Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 4/15/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Man: You can't leave. How about you come back to my suite?
Cassie: You want to get a drink?
Cyrus: Yeah.
Cassie: Why don't we go for a drive?
Cyrus: Hop on in. Cheers.
You gave me all the air I need
how am I supposed to pray
someday our dreams will become sane while we're both so free
run to something you believe in
talk to something I believe in
another ruler's desperate cries
there are no walls to climb
babies born there's no disguise.
Marina: Hey, Cyrus. It's me, Marina. You promised me we were going to meet. Where are you? Can't keep breaking promises like that, Cyrus. Not cool.
Lizzie: I don't see it.
Bill: Right there to the left. See the clearing over there?
Lizzie: Oh, yeah.
Bill: Yeah. Well, the idea is to keep as many trees as possible.
Lizzie: Really?
Bill: Yep. And when it's all said and done, Lewis Construction has built one of the greenest buildings in America. You don't like it?
Lizzie: I... it... it sounds expensive, which means lower profits. And that doesn't really sound like something that you would normally like.
Bill: (Laughs) No, see, baby, here's the thing. If you do it right, the government will kick in for certain programs.
Lizzie: (Laughs)
Bill: Not to mention all the free publicity.
Lizzie: Oh, there he is! There he is. There is the Bill Lewis that I know.
Bill: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute, now I have a meeting with my dad in an hour. Do you want to help me sell him on this?
Lizzie: What's in it for me?
Bill: The environment will love you.
Lizzie: Keep going.
Bill: You can meet Al Gore.
Lizzie: Spaulding’s support republicans.
Bill: Oh, my goodness, you are so tough. (Cell phone ringing)
Lizzie: Okay, that better be a very, very important call. Oh, baby mama. That's great.
Bill: Hello?
Ava: Hi, are you at work?
Bill: Yeah. I'm a little busy.
Ava: I don't mean to bother you while you're at work. I apologize. I just... I don't have anybody to talk to. Olivia, she's still in recovery, and Jeffrey, well, I mean, he's my dad, so he doesn't really want to hear about these kind of things, and I don't really have any girlfriends. I'm just worried. What if I mess up? What if I do something that hurts the baby?
Bill: Uh... kind of busy.
Lizzie: Tell her that you'll take care of her.
Bill: Lizzie...
Lizzie: Tell her.
Bill: I'll... I'll meet you in a little bit. Bye.
(Knock on door)
Harley: Come in.
Marina: Hey.
Harley: Hi. I... I was going to call you.
Marina: What's with the coupons?
Harley: Trying to save money, as usual. And Gus left me this building. It's such a long story.
Marina: Well, hey, Duracell batteries. Everyone always needs batteries.
Harley: Two dollars!
Marina: That's a good deal.
Billy: Hey, great, you're not doing anything.
Josh: I'm writing something.
Billy: Well, your writing sucks. Come on, have lunch with me and Bill.
Josh: No. Look, look, Cassie’s picking up food. We've got the place to ourselves. R.J.'s with a friend.
Billy: I'll get you back in plenty of time to have the place to you and Cassie all to yourself, okay? Come on.
Josh: Okay. Hey, listen, do you think it's at all strange that Cassie left her wallet in a bar?
Billy: How's she been doing since Will left?
Josh: Fine. Fine. I mean, an issue came up about Will earlier today, and she took it okay.
Billy: Well, I'd say you got nothing to worry about. Let's go.
Josh: Okay. Let me grab my coat.
Ava: Is Bill parking the car?
Lizzie: Oh, no, he had a business meeting. But I'm here.
Ava: I needed Bill.
Lizzie: Well, we live together, so we're kind of... you know, I'm kind of a part of this.
Ava: Well, last time I checked, it took two of us to make the baby.
Lizzie: And a village to raise it.
Ava: Oh, whatever.
Lizzie: Look, okay, we're in this together, just like I was with Jonathan and Tammy.
Ava: Oh, so I'm you.
Lizzie: Well, Tammy wasn't so happy about it, but she really tried.
Ava: I knew Tammy. You're comparing yourself to Tammy? You are not even in the same league as Tammy.
Lizzie: I know that I'm not, I know that. But I can help you in a way that Tammy couldn't help me, okay? I was pregnant, I gave birth, I know how it all goes, so let's just start from the beginning. How far along are you?
Ava: You mean, when was the last time I slept with Bill?
Lizzie: Are you taking your pre-natal vitamins?
Ava: Yes, I am!
Lizzie: What kind?
Ava: Flintstone's Chewables, Lizzie!
Lizzie: Okay, I know what you're doing, Ava.
Ava: You do?
Lizzie: Yes.
Ava: What?
Lizzie: You are pushing me away because you feel overwhelmed.
Ava: No, I'm pushing you away because I don't like you. That's why I'm pushing you away.
Lizzie: Great, great. Okay, then we can agree on something, because I don't really like you, either.
Ava: Great, perfect. We agree.
Lizzie: Okay, I had a baby, I am a mother, and I don't know what's going to happen between you and Bill and me. But what I do know is that that baby is innocent, and he or she deserves the best of everything. So, where are we going?
Billy: The point is, it doesn't make any difference how you're feeling now. Once that baby comes, all bets are off. Got questions? Nature's just gonna show you the way. Isn't that right, Josh?
Josh: Actually, no, I don't agree with that.
Billy: What?
Josh: Billy, things don't just magically work themselves out, all right? Being a father is a lifetime commitment. You have to give 110%. Things just don't happen. You've got to work at it. Why are you looking at me like that? I'm telling the truth here.
Billy: I'm not interested in the truth. I'm just trying to keep him from getting on a bus to Albuquerque.
Josh: Oh, Albuquerque? You're really going to bring up Albuquerque right now? That was, like, 400 years ago, Billy.
Billy: So?
Josh: And by the way, I never intended to go to Albuquerque when I got on that bus.
Billy: Yeah, you said the same thing 40 years ago.
Josh: You are still the same pig that you...
Billy: Unbelievable, unbelievable, unbelievable.
Cyrus: So... that... happened.
Cassie: Yeah. Do you know where my other shoe is?
Josh: Oh, man!
Bill: He does that every time, doesn't he?
Josh: You know what? That's my brother. That's the way he works. He think it's funny; it's not funny anymore. It's that whole thing of "Oh, oh, I'm sorry, I forgot, I have a business meeting I've got to get to." And then he leaves, and then the check comes.
Bill: That's all right. You know why? Because I got it.
Josh: No, no, no, let me get it.
Bill: No, no, I got it. I insist. I insist. I got it. I got it. No problemo.
Josh: Thank you.
Bill: That's a very good impression, by the way.
Josh: Thank you. I've been working on it.
Bill: I can tell. I can tell.
Josh: So, how are you, really? I mean, you know your dad was a little busy giving you the fatherhood lecture.
Bill: Yeah. Well, you know, I get it. He doesn't want to see me cut and run, that's all.
Josh: That's probably the kind of thing he sees himself doing.
Bill: Well, maybe I will end up more like you, all right? The guy who hangs in there no matter what.
Josh: Yeah, hanging in there by my fingertips.
Bill: (Laughs)
Josh: You've been busy lately.
Bill: Very busy. Very busy. Definitely didn't plan it that way, but...
Josh: No one ever does.
Bill: But I feel good. You know, when I came back, it was all about business. A little chip on my shoulder, I know. Made a few people angry. But things are good. Things are good. You know, I feel... business, Lizzie, the baby, I can handle it.
Josh: In that order?
Bill: Well, I don't know. We'll have to see about that. (Laughs)
Josh: Well, I'm not worried about you.
Bill: You shouldn't be. You should be terrified, really, because I am. ( Laughs) No... just... but how about you? I mean, how's everything?
Josh: Things are settling down a little bit, in a... in a good way.
Bill: Good. Good, good, good. You look... you look rested. You look peaceful. I got to run.
Josh: Okay.
Bill: I got to run.
Josh: Thanks for the drinks.
Harley: I know it doesn't look like much, but I can kind of see what Gus saw in it.
Marina: Hey, here's one for Charmin.
Harley: What am I doing?
Marina: You can get the ultra strong or the ultra soft.
Harley: So the only thing we can talk about now is toilet paper?
Marina: Never underestimate the importance of toilet paper.
Harley: Marina, why did you come here?
Marina: I need to talk to you about something, and I don't want you to react the wrong way.
Harley: Okay.
Marina: Okay. I heard that Vanessa hired you guys.
Harley: Yes. She's being threatened. It's pretty scary.
Marina: Yeah. I don't know how to tell you this.
Harley: Just say it.
Marina: Okay. Vanessa caught Cyrus breaking into her room.
Harley: No. No, you must have misunderstood. He was probably just securing her place.
Marina: No. No. Cyrus showed up at Vanessa’s place pretending to be some scary fan to scare her into more money. You guys need the money, right? So, makes sense. Look, Harley, this isn't fun for me to have to tell you this, okay? I know what it feels like. I know that you had to sacrifice a lot to be with Cyrus. And I know how it feels when you find out that he's been lying to you. Okay. I'm going to go.
Cassie: I don't even know where we are.
Cyrus: It's the middle of nowhere. I come here to be alone. I didn't bring you here thinking that anything would happen.
Cassie: No. I know. I didn't think you did. I've been doing this for weeks. I mean, not... not sleeping with other men. I mean, just going out...
Cyrus: Out?
Cassie: Just one day, I didn't feel like going home after work, and we had just sent Will off to that place and I couldn't talk to Josh. He thinks we did the right thing. And so, I just stayed at work and I... this guy checked in and we started talking. And he was recently divorced and missed his son, and... I don't know. I just felt like I wasn't that preacher's wife, the dead daughter and the messed-up son. Don't you ever just want to be somebody else for a while?
Cyrus: You want a ride to your car?
I am petrified, baby my love is liquefied
it melted, it melted it melted
where is my solid ground to stand on?
Love is a hologram that escapes me
you drive me to distraction and I am willing to go
you drive me to distraction with a love
like I have never known you were my constancy, baby
lost in a fantasy, I wandered I wandered, I wandered
drifting, I searched for some kind of landmark
'cause love's compass has faltered and sent me spinning
you drive me to distraction and I am willing to go
you drive me to distraction and I am willing to go.
Lizzie: Put your seat belt on. So this one is really important. Look at this bottle. You see this bottle? You want to take this one after breakfast. Listen to me, look at it. Do not take this before you eat, okay? You'll be really sorry, I promise you. This bag, this one, this... this is for later on in the day. Take that. Now, this one, not everybody takes these, but I feel like, you know, better safe than sorry. All right, I've literally read every single parenting magazine out there.
Billy: Quarterback Billy to tailback Bill, yes! Let's go down to the lobby. It's you and me.
Falling down again hear the sound it makes
calling me back home now my seeds are flown
make a man of me to all the waves I've seen
golden shadows built these hearts
the world reflects on you and what you put me through
pyramid clocks
the youth has been erased the face that can't be placed
pyramid clocks
we'll make it we'll make it
a siren lights your life oh, just hold me tight
I see it in your face who built the human race
make a man of me to all the waves I've seen
golden shadows built these hearts
the world reflects on you and what you put me through
pyramid clocks
the youth has been erased the face that can't be placed
pyramid clocks.
Ava: Hi! I was going to tackle you, but, you know, because of the baby, I didn't want to.
Billy: Well, congratulations.
Ava: Thank you, Grandpa.
Billy: Yeah. (Laughs) Hey, do you need anything?
Ava: Like what?
Billy: Well, I don't know. Insurance or maybe some extra money. I mean, things got to be tough with Spaulding going downhill.
Ava: Oh, no. I actually... everything's okay. Bill's stepping up to the plate, and I'm going to work, somewhere.
Billy: Okay, all right. Well, the offer's there if you need anything.
Ava: Thank you. That's very sweet. I know that you're very close with Lizzie, and I... I just wanted to tell you that I didn't plan on this.
Billy: Oh, darling, look, the only thing that's important to me is that everybody's healthy and hopefully happy.
Ava: Well, I'm very, very happy, and I'm really excited to be connected to your family.
Billy: Well, thank you.
Ava: (Laughs)
Billy: Okay. Well, I'll... I'll see you around.
Ava: Okay. Bye.
Bill: I tell you something, in my day, it was nothing but baseball and football. Here all the kids are playing soccer now. So maybe it's time the kid learns. That wasn’t... that wasn't very good, huh? Maybe I need some lessons.
Boy: You suck.
Bill: What did you say to me?
Boy: You suck.
Bill: I suck? Well, you're it. You're it! Now what? Now what? And you're short! You're short! Oh! What's up?
(Knock on door)
Ruby: Have a seat, sweetie. What color you like? I'll be with you in five.
Marina: You ever feel guilty, Lizzie?
Lizzie: For getting my nails done? No. My granddad lost his money, but I still have mine.
Marina: No, I'm talking about... like, when it came to getting the man you wanted, all that stuff you used to pull.
Lizzie: No. I... I guess I was always told that Spaulding’s do whatever it takes to get what they want, and that's kind of what I was doing.
Marina: Are you still doing that in your relationship with Bill?
Lizzie: You know, for the first time, I am not... I'm not threatened at all.
Marina: But you would? I mean, if you still had to?
Lizzie: Is this about Cyrus and your Aunt Harley?
Marina: Do you like this color pink?
Lizzie: Okay, look. Marina, I just spent the day ruining a perfectly good manicure helping someone that the old me would have pushed in front of a bus.
Marina: I didn't exactly push Harley in front of a bus.
Lizzie: You could hire someone to do it. I'm kidding! I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Look, the point is...
Marina: You never feel guilty about anything.
Lizzie: I love Harley, I do, but you had Cyrus first. Get rid of this wimpy pink and try something with a little edge.
Cyrus: You're not making much progress with those.
Harley: You're watching me?
Cyrus: I was just trying to figure out the right thing to say.
Harley: Well, what did you come up with?
Cyrus: I get how important Gus is to you. And if you want to make his project your priority, that's fine by me.
Harley: Is that it?
Cyrus: Um...
Harley: I know what you did. Marina told me.
Cyrus: Marina?
Harley: Your break-in at Vanessa’s.
Cyrus: Oh.
Harley: So it's true?
Cyrus: I had this crazy notion about taking money from a rich woman and giving it to a poor woman who really needed it. Disappointed?
Josh: I thought we were getting takeout.
Cassie: Well, I just decided to cook.
Josh: Oh, okay. I was just kind of... I was wondering what was taking you so long.
Cassie: So, chicken or beef?
Josh: Hey, you know what? You don't have to cook anything. Why don't we just go ahead and order something in?
Cassie: Well, I already got all the groceries.
Josh: Yeah, well, we can put everything in the fridge. Except for this. Because this will go very nicely with my good news.
Cassie: Good news?
Josh: Yeah.
Cassie: Well, should we get R.J.? Where is he? Is he upstairs?
Josh: R.J. is at Luke’s. There's some kind of a sleepover thing happening.
Cassie: Right. A party.
Josh: Yep.
Cassie: Okay, then, so what's the news?
Josh: I managed to get Will out of isolation.
Cassie: How?
Josh: Well, I used my minister clout to pull some strings.
Cassie: You did that for Will?
Josh: Yes. He's our son. I care about him. I did it for you, too, because I figured it would ease your mind.
Cassie: Wow. I don't even know what to say. I don't even know how to thank you.
Josh: It's all right. You don't have to say anything at all.
Lizzie: Billy, I can't knock. I just got my nails done.
Billy: Oh, okay. Well...
Lizzie: Look how pretty.
Billy: Hey. Well, I actually prefer a girl with dirt under her nails.
Lizzie: Oh, whatever! Nobody is girlier than Vanessa, not even me.
Billy: Ah! You got me there.
Lizzie: What's up? What's going on?
Billy: Well, I had a visit from a friend of yours.
Lizzie: Who?
Billy: Ava.
Lizzie: Ugh. Was she trying to butter you up?
Billy: Well, she did call me grandpa.
Lizzie: Oh! You know, she did the exact same thing to Vanessa. She's just trying to worm her way into your family's good graces. That girl's completely shameless. I should know. I did the same thing to Reva when it came to Jonathan. That's great. Great. Karma sucks.
Billy: Hey, you know, I want what's best for my grandbaby, but I also want what's best for my son. And as far as I'm concerned, you are it.
Cassie: What are you doing?
Josh: You said that you were having trouble figuring out how to thank me, right? Well, I kind of think I've figured out a way.
Cassie: I can’t.
Josh: Okay. Are you feeling okay?
Cassie: No. Actually, no, I'm not. No, I'm not sick.
Josh: Okay. Is this about Will?
Cassie: Yes, it's about Will and Tammy and everything.
Josh: Okay.
Cassie: Since Tammy died, I haven't felt like myself. I haven't been myself.
Josh: Lately, it seems...
Cassie: No. I have to tell you something.
Cyrus: Every time I see you, you're looking at these bills.
Harley: I know. You threatened the funeral director.
Cyrus: It hasn't even been a month. He can wait.
Harley: We're drowning in debt, and I know that you blame yourself-- which is why, when Marina told me about Vanessa, I didn't say anything, because I get why you did what you did. I don't agree with it, but I get it. You did it for me and for the kids.
Cyrus: For us.
Harley: And I'm sorry I pushed you into that. I'm sorry... I'm sorry if I pushed you away.
Cyrus: You've had a lot to deal with.
Harley: No, it's more than that. I... I want you to know, I... you are not a substitute for Gus. You're not. I love you. You.
Cassie: I've been spending a lot of time at the hotel.
Josh: I know that. Olivia's been laid up and...
Cassie: No. I've been spending a lot of time at the hotel because I haven't wanted to come home. Because everything about this house reminds me of Tammy and Will, and I just wanted to get some air. I got caught up in it.
Josh: You got caught up in what?
Cassie: I broke our wedding vows today.
Josh: How so?
Cassie: I slept with someone else. And I wasn’t... I wasn't looking for it. I didn’t... I wasn't trying to get back at you over Will. I... it wasn't about us at all. In fact, I think maybe it was like how you felt when you slept with Reva at the jail.
Josh: So it was about revenge?
Cassie: No, that's what I'm saying. It wasn’t. It... I'm saying that now I understand how something like that can happen.
Josh: Of all the things I thought you were going to say to me just now, this really was not one of them.
Cassie: I want this marriage, Josh. I want you. And you believe in forgiveness, right?
Josh: Who was it?
Cassie: Nobody.
Josh: Who was it!
Cassie: It doesn't matter.
Josh: It matters! Why didn't you come to me? Why did you go to someone else?
Lizzie: That bad, huh?
Bill: Ha-ha! Look, kids were supposed to be cuddly and friendly.
Lizzie: Sara was cuddly.
Bill: Yeah, she was cuddly, that's for sure. But she did make your life a little complicated, didn't she?
Lizzie: No. No, I did. And my granddad and Jonathan. It's the adults that made the trouble. Sara was innocent, so's your baby.
Bill: Lizzie, I don’t... I don't know if I'm ready for this. I still can't believe I'm going to be a dad.
Lizzie: Well, I'm sorry to say, you are. Ava's baby's real. Maybe you just need to start practicing.
Bill: Practicing?
Lizzie: Yeah, come on. Catch me. (Giggles)
Ava: Hi.
Doctor: You're here alone?
Ava: Yes, I am, actually. Well, there's a man in my life, but he can’t... which is why I'm here. And it looks like we've picked a good identical sperm donor match. Tall, dirty blond hair, educated, athletic build, number 379Z38. Looks good to me. Looks like we're going to make a beautiful baby together.
Cassie: Where are you going?
Josh: I have a convention to go to in Chicago, if you recall. I wasn't going to go until tomorrow, but I can't stay here now.
Cassie: I'm sorry, Josh. You have to believe me. Are you coming back?
Josh: I don't know.
Cassie: Josh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Josh: Cassie, you need help! I can't give it to you right now! Get help!
Harley: Our first fight. I don't like fighting with you.
Cyrus: Me, either.
Harley: It's stupid. It's such a waste of time to be angry with each other like that. Can we just pretend that this whole stupid day never happened? ( Laughs)
Coming up on "Guiding Light,"
Cyrus: Don't mess with Harley. And don't try to come between us.
Cassie: I will never tell him that it was you.
Cyrus: Okay.
Cassie: Josh, it's me.
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