GL Transcript Wednesday 4/9/08

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 4/9/08


Provided by Eric
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Hilda: Chief Mallet is here to see you.

Dinah: Don't go after Phillip. No one who gets involved comes out clean. I need to make everyone believe that Phillip has left town for good.

Reva: When I came to the door, and Hilda told me you'd bought the place, it all started to make sense. You made everyone else think that you were Phillip.

Coop: Hey. Hi. See that right there? That is credit. It means that I can buy what ever I want for my new place. You know what the weirdest thing is?

Ashlee: Hmm?

Coop: I can pay off the entire balance in, like, less than a month. No more minimum payments, no more 80% interest rates. So, please, can we buy something? Anything?

Ashlee: Okay, well, there's an awesome Buddha in the window. (Laughs)

Coop: Oh! Ta-dah! You are my other cardholder. What do you think?

Ashlee: (Laughing) That's good! Thank you.

Coop: All right, let's do it. Here you go. I'm going to give this to you. You have it, all right?

Ashlee: (Laughing)

Coop: Hey, what's this? You're not actually thinking about getting this surgery, are you?

Ashlee: See, I spoke to the doctor, and he said I would be a really good candidate.

Coop: Ashlee, I don't think this is such a good idea.

Ashlee: Well, I'm not really doing this for you.

Lizzie: Hey.

Bill: Hey, you. Hey, can you do me a favor?

Lizzie: Yes.

Bill: Could you go into the trunk and get me a water? Grab one for yourself.

Lizzie: (Laughing) Okay.

Bill: Would you?

Lizzie: Pop the trunk! What is this?

Bill: You likey?

Lizzie: Yes!

Bill: Huh?

Lizzie: Oh, my gosh! What are you doing?

Bill: Look, I took the rest of the day off, and I thought, maybe we could do whatever you want to do.

Lizzie: You promise?

Bill: I promise.

Lizzie: Are you going to let me in?

Bill: Am I going to let you in? I'm going to let you in. You want to come in and join me?

Lizzie: Okay. (Giggles)

Alan: Oh, Ava, I hope you don't think I make a habit of showering in the middle of the day, but I have an appointment.

Ava: Oh, it's fine. Does the water still go from hot to randomly cold all crazy?

Alan: Yes. I have scald marks to prove that point.

Ava: I didn't have a chance to tell you that I'm very sorry about you losing Gus.

Alan: Thank you. I don't think I'll ever get over losing my son. And I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so loyal to me during this period in my life. It's been very difficult.

Ava: I know that your position at Spaulding is a bit vague right now.

Alan: Yes, right now, but you know me well enough to know that I'll be back on top very soon.

Ava: Yeah, that's true. I have to resign as your assistant, Alan. It's not any... it's not because of your situation. It's just because I... my life is going in a different direction now, and...

Alan: Ow!

Ava: The water temperature fluctuates in this place.

Alan: Ow! Damn it!

Reva: I really didn't notice it at first, until Jeffrey told me that he had lit a fire under Mallet to get Phillip to leave town, pronto, and then poof! Remy shows up with a letter from Phillip saying he's leaving town.

Dinah: What do you want?

Reva: Ooh, that was easy! (Laughs) You just gave yourself away. I wasn't really sure until I showed up at the door and saw the construction that was going on. Ooh, hoo! You are something, gal.

Dinah: Can I get you a drink?

Reva: You're clever, Dinah. First it was Cassie, and now Phillip. Who are you going to be next? No answer. I should probably remind you that I do live with the D.A. How do you think he's going to feel about this? Does Mallet know?

Dinah: Reva, wait. How can I keep you from turning me in?

Reva: Let me think... you can cut me in. So why did you do it? Just for the money? I don't think so.

Dinah: None of your business.

Reva: Aw, come on, partner.

Dinah: You know, Reva, you should throw me a parade. Look around. Look who's in charge. Even you couldn't do what I did. You see, I'm the one who brought Alan Spaulding down. I'm the one who did that and took away all his power. He cost you your kid. Your granddaughter.

Reva: Yes, he did.

Dinah: Yes, he did. And he has hurt every family in this town. My father. And remember, Phillip is my family, too. I cannot stand the way that Alan treats people. He tries to make them feel small. No more. Now he can see what it's like. I have already made this town a better place, and I cannot wait until people realize that I am not a brain-damaged...

Reva: Oh, now, hold on there, Annie Oakley. Ooh! Wait a minute. You aren't actually thinking about telling everybody what you did here, right? Because that's not going to sit so well.

Dinah: Why? As soon as the dust settles...

Reva: How does the word "fraud" strike you?

Dinah: Okay, so that means I have to be content with what I did and what I'm capable of?

Reva: You know what? You have done this town a great service, and you should be very proud of yourself. And I'll keep your secret, but you need to make me a full partner. Alan owes me, too. And you're going to need my help. You beat him once, but he's not going to stay down. He will come after you, and when he does, you're going to want me there to blind-side him.

Dinah: I have already got Bill and Remy in on this...

Reva: No, no, no, no, no, no. You need someone who is an equal to Alan Spaulding. You need someone who can play with the big boys. And that someone is me. You won't be sorry.

Doris: Alan. You're a mess.

Alan: Well, nice to see you, too, Doris. Excuse me.

Doris: Listen, I'm sorry for your... look, I'm sorry about Gus.

Alan: I believe you meant that.

Doris: Can I buy you something to eat, or...

Alan: You could, but I wouldn't be able to eat it. Since you've been so aggressively involved in this investigation that has cost me all my money and my home. Now, so much for loyalty, huh? What happened, did Phillip pay you off?

Doris: Alan, don't take it so personally. Like you, I just take the best offer at any given time. Needless to say, yours was not the best offer.

Alan: You're going to be sorry, Doris, because one day, I will be back on top.

Doris: Yeah, well, I'll take that chance. You know, once upon a time I found you so attractive. (Laughs)

Billy: Hey, darling.

Reva: Hey!

Billy: I saw the wedding announcement in the paper. You want me to go and wreak down some good old-fashioned Oklahoma justice on Jeffrey?

Reva: No, Billy, I don't, because Jeffrey was... Olivia was dying...

Billy: Ooh. But she didn't die. And now Gus is gone, and she's got herself a new heart and your boyfriend.

Reva: Not for long.

Billy: So what are you all gussied up for? You've got a court date?

Reva: Actually, I have the inside line on a fabulous job opportunity.

Billy: Wait, you're not going to tell me what it is?

Coop: I like you the way you are. I don't want you to change.

Ashlee: Okay, but I've been thinking about this for a really long time, you know? And with your new book deal and Blake talking up a storm about parties and things we have to go to together...

Coop: I don't care about the... I want to go to those parties with you, all right?

Ashlee: The way I am now?

Coop: Yeah. The way you are right now.

Ashlee: Okay, well, I love you for loving me like that, but I mean, people are always going to be curious why we're together, why you'd go out with me.

Coop: I don't care. I don't care what those people have to say.

Lizzie: Coop, she's right. People are going to judge you every day, especially women. You'd be a fool to think that they don’t. Ashlee has so much going for her. I underestimated her, and I'm going to admit that it was because of how she looks.

Coop: Hey, wait a minute...

Ashlee: Okay, Coop, it's okay. You know, at the end of the day, skinny girls can get away with saying things like that.

Lizzie: I'm really sorry to say this, okay, but I dismissed her until she got my attention. Look, I know that you think you're being supportive saying that she's fine the way she is, but she's telling you what she wants. Think about it. It's selfish for you to tell her you don't want her to change. And I think that you're going to be a knockout.

Coop: She already is.

Ava: Hi.

Bill: Surprise! Where have you been?

Ava: Sorry, I've been at the hospital for 20 hours a day. I haven't had a chance to make an appointment.

Bill: Well, that's okay, because this won't take long. 99% accurate.

Ava: My mom is barely hanging on, and you have the audacity to ask me to do this right now?

Bill: Listen to me, I have to know.

Ava: This is insulting!

Bill: Listen to me. I'll apologize later, but not that I can be convinced you didn't sleep with someone else.

Ava: I've been taking care of Emma. I left my job, my mom nearly died, and now you're calling me a slut and a liar?

Bill: Plus or minus?

Ashlee: You know, I was about 90% sure I was getting that surgery, until the one egging me on ends up being Lizzie Spaulding.

Coop: Now you change your mind?

Ashlee: Shut up.

Coop: Look... can I... all I'm saying is that I was talking to you until I was blue in the face, and you didn't even budge. Then, little miss Lizzie, princess with a purse comes walking up and agrees with you to go ahead and do the surgery, and you're getting cold feet?

Ashlee: Because it makes me seem superficial and silly, like she is.

Coop: Oh, gosh. You are neither of those, Ashlee. Look, if you want to lose weight, all right, we can go to the gym together, all right? We'll go walking together, we'll eat healthier.

Ashlee: I do that!

Coop: Come on, just... please. We're close, yeah?

Ashlee: Yes.

Coop: Yes. We're happy, yes? Why... why change anything?

Ashlee: I like who I am. I do. I think I'm a real knockout on the inside.

Coop: Inside and out.

Ashlee: If that's true, Coop, why does it take someone getting to know me before they take me seriously? The way they take you seriously? Or Marina? Or Daisy? Or Ava?

Coop: You know what I like about you? No. You know what I love about you? Is that you are nothing like your mom. You haven't spent half your life just trying to worry about how people are going to perceive you. Ashlee, this procedure is a big deal. And of course, I'm going to be there with you. But do we really need to do this? Do we?

Ava: Damn. What now?

Woman: (Wretching) Sorry, it's just morning sickness. You know, I'd love to stay home during all of this, but I can't afford it. I'm sorry. Would you like some lotion?

Ava: Oh...

Billy: Hey, buddy.

Bill: Oh.

Billy: People are starting to talk about the guy who's ogling the ladies' room. Are you waiting for Lizzie?

Bill: I wish.

Billy: What's going on?

Bill: What's going on? Nothing.

Billy: Oh, wait. I've been brushed off once today, it's not going to happen again. Tell me. Thank you.

Bill: You want to know what's going on?

Billy: Yeah.

Bill: I'm waiting for Ava to take a pregnancy test.

Billy: What?

Bill: It happened when Lizzie and I were apart, and the bottom line here is I'm trying not to get screwed.

Billy: Wow. You're forcing her to take a pregnancy test in the bathroom in a restaurant? Hey, she's really got to feel loved.

Bill: Come on, Dad. I'm not in love with her.

Billy: You love Lizzie?

Bill: I don't even know how I'm going to tell her. Oh, we're a mess to begin with.

Billy: Why don't you just try to make it just a little bit less of a mess?

(Knock on door)

Alan: Go away. It's not Coop's room anymore.

Lizzie: Granddad?

Alan: Just a minute, Elizabeth. Oh, Elizabeth.

Lizzie: Oh, hi.

Alan: Yeah, hi. What are you doing here?

Lizzie: I was at the mall today, and I saw something that reminded me of you.

Alan: Really?

Lizzie: You gave me one of these when I was a kid to remind me that "Spaulding" is not just a legacy to be inherited, but an attitude. Something to fight for.

Alan: Wow. You got this for me, huh?

Lizzie: I hate what you did to Jonathan and Sarah, and I hate that you tried to keep me from Bill, but I love you. No matter how hard I try not to, I do love you. I want you to be okay. I don't know what the world would be like if you weren’t.

Dinah: Hey there.

Matt: Hey.

Dinah: Hey.

Matt: Hi. What are you doing here?

Dinah: Me? I'm hanging. Waiting on an appointment.

Matt: Yeah? Yeah, well, me, too. I've got a consult. An architectural consult going on here, but you know what? I don't even know who owns this place anymore.

Dinah: Well, they can't be worse than Alan.

Matt: You never know.

Dinah: Life is full of surprises.

Matt: You?

Dinah: Me.

Matt: No, get out of here!

Dinah: (Laughing) Yeah!

Matt: No way! The last time I talked to you, you were broke!

Dinah: I know. I made a substantial amount of cash recently. (Laughs) I got lucky. I had to call in a favor, too, but, anyway... I want to do good with the money and all the power that comes along with it, and help the people who helped me along the way. Hey, you were nice to me when I was sick, and I know with everything that happened in the past... it's in the past. And I want to give you this commission.

Matt: (Laughs) Well, I can't believe it.

Dinah: (Laughs)

Matt: Well, what do you want to do? I mean, do you want to tone the place down a little bit? Do you want to warm it up, make it more of a home? What?

Dinah: Hell, no! Bigger! Brighter! Everything!

Matt: (Laughs) Wow!

(Music playing)

Alan: Well, good day, gentlemen. I'm sure you're all wondering why I asked you here.

Grant: You're no longer a member of the board.

Alan: That's true, Grant, but I don't have to be a member of the board to speak to my friends. Friends who are indebted to my family for the fortunes that you have all made. I think you all know that my father started Spaulding Enterprises with nothing, and made it into a world-class power. Now I have fallen on some hard times, but I haven't lost my entrepreneurial spirit, my contacts, and many U.S. patents. Now, in memory of my late son, Gus Aitoro, I intend on taking the ones who are loyal to me to a higher place than you have ever been before with Spaulding Enterprises.

Reva: Oh, don't stop. Please, Alan, go on. I'm very interested in what you have to say.

Alan: And in conclusion, gentlemen-- and lady-- I think you all know my ability to steer a company to successes. I have quite a track record here at Spaulding Enterprises, and I think you all know my generosity to those who are loyal to me. To those who offer me a helping hand when I need it. To those, I will reward beyond your wildest expectation. Now consider this the launching day. I encourage you all to get on for the ride, or you will miss the chance of a lifetime.

Reva: Buy you a cup of coffee?

Matt: You know, if I take this job, I'm going to be around here all the time. I mean, we'll be spending a lot of time together. Are you okay...

Dinah: I'm okay with that, yes.

Matt: You okay with that?

Dinah: Yes. One thing, though. I need you to do me a favor. Please don't tell anyone that you're working for me. You know, I'm taking my time announcing that I'm the owner of this house, and I'm dealing with so much. I don't need to wave that red flag in front of that bull.

Matt: Understood, understood. Hey, I'm just happy for the work. You know, I'm just glad that Alan doesn't own this place anymore. Looking down on the whole town. You're back, aren't you?

Dinah: 100%.

Matt: 100%.

Dinah: (Laughs)

Matt: Good for you.

Blake: Will this take long? I had a few things to talk to you, about the book tour.

Coop: Yeah, well, I had kind of a swamped day today, Blake. I taught class early this morning, so I'm trying to squeeze in a workout. So if we can multitask, then yes.

Blake: Okay. The things I do for you. (Laughs)

Coop: Thank you.

Blake: Okay. We are having a sub to cover all of your classes for the entire book tour.

Coop: Yes, thank you.

Blake: Okay.

Coop: All right. Thanks.

Doris: What's the matter? You can't have a little lunch with your mother?

Ashlee: No, no, of course I can, Mom. I just need to go in and change my shoes because... okay, go ahead.

Doris: I saw Alan today.

Ashlee: Oh?

Doris: Oh, what a broken man. It's like there's nothing left. Take away a man's money, his status...

Ashlee: His son.

Doris: Are you doing this?

Ashlee: I was. I was going to, but I'm not now.

Doris: You're not?

Ashlee: No.

Doris: Wow. I am so glad that you're not doing this! I mean, you are perfect just the way you are, and you always will be. Besides, you break out of that mold that you're in, and people may resent you.

Ashlee: I'm sorry, what? What do you mean?

Doris: Oh, I just mean that you're... you're the best friend, you know? I mean, you're the girl that everyone goes to... the girl that you can trust, the one who's always there. The one who's home.

Ashlee: Oh, right! I'm home. Because no one invites me out. Because I'm not popular. Because I'm the "go-to" gal. Do you hear yourself?

Doris: All right, well, I was just saying that if you suddenly became thin, I think that it would be too much pressure on you. A lot would be expected of you. And you know what? You don't do well under pressure. You shoot people under pressure.

Lizzie: He's basically, I don't know, got something special planned for tonight.

Ruby: Ooh!

Lizzie: And these flowers! Don't you love it when they're just, like, spilling out everywhere? They were unbelievably gorgeous. Oh. Are you looking for me?

Ruby: Just let me take care of one thing...

Billy: Okay.

Ruby: ...And I'll be right back.

Billy: Good.

Ruby: Buy.

Lizzie: Are you going out with Ruby?

Billy: Yeah, yeah. She's a lot of fun.

Lizzie: Well, she does nice nails, too. Look how fancy! Your son's taking me somewhere special.

Billy: Well, that's nice. You know, I'm really glad things are working.

Lizzie: I know you guys have had your share of troubles...

Billy: Wait, wait, wait. My son's a really good guy, deep down. He's made mistakes, but he's got a good heart. Remember that, and cut him some slack, okay?

Lizzie: Me, cut him slack?

Billy: Okay. You take care, all right?

Lizzie: Okay.

Ava: Well, that's half the battle. We can take care of the other half of the battle on "The Maury Show" in nine months. Congratulations to us. We're going to be parents! So, when are you going to tell Lizzie?

Bill: I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Sorry.

Coop: All right, Blake. Tell you what. I will meet you downstairs in the lobby in about ten minutes or so.

Blake: No, actually, I don't have time for that. I have to meet Clarissa in 20, so I have a lot to talk to you about and go over. Why don't I just give you the rundown while you take a shower? I mean, if you don't mind.

Coop: Um, okay. Sure.

Blake: All right. Um, what we're planning to do, is a ten-city junket per week.

Coop: All right.

Blake: Okay.

Coop: That sounds great.

Blake: Oh. Hi. Just taking care of business.

Ashlee: Okay.

Coop: Hey, Ash, Blake was just going over the travel arrangements for the book tour. It actually sounds like it's going to be pretty much of a blast.

Ashlee: Oh, cool. But I won't be available, because I'm having surgery. It's a weight-loss procedure. But anyway, I don't want to disturb your meeting, so I'm going to go. I'll see you later.

Coop: What? Hey, wait. Ash! Wait! Uh...

Matt: Uh, I don't know if the property is zoned for a 300-foot bungee-jumping tower.

Dinah: Well, it's private property. If I wanted a duck pond, would that be a problem?

Matt: Well, all towns do have their...

Vanessa: Well, I just beat another traffic ticket. Of course, I could have paid, but then, I never back down from a fight. My, isn't this awkward?

Dinah: Only for you, Mom.

Vanessa: I'll give you a call.

Matt: Excuse me.

Vanessa: What's going on?

Dinah: Oh, please. Don't worry.

Vanessa: Well, I do worry.

Dinah: (Sighs)

Vanessa: Would you treat me with some respect? Would you not heave a great sigh, please?

Dinah: Mom, I am not ten years old.

Vanessa: Well, you could have fooled me. You tell me you're recovered, and then I turn around, and what do I see?

Dinah: Matt is a very good contractor. That's why I'm with him. That's why he's helping me with my house.

Vanessa: What house? Did you buy a house?

Dinah: Shh! Not a house. The house. Alan Spaulding’s old abode.

Vanessa: Oh, my goodness.

Dinah: Mm-hmm. How about that?

Vanessa: What does Alan have to say about this?

Dinah: Well, he doesn't know, and I'm not planning on telling him anytime soon. And I do hope that you can keep a secret, please.

Vanessa: Well, sure. But what about you?

Dinah: Good-bye. I love you.

Vanessa: I love you, too.

Reva: Cheers.

Alan: Did you show up at that meeting just to gloat?

Reva: No gloating. I'm really sorry about what happened to Gus. It's a terrible thing, to lose a child.

Alan: Yes, it is. I don't think I'll ever recover from it.

Reva: You know, I actually stumbled into that meeting by accident. I was looking for Jeffrey. But I am interested in your situation, and I'd like to join you.

Alan: Oh!

Reva: Oh, come on. Come on, now. We worked really well together when we had to, and this is business. I'm interested in some projects, and I could help get you back on your feet again, and in return, you could give me some stock and a profit on the end. You owe me.

Alan: Let me tell you something, Reva. I wouldn't do business with you if you were a life raft and I was drowning.

Lizzie: Well, I'm glad you're here.

Bill: I'm glad you're here, too.

Lizzie: Look! I brought you a pair!

Bill: Oh, you did!

Lizzie: Oh, spring is almost here. I can't wait for spring. I think I'm really going to like spring with you. Our first picnic, our first swim... skinny dip!

Bill: (Laughs)

Lizzie: (Laughing) Just totally carefree and no responsibilities. Put them on. (Laughs)

Ashlee: I've made up my mind.

Coop: Huh?

Ashlee: I'm having the surgery. And please don't try to stop me because you think that it's going to change me. It will change me-- for the better, on the outside, so then my outside will match what's inside. And if you have a problem with that, I don't know where we are anymore.

Coop: Wait, what, time out, all right? You and I, we're on the same side here.

Ashlee: Are we?

Coop: Come here. Look, I still don't think you need to do this, but I just wanted to, you know, understand your reasons.

Ashlee: I know, and I love you for that, but we have to face it that my weight affects us both.

Coop: No. No way.

Ashlee: Okay, Mr. No way. Okay, before me, when was the longest that you ever waited to sleep with someone you were going out with?

Coop: Oh, come on!

Ashlee: What, 20 minutes?

Coop: Stop! Okay, um, a couple weeks.

Ashlee: I don't want to not be intimate with you because I'm not comfortable with who I am, and I don't want my weight to put restrictions on us, even if they're self-imposed.

Coop: Okay. Okay. So, when are you having this surgery done?

Ashlee: Soon.

Coop: Then I want to spend the night with you beforehand. And I'm not talking just a couple hours in the evening, or whatever. I'm talking about the whole night. I know you're going to be kind of scared. I want to go through this with you, though.

Dinah: So please tell me that Alan was eating out of your hands?

Reva: No, he turned me down, this time. But I don't give up easily.

Dinah: Okay. So what's next?

Reva: What's next? Well, you know, actually, we're both going to have a lot of time to think about that, because I'm going to be leaving town for a few days, but I'll call you as soon as I get back.

Dinah: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. No, no. You do not waltz in here, get me all worked up, and decide to take off.

Reva: Yes, I do. But don't worry. I'll take your secret with me.

Ava: Hi! Did Bill tell you the great news? We're expecting! Yeah, I know that we're not together right now at the moment, but this baby will be a Lewis and a Chamberlain, and I'm hoping that it will bring the families closer. I'm really, really excited and happy about this, and I know that, in time, Bill will be, too. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind doing me a favor? Do you think, maybe, you could have a chat with him about being an expectant father, because you're such a great parent yourself. Maybe you can help him accept this.

Lizzie: Hey, hey. What's the matter?

Bill: You know the first night we talked about going together?

Lizzie: Yeah.

Bill: Yeah. Well, I think this is going to be our first big obstacle as a couple. Ava's pregnant.

Coming up on "Guiding Light..."

Jude: What's in the box?

Harley: Treasures.

Alan: Gus?

Cyrus: I'll just take this to Natalia’s.

Daisy: You can't do that, that's not your stuff. You can't throw that away. You can't make him disappear by getting rid of his stuff.

Cyrus: I wanted to keep her from having to deal with all of this.

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