GL Transcript Monday 3/31/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 3/31/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Josh: Over the years, our family has turned to this book to find faith when things seemed bleak.

Olivia: Yeah, I haven't always believed in you. But here's a chance to prove yourself.

Ava: Gus, she's gone.

Gus: What?

Ava: Olivia is gone from the hospital. She's disappeared.

Gus: Well, I'll find her. Don't worry.

Olivia: Oh, thank you. Thank you.


Bill: I'm glad the hot water goes on and on.

Lizzie: Agreed.

Bill: I would love to take you to dinner or a movie, but I would much rather stay inside tonight.

Lizzie: I think that's a fantastic idea. (Laughter)

Bill: What's wrong?

Lizzie: They're having an auction at my house.

Bill: They're have a what? What?

Lizzie: I don't know, I'm looking. Today. Today? All items seized by the U.S. Government will be sold off at the Spaulding mansion.

Bill: I'm sorry, baby. Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute? Where you going?

Lizzie: That's my house. I had my first birthday there, Thanksgiving--

Bill: You're talking about memories there.

Lizzie: That's my stuff. That's the snow globe that my dad gave me, my ballet awards, my doll house...

Bill: Is there some kind of Barbie dream house or something?

Lizzie: I got it when I was eight. I loved that thing. It came with this furniture, but I made more with tissue boxes. The little mom doll would cook dinner, and the dad doll would come home--

Bill: And bark orders.

Lizzie: Not all of my memories are bad. I can't have a stranger just walking in there and buying all of my stuff.

Bill: I know, baby. I'm so sorry. Just stay.

Lizzie: It's not your fault.

Alan: There must be a mistake there. My son, Gus Aitoro, took care of this.

Waiter: I'm sorry, sir. I think this one is on you.

Dinah: Is everything okay?

Alan: Yes. I just seem to have picked up the wrong wallet when I left this morning.

Dinah: Really? You've got different wallets for the different days of the week?

Alan: What business is it of yours, Dinah, and what do you want?

Dinah: I want to help, Alan. I know about your financial troubles. I can read the paper. And I also know what it's like to lose everything you've got. This should keep you from having to do the dishes.

Alan: Well-- I'll pay you back once the government mistake has been corrected.

Dinah: It doesn't matter.

Alan: Well, it does to me.

Dinah: Do me a favor, though, take the card and by yourself a new suit, okay? You're welcome.

Jeffrey: So what did you find out?

Officer: The witness said he was speeding on his motorcycle, running stop signs, and you know, red lights. The kid in the car tried to stop.

Jeffrey: The kid? Is he okay?

Officer: Yeah. He's just scared. He was driving on his learner's permit. You know, he was good to me when I first joined the force.

Jeffrey: Well, thanks for the report. You can head back to the station.

Rick: We have him stabilized for now.

Jeffrey: Well, what do you think?

Rick: Look, I’m getting him prepped for surgery. Do you know if anybody has shown up yet? We really need these consent forms signed.

Jeffrey: They're on their way. Is he awake?

Rick: Yes.

Jeffrey: Can I?

Rick: You're going to have to make it quick.

Jeffrey: Hey. You look like crap.

Gus: Yeah? What's your excuse? How's Olivia?

Jeffrey: She's here. She's going to be okay.

Gus: Good. Good.

Jeffrey: We called Natalia. She's on her way. And Buzz went to get Harley.

Gus: Okay.

Jeffrey: Is there anyone else you want us to call, you know? The Spaulding’s, we can try to track down your sister.

Gus: You don't have to call my sister. It's too dangerous for her. You don't have to call Alan. You don't have to worry Olivia. I'm going to be fine.

Jeffrey: We'll take care of Olivia, all right? You take care of yourself.

Harley: Natalia. What happened?

Natalia: I don’t know, did you go inside?

Harley: Listen to me. Listen to me. He'll be okay. Okay? He's very strong. Where's your money? Here. He'll be okay.

Natalia: Okay. Okay.

Olivia: Hi.

Gus: I was looking for you. That's where I was going. You don't look so good. We don't look so good.

Olivia: Yeah, we don't look so good.

Gus: They have a heart. They said they got one.

Olivia: It's delayed. There's a storm or something, but it's supposed to be coming.

Gus: That's good. That's good. You should have seen me out there on Remy’s bike. I was like Evel Knievel. But a little rusty.

Olivia: (Laughs) I'll bet.

Gus: I was going to scoop you up and put you on the back and I was going to save you.

Olivia: You did save me. Gus, you did save me.

Gus: Yeah. I wanted to be there for you.

Olivia: You are. You are. And you have been. You see, this time together, it's changed everything.

Gus: Yeah. It has, yeah.

Olivia: I saw my park. It's the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me.

Gus: You're a beautiful person. Sorry I couldn't put the ring on my finger for you.

Olivia: That's okay.

Gus: I promised Natalia and I promised Rafe.

Olivia: I understand, I do.

Gus: But I wanted to do something to let you know that everybody loves you, Olivia.

Harley: Rick...

Rick: I'm glad you're here.

Natalia: Where is Gus?

Rick: I need you to sign this consent for surgery.

Natalia: Surgery? Why surgery? Is that bad?

Rick: He was wearing a helmet, but unfortunately he sustained a lot of head injuries, and he's lost a lot of blood. And we won't know the extent of his injuries until we get inside.

Harley: But he's going to be okay, right?

Rick: I'm not sure at this point. We do need to stop the bleeding. But I do need you to sign the consent form as soon as possible.

Natalia: Rafe-- I have to tell my son. I don't know how I'm going to tell my son.

Mallet: Wow, you look great.

Dinah: Thank you. I wanted to look nice for our date.

Mallet: Hmm. Is that what this is?

Dinah: If we want it to be. Yummy. Can you pass the ketchup, please?

Mallet: There you go. Sure.

Dinah: Can I have the salt, too?

Mallet: Sure. There's the salt.

Dinah: Honey, I meant the pepper. Give me the pepper.

Mallet: If I didn't know better, I would think you wanted to sabotage my meal. Do you really want a bite of this burger?

Dinah: No. I just want us to spend as much time together as possible. Can I be honest?

Mallet: Please.

Dinah: I miss you. And I want us to spend more time together.

Mallet: Okay. I'd like that, too. But you do know I just took over all of the Chief's duties from Frank?

Dinah: Yeah.

Mallet: I'm up to my eyeballs in work. Most noticeably, investigating Alan Spaulding, and I want to get Marina up and out and back to work again.

Dinah: Okay. Yeah, I get all that.

Mallet: Can I be honest?

Dinah: Yeah.

Mallet: You know, when you and I get together, things combust, you know, and I don't know if I can deal with any explosions right now, on top of everything else I've got to do.

Dinah: Okay.

Mallet: Okay?

Dinah: Uh-huh.

Mallet: I mean, I'm not closing the door on us completely. I want you to know that. I think I should just deal with some more pressing matters that are on my plate right now.

Dinah: Okay. Well, then, eat up.

Mallet: Okay?

Dinah: Okay.

Mallet: What are you staring at?

Dinah: I've been lying to you.

Waiter: This card has expired.

Alan: Damn you, Dinah. Listen to me, sir. My name is Alan Spaulding. I've had a table at this restaurant since before you were born. Now, I inadvertently picked up the wrong wallet when I left this morning--

Waiter: I'm sorry, sir, but we're going to need to get this check taken care of.

Alan: Listen to me. I'm going to walk out of this restaurant with dignity. When my finances are settled with the government, I'm going to come back and pay for this.

Waiter: Sir, I--

Alan: Listen. As a matter of fact, when I come back, I might even-- I might even buy this restaurant. So if you want to keep your job--

Waiter: Sir, I'm sorry. But I can't just let you walk out of here.

Alan: Watch me.

Gus: No, no, no. I don't want any painkillers. I want to know what is happening.

Harley: Hey, baby, it's okay.

Nurse: Should I...?

Gus: I want to know what's happening. I want to know what's happening. Happening...

Harley: It's okay, baby. It's okay.

Dinah: Did you know that a Buzz burger contains 545 calories, 40 grams of carbohydrates and 31 grams of fat?

Mallet: Wow.

Dinah: That's 13 points if you're doing Weight Watchers.

Mallet: And what's the point of that?

Dinah: Quiche Lorraine, 600 calories. Can you imagine that? 600 calories for an egg and pie crust.

Mallet: Are you making this up?

Dinah: No. Crosswords, my favorite thing. 17 across, five letter word for light weight, "ounce." Three down, nine-letter word for stupid person. "Ignoramus." I'm not an ignoramus. I'm not an ignoramus!

Mallet: How did you do that? How did you know that?

Dinah: Ask me something, anything.

Mallet: The square root of 1,000? How about that one?

Dinah: 31.62, with a bunch more numbers after that. (Laughter)

Mallet: I'm going to have to take your word on that one. Wow, what's up with you? What's going on?

Dinah: I've been doing my rehab, working hard all day and staying up late at night.

Mallet: I'd say so.

Dinah: Yeah. And it's paid off. All because of you.

Mallet: Me?

Dinah: Yeah, you. Because of your love and your support. You have motivated me. I have got a clean bill of health.

Mallet: I'd say so. You're thinking real clearly.

Dinah: And I feel great. And, honey, I wanted to tell you, but we kept talking about you moving, and then you had to take over as Chief of Police, and there just wasn't a good time.

Mallet: Wow! Wow. This is really good news. This is really, really good news. I'm so happy for you.

Dinah: I know.

Mallet: Congratulations. Mm, that's good news.

Dinah: I know. I know. I should go.

Mallet: Yeah, okay. It's kind of late, isn't it?

Dinah: Yeah. Okay. Hey, you know a six letter word for lucky charm?

Mallet: No idea.

Dinah: M-A-L-L-E-T.

Lizzie: Excuse me. Have you seen Lillian Raines?

Nurse: She's dealing with an emergency.

Lizzie: Ava.

Ava: What do you want, Lizzie?

Lizzie: I was just wondering if you heard the news. Bill and I moved in together.

Ava: Whatever.

Lizzie: Hey, don't be such a sure loser. I'm sure there are plenty other rich men in this town you can throw yourself at. Stay away from Bill or you'll have a real fight on your hands.

Ava: I have a fight. My mom is dying, Gus has been in an accident, and I could care less about you and your little world that you think revolves around you.

Jeffrey: I have some news. Olivia, the heart isn't coming. You left the hospital, and the administrator of the donor list had no choice but to pass you by. They didn't know where you went or... there was no guarantee that you would return. They couldn't take the chance that the heart would go to waste. I'm sorry.

Natalia: Rafe, do you want to take a minute and then we can go inside?

Rafe: Mom, how did this...

Natalia: He was on a motorcycle.

Rafe: Did you go in to see him yet?

Natalia: I've been waiting for you.

Rafe: Mom, I was supposed to see him today.

Natalia: That's okay. Don't worry about that.

Rafe: What if I...

Natalia: It's okay. We'll go in together, okay? It's okay.

Rafe: Mom, I can't, all right?

Gus: I was thinking...

Harley: What, my love?

Gus: I never finished your house.

Harley: You can finish it when you're feeling better.

Gus: But the boys?

Harley: And the boys can help you.

Gus: They're good helpers.

Harley: They're very good boys.

Gus: I'm so cold.

Harley: I'll just pull up the blankets, okay?

Gus: Does your car have gas?

Harley: Does my car have gas? Yeah.

Gus: The squad car needs gas.

Harley: It's gassed up, my love.

Gus: And my brother-in-law, Frank... his car...

Harley: You don't have to worry about Frank, my love. Wait, wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait! I'm not kidding. I have to say something. I might not... sweetie, Gus-- Gus Aitoro, listen to me. I have to tell you something. You're the love of my life, forever and ever and ever and ever, okay? So you have to fight. You have to fight, my love, so we can be together.

Gus: Come here. Come here.

Harley: I'm here.

Gus: You're the love of my life, too. We almost got it right. I need to finish your house.

Harley: (Sobbing)

Dinah: I wish I could see Alan’s face, watching his stuff get sold right under his nose.

Bill: You really are enjoying this.

Dinah: Yes.

Bill: We have to lay low. I can not let Lizzie find out about this. I'm sure Mallet wouldn't like it.

Dinah: I know. But I'm enjoying this.

Bill: Let's just be satisfied with taking Alan down. And let's let Phillip take the blame for it, okay?

Dinah: I guess.

Bill: It's smarter.

Cyrus: I was so worried about you. I didn't know if you wanted me here or not.

Harley: Would you just hold me?

Cyrus: Of course.

Natalia: Nicky? I'm right here with you. I love you, and I'm going to take care of you. We're all going to take care of you. You have to let all of us take care of you now, okay? Just let go of all of your burdens, and let go of your pain. You need to let all of the people who you love, who you've been taking such good care of, you've got to let us take care of you now, okay? I've got to pay you back for your big, old heart. God knows you have a good heart, and he's going to watch over you. We all will.

Gus: Don't cry, peaches. Don't cry.

Natalia: (Sobbing) Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee...

Rick: It's time.

Natalia: Take care of him, okay?

Rick: Sweetheart, here are his things.

Olivia: Hi.

Buzz: You busy?

Olivia: I was getting ready to go for a run.

Buzz: Can I get you anything?

Olivia: A heart would be nice.

Buzz: I would give you my own. You know that.

Olivia: Yes, I do.

Buzz: I hear the food here is rotten.

Olivia: Hey, is that tuna casserole warm?

Buzz: I'll heat it up for you, okay?

Olivia: I never meant to hurt you. I loved you so much. I hope you know that. I hope it didn't make you hate me.

Buzz: I'm here.

Olivia: (Sobbing) Yes.

Buzz: It's a long life, isn't it? And it's just as full of great times and sad times.

Olivia: What was I for you?

Buzz: You were the greatest of the great.

Olivia: Thank you. How's Gus?

Buzz: Gus is in surgery. I'll be back.

Ava: Hey.

Olivia: Is Emma okay?

Ava: Yeah.

Olivia: Listen, I want you to have fun with her. You hear? Sleepovers, birthday parties, and let her eat ice cream even when she didn't finish her dinner. Just make sure she knows that I love her. Both of you. Baby, it's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.

The water is cold he tells me he told me before

I walk to the edge and I turn up the music once more

and he drifts up and down like a fire too eager to burn

and I lend up genuine beauty will fall by one wrong turn

and I watch as the wake comes in fast

but the animal instincts too slow

and time stands still for one sunken angel

yeah... one sunken angel

in spite of a chill and a turbulent wake

he sings on he sings on

louder and stronger to drown out the oncoming roar

and with one final burst and a wave and a curse

the desperate wonder I've chose

and I check my eyes and I pray that they lie but I fear Mississippi has sunk

and I scream up and down the shore

and I call out his name till I'm sore.

But time stands still for one sunken angel

yeah... one sunken angel.

Rick: I tried. I did everything I could to stop his bleeding, but...

Natalia: No, no, no...

Rick: I had to stop.

Harley: So what now?

Rick: He's hanging on. That's all I can say. I'm sorry.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Natalia: Nicky...

Doctor: It's a domino effect, which makes it even harder for her to hold on.

Ava: What about a blood transfusion?

Doctor: It was used up for a victim of a motorcycle accident.

Olivia: Jeffrey, will you just check on Gus for me?

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