GL Transcript Tuesday 3/4/08

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 3/4/08


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Previously on "Guiding Light"...

Jonathan: You took up with a guy who's made it very clear he's my enemy. That means you are, too.

Lizzie: You can't take my daughter from me, Jonathan.

Jonathan: I already have.

Bill: Would you have slept with him?

Lizzie: Yeah. I'm trying to get my daughter back. I'm going to do whatever I have to.

(Classical music playing) (music stops)

Alan: I said I didn't want to be disturbed! Beth? I didn't hear you come in. Hello, sweetheart. My goodness, let me put this cigar out. I don't want anything to harm my baby girl. No, sir. Oh, Beth, did you see that? She smiled at me.

Beth: She's sleeping, Alan. That's gas.

Alan: Well, she still knows that I'm here.

Beth: Okay.

Alan: I didn't uh... I didn't know that you two were coming over to see me.

Beth: Well, we just decided to swing by. I want her to know her daddy, and you have a right to see her.

Alan: Yes, I do. I'm glad you understand that, Beth. But what about Rick? How is he dealing with all of the changes of names and the visitation and stuff?

Beth: Alan, I would love to tell him, but I can't find him anywhere.

Rick: What do you want to talk about? Sports? Come on, you're a prison guard. You've got to be into sports. I was quite the basketball player. What are you into, Jim? Are you into bowling, basketball, baseball? Ice fishing? Ice fishing, that's it. You strike me as a guy who likes to be alone a lot. Are you listening to me?! Hello!

Jim: Do you want something?

Rick: Yeah. Could you please-- just for a second. I've been trying to have a friendly conversation with you for 48 minutes. You haven't heard a word I've said here. I just want a little help here.

Jim: You have to go before the judge first.

Rick: I didn't break any laws, John!- Jim, whatever your name is.

Jim: It's Jim.

Rick: You know Alan Spaulding. He's a powerful man, and he had me thrown behind these jail cells for no reason. I'm an innocent man. And the reason he did this is because he wants to be with my wife.

Jim: You know, your wife probably had you thrown in here because she wants some peace and quiet.

Josh: Hey, hey, you have to take it easy on the beer. It is just you and me and Cassie and Jeffrey and Stephen and these lovely people. And we don't want them thinking we're a bunch of alcoholics.

Reva: Well, like I said it's a celebration, right? Praise God with singing and dancing and all that.

Josh: You not going to be dancing on tables?

Reva: We'll have to wait and see where the spirit leads me.

Josh: Okay, now I know we're in trouble.

Reva: You know, I can't seem to reach Jeffrey. I think I'm going to run over there and see what is holding him. Don't start the party without me.

Josh: Certainly not the table dancing part.

Reva: We all have our calling.

Dinah: Push it. Come on. Testosterone. What are you working out here?

Bill: It's called my pectoral region.

Dinah: No, bonehead I am asking what kind of anger are you working out here. If it is about some deal you lost, some arrogant type "A" who swooped in and stole an account from under you, trying to make his first billion before 35, I want you to know I'm here to help. Because you did once hire me. And even though my muscles aren't as big as yours, my brain is coming back as sharp as ever.

Bill: I don't want you to make the deal.

Dinah: I want to help you.

Bill: You want to help me? Tell Lizzie to keep her clothes on.

Dinah: Why?

Bill: Because she and I made a deal that she was going to sit tight while I deal with Jonathan.

Dinah: So you had a plan. What's wrong with that?

Bill: Yes, I had a plan. I had a very good plan. But then Lizzie decided she was going to go with her own plan, it was to go and seduce Jonathan to get Sarah back.

Dinah: Bill, she is fighting for her baby. I understand that. Sometimes we have to use what the good Lord gave us.

Lizzie: Do you see those swans. Aren't they beautiful? They are beautiful. What is that sound? Just because you mate for life doesn’t... hello? I'm dialing 9-1... not too much for that.

Bartender: And something for your little friend.

Lizzie: It's for my daughter. She doesn't live with me. But her dad and I used to be married. We were married so we could protect Sarah-- that's my baby-- from my granddad, and we did. But Tammy got killed instead of Jonathan.

Bartender: Who is Jonathan?

Lizzie: That's the husband. He took off with Sarah, but I thought they were dead. I spent an entire year crying. And now, poof, Jonathan is back in town and Sarah is alive, and I still don't get to be with her. But, hey, you're a bartender. I'm sure you hear stories like this all of the time, right?

Bartender: Two olives?

Jonathan: Talk. Tell me that she is laundering money or painting toys with lead paint or something.

Cyrus: Actually, there's not much.

Jonathan: Find something. It's there. Find it! That's what I'm paying you to do. That's some big bear. Hey, I'm papa bear, and it's my job to protect little bear.

Jeffrey: I don't understand why I wasn't notified. That's all right, I'll call Mel Boudreau. I need someone from Judge Anderson’s office to call me right away. If they're not there, you're going to have to track them down, aren't you? Thank you!

Reva: That didn't sound good.

Jeffrey: It's not.

Reva: Can it wait until after the party.

Jeffrey: When we were at the lighthouse, I saw Cassie with Will.

Reva: With Will? Isn't he supposed to be locked up?

Jeffrey: She said he has some sort of approved privilege.

Reva: Did he?

Jeffrey: I don't know. There was a hearing and I was notified. And all of the charges against Will have been dropped. He's free.

Reva: We're definitely going to need more beer at that party.

Stephen: Congratulations.

Josh: Cheers, thank you.

Stephen: I was hoping Cassie was going to be here. I know this might be difficult, for her but...

Josh: Well, actually, no, she's fine with it. I mean, she seems happy. In fact I spoke with her a little while ago and she'd be here. And there she is. And she looks happy. Honey, you look happy.

Cassie: I am. Very happy. We have a lot to celebrate.

Josh: Yes we do.

Stephen: Well I'm glad it you think about it that way. I know it's difficult, but it's time to put those things behind us and start with a clean slate.

Cassie: I completely agree. In fact, I brought a surprise.

Will: I'm back.

Everybody feels low everybody feels high

everybody's feet are on the ground and heads in the sky

only love can save the world only love can save the world

only love can save the world only love can save the world

only love.

Will: I'm so glad I get to come home. Thanks for having a party.

Josh: Will, this party is not-- never mind. Never mind. So, how did he get here?

Cassie: Well, there was a hearing, and all of the charges against him were dropped. The judge agreed with me that Will is better off at home with the family, where we can love him. Honey, why don't you go see if there is something you want to eat?

Will: Okay.

Cassie: Did you call R.J.? He should be here, too.

Josh: Cassie, you decided this without me?

Cassie: Well, there wasn't much time. All of a sudden, there I was testifying on Will’s behalf.

Josh: You didn't think I needed to know this?

Cassie: I thought you were with Stephen trying to get your job back.

Josh: Stephen would have understood.

Cassie: We both know the hearing went well without you. You got your job back. I got Will back. It's all good. (Cell phone rings)

Jeffrey: Hey, it's Jeffrey. I have some news.

Josh: I know, he is out. He is here with Cassie. I don't understand how this happened.

Jeffrey: I'll be there in a minute. We better get over there before the kid starts spitting up pea soup.

Doris: Jim, do me a favor and go see if Chief Cooper left some of those great doughnuts. My office told me someone was making noise about officers not following official policies, something about no phone calls.

Rick: That's right. And as the honorable mayor you are, you came to right a wrong.

Doris: I am very hands-on.

Rick: I'll cut to the chase. Alan Spaulding is manipulating the justice system...

Doris: You're lucky he didn't drop-kick you into the lake with cement boots on. Sorry.

Rick: Doris, I want Frank here. I want Frank here right now. Because you know that I will get out of here sooner or later, and I will tell the press that you knew these were bogus charges, and you did nothing about it.

Doris: Okay. I'll look into it, even though you probably didn't vote for me. Well, it would be a shame if this got lost. Mayors are so overbooked these days. Ooh, sprinkles, my favorite.

Beth: If Rick is so worried about us being together, why did he just take off like that?

Alan: Well, Beth, to be honest with you, I always thought Rick was a little unbalanced.

Beth: And what if there were an emergency with the baby?

Alan: If there were an emergency, I would take care... I would take very good care of both of you. Yes, I would, Peyton.

Beth: Come on, Alan. This is just a visit. The court is going to order them anyhow.

Alan: Well, would you at least stay for dinner.

Beth: No, I have to go find Rick. Alan, just stop being so nice and understanding and patient and kind--

Alan: I'm just trying, that's all.

Beth: I just can't take it right now. I just can’t.

Alan: Okay. If you and Peyton come home, I will turn over a new leaf. I promise. I will be a new man.

Cassie: I didn't decide to bring Will home. He cannot stay at the detention facility by order of the court. So Will is coming home. And we're together. So why don't we just be happy. Okay? I'm going to go wait for R.J. by the back door.

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, can we get her on the phone? Okay, yeah. Go on in. I'm going to see if I can get this judge to fix this.

Reva: Okay.

Stephen: Josh, I know that you can handle a great deal, but with everything that is going on, your family business, Cassie’s troubles. Will's issues may take up too much time. How will you find time to spend with your congregation? Won’t Will...

Reva: He'll be living with me. Will is going to move in with me.

Lizzie: I saw you.

Cyrus: What, on the phone?

Lizzie: In the parking lot and when I was getting food. Why are you following me? Is it Jonathan?

Cyrus: Look, it's not personal. It's a job. So don't try and shake me because I need the work. And Jonathan will just send someone else. He wants the kid for himself.

Lizzie: Hold on.

Cyrus: Hm. You got a massage at 5:00.

Lizzie: I have a therapist on call. My life is very stressful.

Cyrus: Some of our appointments conflict. Can you switch some of the times. I don't want to miss any of the fun.

Lizzie: You are a funny guy.

Cyrus: Yes, I am.

Lizzie: And as you can see, it is just one crazy party after another.

Cyrus: Look, I can keep taking your money, but there is nothing.

Josh: Jeffrey didn't say anything to me on the phone.

Reva: That's because I just thought of it.

Stephen: I think this is wonderful. The example that you are setting, that a family, no how complicated the situation, can pull together and help each other out, it's wonderful. Sometimes, Josh, true leadership is seen by our actions, more than our sermons. Well done, Josh.

Reva: That's my friend, Jeffrey. He is probably ordering one of those videos for the kid. Nothing violent. None of those violent games, nothing like that. I'll be right back.

Jeffrey: Thank you very much for your time. Every child has to be nurtured in order to grow...

Reva: Maybe she is right.

Jeffrey: Cassie and Josh have done everything they can.

Reva: They’re not Will’s only family.

Jeffrey: Alonso is dead, Edmund is in a coma, and who is left?

Reva: There's me.

Jeffrey: No, no, no, no, no.

Reva: Josh was getting beaten by Stephen in there.

Cassie: No way in hell.

Jeffrey: So you volunteered us to watch over the demon kid.

Josh: Can you guys come inside and watch Will for us?

Jeffrey: So we're going to sleep with one eye open.

Reva: Well, we don't really sleep that much

Jeffrey: What happened to staying out of their lives?

Reva: Josh has a chance of losing his ministry. Together we can whip him into shape. I did it with Jonathan. He can't be all bad.

Cassie: Have we gone far enough that your fellowship can't hear me now.

Josh: I figured we should talk alone.

Cassie: You should explain to me how you and my sister decided without me, that Will would be better off living with her and Jeffrey.

Josh: The same way you decided, without me that it would be better to take Will out of detention and bring him home.

Cassie: I'm supposed to send him to live with two people who practically hate him. You know I can't abandon him again. I can't lose him.

Josh: We're not talking about losing him. We're talking about saving him.

Cassie: I'm talking about saving him. But clearly we have two very different methods.

Josh: Well, your method is not working!

Cassie: I know it's not working. I am losing Will, R.J. and you. I am trying everything that I can think of. I don't know what else you want from me. I don't know what you want.

Josh: I want my wife back. I don't know where you are thinking. There was a time, not long ago, that we were in sync, Cassie. We could finish each other's thoughts and sentences. Do you remember that? Do you remember the plans that we had for ourselves and our family? Cassie, I miss that. I miss us.

Cassie: I miss us, too. I just feel like you're asking me to choose you over my son.

Josh: I'm asking you to choose all of us.

Cassie: That's all I ever wanted to do. I'm sorry I'm failing.

Bill: Hey, hey.

Jonathan: I was looking for Sarah’s toys.

Bill: Really. Lizzie’s underwear drawer?

Jonathan: I made a mistake.

Bill: You sure did. How could you do that, huh? How could you do that to the mother of your daughter.

Jonathan: You want a war? You're going to get a blood bath.

Bill: It will be hard when you're sitting in a jail cell.

Jonathan: Yeah, and your fat little digits have been all over it, too. We can be cell mates.

Dinah: I know you must miss your kid.

Lizzie: I just can't lose her again.

Dinah: Then you need to go get her back. I know that it makes Bill angry, but if she were my kid, I would make a deal with the devil to get her back. Sorry, God. See you later, okay.

Alan: Elizabeth, what a surprise.

Lizzie: This is not a proud moment for me. I need help. I need my daughter back, and you are the only one who can get her back from Jonathan. You are the only person who is as dangerous and as destructive as Jonathan.

Dinah: Okay, well, I know that I've walked in on something obviously heavy because you've got potential with the knife. No, stay, I found them. You know, I am heading back to the park. I saw Lizzie there, and I'm going to send her back here so the three of you can talk about what is going on like reasonable adults.

Jonathan: We're not reasonable adults.

Dinah: You're not, but that's one thing you all have in common, okay? Carry on.

Beth: Mel, Mel, have you seen Rick? Because I haven't seen him in over 24 hours.

Mel: Well, we do share a daughter, yes.

Beth: Yeah. And, um... do you ever talk about anything else?

Mel: You know, we are still friends, so--

Beth: And I'm glad. I'm glad that he has that. But if you know--

Mel: It's kind of lousy not knowing where your husband is, isn't it?

Beth: Yeah, yeah, it is.

Mel: No, I haven't seen Rick, but if I do see him, I'll let him know that you're looking for him.

Beth: Thank you, bitch.

Mel: Oh, and Beth, Jonathan is coming after Lizzie with both barrels. He wants full custody. He's not my client yet, but I just thought you should know.

Alan: May I speak now?

Lizzie: Go ahead.

Alan: Jonathan is a reprobate.

Lizzie: Jonathan will stop at nothing. I need you to do whatever it takes. But not like last time. I remember the lesson about making a deal with the devil. Whenever you make it, you have to be more cunning than the snake you're shaking hands with. You can take down Jonathan, but you can't beat me. You taught me too well.

Alan: I certainly have.

Lizzie: So here is the deal: You help me win back Sarah, you hire lawyers, you pay off judges. You do whatever it takes.

Alan: Welcome home, Elizabeth.

Josh: Hi. Listen, Cassie and I have talked, and we've decided to take you up on your offer to keep Will for a few days.

Reva: That's great. Let me put you on speaker phone so you can share the news. It's Josh.

Jeffrey: Hey, Josh.

Josh: Hey, Jeffrey, are you sure you're okay with this?

Jeffrey: Can Cassie hear?

Cassie: Tell him it is only temporary until we can get new tests and get the right kind of counseling.

Jeffrey: She said it's temporary.

Reva: We're counting on it.

Cassie: Tell them I'm on my way and I want to tell Will myself.

Josh: See you in a bit.

Jeffrey: You know, Josh, this isn't a real solution.

Josh: I know that. And I understand this is a pretty big sacrifice for the two of you.

Reva: Just until things calm down with the church, we'll watch him.

Jeffrey: I put in a call for an ankle bracelet for the kid.

Reva: He did not.

Jeffrey: Seriously, he needs psychiatric attention, not just tough love.

Josh: I agree. But maybe these few days will give us a chance to figure out some kind of solution that will work.

Reva: We just want everyone to be safe.

Cassie: Will?

Will: Are we going to go home now?

Cassie: I have a very special surprise for you. You are going to go to your Aunt Reva’s for a couple of days.

Will: Josh made you do this, didn't he?

Cassie: Will, we need to be very brave. We need to make them see that we can make this work. And together we can fight whatever. Sometimes when you want people to play with your toys, you have to play with their toys first and then they're more willing. Do you understand?

Will: So you want me to play with Aunt Reva and Jeffrey?

Cassie: Just for a little while. Just until we can figure out what we do next, okay?

Will: Okay.

Reva: How did I get here?

Jeffrey: You're a fixer.

Reva: I'm a fixer. That's kind of weird. It's always been that most people are trying to fix me. I kind of like it better that way.

Jeffrey: Too late.

Reva: Yeah, I know. I'm going to go back inside and see if Will is ready to go.

Jeffrey: I'll order the straightjacket.

Reva: Watch it.

Cassie: He's all set.

Reva: Are you okay with all of this?

Cassie: I appreciate your willingness to help.

Reva: Okay.

Cassie: He's just a little boy. Remember that.

Jeffrey: We just want him to be safe, Cassie.

Cassie: And he is my little boy.

Jeffrey: Okay, there are going to be a few house rules. First, homework, you will do it every day, right after school, no TV until it's done. Chores-- there will be chores every day, and no TV until they are done. You will make your bed every day before school. No violent video games, and if you have any problems at all, you can come and talk to me.

Reva: Or you can talk to me.

Jeffrey: I'm a trained government agent, okay, so I will know everything that you do-- everything. And if you try to run away, I will track you down, and you will go to the courthouse and listen to every case of every kid whoever did anything wrong.

Reva: Listen, we are your family, we love you. We love you and we want to make this work. Why don’t you go on inside the house and get ready for bed. You want to go through this backpack and make sure he doesn't have any sharp objects or matches. Hurry up.

Will: Key.

Cassie: This is hard, Josh. I don't-- I don't know what the rules are. Do we talk about him? Do we not talk about him? I don't know what the rules are supposed to be.

Josh: I don't know that there are any rules.

Cassie: I like rules. Okay, sometimes I don't like rules. But I do like knowing there is an answer, and I want to do what you said earlier. I want this to be our shelter. I want our home to be a peaceful, happy place.

Josh: I know that. Cassie, I'm on your side.

Cassie: A quarter cup.

Josh: A quarter cup. Stephen wanted me to apologize for what you did with Beth’s paternity test. I didn't do it. I couldn't do it. I stood up for you. I fought for you.

Cassie: But you could have lost your church.

Josh: I know that, but I didn’t. The parishioners called in, and they wrote in, and I got my job back on my own merit because I stood up for what I believed. A quarter cup.

Cassie: (Laughs) Put it in there.

Jonathan: I don't want to see Lizzie hurt. I'm willing to just walk away if you'll drop all of this.

Bill: Do you honestly think I believe that?

Jonathan: I thought you might.

Bill: Shall we go.

Jonathan: You first.

Bill: Oh. I insist.

Jonathan: No. I insist. (Rock music playing) It must have been my lucky day.

Alan: Well, I had to wait for Bill to leave.

Jonathan: Why? So you can shoot me with no witnesses.

Alan: Trust me.

Jonathan: Not if we were the last two men in prison.

Alan: What did Bill want?

Jonathan: Bill wanted to see if we could come to a peaceful resolution about Sarah.

Alan: How did it go?

Jonathan: Well, I'm not bloody.

Alan: You're lying. You will never be able to share Sarah with anyone, including Elizabeth. You know why? Because you're just like me.

Jonathan: Is this where I rip off your mask and see my own face. Realize that one day I will become just like you?

Alan: No. This is the part where you run because controlling your family, Sarah and Reva is everything to you.

Jonathan: You took the rest of my family.

Alan: Yes. And holding onto them is very rewarding to you. That's why I'm here, to offer you a deal.

Jonathan: Why would I make a deal with you?

Alan: Because I will need your help to double cross Elizabeth.

Lizzie: What are you doing?

Bill: Would you stop hitting me for one second. I like you. I gave you my coat. I wanted to tell you that I am sorry for being a jerk.

Lizzie: You were worse than a jerk.

Bill: An ass.

Lizzie: That's better.

Bill: I know that you are doing what you think that you have to do to stay on Jonathan’s good side during this whole custody thing, okay.

Lizzie: I have to keep Jonathan off balance.

Bill: If you want to keep him off balance, put a blindfold on and spin him around a few times.

Lizzie: A blindfold and a negligee. Why didn't I think of that? After today, Jonathan is the one who will be cut out.

Bill: Why is that?

Lizzie: Today I sold my soul.

Alan: You see, Jonathan, Peyton means to me what Sarah means to you. Beth means to me what Tammy meant to you.

Jonathan: We're done.

Alan: Wait, Jonathan, please, I'm sorry. The only point I'm trying to make to you is I want some peace in my life. I just want some time to spend with my new family. And that's why I'm letting you take Sarah and go live in exile, and I won't follow you. I won't come after you.

Jonathan: And in return?

Alan: Well, in return, a few times a year I'll give you a call, and you'll let me come and see Sarah, and make sure you're raising her properly.

Jonathan: You're delusional. No.

Alan: I'm offering you your best option right now. Cigar?

Doris: Okay, so I got your case in front of the judge.

Rick: Thank you, Doris. Not only are you beautiful, but you're good.

Doris: I got it in front of the judge's chambers and you should be out in no time.

Rick: Do you have a pen? A pen. I need to write it down.

Doris: And by the way, the four letter word for "Cretin": "Bozo."

Rick: Bozo. Thank you.

Alan: I can't tell you how wonderful it is to walk in here and see you with Peyton.

Beth: Cook tells me you already had her prepare all of my favorites. Alan, did you mean what you said? If Peyton and I come back, would you turn over a new leaf? No more wars and no more manipulation?

Alan: If I have you and Peyton in my life, Beth, there is nothing I can't do.

Beth: Wait, wait. Just start with dinner.

Alan: Okay.

Beth: I am going to go up to my room-- old room-- and freshen up, if you wouldn't mind.

Alan: Oh, I would love nothing more. It's started. Jonathan thinks I'm going to help him, but I am going to get you and Sarah back together and have my whole family home.

Josh: Oh, oh.

Cassie: When I look out here, I can see us playing ball and planting flowers.

Josh: And mowing? And mowing? And mowing. And mowing.

Cassie: Well, I should hope so.

Josh: Maybe it is time to get a riding mower. I think the boys would like it.

Cassie: You know, I can see us out here playing tag. Do you see that, Josh?

Josh: Yes, I do.

Cassie: I'm going to check on R.J. and his homework. Do you want coffee to go with that cookie?

Josh: That would be really lovely. Thank you. (Cell phone rings) Hello.

Reva: Hey, Josh, we found something in Will's backpack.

Josh: An AK-47?

Reva: No, hang man. You know the word game. But at the bottom of the page it spells Josh. He's a very troubled little kid. What should we tell Cassie?

Josh: Nothing. Don't tell her anything. Just give her this night, one night of peace, okay? Listen, I have to go. Thank you. Good-bye.

Cassie: Sorry, I didn't mean to make you get off the phone.

Josh: It was a telemarketer.

Cassie: R.J. needs help with his math homework, and since you're so much better at it than I am.

Josh: Okay. Well, I'll try to get back as quick as I can. See you in a few minutes.

Cassie: Okay.

Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Alan: Things could not be worse.

Lizzie: If Jonathan is not stopped, you could lose Sarah and Peyton.

Jonathan: No Alan, no Bill.

Lizzie: I swear.

Jonathan: I'm in the church graveyard.

Alan: How appropriate. We'll let the police do the work this time.

Lizzie: Thank God you guys are here. He has my baby.

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