GL Transcript Wednesday 4/2/08

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 4/2/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Alan: Where is he? I deserve to see him, Harley.

Harley: He's dead.

Rick: The results just came back. He's a match.

Natalia: They're going to give Olivia his heart.

Rafe: Ma, no, no!

Jeffrey: Olivia, they found a heart. You've got to hang on. Hang on.

Dinah: Wow, what an incredible night's sleep. I don't think I've slept like that for years.

Hilda: Hmm.

Dinah: Unbelievable beds in this house. Um, is everything all set for today, for my meeting?

Hilda: Yes, ma'am.

Dinah: Okay.

Jeremy: Ms. Marler, you asked to sign this personally.

Dinah: Oh, thanks, Jeremy. I want you to make sure that you order the largest possible floral arrangement you can get for Ms. Cooper. She's always been a very good friend to me, and so was Gus... okay. Hilda, everything really does need to be perfect today. We both need a break.

Hilda: Yes, ma'am.

Dinah: Thank you.

Mallet: Hey, Keagan!

Keagan: Yeah.

Mallet: Keagan, what are you doing? It's Aitoro’s desk, right? Don't leave your crap all over it. Well, who did this come from? Do you know?

Keagan: I don't know.

Coop: Hi. I can't believe this. I spend half my life writing, and now I am completely stumped. I don't know what to say about a guy who has meant so much to my sister and her kids.

Ashlee: It will come to you.

Coop: Hey, um, do you ah, do you want to go over to Harley’s with me later?

Ashlee: Ah, I'd love to. I, I would, I'd love to. Um, I have a doctor's appointment.

Coop: Really? Is everything okay?

Ashlee: Yeah, no, everything is fine. Yeah. No, it's just girl stuff.

Coop: Ah.

Ashlee: Okay. So, um, okay, tell me how you.... what happened the first time you met Gus.

Coop: (Laughs) The first time I met Gus, I punched him in the face.

Ashlee: No?

Coop: Yeah. But I don't think that's quite appropriate.

Falling down again.

Hear the sound of men calling me back home.

Now my seeds have gone. (Rock music playing)

I see death in your face who built the human race.

Make a man of me all the ways I see

golden shadows greet me

calling me back home... (rock music playing) (rock music playing)

I see death in your face who built the human race.

Make a man of me all the ways I see

golden shadows greet me calling me back home...

Rafe: I thought you could use something to eat.

Natalia: I'm not hungry. Thank you.

Rafe: You sure? Um... any word on how much longer?

Natalia: I can't even, I don't even know... I can't even figure out why I'm here. I don't know why, I'm here waiting to see what happens with Olivia. She doesn't care about me. We don't get along.

Rafe: It's Gus' heart. And you only...

Natalia: Gus is gone. He's gone. There's nothing for us here. I hate hospitals.

(Telephone ringing)

Harley: Hello? Can I have your name, please? Well, let me tell you something, we've had a death in the family. So this is really inappropriate right now. My husband... it doesn't matter. The check is in the mail. I said the check is in the mail!

Cyrus: Morning.

Harley: Good morning.

Cyrus: That wasn't for me, was it?

Harley: It was a wrong number.

Cyrus: I have to work at the Beacon today, but I can stay home if you need me.

Harley: No. Please don't stay home. Because I need you to make money because we don't have any. And, besides, I have stuff I have to take care of today anyway.

Cyrus: Okay.

[Music playing]

To the edge, I don't know what else to do

I don't want to fall in love with you unless you want me...

Mallet: Do you mind telling me who invited me over here?

Hilda: Yes, sir.

Mallet: Yes, you can tell me?

Hilda: No, sir.

Mallet: You can't tell me? You're not allowed to tell me.

Hilda: Yes.

Mallet: Oh, right. You know what? I'm not in the mood for games today. Just tell me what the hell's going on, please. All right, the last time I checked, Alan Spaulding lost this house.

Hilda: Yes, sir.

Mallet: (Laughs) That's nice, that little name label here. Listen, I'm not having lunch with Alan Spaulding. I'm not having any lunch with any Spaulding’s, okay?

Hilda: No, sir.

Mallet: Okay. Okay. Okay. Oh, that's nice. That's nice. Okay, what's the deal? Somebody bought the Spaulding mansion? Is that the deal? We've got some new big-wig that has moved to town, and he thinks he can, what, court the favor of the Police Chief? Is that what is going on here? Can I-- let me-- can I ask you something? What's your name?

Hilda: Hilda, sir.

Mallet: Hilda. I want you to do me a favor, Hilda, okay. I want you to go to your new boss, and I want you to tell them that I'm just the acting chief, okay, and I cannot be bought. Okay?

Hilda: Of course, sir.

Mallet: Can you do that? Thank you, Hilda. Oh, that's kind of beautiful. That's a real philly cheese steak. That's beautiful. And fries. Hilda, I shouldn't be here. And orange soda. That's nice, I'm really hungry. Oh, boy, that's nice. I shouldn't be here.

Hilda: Enjoy, sir.

Mallet: Thank you, Hilda. Somebody knows me. Somebody's trying to cheer me up. Oh, man, that is good.

Jeremy: Excuse me, Ms. Marler. Mr. Spaulding is outside.

Dinah: How does he look?

Jeremy: Sad.

Dinah: Okay. Thank you. Jeremy, thank you.

Ashlee: Okay. Okay, hold on one second. She's so pushy.

Coop: Agents. Hey, Blake. Yeah, I know, Ashlee and I decided to come over and jump in to help my dad. He's ah, he's feeling kind of lousy. Yeah, oh, ah. Again, about that, thank you so much for taking care of the kids. Harley just really needed a break with everything that's been going on. Um, okay. Look, I'm going to need to talk this over with Ashlee. Let me get back to you, okay? All right, great. Thank you. All right. Bye.

Ashlee: What?

Coop: Blake thinks that I should move out of the boarding house. Oh, God. This is happening way too fast. Okay, I can't turn my back away from my family, not right now.

Ashlee: Coop, you're not doing that, come on. This will be great to you. You could, you could focus on your work. You could do interviews from your place. You could spend lots of time with your amazingly talented and good-looking girlfriend.

Coop: Oh, Blake has already pitched this to you, hasn't she?

Ashlee: Oh, yes. Oh, yes. She's one smart cookie. She knows who the mover and the shaker is in this relationship.

Coop: Right. Right.

Ashlee: Get your coat. Come on, you've got to get out of here and do this. Do this for yourself. Get it, come on.

Coop: All right.

Ashlee: Come on.

(Cell phone rings)

Vanessa: Hello? Who is this? Who are you? (Breathing on other end of phone) Stop harassing me.

Harley: Do you want some gum? It's all I had in the car. I kept hoping that I would have a dream last night, and Gus would come to me and tell me that he was okay, and that everything was going to be okay. But I couldn't sleep.

Natalia: She has his heart.

Harley: What?

Natalia: Olivia has Gus' heart. She's been in surgery all night.

Harley: I didn't-- I-- they were a match?

Natalia: He didn't leave me any instructions. I signed all the papers.

Harley: Oh, my God. Gus' heart. (Train bell ringing) If it makes you feel better, it's what he would have wanted. Natalia, his life was about sacrifice. He was a police officer. He was an F.B.I. agent. He always sacrificed for people. He always sacrificed for me and the kids. For his sister, Eden, and for you and Rafe. And now for Olivia.

Natalia: And now for Olivia. Gus and his damned sacrifices. That's why he left me in the first place, to protect me. And he never got to know his son. And now he's gone again, sacrificing his life for her! Do you think that's fair?

Harley: No. But that's who he was. That's how he lived his life. And he lived the way... he died the way he lived. I'm just going to try to take some comfort in that.

Natalia: Okay, but I can’t.

Buzz: Alan?

Alan: The last words I ever said to Gus were angry words.

Buzz: I'm sorry.

Alan: He said he thought I'd never change. Well, maybe he's right.

Buzz: Alan, you're not a heartless man. If you were, you wouldn't look the way you do now.

Alan: You know, you were more of a father to him than I was.

Buzz: What's in the bag?

Alan: My last worldly possessions. They kicked me out of this dingy motel. They seized my house, have frozen all my assets. Gus is not the only one who I've lost. I've lost everything. I... I haven't enough money to pay for this cup of coffee.

Buzz: Do you want to move in here? Alan?

Mallet: Hello? Anybody here? I'd like to thank my host. Dinah, what are you doing here?

Dinah: This is my house now.

Mallet: What? You bought this house? You didn't buy this house. How did you buy this house?

Dinah: I made an investment before the incident, and recently it turned into some major coin.

Mallet: Yeah, I would say so.

Dinah: (Laughs) And after months of being invisible, I decided to make a comeback in a big way.

Mallet: Uh-huh. And Alan, he just happened to have tax problems?

Dinah: Yes, he does. And I saw my chance. And I want you to be happy for me because I'm not changing. I'm just enjoying my life now.

Mallet: I'm happy for you. I'm just... I'm shocked and kind of startled, but, no, you had an amazing recovery, and you worked really hard in your life. And, why not enjoy the good things? Alan is going to flip when he finds out about this.

Dinah: He doesn't know yet. And please don't say anything. I don't want a fight. And especially now, with everything's that happened with, with Gus. How are you doing, with all that?

Mallet: Well, you know...

Dinah: Want a tour? But you might have to take the rest of the afternoon off. The place has got about 15 bedrooms. (Laughs) I can show you my favorite room.

Mallet: Oh, Dinah, don't do this. Don't pretend like this is nothing if we go upstairs and have some fun, and then act like it doesn't mean anything.

Dinah: Baby, it does mean everything, that's the whole point. I don't know what I would do without you. I don't know what I would do if something happened to you. We need this today. We need each other.

Mallet: I can’t. I can't do this today. I can't do this today. The food, the food was perfect. Everything was perfect, the food. I like food. I have to get back to the station. It's a tough day today at the station. Okay.

Harley: Vanessa?

Vanessa: Oh, I'm sorry.

Harley: Were you expecting someone else?

Vanessa: I am so sorry to hear about Gus. How are your boys doing?

Harley: Ah, they're better than I am. But, I'm just trying to stay busy so I don't lose my mind. Which is actually why I'm here. I was wondering if the station would do a tribute to Gus, because he saved Olivia Spencer’s life by giving her his heart, and he was a police officer.

Vanessa: You know, I, I, I heard from that fan again.

Harley: Really?

Vanessa: Yeah. And, look, what I said about Cyrus stands, but, I need somebody to help me. So... I think, this will do it. And... there. I've hired your firm to stop this guy.

Harley: You have my word.

Cyrus: Hmm. Smells like money.

Harley: Because that's what it is. And I shouldn't be surprised, because just when I'm at my lowest, it's so like Gus.

Cyrus: Gus?

Harley: Gus' heart was put into Olivia Spencer, which is fine, because Gus always puts people first.

Cyrus: So I keep hearing.

Harley: And I went to see Vanessa at the station, you know, about them paying tribute to him, you know. And out of that visit came this incredible job. So it's Gus still taking care of his family, even though he is gone. Don't you see?

Cyrus: I do see.

Buzz: Alan, you don't have to take it, you know?

Alan: It's only temporary.

Buzz: Yeah, right. Everything is temporary.

Ashlee: I know what it's like to be alone, to feel like you're nothing, like you're not good enough. It really hurts.

You say you want to end this right

you could have fooled me you could have fooled me

but you've been up to your side of spite

you could have fooled me you could have fooled me

there must be some mistake...

Mallet: I'm sorry I'm sorry. I was going to box this stuff up, I just... I didn't know who to send it to.

Harley: I'll do it. Please. Please.

Mallet: He’s not going to be forgotten around here, I promise.

Rafe: Hey, Buzz.

Buzz: Yeah?

Rafe: You were with Olivia, right?

Buzz: Yep.

Rafe: What was she really like?

Natalia: Rafe.

Buzz: What does that...

Rafe: No, let him say it.

Buzz: What does that mean?

Rafe: What was Olivia really like?

Buzz: Like what do you mean, what was she like?

Natalia: Buzz, I'm so sorry.

Buzz: What?

Natalia: We're all under a little, stress, and he's, um. Gus' heart was a match for Olivia.

Buzz: I don't understand. What do you mean?

Natalia: The last I heard, she was in surgery.

Buzz: They're putting Gus' heart into Olivia’s body? Well, I'll tell you, to answer your question, she was a great kisser, she was a passionate woman. She cared about her children. I love Gus and I'm gonna miss him. But Olivia’s body is a worthy place for Gus' heart.

Alan: Olivia Spencer? Is there nothing that woman won't take? Um... I'm... really sorry, Natalia.

Natalia: I'm sorry for you, too, of course.

Alan: I do wish you would have called me sooner so I would have had time to get to the hospital in time to see my boy. I'm sorry, that didn't come out right. I know that you are as much of a victim in all of this as anyone else. Even more so. I'm sure that Harley shoved you aside and is acting like she is the widow. Olivia gets his heart, Harley plays the widow. You know, it was Olivia and Harley that destroyed Phillip.

Natalia: I'm very sorry that you lost your son, Alan. Please don't mess with mine.

Man: Your agent drives a hard bargain.

Coop: Yeah, Blake -- well, she knows what she wants.

Man: You on the "New York Times" best-seller list.

Coop: Yeah, right. You know, actually, we should...

Man: Just take a look.

Coop: Yeah, um...

Ashlee: I'm not doing this for anyone else but me. I'm, um, I want to feel healthier, I want to be happier. You know, I want to, I just want to be happier about the way I look and feel.

Doctor: And you're here to discuss your options?

Ashlee: Surgery. I was wondering if I would be a candidate for weight loss surgery.

Doctor: Surgery comes with risks. It is not a quick fix or a miracle cure.

Ashlee: I know. I did all my research. I went on-line, I read anything I could find.

Doctor: Oh, good.

Ashlee: I'm a really smart person. If you can't tell, I have a really good personality, or so I'm told. I don't know if you've ever had any of these issues, but it is kind of a dream of mine to walk into any store in the mall and pick something off the rack and try it on and feel good. Look, I don't want to be a supermodel. I really don’t. It's not about being stick thin. I want to feel good.

Doctor: Well, it sounds like you've given this a lot of thought.

Ashlee: I have. My boyfriend really loves me, and my friends really love me. And I'm trying to learn how to love me.

Doctor: I see from your questionnaire that you've already tried diet and exercise.

Ashlee: Yeah.

Doctor: And supplements.

Ashlee: Yeah, all of that. My mom, she's kind of-- you know, none of it really helped me.

Doctor: Well, is there any other reason that you decided to make this change now?

Ashlee: Yes. A really good friend of mine died yesterday. And I've been thinking about it, and I figured out that life is too short to be unhappy with who you are. So, I don't know, I have this vision of me walking into my boyfriend's big New York City book signing party, and wearing a gorgeous dress and feeling as good on the outside as I do on the inside.

Buzz: Key. Wake up early if you want a hot shower, because Frank tends to be a hog.

Harley: When I was here, on trial for murder, I lost all faith in myself. In my life. But Gus was here day after day defending me, always my champion. I wish in the end, you know, I had been there for him, to help him carry some of those burdens, you know. He was always trying to solve everyone's problems. But that's the kind of man that he was.

Mallet: Do you want me to call somebody for you? Do you want me to call Cyrus?

Harley: Not right now. (Music playing)

Zach: Does Gus know that we're finishing the house that he started?

Harley: Yes, he does. (Music playing)

I can't wait to come in as soon as I get home

to let you know that I'm all right

even when I'm alone and it's been two days now

since I smiled at you it's the way of the road

traveling without you it's all for you

it's all for you and it will be a long time and it will be a long time

before I get real going all the time without you

I never felt more alone so alone

it's all for... it's all for you

this is all for you what would it take to bring me

down now that I've found you the

answer is love what would it take to bring to

bring me down not that it matters anyhow

it's all for you it's all for you

this is all for you it's all for you

Coming up on " Guiding Light,"

Jeffrey: She's awake.

Natalia: You have a heart.

Jeffrey: Olivia, Gus is...

Ava: Gus is going to be here soon. He's been asking about you.

Olivia: I've been waiting to see him.

Reva: Gus.

Olivia: I need him. Tell me what's wrong? Where is he?

Harley: Did she happen to mention anything about funeral plans. He should be honored.

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