Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 3/26/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Jeffrey: For what it's worth, I would really miss you.
Gus: I look into Natalia’s eyes, and I don't think I can give her what she needs.
Olivia: I love you. I want something like this before I'm gone.
Jeffrey: Maybe I can perform this ceremony.
Olivia: I had this dream-- okay, it was more like a fantasy. I don't sleep that much these days. It is my wedding day, and it feels like Spring, even though it is not even April. But the birds are chirping, and the trees have buds and the sun is so bright, it almost blinds me. And there he is. The man who fell into my life just when I thought my life was over. And for once it is not about business or sex, or even me. It is about us, the two of us. And he promises to love me and care for me the rest of my life. And I'm thinking the rest of my life may not be for long. That's when he brought me my new test results. I'm not sick anymore. I'm not dying. And maybe-- just maybe-- we can live happily ever after. And that's when I realized it was just a fantasy. I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that. This really isn't the right dress for my wedding, but thank you.
Beth: "Peyton is beautiful," he writes.
Alan: Beth, you don't have anything to worry about. Our daughter is going to be safe.
Beth: No-- no thanks to Phillip. Look at this. It's like he is bragging about it. I think he just took Peyton and left her where my mother would find her to let us know he can always get to us.
Alan: And that is exactly why we have to leave with the children and go somewhere he cannot reach us.
Beth: Running away is not the solution. That does nothing to protect Zach and Emma.
Alan: I will make sure we have security 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Beth: That is crazy!
Alan: Yes, it is crazy, but, Beth, you have to trust me on this. I also want you to respond to Phillip.
Beth: What?
Alan: Yes. Tell him more about Peyton, James and Lizzie. I don't want him to know we're on to him.
Beth: "She's an angel. Wish you could spend time with us."
Dinah: Oh, that's so sweet of you. “Soon, very soon. Can't wait to see you and dear-old dad. Especially you.”
Alan: Beth, have you given it some thought about coming away with me?
Beth: Oh, I don't know. I know that no matter what happens, you would always keep my children safe.
Alan: And you, too, Beth. Believe me, you will not regret this. We'll fly away to San Gabriel and we'll make a home for the children, and for you and me as well.
Beth: Are you saying this would just be until we are sure things were safe here, right?
Lizzie: Oh, good, you're both here. I have something to tell you.
Beth: Lizzie, what's going on? Have you been in contact with your father again?
Lizzie: I'm fine, and no, I haven't been. I'm moving in with Bill.
Alan: Absolutely not. Are you not aware that your father took Peyton away from her nanny.
Beth: Just... just to scare us. Peyton is fine.
Alan: Yes. And that is why we're all going together as a family to San Gabriel.
Lizzie: Have a nice flight.
Alan: You're going with us, Elizabeth.
Lizzie: No, I'm not.
Alan: We have a deal.
Lizzie: That doesn't include me going out of town.
Alan: What if your father tries to...
Lizzie: I'll take my chances. And I'll have Bill.
Alan: Bill is a Lewis. He's useless.
Beth: Alan, you want me to go with you?
Alan: Yes, of course.
Beth: Then I will go if you let Lizzie live her life her way. Hopefully I won't be gone very long. I love you, sweetie.
Lizzie: I love you, too.
Alan: Wait, wait, wait a minute.
Beth: No. Alan, allow Lizzie to stay, and I will go home and pack my bags and we can leave today.
Lizzie: Enjoy your trip, Granddad, and don't forget your sunscreen.
Beth: Do we have a deal?
Alan: Of course we do. Mr. Henderson, this is Alan Spaulding. I pay you very well to get me information every week about Jonathan Randall. You're late. Look, I don't want any excuses. You know my fax number. Send me some information now.
Bill: Hey, you're faking your memory loss, but now your hearing loss.
Dinah: A little fly on the wall.
Bill: What?
Dinah: I planted a tiny listening device inside the Spaulding mansion.
Bill: So now you can listen to him every time you want. Nighttime, when he has intimate relations...
Dinah: I'm going to forget that you said that.
Bill: Please do.
Dinah: I heard Lizzie stand up to him and tell him that she's leaving.
Bill: Really?
Dinah: Yes. But he is taking Beth and the kids to an island. So we need to call and tip off the authorities and tell them he is about to be a fugitive from justice.
Bill: You're a genius, sis.
Dinah: I know.
Officer: It agrees with you, huh, Chief.
Mallet: Yeah, it's called a good bagel.
Officer: I meant the job.
Mallet: Please, would you spread the word that I am not after Frank's job. I'm simply filling in. And idea who's bright idea this was?
Gus: Need a ride, lady?
Natalia: Gus, how did you know that I was here?
Gus: I did not know. Call it fate, or what not.
Natalia: I call it a lemon. My lemon.
Gus: Yeah, well, they call them cell phones, sweet cheeks. I'm just saying, why aren't you dialing my number right about now?
Natalia: I've kept this heap alive for quite a while. I can keep it going.
Gus: I'm sure you can keep it going. But don't you need some help... a helping hand.
Natalia: Don't you have to get back to Olivia.
Gus: Keys? Trust me, I've got the touch. Hey, it's something you're born with. You either have it or you don’t. A gift. You're not going to need this.
Natalia: It's okay. You still have a gift, though. That's good.
Gus: Get in. Humor me, get in. The other day you had said... well, you accused me of not loving you enough.
Natalia: I was just trying to be honest.
Gus: Yeah. And the more I thought about it, I realized that there was something to it.
Natalia: Sometimes I hate being right.
Gus: You know, Nat, we got back together because we had unfinished business. You know, unfinished feelings, and it also felt right.
Natalia: Because of Rafe.
Gus: Well, not just because of Rafe. Because of our feelings for each other.
Natalia: In the past?
Gus: No, not just the past. Those feelings, you know, hoping that they would grow.
Natalia: I was hoping. I was really hoping.
Gus: And so then we started our little life together, you know. And Olivia tells me that she's dying. And nobody's helping her. I don't know how to say this part, but I have feelings for her...
Natalia: Don't say it. You don't have to explain.
Gus: I wanted to feel like the guy who helps keep her alive. I wanted to be that guy. Nobody in the family was doing that. And when it really comes to family, to real family, that's what I want with you and Rafe, all three of us, going forward.
Natalia: You know, you really don't have to say that. Because I know I can find a way.
Gus: You can find a way without living with me, and I can find a way to not live with you. That's the given. But that's not what I want. It's not what I want. (Car starts)
Natalia: Nice omen.
Gus: Why don't you jump in my car and we'll drop it off at the station. It's either that or we'll drop it at the junk yard. All right?
Always busy running catching up to the next big thing...
Ruby: Okay, well, what color are the flowers?
Olivia: I haven't picked them out yet.
Ruby: Okay, then, well this one goes with anything. And I have a perfect lipstick and the back.
Olivia: Thank you. Hi.
Ava: Hi. Are you picking out funeral flowers?
Olivia: No. I'm getting married today.
Ava: You're what?
Olivia: Yeah, married today.
Ava: Gus? Did he propose? Isn't he still married? Doesn't he have to get divorced from Natalia first?
Olivia: He doesn't know. It's a surprise.
Ava: There is no such thing as a surprise wedding.
Olivia: Okay, it's crazy. I know it's crazy. But it's no crazier than waking up one day and finding out your heart is failing. Ava, if I have to die, I want to be Mrs. Gus Aitoro.
Lizzie: Hilda, have you seen Roxie's leash?
Alan: Elizabeth, you know this money that they're investigating me for, if they look hard enough, they may find that some of it has found its way into your trust fund.
Lizzie: I don't know anything about that.
Alan: Well, maybe you don’t. But will the judge believe you? I mean, there is going to be some hard evidence, receipts, records...
Lizzie: You would do that? You would implicate your own granddaughter.
Alan: I'm only giving you the worst-case scenario.
Lizzie: To get what you want, you're threatening federal prison. You're a sick person.
Alan: And these emotional outbursts of yours have always gotten you into trouble.
Lizzie: I think you know what you can do with your psychoanalysis. Granddad, see you later.
Alan: Oh, looky here, information about Jonathan Randall.
Lizzie: What about Jonathan?
Alan: I let Jonathan take Sarah and get on with their lives, in exchange for you.
Lizzie: And?
Alan: Well, I still keep tabs on them. I track them, I know where they are at all times. As a matter of fact, I know where Jonathan takes Sarah to daycare, and when he picks her up.
Lizzie: You promised me they would be safe. You gave me your word.
Alan: And you gave me yours. It was mutual.
Lizzie: Why can't you let go. You have my mom, James, Peyton... why do you need me?
Dinah: Because he's twisted like a pretzel, that's why.
Alan: Because you don't know who to love and who to fear. And I'm afraid you're going to have to learn the hard way. Get Mr. Henderson on the phone.
Lizzie: Hang up.
Alan: Hello, Mr. Henderson. It's Alan here. I want to thank you for sending me that fax about Jonathan and his daughter, Sarah.
Lizzie: Hang up the phone. Hang up.
Alan: Mr. Henderson, I have a very important call on the other line. I will call you back.
Lizzie: If I go...
Alan: Sarah will be safe. Okay. I'll have Henry put your bags in the car.
Dinah: You bastard. If I ever doubted what I was doing, I don't now.
Guard: Move your car, sir.
Bill: I'm just waiting for someone.
Guard: Move it, now.
Ava: No peeking.
Olivia: All right. Okay.
Ava: Hold on. Hang on. Here you go. Okay. Watch your step here.
Olivia: Okay. All right. Can I see now?
Ava: Yep, yep, yep, you can open it.
Olivia: It looks great. That's great. I never thought I would wear this again.
Ava: And now you will, to your wedding. Hey, Emma, don't you think she's going to make the most beautiful bride ever?
Emma: I'm going to be the flower girl.
Ava: I know.
Olivia: My precious girl. My two precious girls. Thank you.
Ava: You're welcome.
Alan: How is Olivia?
Gus: Just like that, how is Olivia?
Alan: Well, she is Emma’s mother. Since Phillip isn't here, it is up to us to provide for her.
Gus: I'm hanging up now, Dad.
Alan: Once Olivia is gone, we need to raise her. Now, we can do this together or...
Gus: Is that some kind of threat?
Alan: I've got to go.
Gus: Dad. Dad!
Natalia: The mechanic said it would be about 30 minutes.
Gus: 30 minutes? You want to grab a bite at Company.
Natalia: Thanks, but I think you need to take care of...
Gus: No. We need to take care of each other.
Natalia: We will.
Ava: Hey. How do we look?
Jeffrey: Amazing.
Ava: Well, it gets better.
Jeffrey: You have never looked more beautiful.
Olivia: Thank you.
Bill: Come on, Lizzie, pick up. Where are you?
Lizzie: Sorry, I couldn't make it. Do I get a second chance?
Bill: Tell me where you are?
Lizzie: Turn around.
Bill: How did you get out?
Lizzie: Getting out was easy. Picking out what shoes to wear was hard.
Bill: Where are your bags?
Lizzie: I bribed the butler to take them to your apartment.
Bill: The butler. What if he steals your underwear?
Lizzie: I trust him. And I trust you. I'm so lucky. You know, I have waited my whole life for this, someone I want that wants me back. This is like a totally huge step.
Bill: It is a huge step. So before I get cold feet, why don't we go back to my place.
Lizzie: No.
Bill: No? What do you mean no?
Lizzie: There is something I have to do, it's like a surprise.
Bill: I hate surprises.
Lizzie: Please, please, please.
Bill: Nothing I'm going to need a down payment for? (Music playing) Now that is worth waiting for.
Lizzie: Go! Go, go, go, go!
Bill: I'm leaving. I'm leaving. I'm gone. Okay.
Lizzie: Go!
All these dreams, they are killing you, they're killing you...
Gus: Hey.
Olivia: Hi.
Gus: You look beautiful.
Olivia: Thank you.
Gus: I don't want to ruin anything you've got going on here, but Alan called, and I think we should prepare ourselves. He might be going after custody. Who's getting married?
Alan: Well, I have to say I was beginning to wonder if you were going to come.
James: Can I sit with the pilot?
Alan: Well, of course you can, James.
Beth: Can we just go, please.
Alan: Beth, a smile would be nice.
Lizzie: Please don't expect two miracles in one day, Granddad.
Beth: What are you doing here?
Alan: She's with her family, where she's supposed to be. Well, shall we?
Mallet: You shouldn't have. I mean you really, really shouldn't have. The job is temporary.
Dinah: Maybe it won't be.
Mallet: You're not thinking clearly.
Dinah: You had a dream before I got hurt, you were on the Governor's task force, and you wanted to make a change. Now maybe you can.
Mallet: That was then, and this is now. This is now.
Dinah: Tell me you haven't actually thought about it.
Mallet: Yeah, if and when, some day if I earn it.
Dinah: You have earned it. And if you make Springfield a safer place in the meantime, I think that's pretty great.
Mallet: I'm going to get you a bumper sticker, and we're going to put it on the back of the car saying "I support my local sheriff." I'm just helping Frank out.
Dinah: It's more than that. Besides, I have more good news.
Mallet: Have you been to the doctors?
Dinah: You know doctors, they don't like to commit to good news. I'm talking about a fresh start.
Mallet: Really? Are you going to take that job your mom offered you at the TV job?
Dinah: Maybe. What are you doing tonight?
Mallet: The usual, take-out food, a game, and falling asleep on the couch with my mouth open.
Dinah: What do you feel about staying up later than that?
Mallet: I'll have to get back to you on that one. (Cell phone rings)
Dinah: Chief Mallet's phone, making Springfield a safer place to live.
Mallet: Give me that. Give me that. Hello. Mallet. Yeah... now? How do I... is that something I have to do? I have to do payroll? How do I do that?
Beth: You don't have to do this.
Lizzie: Neither do you.
Beth: Yeah, I do, for them.
Lizzie: Then you know why I'm doing it, for Sarah. (Music playing)
Bill: Wanda, ten minutes we're going to close shop, okay? Ten minutes. Hey, it's me. I'm almost out of here. Do you need me to pick up any milk, bread or tasty body oil? Because I'm almost done.
Alan: Well, are we all ready? Let's go, Henry!
Bill: It's me. I'm trying to track you down. Where are you? If you're out walking Roxie, let me know, and I will come and meet you, okay? (Music playing)
Bill: Well, sis, I thought you were keeping tabs on Alan.
Dinah: It's hard to listen and digest at the same time.
Bill: Uh-huh. Well, you've got the whole place bugged. Did you hear anything between Lizzie and him, because I cannot track her down.
Dinah: Well, you know, eavesdropping, you know, most of the time you can't make anything out. Most of it is garbage.
Bill: Have you heard something? Do you know where Lizzie is?
Alan: Well, I just got a weather report for San Gabriel, 77 degrees, sunshine, absolute paradise.
Ava: And you're sure you're okay with this?
Jeffrey: You know, from the moment I met your mother, I haven't had a normal day, so why should this be any different? Besides, you and Olivia... you're...
Ava: Family.
Olivia: So if I told you in advance, would you have come?
Gus: That's a good question. You know I'm married, right?
Olivia: Yes. Uh-huh. I don't care about a license. And no one else even has to know, except me, as long as I get to be your wife for a little while, a week, a day, a moment. Because I spent my whole life messing up my relationships, and even if it is just a friendship, I just want to have something pure and honest. Oh, you can't do this, can you?
Gus: I would do anything for you...
Olivia: Anything but this. I know.
Gus: Olivia, you don't have to erase your past or wash away your sins. I think you're perfect just the way you are.
Olivia: Some people would argue with you about that. (Laughs)
Gus: Well, I'm here for as long as you need me.
Olivia: I understand. I do, really. Oh, you know, I'm in my off-colored dress with my white veil looking rather foolish. You should go.
Gus: No, I'm not going to leave you like this.
Olivia: I want you to go, really. It's okay.
Gus: All right. Then I'll... (music playing)
I'm so in love with you, you know I'd do anything for you
so if you need someone to run to
and if you need someone to hold you
and if you need someone to bleed for you
to die for you, I will be the one...
Mallet: Hey.
Natalia: Hi.
Mallet: You need a ride. I'm going to the station.
Natalia: Oh, I am, too, actually. I'll take a ride.
Mallet: Come on in. Let me move some of the stuff here for you.
Natalia: I have to go pay for a ticket that Rafe got.
Mallet: Uh-huh.
Natalia: He doesn't know I know, so...
Mallet: Okay, okay. Well, you're secret is safe with me.
Natalia: So how are you?
Mallet: I'm good. Life's good. Everything is really good. And you know what? It's been a long time since I've said that.
Dinah: My nails are splitting. We may need some extra polish today. I've been doing some heavy lifting lately. But I think it's going to pay off soon.
Alan: Henry, why don't you turn on some of that music I chose. (Music playing) No tears, Elizabeth. You're going to be just fine once we get there. Henry, why are you stopping?
Henry: Sorry, sir. He cut me off.
Bill: Lizzie, let's go.
Lizzie: What, what? Bill?
Alan: Bill, let go of my granddaughter, or I'm going to call the police and have you charged with attempted kidnapping.
Lizzie: Bill, I can't go with you. He'll hurt Jonathan if I don't go with him.
Beth: Lizzie, go.
Lizzie: Mom, I can't go. I can't go until I know that Sarah is safe.
Beth: Alan, if you don't let Lizzie go, I'm taking Peyton and James and I'm going home to Rick.
Alan: You don't mean that?
Beth: This isn't up for debate. I am all that you have left.
Lizzie: Mom, Sarah?
Beth: Don't worry. He won't hurt anybody.
Alan: Okay, Elizabeth, go. But whether you want to or not, you'll come back because you're a Spaulding!
Gus: Whoa!
Mallet: That's some important stuff there.
Gus: The big boss, the big cheese...
Mallet: Yeah, yeah, watch it. I'm your superior now. Natalia, you shouldn't watch this. You won't look at him the same after this.
Gus: She could wipe the floor with you. Five bucks.
Mallet: You get it again.
Gus: What did I tell you?
Olivia: Oh, Jeffrey, no. I'm okay. You can go back.
Jeffrey: You know, I've actually been to worse weddings.
Olivia: Really? Was the groom married?
Jeffrey: Ah...
Olivia: Yeah. I don't know. I just thought a few pretty words could make up for... I can't save my life, but I thought maybe I could save my soul. You don't believe people have souls, do you?
Jeffrey: It doesn't matter what I believe.
Olivia: I'm a cliché, you know, the wicked woman who finds faith in the end. Maybe not faith in God and angels and stuff like that, but certainly faith in love... whatever the heck that is. So I figured, you know, if I could be married for even a few hours, then that could make a difference, and what the heck, right? Another mistake in a long life of them.
Jeffrey: Sit.
Olivia: No. Ava and Emma are going to be worried. Let's go.
Jeffrey: Please. I don't know what love is, but I'll be damned if I let you give up. Listen, you know, I'm wearing a suit, you're in that dress... that great dress... what would you think... what would you think about marrying me?
Alan: Beth, when are you going to learn that the Spaulding’s are strongest when we stick together.
Beth: I made my choice, and Lizzie is entitled to make hers. And if you hurt Jonathan Randall, so help me...
Alan: All right, all right. You win. (Cell phone rings)
Henry: Mr. Spaulding, it's the pilot.
Alan: We'll be there in five minutes. Say nothing. Henry, turn around!
Beth: What is it?
Alan: The police have surrounded the plane. Someone tipped them off that we were flying out of the country.
Lizzie: Did you see his face?
Bill: I was too busy looking at yours.
Lizzie: You thought he hated you before.
Bill: Alan is not going to give us anymore problems because he has his own problems.
Lizzie: What about Sarah?
Bill: Sarah? We're going to do what we have to protect her, okay, but I am not losing you again.
Alan: I don't have time for this, Henry. Do something. If you're going to do something, do it yourself. Well, will somebody open the damn gate.
Officer: Come with us, Mr. Spaulding.
Alan: Who the hell are you?
Officer: The Treasury department.
Beth: Alan, what is it?
Alan: Stay with the children, Beth. Gentlemen, I don't know what this is about, but if we go in the house, I'm sure we can talk this over.
Officer: It's not your house.
Alan: Excuse me?
Officer: Your property and your assets have been seized.
Alan: Wait a minute. You can't do this to me. Beth, call my lawyer. Don't worry about it. Everything is going to be all right.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Ava: I just saw Gus leave.
Olivia: I'm still getting married.
Gus: I bought it for you.
Natalia: A house?
Olivia: There is still time to run if you want to.
Jeffrey: I'm not going anywhere, Mrs. O’Neill.
Emma: Mommy!
Ava: It's going to be okay.
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