Guiding Light Transcript Friday 4/4/08
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Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Josh: I spent some time with Natalia.
Harley: Did she happen to mention anything about funeral plans?
Josh: She wants to keep it small.
Harley: Well, these are all of the people's who's lives he touched. It's for them, he should be honored. This is Mrs. Aitoro. I need to discuss with you purchasing a casket.
These four walls will never be the same since you've come and gone and I remain.
I've stood on this spot so many times before
but it's changed so much I can't find the door
ooh you created a space inside of me
I never knew it was there and now that space is empty
and I am always aware that it's here.. (sobbing)
Harley: Wow.
Daisy: Hi. Um, orange juice is on the table, and I made scrambled eggs the way you like them, kind of runny. Toast, bacon, am I forgetting something?
Harley: Just tell me what happened to my daughter?
Daisy: Can't I do something nice for my mom?
Harley: I'm sorry, honey.
Daisy: Besides, I've been up since 4:00. I had to do something.
Harley: Thank you so much.
Daisy: Mom, sit and eat something.
Harley: Honey, I have to go take care of stuff today for Gus.
Daisy: Gus would want you to take care of yourself.
Harley: Well... thank you. Since you're the mom today, will you make sure the boys eat some food and tell them there is no school.
Daisy: What about Cyrus?
Harley: We'll make him eat too. I mean, there's a ton of food here.
Daisy: No, I mean, what should I tell him when he asks where you are?
Harley: Um...just... just let him sleep.
Buzz: It has two sugars.
Lizzie: This is nice.
Bill: Yeah, this is nice.
Lizzie: Thanks for keeping me company.
Bill: Hey, where else would I be?
Lizzie: You don't miss being out there...
Bill: What?
Lizzie: ...Available?
Bill: No. Do you?
Lizzie: I wasn't the one who had Ava and a long list of chicks to run to every time we got into a fight.
Bill: Hey, I told you, I am a one-woman man, okay?
Lizzie: One woman at a time.
Bill: Easy. Easy. Easy. Listen to me, I told you, you have nothing to worry about.
Lizzie: That's exactly why I'm worrying. (Sighs) I keep feeling like there's an ex-wife of yours that is going to show up, or you're going to develop an allergy to my dog.
Bill: Please. Look at this, a lucky penny. I have all of the luck I need.
Ava: Olivia.
Olivia: Ava, just go away.
Ava: Yeah, I can’t. Okay. Here. You didn't have your apple juice this morning, and so now we're going to try some mashed potatoes.
Olivia: I'm not hungry.
Ava: Well, you have to eat. And if I have to feed you, then I'll feed you myself.
Olivia: Gus is dead.
Ava: And you're alive. Eat. Is this what you're going to do with Gus' gift? His heart pumping really hard.
Olivia: No. A stranger, maybe, but I can't do this. I can't do this.
Ava: You didn't have a choice. And neither did Gus. It happened because it was supposed to happen.
Olivia: I don't want this.
Ava: We want this. Emma and I want this. We need your help. We need you here. And my baby needs you. I'm pregnant. I'm having a baby, and I need your help. And I need you to please eat something. Please.
Harley: So this is it, huh?
Natalia: Yes, home sweet home.
Harley: I like it. It's like...
Natalia: It's like Gus.
Harley: Like Gus. (Laughs)
Natalia: I can't unpack. I can't sleep in the bedroom. Because everywhere I look...
Harley: I know. He's everywhere in my house, too.
Natalia: You didn't come here to tell me that.
Harley: So you don't want a funeral?
Natalia: I haven't figured out...
Harley: The whole town loved him. And you can't, you can't keep him from them.
Natalia: Yes. I don't care about anyone else.
Harley: Do you care about Gus? Do you care about what he might have wanted?
Natalia: You don't get to say that to me.
Harley: Well, maybe somebody has to, Natalia. You're not the only one in pain here. You can't keep him from the people who loved him.
Natalia: Gus is gone!
Harley: Not yet. There's a service, this afternoon, yes, for his brothers in blue and his friends to pay their respect.
Natalia: And you decided all of that?
Harley: I decided it. Somebody had to. Go ahead, be mad, or stay away, but also we're getting together at Company afterwards. So boycott that, too.
Natalia: And here I thought I was his wife.
Harley: Well, you might start acting like it.
Natalia: Harley, don't tell me this is all about Gus.
Ava: Can you please go sit with her?
Jeffrey: Well, I have a court appointment, and then maybe I can go back.
Ava: I'm a terrible daughter.
Jeffrey: You're not.
Ava: The meds are keeping her body from rejecting the heart, but she is just so sad.
Jeffrey: Well, you know, Ava, the doctor said that she may be experiencing some depression.
Ava: I can't get her to eat. So I told her that I was pregnant with Bill's baby.
Jeffrey: You're not.
Ava: I know. But it will make her want to get better. So please don't tell her.
Lizzie: I don't want there to be a funeral today.
Bill: You know, we don't have to go.
Lizzie: Gus is my uncle, and pretty much the most normal one in my family.
Bill: Then we'll go. I just have to check on some job sites, and then I'll pick you up in time to get you to the church, okay?
Lizzie: Thanks.
Bill: It's on my way.
Lizzie: No. For taking care of me.
Bill: It's my job. It's what I do.
Alan: Rafe! How are you, son?
Rafe: So did you really lose the house?
Alan: I'm not concerned about losing my house. I've lost my son.
Rafe: Sorry.
Alan: You know, in many ways, I lost him years ago. I think living in this rat hole is payback for me for all of the times I wasn't a father for him.
Rafe: You know, if it helps, I miss him, too.
Alan: I'll bet you do. One thing, though, you have to know that he loved you.
Rafe: Alan, I wasn't there, I didn't even say good-bye.
Alan: I didn't get a chance to say good-bye, either. But, you know, I watched his love grow for you as soon as you came to Springfield.
Rafe: Really?
Alan: Yeah. I wasn't a very good father to him, but I certainly know a good father when I see one. And he was a good one to you.
Rafe: He loved you, too, you know?
Alan: You know, I think you're right, Rafe. Even though our relationship had a lot of turmoil in it, I think Gus, deep down inside, did love me.
Rafe: See you around.
Bergen: These are the final arrangements for the funeral, Mrs. Aitoro.
Harley: Oh, I'm not --
Cyrus: Ms. Cooper is Detective Aitoro’s ex-wife.
Bergen: That's admirable. Divorce should never stop you from going first class.
Cyrus: Whoa. Sorry, mate, but if $5,400 is first class, what's coach?
Bergen: We could change the type of flowers.
Harley: No. I want him to have the best. He deserves it.
Bergen: Thank you. I'll call the florist and finish up inside.
Cyrus: Harley, you don't have to do this.
Harley: I owe it to him.
Cyrus: Well, Gus would understand, we're broke.
Harley: We're not broke. You have a job. You're working at the Beacon now, and I am working for Vanessa.
Cyrus: You're not his wife. You don't have to take over the funeral.
Harley: I told you, I spoke with Natalia this morning. She's not ready to handle any of this right now.
Cyrus: I don't know her, but...
Harley: Can't I do this for Natalia? Can't I do this for Rafe, and for Gus?
Cyrus: Of course you can, if it's that important to you.
Harley: It is.
Nurse Rachel: Sign right there.
Natalia: All this is necessary?
Nurse Rachel: I'm sorry. It's the insurance company.
Natalia: Yeah. Right. Thanks.
Nurse Rachel: Mrs. Aitoro, are you sure you don't need to see a grief counselor?
Daisy: Let me guess, you skipped breakfast.
Rafe: Daisy, look, I'm kind of busy.
Daisy: I know. But you have to eat. Scrambled eggs on whole wheat toast, banana, and milk. Even your mom would approve.
Rafe: No. I need, I need to get dressed. I need to get ready.
Daisy: Wait, um. I want to go with you today.
Rafe: I don't, I don't think you should.
Daisy: I loved him, too.
Rafe: I'm not, I'm not telling you not to go. I'm just, I'm just saying that...
Daisy: Not with you.
Rafe: ...I think that's better. All right?
Daisy: Okay. Look, I get that you spent last night with your mom, and absolutely you should spend the next week or two with her, but we belong together. I need you.
Rafe: Hey, my mom needs me. My dad would want me to take care of her, all right? Not upset her.
Daisy: Right, so what is this? This is like good-bye, have a nice life? Rafe, I love you.
Rafe: Daisy, look, I have to do this. Okay? I'll figure out a way to break the lease so we don't have to pay the deposit.
Daisy: I don't care about that. I care about being with you.
Rafe: Come on, I'm sorry.
Love, won't you look my way right now, I need you to stay
it's the middle of the night the rest can wait till the morning light
I'm so in love with you, you know I'd do anything for you
Cyrus: Ready?
Harley: I'm gonna go make sure the boys are dressed.
So if you need someone to run to
and if you need someone to hold
Rafe: Is it okay if I go?
Natalia: I'll iron your tie.
And if you need someone to bleed for you, to die for you
I will be the one...
Bill: Hey.
Ava: Hi.
Bill: You want some coffee?
Ava: Oh, no thanks.
Bill: You sure. I can get another one.
Ava: No. Fine.
Bill: Look, I heard about Olivia. I mean it's really... weird how everything happened, but I'm happy, I'm happy for Olivia and you.
Ava: Thanks, thank you. Yeah, I was thinking that I should go to the funeral today for my mom. You don't think that people would resent me for being there, do you?
Bill: No, no, no. You should go. You should go.
Ava: I was hoping you were going to say that. And I thought maybe we could go together, if you weren't going with Lizzie.
Bill: I'm going with Lizzie.
Ava: This was a really bad idea.
Bill: Look, Ava, you should be happy. I mean, it's terrible what happened with Gus, but it is good, I mean Olivia is getting a second chance.
Ava: She won't accept it, that's the thing. It’s... I don't even know if her body is going to reject the heart, and what if...
Bill: Come here, come here. Come here. Hey. Oh, listen...
Ava: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Bill: No, no, know what? Hey, listen to me, listen to me. Do not apologize for anything, okay? I know you are having a hard time with this, all right? I understand. If you need to talk, I'm here. But I'm with Lizzie now.
Ava: I know, but maybe...
Bill: And Ava, you know that we were never serious, so...
Ava: I know that we were never serious, okay?
Bill: Okay. But don't get upset about that.
Ava: Upset? Why would I be upset? Why, because I'm pregnant?
Bill: You're what?
Ava: Is that why? Well, now you don't have anything nice to say to me, do you? Well, it is your baby, if you're wondering. I'll see you at the funeral.
You've painted me prettier in your head
Buzz: It's Frank’s. It's clean. I'm leaving in ten minutes if you want a ride.
...Words that I said to you but I can't live up to that
promise love you wanted me to be I can't live with that
I'm going to sleep till morning will you hold me while I dream
and nothing's broken that we can't fix
and will you still need me when I am waiting will you be there when I am...
Natalia: Let's go.
Your perfect glass is shattered
it's only because it really mattered
are you going to throw away if I sleep till morning
let me hold you while you dream
that nothing's broken that we can't fix
and I'll still be there when you wake
yeah, yeah, I'll always be there...
Cyrus: Here, Jude. Let me take a look at you. You guys okay?
Zach: Are you?
Cyrus: I'm doing my best. Shall we go in?
Frank: You know he loved you very, very much.
Harley: I know. Alan, really, do you have to...
Alan: Harley, who chose the flowers, you? Or Natalia?
Cyrus: Do you want me to get him out of here?
Buzz: You'll have to toss me then, too, because I brought him.
Zach: What's that? Can we go see?
Harley: Yeah. Let's all go. (Bagpipes playing "Amazing Grace")
Buzz: There're here. (Bagpipes playing "Amazing Grace")
Zach: That was cool.
Harley: Yeah, it was.
Alan: You know, Natalia, you should be in charge of this service, not Harley. After all, you are the widow.
Natalia: Gosh, Alan, thank you for reminding me. I'd almost forgotten.
Lizzie: Bill?
Bill: Huh?
Lizzie: You're like a million miles away.
Bill: Ah, you know, funerals.
Lizzie: That's why we have to be grateful for what we've got.
Bill: I am, you know. Lizzie, I just want you to know that, um...
Ava: I hope I'm not late.
Lizzie: Do you have a hot date after the funeral?
Bill: You know what, we should probably get a seat because I think that...
Ava: The reason why I'm here is because I'm saying thank you for Gus' sacrifice. It's a lesson for everyone.
Lizzie: I hope your mother lives up to it.
Ava: I'm happy she has a chance to live. I just feel so bad for poor Rafe.
Bill: I think it's getting ready to start...
Ava: He grew up without knowing his father and now he's lost him. I don't think that any child should go without a father.
Harley: You look pretty. What are you doing up here?
Daisy: I just, um, needed a minute.
Harley: Just a minute? Well, I'll tell you what, you hold onto me, and I'll hold onto you.
Alexandra: Alan, I came as fast as I could, darling.
Alan: My boy, I've lost my son.
Alexandra: I know, darling. I know. I know. (Sobbing)
Alan: Come on.
Rutledge: If everyone could please take their seats. Beloved family and friends, we are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Gus Aitoro, to give thanks to God for the gifts he shared and for the privilege of knowing and loving him. And we gather to proclaim the good news of our faith, that because Christ overcame sin and death, so will we all. Christ lives so that we shall live. Jesus said, "Come to me all of you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." And so we come. And now I would like to turn the podium over to Gus' family and friends, so they can share their memories of him with us.
Harley: That was Gus. This is our time now, his family, friends, I'm his friends, I mean... the people who knew him. It's impossible to believe that Gus is gone. Um, that tornado that swept through this town turning everybody upside down can't be gone, can he? Can he?
Alan: It's all right. It's going to be all right. Harley is obviously overwhelmed, and rightfully so. The loss of Gus, my son, is a huge loss for all of us. We're still in shock. Shock that someone so full of life, so vibrant, could be gone, out of our lives. I've lost a lot recently, but I will never recover from the loss of my son, Gus, a son who wanted nothing from me, wouldn't ask me for anything, wouldn't let me give him anything. A sports car. An opportunity to be on the board at Spaulding. He was just happy and content being who he was. And I think he was happy because he knew who he was and what he wanted out of life. I envy that. Why is it that sometimes people have to be taken away from you before you realize the blessing that they were to you and your life. I am honored to have had him as my son.
Rafe: I'm, I'm not very good at this.
Natalia: Yes, you are.
Rafe: Yeah, well, she has to say that. She's my mother. So... um, we are his sons. Zach and Jude are just as much his as I am. And we've got his badge, and we have his flag, he was a good cop.
Zach: Yeah. I miss him.
Jude: I miss him, too.
Rafe: He was a good dad.
Mallet: Gus was, um, a very big, big, big Cub's fan. And during baseball season, we didn't get a lot of work done at the station. Sorry, Frank. Gus would always grab the TV and the radio, he had to have them together on at the same time to watch a game. And Gus would always order the pizza, and he always bought the pizza. Thank you, Gus. Yeah, he loved that game, baseball. He loved the Cubs. And, um, one time he told me that the sounds of the game reminded him of being a kid, growing up in Chicago. And I guess the sounds of the game for us now will remind us of him. He's in a better place now, so maybe he can actually help the Cubs. We'll miss you, Gus, and, um, go Cubs!
Jeffrey: And he really knew how to push that envelope. He never did anything half way, and that got him into trouble a few times.
Buzz: When Gus loved something or someone, there was absolutely nothing he wouldn't do to protect them. And I think that includes everyone here. I just wish someone were there to protect him.
Frank: Gus was, um, he was always late to everything. He always left a trail of potato chips and cigarette butts. It was kind of funny. He... he started out being my brother-in-law, but he ended up being like my real brother.
Lizzie: He tried to make us normal, and if you know my family that's a pretty big task to take on. But he tried. He wanted us to be happy. I think he still wants that.
Ava: I'm here for Gus' other family. You'll say that my mom wasn't flesh and blood. Neither am I or my little sister. But thanks to Gus, we're connected. And that's what happens when you have new life. There's no looking back. And that's the gift that Gus gave us, he gave my family. And I know that I speak for Olivia when I say that his sacrifice won't be in vain.
Rafe: Mom, don't you want to say something?
Natalia: No.
Sam: So I don't come visit you often enough, so you rip your heart out to get me on a plane? The movie they showed was "I Heart Huckabees." Oh, come on. Would it have been better if I said "Heartbreak Ridge?" "Braveheart?" Come on, you love Mel Gibson. It's okay. It's okay. You don't have to smile. I'm happy enough right now for both of us. Okay.
Harley: I first met Gus Aitoro when I was a cop's cop. Rules were rules. And he broke them all. He pushed me and he challenged me, he made me better. Not just as a cop. We never had a normal moment, on the job and off. There was craziness. But a wonderful, wonderful craziness. I'm happy for Olivia. Maybe she can live her life in a way that Gus would have wanted. That would be such a great gift to him. And there are things I wished I'd said, and things I wish I could change. But one thing I wouldn't change, no matter how much it cost me, I am so glad that he lived long enough to receive the gift of his son Rafe. And while Zach and Jude, will never replace the father figure they lost, I know they are so grateful for their new big brother. I have a million memories. And if you are lucky to have found a love like that, even if it has to end, if you are lucky to have been loved like that, you are so blessed. If there is anyone else who would like to say something?
Natalia: I do. I was against this. Harley knows. But I was so wrong. I was just really wrapped up in my own grief, and I wasn't able to see all of you, who loved him so much. And seeing you all and hearing you all, gives me strength. I knew him as Nick, and I can't remember a day that I didn't love him. He was my hero. He was my first kiss. He was my first love and my last. And it makes me think about whether it is worse to love somebody that much, and then lose him, or never have loved him at all. And, of course, we all know the answer to that. I've said too many good-byes, and I just can't do it anymore. So I'm thinking that maybe Ava is right, and that he lives on, in this one family that he has created from so many separate lives. He lives on in us.
Rutledge: The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me in a path of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies. Thou anointest my head with oil. My cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Coming up on "Guiding Light,"
Frank: We're going to party the way he would. To Gus!
All: To Gus!
Gus: It was nice, wasn't it?
Harley: It was everything.
Cyrus: Are you okay?
Harley: This really hurts, you know.
Gus: It goes away.
Harley: Don't go.
Gus: I’ll be waiting for you.
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