Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 3/27/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Bill: Hello, sis, or should I say Phillip? How did you pull it off? You know where the skeletons are buried?
Dinah: Oh, yes. The whole Spaulding dynasty is getting ready to tumble.
Alan: This is my house. You can't do this to me.
Officer: Your property and assets have been seized.
Officer: Mr. Spaulding, you only have five minutes. You're only allowed a few items of clothing.
Alan: Gentlemen, there has been a serious mistake made.
Officer: Everyone says that.
Alan: You don't understand. This is my home, my house.
Officer: Not anymore.
Alan: You cannot take a man's house from him.
Officer: You should have thought of that when you cheated Uncle Sam.
Alan: I didn't cheat Uncle Sam!
Alexandra: Alan, let's just get out!
Officer: Sorry, everything stays.
Alexandra: These are heirlooms...
Officer: Everything stays.
Alexandra: No house, no staff, no loving family, all because of you, Alan. You! Shoot him.
Lizzie: Mmm. You... you're amazing.
Bill: That was amazing, wasn't it? I was more than amazing.
Lizzie: Promise me that we can take care of Sarah.
Bill: I promise.
Lizzie: Mmm. What now? We're here, together.
Bill: That is true.
Lizzie: What's next?
Bill: The greatest gift that a man can give a woman. Closet space! You're welcome.
Lizzie: You really want me to move in?
Bill: I really, really want you to move in with me. I didn't want it to be that way. I tried to fight it as much as I could. But you know what? I just couldn't shake you.
Lizzie: Oh, well, that's sort of touching. What if we fight?
Bill: Fight?
Lizzie: We could fight over the bathroom or the window, when it needs to be open or closed.
Bill: No more fighting.
Lizzie: Fight over the comforters.
Bill: No. No more fighting. Because I want you with me. And that is your room key.
Doris: Well, I am standing in the courtroom, and Judge Ellis is not here.
Jeffrey: Doris.
Doris: I'm on the phone. If this is about the Spaulding case...
Jeffrey: I spoke to Ellis. He's in Bermuda.
Doris: Unbelievable.
Jeffrey: Hey, I need someone to perform a wedding.
Doris: Well, call Judge Swain or Herrera.
Jeffrey: I did. Flu and a golf tournament. I need you. The wedding is today.
Doris: Who's getting married today?
Jeffrey: Me.
Olivia: Happy the bride the sun shines on. Or is it happy the corpse? Either way the dress works. No, I'm not dying today. Not until I walk down the aisle. (Cell phone rings)
Hi, this is Olivia, leave your
name and a short message, and
I'll return your call.
Gus: Olivia, it's me. Can you pick up the phone if you're there? Um... listen, I didn't want to hurt your feelings today. I just... you know, a make-believe marriage, that's not for us. And I just wanted to say, you know, we've always been straight with each other, so we shouldn't stop now. And I just want you to know that I'll be there for you, you know, no matter what happens through this whole thing. So don't shut me out, okay? And call me and tell me that you understand, all right?
Ava: Olivia, I got your message. Are you all right?
Olivia: Yeah.
Ava: I'm sorry that the wedding didn't work out. But I'm here, and I can help you change or...
Olivia: I'm getting married today.
Ava: Mom, I just saw Gus leave.
Olivia: No. Gus is gone, and I... I wish I had a chance with him, but I don’t. But I'm still getting married.
Ava: I'm really confused.
Olivia: It's okay. Look, Emma.
Ava: I'll take care of Emma. It's fine. I will take care of Emma.
Olivia: I know you will, but you're going to need help. Alan is her grandfather, and he is going to do everything he can to make her a Spaulding. So I got us a good lawyer, somebody who is going to protect you girls.
Ava: Oh, my God.
Olivia: Ava, I want you and Emma and Jeffrey to be a family, a real family.
Ava: Mom...
Olivia: It was your father's idea. Think of it as a birthday present for all of the birthdays I'm going to miss. Some people want to die with a prayer book in their hands. I want to die knowing that I had a real family. Okay. Okay. It's okay.
Jeffrey: A ring. If anybody understands why I'm doing this, it would be you, right?
Alan: What about Beth? Where is she?
Mallet: The driver was allowed to take Beth and the children back home. And hopefully if she has any sense, she'll stay there, far away from you.
Alexandra: Where is he? Where is my brother?
Alan: Alexandra, would you post my bail and let's get out of here?
Alexandra: Bail? Our accounts are all frozen. The lawyers won't return my calls. The governor thinks you're poison, and I would like to take you out in back and strangle you with my own hands and save the city the trouble.
Mallet: Maybe you should just go.
Alexandra: Go where? I don't have a home anymore, thanks to him.
Alan: It's not my fault. Phillip did this. Detective, I have been framed.
Mallet: You've been framed by your own son?
Alan: Yes. He pretended to reconcile with me, but what he did was break into my corporate records, my personal business files, and cooked the books. Find Phillip.
Dinah: Oh, it is good to be queen. Raul, I need you to take a letter to Mr. Gates. "Dear Billy, thank you for recommending the Greek islands. If you don't want them, I'll buy them."
Bill: This is your house. Isn't it?
Lizzie: Not according to the sign on the gate. Can you believe that my granddad lost this place?
Bill: Well, he had help.
Lizzie: I'm going to go get my stuff.
Bill: Okay, you go get your stuff, and I'll wait right here. Yell if you need me. Go on. (Clears throat)
Dinah: Well, that was close. Although she does owe it to you and me, partner.
Bill: Shh.
Dinah: I can't help it. Ding dong, the king is dead! Long live me.
Gus: Hi. How are you?
Natalia: Hi.
Gus: Cute neighborhood?
Natalia: Yeah, it's cute. Clean, quiet.
Gus: What do you think of the street?
Natalia: Nice. Pretty houses.
Gus: Yeah. What do you think of this one?
Natalia: Gus, why are you asking?
Gus: Because I bought it for you... for us. It's in your name, but when this Olivia thing plays out and it's time for me to move in, then it would be ours.
Natalia: A house?
Gus: Do you want to see it?
Natalia: Yes.
Jeffrey: For a minute there, I thought you were going to leave me hanging at the alter.
Olivia: You know me better than that.
Jeffrey: Yes, I do.
Olivia: There's still time to run if you want to.
Jeffrey: I'm not going anywhere.
Olivia: I wish I could say the same.
Jeffrey: Hey, come on, not today.
Olivia: Well, I can't help it. I always cry at weddings. Especially my own. I know how they end.
Jeffrey: Well, this one is going to have a happy ending.
Olivia: You're good, O’Neill, but you're not that good.
Natalia: Is this because of what I was saying about Harley?
Gus: This kind of reminds me of when we were kids, you know? We used to stand around dreaming about getting a house together.
Natalia: A house isn't going to change everything.
Gus: But I can change. You get a house and you see what works and what doesn't work, right? And you change things, like the curtains and the light fixtures, yeah, and the faucets, and you... and you have a lifetime together, right? Kind of like us.
Natalia: A house is a commitment.
Gus: Yeah, like us. And we do have a lifetime together, right? I'm willing.
Natalia: It's got a million possibilities.
Gus: Possibilities. That word really means renovations, doesn't it?
Natalia: Yes. And we're going to do it right, and we're going to finish it. And we can have a white picket fence, and we can plant flowers in the front, marigolds or something.
Gus: Marigolds.
Natalia: And we need a dog.
Gus: Really? What kind of dog?
Natalia: A mutt, just like us.
Gus: All right.
Olivia: In case I don't make it through the ceremony, thanks.
Jeffrey: It's my way of paying you back for Ava.
Olivia: What did Reva say?
Jeffrey: Reva-- well, Reva is in Chicago right now.
Olivia: You could have called her.
Jeffrey: And said what? "Honey, on the way home pick up some milk, and by the way, I'm marrying Olivia?"
Olivia: Oh, she is going to murder you. She would murder me, too, but I'll probably be dead by the time she gets home.
Jeffrey: Hey, knock it off. Reva's going to be fine. I called in a favor.
Olivia: So we should get it in gear.
Jeffrey: Olivia, I'm going to take care of Ava...
Olivia: I know you will.
Jeffrey: ...And Emma. Alan isn't going to get a chance to put his hands on her, I promise.
Olivia: Thank you.
Gus: I would like a Jacuzzi in the master bath, as long as there is room for two people at least.
Natalia: Yes, two people. Hi. We were just talking about the house.
Rafe: You and Olivia moving in?
Natalia: No, smart aleck. This is our house.
Gus: I bought your mom the house, which means it's your house, too. And when I'm ready to move in, we'll all be together...
Rafe: Half the week with Olivia and half the week with us.
Natalia: Will you stop? He is taking care of his responsibility.
Rafe: I know. She comes first and we come whenever.
Natalia: Rafe!
Gus: It's okay. It's okay. Can you turn that thing off? We need to have a talk. All right, I'll go first. I know that you think that I'm trying to buy you by giving your mom a house. It's just not true. And the second thing is, I need you to know I don't feel guilty at all about what's going on with Olivia.
Rafe: No. No, but I bet she feels real good.
Gus: Rafe, she's dying. I'm trying to make the few last days she has comfortable. That is not cheating on your mom.
Rafe: Look, I'm sorry about Olivia, all right? I am. But my mother needs you, too.
Gus: Your mom needs us to be a family.
Rafe: And a house-- a house isn't going to make us a family.
Gus: No. But it's a good start. And in the beginning, if we have to fake it, we fake it, but the more we do it, the better we'll get.
Rafe: You've got this all figured out.
Gus: Yeah. You in?
Rafe: Sorry. I have other plans.
Gus: Like what? Moving in with Daisy?
Rafe: You can't stop me.
Gus: No, you're right, I probably can’t. But I can ask you nicely, please don't do that. Don't do that. Don't do that for your mother's sake. And you're not ready for something like that.
Rafe: When you were my age, man...
Gus: Rafe, when I was your age, I was a screw-up, and I was really hoping you'd be a much better man than me. So don't prove me wrong, okay? Come on.
Olivia: Is this confusing? It's confusing for me, too. But one thing is really clear: I love you. And you make me happy, and I want you to be happy, okay? No matter what.
Emma: Are you happy, Mommy?
Olivia: Yes, I'm happy. You make me happy, your sister makes me happy. And after today, Jeffrey will be part of us, and we'll be a real family. And nothing could make me happier than that.
Ava: You are my hero.
Jeffrey: Then it's all worth it.
Doris: I don't have much time. Do you have a ring?
Jeffrey: Got it. It's an antique.
Ava: Emma, come on. Let's give mommy away, okay?
Lizzie: Mom, it's me. I'm at the house. What did Granddad do? Call me right away.
Dinah: This is just the beginning, okay? You know, we're going to be running this town.
Bill: If you say so, sis.
Dinah: Don't cave on me now. Lizzie will get it.
Bill: What about Mallet?
Dinah: He'll understand.
Bill: Do not let Alan know this. Let him think it is Phillip.
Dinah: I know. I should, but I'm also waiting for the moment when I can look him in the eye and say, "I got you, Alan. I got you."
Alan: For the record, the bail you set for me is absurd.
Mallet: I guess the court thinks you're a flight risk.
Alan: I don't like jail cells. If you let me out, I'll go to my house and pay you money--
Mallet: Alan, your house has been impounded.
Alan: That's my money!
Mallet: Come on, a rich guy like you, what do you have in your wallet?
Alan: I don't carry a lot of cash in my wallet.
Natalia: Nobody's bleeding, that's good.
Gus: Hey. We had a pretty good talk, don't you think?
Rafe: Sure.
Gus: So I'll pick you up a little later, pack all your stuff, and get ready for the move.
Rafe: I don't have much stuff.
Natalia: Rafe...
Rafe: Yeah, okay.
Gus: I was thinking about putting a basketball hoop over there so we can do a little one-on-one in the afternoon.
Rafe: You don't have a chance.
Natalia: I wouldn't bet on it.
Gus: Thank you. See ya later.
Doris: Do you, Jeffrey, take Olivia...
Olivia: Excuse me, I would like to say something, kind of a vow.
Doris: We're not in church. Come on.
Olivia: I forgive you.
Jeffrey: You don't have to.
Olivia: I need to say that. I needed to say this for a long time. Okay.
Doris: Do you, Jeffrey, take...
Olivia: No, wait. Something else. You have my permission to go home and sleep with Reva as much as you want to. Okay.
Doris: All righty. Do you...
Jeffrey: No, no. I would like to say something. Olivia, I vow to take care of Reva and to keep you smiling even if...
Olivia: If it kills me?
Jeffrey: Or me.
Doris: Okay, do you, Jeffrey, take Olivia to be your wife, to love her and cherish her so long as that love shall last?
Jeffrey: Can we say it the old-fashioned way?
Doris: You mean, until death do you part?
Jeffrey: Yeah, till death do you part.
Olivia: That's good.
Doris: Do you, Olivia...
Olivia: Yeah. Uh-huh, same here.
Doris: Well, then, by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife.
Olivia: Okay.
Jeffrey: Okay.
Olivia: You did this?
Buzz: Oh, wow! Can I kiss the bride? I'm so sorry.
Olivia: Who told you? Jeffrey? I didn't want anyone else to know.
Jeffrey: Our first fight.
Buzz: Don't blame him. You need friends. I just wish I was the lucky guy.
Ava: Hey. Is this a party or what? (Laughter)
Alan: Hey, Gus. I knew you wouldn't desert me, son.
Gus: I hope you're not calling me son just because it's convenient for you.
Alan: No, no, no. Not at all. You're not going to walk away from me like the rest of them, are you? Because I know how much Emma means to you. And if you want her to be a part of your life, you better...
Gus: Dad, I'm obviously down here because I want to help you.
Alan: Good, good. Then help me.
Gus: Even though everybody else probably likes seeing you like this, I just don't have it in me.
Alan: Then go and pay the bail...
Gus: But you have this funny way about you when you ask for a favor or something. You incorporate it like a threat.
Alan: No, I wasn't threatening you.
Gus: Dad, you have this other way of always rising like a phoenix from the ashes, but someone like Olivia, when they're down, they don’t... well, let's just say they go down in flames. I just want you to think about that.
Alan: Gus. Gus!
Doris: Alan is inside. Tell the feds that the SPD will split shifts with them.
Lizzie: Are you talking about my granddad?
Doris: Yes, he was arrested. Foreclosure, the house is gone and everything in it.
Lizzie: How can they do that?
Doris: They didn't do anything. It was Phillip.
Lizzie: No. My dad loved that house.
Doris: Maybe, but he hates your grandfather.
Jeffrey: What do we have here? Hey, come on now, no tears.
Ava: They're happy tears. I'm happy because she's happy, and thanks to you.
Jeffrey: Well, you know you can count on me to get married when it only lasts a day or two. She said that first.
Ava: She likes to joke about it, but I can't laugh.
Jeffrey: Well, here's to hoping that Reva has a sense of humor about it.
Ava: Yeah. Do they have any sparkling water around here anywhere?
Jeffrey: What, on your mother's wedding day?
Ava: Well, I kind of have a good reason. I think I might be pregnant.
Jeffrey: Ah. Bill?
Ava: Yeah.
Jeffrey: Does he know?
Ava: Well, I'm waiting for the doctor to confirm it. You're not disappointed in me, are you?
Jeffrey: I... I just hope that it works out just the way you want it.
Olivia: Tuna casserole for a wedding?
Buzz: Is it or is it not your favorite?
Olivia: It's my favorite. Can I have a bite? Hmm.
Buzz: Tell me I still have a chance.
Olivia: I'm trying to make the most of every minute, Buzz.
Buzz: I'm still not clear on why you didn't marry me.
Olivia: Oh, like that would have been fair.
Buzz: What does fair have to do with it? No hard feelings-- well, maybe one, but it was worth it for what we had. Is that how you kiss a bride?
Olivia: That's how you kiss a bride.
Buzz: Go on, go. Party with your family. But don't leave without saying goodbye.
Olivia: I'll do my best.
Buzz: I meant...
Olivia: I know what you meant.
Alan: I need to see a doctor. My heart...
Mallet: Oh, that heart of yours, Alan.
Alan: You want my death on your conscience?
Mallet: You're right. Tell your driver to go slow because we all want Mr. Spaulding to arrive at that facility alive.
Lizzie: Granddad!
Alan: Elizabeth, thank God.
Lizzie: How long can you keep him?
Mallet: Until a trial date is set or he posts bail.
Lizzie: You're not going to ask me to bail you out.
Alan: Yes, please.
Lizzie: I can't be a part of this.
Alan: You're my only hope.
Mallet: Wow, they just keep coming, Alan. Are you here to throw some salt in his wound, too?
Bill: No, I'm just here to bail him out.
Olivia: Faster. Faster.
Jeffrey: Are you sure?
Olivia: What's the worst that can happen?
I've been afraid so long now you are my reason to carry on
this time I'm ready to love I can feel it inside of me
this time around I'm gonna let someone into my life
I'm gonna do it differently this time around this time around
I'm making my bed learning my head
all I found was I was crying until I made up my mind
I can't sit and wait for my world to take flight I've got to make it happen
I'm gonna free my heart now I recognize you're the place to start
'cause this time I'm ready to love I can feel it inside of me this time around
I'm gonna let someone into my life I'm gonna do it differently
this time around
yeah, this time I'll take a chance this time I'm not confused
I don't want to miss out anymore
on all the loving that I can have with you time will tell
'cause this time I'm ready to love
I can feel it inside of me this time around
I'm gonna let someone into my life
I'm gonna do it differently this time around
this time around 'cause this time I'm ready to love
I can feel it inside of me this time around
I'm gonna let someone into my life
I'm gonna do it differently this time around
yeah, yeah this time around
this time around this time around...
Bill: You'll need some decent food, a shower and a shave.
Alan: Why?
Bill: Because you are starting to smell like ripe cheese.
Alan: Why did you post bail, Bill?
Bill: Because I'm a nice guy. Oh, and there's one condition.
Alan: Of course there is.
Bill: Your freedom for Lizzie’s.
Alan: She has already chosen you. You've won.
Bill: Nobody beats you, Alan, not until you're six feet under.
Alan: Look at me. I'm a broken man.
Bill: Just stay away from Lizzie, and no threats against Sarah. I mean it, or one phone call to the bank and this bail money disappears.
Alan: It's a deal. Oh, Bill, I'm going to need a little money to get me a hotel room.
Bill: Oh, man, that had to hurt.
Alan: You have no idea. $50. That's all? That won't get me a hotel suite.
Bill: Look around a bit.
Alan: There you go.
Man: Where's the rest of it?
Alan: You can't charge more than $50 for something like this. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Consider that a down payment.
Man: Look, I need proof you can pay the rest.
Alan: Proof? You want proof that I can pay the rest? All right. I'm Alan Spaulding. What, you don't believe me? Okay. How about this? (Laughter)
Man: Like this is real.
Alan: That watch costs more than you make in a year.
Man: Three nights. No cooking. No guests.
Dinah: After you count your money, what else is there to do? (Cell phone rings)
Mallet: Mallet.
Dinah: Hey, how is the top chief feeling today?
Mallet: Not as glamorous as you'd think.
Dinah: I know that feeling.
Mallet: What are you talking about?
Dinah: You said something about dinner tonight.
Mallet: No, you said something about dinner.
Dinah: Hey, give the man a little bit of power and see what he forgets.
Mallet: You're the one who wants to make this gig permanent.
Dinah: How about lunch tomorrow? Do you think you can squeeze me in?
Mallet: Do you think you can squeeze me in?
Dinah: Yeah, I think I can do that.
Mallet: You're so on. I'll see you then.
Lizzie: I saw my Granddad today? It was horrible.
Bill: You don't have to worry about him anymore.
Lizzie: What did you do?
Bill: What did I do? You are home, Lizzie. You are home.
Jeffrey: Happy?
Olivia: You can live an entire life and never have a day like this.
Jeffrey: Even though you had to settle for me instead of Gus?
Olivia: I didn't settle.
Jeffrey: Thank you for saying so, Mrs. O’Neill.
Olivia: I love Gus.
Jeffrey: We're married for one hour and you're already thinking about another man. See how you are?
Olivia: I know. But I'm trying to say something, maybe it's better it worked out that way, given or history and Ava.
Jeffrey: Closure?
Olivia: It's more than that. You're a scoundrel, O’Neill, but you're an honorable scoundrel.
Jeffrey: Thank you. You know, I always wanted to do something for you.
Olivia: Yeah.
Jeffrey: Olivia?
Gus: Let me see. Let me see. Perfect. What's your name?
Ray: Ray.
Gus: Ray, here.
Ray: Thank you.
(Cell phone rings)
Ava: Mom! Jeffrey, help her!
Emma: Mommy!
Ava: It's okay. Mommy's going to be okay. Mommy is all right.
Jeffrey: I've got you, Olivia. I've got you.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Rick: I need to speak to your doctor. He tells me that you are at the top of the register, but he can’t make any promises.
Ava: She's running out of time. Get here quick.
Olivia: I haven't always believed in you. Here is your chance to prove yourself.
Rick: We actually got a call on a donor heart.
Ava: She's actually going to make it.
Jeffrey: You'll never be alone again.
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