GL Transcript Monday 3/17/08

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 3/17/08


Provided by Eric
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Bill: Lizzie, you get to the driveway, and we'll do the rest, okay.

Lizzie: I uh...

Alan: Well...?

Lizzie: I'm here to stay.

Alan: Do you know my granddaughter?

Lawrence: No, I haven't had the pleasure.

Billy: Go get her.

Bill: No, come on. She's busy. Not my problem.

Dinah: Is there a ceremony going on?

Mallet: Ramirez has flag duty. He called in sick, so I thought I would fill in.

Dinah: Should we say a pledge or something?

Mallet: I already did.

Dinah: Hey, did Frank say anything about the job offer?

Mallet: No, I haven't told him yet.

Dinah: Oh. Well, good luck. Well, good luck.

Mallet: Thank you.

Lawrence: Do you know when I was getting my M.B.A. I did a term paper Alan Spaulding.

Lizzie: You did?

Lawrence: Yeah, I got an "A" plus.

Lizzie: Wow.

Lawrence: I know. Your grandfather is like one of the most influential C.E.O.'s in this country. Seriously.

Waitress: Dessert?

Lizzie: Check.

Lawrence: Okay.

Lizzie: Check, please. Thanks.

Waitress: Okay.

Alan: Phillip, I want you to know that the I.R.S. is investigating me, thanks to your good friend, Rick Bauer. But I'm not worried. I can handle everything. But it does give me comfort, son, to know you'll be standing in the wings, ready, if I need you. Someone is coming. I'll call you back later.

Dinah: Oh, hello, Alan.

Jeremy: I'm sorry, Mr. Spaulding.

Dinah: You look mighty powerful up there.

Alan: I'm a very man busy man, Dinah. I don't have time for you now, Dinah.

Dinah: I was wondering if you gave any more thought to my application.

Alan: Your application.

Dinah: Yes. Last month I had a job interview with you. I reminded you about my experience at Spaulding-- my determination.

Alan: I told you that I wasn't running a daycare center here, and I don't have time to rehab your feeble brain.

Dinah: Feeble?

Alan: Yes. My sister says your worse than ever. Jeremy, will you show Ms. Marler out, please.

Jeremy: Mr. Spaulding, the police are at the door, and some I.R.S. agents with a warrant, a big one.

Mallet: Listen, do you want in on this?

Frank: The I.R.S. is going to go to Alan Spaulding’s house, kind of break Alan’s chops a little bit there, you know.

Mallet: Nice, nice. No, I'll pass.

Frank: All right, suit yourself. What's the matter with you? Sometimes you've got to find a little fun in the job. Look, I did something I never ever did before.

Mallet: What?

Frank: I asked a woman out at a crime scene.

Mallet: Oh, Frankie! Wow, what did she say?

Frank: She said no. She had a feeling I was married to the job.

Mallet: Really, she said that?

Frank: Yeah. Sure you don't want to see Alan squirm a little bit?

Mallet: No. I'm good.

Frank: All right. See you later.

Lawrence: I've been following Spaulding Enterprises since I was like 12 years old. There's this great book on your grandfather that I want to show you. I think it is right over here. It's really special.

Lizzie: It's not really special. It's really weird. I'm sorry, I've got to go, Lawrence.

Lawrence: Wait, wait, wait. I really like you. Do you want to come back to my place?

Lizzie: I can’t. I can’t. But how about you take this?

Lawrence: Great. Is that your cell phone number?

Lizzie: It is actually my granddad's, so knock yourself out. My mom says he's an excellent kisser.

Lawrence: Thanks.

(Cell phone rings)

Lizzie: It's from my Dad.

Bill: Oh, no. I'm not prepared.

Ava: Oh.

Bill: Maybe we should stop.

Ava: You know... um... I can take care of it. I'll take care of it. I'll be right back. Now it's my turn.

Bill: Hmm.

Ava: Hmm.

Bill: Look at you.

Ava: (Giggling)

Mallet: Ouch!

Marina: Ouch, that's the toughest thing you can come up with.

Mallet: I was going to say oww--

Marina: Why are you here alone?

Mallet: I was going to shoot the rock. Make sure the kid still had it.

Marina: All right, we're partners, you taught me that.

Mallet: Okay. I haven't told anybody this, okay? You're the first person that knows. Frank doesn't even know.

Marina: Okay.

Mallet: I got a job offer to be the next chief of police over in Shrewsbury.

Marina: Really?

Mallet: Yeah.

Marina: Oh, my God.

Mallet: Ouch!

Marina: I'll lose you.

Mallet: Yeah, sort of.

Marina: No. There is no sort of about it. I'm going to lose you. I'm going to lose you as a partner and as a friend.

Mallet: I'll give you a free pass for any questionable activity you do in Shrewsbury.

Marina: Oh, nice. I hear they have excellent malls over there and I could make it as a shoplifter.

Mallet: I don't want to let you down. But I can't really refuse it, can I?

Marina: Everybody always leaves me. Danny, Alan-Michael, Shayne, Cyrus, and now you.

Mallet: Are you putting me on your list of all your exes?

Marina: Well, you'll be my ex-partner. Kind of counts.

Dinah: Should I turn on the shredder?

Alan: No. I've got nothing to hide. I’m just making sure that those police keep their donut glazed hands off of my personal belongings.

Dinah: I think most cops enjoy jelly doughnuts.

Alan: What are you doing here?

Dinah: I'm sticking around for the show.

Alan: Nothing is going to get ugly around here, Dinah.

Dinah: You know my dad worked for you for many years.

Alan: Yes, and your dad is gone, and so are you. Now leave.

Frank: Hello, Alan.

Alan: I want to see your warrant. I've done nothing wrong. This is nothing but a witch-hunt.

Frank: Well, I hope you did a good job of hiding your broom. I don't know what you did, Alan, but they are coming after you, not only the Springfield Police Department, but the I.R.S.

Alan: They will find nothing.

Frank: Well, good, you have nothing to worry about then.

Bill: Do you want some water?

Ava: Sure.

Bill: You're using me.

Ava: What?

Bill: You are, but it's great.

Ava: You like being used.

(Cell phone rings)

Bill: I, um -- I've got to get going.

Ava: Why? What's going on?

Bill: Ah, it's a new client.

Ava: Post Script, Inc.?

Bill: Yeah, they want to meet with Lewis. Just another thing to take care of.

Ava: What?

Bill: Are you okay with me leaving?

Ava: Yeah. It's perfect. Thanks.

Bill: I'll call you.

Marina: Shooting hoops? You must be happy.

Frank: I am very happy. I just came from sticking it to Alan Spaulding.

Marina: Oh!

Frank: For what it's worth, I just want you to know. Everybody is on your side about this Cyrus thing.

Marina: Really?

Frank: When you see Mallet, tell him to get his butt in here so I can whip his butt at basketball.

Marina: He's kind of busy right now.

Frank: Really? Too busy to play a little "B" ball with his boss?

Marina: I can't tell you. I'm going to have to let him tell you.

(Cell phone rings)

Frank: Cooper here.

Doris: Hello, Chief cooper. I need a word with you. Some troubling information came across my desk this morning.

Frank: What is it about?

Doris: About you, actually.

Dinah: Oh! I wanted to surprise you.

Mallet: All right. Go ahead, surprise me.

Dinah: Surprise.

Mallet: Wow, I was just going to use some boxes or something.

Dinah: I thought if you decided to come back to Springfield for some vacations.

Mallet: Oh, vacations in Springfield.

Dinah: Oh, and I got you this. Some rentals and for sale things. This is me being supportive, so you might want to take a picture.

Mallet: You know what. I think I will.

Dinah: I was kidding.

Mallet: Stand in front of the luggage. Nice.

Dinah: I've been spending most of the day trying to figure out a way to screw this up for you.

Mallet: I know that's coming from the heart.

Dinah: It is. When you leaving?

Mallet: Right away, I guess. I can't believe I'm going.

Dinah: Well, I can come to Shrewsbury every now and then and break a few laws and keep you busy.

Mallet: Thank you. I'd appreciate that.

Dinah: I'm always going to be here, you know. I'm always going to be here. I'm always going to be here, right with you.

Ava: How about we rest our feet. What do you think?

Emma: Okay.

Ava: Oh, man, shopping is fun. Olivia taught me the value of things. It sure is fun, and it makes you feel better, too. How do you like your new doll?

Emma: She's sad.

Ava: Look, I know that mom mentioned to you that she wasn't feeling so good. Does that make you feel scared?

Emma: Yeah.

Ava: Me, too. But we're sisters, honey. We can get through anything together. I think the scariest thing is being alone. I'm going to make a family for us. I'm going to make a family for you and I, okay, babe? I'm going to make sure that we're never alone again.

Alan: Jeremy, I want you to clean this place up as if they were never here.

Jeremy: Yes, sir.

Alexandra: What in the world happened here?

Alan: We've been attacked, Alexandra.

Alexandra: By whom?

Alan: The government. The S.E.C., the I.R.S.

Alexandra: Why?

Alan: Apparently Rick Bauer has saved one life in his career, and that person happens to be with the Internal Revenue Service.

Alexandra: Oh, dear.

Alan: And once he got the ball rolling, other agencies wanted to make a name for themselves and they piled on.

Alexandra: Why are you so calm. Have you thought about all of the skeletons in our closets? This is not good, Alan.

Alan: We're going to be just fine. As a matter of fact, better than ever.

Alexandra: Now you've really lost me.

Alan: Come here. Read this. Phillip is coming home. He will take care of everything.

Alexandra: You think Phillip is going to save us? I mean, you're dreaming.

Alan: He will know exactly what to do.

Alexandra: (Laughs)

Alan: Jeremy, get Hilda and clean this place up!

Bill: Post Script. Post Script. P.S., We don't show up. Here's to P.S., Post Script, P.S... Phillip Spaulding.  (Yells out)

Lizzie: (Screams) Bill! No, no, no. I got a message to meet you here.

Bill: You did?

Lizzie: From my dad.

Bill: I knew it.

Lizzie: What?

Bill: There is this company sniffing around Lewis, and he always signs off his e-mails as P.S.

Lizzie: Phillip Spaulding.

Bill: Exactly.

Lizzie: My dad sent me a message and he wants me to see you.

Bill: To see me? Your dad and I aren't really buddies.

Lizzie: I know. I guess he is really better now.

Bill: Are you sure?

Lizzie: I guess I have to believe something is going to work out for somebody, for us.

Bill: Do you believe in us?

Lizzie: I want to.

Bill: Do you realize I almost bulldozed through the Spaulding gates.

Lizzie: What, no brakes?

Bill: A rescue attempt.

Lizzie: It's been done.

Bill: The timing of this isn't exactly great.

Lizzie: Yeah.

Bill: What if, um, Phillip and Alan are teaming up, plotting against me. I get in my car and my car could blow up--

Lizzie: No, no. My dad does not trust my granddad.

Bill: Really? Well, I don't trust any of them, so...

Lizzie: Do you trust me?

Bill: I don't know.

Lizzie: Oh, okay. Well, I guess I'm going to have to show you.

Bill: Really?

Lizzie: Uh-huh. And you want to know what I think? I think that we should give us a chance.

Mallet: Wow, wow, some memories here.

Dinah: Yup, in and out of the bed.

Mallet: How many goons and thugs and con men did we run into during our relationship?

Dinah: A lot. A lot. Not to mention the fist fights and the fires.

Mallet: Yeah. A lot of good times.

Dinah: Good times.

Mallet: How many times did I pick you up and throw you over my shoulder?

Dinah: A thousand.

Mallet: How do you feel about a thousand and one for old time sake.

Dinah: What the hell.

Mallet: You always did like it.

Dinah: I know I did.

Mallet: One last time. You ready?

Dinah: Okay.

Mallet: Let's see if I have still got it. Here we go, Dinah, I will save you.

Dinah: I don't want you to save me, you idiot. Please don't drop me.

Mallet: Oh, I've missed you.

Dinah: I know. This is too hard.

Mallet: Oh, we've got to move the bottle then.

Dinah: Honey...

Mallet: Huh? What?

Dinah: This just is... too difficult. Too difficult. You're leaving, and I can't go. And it's just way too difficult.

Mallet: Yeah.

Doris: Sit, Chief Cooper. Oh, I love being mayor, but I do miss kicking some butt in this room.

Frank: What are we doing here, Doris?

Doris: Some inappropriate behavior, actually, between you and a young woman at a crime scene. It came to my attention at the mayor's office this morning.

Frank: You've got to be kidding me.

Doris: No. The woman claims that you used your position as Police Chief to put the moves on her.

Frank: That's crazy. We were having a simple conversation. Nothing happened. Did this woman come to you on her own, or did Alan Spaulding find her?

Doris: What does Alan Spaulding have to do with this?

Frank: I find it interesting. I served him with a warrant, and all of a sudden I'm being investigated.

Doris: Look, I'm going to have to put you on leave until the matter is settled.

Frank: What?

Doris: Don't worry, I'll make sure you get a fair investigation.

Bill: Do you want to take a swing?

Dinah: I can’t. I'm late. I have to go to therapy. Brain stuff.

Bill: Well, knock 'em dead.

Dinah: That's very good. That's very coordinated. Did you get lucky today?

Bill: Lizzie. I got to see Lizzie.

Dinah: And?

Bill: And I can't tell you anymore if you don't play.

Dinah: I can’t. I was up all night.

Bill: Really? Doing what?

Dinah: Are you and Lizzie back together?

Bill: Well, I've got to make sure a few things are in order before I let my guard down.

Dinah: Order and guard? That sounds like a prison.

Bill: It's complicated. Get out of here.

Dinah: See ya.

Bill: Thanks for the game.

Dinah: You're welcome.

Alan: Well, did you have a nice time with Lawrence?

Lizzie: No. Granddad, he's in love with you.

Alan: What?

Lizzie: Not like that. He's in awe of you, and it's too much to take. So I left him and I went to see Bill.

Alan: You told Bill you didn't want to see him anymore. Why would you do something like that?

Lizzie: Because my dad told me to. I got a message from him, and Bill did, too. He put us together and he told me he would handle you if you tried to get in the way.

Alan: Well, I will talk to him. But you and I have a deal, and it doesn't include Bill Lewis. Jeremy, I want you to have cook prepare Elizabeth a steamed lobster. She'll be having it in her room. Thank you. You see, Elizabeth, there's nothing that you need that can't be found in this house.

Lizzie: I'm not hungry.

Beth: Hey, can I come in?

Lizzie: Oh, Mom, thank goodness you're here. Does Granddad know you're here.

Beth: No. And I don't want him to. I want to talk to you about something?

Lizzie: Dad?

Beth: Did he phone you, too?

Lizzie: He did. And he even encouraged me to see Bill. Is that crazy?

Beth: No. I think he is healthy.

Lizzie: Do you think he is back to being healthy again?

Beth: I do. And you have to know that no matter what happened, your father always loved you very much.

Lizzie: I can't wait to see him again.

Beth: Me, too.

Lizzie: I miss him so much.

Beth: Me, too.

Bill: Lewis.

Alan: And Elizabeth wonders why I don't want you around her.

Bill: What are you doing here?

Alan: Well, I came to practice my game.

Bill: Really? You're in a tie. Horse?

Alan: Sure. You know, I've already spoken to Elizabeth about this, but maybe I should tell you myself.

Bill: Your turn. That would be "H" for you.

Alan: I have some friends in the Venezuelan government.

Bill: Maybe you should put some wrist in the shot.

Alan: It seems you didn't leave on the best of terms down there, Bill. A lot of them would really like to get their hands on you.

Bill: You're grasping. You lost Beth and the baby, you lost Lizzie’s baby. In fact, all your children left you, well, because they hate you.

Alan: Don't put Phillip on that list.

Bill: No. Even nutty Phillip is on Lizzie’s side.

Alan: You know nothing about Phillip and the bond we share.

Bill: Didn't you shoot him and lock him in the basement.

Alan: Don't push your luck. I always get what I want.

Bill: Well, if Lizzie and I want to be together, we will be.

Alan: We will see about that.

Bill: Where are you going; we haven't finished our game!

Lizzie: Do you think it will be like when will were in Arizona?

Beth: I don't think it will ever be like that again, sweetheart.

Lizzie: I know. I've just been thinking about it a lot, lately, about how happy we were and how safe I felt. And now I'm just another pawn of Granddad’s.

Beth: You have to believe in yourself, Lizzie.

Lizzie: How? I've trapped myself in this house.

Beth: You're a Raines, too, not just a Spaulding. You come from a whole line of Raines women who survived a lot worse than Alan Spaulding.

Lizzie: You know, you always say that. I want to believe you.

Beth: Then believe. Trust. Trust that you can survive this and come out better for it.

Lizzie: Is that what you did?

Beth: Eventually. But not for a long time. But don't be like me. Start a heck of a lot sooner than I did.

Lizzie: I really think that you are the only person who believes in me.

Beth: And I always will. You're my daughter, and I love you.

Lizzie: Despite everything?

Beth: No, because of everything.

Lizzie: I love you, too. And I've always believed in you. Want to brush my hair?

Beth: Oh, yes. My little girl.

Doris: Hey, may I have a word with you.

Mallet: Sure, come on in.

Doris: In here. Look, apparently Frank was a little too friendly with a young women at a crime scene.

Mallet: He told me about that. He was just having a little fun.

Doris: Well, this little woman didn't share his humor. I want you to take over as Chief.

Mallet: No, no. I'm not doing that. I’m not going to betray Frank.

Doris: Okay, I will go to the Commissioner and bring in somebody from the outside. Probably somebody who wants the job permanently.

Mallet: Wait, wait.

Doris: You are a good cop, and I know you will do a great job. And your friends with Frank. Just keep his seat until this blows over.

Bill: Beth, how are you?

Beth: Hey, Bill. How are you?

Bill: Fantastic. You look amazing. Motherhood really suits you.

Beth: Bill, do me a favor. Don't hit on me when you're dating my daughter.

Bill: That's not what this is, but I do call them as I see them. So Phillip, huh?

Beth: That's the worst kept secret in Springfield.

Bill: When is he coming back?

Beth: I really don't want to talk to you about this.

Bill: Did you talk to him?

Beth: You're not going to let this go, are you?

Bill: No.

Beth: Fine, fine. We were up all night texting back and forth.

Bill: Texting? Aw. What did you text about?

Beth: He wanted me to tell him stories about our first date, our first kiss, Lizzie, when she was little and when she got sick.

Bill: That's nice, but he knows all that stuff, so--

Beth: Yeah. But he is trying to rediscover who he was before he got sick. Get it?

Bill: Have a good run, okay? I'm happy for you-- you and Lizzie, about Phillip.

Alan: I got your message, son, and I'm making the proper arrangements right now. There are some who say I shouldn't trust you, that you're really not on our side. But I know in my heart of hearts that you will do anything you have to save this family. And to prove to you my trust, I am transferring the money, the stock, and the deed, all in your name.

Bill: Well, I'll be damned.

Frank: Can you believe this?

Mallet: Hey, Frank. Boy, I've been trying to talk to you all day. I was going to tell you, um... that I was leaving Springfield and I was going to become the new police chief over in Shrewsbury.

Frank: That's great for you, Mallet. Good for you.

Mallet: But that's not really happening now. I mean, in light of everything that has been going on around here today.

Marina: What?

Mallet: Well, I'm going to be, um, the acting chief for a while until you beat these charges.

Marina: What? You're taking my dad's job?

Mallet: No. I'm a seat warmer. It's Frank's job. I'm just filling in.

Frank: What?

Mallet: What's the alternative, Doris brings somebody in from the outside, somebody more ambitious, who maybe won't give it up.

Frank: You're going to let me win today.

Lizzie: Okay, we need to have a sibling meeting.

James: Where is Zach?

Lizzie: I spoke to him already, but I need to talk to you two about someone really important. Our dad.

Emma and James: Daddy?

Lizzie: He might be coming to visit us soon. And I know you two are too young to remember, but he made some people really mad before he left, including the police. But we're not going to let him to go to jail, right?

James: Right.

Lizzie: So if anybody asks about the time daddy tried to take us away, it was just a big mistake. He wasn't trying to take us away. We were just-- we were just hanging out on the plane, having fun. It was all just a big mistake.

Alexandra: Alan, I am worried about you.

Alan: Well, save your energy.

Alexandra: Come on. I-- I love Phillip, too. I miss him. But trust...

Alan: I trust him.

Alexandra: Alan, come on. We don't even know who he is anymore. So maybe he is not coming back to help, but to pick over the bones after the Feds finish with you.

Alan: I trust him.

Alexandra: You've made that mistake before.

Alan: But I have to trust him this time.

Bill: Hello, sis, or should I say Phillip?

Dinah: Hey. Chips?

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Harley: Me and Cyrus-- we're moving in together.

Cyrus: Hate me if you have to, but don't take it out on your daughter.

Harley: Phoebe, the woman from Cyrus’s past. I wrote a check.

Marina: One day Cyrus is going to see you for who you really are.

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