Guiding Light Transcript Monday 4/7/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Alan: I'm not concerned about losing my house. I've lost my son.
Harley: There's a service this afternoon.
Alan: The loss of Gus is a huge loss.
Harley: That tornado that swept through this town, turning everybody upside down can't be gone, can he?
Frank: Yeah! (Clapping)
Buzz: Pizza!
Lizzie: Sometimes it feels like Sarah’s buried here.
Bill: Lizzie...
Lizzie: I know she's alive. She's out there with Jonathan somewhere. I just... I miss her so much. (Crying)
Bill: I know.
Lizzie: I really loved being a mom.
Bill: I know. Did you always want to be a mother?
Lizzie: Uh, no. I never even wanted to have kids. But once you have one, it just changes everything. It's the most amazing connection in the whole world.
Frank: All right, folks, listen up. Nobody is going to be eating anything healthy today. And no one is certainly going to be drinking any light beer from a glass. If we're going to honor and remember Gus today, then we're going to party the way he would.
Mallet: Sounds good. Well, then, Buzz, I hope you've got some Pepto.
Buzz: I got the Pepto coming at you.
Mallet: Well, then, this is for Gus. To Gus.
Everybody: To Gus!
Ava: Look who I just met.
Sam: Yeah. And we already went through all of the old Uncle Sam jokes, okay? So don't even try.
Ava: I was at the funeral. Everyone asked that I tell you that they're very happy for you.
Sam: Come here. How long has she been like this?
Ava: Ever since she found out it was Gus' heart.
Sam: So it's not just pain medication?
Ava: No. The doctor said that the operation was very successful. Her heart looks really, really good. So far there is no infection, and the anti-inflammatory medication is doing its job. But the depression...
Natalia: Rafe?
Rafe: I thought that it would just come. That I would just sit here and let it happen.
Natalia: What are you talking about?
Rafe: Gus. I need to figure out what he wants me to do and just do it.
Natalia: Well, he wants you to be happy.
Rafe: Yeah, but how? I broke up with Daisy today.
Natalia: Rafe...
Rafe: Mom, don't apologize, okay? Right now I just need to take care of you.
Natalia: Rafe, I know that I gave you a really hard time about Daisy, but, really, you just... you just have to live... live your own life. For you, not for anyone else.
Rafe: Well, I need him to know that I'm taking care of you, Mom.
Natalia: Come for a walk with me.
Rafe: Oh, you're crazy. It's cold outside.
Natalia: Come on. Just walk with me.
(Cell phone rings)
Daisy: Rafe, it's me. I know what you said before, and you don't have to see me. But I guess I just wanted to tell you that Gus was... he was loved. Hey, that's mine.
Sam: Not anymore. This is warm!
Daisy: (Laughing) Sam! I'm so happy to see you.
Sam: I'm pretty happy to see you, too. How's my little Susan doing?
Daisy: It's Daisy. And I'm not little. I'm about to graduate. Why are you... Olivia. How is she?
Sam: Alive. Thanks to Gus.
Daisy: Yeah, I just came from the funeral.
Sam: I'm sorry.
Daisy: I mean, I am sad about Gus, but the real reason I'm crying here is... you're going to think I'm selfish.
Sam: Oh, come on. Try me.
Daisy: My boyfriend broke up with me. The love of my life.
Sam: Your whole long life, huh?
Daisy: Don't make fun of me. (Laughs)
Sam: Growing up sucks sometimes, doesn't it?
Natalia: There.
Rafe: Very nice.
Natalia: Gus would have wanted this.
(People talking)
Harley: Listen to them.
Cyrus: It's pretty great. It's for Gus. I mean, I hardly knew the guy, but if this is how they remember him, he couldn't have been half bad.
Harley: Thank you.
Cyrus: For what?
Harley: For everything. For today, for letting me grieve for somebody else.
Cyrus: I keep telling you, we're a team.
Blake: Oh, honey. Oh, baby, I know, I know, I know.
Harley: Thank you for coming. Can I talk to you inside? I just wanted...
Blake: I love you.
Harley: I love you, too. Her husband also died-- not her husband. I didn't mean her husband.
Cyrus: Shh. It's fine.
Mallet: Hey. What are you guys doing out here? There's a party going on in there.
Harley: No kidding.
Mallet: Hey, we're having a few laughs. Gus would appreciated it, I think.
Marina: Harley! Hey, Harley, come inside and tell about the time that you and Gus busted the governor. Come on!
Harley: You guys remember everything.
Mallet: Gus and Harley story fest going on in there.
Harley: All right.
Everybody: Story! Story! Story!
Harley: Fine!
Mr. Bergen: Mr. Foley?
Cyrus: Hey, Mr. Bergen, it was a really beautiful service. I know Harley appreciates everything you did.
Mr. Bergen: Is Ms. Cooper inside?
Cyrus: Well, yes. Her family's having kind of a policeman's wake. Is there is problem?
Mr. Bergen: I really hate to intrude but, the credit card she gave me to cover the funeral...
Cyrus: Yeah?
Mr. Bergen: The amount was declined.
Cyrus: Declined?
Mr. Bergen: Yeah. Ms. Cooper wanted everything to be first class, and maybe it came out to be more than she budgeted for.
Cyrus: And you're going to go and tell her that?
Mr. Bergen: Well, once I explain the situation, I'm sure she'll be happy to make up the difference.
Cyrus: She's busy. I can take care of this.
Mr. Bergen: Oh, so if I could just, maybe, get another credit card number or a personal check?
Cyrus: What about a payment plan?
Mr. Bergen: I'm sorry, but all of the expenses have to be paid in full.
Cyrus: Listen, mate, you get one step closer to Harley, you'll need a casket yourself.
Ava: I know you don't feel like moving right now, but maybe if you just got up and moved around a little bit.
Olivia: How long are you going to do this?
Ava: Do what?
Olivia: This happy, chirpy thing.
Ava: Ooh, you're crabby! That's a good sign.
Olivia: Please leave me alone.
Ava: You're going to be out of here before you know it. Playing with Emma, holding your new grandchild.
Olivia: I didn't want to be a grandmother when I wanted to live. Why do you think I'd want to be one now?
Ava: I'm having Bill's baby. A girl needs her mother at a time like this.
Olivia: If I give you what you want, if I stand up, will you get the hell out?
Ava: Why don't you stand up and see?
Lizzie: I know what you're thinking.
Bill: You do?
Lizzie: I should have stayed. I'm not the only one who's grieving.
Bill: No, no. I wanted to leave, too.
Lizzie: Because of Ava?
Bill: Huh? What? Why do you say that?
Lizzie: It's what she said about parents and kids. It got to you.
Bill: Lizzie, look, I, um...
Lizzie: Because of your dad?
Bill: Yeah, yeah, because of my dad.
Lizzie: I used to envy her, with her long legs and she's so confident.
Bill: Listen, you don't have any reason...
Lizzie: And she's not a Spaulding. She comes without baggage.
Bill: Yeah, well, we've all got something, right?
Lizzie: Yeah. I learned that today. Harley and Olivia and even Ava, they have their heartaches, disappointments, just like me.
Bill: Lizzie, I, um...
Lizzie: I have something they don't have, though.
Bill: What's that?
Lizzie: You.
Harley: And Gus was like, "I don't care if you're the president. Put your pants on!" (Laughter)
Harley: You remember when we had our guns? I mean, it was very, very funny. Anyway, too much! Too many! I can't remember them all.
Mallet: Yeah. Come on. Come on. You've got them all memorized. Come on, tell us the one about the Indian cab driver and the parrot...
Marina: (Laughing) I like that one.
Harley: Oh, no. Since you guys know that one, you can tell it. I'm going to take a little break. I will come back with the punch line, I promise.
Everyone: (Groans)
Mallet: Do you guys know that one?
Blake: You do it.
Mallet: Okay, it started when a little kid brought a baby alligator home from Florida...
Harley: My eyes are red from crying, laugh lines from laughing... that's our whole relationship!
Gus: It was nice, wasn't it? Don't be sad. Don’t. We had a pretty good run, didn't we?
Harley: It was everything.
Gus: Close.
Harley: Come on-- Natalia?
Gus: Please-- Cyrus. Look, all I ever...
Harley: All I ever wanted... are you just trying to say what I want to hear?
Gus: What, are you crazy? When was I ever like that?
Harley: I just always thought it would be us in the end.
Gus: It is. (Knock on door)
Buzz: You okay? Harley?
Harley: Yeah, I'm okay, Daddy. How about another beer? (People talking)
Ava: See? That wasn't so bad.
Olivia: Just get out. I gave you what you wanted. Now get out.
Ava: I don't understand.
Olivia: I don't need you to understand. (Cell phone rings) You're not supposed to have those things in there. Go. Get out. (Cell phone rings) Get out.
Ava: Hi, it's Ava. Yes, I'm at the hospital. I'll be right there.
Mallet: Hey, organist. I didn't know you could play.
Dinah: I can’t.
Mallet: It sounded pretty good to me.
Dinah: Ha, ha, very funny. What are you doing back here?
Mallet: I left my hat.
Dinah: Yes, you did. It was in one of the pews.
Mallet: You want to wear my hat? Why don't you wear my hat and play me a song? I always liked you in my hat.
Dinah: Thank you.
Mallet: How about you play me "Go, Cubs, go"?
Dinah: No. I don't know that one.
Mallet: You don't know that one?
Dinah: What about "Abba Dabba Honeymoon"?
Mallet: What?
Dinah: Yeah.
Mallet: Is that a song?
Dinah: It is. Come sit with me.
Mallet: I'll do the foot pedals.
Dinah: Okay. No, I have to do the foot pedals.
Mallet: Okay, I'll just watch you play "Abba..."
Dinah: "Abba Dabba Honeymoon."
Mallet: (Laughing)
Dinah: Hit that key right there.
Mallet: This one? Now?
Dinah: Yes. Put your seat belt on.
Mallet: Okay.
Dinah: Ready?
Mallet: Yes.
Dinah: Let's go!
Frank: All right, everybody, here. Three cheers for Gus.
Everybody: Hip, hip, hurray! Hip, hip, hurray! Hip, hip, hurray! (Everybody talking)
Sam: Nothing lasts forever, Daisy.
Daisy: Thanks. I feel way better now.
Sam: Not even grief.
Daisy: You mean we'll forget about Gus?
Sam: Of course not. But you have to make something good come out of it, you understand?
Daisy: Try telling that to my mom or Natalia or Rafe.
Sam: Well, if he can't see what a good thing he has in you after all this, you're better off without him.
Daisy: That's easy for you to say. You bop into town and you give your sister a hug, and then you're back to... where are you now?
Sam: Wherever I feel like. Give me a laptop and a camera, and I can go anywhere in this world.
Daisy: That's so nice.
Sam: There's no reason you can't do the same.
Daisy: Right. Okay. You tell my mom I'm blowing off college.
Sam: You don't have to blow it off. You can tell your mom you're taking a semester off before you go to college, and go hike around Europe or something. Go to rock star camp. Come surf the big surf with me. What's stopping you?
Daisy: I guess you're right. I've been so obsessed with Rafe, with what he wants, with what he needs. What about what I want?
Sam: What do you want, Daisy?
Daisy: What, right now?
Sam: Right now, at this moment, what do you want?
Daisy: This.
Sam: The rebound kiss. See, you got that out of your system, and it didn't kill you, did it?
Daisy: No. No, it wasn't that terrible.
Sam: That terrible? Thanks. Thanks a lot.
Harley: What are you doing out here? The party's back there.
Cyrus: Yeah, a restaurant full of cops... not really my scene.
Harley: Those are my friends.
Cyrus: Well, next time there's a party for all the ex-cons I know, I'll ask...
Harley: I knew you should have stayed at home. Okay, okay, I get your point. Thank you.
Cyrus: It's okay.
Harley: You're such a gentleman.
Cyrus: Well, I try my best. You okay? Oy!
Harley: I needed that. Let's get out of here. Seriously. Let's go to a bar, just you and me, sit and drink and flirt and... (laughs) ...nobody knows us, and we don't know anybody.
Cyrus: Hmm. Nobody knows Gus?
Harley: I wish I could stop feeling. I wish I could just be numb.
Cyrus: Yeah, but then you wouldn't be you.
Harley: I don't like me right now. Me hurts.
Cyrus: I know.
Harley: You know, when I was at the church and I was standing up there making my big speech, and I started having a panic attack...
Cyrus: Yeah, but you got through it.
Harley: I didn't get through it. I just...
Cyrus: You were great today. You were...
Harley: That's all smoke and mirrors.
Cyrus: That's bull. Gus could have gone to his grave without bagpipes and laughs and rounds of beer, and you made all of that happen. You can do anything that you set your mind to. What was that for?
Harley: Because you just reminded me that there is something I can do.
Bill: You're probably wondering why I called you to meet me here.
Ava: Oh, yeah. Well, I figured we would just get hammered and go back to my place, as usual.
Bill: Okay, well, listen...
Ava: (Laughing) I'm joking.
Bill: Okay.
Ava: I'm joking. I can't drink for nine months. You know that. And you have a Lizzie habit every... whatever you call it...
Bill: Yeah. Look, about the baby...
Ava: Oh, can I get some club soda? Excuse me. Can I have some club soda, please?
Bill: Two, please.
Ava: Thanks. I'm dehydrated.
Bill: So, like I was saying, I, um...
Ava: Oh, excuse me, could I have some lemon, yeah, lemon with mine? Thanks.
Bill: Ava, when you first hit me with the news, okay, I didn't know what to say. But now that I've had time to think about it, I, um...
Ava: I was hoping that you were going to think it was great news.
Bill: It is. It's great news. A baby is always great news, especially on a day like this.
Ava: Well, I'm glad you feel that way. Okay, let's toast to our baby. Come on, it's bad luck not to toast.
Bill: I need to be sure.
Ava: Sure of what?
Bill: You know, labs, they make mistakes.
Ava: I went to Cedars. I had two tests. I'm definitely pregnant.
Bill: Can I get a scotch on the rocks? Hmm.
(People talking)
Buzz: That's not even funny.
Frank: Not drinking anything?
Natalia: No.
Frank: Can I get you something to eat?
Natalia: No, no. Thank you for being so nice.
Frank: It's okay.
Natalia: Could you just let Rafe know that I'm just going to take a walk?
Frank: Sure.
Natalia: Thank you. (People talking)
Daisy: How is she?
Sam: As stubborn as ever. Which is how I know she's going to be okay.
Daisy: I'm glad I ran into you.
Sam: I'm glad I ran into you, too. And you know, you can have anything you want in this world. You just have to want it enough.
Daisy: Okay.
Sam: I'll see you soon. Hey, sis. Hey, sis.
Olivia: Hi.
Sam: So, I'm going to have to get going, okay? But I will be back.
Olivia: You promise?
Sam: I could always stick around and be your physical therapist if you want, get you back on your feet.
Olivia: Bye.
Sam: I want you to get better.
Olivia: I just keep waiting for Gus to walk through the door.
Sam: Yeah. Well, if he were here right now, I think he would tell you to stop whining and start living your life.
Olivia: Is this really how you talk to your poor invalid sister? You're, like, the worst brother ever.
Sam: Yeah. I missed you, too. I love you, Liv.
Olivia: I love you, too, Sammy.
Sam: And you get better. I mean it. Next time I come to town, we're going hiking. All right?
Olivia: High expectations.
Sam: Yeah, you better believe it.
Olivia: Okay. Go.
Natalia: What am I supposed to pray for now?
Harley: Tools?
Cyrus: Check. Goggles, gloves?
Harley: Goggles, check.
Cyrus: (Laughs) All right. Let's take a look.
Harley: Oh, boy.
Cyrus: Oh, wow.
Harley: I know.
Cyrus: Yeah, this whole thing is going to have to come down. We'll replace it with new sheet rock.
Harley: You're very sexy when you say "sheet rock." (Laughter)
Cyrus: Now I'm thinking there's a reason that Gus never finished this house.
Harley: Why?
Cyrus: He liked seeing you in goggles.
Harley: Oh, my gosh. No wonder the girls just love you!
Cyrus: It's okay, you know.
Harley: What?
Cyrus: To let me kiss you.
Harley: I know.
Cyrus: It doesn't mean you've forgotten him.
Harley: I just want to stay busy...
Cyrus: I know.
Harley: ...You know? Until we...
Cyrus: Finish what we started.
Harley: ...Finish the house.
Cyrus: I got it. All right. Well, we're going to need some nails. Any ideas?
Harley: Um...
Cyrus: I'll check the basement.
Harley: I think that's a great idea.
Cyrus: Okay. (Laughter)
Harley: Oh, boy. Oh!
Gus: I'm a romantic, what can I say?
Harley: This really hurts, you know.
Gus: It goes away.
Harley: When?
Gus: Well, fixing up the house is a good start.
Harley: Well, you know, I figured if I fixed things, you know, paint it the way we planned...
Gus: Plans change.
Harley: And people die.
Gus: And then they live on. In you. In the children...
Harley: I know. I know the way it works. I'm just saying, this really hurts.
Cyrus: I don't hear any hammering!
Natalia: I shouldn't be here.
Olivia: Yet, here you are. Why?
Natalia: I don't know.
Olivia: Yes, you do. You hate that I have his heart inside of me. Say it.
Natalia: I'm the one who gave them permission.
Olivia: You were in shock. People told you this is what Gus would have wanted. And now that you've had time to sleep on it...
Natalia: What makes you think I can sleep?
Olivia: Well, that's honest. Should have said no.
Natalia: Then you'd be dead.
Olivia: You call this living? Knowing that the only reason I'm here is because he had... I didn't ask for this.
Natalia: Of course you did! You prayed every night and day for your heart.
Olivia: Oh, God answered my prayers, didn't he, Natalia? Yes, he did. He sent me a heart straight from the man that I love. What a sick sense of humor this "Good Lord" of yours has! He must be laughing his head off!
Natalia: I hate you.
Harley: Don't ever let go.
Daisy: It's a deal.
Harley: (Laughs)
Daisy: (Laughing) You thought I was Cyrus, huh?
Harley: You caught me.
Daisy: Why? Why are you working today, after everything?
Harley: That is exactly why I am working today.
Daisy: Okay. Where's the hammer?
Harley: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. I want you to go out. You're not staying in the house. You need to go do something fun.
Daisy: No, I'm not... look, this is my house, too, Mom, and Gus was the first person in town who made me feel like I belonged. He would expect me to help you.
Harley: I just love you for saying that. (Laughs) But I know that you're worried about Rafe. I want you to go over there...
Daisy: Mom, it's over.
Harley: Honey, just go and sit down and talk to him.
Daisy: We have. We have. And whatever he's feeling, he can't let me in, so I'm not going to make myself sick trying. Life is too short.
Harley: Wow. Can I borrow some of that courage? I think we both need to figure out a way to get through this awful day.
Daisy: Uh-huh.
Cyrus: Hey, hey! No hugging during work hours!
Harley: Hey.
Daisy: I'm in.
Cyrus: Good.
Daisy: Oh, um. Did he ever reach you?
Harley: Who?
Daisy: Mr. Bergen. The guy from the funeral home. He wanted to find you.
Harley: Why?
Cyrus: Just some last-minute details. I took care of it. All right! Let's do this thing.
Harley: Okay.
Bill: Ava.
Ava: Yes, Bill?
Bill: Um, I'm going to need proof.
Ava: Of what?
Bill: Proof that you're pregnant.
Ava: I told you, I'm having...
Bill: I know what you told me. But until I see lab results, I...
Ava: Why are you being so clinical about this? It's our baby.
Bill: How do I know it's mine?
Ava: How do you know it's not?
Lizzie: Hey!
Bill: Hey.
Lizzie: Where did you go? I missed you.
Bill: I missed you, too.
Lizzie: Bill, what is it? Okay, now you're scaring me. A wife you didn't tell me about? You're allergic to Roxie?
Bill: Um, no. Nothing like that...
Lizzie: Okay, then tell me what it is. What is it?
Bill: You know how it was like, before we got together and...
Lizzie: One day you loved me, the next day you hated me?
Bill: I never hated you, Lizzie.
Lizzie: I was exactly the same way. Did you know my life has always been like that? It's always really high highs or really low lows. I know you're not going to understand, but feeling safe with you.... I can breathe. I'm sorry, I cut you off before. You were going to say something.
Bill: I just, I... I just want to say that I'm sorry that I pushed you away...
Lizzie: We pushed each other away.
Bill: Not anymore. You'll always be safe with me.
Natalia: It cost Gus everything to keep you alive. It cost me everything.
Olivia: You owed me. Gus didn’t.
Natalia: It is what it is, right? I lost my second chance, and you got yours. Is that fair? I don't think so. Gus has to go, and you get to stay.
Olivia: Hmm. You wish I was dead, too.
Natalia: No. You... you have what's left of him. You're not going anywhere.
Olivia: I'm not staying to make you happy.
Harley: I don't know if this is such a good idea, guys.
Cyrus: What's that?
Daisy: Heads up! (Laughter)
Harley: The two of you so close to each other with hammers?
Cyrus: No, no, no, no, no. We smoked a peace pipe, didn't we, Daisy?
Daisy: A cease-fire.
Cyrus: Today, we're a family.
Daisy: All for one.
Harley: Good. Well, in that case, I'll go upstairs and get the power tools.
Cyrus: Okay! (Laughter) Get us a power sander!
Harley: And I'll bring ice cream!
Daisy: Yeah! With chocolate chips! I was aiming for your head.
Cyrus: Yeah, I figured.
Daisy: Why don't you just pack up and leave? You'll never be Gus.
Cyrus: I'm not trying to be.
Daisy: Good, great. You're succeeding at something.
Cyrus: Look, you think whatever you want about me, Daisy. But today we're here for your mom.
Daisy: You don't have to tell me that. And just so we're clear, I'm done with Rafe and the whole fake I.D. business, so you have nothing to hold over me.
Cyrus: Maybe I was wrong.
Daisy: Yeah? About what?
Cyrus: Getting you to shut it down. I mean, what's the harm if a kid can order a beer a year early? Your generation grows up a lot quicker, anyway.
Daisy: What's the catch?
Cyrus: No catch. You want to help your mom, so do I, and Harley’s having money problems, so you've got yourself a new partner. Shall we?
Gus: So I've got to go.
Harley: Are you joking? You can't go.
Gus: You don't need me anymore.
Harley: I do need you. I do need you, and I... I don't know how to fix this. I don't know how to make this better.
Gus: Promise me you're going to finish this house.
Harley: You know, when I'm finished grieving you and raising your kids and getting Marina to forgive me.
Gus: I'm waiting.
Harley: You always say that!
Gus: No. For you. I'll be waiting for you.
Harley: Don't go. Don't go.
Gus: I love you, you know?
Harley: I love you. (Crying)
Natalia: His heart. It's all that's left of him. It's all I have.
Olivia: Go away. I'm tired. I'm tired. I don't want you here. I don't want this. Go!
Natalia: I can’t.
Coming up, on "Guiding Light"...
Remy: So, you're the lady of the house now, huh?
Dinah: Got that right. I want to do good. Help the people who helped me along the way.
Vanessa: You tell me you're recovered, then I turn around, and what do I see?
Dinah: Matt is a very good contractor, that's why I'm with him. Why is Jeffrey suddenly so interested in Phillip? Please, don't tell anyone that you're working for me.
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