GL Transcript Monday 3/24/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 3/24/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Harley: We're moving in together.

Phoebe: You stole all my money. I want it back. I owe you for getting me in touch with Cyrus again.

Marina: Just make sure he pays.

Harley: How much?

Phoebe: $100,000.

Harley: I just took out a second on the house.

Cyrus: What?

Harley: It's done. And I have not had one question in my mind about it.

Marina: You're making a lot of mistakes these days, aren't you?

Harley: My name is Harley Davidson Cooper. This is my neighborhood. It's the kind of place where everybody knows everybody, like it or not. This is my house. It's still not finished... or paid for. This is my life. Not that I'm complaining. I love my life. But it's not quite how I planned it. When I was a kid, I dreamed of being wild and free, a dare-devil, maybe, in a white leather jumpsuit, flying over the fountain at Caesar's Palace. Or a woman of mystery-- a spy in a slinky dress slit up to here, and men dying for me. I mean, really dying. I even dreamed of becoming President of the United States. But you grow up. Your dreams change. Wait, wait, wait, wait! When I was a teenager, I wanted to be popular, even when I wore big earrings and purple eye shadow and refused to go out for cheerleading. I still wanted to be liked. But you can't always get what you want. But you can't stop wanting. I love what I have right now. I mean, who wouldn't love to have that? But sometimes, I think my life moves too fast. Six months ago, I barely knew him, and now he's sleeping in my bed. I wonder how it happened. And then I wonder where I'll be six months from now. And what if he disappears as quickly as... and then I say to myself, "Harley, you think too much."

Harley: I know that you have to work security at the Beacon. Head security guy-- that's kind of a turn-on.

Cyrus: (Laughs)

Harley: But can't you please come to this meeting with me, please?

Cyrus: Well, charm doesn't come cheap. You really want to put our life story into some crime novel?

Harley: We need money. Come on!

Cyrus: It's a 2002 Cote du Rhone. I think you're going to it.

Harley: So let me get this straight, you want to pay us to use our story in one of your books?

Roc: A former detective and the con man go into business and bed? Sounds like another best-seller to me.

Harley: Well, I've seen my story in fiction before, and the whole prisoner and the warden thing, that didn't exactly make me smile.

Roc: But that was a romance novel. This is a crime novel. It's completely different.

Harley: I'm not so sure about that.

Waitress: I'm sorry. Your card has been declined.

Harley: Declined? That's impossible.

Cyrus: Hang on a second. Oh, sorry. This is one of the dummy cards we used when we were establishing a false identity. It must have gotten mixed up with your real cards. Sorry about that.

Harley: Of course. Here, try this one.

Roc: See, this is what I'm talking about! False identities? The thief and the cop? It's great stuff.

Cyrus: So, how much of an advance would we get?

Roc: Well, first I'd have to secure the publisher, negotiate a deal.

Harley: How long would that take?

Roc: Well, when you're a trusted commodity like me, it shouldn't be more than a few months.

Harley: A few months?

Roc: Yeah.

Cyrus: Oh. I'll write you a check.

Waitress: We don't accept personal checks.

Roc: Hey, it's all right. I'll pay.

Cyrus: Thanks, Roc.

Harley: We'll take care of it next time.

Roc: My book isn't looking so bad after all. But let's hold off for now. It seems to me the two of you have got more on your plate than the next great Roc Hoover crime novel. I'll be in touch.

Cyrus: Maybe Frank and Buzz are right. You're better off without me.

Harley: I will find another way for us to get some cash.

Cyrus: That's not going to work in here.

Harley: Hi. I represent Harley Cooper at Cooper and Foley P.I. We were referred to you through... hello? See, there's no reception in here. That's the problem. I'll try again downstairs.

Cyrus: You took out a second mortgage to save my butt, and now I see you're turning off lights around the house.

Harley: I'm trying to conserve energy. I don't want us to use up all the fossil fuels...

Cyrus: Stop. Stop. How bad is it?

Harley: I've been down before, and I managed to keep my head above water.

Cyrus: Well, down is one thing. Drowning is another. I've been there, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, much less the woman I love.

Harley: Say that again?

Cyrus: I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy...

Harley: No. The part after that.

Cyrus: Harley, this is serious.

Harley: I am serious. I'm serious when I say I love you. It's just money. We don't need much.

Cyrus: (Laughs) No.

Mallet: Oh, hey, Doc, how's the patient?

Doctor: Surgery went smoothly, but she's lethargic, unresponsive, the fighting spirit is just not there.

Mallet: Okay. I'll go see her.

Doctor: No, I think she's...

Mallet: No. You know what, Doc? I can help her. Thanks, Doc. Hey, Cooper. You know what? I need you. I need you with me, out there. So, I need you to get out of this bed, at least to get out of this hospital.

Marina: Come here. Come closer.

Mallet: Yeah?

Marina: Don't be mad...

Mallet: I'm not mad. I'm not mad. But I need you to fight a little harder, okay? You have to get rid of this fever.

Marina: I have to tell you something.

Mallet: Okay, what is it?

Marina: I've missed you so much, Cyrus.

Gus: Hey. Your report card?

Rafe: That's none of your business.

Gus: Is that a traffic ticket?

Rafe: Yeah. I was going to tell her about it, but I didn't want to bother her with all that stupid...

Gus: Was there somebody else in the car? Was Daisy in the car?

Rafe: My mom would have just blamed her, alright? And would have called her a bad influence again, and you're going to do the same thing, so just hurry up and do it, man, come on.

Gus: Take it easy. I didn't say that. Take it easy. I like Daisy. And you just really want your mother's approval, right? So, earn it. Be a good guy. She needs you now more than she's ever needed you.

Rafe: Because you're not there.

Gus: What?

Rafe: Nice briefcase, man.

Gus: I'm handling a court case for Alan tomorrow. I have some preliminary papers to file.

Rafe: I never knew you'd help him after that whole thing you guys went through.

Gus: Fathers and sons. It's very complicated.

Rafe: Yeah, no kidding!

Woman: Normally the developer would ask top dollar. For a new property, this is an exceptional offer. Your education and employment history are commendable, and your salary is impressive for someone who's only 21.

Daisy: I wanted to graduate early, start working. I mean, I saw so many of my friends just wasting their lives away.

Woman: I like ambition, and I'll process your application ASAP.

Daisy: Cool. I mean, that's great.

Gus: I'm not late, am I?

Natalia: I wasn't expecting you here.

Gus: Well, Rafe's guidance counselor said he wanted to talk to his parents.

Natalia: Yeah, about college, and whether he's going to go or get in... I don't know. He's got Daisy on the brain.

Gus: Alright, so we'll talk to him.

Natalia: We will?

Gus: Yeah. We're in it together, right? I got your note. No, I'm not trying to choose Olivia over you.

Natalia: Yes, you are.

Gus: No, I'm not. I was on my way back from the doctor's. He said she had two weeks to live.

Natalia: Two weeks?

Gus: So what am I going to do? Am I going to run away from her at that point? And if I did run away, would that be the kind of man you'd want to be with?

Natalia: Come on.

Ava: Hey, are you guys ready?

Olivia: Uh, listen, I'm gonna... you and Emma are going to have to play without me today, okay?

Ava: Oh. How are you feeling?

Olivia: Okay. I'm going to need you to just pick her up, take her to a play date, and then afterwards, maybe go have some dinner, you know, spend some time together, the two of you.

Ava: I don't have any other plans, I guess... I thought maybe, you know, I love spending time with her, but I thought you wanted to spend time with her.

Olivia: I think it's time I stop doing what I want to do and do what's best for her. She needs to start to see you as her mother.

Ava: Whoa, whoa, whoa! I don't think I'm ready for this.

Olivia: Honey, you know, neither was I. But, you know, but she's your family. You're her family. Look, if I could figure out a way to raise her, then so will you.

Natalia: Why didn't you come after me?

Gus: What?

Natalia: I was angry, and I wrote a note, and I ran away, and you just let me go.

Gus: I'm sorry. I thought that's what you wanted.

Natalia: I wanted you to come after me and tell me you couldn't live without me and bring me home.

Gus: That's my mistake. I thought you needed space.

Natalia: If Harley had run away, would you have given her space? Because she was in prison, and you set up shop across the street from her just because you wanted to be near her.

Gus: That's because it was a life-or-death situation. What's happening with us was just...

Natalia: ...Just our marriage.

Gus: No, I wasn't going to say that. I was going to say that I thought it was an argument or something we were having. With Harley, it was something completely different.

Natalia: It was passionate. So what do we have?

Gus: Natalia, you know, I think we're supposed to be together, and I think it has taken a lifetime to do it. And I don't know, here we are.

Natalia: Here we are. See, because that's the part I'm having trouble with. I don't know where we are.

Harley: No, that's not possible. Because I paid the bill. I have the check number to prove it.

Woman: The check bounced.

Harley: Oh, well, I'm sorry. I'll write you another check right away. Thanks. You better save some of that. I'll need a hit of it for myself.

Natalia: Gus told me why he stayed with you. What the doctor said. I'm sorry.

Olivia: Are you?

Natalia: Of course. I don't trust you, and I don't even really like you that much, but I wouldn't wish this on anyone. If there's anything I can do for you...

Olivia: You can stop holding Gus to a promise he made to you when you were kids.

Natalia: We made a different promise on our wedding day.

Olivia: It's the same promise, Natalia, and you know it. He's trying to live up to it, but his heart isn't in it.

Natalia: You know all about his heart?

Olivia: I do know about hearts, how they work and when they don't.

Natalia: Maybe you should just go lie down.

Olivia: No. I'm not dead yet. I may only have a week or two with Gus, but at least I know where I stand with him. I think in that way, I'm luckier than you are.

Rafe: Hey.

Daisy: Yes, they said yes!

Rafe: We got it. Are you sure?

Daisy: Yeah. Hey, wait, let me show you.

Rafe: No. That's really good.

Daisy: Yeah. My old boyfriend "G" taught me. He was a creep, but he had skills. And now we have an apartment. All we need is a security deposit, and one month's rent.

Rafe: We don't even have half of that.

Daisy: I'll tell my mom I need it for a field trip.

Rafe: What if she checks?

Daisy: She won't. She's trying to get me on her side about Cyrus.

Rafe: Daisy, I could just get a job.

Daisy: No. You've still got school. So...

Rafe: I can do two things at once. It's not too late to change your mind.

Daisy: Our own apartment.

Mallet: It's all right. Sh-sh. It's okay. Sh-sh. It's okay, it's okay. I'm here. Everything's all right. I'm here. Hey, you in pain?

Marina: No. I guess it was just a dream.

Mallet: Yeah, I'm sure. You've been in and out since surgery. But you know what? The doctor says you came through great. And that's very good news.

Marina: Not as good as my dream. I was kissing Cyrus.

Mallet: Oh, yeah? How was that?

Marina: It was the most wonderful...

Mallet: Wonderful kisser, huh?

Marina: It doesn't matter. He's not here.

Mallet: Well, that's his loss. He's a big, big fool. Listen to me. Now, the doctor has been doing his bit, right? And now you need to do your bit, and you have to want to get out of this bed, okay?

Marina: Not now.

Mallet: Sh-sh-sh. It's all right. Yeah, you have to start now, okay? You need to start eating and doing physical therapy, alright? You need to get your life back, okay? You've got to get your life back. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Am I pushing you too hard?

Marina: It's not you. And it's not my leg.

Cyrus: Hey, Monica! Good to see you.

Monica: Mr. Foley, what brings you... what can I do for you?

Cyrus: Well, I'm considering investment, but, frankly, I'm a little unsure of the company's fundamentals, and they do their banking with you. All I need to know is that it's sound financially.

Monica: Mr. Foley, I couldn't...

Cyrus: You know, since Alex and I are divorced, I've got way too much time on my hands. How about you?

Monica: Are you asking me out?

Cyrus: I'm just reaching out, one lonely person to another.

Monica: What's the name of the company?

Cyrus: You're the best. Well, actually, it's the C.E.O.'s personal finances I'm concerned about. Her name is Harley Davidson Cooper.

Monica: Oh! Oh, dear.

Gus: Got enough noodles there for a month.

Harley: Just two weeks. (Laughs)

Gus: I guess someone likes microwavable noodles.

Harley: I do when the price is right!

Gus: Do you need money?

Harley: Me? No.

Gus: So work is good, then?

Harley: Work is fantastic.

Gus: Good. Is your partner working out for you?

Harley: My partner is working out great for business. And for me, actually. And if you're in the same camp as my brother and my father and you're going to lecture me I really don't want...

Gus: Listen, if you're happy, I'm happy for you. So, are you?

Harley: Are you?

Gus: I asked you first.

Harley: I asked you second.

Gus: That's cute.

Harley: Well, I used to think that my happiness began and ended with you.

Gus: Yeah, same here.

Harley: But things change, right? You have Natalia, and I have Cyrus, and now we're both happy.

Gus: Yeah, we're lucky.

Harley: We are lucky. I'll see you.

Cyrus: Thanks.

Monica: Look, since you asked my input, I... (cell phone rings) will you excuse me one second?

Cyrus: Sure.

Monica: Yeah.

Mallet: Let's take a little walk. What do you say?

Gus: Hey.

Ava: Are you all right?

Gus: Here, sit down a second...

Ava: Whatever it is, it can wait.

Olivia: No, it can't.

Gus: No, okay. I've got this. Let me. Have a seat. I am here today as your mother's lawyer, not just her friend. Considering her medical condition, she wanted to make sure that all of her affairs were in order. And if and when something happens, you would know what to do. Okay?

Ava: Well...

Gus: I need you to sign this.

Ava: There's still time for you to beat this. If you can get a transplant, there's got to be a magic pill or something...

Olivia: Ava...

Ava: It's really...

Olivia: I'm dying.

Ava: No! Stop talking like that.

Olivia: I love you and I love Emma, but I want to make sure that everything is okay. So, just sign it, okay? Come on.

Ava: Okay.

Gus: I'm going to need you to sign the last page. You're going to have to sign as well.

Olivia: Don't let her forget me.

Ava: Mom?

Olivia: Don't let her forget me.

Ava: I promise that I won't.

Olivia: I know.

Natalia: So, I met with your guidance counselor.

Rafe: Ma, I'm not quitting school...

Natalia: About your education...

Rafe: I'm not quitting school!

Natalia: I am just trying to tell you...

Rafe: Ma, look, I'm almost 18 years old. I can do what I want.

Natalia: You are just a kid still, and you can barely think for yourself. So if it means that I have to go to your father and have him sit you down...

Rafe: Oh, wow, good luck with that. Look, he's so busy with Olivia and her kids. I guess we're not good enough for him. Or maybe she just tries harder. I just don't want to make the same mistake you did. I don't want to wait 15 years to be with Daisy, just to find out that it's too late.

Harley: Hey.

Daisy: Hey. What? I was sick of my clothes. I wanted to try something different.

Harley: Sure. Any time. What's up?

Daisy: I guess I was wrong. I thought Cyrus would bring out the worst in you, but it looks like you're turning into super-mom.

Harley: Wow, that's almost a compliment.

Daisy: Next we'll be baking our own bread.

Harley: No. (Laughs) I think printing our own money is more like it.

Daisy: Oh. Is money tight?

Harley: No. No, nothing for you to worry about.

Daisy: Well, that's good, because... well, never mind. If we're trying to stretch every dollar, then...

Harley: No, no, no, no, no. Honey, what is it?

Daisy: Oh, it's just this thing for school, a field trip. Our class is going to New York. Three days, two nights. It's going to be in a hotel, and then we're going to catch all the museums. We're going to see a Broadway show.

Harley: Wow! That sounds exciting. I, um, I just can't afford that right now.

Daisy: You're going to get bored with Cyrus, and then maybe you'll have time for me.

Harley: Let's not say anything we'll regret.

Daisy: The only thing I regret is having you as a mother.

Mallet: So you're going to get in there because Marina needs to see you.

Cyrus: I can't do that.

Mallet: Yeah, you can.

Cyrus: No, I can't.

Mallet: Yes, yes. You're going to go in there, okay? And you're growing to turn on your charm, and you're going to show her that phony smile that the ladies pay top dollar for, okay? Let's go.

Cyrus: Hey, beautiful. I hear you came through the operation like a champ.

Marina: Tell Mallet I don't need a pep talk.

Cyrus: That's my Marina.

Marina: Oh!

Cyrus: Listen, we don't have to do this right now.

Marina: No, we do. They say the pain will get better, but nothing will until I... I forgive you.

Cyrus: Marina, you don't owe me anything.

Marina: Just shut up, okay? Just shut up and let me get through this. I just need to move past all the anger and the resentment and jealousy. I really wish that we could have worked things out. And I really wish that Harley was still with Gus. But...

Cyrus: I never meant to hurt you.

Marina: I believe you. And I'm so grateful to you for making me feel so beautiful and sexy and free.

Cyrus: You are beautiful.

Marina: And second best.

Cyrus: No. You never take a back seat to anyone. And one day, some guy...

Marina: No.

Cyrus: ...Is going to be incredibly lucky...

Marina: No, please, Cyrus, stop.

Cyrus: ...And I'll tell him so. I hope this means we can still be friends.

Marina: Yeah. We're friends. That'd be great.

Olivia: You know, you carry a child for nine months, you bring her into the world, and you take her home from the hospital, and watch her sleeping, and you're so afraid she is not going to wake up. And you teach her to talk and walk and be like you, and not be like you. And all of a sudden, you sign a little piece of paper, and she's not yours anymore.

Gus: First of all, maybe you should stop reading this. And Emma will always be yours.

Olivia: So I hear you saw Natalia today. So did I. And you know something? I have to say she was really sympathetic. And I, of course, was my usual, you know, self, and told her she should stop trying to force you to stay with her. You can say it. I guess I was out of line.

Gus: Well, it gets better because I saw Harley today, as well.

Olivia: Oh, see, I can compete with one woman, but two?

Gus: No. It's something that Natalia said. She gently reminded me of how, when Harley and I were together and she went off to prison, how I set up this, you know, living arrangement across the way from her just so I could be near her. About that how every time Harley went running, every single time, I would chase after her.

Olivia: You guys were the real deal. I never said you weren't.

Gus: And then in not so many words, Harley tells me that she loves this guy, Cyrus. And I've moved on and everything...

Olivia: But it just killed you, didn't it?

Gus: I'm going to be a good husband to Natalia, you know? And I can be a good father to Rafe. But it's just not gonna... it can't be what I had with Harley.

Daisy: My mom dumped me when I was a baby. She made me a part of her screwed-up life, and then I ask her for the tiniest favor, nothing. She has money for Cyrus, but not for me.

Rafe: They're hiring at Lewis Construction, all right? And I'll keep on looking. Look at me. We'll be together.

Daisy: All we need is 780 more dollars and then we're home.

Mallet: Go away! Go away.

Harley: They told me they named Oscar the Grouch, Chief of Police, but I did not believe it.

Mallet: It depends on who I'm talking to.

Harley: So, am I still in the garbage camp, so to speak?

Mallet: What am I going to do? Am I going to tell you how to live your life, who to live with?

Harley: Wow, that's support. Thanks.

Mallet: Well, you didn't come here to ask my permission.

Harley: Well, now that you've got Frank's job, I was kind of hoping you'd follow his policy.

Mallet: What is his policy?

Harley: Cases come across the desk, and some the department takes, and some of them aren't really police business. And with Frank suspended, I haven't been getting any referrals.

Mallet: Harley, come on. If it was just you, you could take a look at anything on my desk. But you've got a partner that nobody really trusts.

Harley: So let me get this straight. I was wrong to steal Marina's boyfriend, which I get, but it's okay for you to steal my brother's job?

Mallet: Oh. Sounds like Cyrus has been really good for you. See you later, Harley.

Harley: Okay, I didn't mean it that way. I just mean I...

Mallet: No, it's alright. Good-bye. We'll talk later, whatever.

Daisy: I'll have a Cosmo.

Bartender: And I'll need to see a photo I.D.

Daisy: Jamie.

Jamie: Hey, Daisy. Nice picture.

Daisy: Be cool.

Jamie: I'm cool. I want one.

Daisy: You want me to get you a fake I.D.?

Jamie: How much? Like, a hundred bucks? And I've got like ten friends who will want one, too, so...

Gus: It doesn't bother you that I still have a connection... that I feel a connection with Harley?

Olivia: It would bother me if you didn't. My gosh, I get passion, Gus. What I don't get is going through the motions.

Gus: I look into Natalia's eyes, and I don't think I can give her what she needs for the rest of her life.

Olivia: Maybe not.

Mallet: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing? What are you doing? Get back in bed.

Marina: I've got to get out of here. I've got to move. I got to do something.

Mallet: No. No, you don't. And undo all of the doctor's good work? Would you get back in bed?

Marina: Damn it, Mallet, help me!

Mallet: There we go. There we go. That's the Marina Cooper I know and love and adore. You got your fire back.

Marina: You just want me to stay here so I can't lean over your shoulder and tell you what a lousy job you're doing, Chief.

Mallet: You always hurt the ones we love. Sit down. You're going to eat some of this. Well, as much as I hate to give Cyrus props, he obviously said something to you that worked.

Marina: We really just said good-bye. But sometimes good-bye sounds a lot like hello.

Cyrus: Hey. What's this?

Harley: Dinner! (Laughs)

Cyrus: Wow.

Harley: It's economical and delicious.

Cyrus: And crunchy?

Harley: Well, I'm trying to be practical.

Cyrus: Why? Here. You grill the steaks, and I'll open the champagne. And one more thing...

Harley: Did you rob a bank? (Laughs)

Cyrus: (Laughs) Nope. I got Cassie to give me an advance on my new job at the Beacon.

Harley: You are such a liar.

Cyrus: (Laughs)

Harley: Where's your watch, the one that Alexandra bought you?

Cyrus: I told you, we're in this together.

I should've been there should've made it back now.

Down on my knees when nobody's around, yeah.

I tried to be strong but I lost it somewhere.

In the midst of a dream I forgot about reality.

And it hit me real hard. Tears make it hard to see.

Will I ever get there? Only God knows.

Got to get it somehow.

If you want it, you can get it.

If you choose it, don't regret it.

If you feel it, make it real it. What you want it, don't forget it.

When you find it, don't rewind it. Loving music and you're starting to grow.

Everybody gets as far as they go.

Say what you want, but mean what you say.

Do what you will, but go all the way.

Be who you are and don't be afraid.

Reach for the stars and you're going to get it someday.

Come and take it from me.

All your dreams will become reality.

Just believe in your...

see you're going to get there, going to make it one day.

Everybody gets as far as they go.

If you want it, don't forget it.

When you find it and you're starting to grow.

Everybody gets as far as they go.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Alan: Gus, once Olivia is gone, it will be up to us to raise her.

Gus: We need to take care of each other.

Olivia: I want something like this before I'm gone.

Jeffrey: With Gus? Maybe I can help. I can perform the ceremony.

Olivia: I'm getting married today. If I have to die, I want to be Mrs. Gus Aitoro.

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