Guiding Light Transcript Monday 3/10/08
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Proofread By Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Reva: You're making it very difficult for us to take care of this family.
Cassie: My family.
Gas man: Did you hear about the gas leak?
Reva: There's a gas leak?
Will: I'm not afraid of you.
Josh: You're hurting your mother. Do you understand that?
Will: You don't care about my mom. You only care about Reva.
Bill: Lizzie, it's Bill. I don't know what kind of games you're playing here, hide and seek, maybe. Well, have fun, because I'm not playing.
Lizzie: I have to call somebody.
Jeremy: What can I do for you, Ms. Elizabeth?
Daisy: Hey, Will.
Will: Finally.
Daisy: What are you doing out here?
Will: Celebrating.
Daisy: What?
Will: It's a nice day.
Daisy: Why did you call me for a ride? And what are you doing so far away from your house?
Will: Josh was mean to me, so I needed to think.
Daisy: So now you're ready to go back home and talk to him about it?
Will: Look, I helped you pay for this car. Are you going to give me a ride or what?
Cassie: I don't freakin' believe this. Josh, wake up. Josh, get up! Apparently, I just keep walking in on the never-ending love story of the century.
Reva: Joshua.
Josh: I don't understand.
Reva: Oh, I feel nauseous.
Cassie: Yeah, well, that makes two of us.
Josh: Cassie, I honestly don't know what happened.
Cassie: That's funny, because I wasn't even here and I think I can tell you exactly what happened.
Frank: Hey, sis.
Harley: Glazed with chocolate icing, your favorite.
Frank: I can’t. I promised Marina I would be very good on my cholesterol, and I'm going to be a good poppa and I'm not going to take even one little bite. Because I owe her after all of the grief over Cyrus.
Harley: Hey, Frank, you know I want her to be happy, too, right?
Frank: Then take her the doughnuts. She could use the extra pounds.
Harley: I love her. And there is nothing that I wouldn't do for her to make sure she is okay. You make sure she understands that. What is that?
Frank: It's a glitch and the alarm system. I'll have to take care of it. Oh, hey sis...
Marina: Wow, it's even louder back here.
Cyrus: Yeah.
Marina: It reminds me of the first time we met.
Cyrus: Marina.
Marina: It was my first jewelry store robbery. I don't think I told you that. You told me it was that guy over there, and I ran around chasing the guy in the sweatshirt. And you just stood there and watched me run around like a dork.
Cyrus: A cute dork.
Marina: I was mad at you back then. I just wanted you to do your time in jail. And now, I just want you.
Cyrus: You... you changed my life. You made me see things and want things that I didn't even know existed. And I will always be grateful for that. I'm so happy that you came into my life.
Marina: I just wanted to make you happy, okay?
Cyrus: I never, ever wanted to hurt you, ever. But I have to walk away from what we have because things have changed.
Marina: What changed?
Cyrus: I'm in love with Harley.
But she tells him that everything is okay...
Marina: I don't know what made that alarm go off.
Cyrus: Marina. This situation is very difficult...
Marina: They're very expensive and complicated, but they can't seem to get the bugs worked out. You see, sometimes when you try out something new, it's not as good as it seems. And soon you realize that maybe you're better off without your new toy, that what you had before was enough. And the one you have now is nothing more than just a fad.
Cyrus: This is not going to pass. I love...
Marina: I heard you. I heard you before.
Cyrus: I know you're hurt.
Marina: Then why did you tell me?
Cyrus: I had to.
Marina: Why?
Cyrus: Because we were living a lie.
Marina: No! It's you... you and Harley were living a lie. I was happy.
Cyrus: I know you were, and I'm sorry.
Marina: Are you? So this is really just okay with you?
Cyrus: It... it just is.
Marina: It just is?
Cyrus: We tried. Harley and I really tried...
Marina: What, not to screw each other?
Cyrus: We were cheating and we felt terrible about it, and we knew it wasn't fair on anyone, especially you.
Marina: This is fair, you leaving?
Cyrus: There is no way to make this fair.
Marina: You say all this after you slept with each other.
Cyrus: It wasn't like that. What... come on, what are you doing?
Marina: I just want to make one thing clear: What I do in this moment, I'm not a cop.
Cyrus: Come on.
Marina: Oh, my God! Oh, I was right. Were you just waiting to come in here and grab him away from me?
Frank: Marina, what's going on here?
Marina: Why don't you ask my Aunt Harley. And maybe she can explain to you why she is sleeping with the man I'm supposed to marry. But they really can't help it, because they're just so in love. It's really just ... it's very sweet. It's very touching. You should hear it.
Harley: Let me.
Lizzie: I have to go out. I'm going to be late for work. You can drive me and wait outside if you like. But they need me on the Lewis Construction project.
Jeremy: Mr. Spaulding told me you were back full-time?
Lizzie: Full-time? No. I have to at least tell him why I can't stay. Billy counts on me.
Jeremy: Everything has been taken care of.
Lizzie: I told my granddad that I would move back into this house so he would leave my little girl alone. I agreed to be his little girl again, not a prisoner.
Jeremy: Mr. Spaulding has some files for you to look at.
Josh: Cassie, Reva and I did not sleep together.
Reva: We had a couple of drinks, and I got so dizzy so quickly. We must have passed out.
Cassie: That's convenient.
Josh: Don't do that. Don't turn this into something that it's not.
Cassie: You know what? Why don't you get all of your clothes on before we talk?
Josh: Cassie... Cassie, will you just wait.
Cassie: I'm fine.
Josh: Just a minute, please.
Cassie: Go ahead, this ought to be good.
Josh: This is a little fuzzy in my head.
Reva: It's my fault. I was sad because Jonathan and Sarah left town.
Josh: And I came here to talk to Jeffrey.
Reva: And he wasn't here. And I poured the first round of drinks.
Josh: But I don't remember drinking enough to get drunk.
Reva: I felt more sick than I felt drunk.
Josh: That's right. Maybe it was a bad batch of booze.
Cassie: This is so predictable, it isn't funny. I'm going home.
Josh: Cassie, I'll follow you.
Cassie: No, you won’t.
Josh: Where are the boys?
Cassie: What?
Josh: The boys. They were with you at the house and now your here.
Cassie: I cannot believe you. Suddenly you're going to put the focus on me, like suddenly I'm some sort of bad mother.
Reva: Cassie, calm down.
Cassie: I'm not going to calm down. I was right about this. I had a feeling that something was going on between the two of you for weeks, and it turns out I was right.
Josh: Cassie, you're wrong.
Cassie: Go ahead and tell it to your congregation, Reverend.
Josh: Cassie! Cassie, come on. Cassie, wait a minute! Cassie!
Billy: Alexandra, take this, too. She'll want it. She was happy here.
Alexandra: I guess that's everything.
Billy: Yeah. You tell her that I'm going to miss her.
Reva: I'm sorry things got so ugly.
Josh: Yeah, well I'm not... sorry. For the first time in a long time, I don't feel sorry.
Reva: Really?
Josh: Really. My head is pounding, and I don't remember the details too well, but I know... I know that you and I didn't do anything wrong.
Reva: I know that, too. And if it makes you any better, I still feel really nauseous.
Josh: Yeah, me, too. Wait a second.
Reva: What?
Josh: This is going to sound crazy, but I have a vague recollection of Will standing right there in that doorway just before I passed out.
Reva: How could he possibly have gotten here.
Josh: I don't know. I don't know what's real anymore. But I do know... I do know that whenever something goes wrong, Will is not far away.
Cassie: Will!
Reva: Yes, the 3:30 to 4:30 time with Dante. Yeah, I have an account. No, no, it's under Shayne, S-H-A-Y-N-E. I'll see you at 3:30. Thanks a lot.
Cassie: Will. Thank God.
Will: Hi, Mom.
Cassie: Are you okay? How many times have I told you not to run off like that.
Will: I'm sorry.
Daisy: I'm sorry, too.
Cassie: It's okay. It's not your fault, you couldn't have known I was out looking for him. Is R.J. here?
Daisy: Yeah, he's upstairs. I should get going.
Cassie: Will, are you going to thank Daisy for driving you home?
Will: Thanks.
Daisy: You're welcome. Bye.
Cassie: Bye. Thank you. You cannot just run off like that when you're mad. You had me worried sick.
Will: I said I'm sorry.
Cassie: I know you are. And I'm sorry, too. Josh has been so wrong about you. And when he gets back, I am going to tell him that we are playing by my rules. Things are going to be very different around here.
Will: He’s not coming home.
Cassie: Sure he is, sweetie. We had a really big fight, but he's going to be coming home a little later.
Will: No, he's not. Josh died today.
I know it's hard to let go...
Marina: I'm not going to let them do this to me.
Frank: Congratulations on your latest score.
Cyrus: Are you going to throw me in jail, Frank?
Frank: You son of a bitch.
Cyrus: I never meant to hurt her.
Frank: Sure you did.
Cyrus: Look at it this way, you were right about me, Frank?
Frank: I didn't want to be right. I just wanted my daughter to be happy.
Cyrus: I love Harley.
Frank: You have ten seconds to get out of my face.
Harley: Whatever you have to say, I deserve it.
Billy: Hey, I've got some news about Lizzie.
Bill: Is she alive or in the hospital?
Billy: Yes, and no.
Bill: Then that's all I need to know.
Alexandra: I thought you might want that.
Lizzie: Yeah, well, what's the point?
Alexandra: Well, maybe some day...
Lizzie: Yeah, maybe some day. Maybe some day my father will come back and be normal. Maybe some day he and my mom will get back together. Maybe some day I can be a mother to my little girl. Or maybe some day I could have a job and life, love, just like a normal person.
Alexandra: I want that for you so much.
Lizzie: But you know that will never happen.
Cassie: Come right over here.
Will: Okay.
Cassie: Why did you say that about Josh?
Will: Hmm, because it's true.
Cassie: Well, honey, I was just with him. So I can tell you he is very much alive.
Will: I... I don't think so.
Cassie: You know what, honey, sometimes when we're mad at people, we wish they were dead.
Will: He's not coming home. I made sure of it.
Cassie: What did you do?
Will: I turned the valve, like on that TV show where the family sucked in the gas and died.
Cassie: Wait a minute. Are you talking about that show where the whole family died in their sleep because of carbon monoxide poisoning?
Will: Yeah.
Cassie: What did you do? Tell me what you did?
Will: The guy was fixing the boiler at Aunt Reva’s house, and I remembered what happened on the TV show. So when he left, I turned the valve, and Josh is dead. Probably Aunt Reva, too.
Cassie: All right. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Okay, okay... this is going to be okay because we're going to figure out what to do.
Will: Now you won't have to fight with them anymore.
Cassie: Okay. We need to get out of here. We need to leave. We need to go. Because they're going to come after you, and they're going to come after me. They're really going to come after us now.
Will: Mom?
Cassie: Go upstairs and get your duffel bag and I want you to put as many clothes as you can in it.
Will: What?
Cassie: Go. Don't let R.J. see you. Just go now.
Daisy: Gus is cool, but Rafe hates him now because... I mean, granted, he had a screwed up life, too. If I was the fragile type, I would be very insulted that you haven't heard a word I say.
Reva: Sweetie, I have been listening. I have. You and Rafe went to the library with Gus.
Daisy: Something like that.
Reva: I am. I'm a terrible grandmother. There must be some way I can make it up to you. I know, how about money for gasoline for that new car of yours.
Daisy: I already earned my gas money when I picked up Will.
Reva: You picked up Will and R.J. when Cassie came over here?
Daisy: No. I picked up Will. And Cassie didn't call me. Will did. Up on Stone Road.
Reva: What did he say?
Daisy: He said he was celebrating.
Harley: We're in the same family. You're going to have to talk to me eventually. Your father is going to get caught in the middle of this... not that Frank has anything to do with this. You should shoot me. I know I deserve it. I can only imagine how angry you must be... furious... just furious. Maybe you're in shock. Are you in shock. I don't know.
Marina: I knew you were sleeping with him. Look at you, all stunned and everything.
Harley: How did you know?
Marina: I overheard you on the phone.
Harley: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Marina: Are you sorry enough to stop?
Harley: Can we talk...
Marina: Are you sorry enough to stop?
Harley: Honey...
Marina: Are you going to stop?!
Harley: I can’t. I tried.
Marina: You think this is going to be like some movie. Some big huge explosion builds up and then everything turns out okay in the end and there is happy music that plays during the credits. People are going to hate you, Harley. When this all comes out, you're not going to be the good guy anymore. You'll just be a slutty home wrecker. Is that going to be okay with you, when you're not the only one who knows what a whore you are, when everyone knows? Are you going to be okay with that. He'll do it to you, too, Harley. Oh, yeah, just remember that. When he comes home and he says he just needs to shower off his day before he's yours. Good luck. Aunt Harley. You'll need it.
Bill: So Alan gives up Sarah, but he gets to keep Lizzie?
Billy: Lizzie did what she thought was best.
Bill: So she works at Spaulding, lives at Spaulding, but what about...
Billy: Hey, wait. She had to give you up, too. Part of the deal.
Alexandra: Lizzie, I know how much your suffering.
Lizzie: I just thought I had escaped. I had a life out there, I had a job, friends, and I had my daughter back.
Alexandra: And some day your little girl is going to thank you again.
Lizzie: If I ever see her again.
Alexandra: Oh, darling, you will see her again. And you hold onto that.
Josh: Let me talk first, okay.
Cassie: Okay.
Josh: These are for you. But they're not meant to be an apology because I'm not apologizing for anything. I didn't do anything wrong, Cassie. Reva and I were telling you the truth today.
Cassie: Shh.
Josh: I guess that means you like the flowers.
Cassie: (Laughs) I'm the one who owes you an apology. I didn't even give you a chance to explain. I jumped to the worst possible conclusion, and I didn't even give my own husband a chance to explain.
Josh: Cassie, it's okay.
Cassie: No, it's not okay. Hey, I love you. I love you so much. I need you to know that. I need you to always know that.
Josh: I do know that.
Cassie: And my family counts on you so much. I need you and R.J. needs you. And sometimes I think we're focusing so much on Will, that we forget about R.J. Do not forget about R.J..
Josh: I'm not forgetting about anyone.
Cassie: Okay. That's all I needed to hear. Will.
Josh: Hello, Will.
Will: I'm really surprised to see you, Josh.
Josh: Really, why is that?
Cassie: Sweetie, is everything in the car?
Will: Yes.
Josh: Wait. What's going on.
Cassie: Why don't you go outside in the car and wait for me there.
Josh: Cassie, what's going on? What's in the car?
Cassie: The cameras. I promised Will I would take him to that farm with the horses, and I said we could take pictures.
Josh: Well, I'll go with you.
Cassie: No. It's okay. It's okay. We're okay.
Josh: I know that. That's not what this is. Cassie, the reason I went to Reva’s...
Cassie: It's ... I don't need to hear anything more. We're going to work everything out. I love you, Josh.
Josh: I love you, too.
Now that the space is empty I am always aware that's here...
Reva: Oh, my God, Will.
Daisy: Mom!
Cyrus: No one here but me.
Daisy: What's up?
Cyrus: Um, nothing. I was just, um...
Daisy: You really screwed things up, huh?
Cyrus: Sorry?
Daisy: She is going to make you suffer and miserable for the rest of your time.
Cyrus: Marina just needs some time.
Daisy: Marina? I'm talking about my mom. She's got you working all the time with this private eye stuff. I mean, does she give you a break, a day off?
Cyrus: Oh, right, you're mom.
Daisy: Harley, she's so anal, I can't imagine what it is like working for her.
Cyrus: Actually, she is pretty great.
Daisy: Oh, no, she has you brainwashed.
Cyrus: I wouldn't go that far. But she and I seem to make a pretty good team, for work, I mean.
Daisy: No one is spared when Harley and Cyrus are together.
I know it's hard to let go it came and went
the memories will never die and I'll always know you're right there by my side...
Harley: (Sobbing) Please tell me it's going to be all right.
Cyrus: It really is. It's all right. It's all right.
Bill: No more Lizzie.
Harley: I found her at Company. She was pretending to clean.
Cyrus: She does that when she's upset.
Harley: And I tried to, you know, talk to her and maybe fight with her, something.
Cyrus: She didn't say a word?
Harley: She did, eventually. She was crying. Yelling. And, um, laughing. She was so...
Cyrus: Sad?
Harley: When she was little and she would smile, she had these big cheeks. And her eyes would, you know, crinkle up, and she just had this sparkle in her, this sparkle inside of her.
Cyrus: Like she has some kind of secret in her that none of us know about yet.
Harley: It's gone. It's like there is nothing there. You know, she's past pain. She's past grief. It's like... I think we killed something inside of her.
Cyrus: No. She’s... she'll find it again. She's strong. She just needs some time.
Harley: Cyrus, I don't know what to think of myself for what I did to her. (Sobbing)
Cyrus: Look, maybe I should go. Maybe this is too much...
Harley: No, no, no, no, no. I mean, I need you here. You are enough for me. I just need you here. I need to be able to touch you and hold your hand.
Cyrus: I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. We're together.
Harley: So are you staying here?
Cyrus: Um... I, um... I just... when I moved out, I didn't know where to go, so I just...
Harley: No, it's good. I want you here.
Cyrus: Your family and kids...
Harley: Kids, um... oh, my goodness. Well, we'll figure it out.
Everybody's waiting to see what I'm going to do
it's so hard to stand under their wings
hard to be fake...
Frank: Harley!
Harley: Oh, my God!
Frank: Sis! What the hell is the matter with you?!
Harley: We didn't mean to hurt Marina.
Cyrus: We tried to keep away from each other. We both love Marina.
Harley: We have to talk about this.
Frank: But your mouth is doing other things! What the hell is the matter with you?! I don't even know who the hell you are anymore!
Harley: Oh, God!
Everyone is waiting see what I've got to do
it's so hard to stand under their wings
hard to be eight feet tall, tall, tall...
Harley: I can feel your heart beating.
Cyrus: It's beating with yours.
Harley: Your heart is my heart.
Cyrus: You can feel it.
Harley: I know.
Cyrus: Are you okay?
Harley: Yes, I am.
Cyrus: I want them to see us. I want everyone to know that I love you.
Harley: Is it real? You know, are we really, really together?
Cyrus: It's real.
Reva: Stop!
Josh: What are you doing here?
Reva: Listen to me. Where is Cassie and Will?
Josh: What's going on. Cassie took will to the Schultz farm to see the new horses.
Reva: What about R.J.?
Josh: He's upstairs doing his homework.
Reva: He tried to kill us.
Josh: What are you talking about?
Reva: Will, there was carbon monoxide inside the house. After you left, I was straightening things up, and I found these batteries in a potted plant in the study. I couldn't figure out where they were from. Then Daisy came over and she said she picked Will up alone on Stone Road.
Josh: What was he doing on Stone Road.
Reva: Exactly. And I was trying to figure out where the batteries were from. They were from the carbon monoxide detector. That's why we passed out, not from being drunk. I had my boiler fixed yesterday, and obviously someone went in after and fixed it.
Josh: Will.
Reva: Do you remember you said that you thought you saw Will standing in the doorway.
Josh: If he did this... Cassie is alone with Will right now. If she figures out what he tried to do...
Reva: Exactly. He'll lash out. Will always lashes out when he thinks he's in trouble.
Will: Am I in trouble?
Cassie: No, honey. I won't let you be in trouble.
Will: Are you mad at me?
Cassie: No.
Will: Good, because it would stink if you were mad at me because we are finally alone.
Cassie: Is that what you want, honey? You want me and you to be on our own.
Will: It's more fun when it's just us. Where are we going? Mom, did you hear me? Where are we going?
Cassie: Baby, I don't know where we're going.
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Will: Where are we going?
Cassie: It's a surprise.
Josh: She can't be alone with him. He's homicidal.
Cassie: What do you have behind your back?
Josh: Cassie, wait. Will!
Cassie: Run!
Cyrus: If you want to get him out of town?
Cassie: How much?
Cyrus: $100,000.
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