GL Transcript Monday 4/14/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 4/14/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Ava: We all know that you want to die because Gus is gone. Blah, blah, blah,

Olivia: I can't help how I feel.

Ava: Keep it to yourself, especially if you want me to bring Emma around. What? Ow, you shouldn't hit a pregnant woman.

Olivia: You're not pregnant.

Ava: Well, I might not be, but I'm working on it.

Now I spend my days in a liquid dance

and I ask myself for a second chance

sometimes I think the sky might fall and I wouldn't feel anything at all

and I meet your eyes with a weary glance

you know you look so tired from this endless dance

I want to break down these walls that we've built up to keep out all the trouble

and I try to speak but I can't find the words

I reach out my hand but I can't find yours

and I ask myself what went wrong

why something so easy is so hard

an attempt to smile turns into a frown

and I pick you up just to knock you down

I know that it won't be long if we don't

right everything that's wrong and open up the feelings

and I try to speak but I can't find the words

I reach out my hand but I can't find yours

and I ask myself what went wrong

why something so easy is so hard so hard

open up your feelings and I try speak

I can't find words I reach out my hand

but I can't find yours and I ask myself

what went wrong why something so easy

is so hard and I try to speak

but I can't find the words I reach out my hand

but I can't find yours and I ask myself

what went wrong why something so easy

is so hard.

Cassie: Hey, Bobby. Hi. My usual? And that is why I don't dance on tables anymore. Because there's just too many sprained ankles. (Laughs)

Man: Bobby, another one for the lady.

Cassie: No, no, no, no. No, thank you, I'm good, guys.

Man: You can't leave. I don't even know your name.

Cassie: Okay. Guess.

Man: Melissa.

Cassie: (Laughs) No.

Man: Courtney.

Cassie: Courtney? (Laughs) No.

Man: How about you come back to my suite and I'll guess all day long?

Cassie: Let me just freshen up.

Harley: Hey, I didn't know that you were up. I made you some waffles just the way you like them. I put them in the toaster and pushed it down, just the way you like them.

Cyrus: I heard you get up an hour ago. Are they still edible?

Harley: Um... (laughs) I had to make the kids' lunch and then I had to fix Zach’s science project again. I had to glue the Jupiter back on because Jude will not stop playing with it. So why don't you make the waffles if you're such a waffle expert?

Cyrus: Well, breakfast isn't really my specialty.

Harley: Really?

Cyrus: No, but I can think of something else that I'm quite gifted at.

Harley: What? What is that?

Cyrus: Well, why don't I just go ahead and show you?

Harley: Okay. I'm a quick learner. (Laughs)

Cyrus: Well, I'm a quick teacher. (Doorbell rings) I'm a really quick teacher.

Harley: I'll get it. (Laughs) Sorry.

Mel: Hey, Harley.

Harley: Mel, hi.

Mel: I know it's early, and I'm sorry for just dropping in on you like this.

Harley: No, that's okay. Can I get you some breakfast? Some rubbery waffles, maybe?

Mel: No, thank you. I actually already ate. I'm sorry that I didn't call first but I thought you might want to hear this firsthand.

Harley: What happened?

Mel: It's Gus' will. I'm the executor.

Ashlee: You know that last night was amazing.

Coop: (Laughs) Yeah, well. Look, call the doctor and tell him that you're not going to be able to make it today because your boyfriend has something very important that you need to be here for. Please, do it, just do it.

Ashlee: (Laughs) Soon, soon. Soon, it will be soon but I can't wait. Look, I... I know that you think that I shouldn't be doing this or that...

Coop: Well, you're right. I feel like this is my fault. You know, I feel like I didn't make you feel like you were loved enough, like you were wanted enough, like you just were enough for me. I just feel like this whole situation, why you're doing this, it's because of me.

Ashlee: This isn't about you.

Coop: Look, I just... I know that I might be acting stupid so I'm just going to ask you to bear with me, okay? I am trying here.

Ashlee: I know you are, okay? Now drive me to the hospital. Come on.

Coop: Okay.

Ashlee: Thank you.

Natalia: Is this a bad time?

Josh: No, no, not at all. It's fine.

Natalia: I brought some of Gus' clothes...

Josh: Oh.

Natalia: ...To donate. I thought maybe somebody could use them. Rafe and I got a little help from our church back in Chicago.

Josh: How is Rafe?

Natalia: I don't know. It's kind of hard taking care of him when I can barely take care of myself.

Ava: Ready to leave?

Olivia: Yeah. I'm pretty sure that they're eager to get me out of here.

Ava: Yeah?

Olivia: Yeah.

Ava: What did the doctor say?

Olivia: He said that if my body wants to reject this heart it can happen here, it can happen anywhere.

Ava: Well, I don't want to hear anything more about rejection, okay? No more rejection.

Olivia: Amen. Amen. Amen to that, I guess. So is Emma outside?

Ava: Oh, my God. Oh, my gosh! I'm so sorry, I was supposed to... I was so busy thinking about Bill and Lizzie, that I completely spaced and forgot to pick her...

Olivia: Oh, Ava, come on, it's a half day today. It's 1:00 already.

Ava: What time is it?

Olivia: 1:00.

Ava: Shoot!

Olivia: Hi, hi, it's Olivia Spencer. I'm calling about my daughter Emma. Um... yeah. Well... what? Who picked her up? Rafe Rivera? No. No.

Ava: She's okay? Is she okay?

Olivia: Rafe picked her up.

Ava: Rafe?

Olivia: He can't do this. He can’t. I'm not... I'm not Gus. I'm... he's gone.

Ashlee: Mother's maiden name? Wolfe.

Coop: Where is your mom?

Ashlee: I don't know. You okay?

Coop: Yeah.

Ashlee: I don't know. She's probably out, um, kissing babies or eating them.

Coop: Right. Um... Ash? You didn't tell your mom you were having the surgery, did you?

Ashlee: Um, did I tell her I was having gastric-banded surgery? No, I didn’t. (Crying) She would look at this as some sort of cop out or a failure and I... I didn't need that today.

Doctor: Okay. We are ready to roll, Ashlee. Unless you have any more questions about the procedure?

Coop: Yeah, I have one, Doctor.

Ashlee: This is my boyfriend Henry Cooper Bradshaw.

Coop: Hi. How are you? Look, after the surgery, how much pain is she going to be in once she comes out?

Doctor: Well, we'll give her meds to help manage that.

Coop: Okay. All right. And then how long before she can start eating solid foods again?

Ashlee: About two weeks, actually. I know this already. Look, Coop, I'm ready. I'm ready. This is fine, okay? And if you don't let me do this today, then I'm going to be a really nasty patient. I'm going to make you run to the drugstore for the most embarrassing things and make you watch sappy movies all weekend. So....

Doctor: I'll give you two a minute.

Coop: Thanks.

Ashlee: You know that I'm ready for this. You know I am. You can't look at this as some sort of scary thing. It has to be, like, good and adventurous. Okay?

Coop: Yeah.

Ashlee: Okay. Okay. Thanks. Okay. (Crying) Wait... wait. Wait!

Coop: I'm right here. I'm right here. Shh, stop. Stop.

Ashlee: Will you be there when I wake up?

Coop: Yeah. I will.

Ashlee: Okay. Okay. Let's just go. Thank you. Okay.

Coop: Hey, you know, I was thinking, maybe I'll... maybe I'll go for a haircut if it takes a while. Maybe crash out in one of the beds here or something.

Ashlee: Would you do something about him, please?

Doris: Ashlee!

Ashlee: Mom, I love you. (Crying)

Cassie: Hey, you.

Josh: Hey. Natalia brought these by. They were Gus'.

Cassie: Oh. I remember Gus wore this to the Bauer barbecue one year. I wonder if Harley knows about this, because she might want some of these things. You know what? I'm going to bring this to her. What?

Josh: Nothing. You just look great. You look very together.

Cassie: Well, good. I'm trying. I'm trying as hard as I can.

Olivia: You picked her up?

Rafe: She was the last kid left.

Olivia: Thanks, but, you know, Ava was on her way and I don't need your help.

Rafe: Oh, gee, I guess I thought that since you have my father's heart and all that I would at least get a thanks.

Olivia: You know what, Rafe? I never wanted this to happen.

Rafe: Yeah, but it did.

Olivia: Look, this is hard for you but you can't keep... you've got to stop. Because I'm not... look, you should go find your mother. I'm sure she needs you.

Harley: Well, what is the building supposed to be?

Mel: Well, it's a boys and girls club. It's a place for kids to go, kids like Rafe was, without fathers.

Harley: Like Rafe is now.

Cyrus: Gus owned the building?

Mel: Yup. With a mortgage. But you know Gus, he never got around to finishing it.

Harley: Ha ha, no kidding.

Mel: (Laughs) Well, I'm sure he thought everything would be up and running by now, but he has designated you to run the project.

Harley: He wanted me?

Mel: Yup. It's all in there. You were the one he trusted for this.

Harley: Well, I think it’s... it's a great idea. And it deserves to be finished.

Mel: Good. Good. Okay, well, look, if you have any questions, call me, okay? Not just the lawyer stuff. Friend stuff, too.

Harley: Okay. I'll call you. Thanks, Mel.

Cyrus: Thanks for coming.

Mel: Thank you.

Harley: All this time Gus was making these plans. I can't believe I didn't know about this.

Cyrus: Well, why would you?

Harley: Because we used to talk about doing something like this. You know, because Gus grew up without a father. This is before he even knew about Rafe. I mean, there are so many kids out there. I should go take a look at it.

Cyrus: Hey, slow down. Listen, Harley, I know you want to honor Gus' wishes but you're not seriously thinking about doing this now, are you?

Harley: Of course I'm serious. Why wouldn't I do it now? It's what he wanted.

Cyrus: Well, I'm sure he also would have wanted you to support your family.

Harley: I'll get a job. I'll get a real job and I'll... I'll take on extra cases, you know? I'll do whatever I have to do.

Cyrus: Gus' funeral wiped us out.

Harley: It's just money! This is bigger than that. This is real. There's nothing more important than this. I can make it work. I will!

Cyrus: He'd understand.

Harley: This is what he wanted.

Cyrus: What? For you to give up your life?

Harley: You're the one who doesn't understand, Cyrus.

Cyrus: You're acting like it's your fault that he's gone.

Harley: I talked to him on the day he died! We talked about our life together. We talked about our regrets. And I could have reached out more. And now I'll never know, will I? If maybe I could have said something differently or done something differently so that he....

Cyrus: You think that you could have saved him? You think that you, Harley Cooper, you think you're so all powerful you could have stopped him getting on that bike?

Harley: Maybe I could have. I don't know.

Cyrus: You're not the only one who lost him. He had a wife! And a son!

Harley: But I'm the only one who let him go! I let him go! I don't expect you to understand....

Cyrus: Oh, I understand completely. I understand, Harley. I saw you get up this morning. I saw you watching your wedding video. And every night, everybody says, Gus was the love of your life and that I'm no Gus.

Harley: Well, they're right. You're nothing like him.

Cyrus: Maybe I should go.

Harley: Maybe you should.

And I try to speak but I can't find the words

I reach out my hand but I can't find yours

and I ask myself what went wrong

why something so easy is so hard

and I try speak but I can't find the words

I reach out my hand but I can't find yours

and I ask myself what went wrong, why

something so easy is so hard, so hard.

Doris: You knew she wasn't going to tell me about it, didn't you? Don't answer that. Look, I know that you think that I am too hard on Ashlee, but just think about me, how hard it was for me to open her day planner and discover that she's going in for major surgery today.

Coop: Doris, you went through her things.

Doris: She's my daughter. I have only ever wanted to keep her from being hurt. I don't know, you know, maybe she never understood that, but it's the truth. (Cell phone ringing)

Coop: (Sighs) Excuse me. I really have to take this.

Buzz: Coop?

Doris: Oh, Buzz!

Coop: Hey, Blake, look, I'm at the hospital right now so I really can't talk, okay?

Blake: How's Ashlee?

Coop: We're still waiting.

Blake: Well, you sound stressed, so why don't you just come over to Company and hang with me?

Coop: Thanks, but no.

Blake: Since you couldn't come to New York, I brought your publisher here, so get over here so you can sign your big, new contract and I can start making you a big star.

Coop: Blake, I can't!

Blake: Are you gonna blow this?

Coop: All right, look, maybe I can stop by for just a moment, okay?

Blake: Okay.

Cassie: These letters are from Will and they're dated, like, a week ago. Why haven't I seen these before?

Josh: Because I haven't shown them to you yet. Cassie, Will got in a fight with some kid at the facility, and he could have hurt him, but they stopped him. Because of that, he's in a solitary kind of situation now.

Cassie: Oh, my God! Why didn't you tell me this?

Josh: Because, Cassie, I didn't see what good it would do for you to know.

Cassie: I understand.

Josh: Do you?

Cassie: I mean, what good does it do to tell me when there's nothing I can do about it? There's no way I can help him.

Josh: You're doing everything you can.

Cassie: I should go get dinner.

Josh: Okay. I love you, Cassie.

Cassie: I love you, too.

Natalia: Olivia, what's the matter? Are you okay?

Olivia: What's it with you and your kid? Don't you have a television?

Natalia: Well, excuse me. I'm not going to let you just die here in the hallway.

Olivia: I'm not dying yet.

Natalia: Okay, well then just shut up and let me help you.

You told me I was everything you wanted...

Olivia: All right. All right. You've done your good deed. You can go, okay?

Natalia: In a minute, when I know you're not going to pass out again. I'll give you some water. Are you taking these pills? Because you have to take all of these pills, that's the key. (Knock on door) Are you expecting somebody?

Olivia: It's probably your son trying to set a record for annoying the hell out of me.

Natalia: Hi, Mel.

Mel: Hey, the front desk said that I would find you up here. How are you holding up?

Natalia: I'm okay. Thank you for asking.

Mel: Good. Hey, you're back from the hospital.

Olivia: I am.

Mel: Well, I know a little bit about what you're going through.

Olivia: So when Rick got his new ticker, he was craving quesadillas, too?

Mel: It's hard to tell, he was eating everything before the heart. You know, you should really call him.

Olivia: No, I'm good, thanks.

Mel: No, there's a lot of things that come up. Mental, physical.

Olivia: Can I help you with something?

Mel: Right. You know, I'm the executor of Gus' will.

Natalia: Oh.

Mel: Yeah. So his will was pretty standard. The house that he bought was in your name, Natalia, so it's yours, whatever you want to do with it.

Natalia: Well, I want to live in it with my son, in the house that Gus picked out for us. But... I don't know. I think I have to sell it because I don't think I can make the mortgage payments.

Olivia: What if I bought it? Sort of... I have cash, and it's my way of saying thank you to Gus for saving my life.

Natalia: You would do that? For me, for Rafe?

Mel: Well, you know what? I'll let you two work that one out. If you have any questions, just give me a call, okay?

Natalia: Thank you.

Mel: And Olivia, you really should call Rick. I'm serious. Take care.

Natalia: I don't know what to say. I'm a little shocked.

Olivia: I'm not buying the house for you. I'm buying it for me. I need some place to recover. Some place quiet. And that was the last thing that Gus bought, and I want it. I want to live in it.

Natalia: Of course. You would kick me and Rafe out of our home.

Olivia: It was never really yours, was it?

Natalia: I really wish I'd left you on the floor.

Coop: Thank you so much again for all your help and everything you've done.

Blake: And when Perez starts talking about you.

Coop: Perez? Perez Hilton?

Blake: Oh, yeah. When he starts writing about you, you won't be able to walk down the street. He's the hottest thing on the web. I mean, Clarissa can't get enough of him.

Coop: Today can't be about me, though. As much as I want it to be, it has to be about Ash. I mean, she's getting out of surgery very, very soon, and so, you know what? I shouldn't even be here, actually. I need to go. All right, but thank you again so much for everything you've done. And we'll celebrate another time.

Doris: I can't have any more of that. I think I've had too much.

Buzz: Why don't you sit?

Doris: I can't sit. I'm too nervous. What if something goes wrong?

Buzz: It won’t.

Doris: You don't know that.

Buzz: Oh, come on, she's in great hands in there.

Doris: Buzz, I need you to tell me something. I need you to tell me the truth because nobody else will, okay? I'm counting on you for that.

Buzz: Lucky me.

Doris: What if I pushed her into this? What if she's doing this because I could have done things differently? I could have told her that she was pretty more often, that she was enough. You know, because she is. She's all of those things.

Buzz: Nobody pushed her into anything. She made this decision herself.

Doris: I knew that something like this would happen when she got together with Coop. I knew it.

Buzz: Coop? Coop tried to talk her out of it. You were there, you saw the whole thing.

Doris: I just want things to be easy for her. Much easier than they were for me.

Buzz: You know, when she gets out of surgery, at first it's going to be difficult. She's going to need you to lean on.

Doris: Yeah. Yeah. I know. I'll drive her to the hospital, doctors, whatever, write in her food journal.

Buzz: I'm talking about being a mother to your daughter. You talk to her. You remind her of what you just told me.

Doris: I can do that.

Buzz: Yes, you can.

Harley: I just feel like I have to do this. It's fulfilling Gus' last wish. It seems right to me. And maybe Cyrus can't understand that, but it's perfectly clear to me. So we had a fight right after you left. It's our first fight, actually. And Cyrus stormed out. I can't say I blame him. I mean, I was egging him on. But I'm so broken. I know that sounds terrible, because I'm not with him, I'm with him, and it's how I feel.

Mel: It's gonna get better. It will.

Harley: I don't know. I mean, I love Cyrus, but....

Mel: But?

Harley: I guess I always thought that no matter what happened to me and Gus now, he would always come back to me. And now he never will.

Cyrus: Hey.

Cassie: Don't look!

Cyrus: Superman used a phone box, you know?

Cassie: Yeah, did he? Well, you see any phone boxes around here?

Cyrus: Good point.

Cassie: Okay. You can look now.

Cyrus: (Laughs) Don't tell me. Top-secret mission?

Cassie: Something like that. You want to get a drink?

Cyrus: Yeah.

Coop: Ashlee? Ashlee, are you there?

Doris: Ashlee, honey?

Ashlee: Who's Ashlee? Gotcha. I've been waiting two weeks to say that.

Doris: Oh, God. (Laughs)

Coop: Oh, that's funny.

Doris: That's good.

Coop: That's very funny. Hey, you. Welcome back. How are you feeling?

Ashlee: Peachy. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Mom.

Doris: That's okay. That's okay. Lucky for you, I snooped through your things and I saw it in your day planner. There it was. "Gastric bandage surgery." I read all about it on the internet.

Ashlee: Well, thought you had a big press conference today.

Doris: I don't know anything about a press conference. Okay. Um, I'm going to leave you two alone. I'll be right out in the hall if you need me, okay, honey?

Coop: You can close your eyes if you want to. Just relax. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here, okay?

Cyrus: ...And I almost derailed my entire career.

Cassie: (Laughs) Stealing a case of beer from a convenience store?

Cyrus: Yup. I was 15. Thank God I got away when I did.

Cassie: Yeah, otherwise you might have grown up to be a respectable, law abiding citizen.

Cyrus: Lucky break.

Cassie: That must have been some beer.

Cyrus: You have no idea. There is nothing like an authentic icy cold Aussie beer.

Cassie: Australia. Australia's far.

Cyrus: Yup.

Cassie: Maybe not far enough.

Man: You left your wallet earlier. I gave it to your friend. Blake.

Cassie: Oh, thanks.

Cyrus: You've been here already today?

Cassie: Does it matter if I have?

Cyrus: No.

Cassie: Why don't we go for a drive? You know, in your car? We'll get some fresh air.

Cyrus: Where do you want to go?

Cassie: I don't care. Sydney? (Laughs)

Cyrus: Hey, Bobby, we'll take a bottle for the road.

Josh: Hey, Blake. What brings you all the way out here?

Blake: Cassie's wallet.

Josh: Oh.

Blake: The bartender said she left it this morning, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Josh: Bartender? You mean Joe, at the Beacon?

Cassie: No, Bobby at Towers.

Josh: Huh.

And I try to speak, but I can't find the words

I reach out my hand, but I can't find yours

and I ask myself what went wrong

why something so easy is so hard

and I try to speak but I can't find the words

I reach out my hand but I can't find yours

and I ask myself, what went wrong...

Olivia: I can't do this. I'm not as good as you.

Natalia: Olivia's having a hard time with it.

Rafe: I thought you said she was a real bitch to you, Mom.

Natalia: Rafe, did I use that word?

Rafe: I'm sorry. You said she was mean to you, right?

Natalia: She was. But she's hurting right now, just like we are, and you have to remember that.

Harley: You're a nicer person than I am.

Natalia: You want to sit?

Harley: Yeah, but just for a minute. I have to talk to you, actually. I saw Mel today, about Gus' will. His dream to start a boys and girls club in his old neighborhood in Chicago. There's only one problem, I don't have any money.

Natalia: Harley, I mean, only do it if it’s... if you can really do it. Because Gus wouldn't want you to ruin yourself for him.

Harley: Yeah. That's what Cyrus said.

Cyrus: (Laughs)

Cassie: Oh, my God, that was amazing!

Cyrus: Oh, well, glad you liked it.

Cassie: Oh, my God! Liked it? Didn't you hear me screaming?

Cyrus: I did. I did. I thought maybe you wanted me to slow down. Here give me that. I think you've had enough of this.

Cassie: You've got to be kidding. That was fantastic!

Cyrus: You weren't afraid? Not just a teeny-weeny bit?

Cassie: Afraid? The wind! The wind and the speed and the way you whipped around those curves! It was a rush!

Cyrus: (Laughs) Cheers.

Cassie: I wasn't afraid.

Cyrus: Good.

Cassie: I wasn't afraid at all.

Why something so easy is so hard so hard.

Coming up on "Guiding Light,"

Josh: Do you think it's at all strange that Cassie left her wallet in a bar?

Bill: I'd say you got nothing to worry about.

Cassie: I've been doing this for weeks, sleeping with other men. Since Tammy died, I haven't been myself.

Josh: Why didn't you come to me? Why did you have to go to someone else?

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