Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 4/3/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Rick: Natalia, you're the only one who can do this.
Rafe: What are you guys talking about?
Natalia: Organ donation. All right, Nicky.
Harley: His life was about sacrifice. He always sacrificed for me and the kids, and for you and Rafe...
Natalia: And now Olivia.
Yesterday I witnessed everything
for the first time for the first time
everything that seemed so ordinary
to my eyes to my eyes
and I found what I need a missing melody
a new identity this is the new me
everything I've done seems so easy
not this time not this time
all the things that used to keep me down
can hold me they can hold me
and I found what I need the missing melody
a new identity this is the new me
and I found what I need the missing melody
a new identity this is the new me.
Vanessa: I prefer decaf.
Cyrus: I can explain.
Vanessa: Oh, so you, you've been setting me up.
Cyrus: This is not exactly what it looks like.
Vanessa: Oh! Well, what kind of business do you and Harley have? I mean, you commit the crimes, she's solves them...
Cyrus: Harley isn't involved.
Vanessa: Okay. But I'm still going to cancel that nice, big check I wrote for her, and then I think I'll call the police.
Cyrus: Listen, Vanessa, Gus just died. Harley can't take this right now. And I'm not going to let you cause her anymore pain.
Vanessa: (Laughs) Are you threatening me?
Cyrus: No, I'm not threatening you. I'm just reminding you that the Cooper’s are your friends, and I know you don't want to cause them anymore pain right now.
Vanessa: I'm not doing this for you.
Cyrus: I wouldn't expect you to.
Vanessa: Mmm. So get out, before my daughter gets home.
Cyrus: Thank you.
Vanessa: Oh, and, Cyrus. Stay away from me, otherwise I will have you arrested.
Jeffrey: She's awake.
Ava: Hi. You're back.
Nurse: Don't try to talk. You still have your breathing tube in.
Jeffrey: Can you hear me? Just squeeze if you can. You're going to be okay. Can we just take these things off?
Nurse: Do you know where you are? If I take these off, you can't pull that tube.
Ava: You have a heart.
Nurse: I'm going to let the doctor know that she's awake.
Ava: Thanks. We've been waiting for you the entire time. You were in surgery for five hours. And the doctor said we can take out the breathing tube just as soon as everything stabilized.
Jeffrey: You look beautiful.
Ava: How do you feel? Does it feel different? Can... can you feel it?
Jeffrey: You don't have a answer all of that. Just try to relax.
Ava: Sorry. Here... oh, wait. You can write on this. "Gus." Okay.
Jeffrey: Olivia, Gus is...
Ava: Gus is going to be here soon. He's been asking about you, too.
It must be getting late a silent lullaby is keeping me awake...
Lillian: Can I get you anything, Natalia? Sweetie, this is very hard for you to hear, but I want you to be prepared. The transplant was a success, and that they're hopeful that Olivia’s body will accept the heart.
...And we thought it would never change
and like you and me, our love and everything around us
even the stars drift away (Natalia sobbing)
no more sad songs tonight come on love bring me back to life
make it all stay still stay still no more sad songs tonight
make it all stand still no more sad songs tonight.
Ava: The doctor says everything looks good. He's hopeful.
Jeffrey: Gus?
Ava: We didn't tell her.
Jeffrey: She's going to find out sooner or later that she has Gus' heart.
Ava: She needs a little time. That's all, just a little time. When she finds out the truth, she's going to be crushed. She needs time to heal.
Jeffrey: She's lucky she has you looking out for her.
Ava: Thanks. Thanks for staying with me and letting me cry on your shoulder. And thank you for being my dad.
Jeffrey: Yeah, and you still have a mom now, too.
Ava: Thanks to Gus.
Jeffrey: Yeah, thanks to Gus.
Jeffrey: Hey. I just came back to take a shower. I've got to go back to the hospital.
Reva: How is Olivia? The little woman. I bought lunch.
Harley: Thank you so much for the payment extension. I'll definitely have that check in the mail. No, thank you for understanding. Bye.
(Knock on the door)
Marina: Hi.
Harley: Hi.
Marina: I'm sorry about Gus. I... I thought maybe I could take the boys for the day, or maybe Daisy and I could go get our nails done or something.
Harley: They would love that. But the boys are away with Grandpa right now. And I don't have any idea where Daisy is. But I know she would love to spend time with you. And I don't know where a vase is in my own house. Things are always moving in and out of this house all the time.
Marina: Here.
Harley: Oh. You always know where everything is.
Marina: I've always thought of this house as not just yours, but kind of a Cooper home, too.
Harley: It is. Always will be. I'm so glad that you're here. It just means everything to me.
Ava: Thank you. Natalia! Natalia, wait! Thank you.
Reva: The groom is Springfield’s newest D.A., and the bride is a respected business woman. That's nice. Where are you registered? Egan's probably. That would probably be the best bet. Although Olivia is probably looking for something a little more upscale.
Jeffrey: I should have told you. We did it to protect Emma from Alan. Olivia wanted to marry Gus, but he couldn’t. Reva, I didn't want her to die feeling alone. And before you know it...
Reva: Olivia is Mrs. Jeffrey O’Neill, and I'm the mistress. You did something desperate to protect the family. I get that. I've done it a few times myself.
Jeffrey: Well, you're taking this a lot better than I thought you would.
Reva: The fact is that Gus is dead. And in the grand scheme of things, I really... I don't have anything to complain about. But there is just one teeny, tiny problem. Olivia is not dead, and you're still married.
Lillian: Here are all of Gus' personal things.
Natalia: Thank you.
Lillian: Oh, you dropped this. He was a good man. He was such a dedicated cop. And he was... he was so loyal to everyone he loved. Even Alan. You should be proud to have loved him. Sweetheart, if you need someone to talk to, I am there. Or I can find some grief counselors for you.
Natalia: Thank you.
Josh: Can I help you?
Natalia: I don't know what I'm supposed to do with all this stuff. He's got... he has broken cigarettes and receipts. And he's got mints from all over town.
Josh: Just take your time.
Natalia: Yeah, I mean... do you think Rafe would want his wallet?
Josh: How's he doing?
Natalia: I don't even know where he is. I don't even know how I'm supposed to help him.
Josh: I'm sure it will come to you.
Natalia: Is this where I'm supposed to figure out how God wants me to feel? And how I'm supposed to understand how he could take Gus away from me?
Josh: Listen, um... I want to go get a drink. Do you want to come with me?
Marina: So, you already picked that out?
Harley: I don't know. I hate everything. I don't know what's appropriate.
Marina: Well, do you think that Gus would even want you to wear black? I mean, what was his favorite thing that you wore?
Harley: "That would not be appropriate for a funeral." I don't even know how to do this. I don't know how to let go of him. Everything in this house reminds me of him.
Marina: He built it for you. I'm sorry I have to go. I... I thought that I was ready to move past all this, but... I'm not. Just not yet. Sorry. I'm really sorry for everything.
Reva: Hey, sunshine.
Olivia: Hey.
Reva: So, you got a heart.
Olivia: That's what they tell me.
Reva: I'm glad you made it.
Olivia: Me, too.
Reva: But, you know, now I'm going to have to go out there and tell everyone that I bitch-slapped you because you married my guy.
Olivia: (Laughs) It's not Jeffrey that I want. It's Gus.
Reva: Gus?
Olivia: I'm still waiting to see him. I know it's hard to let go...
Reva: I'm going to go because I don't want to hog up all of your visiting time.
Olivia: Is something... what's wrong?
Reva: Nothing. Keys. You know, I can never find my keys. It's an amazing thing...
Olivia: Reva, what's going on?
Reva: Really. You know, I hate purses to begin with, and I just keep buying bigger and bigger ones so I can just cram everything in...
Olivia: Gus... Ava said Gus was going to come see me. Is he okay? Because something is wrong.
Reva: You know what, you need to calm down, sweetie. You just need to rest. Okay, I was a nurse's aide a long time ago, about a million years ago. I know these things. You need to rest.
Olivia: Was he really hurt badly in the accident?
Reva: I'm going to go get Jeffrey and Ava...
Olivia: No, you tell me. What's wrong? Where is he?
Reva: (Sighs) He's not here. Gus... Gus is gone.
Olivia: He's gone where?
Reva: He's gone. He's, um... the accident he had... it was... he didn't make it. He didn't make it. Really, I had thought they had already told you that. Olivia, I did.
Olivia: No. Ava said that he was going to come and see me.
Reva: Ava didn't want to upset you.
Olivia: No. No. I'm alive and he's dead. That's not right.
Reva: I'm sorry. Sweetie, I'm so sorry.
Olivia: No. No, he's not gone. I need him. I need him.
Reva: Oh, you've got him. You've got him.
Cyrus: Can you slow down for a sec?
Harley: I want to keep going.
Cyrus: I just want to stretch for a second.
Harley: I'll go. I'll come back for you.
Cyrus: Harley, I need to talk to you about the Vanessa case.
Harley: Fine. After we finish our run. And after I pick out my dress for Gus' funeral, the one that I'm sure Natalia hasn't even made arrangements for because she hasn't been here long. She doesn't even... she doesn't even know who to call.
Cyrus: I need to talk to you.
Harley: I'm going to call her. Because I don't think she knows what he would want, and I do, because, you know, we talked about it a million times. We're both cops. Did you see Marina's face?
Cyrus: Yeah.
Harley: She's so hurt still. And I thought she was starting to heal. It's what Gus would want. I just think he would know how to... I can't breathe.
Cyrus: Yes, you can. I'm here. I'm here. Just let go. Hold onto me.
Harley: I feel like I'm going to pass out.
Cyrus: No, you won’t. We've been here before. Just hold onto me and you'll be fine.
Harley: I hate this!
Cyrus: Harley, have I ever let you fall before? I'm here. Just hold onto me.
Harley: Cyrus.
Cyrus: Hold onto me. That's it. That's it.
Harley: Don't let me go, okay?
Natalia: I actually really hate scotch.
Josh: I can get you something else.
Natalia: Why didn't I just look for Gus the minute I lost him?
Josh: You can't think like that.
Natalia: No. Why didn't I just try to find him and tell him that he had a son? Because I should have. I should have tried.
Josh: Wait, wait, wait. You don't want to do that, okay?
Natalia: What I want is to move into the house that my husband bought for me, with my husband.
Josh: Natalia...
Natalia: Why does she get to live and he had to die?
Josh: Actually, I wish I... I wish I had a good answer to that question. I do.
Natalia: I have lived my entire life trying to go along with God's plan, and trying to be good and decent, and trying to make amends for my own sins. What did I do wrong?
Josh: You can't see this as a punishment from God.
Natalia: Oh, no?
Josh: No.
Natalia: Then what the hell is it? Because I just finally got to marry the man that I've loved since I knew what love was. I finally got the home and the family that I always promised for my son, and now it's all gone. And Olivia is the only one who wins. Sorry.
Reva: The nurse is on her way.
Olivia: Gus is gone and I... what is the game? What is...
Reva: Olivia, there is no game. There is no jokes. Gus is gone.
Olivia: No, I need to see him. He needs to know that I survived. I have this new heart beating inside of me.
Reva: He knows, okay? He knows.
Olivia: No, he needs to know that I fought to live so that we could be together. I prayed for a miracle, and God gave me a heart.
Reva: No, Gus gave you a heart.
Olivia: What?
Reva: You survived because of Gus. The heart beating inside you is Gus'.
Marina: Hey.
Vanessa: Hey. I'm so sorry to hear about Gus. How's everybody doing?
Marina: They're holding up.
Vanessa: Good. I was actually hoping that I could speak to Buzz.
Marina: Oh, he actually took the boys to go see a movie. You know, kids, they help you forget.
Vanessa: Yeah, they do. You know, I really do know what it's like to lose a close friend, somebody you think of as family.
Marina: Gus was family.
Vanessa: Yeah. How are you doing?
Marina: I'm okay. Thank you.
Vanessa: Good. Well, at least you don't have Cyrus to worry about anymore.
Marina: What do you mean?
Vanessa: It means I caught him in my room this afternoon red-handed.
Marina: Stealing?
Vanessa: No. Worse than that. I don't know... I don't know what kind of company he and Harley have set up. I guess he sets up the crimes, and she solves them.
Marina: Well, did you inform the police?
Vanessa: No, I didn’t. I probably should have, but, you know, I was involved with him once. Once is more than enough.
Marina: Well, don't need to worry about it. You just informed them.
Olivia: Gus...
Staring at the stars that you painted on the ceiling...
why is it always me seeing question marks in places
where the answer's used to be...
Jeffrey: Hi. I'm so sorry about Gus. He was a good man.
Natalia: He was. He was the best. Thank you.
Jeffrey: Natalia. I know that you had to make the decision to allow Gus' heart to be taken, and it was a very brave thing to do.
...Make it all stand still...
Natalia: I don't feel very brave.
Jeffrey: Ava would love to see you... I mean, to thank you. The doctors are hopeful. If you could see her...
Natalia: Olivia?
Jeffrey: She's awake. You could check in on her if you wanted to.
Natalia: No, I don't want to check in on her. Olivia has everything that my son and I lost.
...It must be getting late...
Lillian: Thank you.
Vanessa: Lillian, hi. Listen, how's Olivia doing?
Lillian: Well, she is still critical, but she is stable.
Vanessa: Okay. Good. I mean, well, I'll tell Bill. I know he is worried about Emma.
Lillian: You know the family has been there every minute.
Vanessa: I saw Alan. He is completely devastated.
Lillian: I know. Beth says she's been checking on him, and she is really worried.
Vanessa: Yeah. Well, I'll call him. I mean... thanks for the update.
Lillian: You know, days like this are never easy for us, are they?
Vanessa: No. Especially not for you and me. I think about her almost every day.
Lillian: So do I. Have coffee with me?
Vanessa: Sure. Yes.
Marina: Hey. Trying out your new library card, huh?
Cyrus: Actually, it's for Zach and Jude. They're having some problems with a few subjects, so I thought maybe I could help.
Marina: This whole family thing is really working out for you then?
Cyrus: It's kind of tough right now. With Gus. The boys, they really loved him.
Marina: Hmm. You've really got your finger on the pulse of this family.
Cyrus: Trying to do what I can. I had to change my ways some day. Anyway, it's nice to see you.
Marina: Is that your library card, or did you steal it? Maybe from Vanessa Reardon’s this afternoon? I had an interesting little chat with Vanessa today. It seems you haven't changed your ways all that much.
Cyrus: Promise me you won't say anything to Harley.
Marina: Why not? Why shouldn't I haul you in right now?
Cyrus: Because this family is in mourning. And the last thing they need right now is dealing with my mess, especially Harley.
Marina: Well, I'm a cop, and you did just break the law.
Cyrus: Yeah. This isn't about breaking the law.
Marina: Okay. Fine. Dinner, you and me, next week. Maybe we can forget about this whole mess, okay?
Cyrus: (Scoffs)
Marina: See you. Cyrus, that book you've got there, the math book, it's for sixth graders. Zach's not in sixth grade yet. Good luck.
Josh: I'm sorry for your loss.
Harley: Thank you.
Josh: I just spent some time with Natalia.
Harley: How is she?
Josh: Well, she's trying. But it's hard. How are you?
Harley: I just can't believe any of this is happening. Josh, did she happen to mention anything about funeral plans?
Josh: Just in passing, yes. She wants to keep it small. She doesn't think she could handle the planning and the people.
Harley: Well, these are all of the people's lives he's touched. It's for them. And he certainly deserves a service.
Josh: I'm sure she'll figure something out.
Harley: He should be honored.
Josh: I agree.
Harley: Well, I'll plan something. I'll call her, and we will figure something out, she and I.
Josh: Harley, I think she needs some space right now.
Harley: Well, Gus would want that. I know it.
Olivia: I don't want it.
Ava: Shhh. You just need to rest.
Olivia: I don't want to be alive if Gus is dead. I don't want his heart.
Ava: We do.
...About the things I never got to say...
Emma: Look, Mommy, I drew you a picture.
...I want a second chance...
a man in better days he cries and he prays
for the news he hopes he doesn't have to hear...
Natalia: You did a good thing, Nicky.
She's on the telephone...
Harley: Hello, Mr. Cane. I need to discuss with you purchasing a casket. Thank you for saying that. Gus Aitoro. This is Mrs. Aitoro.
...And she tells him that she loves him to his eyes...
Ava: That is so beautiful. I think we should put it on the wall so Mommy can look at it every morning, the first thing when she wakes up.
Emma: Ava said you have a new heart.
Ava: Yep, that's true. Do you want to feel it? Here, give me your hand. Be gentle. Be very gentle.
Olivia: Don't touch it.
Ava: That's okay. That's cool. Mommy's heart hurts just a little bit. Hey, you want some ice cream? I heard they have an ice cream sundae bar in the cafeteria.
Emma: Is it okay, Mommy?
Ava: Sure, sweetie, it's okay, as long as you don't eat too much and get a belly ache.
Emma: Is that what your heart feels like, a belly-ache?
Ava: Yeah. Let's go get ice cream, honey. We'll be right back. Okay. Give me my purse.
Olivia: Gus.
Coming up on “Guiding Light”
Natalia: I knew him as Nick. I can't remember a day that I didn't love him.
Harley: If you are lucky to have been loved like that, you are so blessed.
Natalia: I shouldn't be here.
Olivia: And yet here you are, why?
Natalia: His heart. That's all that is left of him. It's all I have.
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