GL Transcript Friday 3/14/08

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 3/14/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Dinah: Come on, Dinah. Focus.

Mallet: We can fix this.

Mallet: You're my life, Dinah.

Dinah: I remember the big stuff, the important things.

Mallet: Important stuff. That's hard to forget. Like, um, coming home to your wife.

Dinah: Or your husband.

Alexandra: My, somebody's not going green! Oh, you're killing a lot of trees, you know!

Dinah: I would do it electronically, if I could.

Alexandra: Well, you can.

Dinah: Right. Right, I know that.

Alexandra: Yeah, I'll help you.

Dinah: No. That's okay.

Alexandra: I can help!

Dinah: No, that's all right. I have it covered.

Alexandra: Okay.

Dinah: Alex. I'm sorry. It's little things like this that slow me down.

Alexandra: What do the doctors say?

Dinah: They say to keep up with my physical therapy, and stay optimistic, and there's new research all the time. You know, I don't believe them...

Alexandra: Sounds like the woman that fits me for my bathing suit every June.

Dinah: I keep waiting for the fog to lift. For things to be like they used to be. The truth is, I don't think they ever will be.

Rick: Hey! Hey, how's my two beautiful girls? Oh, come here. Oh, baby! Sweetheart.

Beth: One of us is beautiful, the other looks like death warmed over.

Rick: Honey, you don't look like death warmed over. You look... exhausted.

Beth: I am exhausted.

Rick: If you would just let your husband participate in the middle of the night when they baby is screaming, instead of the control issues, I might be...

Beth: We have been over this! I just want things to be clear. It would be too easy to get comfortable...

Rick: Honey, I know. Listen, I'm not going to argue with you because I'm the man and I know I'm wrong on this, but I just want...

Beth: I don't want to argue because I'm too tired.

Rick: Okay. Fine, I'm not going to argue with you. It's just control issues. So I'm on break right now, why don't you just let me take Peyton so you can get some rest?

Beth: Rick. Rick.

Rick: Honey, it'll give me time to catch up with my little girl, so you can catch up on some rest. Please? Please? Please let me do this for you. Please?

Beth: (Laughs)

Rick: (Laughing) Please? I'll give you a foot massage.

Beth: Okay.

Rick: I'll give you a foot massage!

Beth: Fine, fine, fine. A few hours, I guess.

Rick: Thank you.

Alan: What the hell?

Lizzie: I'm going for club singles champion.

Alan: Well, I was hoping for mixed doubles this year.

Lizzie: Oh. Who's your partner? Granddad, I hate tennis.

Alan: I know. But a deal is a deal.

Lizzie: Yeah. And I moved back in, didn't I?

Alan: Yeah, and that's where the deal begins. Now, I want you to call your mother and have her bring Peyton by to see me.

Lizzie: You want me to reel my mother back in now? Do it without me, Granddad.

Alan: Do I have to remind you that you're here for Sarah’s sake? Now, you're either with me on this deal or you're against me.

Billy: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey.

Bill: Look, I just need to borrow this. I've got a hot date.

Billy: This is not your site.

Bill: Look, I'll bring it back. I just need to do a little demolition.

Billy: Wait, wait, wait. Weren't you just down at the jailhouse yesterday?

Bill: A little misunderstanding.

Billy: No. No, Alan said he got you for trespassing.

Bill: Okay, look, how do you feel about Lizzie?

Billy: You know I'd walk on glass for her.

Bill: She hasn't called. She hasn't shown up for work.

Billy: We... we both know the deal.

Bill: Alan is holding her as his prisoner. Okay? I got it. That's why I need this. What good is it owning a construction company if you don't get to bulldoze someone's house now and then? I'll bring it back. Oh, my goodness, I thought you were a cowboy.

Billy: Yeah, I am a cowboy.

Bill: Well, don't you want to get Lizzie out of that big, old ugly house on the hill?

Billy: Yeah. I just don't want you to end up in jail again.

Bill: Well, look, if you've got a better idea, I'd love to hear it.

Billy: Oh, really? You could land a helicopter on the lawn.

Bill: Helicopter? Oh, come on.

Billy: Now, you know in all fairness? You know, come to think of it, that is a big ugly house up there!

Bill: Now you're talking. Now, wouldn't it be nice to bust on through that gate, chug up that driveway? Come on, when was the last time we weren't on a father-son outing, huh?

Billy: Okay, move over! (Laughing)

Bill: (Laughing)

Alan: Please have a seat, Mr. Combs. I'm always happy to help my friends at the S.E.C. What do you need? Some advice on tech stocks? My advice would be to sell.

Mr. Combs: I'm afraid you've got the wrong information about me. Here you go.

Alan: Oh. Internal revenue service.

Mr. Combs: Uh-huh.

Alan: Well, this should be handled by my accountant. He does my taxes.

Mr. Combs: Oh, well, this is just really a courtesy call. We're launching a full-scale audit of both your personal and your corporate holdings.

Alan: You're what?

Mr. Combs: Well, it seems that our office has gotten some information that suggests that in both your tax returns and your other financial dealings with the government, you've been a bit "creative," you know? Fuzzy math, outright fabrications.

Alan: Are you accusing me of tax evasion, Mr. Combs?

Mr. Combs: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I'm not accusing you of anything... yet.

Alan: Let me tell you something. I have lawyers who will eat you for breakfast.

Mr. Combs: (Laughs) Do you like red meat?

Alan: Why?

Mr. Combs: Well, I used to be a carnivore, steak three times a week, prime rib. If it mooed, I ate it. And then one day my left arm became numb, you know? And a pain just shot right through my chest. Myocardial infarction. I would have been dead on that table if the E.R. doctor hadn't saved my life.

Alan: Well, congratulations. I survived a heart attack myself.

Mr. Combs: Good, then you'll understand how grateful I am to be alive. I told that doctor I owed him my life. There isn't anything that that I wouldn't do for that man.

Alan: Tell me, is this heroic doctor of yours named Rick Bauer?

Ruby: It's not every day I get to work on mama and daughter. What's the occasion?

Ava: That's what I'd like to know.

Olivia: Ruby, do you have that hand cream that I like so much?

Ruby: Only for special customers.

Ava: Okay, so what's this about?

Olivia: I'm sorry to do it like this. I just thought it would be easier to tell you in a public place.

Ava: You're scaring me.

Olivia: Ava, my heart doesn't have much longer.

Ava: We know that. So they just moved you up to the top of the transplant list...

Olivia: No. There isn't enough time. It might just be a matter of a few weeks... or less.

Ava: And you brought me here, to a nail salon, to tell me that?

Olivia: I'm sorry. I need you to be strong, okay? You have to be strong for Emma.

Ava: No. I... I need you, okay? I need my mother. I do. (Crying)

Dinah: Hi. What's that thing with the sauce on the bun? What is that called?

Mallet: Ah, a sloppy joe. You know what? Make that two. I'll have one as well.

Dinah: Are you following me?

Mallet: Yes, I am.

Dinah: Well, I have my wallet. I have my registration, and my driver's license.

Mallet: Good. But you don't need them to eat.

Dinah: Well, you know, just in case you were worried I was going to run another stoplight.

Mallet: Yeah, or make a deposit. It's okay, you know, I saw what I saw. It's no big deal. I told you before. I'm here to help.

Dinah: And I told you that...

Mallet: That you're still recovering. You're still not "you." You're still dealing.

Dinah: And until I am...

Mallet: Oh, Dinah, nobody's the way they used to be. I can't run a hundred yard dash in ten flat anymore.

Dinah: When could you ever?

Mallet: I was close. I was really close. (Laughs) The point is, you don't have to be everything that you used to be. That's the point.

Dinah: I'd settle for the way I was last week. I'm getting worse.

Mallet: No, you're not. That makes no sense. That makes no sense to me. The doctor just gave you a thumbs up. Your short-term memory is coming back. That makes no sense, Dinah.

Dinah: I have hit a speed bump.

Mallet: Okay, what's the speed bump?

Dinah: Well, if I could remember, it wouldn't be called a memory loss.

Waitress: Two sloppies, all the way.

Mallet: Thank you.

Dinah: Could you put mine in a bag, please? And I'll pay for it right away. Here you go.

Waitress: That's your library card.

Dinah: Yeah. Okay, great. Thank you. Well, if you want any more proof, I can give it to you. This is the way I am now. This is what I have to live with.

Mallet: You don't have to do it all by yourself.

Dinah: We are divorced.

Mallet: Don't I still get to care?

Dinah: No, you don’t.

Mallet: Right.

Billy: Saddle up, and let's ride! (Laughs) (cell phone rings)

Bill: Lizzie, can you talk?

Lizzie: He sent me to my room!

Bill: He what? Speak up.

Billy: Wait, wait, what's she saying?

Lizzie: My granddad, he sent me to my room like I'm a little girl!

Bill: (Laughs) Can you get to the driveway? Did he lock you in?

Lizzie: Bill, I don't know what you're planning, but you cannot get in here. He specifically told the guards.

Bill: Lizzie, let me worry about that, okay?

Lizzie: Please, no more crazy hero stuff. Next time he won't have you arrested. The guards are armed.

Bill: If any of those guards are stupid enough to shoot at us, then they're going to go to jail along with Alan, okay?

Lizzie: And you'll be dead.

Bill: You have no idea what we're bringing to the party.

Billy: (Laughs)

Lizzie: You really think you can get me out of here?

Bill: Lizzie, you get to the driveway, and we'll do the rest, okay?

Lizzie: I...

Alan: Elizabeth?

Lizzie: I've got to go.

Bill: Lizzie...

Lizzie: A deal's a deal. This is where I'm meant to be.

Bill: Lizzie, wait! Lizzie!

Alan: Well?

Lizzie: No more fights. I'm here to stay.

(baby crying)

Rick: Hey, how are you doing? I think she's, uh... I think she's crying because she's a little hungry.

Olivia: She's just so pretty!

Rick: Isn't she?

Olivia: Hi.

Rick: Yeah, I find myself getting a little emotional sometimes myself, even though she's not officially my little girl yet.

Olivia: Hey.

Rick: Sweetheart, oh! Do you want to hold her?

Olivia: Oh, yes, I'd love to! Oh, it's been so long! Oh, my goodness! Look, your daddy's right there.

Rick: Is there something wrong?

Olivia: Don't you ever feel like it's a miracle that you're here to raise this little thing? Huh?

Rick: Oh, are you kidding me? I... there's not a day that goes by that I don't feel blessed, how lucky I was to receive the gift of somebody else's heart.

Olivia: I don't believe in that kind of miracle-like stuff.

Rick: You know, I didn't either, not when I was sick. But then, obviously, things changed, and...

Olivia: Richard died and you got his heart.

Rick: It didn't seem fair, you know? He was just so young.

Olivia: No, he didn't deserve to die, but you deserve to live.

Rick: So do you. You do, too.

Olivia: Dr. Mehta says that I have a few weeks to live, tops.

Rick: Oh, my God. I'm sorry, Olivia...

Olivia: Oh, look, I haven't been broadcasting it. I don't think I really think I wanted to face it myself.

Rick: Mehta's a good doctor, Olivia, but have you gotten another opinion? I mean...

Olivia: Second and thirds. My body tells me he's right.

Rick: Well, you know, miracles happen. They do. I totally gave up, and what happened to me?

Olivia: You know, no Richard Winslow is going to die so I could have his heart. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Rick: Olivia, the thing you cannot do right now is give up. You can’t. You never know when someone's going to be able to give that gift to you.

Olivia: Oh, she's yawning! I got my gifts. I do, really. I've been so blessed, I've got Emma and I've got Ava right here. (Laughs)

Rick: Have you told Ava?

Olivia: Yeah. She's taking it pretty hard. And I just don't have the courage to tell Emma. She's so little.

Rick: Olivia, is there anything I can do for you?

Olivia: You just let me hold on to this little one for a bit, that'd be nice.

Rick: Sure.

Olivia: Yeah. That'd be nice. Look at you. You have beautiful eyes.

Bill: (Laughs)

Dinah: Wait a minute. You're okay? You're out of jail.

Bill: Oh, so concerned now. Yes, I'm out of jail, no thanks to you.

Dinah: Very nice.

Bill: Trying to enjoy the day, a little food outside of the pen. Thank you very much.

Dinah: Okay, so the whole Lizzie thing's over?

Bill: Completely, yeah.

Dinah: Okay, but you still want her?

Bill: Nah, not really.

Dinah: Well, what's more is you're going to get her. You're my brother, and we get what we want.

Bill: Is that right?

Dinah: Uh-huh.

Bill: Yet you want Mallet, and you are Malletless. What's up with that?

Dinah: Well, that's different.

Bill: How?

Dinah: How am I going to have a guy in my life when I have difficulty working a toaster? Why don't you cut me some slack? I am still recovering.

Bill: I didn't say anything. You keep telling me that you're recovering, but I'm starting to wonder, maybe you like playing little miss helpless.

Dinah: You know who's playing?

Bill: Hmm?

Dinah: Is your little Lizzie. Okay? You know what you need to do? You need to go to Spaulding, okay, and have a conversation with her. A real conversation. I know that's difficult for you.

Bill: Oh, that's very hurtful. It is. But thank you for your concern. I love you, but I had a revelation, and I'm not going to try to bulldoze my way into Lizzie’s life, see? I've got too much on my plate as it is. Anyway, forget all that. How are you feeling about the French these days?

Dinah: I'm fond of their fries, why?

Bill: Well, there's a Europe conglomerate who's interested in doing business with Lewis Construction.

Dinah: You're kidding me.

Bill: Uh-uh.

Dinah: Well, well, well, I am proud of you!

Bill: Well, well, well.

Dinah: I'm proud of you. My ne'er do well brother's going to be a major mogul, okay? And then he's going to get the girl, okay? When you want something, you go after it. You don't let anything get in your way.

Alan: Elizabeth, I know you think I'm being overprotective, but there are people in this town that hate the Spaulding’s and want to destroy us.

Lizzie: Why do you have to invent enemies?

Alan: I'm not inventing them. I experienced a real threat right here in my own town. If anything happens to me, that will affect the future of the Spaulding’s, and the future of you, Sarah, everything.

Lizzie: I've never seen you scared before.

Alan: Not scared. Just being cautious that's why we all have to stick together.

Lizzie: You know we can stick together and still let outsiders in from time to time.

Alan: Elizabeth, this is bigger than your love life. It's going to take everything we have, everyone we have, even...

Lizzie: Even who?

Alan: Your father. I've made contact with him, and he is on board.

(Music playing)

Beth: I thought I'd never hear from you again. Last night was just like high school. Only texting, instead of telephoning. I miss you, too, Phillip. (Music playing)

Lizzie: How is he? Is he okay?

Alan: Shh! You never know who might be listening, Elizabeth.

Lizzie: Well, did he ask about me or Sarah? Is he coming back?

Alan: I'll tell you one thing, he is his old self again. I've just been making contact with him through e-mail, and...

Lizzie: Have you talked to him?

Alan: Well, no, I haven't talked with him yet.

Lizzie: I want to hear his voice again.

Alan: I'll tell you one thing: He forgives me for everything.

Lizzie: For shooting him, you mean?

Alan: He wants to start all over. Preserve the family, preserve the company. It's truly a miracle having him back like this. We're going to get him back. I can't believe it. Aren't you happy about that?

Lizzie: Um, I don't know what I am. Part of me is dying to have him back, but part of me really remembers...

Laurence: Mr. Spaulding, how are you?

Alan: Well, Laurence, what a surprise! Do you know my granddaughter?

Laurence: No, I haven't had the pleasure.

Alan: Elizabeth Spaulding, this is Lawrence Parker of the Beacon Hill Parker’s.

Laurence: Well, I only get back to Boston for funerals and Red Sox games.

Alan: Red Sox, huh? Well, Elizabeth’s a big Red Sox fan.

Lizzie: I am? I am!

Alan: Yeah! Perhaps she could fly up to Boston this summer and you can take her to a game.

Laurence: Great, great. That's kind of a long time to wait. I'm sure that there's something Elizabeth likes to do here in Springfield.

Alan: That's your cue.

Lizzie:(Sighs) Listen, Mr. Parker... I am starving. Have you been to Towers?

Laurence: No. I hear it's great.

Alan: It’s...

Lizzie: ...Terrific. Terrific. Best part? No Granddad.

Laurence: Perfect.

Olivia: What's the point? (Knock on the door) Hey.

Dinah: Hi, got a minute?

Olivia: Yeah. Come on in.

Dinah: Hey listen, do you think I could get high-speed cable in my room and an extra router and two more phone lines?

Olivia: Yeah. What, are you starting a blog?

Dinah: No, I wish. No. My mom actually has offered me a job at a TV station...

Olivia: Wow.

Dinah: And if I take it, then I need to be up on what's happening both nationally and internationally.

Olivia: Yeah, sure. Yeah, I'll call maintenance and tell them it's fine.

Ava: You can’t do this to me. You can't walk into the walk salon and drop a bomb on me like that and then walk out! What am I supposed to do? Wait for you to leave? Start planning the music and the flowers for your service? You taught me to be tougher than that. You taught me to never give up. That's what you said. Fight, tooth and nail, and never give up on life. And live every minute.

Olivia: Ava. When I asked you what it felt like when you thought you were dying, that's because I am. My heart is, uh... (music playing)

Dinah: Olivia, I'm sorry. Wow. Well, Ava’s right. You know, you need to live every moment. You need to have the people around you who love you, you need them, and you need to let a man love you.

Olivia: What if he doesn't love you back?

Jessica: Detective Mallet?

Mallet: Hold on. As soon as I'm done. I think I'm done. Ah, here, have a seat. Sorry about this.

Jessica: Hey.

Mallet: What can I do for you?

Jessica: I'll get right to the point. I'm Jessica Garrett, president of the town council of Shrewsbury.

Mallet: Oh, nice to meet you. A.C. Mallet. That's a nice town, Shrewsbury. Seth Monroe, right? Runs a good department over there. Yeah.

Jessica: He did. Chief Monroe is retiring.

Mallet: Really? No kidding.

Jessica: Detective, we've followed your career ever since you were on the attorney-general's taskforce.

Mallet: Uh-oh.

Jessica: We think you're the man to replace Chief Monroe. What do you think?

Laurence: Don't be mad at your grandfather.

Lizzie: Lawrence, you seem like a nice guy.

Laurence: Ooh, now that, that hurts.

Lizzie: I'm just not in the market.

Laurence: Well, neither am I. You know, I spend enough time on the market at work, buying, selling, trading. I'm kind of sick of it. You know, I'm looking for something more. You

Lizzie: Yeah.

Laurence: Yeah? Well, is there something wrong with us looking together? Starting with the menu?

Lizzie: I guess not.

Laurence: So how's the Caesar salad?

Lizzie: It's just... those eyes.

Laurence: What?

Lizzie: They make it at the table, and I can't take my eyes off of it. Salad art. (Laughs)

Billy: Well, we definitely don't need to bulldoze, do we?

Bill: Hmm? Ah, no. No, I guess not.

Billy: Well, go get her.

Bill: No. Come on. She's busy.

Billy: (Clears throat) I swear, sometimes I don't believe you're my son.

Bill: Okay, look. I'm going to wash up. Get us a table, and a different topic of conversation, okay?

Laurence: So how about another glass of wine?

Lizzie: (Laughs) I shouldn’t.

Laurence: Oh, I think that's a yes.

Lizzie: Um... okay. You order, and I will be right back.

Laurence: Okay.

Alan: Elizabeth?

Lizzie: Granddad?

Alan: You're leaving Lawrence sitting by himself?

Lizzie: As if, he’s a hottie. Thank you, Granddad.

Alan: Why don't you ask Bill if he would like for me to look at the time he spent in Venezuela? I have friends in the government down there, you know. They would love to settle some unfinished business of his.

Lizzie: You know, Bill, I'm on a date.

Bill: Lizzie, I can see that. It has Alan written all over it.

Lizzie: Okay. Lawrence, he's a very nice guy.

Bill: I'm sure he is. Do you know what I almost did today?

Lizzie: I've got to go.

Bill: Hey, listen. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Please? Wait. I need to tell you something.

Lizzie: Okay, no. No. You wait. Okay? You need to get it through your head that this, us? It's just not going to happen, okay?

Bill: What are you talking about? What are you saying? What happened since this morning?

Lizzie: That was this morning, and this is right now. And I am telling you, Bill, that I need you to back off.

Bill: Lizzie.

Lizzie: Okay, leave me alone. Maybe we should get a bottle.

Laurence: But I thought you had to go home. Or was that your way out in case I bored you to tears?

Lizzie: Do you have a way out in case I wasn't worth sucking up to my granddad for?

Laurence: Nobody fools you, huh?

Lizzie: Hmm. Guess we're just a couple of realists.

Laurence: Well, your grandfather called you a "romantic?" Lizzie? Was he wrong?

Lizzie: I used to be a romantic. But you grow up, grow wiser and learn to just take what comes.

Bill: Are you okay?

Ava: It's not your problem.

Bill: It's not my problem.

Ava: I guess we can't solve anything.

Emma: Because I'm the mommy, that's why. But I still love you, I promise.

Olivia: Can I join the party?

Emma: Mommy!

Olivia: Hey, princess. How about some tea, huh, Mr. Bear? You know, one of these days you're going to have a real family, and I'll bet you're going to be the bestest mommy ever.

Emma: And you're going to be the grandma.

Olivia: I hope so. Really, I would like some tea, please? Spot? A spot of tea. So you know how I've been not feeling well and going to see the doctor and I told you that I had a really bad cold? Yes, cream, please. Well, it's a little more than that. You see, um, the truth is, I might have to go, you know, stay in the hospital for a little bit. And I'm not really sure how long. And the chance... there's a chance that I might not be able to come home. But I've taken care of everything. You've got so many people who love you, like your Uncle Gus, and your sister Ava, and your... Bill. You love Bill, right? And even though you might be a little scared sometimes and a little lonely, those people are going to be there for you, okay, to help you. And I'm sure you're going to grow up to be my most wonderful, beautiful daughter. And even though I might not be here to see it, I'll know because that's what Mommies and Daddies do. They never really leave, Em. That's the truth. They're always right here, in your heart. So you remember that. I will never leave you. I will always be with you. Okay? That's my girl.

Dinah: Hello, sir. I'd like to report a crime.

Officer: Name?

Dinah: I'd like to speak to the detective about this.

Officer: If you give me your name, it will go better...

Dinah: I'd like to speak to the detective, please.

Mallet: It's okay, Rosie. Dinah, what's wrong?

Dinah: I'm doing my civic duty, but it makes it very difficult around here when there's so much red tape.

Mallet: I've got it, Rosie. I'll get her statement. So?

Dinah: So what?

Mallet: So, the crime?

Dinah: Oh, right, the crime. The crime is... I believed that I didn't need a man. Not just any man. You.

Mallet: Are you, um... is everything okay? You feeling all right and everything?

Dinah: Yeah.

Mallet: Mm-hmm.

Dinah: But other people are not so lucky. They are getting sick and they're dying, and they don't have a chance to have what we have, or had, or will have again. Do you see what I'm saying?

Mallet: I don't know. I guess I do.

Dinah: I miss you, honey. I miss you! I miss you! This is where you tell me you miss me, too.

Mallet: Oh, come on, Dinah. Yes, I miss you, but come on.

Dinah: I pushed you away, and I know that. Time and time again, and no matter what's going on in my life, whether it's good or it's bad or it's all mixed up, it is incomplete. It needs you in it. I need you. What is this? It's from the town of Shrewsbury and it has your name on it. It's a contract.

Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, actually, they made me an offer to be their next chief of police.

Dinah: Wow!

Mallet: Yeah!

Dinah: Wow!

Mallet: Yeah!

Dinah: Well, I hope they're not too disappointed when you have to turn them down.

Mallet: Well, to be honest, I don't really know how I can say no. (Music playing)


Beth: I'm sending you a picture. Phillip, I know I've made a lot of mistakes. But please understand, she is the one thing I did right.

Lizzie: Hey, Mom.

Beth: Hey. Hey. How did you get away?

Lizzie: Technically, I didn't because he's waiting for me at Towers.

Beth: Alan?

Lizzie: No. Lawrence.

Beth: Oh, okay. Now I'm lost.

Lizzie: Granddad agreed to let me leave, as long as I went on a date that he set up.

Beth: Lawrence?

Lizzie: Parker. Of the Beacon Hill Parker’s, of course.

Beth: Okay, this has to stop. I don't care what he does to me. I'm going to tell him he is never going to see...

Lizzie: No, Mom, don’t. Just don’t.

Beth: What are you saying, that you like this Mr. Parker of Beacon Hill?

Lizzie: He's fine. He's okay.

Beth: Lizzie?

Lizzie: Granddad issued another threat. And this one's against Bill.

Beth: This has to stop.

Lizzie: You can't be the one to stop it. He is going to use this to get you closer to him.

Beth: I won't be the one to stop it. But somebody will.

Lizzie: What does that mean?

Beth: Honey, you are my baby, Peyton is my baby. And I am not going to let anyone hurt you, either of you.

Alan: I know I can count on you, Phillip. Now, friend or no friend, Rick Bauer is out to ruin our family and our company. And if family means everything to you, like you said it does, I know that you will help me. I will help you. When you come to town, you and I will work things out between us. I want you to know something else, son... I love you.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Lizzie: My dad sent me a message.

Phillip Spaulding.

Alan: I got your message, son, and I'm making the proper arrangements right now.

Beth: You have to know that no matter what happened, your father always loved you very much.

Lizzie: I can't wait to see him again.

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