Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 4/10/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Coop: You're not actually thinking about getting the surgery, are you? Ashlee, I don't think this is such a good idea.
Ashlee: Well, I'm not really doing this for you.
Coop: I like you the way you are.
Lizzie: I underestimated her, and I'm going to admit that it was because of how she looks.
Ashlee: I've made up my mind. I'm having the surgery.
Coop: I want to spend the night with you beforehand.
(Instrumental guitar music playing)
Wake up in the middle of the night it's all over
unsteady you shuffle downstairs wait for the end
look alive when the telephone tells you
he's thinking of you he loves you
new day, you're feeling okay start healing
go out on a couple of dates do you really care?
Oh, what will get you through the morning
cause your picture of him you love him but he isn't there
and the world that you like you lie to yourself because
it makes you feel better the way that you lie
make it last until you cry some day you get out of bed
breathe deeply wake up with
somebody else...
Cyrus: Hey, where were you?
Harley: I'm good. I... I couldn't sleep. I kept feeling like something wasn't right.
Cyrus: Well, what was it?
Harley: This. This way we just limit ourselves to the money that's in each envelope. So if we don't have any money in the gas envelope, I guess we're walking. There's no money in the food envelope, I guess it's peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and noodle soup. And we don't have to worry about overdrawing an account, you know, because one of us went to the A.T.M. and there's still a check floating around out there somewhere.
Cyrus: So, this is...
Harley: It. This is it. This is all the money we have. Here.
Cyrus: Okay.
Harley: It'll work. I saw it on "Martha."
Cyrus: Okay. She's smart.
Harley: And it's not like we don't have money coming in. I mean, you have a job and I have Vanessa’s case.
Cyrus: But the debts are still high.
Harley: Yes, the mortgage is high. The mortgage is a lot. I don't know how we're going to do that. And then there's the funeral costs. But this way we don't have to worry about a debt collector freezing our accounts, because we don't have any accounts.
Cyrus: (Laughing)
Harley: (Laughing)
Cyrus: And where do we keep all this cash?
Harley: Well, I could decorate a shoebox to match our beautiful kitchen.
Cyrus: Oh, Martha would be proud. But in the meantime?
Harley: Um, how about this? It's like a filing system. I mean, I'm sure it's a great cookbook, I just don't happen to use it.
Cyrus: I'm not saying a thing. Do you feel better?
Harley: Yes. Yes. I mean, I do. I still feel like there's something wrong. (Phone rings)
Cyrus: Cooper residence. Yeah, I'll just get her. Hey sexy.
Harley: Hello? Yep. Yes, but that's not today. Zach's on the green schedule. Ah, I thought green practice on Sunday. No. I... of course, we'll come. I'll get him there as soon as I can. Okay. I need five dollars from the gas envelope. Zach! See, I knew something was wrong. I thought it was money or Vanessa’s case or us, but actually it turns out it's little league. Um, you have practice today. And we're very late. So you have to run upstairs and get your shirt. And we've got to go.
Zach: What?
Harley: Go, go. Please, go.
Cyrus: Listen, I know money is tight, but you and I, we're okay, aren't we?
Harley: Oh, my God. That's what it is. I need those, the envelopes, all of them. Zach, we've got to go!
Cyrus: Are you going to pay some bills on the way?
Harley: Not exactly. Could you grab one of the paint cans, please, and bring it out to the car. And a drop cloth, because I don't want the paint all over the trunk. Come on, let's go. Thanks.
Cyrus: Coming. Coming. Whoa, whoa, whoa! What are we doing?
Harley: I finally realized what's been bothering me all morning. It's the paint. The paint inside the house, it's the wrong color. I have to take it back. Would you come with me to pick out a new color?
Cyrus: (Sighs)
Cyrus: Hey. Good morning, sleeping beauty.
Daisy: You're standing in front of the screen.
Cyrus: Well, your mom might need your help. There's heaps of stuff out in the car.
Daisy: No, no, no. I won't want to rob you of a chance to prove to her that you can be domesticated.
Cyrus: Hey, those are supposed to be for the whole family, for after dinner tonight.
Harley: Hey.
Daisy: Need help?
Harley: No. No, no, no. Cyrus can get it. Oh, those were supposed to be a surprise for dessert.
Daisy: I'm sorry. Cyrus said it would be okay.
Harley: Those were supposed to be a surprise.
Cyrus: Do you want the rest of the paint in here or down in the basement?
Harley: No, no. Leave it all here. I'm sure we can get this done today.
Cyrus: Okay.
Daisy: Why did you get more paint? We have enough.
Harley: Because I looked around this morning, and I realized the color is not right.
Daisy: It is kind of blah. What did you get?
Harley: Well, Cyrus wanted beige, which is nice. It goes with everything.
Daisy: So what did you get? (Laughter)
Harley: Don't freak out. Purple. Not a dark purple, but a light purple, like a lavender. You know, they say it's in this season. And in here, there is rooms that have it on the wall. This room. See, that's light. That's pretty. And that room.
Daisy: Jump into spring, fresh and new.
Harley: And I know the pillows won't match, but we can make some more.
Cyrus: Where do you want this stuff?
Harley: Just put it with the other stuff. And don't forget those small finish brushes that I left in the back seat.
Daisy: And here it is with accents. That way we can keep some of those pillows.
Harley: I know. And there were pictures with dark and light purple pillows, but I just thought that was too much.
Daisy: That's too much purple.
Harley: But it's pretty. Look at that.
Olivia: You again.
Jeffrey: That's right, me. Your loving husband.
Olivia: Is that supposed to make me happy, cheer me up?
Jeffrey: Well, if looks... forget about that. Let's talk about me, the very busy District Attorney who gets a call because his ill-behaved, uncooperative wife is not following doctor's orders.
Olivia: I'll change my contact person to Ava, okay?
Jeffrey: Why aren't you eating?
Olivia: Well, you try it. If you like it, I'll give it another shot.
Jeffrey: Point taken. And what's all of this about you not getting out of bed? I thought we moved past that.
Olivia: We do realize that we've been cut in half by a hacksaw?
Jeffrey: You know, I studied magic when I was a kid. I can actually do that, so if you want to...
Olivia: No, no, no. Stop it. No! Come on, I'm not trying to be melodramatic. Actually, it just really hurts. I'm sorry if I'm letting every down.
Jeffrey: Well, you couldn't possibly let me down. Then again, I have very low expectations.
Olivia: (Laughing)
Jeffrey: Sorry.
Olivia: No. No, no. You don't have to sit here and baby-sit.
Jeffrey: Oh, I know. But I've got two judges and an A.D.A. that are looking for me, so I need a place to hide out.
Coop: Yes. Yeah, ever since I was in high school, maybe even junior high.
Buzz: Do you want breakfast?
Ashlee: Yeah, I'd like some tea. No caffeine.
Buzz: You got it.
Ashlee: Thanks.
Coop: Salinger, um... yeah, no, I know. Totally predictable. Oh, and Michael Chabone. Sure. No. That's great. No, thank you very much. I appreciate you giving me a call like this. All right, take care. Bye.
Ashlee: Wait, that was just three minutes?
Buzz: Here you go.
Ashlee: Oh, thank you.
Buzz: Tea for the lady.
Coop: Well, they asked me some questions and I gave them some answers. It was just for a college paper, that's all.
Ashlee: It was... it was predictable. It was pretty terrible. It was so boring.
Coop: What?
Ashlee: Awful. Okay, wait. Buzz, you can help. You can help.
Coop: What?
Ashlee: Let's play a game. Let's, um... here, sit down. Here are the rules of the game. Sit. Okay? You are Katie Couric and you are yourself. And Katie is asking you questions, and I will be the judge, and I will rate you on your originality and your pizzazz.
Coop: Are you kidding me?
Ashlee: Do I look like I'm kidding you? No. Okay, okay. So, let's go. First question. Let's go.
Buzz: So, Henry, now that you're a celebrity... I don't feel good about being Katie. Can I be Larry King or something like that? Because...
Coop: You're kidding about this, right? Please. It wasn't that bad.
Buzz: Stick with me, kid, I'll make you a star.
Ashlee: (Laughing) You're hopeless.
Harley: Don't push down too hard or you're going to leave a ridge on it.
Cyrus: Yeah, I got it.
Harley: What do you think?
Cyrus: I think it's great. And if we keep at it, we can be done and move on.
Harley: What do you think?
Daisy: I think it's very purple.
Harley: It's so purple. It's so purple. It's the color of your shirt.
Cyrus: Well, you picked it out.
Harley: It looked different on that little tiny swatch.
Cyrus: I think you just need to get used to it. Or you could have gone with beige. It goes with everything.
Harley: No. All of the rooms in here had green on the walls.
Cyrus: We have gallons of paint.
Daisy: We could go with the mossy green.
Cyrus: Mossy green? We could stick with the luscious grape. It's fresh and new.
Harley: It has to be right. It's not right. Oh, I love it. That's pretty, too.
Jeffrey: You rang?
Olivia: You were snoring.
Jeffrey: Haven't you avoided getting out of that bed long enough?
Olivia: Look, this isn't fair. I can't fight you like this. I can't even brush my hair.
Jeffrey: You can't?
Olivia: No. I can't lift my arm over my head without taking a second shot of morphine.
Jeffrey: Well, that's when you've got to call someone and ask for help.
Olivia: No! Those nurses are sadistic. I don't think they like me very much.
Jeffrey: Imagine that. Okay, I'll call Ava. I'm sure she's good with a brush.
Olivia: No, no. She took Emma. Leave them alone. Gus brushed my hair once. It was nice.
Jeffrey: I'm sure it was. Okay, I'll do it.
Olivia: You?
Jeffrey: Yeah, me. Why not?
Olivia: Have you ever brushed a woman's hair before?
Jeffrey: I got a perfect score on the shooting range at Quantico. I think I can handle a hairbrush.
Olivia: Ow! Okay. Ow! No, no. It's a brush, it's not a scraper. Leave my scalp alone.
Jeffrey: I'm sorry. There's a lot of knots.
Olivia: (Laughing) Okay.
Jeffrey: Don't laugh.
Olivia: (Laughing) It hurts!
Jeffrey: Remember, it hurts to laugh.
Olivia: What are you doing? (Laughter)
Cyrus: Well?
Harley: I don't mind the yellow. What do you think?
Cyrus: I like it.
Harley: Daisy, what do you think?
Daisy: I don't know.
Harley: Zach?
Zach: I like the green. (Laughter)
Harley: I think it might be a little too green, sweetie. Well, let's put out some more colors.
Cyrus: That's it.
Harley: That's it? This is it? This is all the colors?
Cyrus: Yeah.
Harley: No, we need more colors.
Cyrus: We only have two envelopes left. Mortgage and food.
Harley: Something isn't right. Something's missing. I need to be inspired.
Zach: I'm hungry.
Daisy: I'll make you a peanut butter sandwich.
Harley: No. No, no, no. Would you do me a favor. Would you go get Grandpa and tell him that I need him. And pick us all up iced coffees?
Daisy: Okay.
Harley: Would you make Zach a peanut butter sandwich, please? And when my dad gets here, just tell him I'm down in the basement.
Cyrus: Crunchy or creamy?
Zach: Creamy.
Cyrus: All right. Let's go.
Buzz: What do you think you gained by spending your formative years in England with your cultured, well-bred relatives?
Coop: Dad, Ashlee’s gone. You can drop the act now.
Buzz: That wasn't Larry King. That was me.
Coop: My "formative years?"
Buzz: Yeah, your formative years?
Ashlee: Yes. Someone is picking me up from the hospital and taking me home. Okay. Yeah, no, only liquids. Actually, I'm going to call you back. Thank you. Thank you so much. Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Daisy: Hello! Hi.
Ashlee: Hi. Hi, hi, hi. How are you? Are you shopping?
Daisy: Ah, no. I'm supposed to be getting coffees for my mom and her boyfriend. I waited this morning... I wanted to tell her about university, but she's all hyped up about painting.
Ashlee: I could see that.
Daisy: And I haven't even told her I got in yet. But the course registrations are due this week.
Ashlee: No, you have to tell her.
Daisy: I'm not even sure I want to go.
Ashlee: What?
Daisy: Well, things are all messed up with Rafe. And I really can't stand living at home.
Ashlee: Okay. Well, what else do you think you're going to do?
Daisy: I don't know. Travel, be rich and beautiful? What do people want to do?
Ashlee: (Laughing) Yeah. Okay.
Daisy: You want to go get a pizza?
Ashlee: Yes, but no. I... actually, I have to talk to you. Sometimes we do things, you know, because they're going to be good for us in the long run.
Daisy: What does that have to do with pizza?
Ashlee: Everything.
Cyrus: Whoa! And here I thought I knew everything about you.
Harley: This is not what it looks like.
Cyrus: Oh, hey, I've had my share of... well, all of mine were real, but, still, who am I to judge?
Harley: Mona is not that kind of blow up doll!
Cyrus: She's got a name?
Harley: She's not mine.
Cyrus: Well, that's too bad.
Harley: She belonged to Gus.
Cyrus: Pleased to meet you.
Harley: No! She belonged to Gus.
Cyrus: Well, that must have been awkward for you.
Harley: No! He used her to sit next to him in the car so he could use the car-pool lane.
Cyrus: Nice... nice plan.
Harley: They were very close. You don't understand. They lived together. He talked to her all the time. She helped him solve all his problems.
Cyrus: I'll bet. (Laughter)
Harley: Stupid doll. You would have hated him back then. He was so arrogant. He was a slob, and he smoked... he never stopped being a slob. You know what he used to do that drove me crazy? He would leave the cap off the toothpaste. And I hated that. You know how they get that crusty top? And then you would go squeeze it, and it would explode all over the place? And no matter how many times I asked him not to do it, he didn't care. And I found Mona in this box. Look at this great box. Baseball stuff... look at this glove. Look at how old that that is. Look at the baseball cards, and his medals in here. I can't wait to show this stuff to the kids.
Cyrus: We should really get on with the painting.
Harley: Oh, yeah. You know, you're absolutely right. I came down to get the house plans. I think they're back there somewhere. Would you look for them? I'm just going to... look through this a minute more. Look at these cards.
Jeffrey: Ready?
Olivia: What the hell.
Jeffrey: See? People like it.
Olivia: Ow! That hurts. Stop making me laugh!
Jeffrey: Here, here, here.
Olivia: What?
Jeffrey: Squeeze.
Olivia: Why are you giving me a pillow?
Jeffrey: Well, I read it in your recovery information. You squeeze into the pillow if you think you're going to laugh or cough or have any pain.
Olivia: It's almost like you care.
Jeffrey: If you tell anyone, I will deny everything.
Olivia: I won’t. I won’t. I'll be too busy telling everyone you did my hair.
Jeffrey: Well, then I'll just have to tell them it's the drugs talking.
Olivia: I've got the hair to prove it.
Jeffrey: Olivia?
Olivia: You know, the heart transplant recipients, they don't usually live that long?
Jeffrey: Look at Rick Bauer.
Olivia: Yeah, but he had Mel. Gus is gone. I'm just a mess, that's all.
Buzz: Lots of peanut butter? Yeah.
Harley: Didn't you have one of those already? Hi, Daddy. Thanks for coming over.
Buzz: I love what you've done to the place. I mean, it's fantastic.
Zach: It looks like a rainbow.
Harley: Now you're not getting a sandwich. But I do have something for you.
Zach: What's in the box?
Harley: Treasures.
Zach: What kind of treasures?
Harley: Um... like this treasure.
Zach: Reen... San...
Harley: Ryne Sandberg. He went five for six, and he hit two homeruns to win the game.
Buzz: Gus?
Harley: Gus.
Zach: Is there a ball?
Harley: Yeah, there is a ball. There's everything. Oh, my gosh. I can't believe this. Um, don't paint anything until I get back. You are such a sweetheart. I'll take mine to go.
Daisy: Okay.
Harley: Okay, I'll be back.
Daisy: Okay. Black with two sugars?
Buzz: Got it.
Daisy: Raspberry slushy...
Buzz: I know who that's for.
Daisy: Yeah, that's mine.
Buzz: It's just stuff.
Cyrus: Yeah, Gus' stuff.
Ashlee: Oh, hi. Hey, hey, hey.
Coop: Hey.
Ashlee: How are you?
Coop: Good.
Ashlee: Well, I was, I just saw Daisy, and I was looking through this fashion magazine, and I was thinking about it.
Coop: Oh.
Ashlee: Okay, so your stories that Blake set up, and all of the interviews, they're not going to run for a while?
Coop: Yeah, I know, I...
Ashlee: But I was thinking that maybe you should pick out a pose for all of her photos and stuff.
Cop: A pose?
Ashlee: Yeah.
Coop: I should pick out a pose?
Ashlee: Yeah. Okay. I think we should try it. Here we go. Okay. Okay. Try one. Try one.
Coop: Just one... any pose?
Ashlee: You look a little pained, but it's good. It's good.
Coop: Pained? I don't know how to pose. I've never posed before.
Ashlee: No. It's a little... it's so much better than your interview, though. So let's try another one. Here we go. Let's do, like, oh, here's a good one. Like that, but like, angrier, like intense.
Coop: Angry.
Ashlee: Yes.
Coop: Intense. Kind of. I feel like. Yuck. Okay. Um...
Ashlee: Oh, my God, wonderful. Perfect.
Coop: Perfect? Oh, it's sexy.
Coop: It's good? Sexy?
Ashlee: It's kind of frightening how good you are at that.
Coop: (Laughs) Well, you just have to believe that you're sexy. That's all.
Ashlee: So you think you're sexy?
Coop: Yeah, I do... well, a little bit. Don't tell Frank that I said that, by the way. Well, what about you? I mean, come on. Don't you think you're sexy, Ashlee?
Ashlee: Um, actually, no, I don’t. I try not to think about it much, but I actually really don't think that I'm sexy.
Coop: Hey. (Sighs)
Harley: Jeffrey!
Jeffrey: Hey.
Harley: Hey. I've been looking for you.
Jeffrey: Yeah, I was kind of taking a break from my office this afternoon.
Harley: That doesn't matter. I found you. That's the important thing. I have something for you.
Jeffrey: Wow. Marrying Olivia was difficult, but I never expected anything like this.
Harley: It was Gus' dad's, Joe August. And I know you contacted Eden after he died. I want you to make sure that she gets that.
Jeffrey: You sure you don't want to give it to one of the boys?
Harley: No. Joe was her dad, too. Gus would want her to have it.
Jeffrey: Okay. I'll make sure.
Harley: Hey, Jeffrey... so how is Olivia? I mean, is she taking care...
Jeffrey: Don't worry. Gus' heart is going to be fine. I'll take care of this.
Ashlee: Hi. I'm Ashlee Wolfe. I'm a little early for an appointment with Dr. Orson.
Nurse: Just have a seat, and I'll tell him you're here.
Ashlee: Thanks.
Daisy: Definitely. Hey, I am so keeping this one. Which ones do you want?
Harley: I've heard all of those. You can have them.
Zach: Can I have these?
Harley: You can share those with your brother, and save some for Rafe, too.
Zach: Which one was Gus' favorite?
Buzz: Oh, Ernie Banks, no doubt.
Zach: I'm gonna give this one to Rafe.
Buzz: You know, I think Rafe should have this, too.
Harley: Yeah, you're right.
Buzz: Oh, and I...Coop will get this one.
Harley: That's a great idea. What else was in here? All his old FBI files. The man never threw anything away. Oh, be careful. Look. Oh, my gosh. His old gold watch.
Zach: That whole thing is gold?
Harley: No. It's just an old watch.
Zach: Mom.
Harley: Look, a Cubby's hat. Look at this.
Zach: It stinks!
Harley: Well, it wouldn't be lucky if he washed it.
Daisy: Oh, stop it!
Harley: All right. All right. I'll give it to Mallet. I'll give it to Mallet. Hey, Daddy...
Buzz: Yeah?
Harley: He'd want you to have these.
Buzz: Chopper magazines! Yes, perfect.
Daisy: What is this?
Harley: That is his first pay stub from the S.P.D.
Buzz: Frank, yeah? Frank.
Harley: A gold necklace. Because you never can have too many gold necklaces. That's for Marina?
Buzz: Yeah.
Harley: Ah ha! Ta dah! Look at this guy, who is that? Who is that handsome young kid? And here's Natalia. Such nice hair.
Daisy: Did she write anything to him?
Harley: Maybe we should just let Natalia have the rest of this stuff. Don't you think?
Buzz: You don't want anything?
Harley: I have you guys. What else do I need?
Zach: Does Cyrus want any of this?
Cyrus: You all done? I'll just take this to Natalia’s.
Ashlee: You are amazing!
Olivia: Excuse me?
Ashlee: Well, look, you're laid up in a hospital right after major surgery, and you still have guys falling all over you.
Olivia: Well, Jeffrey’s not a guy. He's legally obligated.
Ashlee: Well, still, look at you. You're still you. You've still got it. I don't even know how to get it. (Laughs)
Olivia: Look, I don't know what you're saying, but I can't even take three steps, and I have this scar going down the front of my body that looks like railroad tracks, you know, so maybe once I had it, but now it’s...
Ashlee: But now what? Come on. Let's go out.
Olivia: (Laughs) Tired. I look just tired.
Ashlee: You know, I think you need glasses, honestly. Because you look just as amazing as you always did. Look at how strong, how confident, how beautiful you are. I wish I could be more like you, but... well, maybe not the hair. (Laughter)
Olivia: Ow! Turn me around.
Ashlee: Oh, do you want to go back to your room?
Olivia: No. I just want to face you. Turn me around.
Ashlee: Okay.
Olivia: You want to know my secret?
Ashlee: Um, yes. Of course. You're going to tell me your secret? Okay, is it makeup?
Olivia: No.
Ashlee: Shampoo?
Olivia: No. It's me.
Ashlee: Well, I can't look like you.
Olivia: No, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about me. I take risks. I'm not afraid of getting hurt. Do you know how many times in my life I've been smacked down?
Ashlee: But you always seem so sure of yourself.
Olivia: Yeah, I'm sure. I'm sure if I don't pick myself up and brush myself off, I'm not going to get anything I want in this life. I don't know about you, but I like winning.
Ashlee: I don't think I've ever really won anything.
Olivia: You won Coop. Ava didn’t. And she had me helping her. I'd say that's a pretty big victory.
Ashlee: You know, I never really thought of it that way.
Olivia: Look, I don't know what you're going through, but as far as I can see, nobody has ripped your heart out and put somebody else's in you, so you're one step ahead of me, girl.
Nurse: Hey, nice wheels. (Laughter)
Daisy: You can't do that. That's not your stuff. You can't throw that away.
Cyrus: I'm not throwing anything away. I just moved this box outside so that your mom wouldn't have to deal with it until I could take it to Natalia’s.
Daisy: You can't make him disappear by getting rid of this stuff. Haven't you done enough? You're sleeping with his wife. You took away his family...
Harley: Okay. Okay! That's enough! Calm down.
Cyrus: I wanted to keep you from having to deal with all of this.
Harley: He's just trying to help, honey. You know, it's just things. It's not Gus. It's just his things. Gus is gone.
Daisy: That doesn't mean he should be here. If you weren't here... if you were never here, maybe Gus still would be.
Cyrus: I'm sorry about the box. I just... I wanted to help. I don't want you to be sad or lonely. I just want you to feel better.
Harley: I do feel better. When I'm with you, I feel better.
(Knock on the door)
Ashlee: Yeah?
Coop: Ash, it's me.
Ashlee: Hey.
Coop: Hi. Feel like a present?
Ashlee: Always. But what did I...
Coop: Look, I, um... obviously, I don't know the right thing to say, I mean, about the surgery, what you're going through. I can't imagine how you must be feeling about this. I guess I just... I just wanted to tell you that I love you. Both before and after the surgery. I love you.
Ashlee: That has to be the sweetest thing ever.
Coop: Um... um...
Ashlee: Thank you.
Coop: You're welcome. Yeah, I mean, yeah, it's sweet, but you haven't even opened it.
Ashlee: Oh, I don't need to. You know, I was thinking about it. I went to the hospital today to get my blood tests, all of the pre-op stuff done, and I was really nervous. But then I just did it. And guess what? It wasn't that bad.
Coop: Well, that's great. That's good that you were able to kind of go through that part of it.
Ashlee: And I feel the same way about us spending the night together. I'm nervous, but it's something that I really want to do.
Coop: You're sure?
Ashlee: I want to feel sexy.
Coop: You are. You already are.
(Music playing)
Jeffrey: Hey, are you thinking of replacing me?
Olivia: Sorry, Vidal.
Jeffrey: Well, that's a bummer, because, you know, I was thinking of doing a French braid today.
Olivia: (Laughing) Stop it.
Harley: I brought you rum raisin.
Cyrus: Oh, wow. Thanks. Where did you get the cash for that?
Harley: No cash. I hid them in the freezer in the basement so the kids wouldn’t find them. (Laughs) Okay. I know we don't have any money for it this month, and probably not next month, but we really should pick a color.
Cyrus: Oh, I say purple. It's fresh, it's new...
Harley: Would eat your ice cream?
Cyrus: (Laughing) Okay, what other colors do you think you can't live with?
Harley: Mossy green. Too depressing. No one looks good in mossy green.
Cyrus: (Laughing)
Harley: And so there goes Zach’s neon green, too.
Cyrus: That's the same color at slime. Are you saying you're anti-slime?
Harley: Have you been living in a house with small children?
Cyrus: Cartoon Network rocks.
Harley: Oh, my gosh, this says C-R-E, with an arrow pointing, and I didn't see it. But if you open it up, it says C-R-E-M-E.
Cyrus: Yeah.
Harley: It says "cream." And then the arrow is pointing at the wall. That's the color that Gus wanted the house painted. He wanted it painted cream. Oh, my gosh. That is so like him because it goes with everything.
Cyrus: White walls that go with everything. Never thought of that.
Harley: Cream. Oh, my gosh, it's right under my nose, and I didn't see it.
Cyrus: So next month we can...
Harley: We'll go to the paint store, and we'll redo the whole house.
Cyrus: We have gallons of purple paint.
Harley: Gus wanted cream. And it's his house. I'm gonna take a shower. Can you do me a favor and throw this in the hamper, please? Sorry.
Cyrus: Okay. Do you want your change anywhere in particular?
Harley: Just throw it in my top drawer. That's where I've been putting it. You know, after a while, it will really add up to something.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Ava: You think it's a girl.
Bill: I'm with Lizzie. This is not going to work.
Ava: Never say never. I really need you.
Lizzie: I'm here.
Ava: The last time I checked, it took two of us to make the baby.
Lizzie: And a village to raise it.
Ava: I hate Lizzie. I need a baby.
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