GL Transcript Thursday 3/13/08

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 3/13/08


Provided by Boo
Proofread By Tanya

Announcer: Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Doctor: Dilated cardiomyopathy. You're a candidate for a heart transplant.

Olivia: I'm dying, Gus.

Gus: You locked her in the closet?

Natalia: I'm sorry, I didn't know. I will do whatever I can for you.

Olivia: Give me your husband.

Natalia: Just because I'm sending him to you doesn't mean he'll go.

Gus: I'll be with you as soon as I can.

Olivia: The party's just getting started, isn't it?

R.J.: Mom, did you see me? Did you see how I faked that guy? Huh?

Cassie: I'm sorry. What did you say?

R.J.: When I went up for the lay-up. Never mind.

Cassie: You mean when you went up there with the ball on your right and you switched to your left and you beat him with the finger roll?

R.J.: You did see.

Cassie: Of course I saw. You were a regular Carlos Zambrano -- brano...

R.J.: That's baseball.

Cassie: I know that.

R.J.: I'm glad you came tonight, Mom.

Cassie: I am, too. I'm know I missed a lot of your games lately.

R.J.: That's okay.

Cassie: No, it's not okay. But I'm not going to miss anymore. I'm going to be at all of them. And we are going to have fun.

R.J.: So I can have a pass on my social studies homework?

Cassie: Nice try. Not that one.

Coach: I didn't see Mr. Lewis at practice?

R.J.: He had to do some church work, right, Mom?

Coach: When is your brother going to be trying out for the team?

Cassie: Will won't be finishing school here. We had to send him to the youth center at Lake Adam’s.

Coach: Sorry, I had no idea.

Cassie: Well, someone has a paper to finish, so if you'll excuse us? Did you say that to try to protect me?

R.J.: Will has already hurt this family enough.

Cassie: He didn't mean to. I know that's hard to understand.

R.J.: I don't care if he meant to or not. I'm just glad he's gone.

Natalia: You married men are all the same.

Gus: You married women are all the same. But I am wild about this one.

Natalia: I'm wild about you.

Gus: Natalia...

Natalia: Oh, he remembers.

Gus: I just have to make a quick phone call, okay? What? I'm sorry, but she hasn't answered any of my calls. What if something happened?

Natalia: I wonder if she has ever, ever had anyone as generous in her life as you.

Gus: No answer.

Natalia: The doctor said that she had the direct number.

Gus: She's probably just sleeping.

Olivia: What did I do? Okay.

Nick: Morning, beautiful.

Olivia: Hey.

Jamie: Whoa!

Olivia: Hi. What time is it?

Jamie: I lost track after three A.M. What a night.

Nick: Hey, hey, hey. You okay?

Olivia: Yeah-- no, I'm just not a morning person.

Jamie: Well, we can still pretend it's night if it makes you feel better.

Olivia: You're the doctor.

(Cell phone rings)

Cyrus: Harley?

Phoebe: Guess again.

Cyrus: Phoebe.

Phoebe: Where's my money?

Cyrus: I told you, it takes time.

Phoebe: Do you think your ex-girlfriend is mad enough to help me put you away?

Cyrus: Leave Marina out of this.

Phoebe: You've got two choices: You can pay me or you can go to jail. Of course there is a third, and oh, baby, that's the one you always choose.

Cyrus: Phoebe? (Rock music playing)

Harley: I recycle.

Cyrus: That's good.

Harley: Thank you.

Cyrus: I was just in the neighborhood.

Harley: Really?

Cyrus: I can leave.

Harley: No, no, no, no, no. I mean, I miss you.

Cyrus: You are so beautiful.

Harley: No, you didn't always think I was beautiful-- not when we were trapped in that building underneath all of that rubble--

Cyrus: That's when I realized who beautiful you are, and brave. And you look really good in rubble.

Harley: I'm not brave. You're brave. The only time I ever feel safe is when I'm with you.

Daisy: I've got to get out of here.

Harley: Daisy, I was taking out the garbage, and Cyrus was--

Daisy: Stop, I know what you were doing.

Cyrus: This is my fault.

Harley: No, it's mine.

Daisy: Could you at least just move the butter? You could tie a bra around the doorknob so I know you have a guy in the house.

Harley: Not a guy. This guy.

Daisy: Today.

Cyrus: If you want to get mad, take it out on me.

Harley: Cyrus, I think you should go.

Cyrus: We need to talk about something.

Harley: Okay, we can talk--

Daisy: I'll leave.

Harley: No, no, no! We can talk about that later. I promise you.

Daisy: Was that supposed to impress me?

Harley: Would you just stop? And can we talk, please?

Bartender: You meeting your husband, Mrs. Lewis?

Cassie: No, Mike, I'm not meeting anyone today.

Mike: How about a mimosa?

Cassie: You know what? How about tequila?

Mike: You sure?

Cassie: Why not?

Cyrus: I hear you run a tight ship, Mr. Booth. I want to jump on board. I'm interested in security work.

Booth: It's Colonel Booth. What's your background?

Cyrus: I'm willing to start at the bottom, but I think you'll find with my experience, I can help with corporate espionage... internet fraud. Even employee theft.

Booth: I'll bet you could, Mr. Foley.

Cyrus: I'm sorry, have we met?

Booth: I never had the privilege. I saw your face on a poster on the post office wall.

Cyrus: Can I have a beer, please?

Cassie: Looks good to me.

Cyrus: Hey, Cassie.

Cassie: Cheers.

Cyrus: I thought you'd be in Mexico by now.

Cassie: Yeah. I couldn't do it. I have R.J. so I sent Will away. I can see him, but he can't leave until they say it's safe. I know, what kind of mother turns her own son into the cops, right?

Cyrus: Listen, what you did takes guts.

Cassie: When you gave me all those numbers and the contacts and the names, you made it real. You made it a possibility. But you knew I wasn't going to be able to go through with it. I don't know whether to slap you across the face or buy you another beer. (Laughs)

Olivia: I'm waking up, you guys. How about a mimosa? Hey, Jamie, Nick.

Jamie: Get some sleep, babe.

Nick: Yeah, we can take up where we left off later.

Olivia: What are you doing?

Nick: It’s nice.

Olivia: Yeah, well, it's my husband’s, and he's a cop.

Jamie: It's not our lucky night, bro.

Olivia: Okay, you know, I'm a little out of it, as you can probably tell, but since you've been so attentive, I want to give you something back. Room 306, one of my housekeepers specializes in turndown service, and she's very friendly.

Gus: Who are you?

Nick: We're cool, man.

Jamie: Your wife's a keeper.

Olivia: Good morning.

Gus: Where's little Emma?

Olivia: She's at Jane’s.

Gus: Were you out clubbing all night?

Olivia: Why don't you go back to Natalia? That's where you want to be.

Gus: Take your medication.

Olivia: No. No! I hate this. I hate being weak and scared, and sitting around and waiting for my damn heart to stop. So what, I went clubbing. So what, I danced and drank, and I had fun with a couple of guys. You know something, they made me feel alive, just for a little bit.

Gus: Right, I don't know what it's like.

Olivia: I've got this doctor's appointment that I have been avoiding, and I really don't want to go. Call me crazy.

Gus: Well, it might be a little crazy, but it doesn't mean you're not a good person.

Olivia: I'm scared. I'm scared.

Harley: Don't lose the sock because you can never find the other one and then you don't have the match and it makes me nuts.

Daisy: Sort of how Marina must feel, huh?

Harley: My own mother didn't do housework. I don't think she knew how. But I like it. I like the ironing and folding and ironing of your underwear.

Daisy: We're going to be ironing underwear?

Harley: No. We are going to make mindless chitchat until we can both calm down enough to talk. You can ask me anything about Cyrus.

Daisy: You're supposed to be asking me about my boyfriends. That's normal.

Harley: He's not my boyfriend. I mean, I don't know what he is. We're taking it slow. It's not like he's moving in. Yet.

Daisy: Oh, look, you dropped a sock.

Harley: Sweetie, I'm trying to do this well. And I'm not just doing this for me and Cyrus. I'm doing it for you-- for you and the boys, for us as a family.

Daisy: Yeah. I don't want to fold anymore or talk.

Phoebe: He's not there.

Harley: I don't even know you, but I am learning to dislike you.

Phoebe: There's no reason to. We have a lot in common.

Harley: Like what?

Phoebe: Cyrus.

Harley: You mean we used to have something in common.

Phoebe: Maybe we still do.

Harley: If that is meant to scare me, it doesn’t.

Phoebe: Turn around, and I know you're lying.

Rafe: I've been texting you.

Daisy: I know. I've been dealing with stuff with my mom.

Rafe: What about her?

Daisy: Well, she's been helping herself to Marina's boyfriend.

Rafe: Cyrus and Harley? Wow!

Daisy: I know. I can't believe you haven't seen them. They've been making out everywhere. They've been making out in the car, in the mall, on our dining room table. She used to care so much about us being careful. And now all she cares about is herself. She doesn't care about hurting anyone. She just wants her hands on crocodile man.

Phoebe: I guess you're not like one of us.

Harley: Us?

Phoebe: There's nothing for Cyrus here, that's for sure.

Harley: What do you want?

Phoebe: What he owes me, and not even that.

Harley: How much?

Phoebe: He knows.

Harley: How much?

Phoebe: A hundred thousand.

Harley: Dollars? That's not a problem, I'll just go get my checkbook.

Phoebe: I could go to the D.A. and press charges or sue him in civil court.

Harley: I don't know what Cyrus did to you, but I'm sure you had it coming. But he's walked away from that life. And he's starting fresh.

Phoebe: With you?

Harley: That's right.

Phoebe: If you believe that, I'd better ask for another hundred grand and put it in escrow for you.

Harley: Get out.

Phoebe: Men like Cyrus don't change. They just get better at it.

Cassie: You don't like it when I call you a good guy, do you?

Cyrus: Would you like to be called a preacher's wife?

Cassie: Hell no.

Cyrus: I gave you the option, that's all: Use my contacts, run away with Will, or...

Cassie: Come to my senses.

Cyrus: Maybe the sensible thing was to run.

Cassie: So where are you running to, Cyrus?

Cyrus: Who says I am?

Cassie: What, this is just a pretty picture of one of your many options?

Cyrus: I don't do domestic. I tried, but... the suburbs are ... are so suburban.

Cassie: Try sitting in the front row on Sunday, between listening to Mr. Jenkins snore and Mrs. Allenby singing off key, I can barely keep a straight face.

Cyrus: There will be no smiling in church, Mrs. Lewis.

Cassie: No, we can't have that, Mr. Foley. And we can't have our jewel thieves looking out for mothers and their children.

Cyrus: Never happen again.

Bartender: Another round?

Cyrus: Rain check?

Cassie: Your money is no good here.

Cyrus: You know, I would argue, but I'm broke. Thank you.

Cassie: When I asked you how much it would cost to help you and Will, you said $100,000.

Cyrus: Yeah, I was joking.

Cassie: Were you?

Cyrus: Thanks for the beer, Cassie. Let me drive you home.

Cassie: Home? Where is that?

Natalia: Oh, excuse me, you've got the wrong room.

Jamie: That's not what I hear.

Natalia: This is Mr. Foley’s room.

Nick: Lucky Mr. Foley. He's got his very own French maid.

Natalia: I'm not French.

Jamie: She says she's not French, Nick.

Natalia: You guys have the wrong room, so you have to go. Right now or I'll call the owner.

Nick: Olivia? We just spent the night with her.

Nick: She told us all about you. We had to say hello.

Jamie: Maybe the four of us can get together when her husband is out of town.

Natalia: Her what?

Jamie: Her husband, the cop.

Gus: You get yourself in bed.

Olivia: No, I'm tired of getting to bed.

Gus: That's a brand new concept. You're going to rest and then I'm going to take you to the doctor.

Olivia: I can't do that.

Gus: Yes, because they need to monitor you and tell us if there have been any changes.

Olivia: No. I don't want him to tell me how long I have to live.

Gus: What can I do for you? That was... I don't know what that was.

Olivia: You asked me what I needed.

Gus: Go ahead and rest. I'm just going to cancel your doctor's appointment.

Olivia: I won't tell if you won’t.

Gus: Tell what? There's nothing to tell. Just rest.

Olivia: Okay. It's not over. It's not over. (Knock on the door)

Natalia: Hi there. You must be feeling a lot better.

Rafe: They should be worrying about us. They should be staying up late waiting for us to come home, not the other way around.

Daisy: If this is what it's like to be a grownup, it sucks.

Rafe: I know. Tell me about it.

Daisy: Rafe, you know what I want? Food. I'm starving. You're buying. Come on.

Cassie: I didn't figure you for a handkerchief kind of guy.

Cyrus: Well, women seem to cry around me.

Cassie: You might want to do something about that.

Cyrus: I'm trying.

Cassie: Harley's my friend.

(Cyrus crumples paper)

Cassie: Oh, if only everything were that easy.

Cyrus: Let me ask you something: Do you want Will to be home when you get there with Josh and R.J.?

Cassie: In a perfect world...

Cyrus: In this world? Look, sometimes we have to fight to be with someone. But sometimes it's better to let go.

Harley: Cassie.

Cassie: What?

Harley: That's not your car. That's not even close to your car. What are you looking at?

Cyrus: That's it. We're driving you home.

Cassie: You are not driving me home. I will take a cab.

Cyrus: You know what that looks like?

Cassie: I will take a cab.

Harley: Around the car.

Cyrus: I like your friend.

Harley: I wish I could say the same about yours. Phyllis-- I'm sorry, Phoebe. Remember that strange woman who followed you home from the gym? She approached me today. We had such a nice chat, blackmail...

Cyrus: I didn't want to worry you. Your family is already breathing down your neck because of us.

Harley: I can handle them. What I can't handle is you lying to me. I know you're trying to protect me. But I know you have a past.

Cyrus: The trouble is it won't stay past. If Phoebe goes public...

Harley: Well, it's already taken care of.

Cyrus: What? She wants money. You don't have that kind of cash.

Harley: I just took out a second on the house. It's okay.

Cyrus: What? I can't let you do that.

Harley: It's done.

Gus: Doctor, about Olivia Spencer, she ain't coming. She's just afraid she's going to get more bad news. I was wondering if you could just talk to me.

Doctor: Talk to you?

Gus: I know it's against the rules, but she's afraid of dying. Doc, my dad is Alan Spaulding, his name is all over this hospital, and one way or the other on your paycheck, so I was wondering if you could, just this one instance, bend the rules.

Olivia: Hi, how are you today?

Natalia: I just wanted to see for myself.

Olivia: What's that?

Natalia: This amazing recovery. You must feel great to stay up all night with your new friends.

Olivia: Okay. You met Nick and...

Natalia: Jamie.

Olivia: Yes.

Natalia: Yeah, I did.

Olivia: Come on, they were cute, right?

Natalia: I give you my husband, and you set me up?

Olivia: I set you up? Well, you know what? They seemed reasonably nice, and I thought you might be lonely.

Natalia: Look, Olivia, I know that you're sick and I know that you needed Gus to lean on. But now you're just playing games with us.

Olivia: Playing games? No, I'm not. I'm really not. Gus kissed me.

Natalia: Gus kisses everybody. Gus kisses Lizzie’s dog. So don't start imagining...

Olivia: I'm not imagining anything. It wasn't an "I'm sorry you're sick" kiss. It was passionate.

Natalia: Why are you doing this? You should be thinking positive thoughts, and instead you spread spiteful, hurtful, mean...

Olivia: I am positive. I am positive Gus is keeping me alive. And I think I'm doing the same for him.

Gus: Hey, what are you doing out of bed? Hi.

Natalia: Hi.

Olivia: I thought she should know.

Gus: Know what?

Natalia: I've had it. The deal is off. We can't help her, Gus. We maybe can keep her alive, but the woman inside is past saving. I want my husband back and my life back. Let's just go. Gus?

Gus: I can't go now.

Olivia: Let her go, please.

Cyrus: What if your kids could use that money for college?

Harley: One of my kids is a Spaulding and the other is a Bauer, so I don't have to worry about college or really anything else. And it was worth it to see that smug smile removed from her face.

Cyrus: You didn't just do this to bail me out or to one-up Phoebe, did you? You did it to show them.

Harley: I don't know what you're talking about.

Cyrus: Your family. They already think I'm no good for you, but if Phoebe sues me or has me arrested, they have their proof.

Harley: Let me tell you something: I don't care what my family thinks.

Cyrus: Yes, you do. You care a lot. Because you love them and you want them to believe that what we have is real.

Harley: It is real.

Cyrus: I know. But you don't think they see that.

(Knock on the door)

Reva: Hi. Will left some things at Cross Creek, and I thought I would bring them by so that...

Cassie: Thank you. I will make sure he gets them in Lake Adams. You're not surprised. Josh called you, didn't he?

Reva: Yeah. Actually, Josh called me to tell me that you had made a very brave choice.

Cassie: What I did was turn my own son into the police.

Reva: Cassie, Will needs help.

Cassie: Thank you, Reva, I know. He's an eight-year-old, and he's a menace to society. But to me he's just my little boy, and he's gone.

(Knock on the door)

Rick: Look who's here.

Daisy: Hey.

Rick: How you doing, Daisy?

Daisy: Cool. No school today?

Rick: No school.

Daisy: All right. So we'll do some math.

Jude: Dad!

Rick: No math. She's just pulling your leg.

Daisy: We'll call this a math-free zone. How about we take your scooter for a ride?

Rick: You put your helmet and pads on.

Daisy: Absolutely.

Rick: Where's Harley?

Daisy: Go get your scooter, Jude

Rick: Is everything okay? Where is she?

Daisy: Um...

Rick: Tell me she's not dating Cyrus.

Daisy: The last I heard, they're taking it slow. At least she's not letting him move in.

Harley: Hi.

Daisy: What happened to taking it slow?

Rick: Are you out of your mind? What are you doing with this?

Cyrus: Can I just say something?

Harley: No. I'm done apologizing for my life. We're not going to make ourselves happy by making everybody else miserable.

Rick: I don't want that in our house!

Harley: I don't have to explain and I don't have to get your permission. This is my house. And if I want Cyrus here, he will be here. And if you don't like it, there's the door!

Rick: We're not finished with this. I want you to think long and hard about how that will affect our son. Because, believe me, Harley, this will end very badly for you.

Cyrus: I think that went well.

Reva: Um, I can take that to the post office for you.

Cassie: No, no, no. It's okay. I'll do it later.

Reva: Come on, let me.

Cassie: No!

Reva: Cassie, let me tell you something: I lost a son, too. It may be different because at least Jonathan still has Sarah, and he can make a life for them. But it's still a life without me.

Cassie: And they tell me that Will has a chance now, that they're going to help him work through his demons, but I won't be there. And when he needs someone to hold him...

Reva: I know. When I think about those situations, I want to go crazy.

Cassie: I did go crazy.

Reva: It's just called motherhood.

Cassie: What is it about us, Reva? Sisters share sweaters and hair dryers and lipstick, and we seem to share everything.

Reva: Only misery. And Jeffrey and Josh.

Cassie: So how come we're still more like strangers?

Reva: Do you want to make a pot of tea? Because it could take all day.

Cassie: I mean it.

Reva: Maybe we're too much alike.

Cassie: I'm sorry about Jonathan.

Reva: Thank you. And I'm sorry about Will.

Cassie: Well, I'm going to get that box ready before the post office closes.

Reva: I'll move my car, because I've got you blocked in.

Harley: What's wrong?

Cyrus: I forgot my toothbrush.

Harley: Are you going to use that lame excuse, the old I forgot my toothbrush, head out to the store and I never see you again.

Cyrus: No. I'll just borrow yours.

Harley: Use my toothbrush? It must be true love.

Cyrus: Well, isn't that what you wanted?

Harley: Yes... yes, but when I got to Towers, you and Cassie were talking about letting go and holding onto people.

Cyrus: Well, I'm here, aren't I?

Harley: Wow, that's hardly a declaration of love.

Cyrus: Do you need to hear me say it?

Harley: You never have.

Cyrus: Oh, Harley. I love you. I'm exactly where I want to be. I hate this whole thing where you have to pay off a woman who is blackmailing me.

Harley: Well, what am I supposed to do? Lose you to blackmail. Or to my family's disapproval or my own stupid hang-ups? I won’t.

Rafe: Nice balance, man. You like ice cream, right?

Jude: Yeah.

Rafe: So why don't you go order some for you and your sister, okay?

Jude: Okay.

Daisy: Thank you.

Rafe: Question.

Daisy: Ask.

Rafe: Does this mean that we're going out again?

Daisy: No.

Rafe: Damn, girl, look, I'm crazy about you. But if you keep jerking me around...

Daisy: We can do better than going out. I'm moving out of my mom's place. I can't trust her. I can't live with her. You're the only one I can trust, Rafe. Let's get a place and live together. Say something.

Olivia: Natalia is a good person, she's the salt of the earth, and you've done everything you can to do right by her, but you've outgrown her.

Gus: Olivia, I've spoken to your doctor.

Olivia: I said I didn't want to hear it.

Gus: You need to listen to me because you need to make arrangements.

Olivia: No, no, no!

Gus: This is not just about you. It's about your daughters. Ava is a big girl, but it doesn't mean she should be any less--

Olivia: Stop it! Stop it! No! (Sobbing) I... I've got a few months? A few weeks? Stop it. Stop it. (Sobbing) No! No! No, no, no, no, no!

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Mallet: That's a nice town.

Woman: We think you're the man to replace Chief Monroe.

Dinah: I hope they are not too disappointed when you have to turn them down.

Mallet: How do you feel about 1001 for old time's sake? I can't believe I'm going. Frank, I was going to tell you that I was leaving Springfield.

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