GL Transcript Friday 4/11/08

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 4/11/08


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Ashlee: I'm Ashlee Wolfe. I'm a little early for an appointment with Dr. Orson. You are amazing. You're laid up in a hospital right after major surgery, and you still have guys falling all over you.

Olivia: You want to know my secret? I take risks.

Ashlee: I want to spend the night with you. I want to feel sexy.

Coop: Ashlee, you are sexy.

Ashlee: Okay, what else? No, I haven't-- I haven't chewed anything. Yeah-- no, I'm all about liquids. Okay. Where should I check in? Okay. Anything else? Okay, great. Well, thank you very much. Great, thank you. Bye.

Coop: Where did he say to check in?

Ashlee: He said at the main desk, and then they'll check us in and tell us where to go from there.

Coop: Um... you know, you don’t... you don't have to do this.

Ashlee: Coop, you know how much it costs to cancel a doctor's appointment. Imagine how much it would cost to cancel...

Coop: It's major surgery.

Ashlee: The procedure is...

Coop: I've read the pamphlets. Ashlee, I know. Believe me.

Ashlee: I know you have. You're so good.

Coop: I just-- I'm happy-- with us. I don't want to change anything, especially not you.

Ashlee: Well, I'm not doing this for us. I'm doing this so that we can be... I don't know, happier. I can be healthier and freer. Did you write down what time I need to be there?

Coop: You seem a bit nervous?

Ashlee: I'm good nervous. I'm like starting your life a new nervous. Did you get down all of the instructions?

Coop: Yes.

Ashlee: So, tonight?

Coop: No foods after midnight.

Ashlee: No, I know that. You know, if you changed your mind, or you don't want to do this or something, uh...

Coop: No. I want to. I mean, you want this too, right?

Bill: Oh, it's Lewis in the lead!

Lizzie: Yeah! Oh, yes! And Spaulding wins by a nose.

Bill: Oh, no.

Lizzie: Who got here first?

Bill: Only because you cheated!

Lizzie: You did a really good job for a guy your age.

Bill: Ouch.

Lizzie: I'll go easy on you next time.

Bill: Please don’t. Come here, you. You make me very happy.

Lizzie: I know.

Bill: (Laughing) Oh, yeah? Oh, yeah?

Jeffrey: Okay. This is District Attorney Jeffrey O’Neill, notes on the Mackenzie case. Surveillance video shot march 25...

Reva: Okay. Don't freak out or anything, but I think I'm being followed.

Jeffrey: What is this?

Reva: What's that?

Jeffrey: "Barbara Does Barbecue?"

Reva: I've already seen that one. Listen, the person that I think is following me is someone I think you might want to...

Jeffrey: Reva, you taped over my evidence, Reva. And it's labeled.

Reva: Well, those things are ancient. I just grabbed the first one I saw. That was the episode where she was making those pork ribs with the special sauce.

Jeffrey: I don't care about the ribs, all right?

Reva: You cared the other night, when you ate about 90 of them. Are you listening to me? Someone's following me!

Jeffrey: I heard you.

Reva: Okay. It happened... it started the other day when I had that meeting.

Jeffrey: When you what?

Reva: That meeting that I had with Alan Spaulding... well, it's a long story.

Jeffrey: Reva, you taped over my evidence with pork chops, and now you're trying to distract me with some wacky story. Look, we've got to get some ground rules straight here. I don't have a lot of stuff, Reva, not a lot. But what I do have, I need. Please don't use my tapes.

Reva: Don't tell me what to do. Save that for your wife.

Ava: Ooh, look at this. Real solid food. Yum, yum, yum.

Olivia: I don't want it. Take it away.

Ava: Ooh, flowers from Jeffrey. They're beautiful. Look at those.

Olivia: How did you know they were from Jeffrey?

Ava: Well, I ordered them for him. It's no big deal. Wait. These are supposed to be silk. No, no, no, no, no. These are real. You can't have real flowers in here because of the disease.

Olivia: Leave them. I like it. Death by flowers. Take the food, and leave the flowers.

Ava: Mother, this is really getting old, okay? We all know that you want to die because Gus is gone. Blah, blah, blah.

Olivia: I can't help how I feel!

Ava: All right. But then keep it to yourself, and especially if you want me to bring Emma around. She can't handle hearing this crap. She has a cold, that's why she hasn't been here. And here you are playing games with your life with these flowers. If you want to die, fine, but do it quietly. And, anyway, I don't buy this whole death-wish thing that you have. If you wanted to be dead, you would have figured out how to do it already.

Jeffrey: These got mixed in with my files. We have some serious boundary issues, Reva. First my tapes, and then you know, my files are not part of the family album.

Reva: Look, I'd say I was sorry if I was. I have to get to a meeting. Can I see you later?

Jeffrey: Yes.

Reva: Oh, I almost forgot. Here. Oh!

Jeffrey: Pink?

Reva: Yeah. It's breast cancer awareness. I am a survivor, remember?

Jeffrey: Yes, I remember. And I'm happy to wear it.

Reva: You should be. Oh, look at you. You look so cute.

Jeffrey: I have never been cute.

Reva: Well, I think your wife would think you were.

Jeffrey: Stop.

Reva: (Laughing) Why, when it is so much fun.

Jeffrey: Hey, look, you try not to get into too much trouble, and try not to get followed.

Reva: Oh, now you're making fun of me.

Jeffrey: I just know you love your drama.

Reva: And I just know you love dramatic women.

Lizzie: (Laughing)

Bill: Ah!

Lizzie: Okay. Seriously, though, this is has been really fun, but don't you have a job or something?

Bill: A job? Yes. How about you? What are you doing? I'm trying to watch the old figure.

Lizzie: I've been helping my nana with this whole warriors in pink thing, raising awareness, signing up walkers. Are you in on that, by the way?

Bill: Do I have to wear pink?

Lizzie: No, you don't have to wear pink. You have to walk.

Bill: Uh-huh.

Lizzie: And you have to write a huge check. And you have to be happy that me and my nana and your Aunt Reva all survived cancer.

Bill: Well, I can do that.

Lizzie: Good.

Bill: Let me ask you something, all of these errands that you've been doing, you don't miss being out in the workforce, on the job, Lewis maybe?

Lizzie: No, not yet. You know, I um... I like playing house right now, cooking dinner for you, getting your slippers.

Bill: Slippers? I don't own slippers.

Lizzie: I'm also getting that little corner of your room ready for when the baby comes to visit. I'm going to meet you back here, okay? In a bit?

Bill: Yeah. See you later. Hey? Hey? What's up?

Ava: I'm such a klutz.

Bill: Ava, listen to me. You've got to take it easy, okay. You shouldn't be lifting anything heavy.

Ava: I know. Sometimes I just forget, I guess.

Bill: Take it easy. You've got a little life inside there, huh?

Ava: Thanks for being concerned. It's not easy being alone at a time like this.

Bill: Let's get these in your car.

Lizzie: Oh, wow.

Ashlee: I'm sorry.

Lizzie: Whoa, hot!

Ashlee: Well, if you think so. I didn't really know.

Lizzie: Um, yeah, but I guess I'm not the one who has to like it, right?

Ashlee: (Laughing)

Lizzie: Are you okay?

Ashlee: Yeah-- well, no. But you and Coop were you and Coop and...

Lizzie: Um, okay. Ashlee, that was a long time ago. What's up?

Ashlee: This is the biggest night of my life before the biggest day of my life.

Lizzie: Are you doing the surgery?

Ashlee: Yeah.

Lizzie: Good for you.

Ashlee: Thanks.

Lizzie: You know, good luck with it. I'm all for anything that makes you feel better and helps you be healthy.

Ashlee: Lizzie, um... I was thinking about it, and maybe I should wait until after to be with Coop. I me, I know he has been waiting, and he's been really patient, but maybe I'll enjoy it more when I-- I don't know, when I have the surgery.

Lizzie: Well, making him wait a little longer is kind of hot, but it's up to you. Good luck on everything.

Bill: So what is all of this stuff?

Ava: Just some stuff to cheer up Olivia.

Bill: I'm sure she could use it.

Ava: She's trying.

Bill: That's a lot to deal with.

Ava: Yeah.

Bill: So, um, is this for her, our baby?

Ava: You think it's a girl?

Bill: No, just uh... just saying. Alrighty. Well, you're all set.

Ava: Yes. Do you want to go for a drive?

Bill: A drive?

Ava: Yeah.

Bill: Ava, I'm with Lizzie.

Ava: I know. Really.

Bill: No, no, no. She's in the mall. She's trying to get a smoothie. Her car's right over... look, Ava, we need to talk. I am with you as far as the baby goes...

Ava: We were really good together.

Bill: In bed, yeah. In bed. But um... it's just not going to work.

Ava: Never say never.

Bill: Yeah.

Ashlee: Look, Coop, we're at Towers for a romantic early dinner, and you have to eat something, so order.

Coop: Ashlee, I'm not going to eat in front of you. You must be starving at this point.

Ashlee: I'm okay. I have my broth.

Coop: Okay.

Ashlee: I'd like to make a toast. To us, starting a new, exciting, healthy life together.

Coop: Okay. To selling my first book and a surgery that you don't really need. Cheers.

Ashlee: Coop, look, I wouldn't be doing this just for fun. I'm trying... I want to get a head start so that I don't fall apart when I'm older.

Coop: Fine. I will remember the health side of this thing and remember that a band around your stomach is not going to change who you are.

Ashlee: I just want more energy. And I don't want to walk into doctor's appointments and have the doctors lecture me about losing weight. And I'll say it, I don't really want to be seen as the fun, fat girl anymore.

Olivia: It's creepy to watch while someone's asleep, you know.

Jeffrey: How did you know it was me?

Olivia: I didn’t. Thanks for the flowers.

Jeffrey: I sent those?

Olivia: Yeah.

Jeffrey: I'm a great guy, aren't I?

Olivia: You are so great. The best husband I've had in a very long time. I've got something for you. I can't stand those things. Have a Brussels sprout.

Jeffrey: Oh, thanks, but I'm trying to quit.

Olivia: Really? Because they're awfully green. I'm branching out, you know. Life gave me a second chance, so I thought, you know, I should give one little Brussels sprout.

Jeffrey: Really? Listen.

Olivia: What?

Jeffrey: Um, Phillip has definitely disappeared. So Emma is going to be safe.

Olivia: And you can ask me for a divorce.

Jeffrey: Well, we can wait until you're out of here.

Olivia: Yeah, when I'm out of here.

Jeffrey: Hmm. How about we go for a walk?

Olivia: Okay. You know sometimes all it takes is a trip down the hallway with her husband to make a girl happy.

Jeffrey: Easy. Easy.

Olivia: Ow.

Ava: I hate Lizzie. I need a baby. (Car starting)

Coop: Okay. We're all set. You ready?

Ashlee: Yeah. I'm just going to hit up the ladies' room because of all of the fluids. I'll be right back.

Coop: Okay.

Ava: Hey, Coop, hi.

Coop: Ava, hey. How's Olivia?

Ava: She's doing well. Thanks for asking.

Coop: I know it must be a lot, you know, taking care of Emma and Olivia at the same time.

Ava: Yeah. Yeah, it hasn't been easy. Why don't you buy my a drink? It would be nice to have somebody to hang out with.

Coop: I would like that, but unfortunately Ashlee and I were getting ready to take off. She's actually in the ladies' room right now, but, um...

Ashlee: You ready?

Coop: Oh, um, there she is. Yeah. Ava, have a good night.

Lizzie: Nana!

Lillian: Hey.

Lizzie: I just left Bill.

Lillian: What?

Lizzie: We were having this amazing day, and then I looked over and I see him helping Ava put stuff in her car and he hugged her, or -- I don't know if she hugged him. I don't even know if it was that kind of a hug. I don't think it was, but I just freaked out. And I just left him.

Lillian: Call him and tell him you overreacted.

Lizzie: Ah, this Ava thing. Nana, at first it was her legs and her boobs, and now it's the baby. I am so sick of fighting for everything. I just want something that is mine.

Lillian: Lizzie, Lizzie, the impression I get is that Bill is yours. Of course he's going to take care of his baby. He's a good man. But how could he possibly want Ava when he has you.

Lizzie: Don't you think you're being a little bias?

Lillian: Totally bias, honey.

Reva: Here we are, warriors in pink.

Lizzie: Hey.

Lillian: You just made it in time for the meeting.

Reva: Ah, you coming to the meeting?

Lizzie: Oh, not today, but I have been pinning little pink ribbons on everyone I see, and I am trying to get Bill to walk with us.

Reva: Is Bill one of your walkers?

Lizzie: Well...

Reva: Well, you tell him his Auntie Reva wants him there with sneakers on and checkbook in hand.

Lizzie: Okay. I'll do my best. Bye.

Reva: I'm not really in the mood for a meeting.

Lillian: Oh, you're not. Well, that's just too bad because we have work to do. (Laughter)

Jeffrey: How are you doing?

Olivia: You seem fine.

Jeffrey: Any word on when you're going to get out of here? You need a nurse?

Olivia: Oh, no. I think Ava volunteered, but she's pregnant, so I don't know what she's going to be able to do.

Jeffrey: Ah, yeah. Olivia... Ava’s not really pregnant.

Olivia: Did she lose the baby?

Jeffrey: No. No, she never was pregnant. She told you that because she wanted to give you hope. She really wanted a baby, though because she didn't want to be alone.

Olivia: We should try walking back to the room.

Reva: So Lizzie and Bill?

Lillian: He's been a Godsend. She's actually seemed happy, and now there is a complication.

Reva: Of course there is. Oh, so, some new faces here today.

Lillian: More survivors is a good thing, isn't it?

Reva: Yes, it is.

Lillian: I'm Lillian Raines. I'm, um, a breast cancer survivor.

Reva: And I'm Reva Shayne. You are?

Betty: Betty.

Reva: Out of treatment, or just starting?

Betty: Oh, just out.

Lillian: Okay, everybody should we get started? For those of you who don't know me, I'm Lillian Raines, and I'm head nurse at Cedars. And a 16-year breast cancer survivor. (Applause) So, um, who would like to talk first? Joan, Sarah? Reva?

Reva: Hello. It's always Reva. You know I'm never at a loss for words. So I will start. There are some new faces. Most of you know me, but I'm Reva Shayne. And I have to say that the last year, this club has been very important to me. It has. It's interesting, too, because I've never really been much of a joiner, nor have I ever really enjoyed hanging out with the girls, you know. But look at me, I'm in the club now, and I'm very happy because you all have, at some point, saved my life because this room-- this club has given me a place to be able to cry, laugh, and vent, and to enjoy the really good refreshments that Cedars always provides for us, right? (Laughter) And it's that time of year again, when we get to proudly display our pink ribbons, yes. And we get to plan our walk. And we get to think about all of the wonderful stories that we're going to be able to tell. Of course, my life lately-- my life story has taken a couple of interesting turns, and it has been a real challenge. But I guess that's what is so wonderful about being here, being alive, because I've risen to that occasion and that challenge, and it has all been worth it. But that challenge has also taught me that I don't think I can be in the middle of all of the drama anymore. I don’t. I think the cancer really has knocked the drama out of my life. Because things that used to bother me and drive me crazy, really don't do it anymore. In fact, my boyfriend just got married, and that would have made me crazy. That would have literally put me over the edge before. But now, I can say it's okay, and I'm not worried. In fact, I'm so not worried that I'm planning on leaving town for a few days, and I know that he's going to be there when I get back.

Coop: I love this.

Ashlee: We've been alone together before, but I know what you mean.

Coop: I know.

Ashlee: Oh, thanks.

Coop: If you want to, you can still leave. I hope you wouldn't, but...

Ashlee: I think you're more nervous than I am.

Coop: Yeah. Yeah, I know. I just want this to be right for you. And I... I want to be right.

Ashlee: You are right. You are the one. I just had to be sure of it, you know? I needed to know. And I know. Wait!

Coop: Sorry. Am I rushing?

Ashlee: No, no, no. I got some lingerie. Something special for tonight.

Coop: Okay.

Ashlee: Well, maybe... I know this is kind of maybe it's -- you know, I'm just going to put it over here for now.

Coop: No... okay. Later. (Music playing)

Suddenly, I found my own little lot

Ashlee: That's nice.

I feel like Dorothy waking up in a taffy colored dream

could it be my whole is changing because you wanted me

the mountain that's been standing in my way

it was never really there in the first place

I can see who I'm supposed to be...

Coop: Ashlee, you're beautiful. I want to be able to see you.

The mirror made it clearer a different side of me

suddenly... look at me, I never thought I find...

Bill: Hello?

Ava: It's Ava. I'm in the parking lot.

Bill: What's going on? Is something wrong with your car?

Ava: No. I actually just came back. I stopped at the mall to pick up a pregnancy magazine. I was just curious-- I just thought I would check it out. And there was a little article in there about all of the things that you need to have when you're pregnant. The list of pregnancy things. And I started getting really overwhelmed, and now I'm sitting in my car and I'm totaling having a meltdown. And you told me that I could call you because you were going to be there for me. So here I am, I'm calling you. And, um, Bill, I really need you.

Reva: Okay, one last thing: I want you guys to know how much I appreciate the fact that you've helped me to handle all these things in my life and to figure out how to deal with the things that I just can't fix.

Lillian: Oh, please. You're sounding like you're never going to come back. You're going to be back soon.

Reva: No, no, no. I know that. But this is different this time because I am just taking a break. I'm not running away. And when I do get back, you all will have planned everything. I won't have to do a thing. And all we'll have to do is walk together, right? (Laughter) And you, welcome to the group. And I'm hoping to see you back here when I get back.

Lizzie: (Laughing)

Bill: You look surprised.

Jeffrey: Hey.

Ava: Hi. How long have you been here? Did you show him the flowers? Did you see the flowers, how pretty they are. Look at them. Good job.

Jeffrey: Yeah, aren't they great?

Ava: Yeah, they're beautiful. I can stay and hang out if you have to go.

Jeffrey: Well, I really should, you know, work. It was nice walking the halls with you. I'll check in tomorrow.

Olivia: Okay.

Ava: Bye. What? Ow! You shouldn't hit a pregnant woman.

Olivia: You're not pregnant.

Ava: How do you know? Jeffrey. Well, I might not be, but I'm working on it.

Olivia: It was very... thanks for lying to me to give me hope. It very was sweet.

Ava: (Laughs)

I can't see who I'm suppose to be

I can believe all it took was you to set me free

before you came, everyday was just the same

the mirror made it clearer a different side of me

suddenly... suddenly.

Lizzie: How come when you shower with a guy, certain body parts get really, really clean, and others are totally ignored?

Bill: Well, I think you can wash your own elbows.

Lizzie: That's a very good point. I'm sorry about before.

Bill: What about before?

Lizzie: Leaving you in the parking lot?

Bill: Oh, oh! It was a nice day for a walk. If it was raining, we'd be having a whole different conversation.

Lizzie: (Laughing) I have one.

Bill: You know, I was just helping Ava load the car, right? I didn't do anything wrong.

Lizzie: I know.

Bill: All right?

Lizzie: I know. It's just hard, okay?

Bill: I know. I know. I'm just trying to do the best I can, that's all.

Lizzie: Me, too. Look, um...

Bill: What have you got over there?

Lizzie: They were Sarah’s. And I was thinking that maybe if... maybe if you're baby is a girl... this is really not fair.

Bill: I know.

Reva: Hey!

Jeffrey: Hey.

Reva: You still cranky?

Jeffrey: No.

Reva: No.

Jeffrey: How was your meeting?

Reva: It was good. It was good. It was the last one for a while.

Jeffrey: Did you steal any of those cookies that I like?

Reva: Did I what?

Jeffrey: Thank you.

Reva: Are you here visiting the Mrs.?

Jeffrey: Now you're just being cruel.

Reva: Aw.

Jeffrey: Where is your, um, stalker?

Reva: I never said stalker.

Jeffrey: Okay, shadow.

Reva: Okay, you win. I don't have a stalker. And I'm not being followed, okay. Maybe I've just been a little overwhelmed or overloaded or over something.

Jeffrey: Over me?

Reva: No. Come on, you can come home and help me pack.

Jeffrey: Pack? That's not good.

Reva: I need to get away for a little while. Vacation. It's nothing dramatic. Don't you go marrying anyone else while I'm gone, okay? Promise?

Jeffrey: Hmm. I promise.

Reva: (Laughing) I don't believe you.

Ashlee: Hi.

Coop: What are you thinking?

Ashlee: I was just wondering why I waited so long.

Coop: Are you okay?

Ashlee: Yeah. Who knew?

Coop: I knew.

Ashlee: Well, I knew, too.

Coop: Come back here. Come here.

(Music playing)

You know that you are more than I can handle

I tremble as I watch you from across the floor

I make up stupid songs about your beauty

and I sing them to myself by myself all night long

and I wish this love away thought it kills to say

I wish this love away from me

you told me I was everything you wanted

controlled me every second of every day

you reached into my heart and pulled out something I had never seen before now

now I wish this love away although it kills to see

I wish this love away from me...

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Cyrus: Everybody says Gus was the love of your life, and I'm not Gus.

Harley: Well, they're right. You're nothing like him.

Cassie: These are from Will. Why have I not seen these before?

Josh: Because I never showed them to you.

Cyrus: Cheers.

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