Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 3/25/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Bill: Hello, sis. Or should I say Phillip? So you know a plan like this has some huge risks...
Dinah: He tells his golden boy, Phillip, everything. I need a job. I want to come back to Spaulding. I made a phone call to tip off the Feds, and this will all be ours.
Olivia: Psst. Hey.
Gus: Hm.
Olivia: Are you hungry?
Gus: What time is it?
Olivia: I didn't wake you when I got Emma to school. You need to sleep.
Gus: Oh.
Olivia: Here.
Gus: I've got to get to the court. Alan.
Olivia: Are you representing Alan?
Gus: Well, it's a long story. I've got to make sure Emma’s grandfather doesn't go to prison.
Lillian: Oh, this is adorable!
Beth: Hm, that is cute. And that's the right size. Thanks, Mom.
Lillian: Aren't you supposed to be. Apartment hunting, not shopping.
Beth: Everything is going to be fine, Mom. It is, trust me. Hey, I have an idea. Why don't I pick up Ella, she can help me with Peyton, and you and I can grab a bite to eat?
Lillian: Okay. I'll go back to the hospital. You'll meet me there?
Alexandra: I told you not to trust him. What, were you depending on him to come back and fix everything with you, when you don't even know what he's about these days? You don't even know what his agenda is, and I'm sure he has one. Well, he's screwed you, Alan. He's got the Feds knocking at our heels. Our heels, Alan! Is it possible we could lose everything, dear? Alan, come on. Phillip has never forgiven you-- we have to face the facts-- for what you did to him. He's just getting back at you. It's like talking to a brick wall. Oh, phooey!
Lizzie: I've got to get out of here.
Dinah: Oh, no! Don't take everything away from me. Why? Why?
Bill: Because they underestimated Dinah "Bad Ass" Marler.
Dinah: We have him.
Bill: It looks that way.
Dinah: We have him!
Bill: Oh! The Phillip-Alan relationship has always been crazy, wasn't it?
Dinah: Yes, it is. But I always knew I would be able to nail Alan if I pretended to be Phillip. But do you know what blew me out of the water?
Bill: What?
Dinah: Watching the government agency swarm in and start carving.
Bill: Money is a great motivator, but it's not over yet.
Dinah: No. Not even close, little brother.
Bill: Alan has a reputation for getting out of the worst situations.
Dinah: We are in control.
Bill: (Laughs) Yes, we are.
Dinah: Yes!
Bill: But if Alan finds out that we are the ones behind it all...
Dinah: Would you relax, please, for me?
Bill: I'm cool as a cucumber, okay? I just don't want Lizzie to get hurt, getting caught in the cross-fire.
Josh: Hey.
Gus: Hey. How you doing?
Josh: You look, um, very official.
Gus: Yeah, well, I try, you know?
Josh: Yeah.
Gus: Are you all right? What are you doing?
Josh: Just taking care of some paperwork for Will.
Gus: Hm. That's tough. Sorry. How is Cassie doing?
Josh: Not very good. She had to send her son away. It was the right thing to do, but...
Gus: Alan, I should... maybe I should send him away. I've got to... I've got to help him.
Josh: He is your father.
Gus: Yeah. Everybody else has pretty much jumped ship, so, you know, I've got to do the right thing. Family.
Ava: I've always loved you in that dress.
Olivia: I've had it forever. I bought it in San Cristobel. You can wear it year-round. Here, it's just summer. I probably won't get to wear it again.
Ava: I hate it when you talk like that.
Olivia: I'm sorry. You're right. Just a moment of feeling sorry for myself. It will pass.
Ava: I'm supposed to be in court soon, but I'd much rather stay here with you.
Olivia: I forbid it. You need to go. And I've got work to do, anyway.
Ava: But I...
Olivia: Ava, really, I want you to live your life, okay? Mine will be here when you get back.
Ava: All right. You'll take it easy, right?
Olivia: Uh-huh.
Ava: Okay. Because I'm going to check on you. Do you have your phone?
Olivia: Uh-huh.
Ava: Okay.
Say, say what you need to say
I won't let you get away I won't let you get away.
Fear, fear you give your love away who wants to live that way. (Giggling)
Bride: I want to see. Beautiful! Oh, my God.
Mother: I can't believe it.
Bride: It's crazy.
Buzz: You know, I used to make fun of people who talk about the view in Springfield. It's not Paris, it's not London, it's not New York city-- places which, incidentally, you're going to be visiting now that you're a big-time writer, for book signings and stuff like that. But that is pretty great, though.
Coop: Listen, Pop, I'm not going to go on any book signing tour, not until we get a couple of things straightened out.
Buzz: What?
Coop: Dad, we're in trouble.
Buzz: Marina?
Coop: No. No, it's not Marina. She's stable, she's fine, okay? But, look, come on, all right? Ashlee needs our backing now. Just trust me.
Jeffrey: Hey.
Josh: Oh, hi. I was just leaving you a note here. These are Will's final custodial documents. I just figured if I got them to you, then I could get them handled quicker.
Jeffrey: Well, I'm afraid I won't be able to get to it today.
Josh: Right. Alan Spaulding?
Jeffrey: Yeah, right. An early Christmas present. The Feds want him, and they want someone local on the case. We've got him for eight possible counts, including fraud, embezzlement, insider trading, tax fraud, conspiracy, and-- oh, yes-- money laundering.
Josh: How did they get all that?
Jeffrey: Well, word on the street, it was an inside job.
Alan: Your daddy loves you, Peyton. And I will never let anything or anyone ever hurt you, sweetheart.
Beth: Say what you have to say, Alan. I have to go pick up Ella, and then I have to get Peyton to a checkup.
Alan: Beth, we've been exposed.
Beth: What are you talking about? We're not doing anything wrong. Rick knows that I bring Peyton to see you.
Alan: No, no. Listen to me. Our entire family has been betrayed. Someone is trying desperately to completely take our family down.
Beth: I don't understand.
Alan: Evidence was planted right over there, so that an agent would find it, and this evidence contained hidden Spaulding business.
Beth: You don't think Rick would do something like this?
Alan: No. You see, only a Spaulding would know enough. Well, I see he has been sending you messages, too?
Beth: No. I mean, it's not Phillip. Phillip... Phillip has changed. It's not...
Alan: I wanted to believe that. I wanted to believe that he was on my side, but it has become very clear to me that he wanted to hurt me and hurt our family. We both wanted him to come back, be the Phillip that he was before, but he's tricked us.
Dinah: Are we celebrating something? Oh, I guess not. I did see something about you in the paper today.
Alexandra: Dinah, would you mind please moving away from me? I'm busy.
Dinah: I think it was something about, like, taxes and frogs, and then it switched to frogs again.
Alexandra: Would you please move away from me?
Dinah: I'm not going to tell anybody about your family's frogs or your brother's frogs.
Alexandra: Well, at least my brother and I have our wits about us.
Dinah: I think I had wits once. I can't really remember. Are they any good here?
Alexandra: Well, you know, it's not impossible to stay ahead of the vultures, you know, if you have your mind intact. Right, Dinah?
Dinah: Feathers.
Alexandra: Dinah?
Dinah: Corn and feathers. Corn and feathers.
Alexandra: Another brick wall. (Laughs) Oh!
Dinah: Run, run, run away, Alex. Run to the mansion. I'm sure everything will work out well for you.
Bill: Lizzie!
Lizzie: You know that it's not nice to leave a girl waiting all alone by the side of a road, or waiting in her room! Because I will admit that maybe I'm a little confused, because you came over, and you made... it seemed like you had some kind of plan, and you nearly sneak into my bedroom...
Bill: Lizzie...
Lizzie: But wait. No!
Bill: Yes.
Lizzie: You did it. No, you did it. And you want to know something?
Bill: Yes.
Lizzie: I waited. I waited all night.
Bill: I know...
Lizzie: So what am I supposed to think?
Bill: Okay, listen to me. I got a call. I got a business call, a very important business call, and I had to take it. Listen to me, baby, if I am with you, I want to be with you. I don't want to be with you halfway. I want to be with you completely 100%, so...
Lizzie: Things are really tense at the house, and I need a break, okay?
Bill: I know, I know, I know. Listen to me, I promise that... will you just let me take care of this business?
Lizzie: It was hard for me to sneak out of the house.
Bill: I know.
Lizzie: If I go back, I might not be able to get back out.
Bill: I know. Listen, to me. Wait for me, okay?
I can't wait to call you as soon as I get home
to let you know I'm all right when I'm alone.
(Distant phone ring)
Ava: You should never walk into a courtroom alone.
Alan: Thank you for being here for me today, Ava. Ava, you are aware that these charges are totally unfounded.
Ava: Of course.
Jeffrey: Alan.
Alan: Good.
Jeffrey: Glad you could be here. This is going to be fun. Got a second? Are you okay? Just wondering.
Ava: Yeah.
Jeffrey: Do me a favor. Don't be here today. Be with your mother. Just don't be here.
Ava: Okay.
Jeffrey: Thanks.
Alan: Gus, you know that everything held in trust is protected. You don't have to mention...
Gus: (Coughing)
Alan: Gus, are you paying attention to me?
Gus: Yes, I'm paying attention.
Alan: You need to be here for me 100% today...
Gus: I am.
Alan: Do you understand that?
Gus: I am. Don't push it.
Beth: Oh, damn! Phillip, please answer.
Josh: Join me for a slice of pie?
Beth: I'm sorry. What?
Josh: I came here to get some pie. Would you like to join me for a slice?
Beth: Um... pie?
Josh: Or not.
Beth: No, no, no. Um, pie sounds great.
Ashlee: Do you want me to light a candle for you or something?
Frank: No, no. I'm good. Thank you.
Ashlee: Do you want me to get Josh?
Frank: I really don't have anything to confess, actually.
Ashlee: No. I just thought maybe it would be good for you to talk to someone your own age.
Frank: My own age? Josh is older. Look, you don't have to baby-sit me, okay? I'll be okay.
Ashlee: Of course you'll be okay. You're Frank Cooper! What does Harley call you? Like the giant, um... "the great pine tree."
Frank: "The mighty oak."
Ashlee: Yes, that's right. I knew it was a tree. Listen, everything will be okay. I know they will. Look, Marina will be up and about, and you'll get your job back, sooner than later. You're a Cooper. You guys are like... you're like the Who’s.
Frank: The Who’s?
Ashlee: Yeah, the Who's, from Whoville. You know, like "How The Grinch Stole Christmas"? You know, they don't have any presents, this Grinch came in, you know, but they're singing, they have each other.
Frank: Yeah. I used to believe that.
Ashlee: Just in time...
Buzz: Yeah.
Ashlee: The mighty oak has fallen.
Tell me, did you know that I've seen you cry tell me, did you know.
Dinah: There's panic in the house of Spaulding.
Bill: Why does this keep happening?
Dinah: Did I scare you? Drive.
Bill: You know, sometimes a guy just wants to get in his car and take a simple drive, go somewhere.
Dinah: I ran into Alex today.
Bill: But, no, he keeps getting attacked by crazy women.
Dinah: Well, she was a little crazy. Of course, I was, too, at the time.
Bill: (Laughing) You're really getting off on the old covert aspect of this operation.
Dinah: No, no, I'm not. You should have seen her, okay? She was out of her mind. Which is okay, all right? Because I think I got exactly what I wanted.
Bill: You know, I think Alan’s got his first court date all set up, so this is going to be his first opportunity to squirm out of this thing.
Dinah: Don't worry. He's not going to let that happen.
Bill: Who's not?
Dinah: Phillip needs to up the stakes, I believe. You know? You really need to lock your doors, little brother. Okay? Safety first.
Every time she gets ignored alone is so far away
he's wanting nothing more than to hold her in his arms.
(Knock on door)
Ava: Nice to see you, Elizabeth.
Lizzie: Oh, wow, you do not know when to quit, do you?
Ava: Oh, a party? For me?
Lizzie: No, Ava, listen...
Ava: You shouldn't have.
Lizzie: You need to go right now!
Ava: Oh, nice! Yeah, I saw you on a date, actually, just the other day, at Towers. So did Bill. But he wasn't upset for long.
Lizzie: I don't believe you.
Ava: Really?
Lizzie: Uh-huh.
Ava: Right here. You can ask him if you think I'm lying.
Lizzie: Are you finished?
Ava: Oh, you know, at least I know where I stand with Bill. I know the score. I don't live in some fantasy world, where he's my hero.
Lizzie: You've got to get out!
Ava: Hm.
Lizzie: Out, Ava!
Ava: I'm leaving. Okay. Oh, one other thing, I almost forgot this. Bye, Lizzie.
I want to be with you I want to be with you.
Josh: Hello?
Olivia: Hi.
Josh: Hi.
Olivia: Cassie. I saw her leave with R.J. about ten minutes ago.
Josh: Oh, okay. So you've been...
Olivia: Waiting, yeah.
Josh: Would you like some pie?
Olivia: Sure. Yeah. Great.
Josh: So what's going on? I mean, you don't usually just stop by.
Olivia: No, I don’t. I needed to talk to you. I want you to marry me.
Josh: Well, I'm currently married to Cassie, but if you'd like to make a reservation...
Olivia: No, no! (Laughing) God, that's funny. No, I'm not being clear. I want you to perform my wedding.
Josh: Yeah, I kind of figured that out.
Olivia: Yeah.
Josh: So who are we talking about here?
Olivia: Gus.
Josh: Well, now I'm confused, because I married Gus and Natalia not too long ago, and I'm pretty sure that they're not divorced.
Olivia: No. You know, it's not so much about the legal part of it. It is more... thanks. ...About the spiritual. And this is something that I really want to happen. It's something that I need to happen.
Josh: Olivia, I can't marry somebody who is already married. And, obviously, I can't perform a fake marriage. But if this is real and this is what you want, then Gus and Natalia can go through the legal steps...
Olivia: I don't have time. I don't have time. I'm sorry. I just didn't want to die alone. I'm sorry. I'm just... I'm gonna go. Thank you. Bye. I'm sure it's good.
Ashlee: What do you normally do when he gets depressed like this?
Coop: Like this? Um, eat.
Ashlee: No. I already offered him food. He didn't want any.
Coop: Okay. Cards. We like to play cards. We could play some poker.
Ashlee: Honey?
Coop: What?
Ashlee: Where are we? We're in a church. I don't think we can gamble. ( Laughs)
Coop: Well, what do you want us to do then? All right? You want us to read scriptures, stare at the crucifix, play with the money in the change offering box? I don't know, I mean...
Ashlee: Maybe not, no.
Coop: Um, okay, well, what else can we do in a church?
Ashlee: This little light of mine... sing it! I'm gonna let it shine oh, this little light of mine I'm going to let it shine. Stop it, right now! Somebody bring in the big guns! Doris Wolfe!
Buzz: Whoa, anything but that!
Frank: Listen, I'm... Coop, I'm sorry. I know we should be out there celebrating your whole book deal. I'm sorry.
Coop: Don't worry about it, okay? I mean, think about it, I could have actually picked up the check this time. You know, they gave me an advance on the money, so if that's what you're worried about, don’t.
Frank: I'm not worried about the money, but thank you.
Ashlee: Look, isn't it nice? Look at you guys. You're there for each other. You know, you're totally the Who's.
Buzz: What?
Ashlee: Never mind. You know, this really is a hard one.
Coop: Yeah, it's a tough one. But it's one that we have to fix. All right? And there's a lot to be fixed here. I mean, first off, Frank, you lost your job. Okay. And then there's Marina and Harley...
Ashlee: Yeah, yeah. The thing is, it's like, I'm not used to dealing with depressed men. I hardly know men, other than you guys.
Coop: All right. So how do depressed women snap themselves out of something like this?
Ashlee: You're brilliant. You got it. Get your coats. We are going on a field trip. Come on!
Frank: What?
Ashlee: Let's go, come on!
Coop: What did I say?
Alan: What is she doing here?
Gus: I don't know. What difference does it make? We have enough to worry about.
Alan: Excuse me.
Gus: Don't go far, please.
Alan: What are you doing here?
Dinah: It is a public trial. What are you doing here?
Alan: I'm on trial. Now why don't you tell me what you're really doing here?
Dinah: Well, I'm working on a story, and I'm trying to get my old job back at WSPR, and I am working on an interview. And I think it would be an... what do you call it?
Alan: Why don't you just stop, Dinah? You know, you really are pathetic. I don't have time for charity work.
Dinah: Poor, poor Dinah.
Lillian: Oh, thank you for bringing that pie. It was great, huh?
Beth: No. You are great.
Lillian: Aw, sweetheart. Look, I'm going to call you tonight after "Big Brother" is over so we can discuss who was voted off, okay?
Beth: Where’s Peyton?
Ella: I thought you had her.
Jeffrey: Your Honor, the following list of account numbers were all captured electronically from the Spaulding server. (Cell phone ringing) Now, this information can be verified.
Gus: Do not answer that.
Alan: Hello?
Beth: Peyton is missing. Someone took her. Ella put her down for a second, and now she's gone.
Alan: I'm sorry, your Honor, but I have to go. It's an emergency.
Judge: This court orders you to stay!
Gus: This is bad.
Jeffrey: Well, that's quite all right, your Honor. If this isn't a priority...
Gus: No, no.
Jeffrey: ...For Mr. Spaulding, then I would be happy to work this out with his son.
Bill: Whoa! What are you doing? Lizzie, stop it, stop it!
Lizzie: We had a little visitor today. Did you know that? Yeah, Ava came by here.
Bill: What?
Lizzie: Ava, you know, your little sex buddy!
Bill: All right. Listen to me, listen to me for a second. Yes, okay? Yes, I slept with her. Okay? But listen to me. Only I saw you on a date. You told me to get on with my life. Am I proud of it? Am I proud that I slept with her? No, I am not, okay? But I can do that with her because I don't have feelings that...
Lizzie: No feelings? Oh, no feelings? You don't have any feelings?
Bill: Lizzie, right here. Listen to me. She is not you. Lizzie, listen to me. You are the one that I cannot stop thinking about. You are the one that I am trying to fight this hold that you have on me, and I am losing.
Lizzie: Then what's wrong with us? Why are we always fighting, and we're never together?
Dinah: Hey, I think that went pretty well, don't you think?
Jeffrey: Yes.
Dinah: Did it feel pretty good to nail someone as powerful as Alan Spaulding?
Jeffrey: It felt very good.
Dinah: But why haven't you mentioned the U-7 code that he was using on his LLP reporting? Why aren't you using that?
Jeffrey: How did you find out about that?
Dinah: About what?
Jeffrey: About the U-7 code. I mean, that's kind of complicated.
Dinah: Well, I did research. It was not a big deal.
Jeffrey: Wait a minute. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. I want to talk to you.
Dinah: Look, I don't know why these people at the police station decide to put in water coolers like this. Really. What's the problem? These things never work. I'm hitting buttons-- things don't go into my cup. Thank you.
Beth: Call me when you get this message.
Alan: Where is she? Where is Ella? What happened?
Beth: Peyton was with Ella. I wanted to catch up with my mom. I was just gone a couple of seconds, and when I came back, Peyton was gone. I thought that... Dinah, Peyton is missing.
Alan: Don't talk to her. She can't even put on her shoe.
Beth: Alan... Lizzie might know.
Alan: I think it is time we called the police, okay?
Beth: Peyton!
Alan: Thank God!
Beth: Mom, we thought she was missing.
Alan: Yes, where have you been?
Lillian: Honey, I'm so sorry you were worried. She was in the nurses' room. I thought you put her there as a surprise, so we've been having a wonderful time.
Beth: Oh!
Ashlee: No, these are for after. After. Just relax.
Buzz: Don't anyone tell Lillian that I was ever here, okay?
Ashlee: No, this is good. She'll like this. This is all very therapeutic.
Frank: Yeah, but my feet aren't the problem.
Coop: Says you.
Ashlee: Oh, come on, guys. You need to take care of yourselves, you know, pamper yourselves. Here, babe.
Coop: What is it?
Ashlee: It's lotion.
Frank: Ooh, lucky you.
Ashlee: Yes.
Coop: Hey, Frank, stop, all right? I don't need more guilt on my plate as it is, all right?
Ashlee: There is some lotion for everyone, okay?
Buzz: This smells pretty good.
Ashlee: Put that down. You're going to hurt yourself. Here you go. Yes, yes, you'll like it.
Frank: A little much.
Ashlee: A little hand massage for everybody. Let me rub your hands.
Buzz: How come you never did this before?
Ashlee: See? Uh-huh.
Ava: It's over.
Gus: Yeah, it's over.
Ava: Where's Alan?
Gus: He's gone.
Ava: How did it go?
Gus: Not good. Not good at all.
Ava: So I heard you took a little time off from the police force to take care of Olivia. Thank you.
Gus: I wanted to do it.
Ava: Yeah, well, still, it's unselfish of you, and some people might think it's a chore.
Gus: Well, spending time with her makes me happy. I've got to pick up some stuff at the station, so...
Ava: No problem. I'll walk with you.
(Knocking on the door)
Do you feel left behind? So left behind, alone.
Jeffrey: Olivia, you in there? Hey.
Olivia: Hi.
Jeffrey: I went to your room, but the maid said she saw you in here.
Olivia: Why is it that the bride needs to change their outfit for the reception? I mean, really? I mean, because if you have a chance to wear a dress like this once, shouldn't they have to pry it off at the end of the day?
And you never did what you wanted to
you never spoke up but you're dying to.
Olivia: I hate this. (Sobbing) I just hate what I've become, you know, this woman who falls apart every ten seconds, no control over my emotions or my life or my health.
Jeffrey: This isn't yours.
Olivia: No, it isn’t.
Jeffrey: What happened? Did someone say something to set you off like this?
Olivia: No. It was just another down moment. I saw the happy bride in this room, and she was glowing. Something inside me told me that I want something like this before I'm gone.
Jeffrey: With Gus?
Olivia: Okay, I know he's married, I know he's with Natalia, and I know the law would never recognize it. But it would just be so nice.
Jeffrey: Hey, we all need what we need. Maybe I can help.
Olivia: How?
Jeffrey: I can perform the ceremony.
Mind got weak my spirit died
nothing to do with you my love I did it all to me
did your best to anchor all I still flowed out to sea
I've been away so long oh, you'll know I know
I've been away too long but now I'm coming home.
Beth: Alan, thank you for your help today.
Alan: Beth, you know how much you and the baby mean to me. I mean, what else would I have done, huh? Hello, Gus. How did my hearing end, huh?
Gus: I did everything I could, Dad. And you're in deep trouble, and you need to recognize that. I don't think there is anything else I can do for you at this point.
Alan: Listen, you cannot bail out on me now. You made me a promise. Now, I know how much you care about Emma, and her future depends on this, son. Now, I suggest that you go back, check on Olivia and Emma, see how they're doing, and we will talk more about this later, all right?
Gus: All right.
Beth: What's going to happen, Alan?
Alan: Beth, someone took Peyton away from Ella when she wasn't looking. Now, someone is playing games with us. I suggest that you take the children-- James, Peyton, and Elizabeth-- and leave town.
Beth: Lizzie?
Alan: He tried to come after her once, and he might do it again. And I need to avoid my tax pursuers, so...
Beth: Alan...
Alan: Come with me, Beth.
Beth: I can't just leave Rick.
Alan: So be it. But I am not leaving without you and Peyton, even if I have to go to prison. Think about it.
Not just good I'm wonderful my heart can't help but say
these tired eyes and fiery replies are things of yesterday.
Lizzie: Bill?
Bill: Yeah?
Lizzie: Are you going to come up with an excuse to push me away?
Bill: What?
Lizzie: Are you going to start feeling trapped again? Come up with reasons to keep us apart? Because it's kind of been our history. You like me, but you don't like to get close to me.
Bill: We can't keep doing this.
Lizzie: Okay.
Bill: Move in with me.
Lizzie: What?
Bill: You heard me. Move in with me. Yeah?
Lizzie: (Giggling) Ow!
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Lizzie: I'm moving in with Bill.
Alan: Absolutely not! I know where Jonathan takes Sarah to daycare.
Lizzie: You know, you're a sick person.
Bill: Do you know where Lizzie is?
Alan: She's with her family, where she's supposed to be.
Beth: What are you doing here?
Alan: Henry, why are you stopping?
Henry: Sorry, sir. He cut me off.
Alan: Let go of my granddaughter, or I'm going to call the police and have you charged with attempted kidnapping.
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