GL Transcript Tuesday 3/18/08

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 3/18/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Cyrus: I'm in love with Harley.

Marina: You'll just be a slutty home wrecker. Is that going to be okay with you?

Phoebe: Hello, Cyrus.

Cyrus: Wow, I haven't seen you since...

Phoebe: You stole all my money? Give me some seed money.

Cyrus: And if I don't?

Phoebe: Then I'll tell your ex-girlfriend how you ripped me off.

Cyrus: If Phoebe goes public?

Harley: Well, it's already taken care of, anyway.

Cyrus: What?

Mallet: I got it.

Marina: Hey!

Mallet: I got it, I got it.

Marina: I don't need your help.

Mallet: Stop being so stubborn, partner. Hello? Hey, listen to me, okay? If I don't fill in for a while, Doris is going to put some clone of herself in that position and Frank's going to have a heck of a time getting back in.

Marina: Yeah, and then maybe after a while, you'll get really comfortable sitting in someone else's chair.

Mallet: Would you trust me on this one? I'm not going to let you down.

Marina: You're still a man.

Mallet: Some of the men in your life are still good guys.

Marina: Oh, yeah. And I'm still waiting for the door to open and for Cyrus to be there waiting to make sure I'm okay.

Cyrus: Whoa. You okay?

Harley: (Laughs) I’m fine.

Cyrus: (Laughing) I think that box goes to the bedroom.

Harley: Perfect. (Laughter)

Jude: I can help move stuff.

Harley: Hey. Thank you so much. That would be such a big help, wouldn't it, Cyrus?

Cyrus: Yeah. Thanks, pal.

Harley: And we need to get everything in order before everybody comes over later.

Cyrus: "Everyone?"

Harley: You know, the usual crowd, like my dad and Coop and Frank...

Cyrus: Oh, the Cyrus Foley fan club.

Harley: Well, they have to know that we're all living together very soon, right?

Cyrus: So we get them tanked and then break the news?

Harley: Ouzo has solved a lot of family problems in the past.

Cyrus: Oh, okay.

Jude: Is Gus coming?

Harley: Um, I didn't actually ask Gus, sweetie.

Jude: But I miss him!

Harley: He's a kid. He's good at it. Come on, let's put that on my bed.

Cyrus: Yup, he's a kid.

Daisy: Rent, phone, lights, what else? Food!

Gus: Well, hey, you.

Daisy: Hey, yourself! How are you?

Gus: Great. You doing homework?

Daisy: Homework? Um, no. I was just figuring some stuff out. I miss you. So do the boys.

Gus: So, you and Rafe, huh?

Daisy: Yeah.

Gus: That's good. You know, I want my boy to be with a girl as great as you.

Rafe: Guess what? I don't need your approval. You don't ask me if I like your girlfriends.

Daisy: Uh, Rafe.

Gus: No, that's okay. I'm a little late for work, so...

Rafe: That's called a jerk.

Daisy: You're still mad at him.

Rafe: Let's just go back to your house.

Daisy: No way. I'm not hanging out with my mom and her... whatever he is.

Rafe: Alright, so what? We just stand here in front of Company all day?

Daisy: See? This, this is why we need a place. It would be so great. I was just working out money and stuff when Gus showed up.

Rafe: Money.

Daisy: Yeah, we'll find it. It would just... think about it, Rafe. A place of our own where we can just lock the door and be together.

Rafe: Wow. But, until then, we have to be somewhere, right?

(Dog barking)

Lizzie: Here you go, girl! Ready? Ready? Fetch! Thank goodness for you, Roxie. If it wasn't for you, I'd never get out of there.

Alan: Now, that is not true, Elizabeth. There's many things that you can do. I mean, we could go to the club for dinner, we could even take the Spaulding jet to New York and do a little shopping.

Lizzie: You know, Granddad? Sometimes a girl just needs a little alone time.

Alan: But we have a deal.

Lizzie: An address? So what?

Alan: One call is all it will take.

Lizzie: You've been tracking Jonathan and Sarah?

Alan: Now, what do you say we go teach that dog of yours how to fetch?

Dinah: You're going to have to teach me how to really smoke one of these.

Bill: So how did you pull it off?

Dinah: You know, people made a huge mistake in this town when they underestimated me.

Bill: Okay, but why Spaulding?

Dinah: Why not?

Bill: It's got to be something more, sis. You've got that look.

Dinah: I've got that look, huh?

Bill: Oh, yeah.

Dinah: Well, it's Alan’s fault that my father's dead. Is that good enough?

Bill: You came up with this on your own?

Dinah: I needed a good reason to smoke one of these. (Laughs) Life doesn't come without some huge risks. Got a hole in my head to verify that. You know, when I was shot, I was out of it for a while, but when I woke up, I asked for him.

Bill: Who?

Dinah: My dad. I was confused, you know, and I had some memory loss, but I needed him. I wanted him to take my hand and tell me it was going to be all right. You know, I would've believed him.

Bill: You had Mallet and Mom.

Dinah: I know, but I wanted my dad. And then Alan Spaulding, he took him from me.

Bill: You taking on Alan Spaulding? Highlight of my day. So what's next?

Dinah: Well, the Feds and the IRS are already looking into Alan’s finances.

Bill: A man like Alan Spaulding’s got to have some shady financial dealings. I'm sure he covers his tracks pretty well, though.

Dinah: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. He has, and fortunately, he tells his golden boy, Phillip, everything.

Bill: So you know where the skeletons are buried?

Dinah: Oh, yes.

Bill: Mm-hmm. (Laughs)

Dinah: Oh, yes I do. What do you say? Want to do a little digging?

Bill: Do a little digging?

Dinah: Yeah. This town needs to know that I'm not brain-dead anymore, and you're not little Bill Lewis anymore.

Bill: We can take out an ad, sis.

Dinah: (Laughs) Or, we beat them all. You in?

Bill: I'm in.

Alan: The first time I gave you that was a time when you literally adored me.

Lizzie: That was a long time ago.

Alan: There are some papers in there I want you to take a look at. Some contracts that we're looking into at Spaulding, and we can discuss it later. And perhaps we can even discuss, maybe, a potential place for you in the executive suite at Spaulding.

Lizzie: If I do this, you'll let Jonathan and Sarah live in peace?

Alan: Absolutely.

Lizzie: And Bill?

Alan: Bill is off-limits.

Lizzie: Why? Why do you hate him so much?

Alan: Because Bill is the reason that I did not have a chance to reunite with your mother and Peyton.

Lizzie: No! You screwed things up with mom.

Alan: No, Bill. End of conversation, Elizabeth.

Lizzie: The man who gave me this briefcase wouldn't have wanted me to be miserable.

Alan: I am the same man who gave you that briefcase. But are you the same little girl, Elizabeth?

Daisy: It's perfect.

Rafe: Um, excuse us. Look, I've lived in places like this before, alright? It's not... you deserve better than this.

Daisy: Look, any place is better than where I'm living now.

Rafe: The place is gross.

Daisy: We'll fix it. It'll be like a makeover show. Besides, any place with you is a home to me.

Rafe: Are you sure?

Landlord: She's sure.

Rafe: All right. We'll take it.

Landlord: Good.

Cyrus: See, look. Jude's fine.

Harley: I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable by having everybody here, I just, I want them all to love you the way...

Cyrus: Kiss me. Kiss me.

Harley: Why?

Cyrus: Because you've got to go.

Harley: What?

Cyrus: All right. It's time for boomerang boys club. And she's got to go, because mom’s aren't allowed.

Jude: Can Gus come?

Cyrus: Well, Gus is already a member, so today I'll make you a member, and then next time, Gus can come over, too. All right?

Jude: Mm-hmm.

Cyrus: So, to start the initiation ceremony, you're going to need a ball, a towel and six pairs of socks.

Jude: Okay.

Cyrus: So why don't you run upstairs and get your supplies, and I'll call you when we're ready to start, alright?

Jude: Okay.

Cyrus: Okay.

Harley: Thank you. Thank you.

Cyrus: And when you come home, I'll show you another Australian initiation ritual.

Harley: (Laughs)

Cyrus: See you. Okay! Boomerang boys club unite! Whoa hey, hey!

Gus: Cassie. Hey, uh, so, I want to make the transition as smooth as possible. You know, it'll be like you never left. So I am approaching you as Olivia’s attorney. She does want to sell you back your interest in the Beacon. I just think it would be great for both of you.

Dinah: Hello, Alan. I tell you, I never get sick of looking at this place. It's absolutely magnificent.

Alan: How did you get in here?

Dinah: One of your guards let me in. I'm here to see Lizzie. My brother says you have her locked up in a dungeon.

Alan: Why are you really here?

Dinah: I need a job. I want to come back to Spaulding.

Alan: You never had a job at Spaulding to come back to.

Dinah: You know, you owe it to my father to help me.

Alan: Your father's dead, and so are your chances at ever working at Spaulding.

Dinah: My Grandpa Henry, if you remember, took great pride in working for you and your family.

Alan: Well, your grandfather was a fine man, Dinah. You know what? Your mother was a savvy business woman herself.

Dinah: And it runs in the family. Please, give me a chance.

Alan: Well, I guess I could speak to the head of my staff at the house here. I'm sure there's something your brain could handle in household chores. Shall we?

Landlord: Okay, I'll just need a security deposit and first and last month's rent.

Daisy: Um, no problem. Who do we make it out to?

Landlord: And I'll also need to see your employment verification.

Rafe: What does that mean?

Landlord: Pay stub with each of your jobs on it to verify income. (Cell phone rings) Excuse me. (Cell phone rings again) I've got to take this. No, no, not next week. Today. Or you'll find an eviction notice on your door.

Rafe: There's no way we can do this!

Daisy: But, look, just give me a second to think.

Rafe: It's not going to happen today.

Daisy: That means I'm back at Harley’s.

Rafe: At least for now.

Cyrus: (Clears throat)

Daisy: Oh, hi.

Cyrus: Hey.

Daisy: Did you want something?

Cyrus: Well, your mom's out and I'm in charge right now, so...

Daisy: You've been here, like, five minutes. You think you have a say?

Cyrus: No, I'm just doing what your mom would think is best.

Daisy: Well, why don't we give Marina a call, and ask her about what my mom thinks is best? (Laughter) We'll talk later. Thanks for today. I can't wait.

Rafe: Me either.

Daisy: I love you.

Rafe: Me, too.

Dinah: I just love being here.

Alan: I admire someone who can accept their deficiencies. An ability, it's something I truly respect in an employee.

Dinah: One shot to the head, who knows what pride is anymore?

Alan: You know, your mother was very spirited. I just hope that you can express the same kind of spirit in your work as you did in your rehab.

Dinah: Well, that I can promise you. (Cell phone rings)

Alan: Hello?

Bill: Hey, Alan. I just saw Phillip. Is he following me?

Alan: Where is he?

Bill: What the hell kind of game are you two playing?

Alan: Where are you?

Bill: Community gym. I want answers.

Say, say what you need to say.

I won't let you get away I won't let you get away

fear, fear you give your love away

who wants to live that way just wasting time

always daydreaming about the life you thought you couldn't live without

do you feel left behind? So left behind

daydreaming about the life you thought you couldn't live without

do you feel left behind? So left behind. Alone

Harley: Hey, how's your knee?

Marina: You know, everything hurts so much these days, I'm not sure if it's the pain in my knee. I've got to go.

Harley: Marina. Marina? I came to tell you something, something that I think you should hear from me first. Me and Cyrus, we're moving in together. Sweetie? No matter what's happened, oh my God, I love you so much. You are my family, and I'm just hoping-- just hoping-- that with time, maybe we can figure out a way to work all this out.

Marina: You know, I never understood when people would talk about how self-righteous you are. It just wasn't the Aunt Harley I knew. It wasn't the woman that I looked up to. I just thought it was a bunch of women being jealous.

Harley: I just didn't want you to hear it from somebody else.

Marina: Whatever Harley wants.

Harley: I never meant to hurt you...

Marina: No! You never do. You know, maybe we should ask the kids how they feel about another new daddy?

Harley: People are going to have to start accepting this, and I'm going to try to be sensitive...

Marina: This isn't about you being sensitive, Harley! This is about you trying to justify sleeping with my fiancé.

Harley: Coming here was such a mistake.

Marina: Oh, yeah. You're making a lot of mistakes these days, aren't you?

Harley: I love you. I'm sorry.

Marina: You know, one day Cyrus is going to see you for who you really are, and then he's going to leave you, just like all the rest of them.

Cyrus: Mustard or mayo? Mustard. Spicy or tangy? All right. Spicy gives the sandwich an extra little kick.

Daisy: Was Marina the tangy, and now Harley’s the spicy?

Cyrus: If we're going to live together, we should try and get along.

Daisy: You haven't lived here very long. People in this house, they don't get along. Ask Gus.

Cyrus: Okay, we don't have to get along, but we can at least be civil.

Daisy: I don't like you. I don't like the way you've torn this family apart. I don't like you living here. I don't like you hooking up with my mother.

Cyrus: I appreciate the honesty. Clean up your mess.

Gus: Hey. You've got that same face on you, the time we lost that guy at the shakedown at the docks.

Harley: How do you even remember this stuff?

Gus: Because we lost the guy.

Harley: Right.

Gus: You know, I can... I can be a good listener, if you need it.

Harley: You? You were never a good listener, you were always talking over me before I even finished my first sentence.

Gus: Because I already knew the words that were going to come out of your mouth.

Harley: I didn't get everything out of my mouth.

Gus: Well, I'm listening now.

Harley: No thank you.

Gus: All right.

Harley: Gus, I need to tell you something before you hear it from somebody else.

Gus: Okay.

Harley: Cyrus is moving in with me.

Gus: Wow. I wasn't expecting that.

Harley: Well, I figured I would tell you, you know, because you'll be coming by to pick up the boys, and he'll be there, so you'll know something's up, and... I mean, it's my house. I can do whatever I want, honestly.

Gus: You know, you ramble when you're nervous. Are you nervous?

Harley: No, are you?

Gus: Well, a locksmith would beg to differ.

Harley: Why?

Gus: Louie the locksmith? He called. He wanted to tell you that he's not allowed to duplicate the key in the basement because... I don't know, whatever, his equipment can't handle it. I had to call, so he looked up the name in his little thing, and I guess it was my name because...

Harley: You're the one that always loses your keys.

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: So you already knew?

Gus: I knew something was up.

Harley: He makes me happy.

Gus: Well, then that makes me happy then. What about your family? Does it make them happy? You don't look that happy.

Harley: That's an understatement.

Gus: I'll get you the key.

Harley: Chili. Nice. How's that ulcer?

Gus: It's still there. I just can't help myself.

Harley: Why somebody with an ulcer as bad as yours continues to eat my father's lethal chili at least once a week...

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: Is it punishment? Did you do something bad?

Gus: I don't know. Maybe in another lifetime, and I'm making up for it or something. The burn maybe makes me feel alive.

Harley: Yeah. I guess we all need something to remind us of that, because you never have one.

Gus: Because you always had them. Thanks.

Harley: Thanks for the key. I should go. You should call me sometime. You’re picking up the kids on Saturday, right?

Gus: Saturday. Yeah, we could make plans.

Harley: Yeah, we could.

Gus: Coop, good luck with everything.

Harley: Thanks.

Dinah: Everything is set. I make a phone call to tip off the Feds and very soon, this will all be ours.

Bill: Hmm. My goodness, we should put in a fireman’s pole.

Lizzie: Hello?

Dinah: Lizzie! If she finds out, she will ruin everything.

Bill: You take off and I will take care of Lizzie, okay? Here. Chess.

Gus: Sorry, I just... I used my key.

Cyrus: No. Old habits.

Gus: Yeah.

Cyrus: Are you here to see the boys?

Gus: No, Harley.

Cyrus: Oh, she’s... she's not here. Can I take a message?

Gus: No, thanks. She... she dropped these at Company earlier. She was flustered.

Cyrus: Why was she upset?

Gus: I didn't upset her. I just... I think she was in a hurry to get them and give to you. Thanks.

Cyrus: Thanks.

Gus: I'm going to be around next week to take the boys to baseball.

Cyrus: All right. No problem.

Lizzie: Your move.

Bill: That is a very good strategy.

Lizzie: You always have to have strategy when you live in this house.

Bill: Well, not for long.

Lizzie: I am just waiting for my dad to get here. He'll set everything right.

Bill: Now, I know you think that the good dad that you knew is going to come back and save the day, but...

Lizzie: But what?

Bill: Hmm?

Lizzie: Did you hear from him again? Did he contact you?

Bill: Oh, you come here. Come here, you. I'm just trying to tell you that I don't think your dad is the one you should rely on. I think you should rely on me to protect you.

Lizzie: Who's going to protect you?

Bill: I don't need protecting.

Lizzie: Oh, please. If your plan to take down Alan is as good as your chess game, you're seriously in trouble. (Laughs) You see this king? This is Alan. See this tiny, insignificant pawn? That's me. That's okay. I'm going to wait it out and win eventually.

Bill: And I will wait with you.

Lizzie: I can't let you take that risk.

Bill: See, now the word "can't," not in my vocabulary. Besides, I just won. Checkmate.

Lizzie: I can't believe you just beat me.

Bill: Well, believe it, girlfriend. And I'm just getting warmed up.

(Phone ringing)

Dinah: I heard that you were working a double, so I figured you could use it.

Mallet: Always, thank you.

Dinah: I'm not always going to be able to do this now, you know, with you heading to Shrewsbury.

Mallet: Yeah, Shrewsbury. I've been meaning to call you. I'm actually not going to take that job.

Dinah: Really?

Mallet: No. Frank has run into a bit of trouble, and I'm going to help him out.

Dinah: I hope it's nothing serious.

Mallet: Well, it shouldn't be, but I'm just going to fill in for him temporarily.

Dinah: It was a good opportunity. People are... they'll look up to you.

Mallet: Please. You know, Frank will come back, he'll take his job, and then maybe I'll move on then. One day at a time.

Dinah: I'm glad you're staying.

Mallet: Really?

Dinah: Really? (Cell phone ringing) You know what? I... I've got to take this. Hey, thanks for getting back to me. I'm glad you went to Doris. I don't know how the women in this town can even feel safe with the Chief of Police flirting at crime scenes. That's unacceptable. Yeah. Just keep me posted.

Harley: I should've stayed and become a member of the boomerang boys club. Instead, I decided it was a great idea to go find Gus and Marina and tell them that we're moving in together. And now I can't find the house keys that I had made for you, or my keys, or the basement key that I just got from Gus-- not because I was visiting my ex, but because my ex had my basement key, and he informed that I ramble when I'm nervous, and I know that I ramble, but I just didn't think he knew I rambled, and I didn't think I was the kind of person who consistently would hurt Marina over and over and over again.

Cyrus: Gus dropped them over. You left them at Company.

Harley: Gus was here?

Cyrus: Yup. And Daisy brought Rafe home.

Harley: You got the full treatment today. I'm sorry.

Cyrus: That's all right. Anyway, you'll make it up to me.

Harley: How will I do that?

Cyrus: You'll look after these for me.

Harley: (Laughs)

Cyrus: And I'll come find them later.

Bill: It's me. I'm leaving now.

Dinah: Lizzie?

Bill: Taken care of.

Dinah: All right. Meet me back at my place.

Lizzie: Are you ready for your victory present? Of course, Granddad always wins.

Mallet: So, is it Cyrus or Harley this time?

Marina: They are moving in together.

Mallet: Whoa, ouch.

Marina: Yeah, she wanted to spare my feelings. Make sure I heard it from her.

Mallet: Well, geez,  what can I say? That’s big of her.

Marina: I was stupid enough to actually still hope that he was going to walk through the door any minute and that this was all just one last fling before happily ever after. But nope, once again, Harley gets her man and Marina is all alone.

Mallet; You are not alone.

Marina: When they wheel me out of surgery, my dad will be waiting for me in the waiting room. The other loneliest person in Springfield.

Mallet: It won’t be just Frank, I will be there, too.

Marina: Do you really think that that’s a good idea with you taking over my dad’s job?

Mallet: I’m filling in, Frank’s going to be fine, I’ll deal with him. Why don’t we all just  support each other right now? (phone rings)Hold on. Yeah, Mallet. Yeah, I’m on it. I got to go to the Spaulding’s, I got a tip from the Feds. You’ll be fine, you will get through this.

Harley: They’re not coming.

Cyrus: They just need some time.

Harley: Can we make this work?

Cyrus: If that’s what we want, then, yes.

Harley: If? Now you are saying if, is that an exit line for you?

Cyrus: No. I come with a price, sorry. I wish I could change it, but you just have to decide if it’s worth it.

Harley: I’ve already made my decision.

Cyrus: Then we make it work.

Harley: We make it work.

Daisy: I’m going crazy here.

Rafe: We’ll figure it out.

Daisy: You promise?

Rafe: I promise.

Daisy: I can’t trust anybody, but you Rafe. I can’t trust Harley, I can’t trust Dylan. Nobody but you.

Rafe: I’ll call you later.

Daisy: I love you.

Rafe: Me too.

Gus: Everything okay?

Rafe: Girls man, you know how they are.

Gus: It never gets any easier, but if it’s any consolation, I’m around for you.

Rafe: Yeah well, you need more help that I do.

Alan: I want some answers, find my son now!

Lizzie: You sound upset, what’s going on?

Federal agent: Mr. Spaulding, you might want to have a look at that. I didn't want to catch you off guard, so a little heads up.

Alan: Where did you get these?

Mallet: An anonymous tip from the Feds. I told you we'd leave no stone unturned.

Lizzie: Granddad, what's this about?

Federal agent: Oh, hi. Your grandfather's in serious trouble with the I.R.S.

Lizzie: Really?

Federal agent: Yes, really. Actually, he stands to lose this entire beautiful home of his, and quite possibly his freedom as well.

Mallet: Excuse me, what was that?

Alan: He's the only one who knew about this.

Mallet: Gee, Alan, you know, as one of your good buddies, you might want to keep your yap shut till one of your high-priced lawyers gets here.

Alan: Your father did this to me. He set me up.

Lizzie: He learned from the best. You taught him everything he knows.

Dinah: For you, Daddy. For us. Hey, just in time.

Bill: Hey.

Dinah: By the end of the day, you and Lizzie should be all clear.

Bill: What?

Dinah: I know that you were bummed that you had to lie to her.

Bill: Oh, no, no. No, no.

Dinah: Yes yes, you were. Okay? And now you can have her, my gift to you, because Alan and the whole Spaulding dynasty is getting ready to tumble right into my pretty little hands.

Bill: You really miss him, don't you?

Dinah: More than you know. What do we drink to?

Bill: Your plan, your toast.

Dinah: Alan.

Bill: Really?

Dinah: Yes. Now what do you say the next time we have champagne, we get him to serve us naked?

Bill: Oh...

Dinah: No, butler suit.

Bill: Butler suit.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Olivia: I'm dying. It's my heart.

Gus: I took some time off from the force so I could be with you.

Olivia: I love you.

Natalia: If there's anything I can do for you...

Olivia: You can stop holding Gus to a promise he made to you when you were kids. At least I know where I stand with him.

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