Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 4/1/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Gus: How did this..
Natalia: From a motorcycle.
Gus: I was looking for you.
Natalia: I love you, and I'm going to take care of you.
Harley: You have to fight my love, so we can be together.
Gus: I'm so cold.
Gus: What I really want is a cigarette. And a hamburger and a beer. And a baseball game.
Zack: Yeah Jude.
Jude: Go! Go!
Gus: Daisy and Rafe. You keep trying, son. I couldn't fix it. The mechanic had no luck. You try to finish what I started. And you look out for your mom, but don't forget to live your own life as well. I wish I had known you sooner, and longer, but I do love you, son. I'll always... I'll always love you. I'll miss this.
I love my work-- the action, the rush. Knowing that once in a while, you can actually make a difference. And yeah, Mallet, I'll even miss you.
I'm sorry I couldn't marry you. But look at this, you have a backup. If things had been different, if I'd gotten to know you before, we might have been more than friends.
Yeah, I never got to finish that. I'd appreciate it if you could. Be good to Harley and the kids, or I'll come back and haunt you for the rest of your days, pal.
Buzz, Buzz. I loved being your son-in-law. You were the hardest working man that I know. I really did love your daughter, and your burger and your corny jokes and all our talks. (Bell rings) So long, Springfield.
Rick: I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Natalia: Nicky. (Sobbing) Harley.
Harley: Gus. Gus? He can't hear us anymore. I want him here, and I want him with me. (sobbing)
Rafe: Hey, Ma. I just... I know...
Natalia: It's okay.
Rafe: No, Ma.
Natalia: I know. I'm sorry.
Rafe: No, that's not fair.
Natalia: I'm sorry. I know. He's gone.
Rafe: I didn't even have a chance to say...
Natalia: He knew. I promise you.
Alan: Harley? Where's Gus? Where is he?
Harley: Go away, Alan.
Alan: Damnit, my son is in an accident, and no one bothers to call me?
Harley: Alan, just get out of here.
Alan: Where is he? I deserve to see him, Harley.
Harley: He's dead.
Alan: That isn't funny. Now, if he needs another doctor, I will get him the best doctor that money can buy.
Harley: He's gone. Alan, he's gone. And all the money in the world is not going to change that.
Alan: I need to see him.
Harley: It's too late. What, now you remember? Now you remember how much you loved him? Well, you're late. We're both late. Maybe if you had been more of a father to him, maybe if you had treated him like he deserved, maybe there'd be a place here for you. But if it's any consolation, I know how you feel.
(Phone ringing)
Buzz: Company?
Mallet: Yeah. Yeah.
Jeffrey: So, any improvement?
Doctor: It's a domino effect. A weak heart triggers anemia, which makes it even harder for her to hold on.
Ava: What about a blood transfusion?
Jeffrey: Yeah, can that buy her some time until we find another heart?
Doctor: The odds are against it.
Jeffrey: Well, that's Olivia Spencer in there, okay? She's been beating the odds her whole life.
Doctor: You don't have the same blood type. Neither does her daughter.
Ava: Well, you have to have a supply.
Doctor: We did, but it was used up for a victim of a motorcycle accident.
Ava: How... how is he doing?
Doctor: I don't know. I've had my hands full here.
Jeffrey: If the worst should happen, I don't think that Olivia really needs to know about Gus.
Ava: I'm going to go check on Gus. You stay here.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Ava: Okay.
Jeffrey: Doctor, I know some people in Washington, some people who know how to get things done. So if there is anything...
Doctor: That's all right, Mr. O’Neill. We don't need an act of Congress. We need an act of God.
Olivia: Jeffrey?
Jeffrey: Yeah, I'm right here.
Olivia: My park. I wish I could see it again.
Jeffrey: You will.
Olivia: How is Gus? Is he okay?
Jeffrey: Gus... is fine. He's just fine.
Olivia: How's the honeymoon so far?
Jeffrey: No complaints.
Olivia: Who knew?
Jeffrey: What?
Olivia: What an amazing husband you would make.
Natalia: Why?
Rick: I don't have an answer for you. I'm sorry.
Natalia: No, I mean, why is he still hooked up to all of those machines?
Rick: You signed... a consent form?
Natalia: Yeah, I don't remember.
Rick: You signed two forms. One was to consent to the surgery, and the other one was for tissue and organ donation. It basically allowed the hospital to artificially support his body so as not to compromise--
Harley: Rick, we need five more minutes to grieve this before we think about something.
Rafe: What are you guys talking about?
Natalia: We're talking about organ donation, but I don't even... I don’t...
Rick: Natalia, you're the only one who can this.
Natalia: I was just looking. I'm sorry.
Nurse: This patient's looking flat.
I need you to be still it's the middle of the night
the rest can wait 'til the morning light
I'm so in love with you, you know I'd anything for you
so if you need someone who loves you...
Olivia: I want it, I need that with me.
Jeffrey: Hey, don't talk like that.
Olivia: It was a gift from Gus. My park, and I want that in my hand when I...
Jeffrey: Okay. Here you go. You're trying to control things, even now. I bet you even have the music for your funeral picked out.
Olivia: Tina Turner, baby.
Jeffrey: (Laughs)
Olivia: Sam has a copy of my play list, and he knows the flowers that I want.
Jeffrey: Your brother's on his way.
Olivia: Could you do me a favor?
Jeffrey: Anything.
Olivia: Don't let Emma come to the funeral.
Jeffrey: There you go again.
Olivia: Please? Ask Reva take her some place fun.
Jeffrey: Anything else?
Olivia: Would you just check on Gus for me?
I'm so in love with you, you know I'd anything for you
so if you need someone who loves you too...
Rafe: Here. I should get back to my mom.
Alan: Wait, Rafe. Wait, son. You're all that I have left.
Rafe: My mom... my mom needs me.
Zach: Mom, I hit a home run!
Harley: Good for you guys. I'm really proud of you. Thank you, Brenda. I owe you.
Zach: What are you doing? Why are you crying?
Harley: I'm not crying. This house needs paint, okay? It needs a lot of things. And we're going to fix it up, okay? We have to finish it. And I'm not crying. It's the paint fumes. You need to go upstairs and put on... other jeans. Put on some junky jeans so you can help me out here.
Jude: Can I climb the ladder?
Harley: No, you can't climb the ladder because you'll fall and hurt yourself. But there is a lot of trim work that you can do on the bottom, I promise.
Zach: I have homework.
Harley: This is important to me, okay? This is the house that Gus built for us. He did it with love, and we have to finish it, you know? He'd want us to do that if he were here?
Zach: He's not here? Where is he?
I need someone to hold me and when I need someone
to bleed for me to die for me
who will be the one.
Cyrus: I know you hate me, Frank. But you love Harley, and she needs you. She needs all of us.
Natalia: How long?
Rick: It... it varies.
Natalia: So if I sign, then you get to use him for parts?
Rick: Let me have somebody come down from O.P.O. so they can discuss this with you, okay? Okay? Why don't you just look at it?
Mallet: Hey. So he's still hooked up? Oh.
Natalia: 72 hours for a kidney, 24 hours for a liver, and four to six for his heart.
Mallet: Did you and Gus ever...
Natalia: No.
Mallet: I'm sorry. You call me if you need anything, okay?
Natalia: Thank you.
Mallet: All right.
Melody is like memories you hear the song and all you see is him those little hands that little laugh that gave dance to your ear...
Gus: Hi, it's me. I'm on my way to the hospital. Olivia's in a bad way. I know you must be sick of this, but this thing will be over soon.
Either she'll get the new heart or... well, you know. You better save me some room in that new, big bed because... because I'm coming home. Bye.
Olivia: Gus, is he okay? Jeffrey?
Jeffrey: He's waiting for you.
Olivia: I knew he'd wait for me.
Daisy: Rafe. Oh, God, I'm so sorry. (Sobbing)
Rafe: I need to... I need to find my mom. I want to make sure she's okay.
Daisy: Of course, of course. I'll come with you.
Rafe: No, it's all right.
Daisy: I want to.
Rafe: No. Okay?
Daisy: But I'll just be there, I don't have to...
Rafe: I was supposed to be there. I was supposed to be with him to help pack my mom's things and move into the new house. But I wasn’t. I was with you, cranking out fake IDs. And if I'd have been there, maybe he wouldn't have been on that motorcycle. And, Dais, maybe Gus would still be alive.
Daisy: Rafe, you can't blame yourself.
Rafe: I'm going to call you. All right?
Daisy: Rafe... I love you, okay. I'm sorry.
Rafe: I'll call you.
Cyrus: You got to eat.
Buzz: Hey, guys.
Frank: Hey, guys. Listen, I have something here. I'm sure Gus would have wanted you to have this, okay? Listen, did I ever tell you the story where Gus arrested me? Yeah. It's a true story, actually. He was working undercover-- he always liked to work undercover-- and we were working on the same case, but unfortunately nobody told us we were working on the same case. And there's your Uncle Frank standing in the middle of this house, right and the middle of this room, and all of a sudden Gus comes and he crashes through the door and he says--
Zach: Police!
Jude: Freeze!
Frank: Oh, you already know this story, huh? I already told you this.
Buzz: How are the boys?
Harley: They cried when I told them. It's the second father that Zach’s lost, you know. I don't think Jude understands. I don't think he's going to get it, you know, 'til... the funeral. How... I don’t... how am I going to do this?
Buzz: You get up in the morning, you make breakfast. You send the kids to school. You go to work, you come back home, and you help them with their homework. You watch "CSI," and you go to bed. And the next day, the same thing.
Harley: And you just live, huh?
Buzz: It's the hardest thing in the world. Same thing like we did when your mom died.
Harley: Is there ever a day when it's just not going to... crush me?
Buzz: Not one. But it brings you closer together, makes you tighter as a family.
Harley: I can't believe this is happening. How can this be happening?
Dinah: Here?
Man: Where it says "buyer."
Dinah: Okay, excellent. And here, too? You know, it breaks my heart to see a proud man and his family humiliated. I really want to see Alan get everything he deserves.
Beth: Alan, what are you doing here? I'm so sorry, Alan.
Alan: They wouldn't let me see my son.
Beth: I'm here, Alan. I'm here.
Alan: I didn't get to say good-bye to my boy.
Rick: Natalia, the results just came back. He's a match.
Natalia: Okay, I get it. I know what you want. The signs aren't even that subtle. I think you really cared about her. Loved her. But I... I feel like I've given her enough because I think that you would still be here if you hadn't been racing around, back to the hospital for her. All the days and all the moments that we didn't have because you were with her. And now you want me to... but I can’t. It's just too much. I can’t. I'm sorry.
Woman: Hi, Natalia.
Natalia: Hi.
Emma: They're for my mommy.
Natalia: Oh.
Emma: Do you want one?
Natalia: Thank you.
Natalia: All right, Nicky. All right.
Rick: Hey, if Gus' family doesn't want to do it, then it...
Natalia: All right. I'll do it.
Cyrus: So you don't want to get too much paint on the brush. So you wipe the excess stuff off on the--
Frank: What you've got to do, buddy, is you've got to take the roller and you got to go up and down. Up and down, not...
Buzz: I thought you were hungry, Picasso.
Zach: We have to do work.
Jude: For Gus.
Frank: Yeah, for Gus. Listen, I was thinking...
Buzz: Never a good sign.
Frank: I was thinking that it's nice to paint the house and all, but maybe we should do something different to honor Gus, you know.
Harley: You don't have to.
Buzz: Let him finish.
Frank: I don't know, I was thinking maybe something like a book.
Zach: With pictures of Gus.
Frank: With pictures of Gus, and maybe some drawings that you guys could do.
Buzz: We could put down stories.
Frank: And some stories. Yeah, yeah, I think that would be a good idea.
Buzz: So what would we do with this memorial?
Frank: I don't know. What should we do with this book?
Zach: Give it to Rafe. He didn't get to know Gus as long as we did.
Jude: I like Rafe.
Frank: That's a great idea.
Harley: Thank you.
Frank: You're welcome. So, Mom, what are you doing? Don't be sitting around. Come on, get some pencils, some paper. Let's go.
Beth: Alan, we need to get you out of here.
Alan: Where can we go, Beth? I've lost everything.
Beth: Hey, you are not defined by a house or money or... or what Harley or anyone else thinks of you. Okay. I'll tell you what. Why don't we order something in to eat and I'll stay for a while, and we can talk.
Alan: A while? You're going to stay here for a while, Beth?
Beth: Yes... a while.
Alan: Long enough to just soothe your conscience, is that it? Then you're going to go back to Peyton and Rick Bauer?
Beth: Alan, it's not like that. Yes, I do need to get home to Peyton, but I am here for you now, Alan.
Alan: I don't want your pity, Beth! Leave!
Dinah: It's mine, it's mine it's mine. This desk is mine. The lamps are mine, the lamps are mine, everything is mine. I'm going to make it. Hey, Jenkins, hi. It's Dinah. Is Chief Mallet in please? What? No... no I didn't know. Okay. All right, thank you.
Rafe: Where'd you go?
Natalia: They wanted my permission.
Rafe: The organ bank? I know.
Natalia: They're going to give Olivia his heart.
Rafe: Ma, no. No. No, no, no. No, Mom, no way.
Natalia: I think that it's just... maybe it's supposed to be.
Rafe: Ma, I don't care.
Natalia: It's okay. It'll be fine. It'll be fine.
Jeffrey: Here, can you... just try. Come on, don't fade on me. Come on.
Olivia: Don't be mad.
Jeffrey: I am mad. I'm furious. Okay, I'm not ready to take care of Ava and Emma all by myself.
Olivia: Yes, you are.
Jeffrey: Olivia... do it. Do it. Olivia, Olivia, they found a heart. Olivia, you have your heart. Come on you've got to hang on. Hang on. Olivia, they have a heart for you.
Alan: To you, Gus.
Mallet: To Gus.
Dinah: Cops only, or can I join in? A reminder that you've got to live for today.
Harley: Just a reminder, I love you. I can't believe he's gone. He's always been here for me. For me and the kids. How can this be happening?
Coming up on “Guiding Light”.
Harley: I kept hoping that Gus would come to me and tell me that he was okay. I can’t breathe.
Cyrus: Yes you can.
Harley: Don’t let me go, okay? I’m so glad that you’re here, it means everything to me. I need to discuss with you purchasing a casket. This is Mrs. Aitoro.
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