Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 2/27/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya
Jonathan: What's up?
Officer: Having a private party, pal? Take it inside.
Jonathan: Dude, give me a break. Look, I'm getting married today.
Officer: Congratulations. Put the beer in the bag if you're going to stay outside.
Lizzie: I look pretty hot, don't I? Well, thank you for the support. I think that Bill is going to love this-- um, Jonathan. I think that Jonathan is going to love this. Don't you think Jonathan is going to love this? Don't look at me like that. I am a bride, okay? Brides have nerves, and they get a little frazzled sometimes.
Jonathan: I didn't know you were going to be here. Who are you talking to?
Lizzie: What?
Jonathan: Who are you talking to?
Lizzie: Roxie.
Jonathan: We need to talk about Roxie.
Lizzie: What does that mean?
Jonathan: It means that if we go on the run with a little white dog, and someone is trying to track us down...
Lizzie: Well, it'll be easier for them to find us if we have a dog. I already thought of that. Of course.
Jonathan: You did?
Lizzie: Yeah. I'm not stupid. I am working on it, actually.
Jonathan: Listen...
Lizzie: I have, like, a million things to do today if we're going to get this ceremony on time, so I just...
Jonathan: I want to show you this.
Lizzie: What?
Jonathan: It's all my stuff I have left from Tammy. It's pictures and letters and stuff that she gave me.
Lizzie: What about it?
Jonathan: Well, I was going to get rid of it... for you.
Doris: Hey, sleepy, good stuff.
Bill: What is this? Oh, my goodness. It looks like I need a shave, huh?
Doris: How about a thank you? I had my own publicist work very hard to make sure this article got properly placed.
Bill: I'm surprised they don't have a picture of me in there with an "S" on my chest.
Doris: There should be a picture of the two of us somewhere.
Bill: Oh, really? I thought this article was about me flying solo.
Doris: Oh, no, that's just a catchy phrase. I am your partner in government.
Bill: Yes, you are. Oh, my goodness, you need a shave, too.
Doris: Hey, hey, hey! You're in a good mood. What's up with that? You have a lot to be happy about. Come on, look, "Bill Lewis inside."
Bill: I guess I should be happy, shouldn't I?
Doris: Oh, come on. Go out and celebrate. There's got to be some lucky girl you can call.
Jonathan: I was going to go out by the lake, behind the graveyard, and, you know, say good-bye to those things there and then just leave the box there, where Tammy is, you know.
Lizzie: Why would you do that?
Jonathan: Because it's not fair to you.
Lizzie: You love her.
Jonathan: Yeah, I know that. But I'm marrying you.
Lizzie: Wow! You would do that for me?
Jonathan: Look, we're going into this with our eyes open, right? We're doing this for Sarah and a couple other reasons, but, you know, maybe one day it could be something more.
Lizzie: You would really do this for me? Thank you. It means a lot.
Jonathan: Well, I don't want you to think that you don't have anything to look forward to.
Jeffrey: Jonathan.
Jonathan: Hey, what's going on? You want to come to a wedding?
Jeffrey: When?
Jonathan: Today.
Jeffrey: You're kidding me.
Jonathan: No. That's why I'm here, to tell Reva.
Jeffrey: What is the rush?
Jonathan: We're not rushing the wedding. We're rushing what happens after, which I wanted to talk to you about.
Jeffrey: Well, I'm going to talk to Bill today.
Jonathan: You need to do more than talk. You've got to put a lid on Tourmaline because he's trying to get me in trouble, and Reva’s the one who is going to get screwed.
Jeffrey: Well, that's not going to happen. I promise you that.
Jonathan: Well, just in case, Lizzie and I are going to leave town after the ceremony.
Jeffrey: You're just going to disappear?
Jonathan: Yeah, Lizzie’s on board.
Jeffrey: How are you going to tell Reva? It's going to break her heart. Jonathan, you are going to tell her, aren't you?
Reva: I thought I heard voices out here.
Jeffrey: Hey.
Reva: Did you guys come together?
Jonathan: Uh-uh.
Reva: Hi. And thank you so much for letting Sarah stay with me last night. We're really getting to know each other. You're not here to pick her up already, are you?
Jonathan: No. I'm here with an invitation, though, to a wedding.
Reva: Wait a minute. Jonathan, this is... I know you thought this through, but it's still surprising.
Jonathan: You don't think that Sarah deserves a mother?
Reva: Yes, of course. Absolutely.
Jonathan: Well?
Reva: I was just kind of hoping that you'd be in love again.
Jonathan: Well, maybe some day I will.
Reva: No, I'm not going to say it.
Jonathan: What? Hey, you say whatever you want. I'm a big boy.
Reva: No, no, because I'm not going to be one of those kind of mothers. Okay, I'm going to say it. I can't imagine you and Lizzie together.
Jonathan: Are you serious?
Reva: Uh-huh.
Jonathan: Well, we get along pretty good. Come on. And have you seen her with Sarah?
Reva: Yes, yes, I've seen her with Sarah. I know Sarah is really starting to love her. I can tell.
Jonathan: Well, it's only going to get better, but it can only happen if they're together.
Reva: You make it sound like she's going somewhere. You and Sarah are here in town now. Where is she going to go?
Jonathan: I don't know. You know, sometimes things have a way of not working out the way you plan.
Reva: I know that. And I'm not going to be a bummer. I'm just not. Of course, of course I'm going to be there!
Jonathan: I've got to go check on her.
Reva: No, no, let me. I'm not going to have many more of these nights, so... I mean, once your married, so...
Jonathan: Yeah.
Jeffrey: I don't know why you just don't tell her.
Jonathan: I don't think I can say good-bye to her anymore. Oh, man! It kills me.
Jeffrey: It's going to kill her.
Lizzie: I need to ask you for a favor.
Beth: Name it.
Lizzie: I need you to take care of Roxie for me. She's going to need someone to love her.
Beth: Love? What are you talking about? Where are you going?
Lizzie: My honeymoon. Can't travel with her.
Beth: Sure you can.
Lizzie: Mom...
Beth: Honey, there are a lot of places that take dogs now. You never go anywhere without her.
Lizzie: Mom, Mom, Mom, we don't have it all mapped out yet, you know, our honeymoon. It's just going to be a lot of improvising, and I just... I can’t... I can't bring her with me.
Beth: Oh. Oh, okay, fine. Don't get upset.
Lizzie: I'm not upset. I'm not upset. I just have, like, a million things to do today.
Beth: So do I. Speaking of which, I better run.
Lizzie: Okay. You know, I think she's all set to go, so here.
Beth: Why don't you do it later...
Lizzie: I think it's better if we do it right now, I think. Hey. Hey, there. I have to go away, okay? And my mom is going to take care of you. Yes, she is. She's going to take really good care of you. You're going to take really good care of her, right? I need you to be good for me, okay? I need you to be so good for Mommy, okay? I love you.
Beth: Okay, honey. Well, I...
Lizzie: You heard me. I said I love you, okay?
Beth: Okay. I better go.
Lizzie: Oh, you know, the little biscuits that she likes, you know, the ones with the little pink bows on them?
Beth: I know.
Lizzie: And if you have any reruns of "90210," she loves that show. I'm going to write it all down, so don't worry.
Beth: I'm... I'm not. I'm not worried. I'll be back for the ceremony in a little bit. I love you, honey.
Lizzie: Me, too. Wait a second. I just, um... you are so special. I am going to love you forever, you hear me?
Beth: Are you okay?
Lizzie: Yeah. Yeah, of course.
Ava: Alan wanted you to have these for the new project.
Bill: Ava, wait.
Ava: I have to get home so I can wait by the phone for you to call.
Bill: Come on.
Ava: It's really nice of you to let me know that I'm still in the running while you're playing the field. Makes a girl all mushy inside.
Bill: Ava, please, I'm not.
Ava: Oh, right. You're not holding out for Lizzie?
Bill: What are talking about, holding out for Lizzie? Listen, forget about her, okay? No one wants Lizzie. Me and you, we're going to go get a drink, have a good time. What is wrong? Lizzie is getting married, first of all. Do you feel better now?
Ava: She's what?
Bill: Yeah, she's getting married, okay, to Jonathan. So this holding out for Lizzie is not an option. Couldn't do it even if I wanted to, which I don’t.
Ava: Are they really getting married?
Bill: Yeah, in a bar.
Ava: Is it more than just about Sarah?
Bill: It's about stupidity. So let's forget about them, and me and you will go do our own thing. Look, if she can't see this guy is bad news, I guess he didn't give her a big enough hint the first time he dumped her.
Ava: Bill!
Bill: I mean, really, she deserves so much better.
Ava: She deserves so much better? You mean you? You are such a jerk. I'm out of here. Bye.
Cassie: Somehow I don't think I ever saw this one.
Jonathan: Yeah. I like the way the light catches her hair in that one.
Cassie: You know, she never looked more beautiful than when she was with you. So what's with the box?
Jonathan: Are you going to come to the wedding today? Joshua's presiding.
Cassie: Reva's going to be there, too.
Jonathan: Yeah. She's my mom.
Cassie: I wouldn't miss it. It's not going to be easy for you, though, is it?
Jonathan: No. There's never going to be another Tammy, but I have to do this.
Cassie: For Sarah.
Jonathan: Uh-huh, for Sarah. Today's got to be, um... I don't know, a lot of things are going to change today, so maybe I just have to say good-bye.
Cassie: To Tammy. I don't know how you do that.
I'm not afraid of what anybody has to say, say it sometime
can you love me? Will you love me?
With the lights on yeah, when the lights are on
let them all see hey, that our love be strong
and if anyone is watching us let 'em watch, let 'em talk
just believe what we need is what we are
can you love me with the lights on?
Ruby: I used this exact shade for my third wedding.
Lizzie: How long have you and your husband been together?
Ruby: No, wait a minute. That was my second one.
Lizzie: So it didn't work out?
Ruby: (Laughs) I think the ceremony lasted longer than the actual marriage. Almost done, honey.
And if I would only turn turn me back a single day
the other road I could have taken would make this go away
could make this all okay, okay
from the ache that haunts my soul
steals the night from my every day
if someone could only take me far away, far from here.
Lizzie: What are you doing here, Bill?
Bill: I'm sorry, do I need a reason?
Lizzie: Are you following me?
Bill: Getting pretty for your wedding day?
Lizzie: Please stop, Bill.
Bill: Maybe you should have gone with red, blood red, a color Jonathan can relate to.
Lizzie: Not this again.
Bill: What do you mean, not this again? Lizzie, this guy is a murderer. I mean, aren't you concerned with that? You're going to have to start sleeping with a knife under your pillow.
Lizzie: Thank you for the advice.
Bill: Well, I'm just saying, I think you're making a huge mistake, that's all. Look, what do I know? What do I care?
Lizzie: Is that why you're here? No other reason?
Bill: Like what?
Lizzie: I don't know. Are you here to stop me?
Bill: Well, I mean, could I?
Lizzie: What do you mean?
Bill: Stop you.
Lizzie: Just tell me why you're here.
Marlene: Bill?
Bill: Hey, baby, what are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? Give me some sugar. Listen, would you mind waiting by the car. I'm just catching up with an old friend.
Marlene: Should I be jealous?
Bill: Jealous? Oh, you're so funny. You're so funny. Come here, give me a kiss. Get out of here.
Marlene: See you tomorrow, Ruby.
Bill: See you in bed. (Laughs) Yeah, that's my date. To the bride, happy wedding. Ruby, have a good night.
Jonathan: The countdown's on.
Lizzie: You know everybody is going to be here soon, and if they see how much stuff we're taking, they're going to know that we're leaving.
Jonathan: Fine. I'll get the car. Roxie?
Lizzie: I took care of it... her. Um... she's going to be fine.
Jonathan: Sorry. I know how hard it is to leave someone you love behind.
Lizzie: I can do it. Look at you. You just let go of the last pieces of Tammy that you had.
Jonathan: (Sighs)
Lizzie: What?
Jonathan: I couldn't do it. I kept all that stuff.
Lizzie: You just went to the lake?
Jonathan: I know.
Lizzie: But you couldn't do it?
Jonathan: I was never going to do it. Look...
Lizzie: You don't have to explain.
Jonathan: No, no, no. I know that you're walking away from a lot, and I don't want it to totally suck for you, you know, so I told you that I would...
Lizzie: Jonathan, you don't have to do this.
Jonathan: ...Put Tammy, I don't know, behind me. I can’t. I'll be a good husband to you, I promise. I won't cheat on you or anything like that. But I don't know that I'm ever going to get over Tammy.
Lizzie: I know that.
Jonathan: Look, if the truth is too much, Lizzie, you just tell me right now. We don't have to do this. We can still walk away, okay? Just let me know if it's too much, and that'll be that.
Lizzie: I want to show you something.
Jonathan: What's that?
Lizzie: You're not the only one that is holding onto something. Bill gave this to me.
Jonathan: When?
Lizzie: Today. Don't worry, it's not like he wants me or anything. I just feel this... really weird connection. And as much as sometimes I just can't stand him, I just don't want...
Jonathan: What?
Lizzie: ...To hurt him. Which is totally what I see happening if we get married and stay in Springfield.
Jonathan: You do?
Lizzie: Don't you?
Jonathan: Yeah. You're doing this... you've got your reasons, I've got my reasons. Is that it?
Lizzie: Seems to be.
Jonathan: All right. Let's get cracking then. We've got a wedding to do.
Reva: One drink-- one drink-- before you go.
Jonathan: I'm driving.
Reva: I know. I'm going to make yours a short one. I want to make a toast.
Jonathan: (Laughing) You do know that I'm getting married in a bar, right?
Reva: Yeah, yeah, but this is a private one, just us.
Jonathan: Well, I can't argue with you about that. (Laughing)
Reva: We should have made the toast before. Okay. That's for you.
Jonathan: Wow.
Reva: You don't know how much I've missed you. Oh, but you're back now, and you brought my beautiful granddaughter with you.
Jonathan: Yeah, well, I'm glad you got to meet her for a little bit.
Reva: Meet her? Oh, my God, I'm going to teach her everything.
Jonathan: No.
Reva: Yes.
Jonathan: No.
Reva: Yes. You don't think she's going to get tired of me, do you? She better not.
Jonathan: Oh, what is this?
Reva: Come on. It's just a gift. It's a little startup money for your new life. Oh, take it.
Jonathan: You don't have to do this.
Reva: Take it. You take it! You know I'd do anything for you.
Jonathan: Come here. Come here.
Reva: Oh, I love you. You're killing me! (Laughs)
(cell phone rings)
Bill: Hello?
Lizzie: Bill?
Bill: If you want to leave a
message, you know the drill.
Lizzie: Hey, it's me. I... I'm sure you're probably out having fun somewhere. Um... I was just calling to... to tell you to have a nice life. I know things have been really weird between us, and... but I really do mean that. I wish that for you.
Marlene: Refill time.
Bill: Yes, it is. So this is it, the nerve center.
Marlene: You've got some nerve saying that. (Laughter) Pardon the pun.
Bill: You're funny. Gosh, you're so funny. Anyway, come here. This is what I want to show you, what I'm working on.
Marlene: Wow!
Bill: Yeah.
Marlene: What is it?
Bill: Ah, well, it's a... it's a mall. What do you think?
Marlene: It's kind of hard to picture.
Bill: This is the elevation. See, this is what it's going to look like.
Marlene: Elevation?
Bill: Yeah.
Marlene: It's going to be on stilts?
Billy: So what do you think?
Reva: Well, they share a beautiful baby.
Billy: That they do.
Reva: Do you have a problem?
Billy: Darling, I'm kind of like you, you know. I think that true love has to have something to do with it, or what's the point?
Reva: Here. Let me help. Here we go.
Cassie: You know what, Reva, why don't you do it? You and Josh can do it.
Reva: You know what, can we just put this aside for today?
Cassie: Put what aside?
Reva: Jonathan and Lizzie are getting married. You want to put this up.
Cassie: Beth?
Beth: Not now, Cassie.
Cassie: I'm just curious about Rick.
Beth: I'm more curious why you think I'd want to talk about it with you.
Cassie: I never wanted to hurt you.
Beth: Hmm. Then imagine all of the trouble you could have created if you had done it on purpose.
Lizzie: Well, I think that every one that's going to be here is here.
Jonathan: Let's do it. I know you didn't want to do this. Thank you.
Josh: Hey, I gave you my speech. You both listened, and I said I would do it.
Jonathan: Well, hopefully nobody from your congregation will find out you did a wedding in a bar.
Josh: Yeah, well, it's obvious why we couldn't use the church. But you couldn't find any place else, really?
Jonathan: Well, part of this was about trying to lay low.
Josh: Oh, yeah, because of Alan.
Jonathan: Yeah. Beth says he's out of town, but with him, you never know.
Billy: Hey, I can stand guard outside if you want.
Jonathan: No, you're going to miss the ceremony.
Billy: Yeah, and I'd miss that wall of booze in there, too. I'll do it.
Lizzie: Hey, where you going?
Billy: I'm going to go do guard duty. Here. You know, I really want you to be happy, okay?
Lizzie: Thank you. Why do I feel like there's a "but"?
Billy: Well, I'm just an old man who kind of got his hopes up, that's all.
Lizzie: Bill?
Billy: No, I know neither one of you wanted to do it, so I'm going to go outside.
Bill: So, how long have you been working at Ruby's?
Marlene: A couple of months now. I don't just want to do fingernails forever.
Bill: Oh, really?
Marlene: I really want to move up, start doing toenails, too.
Jeffrey: Hey, Bill, you've got a sec?
Marlene: Are you the architect? I saw your elevators.
Bill: Elevations.
Marlene: Oh, darn. You two need to talk. I'll go to the little girls' room.
Bill: You don't have to, but you could... what's up?
Jeffrey: I know that you have been looking into what happened in Tourmaline, so I thought I'd help fill you in.
Bill: Oh, yeah?
Jeffrey: Nothing happened in Tourmaline.
Bill: That's not what I...
Jeffrey: No. I said nothing happened in Tourmaline, if you know what's good for you, anyway.
Bill: Are you kidding me? You came down to my office to threaten me?
Jeffrey: Yeah. And being D.A. helps.
Bill: Well, I'll tell you, I could have saved you a trip down here, because I don't care what happened in Tourmaline. I don't care about Jonathan. I don't care about any of it, because I've moved on.
Jeffrey: Why don't I believe you?
Bill: I really don't care what you believe. But for the record, Lizzie’s made her choice, okay, despite my warnings about that idiot, so I'm done. I'm moving on.
Jeffrey: Okay. Well, I'm on my way to their wedding, and I hope I don't find out later that you went chasing after them today.
Bill: What do you mean, chasing after them?
Jeffrey: I don't mean anything.
Bill: Are they going somewhere? They're leaving town.
Jeffrey: Just drop it.
Bill: Is that right? So Jonathan realized that he couldn't handle the pressure, is that right? (Laughs) So how does Reva feel about not seeing her granddaughter again?
Jeffrey: I never said that...
Bill: Well, you didn't have to. Look at it this way, with them gone, I can't hold Tourmaline over Jonathan’s head, so it's a dead issue, okay?
Jeffrey: I hope you mean that.
Bill: Oh, I do. I do.
Jeffrey: Well, I've got a wedding to get to.
Bill: Enjoy it. Kiss the bride for me.
Marlene: That was fast.
Bill: Yeah. Well, it looks like we're going to need more champagne, huh, sweetie?
Reva: You know, I know you're anxious to get this thing going, but I can't figure out where Jeffrey is.
Jonathan: Maybe he's doing D.A. stuff.
Josh: You might want to take your place.
Jonathan: Okay. Okay. (Laughter) Here we go.
Reva: Here we go.
Josh: Well, I've seen you happier.
Reva: Yeah, well, you know, he wants to do the right thing.
Josh: Jonathan has usually had his own sense of what exactly that is.
Reva: I can't imagine where he got that from. We both know what the real issue is here, though, now. It's Tammy.
Josh: Well, he doesn't love Lizzie right now, but he told me himself that that might change with time.
Reva: The only way for that to happen is if he forgets Tammy. He's going to have to forget everything about her.
Cassie: I need some air.
Reva: But that will never happen because we both know Jonathan will never forget Tammy, not as long as he lives, and I wouldn't want him to.
Cassie: "Forget about Tammy." How can she say that? How can she even think that!
Tammy: Mom? Mom, what is it?
Cassie: It’s... they want to pretend like you never even existed. My sweet girl.
Billy: Cassie? Hi. Are you okay?
Cassie: Yeah. I just needed some fresh air. But, um, I think they're about to start, so I'm going to head back in.
Billy: You go ahead.
(Cell phone rings)
Beth: Oh, I'm... I'm sorry.
Jonathan: Just answer it, Beth.
Beth: Rick, it's a really bad time. I'm busy. What? Are you sure? Okay. Okay. That was Rick.
Lizzie: Mom?
Beth: Alan just got back from out of town. His plane landed about an hour ago.
Lizzie: Great, what are we going to do?
Jonathan: Do you have a short version of this? (wedding music playing)
Josh: Okay. Dearly beloved...
Sarah: (Cries out)
Jonathan: Hold on. She behaves herself a lot better when I'm holding her, so go for it.
Josh: Okay. All right. Dearly beloved, we have come together in... well, in the presence of God, um, to witness and bless the joining together of this man and woman in holy matrimony. The union of husband and wife in heart, body and mind is intended by God for their mutual joy, for the health and comfort given one another in prosperity and adversity. And when it's God's will, for the procreation of children and their nurture in the knowledge and love of the lord. Therefore, marriage is not to be entered into lightly, but reverently, deliberately and in accordance for the purposes in which it was instituted by God.
Billy: Wait, wait, wait, whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't go in there.
Jonathan: Alan!
Bill: Lizzie!
Lizzie: Bill, what are you doing here?
Bill: Lizzie, don't do it. It's a mistake. Please don't do it.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Cassie: Anyone with two eyes can see that you've never gotten over the fact that I stole your husband.
Bill: And why is your son going to take off as soon as this thing is done?
Josh: Do you, Lizzie Spaulding, take Jonathan Randall to be your lawfully wedded husband?
Lizzie: I, uh...
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