorrow.

Dinah: Okay. Pretty creative, don't you think, a mini golf course. It's a good idea, right?

Matt: You're serious?

Dinah: Yeah, you bet I am.

Matt: I'm trying to see this. Friday night, you and Mallet, pizza, and mini golf in the house?

Dinah: Yeah, why not.

Matt: I'm trying to figure this out because one minute your talking about crown moldings and chandeliers, and the next minute you're talking about mini golf and margaritas.

Dinah: Yeah. I have a life, and I want a home. And I want to fill that life. I've never had a house of my own.

Matt: I get what you're saying. I just think that maybe you might want to-- I don't know-- sleep on the mini golf idea.

Dinah: You're right. You're right. I will give that some thought. Thank you.

Matt: Sure. I'll see you.

Dinah: Hilda! Thank you. Um, I'm going to go out.

Hilda:  Yes, ma'am.

Dinah: Thank you.

Daisy:  I missed you so much. I sold three I.D.’s today. I guess it makes sense. Graduation is coming up, and people want beer for parties or whatever. I have some money. Let's go shopping, let's get some stuff for this place.

Rafe: Daisy, I missed you, too. But I just don't think that it's right, you know.

Daisy: I know. I know. I'm sorry. Gus. I'm being selfish. You think about him all the time?

Rafe: Yeah. You know, things that I shouldn't have said. Things that I wish I had said.

Daisy: He understands.

Rafe: No, Daisy, he's dead.

Daisy: Yeah, but...

Rafe: Yeah, but... look, here's the deal: Nothing's changed from before. I still want out of the lease.

(Cell phone rings)

Mallet: Chief Mallet.

Hanz: Chief, this is Hanz on Fantasy Golf on Hays Road, a fight just broke out on the fifth hole. I'm on my own here.

Mallet: I'll send somebody over, Hanz. Actually, hold on. I don't actually have somebody I can send over, so...

Hanz: Hurry. They're throwing clubs.

Mallet: Okay. That's great. I'll come myself. I'm coming. I'm coming.

Dinah: Well?

Hanz: Unbelievable. He's answering the call himself.

Dinah: (Laughs) Great, I knew it. He's the best. You know what? We need clubs-- two clubs. Thank you.

Mallet: What the hell's going on?

Dinah: (Laughs) I hope this club is long enough. I'll keep score. I promise I won't cheat.

Mallet: Dinah, I came out here answering a call about a disturbance.

Dinah: Yes, and you were very quick. I told Hanz how great you were. I told him you were like Andy on the "Andy Griffith Show." Best damn sheriff in the town.

Mallet: Chief. I am Chief.

Dinah: I know that, honey, and I'm very proud of you.

Mallet: I can't have you prank calling me to get me out here in the middle of the afternoon to have a little play date.

Dinah: Yes, I did call because you were stressed.

Mallet: I would love to hand this job back to Frank, but apparently people higher up think I'm doing a bang up job. So I get a promotion and I lose my friend all in one day. I'm the permanent police chief. It's a really big day for me.

Dinah: What are you talking about permanent police chief?

Mallet: I'm the permanent police chief.

Dinah: That's not right. Give me a day and I will fix this.

Mallet: There is nothing to fix, Dinah.

Dinah: I just wanted to have some fun. We used to have fun.

Mallet: Yeah, I know. We used to do a lot of things. I'm going back to work. I have to work. Please don't prank call me. Not only is it highly annoying, but it could be potentially dangerous. So, enjoy your game.

Rafe: You can keep the system. That's all we bought, right?

Daisy: I don't care about that. Why won't you do this? We wanted this. We were going to live together.

Rafe: Gus told me to take care of my mom, not upset her. Daisy, you know me and you, we upset her. I'll see you around.

Daisy: Wait, wait, wait. How about I'm going to keep the place, because I have money now-- I do-- and you can just come by if you want to hang out or something.

Rafe: I need to go home, and I think that you should, too. Bye.

Marina: I'm on duty later.

Cyrus: Oh, too bad.

Marina: I'm starving. I hope they have that great salmon salad. They were out of it the last time I was here, and I've been craving it ever since. What?

Cyrus: Thanks for telling Harley about the whole Vanessa scam.

Marina: Oh, that. Oh, God, um... I'm-- I'm sorry.

Cyrus: You're a police officer.

Marina: I just couldn't let you keep on lying to Harley about Vanessa. You understand, right?

Cyrus: Yeah, completely.

Marina: And Harley?

Cyrus: She got it. She, um... she understood that I was just trying to take care of her, so it all worked out. More bread?

Marina: She got it?

Cyrus: Yeah. I'm trying hard to make some sort of a life with Harley. I got your message. Here's mine: Don't mess with Harley. And don't try to come between us.

Harley: Okay. Looks like I got here just in time, sweaty. Here you go.

Cassie: Thanks.

Harley: You're not tired. Come on, please stay. I hate working out alone. I get bored and then I quit and I go home and I get fat.

Cassie: Honey, I've been here for an hour. I need to get going.

Harley: Well, then just sit and watch me suffer, please.

Cassie: Okay.

Harley: Yay! Misery likes company, you know. Hey, you didn't see Cyrus today, did you?

Cassie: Um, I guess. It's not like I talked to him or anything.

Harley: I'm really glad I didn't run into him here.

Cassie: Why? Are you guys not getting along?

Harley: No, we're okay. It's just that I got a call from a telemarketer this morning, and it was for Gus. So it was like Gus died all over again.

Cassie: You have got to get on that do-not-call list.

Harley: I'm sorry for Cyrus. Because Gus was Gus and nobody can replace him.

Cassie: Well, Cyrus is a good guy, too.

Harley: He is. I'm really glad to talk to somebody who thinks so, too.

Cassie: It takes a year. They say it takes a year to be yourself.

Harley: A year? I don't think it's fair to ask him for a week. He's been great. Really, more than I can ask for. I don't think he knows what to do. Maybe-- maybe he should talk to Josh.

Cassie: No.

Harley: Well, Josh was so great with you and Tammy. Maybe he can offer some support.

Cassie: Well, he's away at a convention, and he's not going to be back for a week. And, besides, this isn't even about Cyrus.

Harley: Maybe I should talk to Josh.

Cassie: You don't need to ask advice of anybody. You're grieving, Harley. You need to just do what you can, and take comfort in your boys and spend time with Cyrus. You'll be okay.

Marina: Here, take it.

Cyrus: No, no, it's on me. I want us to be...

Marina: Don't say friends.

Cyrus: Look, I don't want things to get ugly between us. What we had, the way it was--

Marina: It's over. I know.

Cyrus: But with what Harley is going through, I can't just sit by when I know somebody is trying to make her miserable.

Marina: Don't worry about it. You'll do that all on your own. See you around.

Harley: Hey, did you happen to talk to Mallet?

Frank: It is not his fault. Stuff happens, okay.

Harley: What happened?

Frank: You don't know?

Harley: Frank, just tell me. You're freaking me out.

Frank: Guess what, your brother is not the police chief anymore. And Mallet has got the job for good.

Harley: Mallet would never do that.

Frank: He didn't, okay? It just happened, and I think he'd make a good police chief, so...

Harley: You're a great police chief. I don't understand. Why is everything falling apart?

Frank: Well, you know, I keep trying to tell myself that there is a reason for everything.

Harley: I don't believe that. I think sometimes things just stink. Maybe you could use this to your advantage, you know? You could use this time to start dating.

Frank: That's how I got into this mess.

Harley: Well, you need something in your life besides your family and your job, you know.

Frank: That's what Marina keeps trying to tell me. Listen, I don't want you worrying about me, okay? I'll be fine.

Harley: I'm sorry. My life stinks, too. You want to come over for dinner?

Frank: Oh! Maybe tomorrow. I love you.

Harley: I love you, too. Hey. Rafe.

Frank: Hey, Rafe, how's it going, buddy?

Rafe: Can I get a double order of chili fries and two doughnuts with sprinkles and a chocolate shake, please.

Frank: You're a diabetic.

Rafe: How about I worry about that?

Frank: How about I get you a nice chicken sandwich and a hot cup of soup. And it's on the house.

Rafe: Whatever. Sure.

Frank: How is your mom doing?

Rafe: Not good.

Frank: Rafe, listen, your dad was my brother-in-law for a long time. He was family. And that makes you family.

Rafe: Yeah.

Frank: If you need anything, you can come to me, okay?

Rafe: Yeah. We'll make it just fine though.

Marina: Hey. Uh-oh.

Daisy: Rafe dumped me for good this time.

Marina: Men suck. I've got lots of chocolate and really sappy music.

Dinah: Stop! I know you don't want to leave.

Mallet: It's never about wanting to leave. It's about when we're together. There's always a commotion. There is always -- it's just not simple.

Dinah: I'm working on it.

Mallet: You just bought the Spaulding mansion.

Dinah: Yeah, I wanted a house.

Mallet: I have to go.

Dinah: No.

Mallet: Just find someone else to play with.

Dinah: Don't you get it? You're the only one in the entire world I trust. I love you.

Mallet: I love you, too. It's just what happens when we get together.

Dinah: I know. Me, too. But we're good. We're better than anything.

Mallet: I wish... I can’t. We can’t. I just... I need calm. I need order. This job is going to take a lot. I don't think you understand that. (Soft rock music playing) I've got to go.

Matt: So Mallet didn't go for mini golf?

Dinah: Nope. It didn't even get that far. He says I cause too much commotion.

Matt: That's ridiculous.

Dinah: Yeah, I mean I know what I want. Isn't that a good thing?

Matt: Just give the guy time to breathe. Maybe.

Dinah: You know what, I hate maybes. He's the chief now, for good.

Matt: Hail to the chief!

Dinah: Watch out what you wish for.

Matt: What?

Dinah: You want to play?

Matt: Mini golf?

Dinah: Yeah, why not?

Matt: I'll go on one condition.

Dinah: Okay. All right, I'll treat.

Matt: No, it's not about money. We take Hilda and Jeremy!

Dinah: Playing with the employees?

Matt: Yup.

Dinah: Hmm, okay. Hilda!

Hilda: Yes, ma'am.

Dinah: Field trip.

Matt: Field trip, Hilda.

Hilda: Yes, ma'am.

Marina: Hey, Pop.

Frank: Doesn't a beautiful girl like you have something better going on?

Marina: Oh, yes. I'm quite the charmer, and that's why I have a whole string of men always following me around.

Frank: You hiding something? Oh, no!

Marina: Yes, come on.

Frank: No, honey. No, no, no, no, no.

Marina: Okay. So... I think that you should come back to the station. Mallet's been trying to reach you all day. He has a job for you.

Frank: I don't think that would be good for any of us.

Marina: Come on. Do it for me. And your sister and Mallet. At least do it for Gus.

Frank: Ooh-ooh, you play dirty.

Marina: Only when I have to.

Mallet: Hey, Frank. Sorry to interrupt, guys.

Frank: You know, Mallet, I used to be a damn good detective. I guess I could be that again. So I'm in.

Marina: Yes!

Frank: I'm in.

Mallet: Thanks, Frank!

Frank: I'm in!

Marina: (Laughs) Okay!

Woman: Sometimes you just need to forget who you are.

Cassie: Maybe. I don't know. I don't know exactly how this is supposed to work. Or even if it can at all. I just know that I... I need to make Josh see that this marriage is important to me. And I thought I was doing the right thing by telling him the truth about this. About this man, this guy, I had this thing with. And it was nobody, and it was just once, and I told him, and he walked out.

Woman: Do you want him back?

Cassie: Of course I want him back. I love him. And my son adores him. And we have a wonderful family. And... he's like the perfect man in so many ways.

Woman: But...

Cassie: There's no but. Well, I guess if he left I would be relieved. And I'm sure a shrink would just say I'm pushing myself, or I don't feel worthy of him, and maybe I don’t. I love him, and I want things to work out, but it would be a relief if he left.

Cyrus: Hey, you want a ride?

Daisy: From you? No.

Cyrus: No problem. I'll see you later.

Daisy: Wait, wait, I'll take the ride. Sixth and Lennox, it's on the way home. (Cell phone rings) Hello? What? Who is this? No way -- no. Wait, wait, wait. Don’t. Just -- can I call you back when I can talk?

Cyrus: What?

Daisy: Nothing.

Cyrus: Daisy?

Daisy: I'm just in a little bit of trouble. Don't tell Harley, okay?

Cyrus: Okay.

Daisy: I'm still making the fake I.D.’s, and this kid came today and he wouldn't pay and he pushed me up against a wall. All that doesn't matter, it's just -- now he wants more. I know I promised I would stop, but the money is too good.

Cyrus: Is it really worth it. What if this kid does something really stupid?

Daisy: Come on, don't act like this. You stole money from me.

Cyrus: Okay. I can help you be better at this business venture and make more money.

Daisy: Why would you do that?

Cyrus: Well, the better you are, the less likely you'll get into trouble. To make your mom happy. I'll do it for her.

Daisy: What a hero.

Cyrus: You'll owe me.

Harley: You're home early. I haven't even started dinner yet.

Cyrus: Surprise! I bought dinner.

Harley: That's not in the budget.

Cyrus: Well, I got an advance. See? 20 bucks for the lunch envelope.

Harley: You're a good man.

Cyrus: Sometimes.

Harley: I mean, you’re really trying so hard with the kids. I know none of this is what you bargained for.

Cyrus: You, either.

Harley: You can't eat the cookies before dinner. It's bad luck and it's a Cooper family rule. What does your fortune say?

Cyrus: You'll be extremely rich and happy very soon.

Harley: Really? It doesn't say that. You ate the paper.

Cyrus: That's a Foley family rule, eat your fortune first, or something like that. (Laughter)

Mallet: Thank you. I don't like it black, I like it with cream--

Marina: Cream and two sugars, sir.

Mallet: I like the sir part.

Marina: Yeah, you would. I'm going to miss you. As a partner.

Mallet: Maybe you don't have to miss me. Maybe we can... hang out, get something to eat or something.

Marina: Yeah, I'd like that... sir.

Dinah: Rafe, what are you doing here? How did you get past security?

Rafe: I scaled the wall. Why? What are you doing here?

Dinah: Visiting.

Rafe: This is my grandfather's house. Who owns it now.

Dinah: All I know is your trespassing. If you don't get out of here, security is going to call the cops. Where are you going?

Rafe: To visit my dad's old room. I'm going to go say hi to Jeremy.

Dinah: No, that's not okay. Rafe! Rafe! Come back here!

Why should you be any different

what goes around comes around I guess it's my turn now

I know what to do...

Cyrus: Hey, I'm just picking up some dessert. Who are you...

Cassie: Oh, um, R.J. he's just in the bathroom. I decided to take him out. It's okay. We really just talked about Gus mostly.

Cyrus: Okay. Well, have a nice dinner.

Cassie: You, too.

Cyrus: Thanks.

Cassie: Josh, it's me. You have to come home. I miss you. I miss you, and I'm sorry. And I just need you to give me another chance. I need you.

Harley: Hey, congratulations, Chief.

Mallet: Please. I'm really sorry about all of that. It just happened--

Harley: It's okay.

Mallet: No, it's not. It's uncomfortable for me.

Harley: I just came to get the rest of Gus' stuff. That's all.

Mallet: I think you got-- I think you got it already, didn't you?

Harley: I just wanted to see if there was anything else left.

Mallet: We've got six cases with his name still on it.

Harley: Six cases, that's all that's left, huh?

Mallet: Yeah.

Harley: You know, I've got this great guy, and I love him, you know. We're living our life... and I can't stop thinking about Gus. I mean, the man is gone and... I feel closer to him than ever.

Mallet: Yeah.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Natalia: You think you want to die. Too bad. Gus didn't want to die.

Olivia: Take your God and your soup and leave me alone.

Natalia: There has got to be something in here you would like.

Olivia: You can't make me eat.

Natalia: I'm not a quitter, like you.

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