Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 3/6/08
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Proofread by Tanya
Jonathan: Well, looks like your mother doesn't really love you. Here. Consider this your last meal.
Lizzie: Honey, your father is never going to take you away from me ever again. I know you love him, okay? I know you do. Some day you'll understand, sweetie. Granddad, is it over yet?
Alan: No, not yet.
Lizzie: What do you mean not yet? You promised.
Alan: Listen, Elizabeth, I will take care of Jonathan, but the plans have changed.
Lizzie: Why? He's waiting in the churchyard right now. If he suspects anything...
Alan: Would you please calm down? What I want you to do is call Jonathan and tell him to meet you on the Old Mill Road.
Lizzie: Are you kidding me? That’s where Tammy...
Alan: Do you want me to help you?
Lizzie: Yes.
Alan: Then you're going to have to trust me.
Alan: Do you have the package?
Man: What do we do with it?
Alan: Just store it somewhere, and I'll pick it up when I’m ready.
Jonathan: All right, come on.
(Cell phone rings)
Jonathan: Where the hell are you?
Lizzie: Hey, we can't do the church.
Jonathan: Why not?
Lizzie: My granddad, he's got someone following me. It's going to need to be like somewhere away from town, somewhere I could lose them.
Jonathan: Like?
Lizzie: Like Old Mill Road. I'm really sorry. I just can't think of anywhere else.
Jonathan: Half an hour.
Lizzie: Okay, good.
Jonathan: Lizzie, I'm trusting you.
Alan: Never mind who I am. A murder was committed. A sheriff was murdered in Tourmaline, California. All you have to do is call out there and verify this information. But if you want to know where the murderer is, you will have one of your cars sent to the Old Mill Road in a half hour.
Maid: Mr. Spaulding, I heard there was an accident. Oh, my, it looks like someone deliberately smashed...
Alan: Just clean it up. It's been a very stressful day, but things are on the upswing. What do you think?
Maid: Oh, that's beautiful.
Alan: Well, nothing is too good for my Beth.
Maid: Mrs. Bauer?
Alan: Beth Raines, the former and future Mrs. Alan Spaulding. Now, I want you to order another one of these horses for me.
Maid: Yes, sir.
Josh: Oh, I just blew your battle star out of the sky, my friend.
R.J.: Too bad that was my drone. Fooled you.
Josh: Your son just vaporized me.
R.J.: Mom, it's your turn. How about I go get some more popcorn?
Josh: This game... this game is great.
Cassie: Of course it's great. Everything is great because Will isn't here.
Jonathan: Hey.
Reva: What are you doing with Lizzie’s dog?
Jonathan: I kidnapped her.
Reva: Sometimes Jonathan likes to tell stories. You're serious?
Jonathan: Lizzie took Sarah. I think Alan put her up to it.
Reva: Of course she did.
Jonathan: Now she wants to trade prisoners.
Reva: Your daughter for her dog.
Lizzie: Call it off, I can’t do it. What’s that?
Alan: You see, Sarah, there is nothing that your granddad can't fix.
Lizzie: He means "buy."
Alan: Fix, buy, sell, as long as I take care of Jonathan.
Lizzie: What does that mean?
Alan: Prison. Three meals a day. He'll be able to learn a new trade, and in 25 years, when he comes out, he'll be a better man.
Lizzie: I need to talk to Bill.
Alan: If Bill cared anything about you, he would be here now.
Man: Go ahead, scream your head off. Bet that will hurt. What's he going to do to us?
Bill: What, me? I can make you boys very rich.
Alan: What do you think, Sarah...
Lizzie: Maybe I should just leave her here so she can stay and play.
Alan: No, no, no. Jonathan must see her with you. We don't want to tip him off in any way. Now, Sarah, you're going to take a little ride with your mommy, and when you come back, you can ride Victory all you want. Okay?
Lizzie: Okay, sweetie.
Alan: You're going to go with mommy.
Lizzie: Granddad...
Alan: Be strong, Elizabeth.
Lizzie: Mom.
Beth: Girls, don't rush off. I've got news.
Alan: Well, you finally came to your senses. Now my life can be complete.
Rick: Almost, almost. Say good-bye to your grandfather, Lizzie. He's going to jail.
Alan: Elizabeth, go and call the police and tell them that an escaped prisoner is in my home.
Rick: That's right, Alan. I actually found a judge that wasn't on your payroll. So, here I am, free as a bird. What are you gonna do about it, big guy?
Alan: You're a sad commentary to our legal system.
Rick: Read the charges...bribary, conspiracy, giving false testimony. You're the one going to jail now.
Beth: You'll never change.
Alan: Beth, are you forgetting what he did to us? Peyton was our daughter, and he kept that from us.
Beth: You played me while Rick was in jail. You were the new and improved Alan Spaulding-- patient, understanding, the perfect father.
Alan: And I will be the perfect father to Peyton because I love her. And I love you, Beth.
Beth: Don’t say it.
Alan: Even if it’s true?
Rick: Come on sweetheart, let’s just get Peyton’s things and get the hell out of here.
Alan: You touch one of her things and I'll make sure that you go back to jail.
Beth: Enough with the threats.
Rick: Not this time, Alan. You stay away from my family. You got that?
Lizzie: I can't let this happen to you.
Bill: That's just a taste. Of course, you're going to need my bank card to get the rest. You're going to need my password, too.
Man: Give it.
Bill: I'll give it to you.
Bill: Whoo-hoo!
Reva: Let me go with you.
Jonathan: No.
Reva: Come on, you said it was a trap. You're going to need someone.
Jonathan: No. Reva, I ran away the last time. All it did was delay the inevitable. Today I'm going to finish it.
Reva: I hate it when you go all cowboy.
Jonathan: Yeah, right. Hey, don't let her tame you, kid.
Will: I just want to be like you.
Jonathan: Smart.
Reva: No, no, no. Sometimes even cowboys need to be careful.
Jonathan: All that matters is getting Sarah back.
Reva: Well, you know Alan. He's not going to rest until he...
Jonathan: Alan has his own kid now.
Reva: That doesn't matter because the more he gets, the more he wants.
Jonathan: I got it covered.
Reva: Well, honey, I think Roxie has to go outside to go pee-pee. Why don't you take her out?
Will: This is more fun.
Jonathan: She likes to play fetch with sticks. Doncha!
Will: Five bucks. Come on, Roxie
Jonathan: Go. Go get him!
Will: Come on, Roxie. Roxie! Roxie!
Jonathan: He reminds me of me.
Reva: You don't know the half of it.
Jonathan: What? Oh! Wow!
Reva: He's a very angry kid.
Jonathan: You think?
Reva: Sometimes I wonder if you were just like him when you were his age.
Jonathan: I was cuter.
Reva: And just as dangerous, I'll bet.
Jonathan: He needs a dad.
Reva: You needed a mama.
Jonathan: Oh, stop.
Reva: I know I can't get back those years. I can't make up for the time I wasn't there in your life, but I can help Will.
Jonathan: Well, good. You know I need to go get Sarah.
Reva: Just be careful, please. I can't lose you again.
Jonathan: You won’t. You know, all of those years I was growing up and thinking about you...
Reva: You never grew up. (Laughter)
Jonathan: Okay. Well, then all of those years I was raising hell and acting like a juvenile... (laughter) ...I, you know, I wanted to come back.
Reva: And make me pay?
Jonathan: You take care of Will and make sure he comes back -- turns out better than me, okay?
Reva: Just stay. Stay. He needs you. You can help him.
Jonathan: I can’t. Can you go ask Will to bring Roxie in?
Reva: Don't leave.
Jonathan: I've got to go.
Josh: Cassie, we're a family-- you and me and R.J. and Will.
Cassie: And Reva?
Josh: Yes, and Reva. She's your sister. She's trying to help. We're all just trying to help.
Cassie: Well, it doesn't feel like that. Sometimes I just feel all alone.
Josh: You're not. You're not.
Cassie: I just wish it was us together, you and me and R.J. and Will, and nobody else.
R.J.: Hey, guys, popcorn is ready. Mom, you okay?
Cassie: Yeah, of course, sweetie. You guys go in and continue destroying battle stars.
Josh: Where are you going?
Cassie: Have you been to the grocery store today?
Josh: No.
Cassie: I didn't think so. Have fun.
R.J.: It's Will again, isn't it?
Will: Your turn.
Reva: What?
Will: You were thinking about Jonathan.
Reva: Oh, yeah, I guess maybe I was. You are very smart. And I was worried, but that's what mothers do. We worry.
Will: Why?
Reva: Well, you know, Jonathan is... he's trying very hard to be a good father, trying hard to be a good man.
Will: But people won't let him?
Reva: That's right. And that's why I worry about him. And about you.
Will: Poison, P-O-I-S-O-N.
Reva: Very good. But it's a good thing you didn't taste it.
Will: Like this?
Reva: Don't do that. Will... Will? Come on.
Cassie: What are you doing with him? Get your hands off of him.
Reva: Let me do this. Come here, sweetie. Come here.
Cassie: Is it out?
Will: I was just playing.
Reva: He could have hurt himself, and he knew it.
Cassie: And you know what's best for everyone.
Reva: That's not what I said. We were having a nice game.
Cassie: Oh, until I showed up?
Reva: Why are you doing this? Cassie, why are you doing this?
Cassie: You are the one who's hurting him. He wasn't playing by your rules...? Why don't you call Josh?
Reva: Maybe I will. We are sisters, but you're making it very difficult for us to take care of this family.
Cassie: This family? My family. This is my family. Will and Josh are mine.
Reva: We are from the same family. You insist on making this me versus you.
Cassie: You want everything I have. Not just your precious Joshua, now you want my children, too.
Reva: No, no. You're wrong.
Cassie: You know what is wrong, thinking you could help me with my son. I'm taking him out for a little bit before he is choked by all of this love.
Alan: You picked the wrong time to get on my bad side.
Bill: Sorry, Alan.
Alan: What was that?
Bill: These guys were under the impression to keep me on ice while you worked on Lizzie. Now you wouldn’t do that, now would you Alan?
Alan: I was merely trying to keep you out of harm's way just in case Jonathan became violent.
Bill: So you were trying to protect me? That's very kind of you.
Alan: Elizabeth is very fond of you.
Bill: You sent your message, and now I'm going to send mine. When it comes to Lizzie, it's hands off, Granddad. She’s mine. I've got the key.
Lizzie: Mommy will be right back, okay?
Jonathan: Where's Sarah?
Lizzie: She's in the car. Where's Roxie?
Jonathan: Come here.
Lizzie: Come here.
Jonathan: We bonded.
Lizzie: Roxy, what are you doing? Come to me.
Jonathan: What are you doing? Why are you stalling? So a sniper can take me out? Maybe a truck will run me down.
Lizzie: If you thought your life was in danger, why in the world would you come out here?
Jonathan: To get my daughter. Here, take your beast.
Jonathan: Hey... hey, hey, what the hell?
Lizzie: I'm sorry.
Jonathan: Give me Sarah!
Lizzie: This is for you, okay?
Jonathan: Come on, Lizzie, do it, do it! Hit the gas, run me over! Do it!
Lizzie: Jonathan, please, please. I don't want to hurt you.
Jonathan: So you let the cops do it for you? You set me up, didn't you?! Didn't you?!
Lizzie: Sarah, please stop crying. Please stop crying. It was my granddad. He said you could be arrested for the murder of that sheriff.
Jonathan: Alan's idea, but you go along with it. Just like old times. Same road, same deal!
Lizzie: It's different now.
Jonathan: No, no. You're the same as Alan, but you are worse because you let him control you.
Lizzie: No, no, nobody controls me! Not you, not my granddad and not Bill...
Jonathan: He owns you and Sarah, and he will hold it over you for the rest of your life. What are you going to do, Lizzie, huh, when she grows up? How are you going to tell her to stand up for herself, stand up to people like Alan, people who try to own her? (Baby crying) What are you going to do? Open the car!
Lizzie: Quick before I change my mind.
Jonathan: Hey, come here, kiddo.
Lizzie: Take her, hurry.
Jonathan: Just like old times.
Lizzie: Meet me in the churchyard.
Jonathan: What about the police, Lizzie?
Lizzie: Go, go! Now!
Josh: Reva? Where's Will?
Reva: Um, Will is with Cassie.
Josh: Wait a minute, wait a minute. What happened? Did he throw one of his temper tantrums?
Reva: No, no, that would be me right after Cassie accused me of choking her son.
Josh: She...
Reva: Heimlich maneuver. Will swallowed a piece of the game and then she took him.
Josh: She took him?
Reva: Yeah, she took him. She is his mother.
Josh: This is from Jonathan.
Reva: I have to find him.
Lizzie: Thank God you guys are here. He has my baby.
Officer: Jonathan Randall? What kind of car was he driving?
Lizzie: It happened so fast. He has her. He just kept saying that I was never going to see her again and that Canada was not that far away.
Officer: The road north is just a few miles.
Lizzie: Go. Go find her! (Crying)
Josh: "Dear Reva: I still can't get used to saying 'Dear Mom.' We said too many good-byes, so I'll keep this one short and sweet.
Jonathan: Coming home with Sarah was a calculated risk. I lost. This time I'm going far away. Don't try to find us. I thought we could live together, Lizzie, Sarah and me. But I was fooling myself. Lizzie's heart is in the right place, but there's always Alan. And he'll never stop until he has his own sick version of his family. I'm not much, but I'm Sarah’s father and your son. You taught me to put my kid first, and that's what I'm going to do. She will always love you, Mom, and so will I."
Lizzie: Jonathan? Jonathan?
Jonathan: If this a trick...
Lizzie: No. Can I hold her? Hi. Tell me something, what something so perfect, did to deserve us?
Jonathan: Well, we didn't do that bad. Look how she turned out.
Lizzie: Did you know that your daddy was willing to risk everything for you? Yeah. And so I think now it's my turn. I have to risk never seeing you again.
Jonathan: Um...
Lizzie: Wherever you go and whatever you do, I want you to know that I love you. You protect her or I will hunt you down and kill you.
Jonathan: I believe you. Bye.
Lizzie: Bye.
Jonathan: Be good, all right? (Sarah crying)
Rick: Hey, what are you doing?
Beth: Honey, are you sure we should have her out?
Rick: Who is the doctor here in the family? She already looks better since she left Alan’s house.
Beth: Well, he's her father. There's nothing we can do about that.
Rick: Well, I'm in the process of filing papers to be her legal guardian. He may have DNA on his side, but he forfeited that a while ago, starting with Phillip. Wait a minute, sweetheart. Tell me it's not just me. You don't want him anywhere near our little girl?
Beth: I just want what's best for our daughter.
Rick: Well, you've already done that by leaving Alan and posting my bail.
Beth: Wait a minute. I didn't post your bail.
Rick: What do you mean? Of course you did.
Beth: I thought...
Rick: Well, then who did?
Bill: Hey, where is he?
Reva: Where is who?
Bill: Jonathan. I know he thinks he's meeting Lizzie and taking off with Sarah.
Josh: Bill, who told you that?
Bill: Alan. I don't want Lizzie caught up in the middle of this.
Reva: What did Alan tell you?
Bill: That he's setting Jonathan up for something that happened in California.
Josh: In California?
Bill: You know what I'm talking about, Reva?
Reva: Yeah, I have a pretty good idea.
Josh: Maybe Lizzie doubled back to her house.
Bill: I can check, and then I can meet you, but where?
Reva: Where it all began and ended.
Jonathan: There's no room for me and Sarah here. I tried. I gotta go. You know, she'll always have your pictures, and I will tell her how brave you were and how beautiful. And she will know how much I loved you, how much I still love you.
Alan: What happened, Elizabeth? I had this all planned. What happened?
Lizzie: I did the right thing.
Alan: Then where's your daughter?
Lizzie: She's with her father.
Alan: Are you out of your mind?! You let Jonathan take her back again?!
Lizzie: Sarah is my daughter, and it killed me to let him take her, but it was the only way that I could know for sure that she wouldn't grow up under this roof, being chained to you for the rest of her life.
Alan: You and your mother! All I ever wanted was to have you and your children under the same roof.
Lizzie: Like little sheep.
Alan: I'm not going to give up on Beth and Peyton, and I will find Jonathan and bring Sarah back.
Lizzie: No, you won't!
Alan: What's going to stop me?
Lizzie: I know what you want more than anything. You want us living in this house with you; you want us standing by your side so you can teach us to be better Spaulding’s. I know that's what you want.
Alan: Yes, it is. But I can't have that now that Sarah is gone, Beth, Peyton...
Lizzie: You can have it.
Alan: How?
Lizzie: You and I just have to make a little deal. And here's the deal: Jonathan and Sarah get their freedom, and you get me.
Bill: Lizzie, what are you doing?
Lizzie: Don't try to stop me.
Bill: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Do you think I'm really going to let you take off with Jonathan?
Lizzie: Don't do this now. They’re gone, okay? I let them go.
Bill: You what?
Lizzie: Don't ask me why, okay? Just don't say anything. Just hold me. ( Sobbing)
Bill: It's all right. It's all right.
Man: Are you Reva?
Cassie: No, I'm not Reva. I'm her sister. Can I help you?
Man: Sorry, I let myself in. I'm here about the leak.
Cassie: There's a gas leak? I'm not leaving my son in this house.
Man: Relax, ma'am. It's the line outside. Tell your sister I'm on it.
Will: Why didn't you want me in the house?
Cassie: Well, because gas can be explosive, honey.
Will: Like people?
Cassie: Yeah. It's okay to get angry. It's not okay to stay angry. Your Aunt Reva is my sister, and we argue. And Josh is my husband, and married people argue, too. But it doesn't mean we don't love each other. And when the argument is over, we're still family. I'm going to go make us some tea for us and for Aunt Reva when she comes back. Lots of honey for you, right?
Will: Lots.
Cassie: Uh-huh.
Rick: Aren't you required to give me a name?
Officer: Just take your wife and kid and go home.
Beth: Rick, he's right. What does it matter?
Rick: It matters to me because Alan is the only person who knows I was in here because he put me in there.
Beth: And what about Doris Wolfe?
Rick: And neither one of those ingrates would have posted bail for me, would they?
Okay, you want the name?
Rick: Yes, I would.
Officer: Here's the signature.
Beth: Rick?
Rick: Oh, my God.
Beth: Who is it?
Jonathan: Well, here's the deal: You look after home and... I'm going to hit the road. I'll look after Sarah, and she'll look after me. And... I think we're going to be okay. I love you.
This cut was anything but clean
there's not a price too high no amount of words not said
if someone could only take me far away
from the ache that voids my soul...
Reva: I know he was here. He had to have been here.
Josh: Reva.
Far from here...
Reva: Why couldn't I just see him one last time? Jonathan!
There's no way this fate could be part of a greater plan
there's no God that would allow me to be hurting like I am...
Jonathan: Bye, Mom!
What's my soul to do when there's no more of you?
It's been a sea of my regret and forget...
Bill: Where are you right now?
Lizzie: I'm here.
Bill: Well, part of you. Why didn't you tell me?
Lizzie: Because you would have tried to stop me.
Bill: You got that right.
Lizzie: And it would have been wrong for Sarah. And if I'm being real honest, for me, too.
Bill: So Jonathan wins, huh?
Lizzie: Nobody wins but Sarah. And that's all that matters.
Bill: I am taking you out tonight, okay?
Lizzie: That sounds like just what I need.
Bill: Yeah. Go shower, okay?
Lizzie: I forgot to tell you. There's a little catch. Sarah gets her freedom, but somebody has to pay the price. --To take her place. I know exactly how you feel, Rox.
Alan: Well, I've been waiting for you.
Lizzie: I had to pack.
Alan: Good. Did you throw away the things you won't be needing anymore?
Lizzie: Yes, Granddad.
Alan: Excellent. We can make a fresh start, Elizabeth, just you and me. Like old times, huh?
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