Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 3/19/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Natalia: I know that you're sick, and I know that you needed Gus to lean on, but now you're just playing games with us.
Olivia: So what, I went clubbing? So what I danced and I drank and I had fun with a couple of guys?
Gus: I need you to listen to me...
Olivia: No!
Gus: ...Because you need to make arrangements.
Olivia: No!
Gus: This is about your daughter’s...
Olivia: There's a chance that I might not be able to come home.
Reva: Whoa! (Laughter) Hey, no fair! You're cheating! (Laughs) Hi, Doc. Are my tests back?
Dr. Flanagan: Clean and clear. See you in six months.
Reva: Whoo-hoo! (Laughs) Thank you!
Jeffrey: I told you.
Reva: You told me! Oh, you did!
Olivia: I hate being sick!
Gus: What happened?
Olivia: I just dropped something. I'm tired.
Gus: You know, it's because you try to do too much, that's all.
Olivia: Yeah, well, I'm on a deadline, Gus.
Gus: What is all this stuff?
Olivia: It's just-- it's stuff for Cassie for the Beacon.
Gus: Oh. Well, it can wait.
Olivia: No, it can’t. I told you, I've got a deadline.
Gus: Maybe you should just sit down and take a... you look a little pale, I'll get you something to drink.
Olivia: No, Gus, don't babysit me. It's okay.
Gus: Alright, can we get something straight? I come and spend time with you because I want to. There's a line of guys around the block waiting to see you and spend time with you. I'm just glad it's me.
Olivia: I really have to get ready...
Gus: Ready for the meeting, right? Okay. Look, boom. Now you're ready.
Olivia: Thanks.
Gus: Except for one little thing, if you don't mind.
Olivia: Oh, it's that bad, huh?
Gus: There you go.
Coop: Excuse me? Seriously? No, no, that's fantastic. That's great. That's great! Yeah. Yeah-- yes, I mean, yes, I will be there.
Ashlee: What? Stop!
Coop: Sorry. Look, I will buy you new ones. Come here!
Ashlee: Flowers are expensive.
Coop: Who cares? Who cares? Ashlee, my book...
Ashlee: What?
Coop: ...My book, it's going to be published. They're publishing my book!
Ashlee: What?
Coop: Yes.
Ashlee: Oh, my gosh! I can't believe it! Oh, my goodness!
Coop: No... um, ah, ah, they, they said there is going to be an advance. They're talking about a party, a signing party, a bonus. I just-- I don't know, maybe this is a one-shot thing. I don't know.
Ashlee: No, no, no, no. This is just the beginning. You know that.
Coop: Maybe you're right. Maybe it is. I hope so. I don't know.
Ashlee: (Giggling)
Coop: Um, do me a favor. I've got to go iron a few things out with this now.
Ashlee: Uh-huh.
Coop: Go buy yourself a new dress, okay?
Ashlee: No. No, you can't afford it.
Coop: I can-- I can afford it now.
Ashlee: Fine! I'm so proud of you!
Marina: I kept hoping you would come.
Cyrus: I couldn't stay away from you. (Knock on the door)
Marina: Just a minute.
Frank: Hey, baby, baby.
Buzz: How's our favorite girl? Not too happy to see us?
Marina: Um, I'm going to the hospital today.
Frank: Well, you don't think we're going to let you go to the hospital all by yourself, do you?
Marina: Come in! (Laughter) I just need to grab a couple of things. Oh! I got it, Dad! I got it. It's just a little procedure, it's not like I'm made of glass.
Frank: All right, baby. I'll take this out to the car for you, all right. It will be fine.
Buzz: You miss Cyrus.
Marina: You just a... you get used to someone being around. That's all, I'll be fine. I hate missing him so much. I hate it. Do you think he misses me?
Harley: Hi.
Cyrus: Hi.
Harley: This is perfect.
Cyrus: Hmm.
Harley: You're in my bed, in my bedroom, and we didn't have to ask anybody. We didn't have to tell any lies. You're just here, and I can touch you and kiss you, here, and kiss you here, and kiss you here.
Cyrus: If you kiss me there again, we'll never get out of this bed.
Harley: (Laughs) You promise?
Cyrus: (Laughs) I warned you. (Rock music playing) What the heck? Bloody hell.
Harley: Welcome home. Hey, what do you think we should bring to Marina?
Cyrus: Flowers?
Harley: I was kind of thinking something else. You know, I mean, she's in the hospital, she's bored.
Cyrus: Can you pass me a towel, please. Are you sure we should even go?
Harley: We have to go. First of all, she needs our support. But, also, you know, my family is just fractured now. And if we're ever going to be whole again, they have to see us together. See us as a couple, together. Right?
Cyrus: Yeah, yeah, fair enough.
Harley: Right.
Blake: Mmm!
Coop: I take it you heard about my book.
Blake: I heard about it. Honey, I made it happen. They reject most unrepresented manuscripts. Well, I made them give you a second look.
Coop: Blake, I, I don't know how to thank you for this.
Blake: Well, 10% would be the traditional gesture.
Coop: Is it?
Blake: Well, I made the deal for you, honey, so technically, I'm your agent.
Coop: Oh, um, okay. So...
Blake: And I've got to tell you something, Coop, you don't want to sign this as is.
Coop: No?
Blake: No. I can help you navigate through the cut-throat world of publishing.
Coop: I'm so proud-- um, um, cut-throat?
Blake: Oh, it's a shark tank out there. But that's all right. I know the ins and outs.
Coop: Ins and outs? Oh, you've been published.
Blake: Several times.
Coop: Okay, um...
Blake: So, do we have a deal?
Coop: Yes, we have a deal.
Blake: I am going to throw myself into this full-time.
Coop: I'm sorry. What kind of books did you say you had published?
Blake: Romance.
Clerk: Fabulous. That one.
Ashlee: Yeah, it really is. It's perfect. My boyfriend is going to love it on me.
Clerk: There is nothing really in here over a size 14. Most of the sizes, they top out at size 12.
Ashlee: Oh, right, yeah.
Clerk: You know, all this stuff is for stick women. I mean, there's a store across the street for real women with curves.
Ashlee: Thank you. Thank you.
Nurse: Good morning. I'm Bianca, your nurse. Left arm please.
Marina: Do you want to check on Dad out in the hall. I think he's really stressed out.
Buzz: Frank, relax. Oh, God, not now.
Frank: No.
Harley: Where's the patient?
Frank: Will you keep it down?
Harley: Is she sleeping?
Frank: She's not sleeping.
Harley: Okay, well, if she's awake, I would like to go in and see her. If she is awake, I want to see her.
Frank: Harley, stop it! You need to get the hell out of here. And I cannot believe that you can't see how wrong this is.
Cyrus: Harley has done everything to make you guys happy. Maybe you need to think about her. Maybe us living together makes her happy.
Harley: I hadn't exactly gotten around to telling them that part yet.
Frank: Does Marina know about this? She does not need this. Do you understand me? To come here and push this in her face like that. She doesn't need it. None of us need this! You get that?
Harley: We need to get past this, all of us, we need to get past this. I need to show her.
Buzz: This is not about you. Go home.
Gus: Mallet, it's me. Listen, I'm going to need two weeks. It's something that's personal. It's something that needs my full attention. Yeah. I wouldn't be any good if I was half in and half out. No, I don't care about the money. Fine, no pay. Thank you, Mallet. It's that important.
Reva: Hey. Uh-oh, what's wrong? Did you miss the opportunity to buy up the whole town's water supply? Do you want to talk about it?
Olivia: No.
Reva: Okay. You might want to check your face again.
Olivia: I'm dying.
Reva: That's not funny.
Olivia: No, it's not. It's my heart. And there's nothing that they can do, and there's no chance. I've been to the doctor, you know, and I hate the doctor so much, you know. Just the smell of it. And I'm dizzy all of the time, and I'm tired and weak. And even though Gus has been there for me, but I still feel like...
Reva: You have a world of support around you, but you've never felt so alone. So, um, how long do you think you have?
Olivia: A few weeks. You understand.
Reva: How much you're going to miss everyone, even Emma.
Olivia: You get it. I'm not the only one who knows.
Gus: Is the cook off-duty today?
Alan: Oh, son, I'm glad to see you. Listen, I need to talk with you.
Gus: I have an order to go.
Alan: Listen, someone, someone who knows our family very well, and our family business, has set me up. And that someone is your brother, Phillip. Now, evidence, false evidence was planted in my office so that the I.R.S. could find it. I'm in trouble, son, and I need you to represent me.
Gus: No thanks, Dad.
Alan: Listen, Gus, you don't understand. If I go down, if I am destroyed, the future of this entire family is at stake.
Gus: Count me out.
Coop: Ashlee!
Ashlee: Hey, hey, where's Marina?
Coop: She's in... she's in with the doctor right now. Did you get that dress?
Ashlee: Um, um, still looking?
Coop: Are you still looking? All right, but don't forget that we...
Blake: Okay, so, Coop and I were just discussing the plans for promoting his new book.
Ashlee: You were?
Blake: Uh-huh. I made the deal, so technically I'm his agent now. And I am going to be working on him full-time. And this book deal? I tell you, it's just the beginning because Coop, he's got the whole package. He's got everything, the looks, the talent, the youth.
Ashlee: Yeah, he's the best.
Blake: It's like Dave Eggers, only better, really. And what I have planned for you is such sensational stuff. I'm going to take you everywhere, to all of the hip New York parties, and introduce you all around. You are going to have an entirely new entourage.
Coop: You know what? Ashlee is the only entourage I really need, Blake.
Buzz: Frank.
Frank: What? Oh, for crying out loud. What are you doing?
Harley: I am not a part of this family anymore, Frank?
Frank: That's up to you.
Harley: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. What I put her through, I'm sorry I hurt you!
Frank: Keep your voice down!
Harley: But I am not sorry for falling in love.
Frank: Will you shut up?
Harley: It's not a crime, Frank. I fell in love. It's not a crime.
Frank: Will you stop it, listen to me. Whenever you get out of this little fantasy land right now and you will, you're going to have to make a choice between Cyrus and being a real member of this family.
Harley: I can have both.
Frank: Maybe not.
Marina: Is that you?
Cyrus: Hi.
Marina: I'm sorry.
Cyrus: Shh.
Marina: It's the sedatives. I am....
Cyrus: It's all right.
Marina: I just forgot.
Cyrus: That's all right.
Marina: I should be mad.
Cyrus: I wish it could have been different, Marina.
Marina: You did love me, right? I couldn't have imagined all of that.
Olivia: Okay. I'm officially cutting you loose. I'm not going to jump off a bridge or anything.
Reva: Oh, yeah? Well, I nearly did when I thought I was a goner.
Olivia: I hear you're the queen of drama and impulse.
Reva: Oh, you think? Well, my impulses tell me you need something to eat.
Olivia: Oh.
Reva: Come on. You, there. All right. Go on, sit down. Excuse me, can we get some service over here? We need some food.
Jeffrey: Hey. I have been looking forward to this all day. I already know what I want to order.
Reva: Oh. Hey, I think somebody else needs you more than I do today.
Jeffrey: What?
Reva: Use your interrogation skills. Have a good meal.
Jeffrey: Wait. Hey.
Olivia: Hey.
Jeffrey: So... what's up?
Olivia: I'm dying. Will you pass the bread?
Ava: That would be nice. How about a yellow one? Oh, wait. Look at this. See this one has, this little thing right here on it, holds it straight up
(telephone ringing)
Gus: Hey. We should do it.
Alan: A doctor saves one life and loses...
Gus: Okay.
Blake: Bye.
Ashlee: So how long have you been an agent?
Blake: About a half hour. You wait, though. I know what it's like to need good managing and publicity. Coop is going to get the attention, the right kind.
Ashlee: That's amazing.
Blake: Wonderful things are going to happen for Coop. I'll give you my stylist's number.
Cyrus: Nice.
Harley: Almost.
Cyrus: I didn't take you for a basketball player.
Harley: Well, usually when I play, there's, you know, more people around. That should have gone in.
Cyrus: I mean a team.
Harley: My team. Yeah, my team. You know, the people that I practice with, go town to town with, people you win and lose with, your team.
Cyrus: That's what makes it more fun.
Harley: Yeah. I'm not good at playing alone.
Cyrus: You're not alone. You've got me. And your family... they'll come around. They will. Give them time.
Harley: You don't understand. It's always been me and Frank. Always. When I was little, he was everything. You know, he wasn't just my brother. He was my mother and my father. He was the one who always would catch me when I fell.
Cyrus: Hang on.
Harley: (Laughs)
Cyrus: I've got the solution. I'm going to do my best. You first. Oh, yeah. ( Laughs)
Cyrus: Listen, hate me if you have to, but the don't take it out on your daughter.
Buzz: Can we not do this right now?
Cyrus: I can be good for Harley.
Buzz: I hope you are good for her, almost as much as I hope Marina forgets you. But right now I've got to go over to Company because...
Cyrus: Talk to Harley first. I'll keep an eye on the restaurant until you get back. I can do that, just... she's in the gym.
Buzz: The gym?
Cyrus: Yeah.
Harley: You'll have to aim a little better than that, Daddy, if you want to get it in.
Buzz: Not bad.
Harley: Thanks.
Buzz: Do you need a ride home?
Harley: Actually, I'm waiting for Cyrus.
Buzz: He knows I'm here. He had something he had to take care of.
Harley: Oh.
Buzz: What are you doing here?
Harley: I'm shooting hoops. Alone.
Buzz: You know, I can remember what it was like being on the outside of the family looking in.
Harley: I know where this is going.
Buzz: You do?
Harley: When you first came back to town, nobody was harder on you than I was. Because I felt like after the way you had hurt your family, you didn't deserve a family. It's so ironic, isn't it? But I learned from that, didn't I? Daddy, I love him. You know? As hard as all of this is, I do love him. He's a really good guy. You know, he just-- he's the kind of person who deserves another chance. And, so do I.
Buzz: He ordered me to come here and talk to you.
Harley: He ordered you?
Buzz: I got him back, though.
Harley: What did you do?
Buzz: He's covering for me at Company. It's little league day today.
Harley: (Laughs)
Buzz: They're coming in for practice, all of them. I got 'em.
(Kids chanting) buzz burgers. Buzz burgers. Buzz burgers. Buzz burgers. Buzz burgers. Buzz burgers.
Man: Excuse me.
Woman: Excuse me.
Cyrus: Just hang on a second. I'll be right there. What?
Man: I'm just checking on my order.
Woman: Can I pay, please? I need to leave.
Cyrus: Okay, what did you order?
Man: We had five Buzz burgers and one with no cheese...
Cyrus: Just take these, all right.
Man: Okay, I wanted one without cheese.
Cyrus: Well, all Buzz burgers come with cheese. I don't know what to tell you.
Cassie: Here you go. Where's Buzz?
Cyrus: I'm filling in. Don't ask why. It’s...
Cassie: Let me guess. Harley?
Cyrus: I'll be right back.
Cassie: All right.
Blake: This is for you.
Coop: I already have a cell phone, Blake.
Blake: No, honey. This is my special way to get in touch with just you. When I'm negotiating. I have all sorts of things planned for you, television, radio interviews, and I want to make sure that you have a reliable way, there's a reliable way to get in touch with you.
Coop: Oh, oh, okay.
Blake: So please do not hand this out at all.
Coop: Fine.
Blake: To anyone.
Coop: Yeah, Blake, calm down for a second, all right? I'm starting to feel like, you're trying to turn me into some sort of superstar, mogul person here, okay? I just want to write. That's it. I mean, I don't need a phone or...
Ashlee: Okay, Coop, forget it. Blake wants what is best for you, and so do I. We just want you to experience this to the fullest.
Blake: If you don't, you're selling yourself short.
Ashlee: It will be exciting, and I'll be with you every step of the way.
Jeffrey: Does Ava know?
Olivia: I think it's brought us closer together, closer than we would have gotten. Just in time for me to leave her.
Jeffrey: Well, we're going to make sure that you're put on a priority list for a heart. Well, I'm not going to just sit here and let this happen.
Olivia: Look, everything that can be done, has been done. I mean, I guess there is still a possibility, but it's not likely.
Jeffrey: Hey.
Olivia: It's okay. Really, you don't have to do this.
Jeffrey: Do you want to go somewhere more private?
Olivia: No. This is better. It makes it easier.
Jeffrey: Well, you know what? For what it's worth, I would really miss you. Because I think the world is a far more interesting place with you in it.
Olivia: Well, for what it's worth, I'm glad we're okay now.
Jeffrey: Are we?
Olivia: Yeah. (Music playing)
I'm looking right down on me, my buddy
two minutes and counting, it's passing
Olivia: You going through my underwear drawer? I didn't think you were into that.
Gus: It's for a very good reason. Alan found a doctor in Europe, and I did a little research and made some calls. It's years away from being approved, especially in the United States, but it sounds, it sounds incredible.
Olivia: It sounds too good to be true.
Gus: Yeah, but the trials, they're very promising.
Olivia: How many trials?
Gus: One.
Olivia: Sounds a little risky. So, um, exactly how long do you expect me to be gone?
Gus: Well, I, I packed everything that I could find.
Olivia: I love you. For trying and not giving up on me. I don't want to be in a plane over the ocean on some table in Germany when my kids are here. I want to spend every last minute that I have with them, and with you, if you want.
Gus: I took some time off from the force so I could be with you.
Olivia: Thank you.
Jeffrey: Hey.
Reva: Hey... hey. Oh, this is nice. Hi.
Jeffrey: Oh!
Reva: Hmm.
Jeffrey: You know, that was, um, that was a good thing you did before.
Reva: I know. Not even Olivia deserves something like that happening to her. I remember what that was like, when I was where she is. I was reminded of it again this morning before I got my test results.
Jeffrey: Do you know how grateful I am that you survived? And now you're in my life.
Reva: Oh, how sweet. How sweet. How sweet you are. (Music playing)
I'm not here I'm not my own
I'm looking right down on me my buddy.
Woman: Chief Cooper?
Frank: I'm not-- I'm not actually the Chief anymore. I'm just a dad.
Man: Are you...
Cyrus: No. We're closed.
Man: Well, what time will you...
Cyrus: Tomorrow!
Cassie: Wow, and I always thought you were a polite guy.
Cyrus: Yeah, well...
Cassie: I'm tired. What are you thinking over there?
Cyrus: I'm worried.
Cassie: Why? I mean the hard part is over. And I was here.
Cyrus: No, it's not. No. When Buzz comes back and sees that I've driven away all these customers and broken all his china.
Cassie: Not to mention stealing his daughter from his granddaughter.
Cyrus: Thanks. I almost forgot about that for a second. Maybe I'm just not cut out for honest work.
Cassie: Well, what are you good at?
Cyrus: Stealing.
Cassie: (Laughs)
Cyrus: Charming the pants off of rich women. Oh, I just need to make some real money.
Cassie: Well, why don't you come work for me?
Cyrus: I beg your pardon?
Cassie: Come work for me. I started running the Beacon again, and, you know, it couldn't hurt to have a new head of security.
Cyrus: Really?
Cassie: Why not?
Cyrus: Well, you've got yourself a deal.
Cassie: (Laughing) All right then.
Cyrus: I'm ready for work.
Cassie: You look ready for work. (Laughing)
Harley: Ugh! Another day, spent, and I didn't accomplish anything. I forgot to make Daisy's appointment again! You know, those boys need new sneakers. Can you believe it? And I have a client meeting with Cyrus, that's not going to happen.
Buzz: There really is no going back for you, is there? With this.
Harley: Can I tell you something in confidence?
Buzz: Okay.
Harley: A woman came to me this past week, a woman from Cyrus' past.
Buzz: Oh, you're kidding me.
Harley: Phoebe. She said something about pressing charges or bringing up charges again. I didn't ask the details. Anyway, she wants money.
Buzz: Honey, that's blackmail.
Harley: Yes, that's blackmail. So I...
Buzz: You didn’t.
Harley: I did. I wrote a check.
Buzz: How big?
Harley: Big.
Buzz: Harley!
Harley: As much as I could afford, more, really. And I have not had one question in my mind about it, Daddy. Not one. Not one doubt. Does that answer your question?
Buzz: Well, it's not the answer I was looking for.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Harley: I've been down before. And I've managed to keep my head above water.
Cyrus: Down is one thing. Drowning is another.
Waitress: I'm sorry, your card is declined.
Cyrus: It's the C.E.O.’s personal finances that I'm concerned about. And the name's Harley Davidson Cooper. Ooh. Maybe Frank and Buzz are right. You're better off without me.
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