Guiding Light Transcript Friday 3/7/08
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Proofread by Tanya
Previously on "Guiding Light"...
Josh: Will pushed Edmund.
Will: I wanted him to fall.
Jeffrey: It is about him being out of control, Cassie, and about you not seeing him.
Josh: Will has to go back to that school because it is what's best for him.
Cassie: You are going to go to your Aunt Reva’s for a couple of days.
Reva: I can't believe he is gone again.
Josh: He is protecting his daughter, Reva. He had to go.
Reva: But maybe I could have protected him. Maybe I could have protected both of them from Alan and then he would have stayed.
Josh: He is doing what he has to do for her. He's being a man. He's being a father.
Reva: It's too much for him.
Josh: I respect him for it.
Reva: Do you think Alan will go after him?
Josh: Alan's Alan.
Reva: I can't take this. I miss him already. Sarah is growing up so fast.
Josh: Let me take you home.
Reva: No.
Josh: Reva, please.
Reva: No, it's okay. Really, it's okay. Jeffrey is probably waiting for me.
Cyrus: Can I take you home now, Detective?
Marina: What's your hurry? Too close to the jail.
Cyrus: Funny girl. You're not supposed to be back at work.
Marina: Testifying isn't work. It's my civic duty.
Cyrus: And so is healing that knee. It's public property.
Marina: Oh, really? I kind of thought it was privately owned.
Gus: What are you doing?
Harley: What are you doing?
Gus: I decided-- I'm sorry, did I interrupt you. Were you about to do a bungee jump?
Harley: No. I was just seeing something that was down there.
Gus: Was it that interesting?
Harley: Something complicated.
(Music playing)
Remember sitting on the swing that little laugh
Remember sitting on the swing I sat real close and whispered
I can do anything...
Cassie: Reva, it's Cassie. I came back to drop off Will, but you weren't home, so I have him with me.
Jonathan: Hey, it's me. Sorry I didn't turn around to say good-bye, but I didn't want to take any chances. The cops were coming, and I figured Alan might be trying to double cross Lizzie. The thing is, Lizzie made a deal with Alan so Sarah and I can be safe, but we have to stay away now, maybe for good. (Reva crying)
Josh: Having any luck with that thing?
R.J.: No. This is just so annoying. I'm sure glad you're home, though.
Josh: Me, too.
R.J.: Mom's been acting really weird. Will's back.
Josh: I know. Can I steal that from you for one second?
R.J.: Sure.
Josh: Thanks.
Cassie: Hey.
Josh: Hey.
Cassie: I'm really glad to see you.
Josh: I'm glad to see you, too.
Cassie: I'll be right back. R.J., would you take this out to the car for me, please? Thank you.
Josh: Will, I need to talk to your mom for just a little bit. Could you take that upstairs and work on it a little bit and see if you can figure out how it works.
Will: I thought you were with Aunt Reva.
Cassie: I have got a great day planned for us today. We are going to have fun today. We really are. Together as a family.
Josh: Can we just step out on the porch a minute?
Cassie: We can talk about whatever in the car, okay? Let's just go. Let's go.
Will: Here you go... Dad.
Jonathan: Look, we have to stay away now. Maybe for good. I didn't get to see Cassie before I left. Can you tell her I'll never stop thinking about Tammy. Tell her, I think it's time for me -- for both of us -- to let her go. Not to forget her, never forget, but it's time to stop being angry and sad. Do me a favor, check in on Lizzie every now and then, too. I want Sarah to know her mom's all right. And you, Sarah and I will see you again. Until then, have a drink for me, okay?
Jeffrey: Hey.
Reva: Don't mind me. I'm just... this is just...
Jeffrey: What?
Reva: It's just bad. Everything is so bad.
Jeffrey: What?
Reva: Jonathan left town again. Lizzie made some kind of deal with Alan to make it happen.
Jeffrey: Reva, maybe it's for the best.
Reva: How can you say that?
Jeffrey: Jonathan and Sarah could never ever be safe here.
Reva: I was going to make them safe here. That was something I wanted to do, but I couldn’t.
Jeffrey: You tried. We all did. That's enough.
Reva: There is no such thing as enough.
Jeffrey: To be honest with you, Reva, that's the kind of thinking and logic that keeps getting in the way.
Reva: Getting in the way?
Jeffrey: Yeah. Of your own life.
Reva: How?
Jeffrey: Reva, you're stalled. You're not in drive. You keep living your life for other people. You've got to stop that. You've got to turn on your own engine. Come on, let's go take a walk and get some coffee or something.
Reva: No. No. I just-- just stay here with me and hold me. Tell me how bad this all stinks.
Jeffrey: Okay. It stinks.
Reva: (Laughing)
Cassie: All right! What do you say, let's play ball.
Josh: Is there anything better-- anything better than baseball in the middle of winter? It's fantastic. Okay.
R.J.: I will.
Josh: Oh! That's fine. That worked.
Cassie: (Laughing)
Josh: Nice! Oh, oh, nice, nice, nice!
Cassie: Way to go R.J.!
Will: I thought R.J. might want to use my bat.
Cassie: Okay. Who wants to go home for a snack?
R.J.: Me, me!
Will: Me! I'm so cold.
Cassie: All right. We'll get you warmed up then.
Gus: So I heard that I missed an amazing game a couple of days ago.
Harley: Oh, right. Jude is just a rock star.
Gus: See, I knew that was going to happen. You must have been going crazy.
Harley: Actually, I didn't make the game. I heard it was a good game. There is just so much going on in my life right now.
Gus: I know the feeling.
Harley: How is your life, married life?
Gus: Well, every day is a surprise. How are you doing? You seem a little off. Are you okay?
Harley: No-- I just have this case. I knew it was bad for me, but I took it anyway. I couldn't resist.
Gus: That doesn't sound like you at all.
Harley: Yeah. I knew it would be a good case, but I didn't realize how important this case would become to me. And now it has gotten complicated, and so now my life is--
Gus: Complicated.
Harley: Yes. And so I'm missing basketball games and baptisms and I'm not sleeping well.
Gus: Really?
Harley: Do you remember that trip to Wisconsin when we took the kids to the fair?
Gus: Yeah, when Zach threw up on me.
Harley: Remember that frog game, and we spent like $50.
Gus: Yes. This is the last time.
Harley: And he wouldn't stop. He wanted infinite chances.
Gus: I don't even know how he came up with that word. I just have crappie jokes. Did you hear about the guy with the dog with the three legs--
Harley: Oh, stop. Do you think that's what we get, infinite chances, with love? Or is it just three for a dollar. Because I'm kind of feeling like...
Gus: You're running out of chances?
Harley: I think so. I mean, I thought so.
Marina: I want to stop over at the station and see who is around. Are you coming?
Cyrus: Oh, no thanks. As long as you can make it there on your own.
Marina: Yeah. My dad will give me a ride home.
Cyrus: Cool.
Marina: Thank you for taking such good care of me. I'll see you later.
Cyrus: Yeah. How long were you up there?
Harley: How did you know I was here?
Cyrus: I just knew.
Cassie: I am so proud of you, R.J..
R.J.: Thanks, Mom.
Cassie: Did you have fun?
R.J.: Yeah, I really did.
Josh: Will, wait a minute.
Will: What?
Josh: I don't understand you, Will, I really don’t. You can do anything you want, you can be anything you want, but somehow you still choose to be a spoiled and dangerous little boy.
Will: I don't like the way you treated me.
Josh: I want to help you, Will, but I don't know how to do that. I can't imagine what kind of kid would think that it’s okay to hit his brother in the head with a baseball bat. You could have killed him. And if you hurt him, you're hurting your mom.
Will: You don't care about my mom. You only love Reva.
Josh: How can you even say that? You know I love your mom. I want all of us to be a family.
Will: I don't know that.
Josh: I don't think you're ready to be in this home yet.
Will: I'm eight years old. I'm not afraid of you.
Cassie: Hey. I was about to file a missing person's report.
Josh: I'll be right back. Will, I want you to stay right here. Do you understand me? Will, I'm going to tell your mom that you're not feeling well, you've been running around outside, and you're taking a nap in our room. I'm glad we understand each other.
(Knock on the door)
Cassie: Hi.
Reva: Hi.
Cassie: Are you here to take Will?
Reva: Oh, no. I'm sorry, I can’t...
Cassie: Oh, well, good.
Reva: I, um... I just... I... I wanted to tell you that...
Cassie: Have you been drinking?
Reva: Yeah.
Cassie: Well, it's early...
Reva: I know. But it's okay because I took a cab. I don't know how much you know, but Jonathan and Sarah are gone. They left without saying good-bye.
Cassie: Why? What happened?
Reva: I don't know. It doesn't matter. What matters though is that, uh, Jonathan wanted me to give you a message. He wanted you to know that he'll never forget Tammy, but that he is not going to use her as a crutch anymore.
Cassie: He said that?
Reva: He thinks you should do the same.
Cassie: Honoring your daughter's memory and leaning on her are two different things.
Reva: Yeah, well we've all been leaning on her and what happened to her.
Cassie: Would you please not tell me what my daughter would have wanted.
Reva: I'm not here to argue with you. I'm just here to give you Jonathan’s message. I think you should listen to him and I'm going to try to do the same.
Josh: Hi, Reva, you okay?
Reva: Yeah. It's perfect.
Josh: Cassie, Will is resting. He isn't feeling well.
Cassie: I'll go check on him.
Josh: He's sleeping.
Reva: I'm going to go.
Cassie: Well, thank you for telling me about Jonathan.
Josh: Is Jeffrey home?
Reva: He should be.
Josh: I'm going to follow you. I need to talk to him about some church business. I won't be long.
Cassie: Okay.
Reva: Can, um... can you give me a ride?
Josh: Is there some problem with your car?
Reva: I took a cab.
Harley: We have to stop. No, I mean it, we have to stop, stop! The last time we were together, you left. You said you needed a break.
Cyrus: I didn't need a break. It was just a cooling off.
Harley: Why did you leave?
Cyrus: Because Rick was threatening to take Jude away from you.
Harley: That will never happen. Hold on. Hold on. You know, we could do this, we could sneak around and have sex behind every door in here. But it is making me crazy.
Cyrus: Oh, yeah? What kind of crazy?
Harley: The kind of crazy that follows you around, looking at you from balconies. That kind of crazy.
Cyrus: That is crazy.
Harley: Couldn't we just talk like real people. Even if we can't be a couple in public, can't we talk just like real people.
Cyrus: Okay.
Harley: It's not just sex, is it?
Cyrus: Of course it isn’t. You know that.
Harley: I need it to be real, Cyrus.
Cyrus: Okay. Here, why don't you pick out a movie that we would go to if we could, or a new restaurant we could try. I know, we could talk about current events. How do you feel about the immigration issue.
Harley: Stop.
Cyrus: (Laughing)
Cassie: Hey, you. Are you okay?
Will: I'm just tired.
Cassie: Well, why is the door all blocked up with books?
Will: I wanted to be alone. Is Josh home?
Cassie: No. He went to see Jeffrey.
Reva: Thanks for the ride. I'm sorry that Jeffrey isn't here yet.
Josh: Mind if I wait?
Reva: No. Why not?
Josh: I didn't notice before, but this place looks different, this room.
Reva: I painted. So you were pretty quiet on the ride home. Just giving me my space?
Josh: Not exactly.
Reva: What's up? That look on your face tells me it is more than just church business.
Josh: Cassie and the boys and I went outside today to play a little winter baseball. And at one point during the fun, Will picked up a baseball bat, and I'm quite certain he was about to use R.J.'s head as the ball.
Reva: What?
Josh: I stopped it before it could happen. Cassie and R.J. didn't even see it.
Reva: You can't honestly believe that he was going to hit R.J.?
Josh: I'm quite certain about it, honestly. I want to tell Jeffrey about it because I want Will sent away for a very long time. He's dangerous to everyone around him. Will is not fixable.
Reva: He needs guidance.
Josh: Well, I can't give it to him. Neither can Cassie, and neither can you. So I think he has to go away.
Reva: Well, that's not a very minister-like thing for you to say.
Josh: I guess I'm flawed then. I'm a minister, not God.
Reva: Well, remember Jonathan? Nobody was thought he was fixable either. And then recently you mentioned how decent and how much you respected him. Did you ever in a million years think those words would come out of your mouth when you were talking about my son?
Josh: Jonathan had bad thoughts and he had bad feelings, but he was vulnerable. Even when he was angry and when he was dangerous, he was still vulnerable.
Reva: You could see it in his eyes?
Josh: Yeah. Will is not vulnerable. He's serious. And that's what I see when I look into his eyes.
Reva: That's so sad because he's just a kid. Want a drink?
Josh: Yeah, sure. Maybe just a glass of wine.
Reva: I was talking about a drink, drink.
Will: Can you take me where I need to go?
Man: I don't know about that, kid.
Will: Does this make you know any better?
Reva: I would just feel like such a hypocrite if I helped send Will away.
Josh: Why?
Reva: Because every Reva instinct in me is screaming for me to chase after Jonathan and Sarah and bring them back home.
Josh: It's not the same.
Reva: Regardless. I'm tired of all of the drama.
Josh: What are you doing? Do you often drink and garden at the same time?
Reva: You'll see. See these? Marah sends me these every spring.
Josh: Well, that's our girl.
Reva: Yeah. And I love it. Because when I plant them, and then the spring comes and they bloom, and the flowers grow, they remind me of my kids. And I need that.
Josh: Do you think we could do this together?
Reva: Hmmm... sure. (Laughs) Oh, geez. Here.
Officer: Something up, Cooper?
Marina: I didn't know if you were moving to my desk.
Officer: It's a good one.
Marina: Yeah. Yeah, the right bottom drawer squeaks a little.
Officer: Thanks for the heads up.
Frank: Hey, hey, hey. You still here?
Marina: Yes.
Frank: How about I give my daughter a ride home.
Marina: I would love that.
Frank: I just need to run these over to the court. Can you walk with me?
Marina: Yeah.
Brenda: Chief Cooper, I don't know if you remember me?
Frank: Actually, I do know you. You're the new girl at WSPR, Brenda Waters, right.
Brenda: I'm doing a feature on small town crime control.
Frank: I would love to help you, but I'm on my way out.
Brenda: I can walk and talk.
Frank: Okay, then we can do it. Have you met my daughter?
Brenda: I know she's engaged to a handsome jewel thief.
Marina: He's a former jewel thief, Brenda. He’s a new man.
Cassie: Do you know I knew you were coming from about a mile away.
Jeffrey: Really?
Cassie: My senses have been sharpened from living out here.
Jeffrey: I need a new carburetor.
Cassie: Yeah, you do. Like the clock in crocodile and peter pan.
Jeffrey: Cassie, I'm here to take Will.
Cassie: No. No. He's not feeling well and he is resting upstairs.
Jeffrey: What's the problem?
Cassie: No problem. We had a really great day today, we had a perfect day. We all went out and played baseball and we enjoyed ourselves.
Jeffrey: Really?
Cassie: Yeah. R.J. and Will got along and I think the fresh air did them good.
Jeffrey: I'm glad to hear that.
Cassie: Do you think I use Tammy as a crutch?
Jeffrey: What do you mean?
Cassie: Do you think that when decisions I make, don't turn out the way I want them to, that I blame them on my daughter being dead? I use her as an excuse?
Jeffrey: Cassie, I think you're experiencing a lot of grief. And considering everything you have been through, you're doing fine.
Cassie: I bought these flowers for Tammy’s grave.
Jeffrey: Nice.
Cassie: Well, they were her favorite. But, um, when I went to buy them, the woman who got there just before me bought the last bunch. And so I followed her out to her car. And when she was loading her bags, I swiped them from her cart.
Jeffrey: Is this a confession that you want the D.A. to hear?
Cassie: Well, it's a confession that maybe I need to hear. Maybe I do think that the rules are different from me. That somehow I'm exempt when things don't go my way. I'm just going to go check on Will.
Josh: Why is it, do you think, that Marah never sends me any seeds.
Reva: I'm getting a headache.
Josh: Well, that's because you're stressed out.
Reva: You think?
Josh: Uh-huh.
Reva: I think one more drink. What do you think?
Josh: Ooh, ooh. Do you really think another drink is a good idea? (Laughter)
Frank: Judge Lerner’s clerk said he was going to meet me here.
Harley: It’s Frank.
Marina: Is Judge Lerner the one with the big mole on his face.
Frank: Don't talk about the mole. Don't even look at it.
Marina: How is that possible?
Frank: I don't know.
Harley: Hey.
Frank: Hey. What are you doing here?
Harley: I had a meeting with a client. There is nobody in there now.
Frank: Are you sure?
Harley: It's a pretty small room. I think I would know if somebody was in there with me.
Marina: Yes you would.
Harley: How is your knee?
Marina: It's swell.
Harley: Are you looking for somebody?
Frank: Judge Lerner’s clerk.
Harley: I did see him. I think he said he was headed to the cafeteria. Hey, take care of yourself.
Marina: I'm trying. It's hard to sit around when you feel like the whole world is passing you by.
Harley: I can't do this anymore. I can’t. This is not who I am. It's not me.
Cassie: Will? Will?
Josh: You know, you are turning into a real light-weight. You get drunk so easily these days.
Reva: I'm just coming back. So what's your excuse?
Josh: Actually, I don't have one. What was in that?
Reva: Bourbon and something.
Josh: You should probably lie down.
Reva: No. You should lie down.
Josh: No, you should lie down! You should.
Reva: No. Because you know what, you're not driving home like this.
Josh: I can call a cab. Here you go. Here's a nice sofa waiting for you here. Oh, gosh!
Harley: I cannot keep lying to Marina like this.
Cyrus: I know. I know.
Harley: I didn't even see you coming, not so soon after Gus. You have caught me completely off guard. I can't breathe sometimes...
Cyrus: It doesn't have to be like this.
Harley: What, are we supposed to run away to your farmhouse in France? I can't do that. I have kids, I have responsibilities. I can't keep sneaking around like this anymore. But I can't let you go you're like a drug to me.
Cyrus: So what do you want to do, go cold turkey? Harley? Do you want to end this?
Marina: Hey.
Cyrus: Hey.
Marina: My dad was going to give me a ride home. You didn't need to come back.
Cyrus: Yeah. There is something I need to tell you, Marina, and it can't wait any longer.
Marina: Cyrus...
Cyrus: I've been lying to you.
Frank: Hey, your face is red. Were you outside?
Harley: Yeah. I took a walk in the park.
Frank: Well, that's nice. Well, is there anything I can do for you?
Harley: You can... you can take care of your daughter. She's going to need you.
Cassie: Reva? Jeffrey?
Coming up on "Guiding Light"...
Reva: We had a couple of drinks.
Josh: I know that you and I didn't do anything wrong. Wait a second.
Cassie: Tell me what you did? Tell me what you did?
Josh: I have a vague recollection of Will standing right there.
Will: He is not coming home. I made sure of it.
Reva: He tried to kill us.
Cassie: We need to get out of here. We need to leave.
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