Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 3/12/08
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Proofread By Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Jonathan: What about the police, Lizzie?
Lizzie: Go, go, now.
Alan: Are you out of your mind?!
Lizzie: It was the only way I could know that she wouldn't grow up under this roof!
Bill: So Jonathan wins, huh?
Lizzie: Nobody wins. Sarah gets her freedom, but somebody has to take her place.
Alan: No one gets in and no one gets out.
Dangerous, oh, sleep in my bed
watching, waiting, hope I'm stating
lights go up to the black to the blue
so just stand to the night synchronized we fight
you're coming back to me you're going sing with me
you're coming back to me you're going sing with me
systems crashing bells are ringing anarchy still frozen me
I have looked to the stars I have looked to the sea
all these questions now is it him or me
you're coming back to me...
Bill: Termination of lease? Hey! Lizzie's coming back!
Lizzie: Prison break.
Alan: Going somewhere, Elizabeth?
Lizzie: Um, I was just feeling kind of lonesome, Granddad.
Alan: Well, it's good thing I invited your mother over for a visit.
Lizzie: Mom's coming here?
Alan: Yes. You seem surprised.
Lizzie: Well, the way she left with Rick...
Alan: Well, your mother is a little confused right now, conflicted, but the one thing we share, and we'll always share, is our daughter Peyton, and our love for you.
Lizzie: I just need some fresh air, Granddad. I'm going to wait for mom out here.
Alan: Fine. I have a meeting to attend to at Towers. If you need anything, just ask one of the guards and they'll get it for you.
You're coming back you're coming back
you're coming back you're coming back
you're coming back you're coming back
Natalia: Oh, sorry!
Bill: Hey, hey, hey, Natalia, it's okay.
Natalia: Sorry. I was told this room was supposed to be vacated.
Bill: No, it's a misunderstanding. It's still Lizzie’s room.
Natalia: Oh, because I have on my sheet...
Bill: Your sheet. That's a mistake. In fact, she just upped for another year. So all's well in Springfield. Sorry, I've got to run.
Bill: Alan, you can't keep her prisoner.
Alan: Bill, Elizabeth came home because she knows what is best for her.
Bill: Tell you what, I'll make a deal with you, you let Lizzie off the hook and I'll--
Alan: I don't do deals with you, Bill.
Bill: She hates you, Alan. You're the reason she had to give up her child.
Alan: Bill, I realize I make a convenient villain, but the truth of the matter is she gave up Sarah because she isn't ready to be a mother at this stage of your life.
Bill: She was afraid of what you would do to Jonathan and Sarah.
Alan: She isn't afraid. She is heartbroken. That's why she came home to the man who will always love her. That's why she came home to her family, where she feels safe.
Vanessa: Voila.
Dinah: Platinum. You always did know how to land on your feet, didn't you?
Vanessa: How about my girl?
Dinah: I tend to land on my head. It's a joke. It's a joke. My head's way better.
Vanessa: I have a confession to make. This lunch is a test.
Dinah: To see if I remember which fork to use?
Vanessa: There's a job opening up at the studio producing.
Dinah: So you wanted to know if my brain was in gear before you offered me the job, is that right?
Vanessa: You mad at me?
Dinah: That depends. How did I do?
Vanessa: You did beautifully. You passed with flying colors.
Dinah: I appreciate it, Mom, I really do, but I can't take it.
Vanessa: Dinah, don't get all proud on me.
Dinah: I'm not...
Vanessa: I wouldn't offer the job to you...
Dinah: ...Suggesting that you are doing that, Mom. This is not about special favors. If anything, you would bend over backwards to prove that you're not playing favorites.
Vanessa: Than say yes.
Dinah: I can’t.
Vanessa: You don't want to work with your mother?
Dinah: I do want to work with my mother... when I'm ready. And I'm not.
Vanessa: Dinah, having a job would be really good for you and this is a good job. It would give you a routine and money...
Dinah: Mom, I have it covered. Hello, I have it covered. I'm letting you off the hook. I'm going to pay for lunch to prove it to you.
Vanessa: Okay. I hope you know what you're doing.
Bill: Lizzie! (Dog growling) Hi. Hey there, doggie. Dogs love me. Dogs and kids. Ooh. Must smell my cat. (Cell phone rings) I've got to take this. Bill Lewis.
Wanda: You're as bad as your father.
Bill: Hey, there, Wanda. What's up?
Wanda: You've forgotten.
Bill: No, I didn't forget. Happy birthday.
Wanda: The meeting today, the one with the European investor that I can't pronounce his name.
Bill: Is that today? I have my P.D.A. right there.
Wanda: You are such a liar. I can tell you're out of breath. Ten to one you're all sweaty.
Bill: What are you insinuating, Wanda?
Wanda: I hope she's worth it.
Bill: Me, too.
Wanda: I knew it! Listen, you better get your butt in gear and high tail it to this office.
Bill: Yeah, see you in a bit. Look, if you see Lizzie, will you tell her my heart beats for her.
Dinah: Hey, you okay?
Olivia: Yeah.
Dinah: You're not reassuring me.
Olivia: I'll live, or not. Scotch on the rocks.
Dinah: Don't you think you should just have some water?
Olivia: No, no, don't think. Just join me.
Dinah: Don't you think it's a little early.
Olivia: Nah, it's not too early. One drink. I'll buy.
Dinah: I'm not broke. Do I look broke?
Olivia: No, I'm sorry. I just... I need some answers. I thought maybe you would have some.
Dinah: Answers? From me? All right, ask away.
Olivia: When you were shot, did you see that white light that they talk about?
Dinah: I had a headache and I felt like my skull was coming apart.
Olivia: So you didn't think you were dying?
Dinah: There were times afterwards that I wanted to, yeah.
Olivia: The pain?
Dinah: Well, the pain was easy. What I couldn't handle was being a patient-- less then, you know, people feeling sorry for me, Mallet's guilt and the debt. I got tired of that kind of attention, believe it or not.
Olivia: Nobody likes that kind of attention.
Dinah: What exactly is up with you?
Olivia: I think we've still got it. You can pick.
Dinah: No. Not exactly my type. You have fun though, all right?
Olivia: Thanks.
Bill: Mr. Montrose, welcome to Springfield.
Montreau: Montreau.
Bill: Montreau, sorry.
Wanda: Tea?
Bill: Wanda, tea, that would be nice. I'd love some.
Montreau: She's charming.
Bill: Yeah, she is. What brings you to Lewis Construction?
Montreau: I thought I made that clear on the phone. My employer, the C.E.O. of Post Script, Incorporated, has heard good things about you.
Bill: I looked up your company on the internet, but I couldn't find a match. Does your boss have a name?
Montreau: I will tell you that he is one of the wealthiest men in Europe and looking to expand in the U.S.
Bill: This is great, but how did we get so lucky.
Montreau: You dislike all of the secrecy.
Bill: Dislike. Distrust.
Montreau: I appreciate your honesty. I will speak to my employer and get back to you.
Bill: Great.
Montreau: Thank you.
Bill: Oh, stop drooling. Get me a coffee.
Beth: So it's true, you and Sarah moved back in here?
Lizzie: Well, you're half right. Hey, it's your big sis.
Beth: Lizzie. Lizzie, where's Sarah?
Lizzie: She's with Jonathan.
Beth: Jonathan has no right!
Lizzie: It was my choice.
Beth: You let him have your baby?
Lizzie: I love her. I need her to be safe, Mom.
Beth: What's the deal? What's going on?
Lizzie: Granddad let's Jonathan leave town with Sarah, he let's them live in peace, and I move back in.
Beth: He forces you to give up your baby, and then--
Lizzie: It was my idea. I was here when you and Rick and Granddad were fighting over Peyton, and all I could think of was the same thing happening to Sarah, or worse. And I just couldn't do that, Mom, I couldn't!
Beth: I will not let him do this to you.
Lizzie: No. What you're going to do, Mom, is protect your baby, because that is what you need to do. It gets easier, right? Can I, um...
Beth: Yeah.
Ava: Okay, one more.
Bill: Peekaboo. Emma. She's still the prettiest little girl in the town.
Ava: She certainly is.
Bill: This must be fate. Guess who’s signing C.D.s, Hannah Montana.
Ava: Hannah Montana. The Hannah Montana? She loves Hannah Montana.
Bill: I've got a great idea, why don't I take her.
Ava: Well we did tell Olivia... okay, you can go.
Emma: Yes!
Ava: All right. Well, you call me when you are done, and I'll come pick her up.
Bill: Okey-dokey.
Ava: Have fun!
Bill: We will. Oops, you know what, I made a mistake. She's not signing C.D.s today. She's signing them tomorrow. But I've got another idea. Why don't we go visit Granddad Spaulding, huh? Yeah, let's go. Let's go.
Lizzie: Fresh air, I almost forgot what it smells like.
Beth: This is ridiculous. Any time you want to leave...
Lizzie: I tried. Granddad is just one step ahead of me.
Beth: I'm going to talk to him.
Lizzie: As long as I keep up my end of the bargain, he leaves Jonathan and Sarah alone, and that is what matters.
Beth: You're a prisoner.
Lizzie: I can leave... if I bring the driver.
Beth: What about friends? Dating?
Lizzie: Honestly, there is only one person I would want to see, and he is totally off limits.
Beth: Bill.
Lizzie: Can we talk about something else, please? Okay, how are you and Rick?
Beth: He's fine. He's great. No pressure. He has his part of the house, and I have mine.
Lizzie: I need a sandwich.
Bill: Oh, oh, look at there, Emma, it's raining bouncy balls. (Horn beeps)
Guard: Can I help you?
Bill: I've got a special delivery here, Emma, Mr. Spaulding's granddaughter to see him.
Guard: Don't I know you?
Bill: Look, you want to prevent him from seeing his granddaughter, huh? It will be on your head. Let's go.
Guard: Hold it.
Bill: I appreciate it.
Olivia: Don't tell me, you're Nick and your Jamie.
Jamie: Close.
Nick: I'm the one with the tattoo.
Olivia: You have a tattoo, really? Where? No, I'll find it.
Jamie: How about another round of drinks?
Nick: Maybe she's had enough.
Olivia: No. Bite your tongue, or I will.
Ava: Olivia!
Olivia: Ava is a little serious, but you give her a drink, and she loosens right up. Come, join the party.
Ava: No, come on.
Officer: Detective?
Mallet: What, I'm busy.
Officer: You're going to want to deal with this. Routine traffic stop, but no license, no registration.
Mallet: You know the routine.
Officer: Take a look.
Lizzie: Now, this is something that I could not have at the Beacon, a giant frig full of everything. I am not even going to work out after this. Nobody's looking at my body.
Bill: Who's fault is that? Oh, my goodness, you should patent this thing.
Lizzie: This place is like Fort Knox. How did you get in here?
Emma: Hi, Lizzie.
Lizzie: Granddaughter, you're slick, very slick.
Bill: Do you have any pickles.
Lizzie: If my granddad finds out...
Bill: You haven't even told me you're glad to see me.
Lizzie: You have to go.
Bill: Lizzie, what are you doing living in this house with the man who made you give up your child.
Lizzie: This is the only way I can be sure that he leaves Jonathan and Sarah alone. That's the deal.
Bill: A deal? It's a gun to your head. There's another way.
Lizzie: We're talking about my daughter. She comes first. I want to know she can grow up safe and happy, and without a family like this. She is not going to turn out like me. I'm going to do the right thing, even if it kills me, okay?
Bill: I get it. I get it. You are brave and passionate...
Lizzie: Now you're trying to get my sandwich.
Bill: I'm trying to get you out of here.
Lizzie: I can't go anywhere!
Bill: Come on, Lizzie, come on. We can fix this.
Alan: Well, my good day just got better.
Beth: I'm glad somebody thinks so.
Alan: You and our baby daughter Peyton are...
Beth: Are leaving. Unless you plan on locking us up, too.
Alan: Oh, you've been talking to Elizabeth, who, I'm sure, is exaggerating.
Beth: Are you going to tell me that you didn't threaten her daughter, that you didn't force her to live here in exchange for Sarah’s freedom?
Alan: She gave up her daughter and chose to move back into the house on her own free will.
Beth: You're going to stand there and look me in the face and tell me that. I know you, Alan.
Alan: Yes, you know me, Beth. And you know what matters to me, you, Peyton, and Elizabeth. Now, I don't always get it right. As a matter of fact, when it comes to the people I love and my children, I generally get it wrong. But, Beth, you could help me. You could teach me to be a good father to Peyton.
Beth: No. I'm not going to get taken in by you again. Have you talked to Phillip recently?
Alan: Why do you say that?
Beth: Just all of this talk about children...
Alan: Are you not telling me something?
Beth: No. No, I'm not. I have to go.
Mallet: Hey, Bonnie, where is Clyde. Let me guess, you hit the gas when you meant to hit the brakes.
Dinah: You're not going to believe me.
Mallet: Driving 60 in a 30 zone, forgetting your driver's license, proof of insurance. Not so good.
Dinah: I was in a hurry to get here.
Mallet: You were in a hurry to get arrested?
Dinah: No. I was in a hurry to catch you before you went off to dinner.
Mallet: Wow, do I smell what I think I smell.
Dinah: Yes, I had a craving, and they were having a special two for one, and I got one for you and one for me. And I forgot my wallet back at the sandwich shop, and, you know, I get mixed up a little bit sometimes still. Would I make this up?
Mallet: No. It's just some people might consider this a bribe.
Dinah: Mallet, do you think I would resort to something like that?
Mallet: Yes. Yes, I do.
Dinah: Well, you're right. Book me.
Olivia: I'm having fun.
Ava: You're hanging out at the bar drinking with Cody and Zach?
Olivia: Yeah, yeah, I am. Pick one.
Ava: I don't care. I'm taking you home and I'm calling Gus.
Olivia: No. No, Gus is with Natalia. And she is his wife and he wants to be with her, so... I called him so many times and he hasn't called me back. You can tell where they are.
Ava: So he is sleeping with his wife, and you're out at the bar drinking and hitting on these guys.
Olivia: I'm having fun. At least they make me feel pretty and sexy and alive, if only for a night.
Ava: I want you around longer than a night. I want you to be dancing at my wedding and spoiling my children. And I want you to tell me when I screw up, like moms do. I don't want you checking out early. I want you to be with me, and I want you to keep that doctor's appointment.
Dinah: I used to think handcuffs were sexy.
Mallet: You just concentrate on chewing. I didn't want the guys to think you're getting preferential treatment. That's why had to do the cuffs. Is this still happening, you're forgetting stuff.
Dinah: Little stuff. I remember the big stuff, the important stuff.
Mallet: The important stuff. That's hard to forget, like coming home to your wife.
Dinah: Or your husband?
Mallet: Yeah. Curling up, watching a movie together, falling asleep on the couch together.
Dinah: Your skin...
Mallet: Yeah, your hair.
Dinah: Does this mean you're going to let me off easy?
Mallet: Well, the jury is out on that one. Food, chew.
Dinah: Uh-uh.
Mallet: Detention.
Montreau: It went great, if I do say so myself. Bill Lewis bought it. Weird gig, it reminds me of the time I played killer number two on the C.S.I., Miami. Do you think I can put this on my resume? (Laughter) Totally.
Bill: Lizzie, can we just go?
Lizzie: No. I have to get Roxie.
Bill: You can send for Roxie. Lizzie, if you want this, you have to choose it right now.
Lizzie: Tell me, what is this?
Alan: I have to hand it to you, Bill. Bringing Emma was very clever, but not very smart.
Lizzie: Granddad, no! No!
Alan: A deal is a deal, Elizabeth.
Guard # 1: He's all yours.
Guard # 2: What are the charges, Mr. Spaulding?
Alan: Criminal trespass, breaking and entering, and possible kidnapping. Your taste in men is atrocious, Elizabeth.
Lizzie: Who is good enough. A guy like you?
Alan: All right, all right, make me the bad guy. Make me the bad guy! I am not going to sit on the sideline and watch you throw away your life with another loser.
Lizzie: Let me go, Granddad.
Alan: Do you think you're just another relative to me? Another relative that sits at the dining room table. You are my pride and joy.
Lizzie: Property, you mean.
Alan: No. Do you think I want all of these guard dogs around...
Lizzie: I think it makes your day!
Alan: Elizabeth, I want you to stay here and want to be here with me. I want you to smile again. I want you to want to be here with me. I want it to be the way it used to be when we used to talk, and you used to ask me questions about the business. You would tease me and we would play chess together. I just want you to...
Lizzie: Ow, you're hurting me. You're hurting me.
Alan: All right. It's been a very... a very hard day, Elizabeth, but I think tomorrow will be better. Now, you just... I think you need to get some rest, okay, sweetheart?
Bill: Come on! What kind of hotel is this? Do I at least get free cable...
Mallet: Shut up! Shut up! Bill, how about you concentrate on cultivating a new attitude so maybe you can adopt some new friends.
Bill: You know what I need? I need a lawyer. Look, Mallet...
Mallet: Yeah, right. Right. This is when I get the speech. Go ahead, Bill, tell me how you are innocent.
Bill: I'm not going to say I'm innocent. If there was a woman that you cared about, would you just turn your back on her?
Mallet: Your sister ought to be in there with you, but, what the heck, I'll give you two five minutes.
Bill: What did you ever see in that guy? I just don't know.
Dinah: At least he has brains enough to stay clear of Alan Spaulding.
Bill: Sis, I would have made you proud.
Dinah: I stopped breaking and entering a year ago. You see where it gets you.
Bill: He has Lizzie prisoner. You have to get me out of there.
Dinah: Bill, you are not going to get anywhere storming town hall. You just have to compromise.
Bill: Just get me out of here. And I'll return the favor with whatever you need. I'm your brother and I love you.
Dinah: I can’t.
Bill: What do you mean you can't help me? Are you short for cash. Just call Mom.
Dinah: I can't help you. Not now. What do you mean not now?
Bill: Are you serious, what do you mean not now?
Dinah: I know you will find your way out of here. But I can't do this right now.
Bill: Dinah! Dinah! Dinah, you've got to get me out of here! Dinah!
Rick: There he is. Nothing fatal I hope?
Alan: Just a scratch. I don't want to risk getting a staph infection. By the way, did Beth tell you that she brought Peyton by to see me.
Rick: Not you, but to see Lizzie. Listen, Alan, I'm glad you got a chance to visit with Beth. You won't be doing that anymore.
Alan: You really think so?
Rick: Alan, I hold all of the cards here. I have Peyton, don't I?
Alan: I'm her father.
Rick: When has that ever stopped a child from leaving your house.
Alan: You're not going to win this game, Rick. You don't have the bank roll or the backbone.
Beth: Oh, Peyton, I'll charge a few things. Don't get me wrong. Shopping never solved anything. On the other hand...
(Cell phone rings)
Beth: Maybe that's your sister. Maybe she changed her mind. Maybe we can hurry back to the house and take her home with us.
Bill: So you came through, huh?
Mallet: Who?
Bill: Dinah, my sister, your ex. She always comes through.
Mallet: Hey, Bill?
Bill: Yeah?
Mallet: Dinah did not post your bail.
Bill: She didn't? Then who did? Hey, you, how did you know I was here?
Ava: It's for me to know.
Mallet: Hey, Bill, why don't you do yourself a favor and stay away from the Spaulding house.
Bill: I appreciate this, I really, really do, but you need to know something.
Ava: That you have a thing for Lizzie? You made that perfectly clear.
Bill: And you still bailed me out?
Ava: I'm in the investment business, and you are my investment. Just in case you decide to sell out Lizzie...
Bill: Oh, charging commission?
Ava: Nothing you can't handle.
Bill: Hmm. Here we go.
Ava: Thanks. To, um, freedom.
Bill: And to screwed-up relationships.
Ava: Ours is not screwed up.
Bill: Well, ours is not a relationship.
Ava: Lizzie?
Bill: So do you want your money back?
Ava: I told you.
Bill: Yes, I'm an investment, like hog bellies.
Ava: You really tried to rescue her?
Bill: Someone had to.
Ava: Someone didn’t. You did. So, did you tell her?
Bill: Tell her what?
Ava: Our little thing that women want to hear and men hate to say.
Bill: Oh, that thing.
Ava: Are you in love with her?
Bill: Oh, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to pay you back. I'm going to pay you back every penny. Starting with this drink right here.
Ava: Okay.
Bill: Thank you. Thanks again. Enjoy the rest of your day. Excuse me. Bye.
Ava: Hmm.
Sugar me sweet, made me believe that I'm all you ever wanted
make me feel beautiful again I want to be sure
I give my all without giving my soul away
so I can use my heart again I've been afraid...
Nick: Too bad your friend couldn't stay.
Olivia: Am I not enough for you?
NickMore than enough.
Jamie: Hey, can I cut in here?
Olivia: Why not. We're all friends, right.
Nick: I think I had a dream like this once. (Laughter)
Jamie: Easy. Are you all right?
Nick: Maybe we should take her home. It's getting kind of late.
Olivia: No, it's not too late. We're just getting started.
Dinah: Let's go ahead over to the gym and work off this hob gobbler.
Mallet: Yeah. That's a great sandwich. Thank you.
Dinah: Any time.
Mallet: How's Tuesday? You brought me lunch, and I would like to return the favor. I think that's fair.
Dinah: Oh, you don't need to do that.
Mallet: How is Tuesday.
Dinah: I am grateful for everything you've done, believe me.
Mallet: Dinah, I don't want gratitude. I want lunch with you.
Dinah: Tuesday isn't good? Wednesday? Thursday?
Dinah: Look at that. I have so much to do.
Mallet: You have to go to the gym, free weights, swimming with the dolphins... it's just lunch.
Dinah: My mother offered me a job.
Mallet: Oh, really? That's awesome. When do you start?
Dinah: I don’t.
Mallet: What? I'm lost.
Dinah: I don't work for my mother. I can't see you. I really can't do anything because I have to make sure... really know that I'm getting better.
Mallet: Dinah, you know a lot of this is just in your head.
Dinah: Exactly.
Mallet: You waiting to become whole again or something before you allow you to have yourself a life...
Dinah: You know what, maybe you're right? Maybe it is psychological. Maybe I'm still overcoming brain injury.
Mallet: Okay. Whatever it is, I'm here. Let me help.
Dinah: I know you want to. I know you want to. I can't let you. Thank you.
(Music playing)
Guard: I told you I would be back.
Bill: I'm standing right here, is this Spaulding property?
Guard: Yeah.
Bill: How about now?
Guard: No.
Bill: Lizzie! Liz! Lizzie! Lizzie! Lizzie! Lizzie! Lizzie! Lizzie!
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Olivia: I hate sitting around and waiting for my damn heart to stop.
Gus: What can I do for you?
Olivia: Let her go. I won't tell if you won’t.
Natalia: Hi there. You must be feeling a lot better. I want my husband back. I want my life back.
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