Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 2/21/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya
Jonathan: What did Billy say?
Lizzie: That our daughter is being a perfect angel.
Jonathan: No surprise there.
Lizzie: He's pushing her on the swing.
Jonathan: Is that what it looks like when somebody pushes somebody on a swing?
Lizzie: It's a hilarious image.
Jonathan: Yeah, well, he better be careful.
Lizzie: Oh, stop worrying.
Jonathan: I'm just... I have a little trouble getting used to giving her to somebody else.
Lizzie: Well, it's not just somebody else. It's Billy, and he will not let my granddad or anybody else within 10 feet of her. Okay? She's in good hands. Stop worrying.
Josh: Oh, I've got to tell you something, it still freaks me out to see you just here and...
Jonathan: Alive?
Josh: Yeah, pretty much.
Jonathan: It's good to be back. You packing up?
Josh: Yeah. I've got to be out of here tomorrow. That's when the interim pastor arrives.
Lizzie: I'm so sorry about the suspension.
Josh: You know what? Don't be. It wasn't your fault. Is there... is there something I can do for you guys?
Lizzie: Yes. Well, we hope you can. Can you still perform marriages?
Josh: Technically.
Lizzie: Good. Okay, Jonathan and I need to be married as soon as possible. For Sarah. To protect her from my granddad. And we know that it'd be better for her if she had a real family. It'll just be better all the way around.
Josh: Okay, okay. And do both of you feel like that's a good reason to get married?
Lizzie: To protect our daughter? Can you think of a better reason?
Josh: Well, you know, I'm not an expert or anything like that, especially not these days, but, I don't know, I think I'm going to go with-- let me think-- love.
Bill: The name's Aubrey. The area code is 861.
Man: 861, that's California?
Bill: Tourmaline, California, yeah.
Man: And Aubrey is what, a first name or last?
Bill: You know, I don't really know. But my gut tells me a first name, a girl.
Man: Probably someone Randall had relations with when he was presumed dead.
Bill: Yeah. Correct.
Man: Okay. It would be helpful if you had more, you know, an address, a last name.
Bill: Yeah, I'll see what I can do.
Rick: 3:00.
Patient: Appreciate it.
Rick: Okay.
Patient: Have a good one.
Rick: All right.
Beth: Oh, I'm sorry. She was coughing and I got worried.
Rick: You can see Janet at the front desk. We'll see you next week.
Patient: Thanks much.
Rick: You got it. Let's take a look here.
Beth: You know, I'm probably overreacting like I did with Lizzie and James, but you know how it is when they're this tiny.
Rick: Uh-huh. She probably just got a little cold, you know.
Beth: Well, are you sure? Because I was looking online and they were talking about rubella...
Rick: You haven't been online again. Please tell me you haven't been online.
Beth: Well, you know, she hasn't had that shot yet.
Rick: There are a million diseases online. Honey, where on earth is Bernie going to catch rubella?
Beth: We can't call her that, Rick.
Rick: Oh, that's right. You told me that Bernie sounds like something you'd name a parakeet. Yeah, you're right. We'll call her by her full name, sweetie. We'll just call her Bernadette.
Beth: That's just it.
Rick: What?
Beth: I haven't decided if I'm keeping the name.
Cassie: Your son is still alive. My daughter's dead. Your son comes back to you and my son I have to send away. Don't you have enough? Go ahead, say something. I dare you. Will?
Will: I ran away.
Cassie: How did you even know that I'd be here?
Will: Oh, I heard you. Are you mad at Aunt Reva?
Cassie: Yeah, I'm a little mad at Aunt Reva.
Will: She causes trouble. I'm mad at her, too.
Cassie: Will.
Will. Don't throw... Will, stop throwing things. Will! Will!
Reva: So we'll pop some popcorn, open a nice bottle of wine. You can take off all your clothes. (Laughs) My God, what happened?
Cassie: I'm so sorry, Reva.
Reva: What the hell, I don't understand.
Jeffrey: Cassie?
Will: I'm sorry, Aunt Reva. It's just sometimes I get mad. Am I in trouble?
Reva: Why would Will do this?
Cassie: It wasn't Will's fault. It was mine.
Jeffrey: Well, what's he even doing here? We just dropped him off at that school, what, an hour ago?
Cassie: It wasn't Will.
Reva: You're covering for him again.
Cassie: No, please. Will you just let me explain?
Will: Mom, it's all right. I didn't want to go to that school!
Cassie: Honey...
Will: I ran away!
Cassie: Okay. I need to talk to your Aunt Reva and Uncle Jeffrey alone for a few minutes. So, can I just have him watch TV in the other room?
Reva: Fine. Oh, my God. Marah made this for Josh when she was in middle school.
Cassie: Okay. Please do not blame Will for this. I was the one... I was smashing things, and he came in.
Jeffrey: Will says he ran away from school, all the way here. That's like 20 miles from here.
Cassie: He paid somebody to drive him.
Reva: You went up there to get him, didn't you?
Cassie: No.
Reva: Cassie, we know that you didn't want to send Will to that school. But you've got to stop protecting him like this.
Cassie: I'm not protecting him. I came over here and I saw you. I saw you and Josh in here, and I was angry. And I was angry at Alan for taking Tammy away...
Reva: And at Josh because he defended me at the baptism?
Cassie: I will replace everything that's broken.
Reva: You can’t. You know, Josh gave this to me after Shayne was born. No two of them are the same. That's what made them so special. (Knock on the door) Bill, this really isn't a good time.
Bill: I am sorry, but this is about Jonathan.
Jonathan: That was Billy. He wanted to know if Sarah can have applesauce.
Lizzie: Did you tell him no carrots? She doesn't like carrots.
Jonathan: I told him no carrots. So, I thought being a minister meant that you can talk to God, not play God.
Josh: You're right.
Jonathan: I am?
Lizzie: He is? (Laughs)
Josh: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely, you're right. You know what, I have no right to be telling anyone how to live their damn life, you know, I mean, how to raise a family or what marriage is all about. You're right.
Lizzie: Did you just curse on church property?
Jonathan: Joshua, you're loosening up. Have you been drinking?
Josh: Yeah, you know, you want to get your feet off the pew before I smack you? (Laughter)
Jonathan: There he is. There he is. No, but seriously, I think that getting fired from this job is probably the best thing that has happened for you in years.
Lizzie: Jonathan.
Josh: No, no, that's fine. You know what? I've heard worse from my own congregation, from the press. But I am curious about something-- you guys could have gone to any judge in town, and that person would have married you like that. Why did you come to me?
Jonathan: To torture you.
Lizzie: Because we wanted it to be you. We know that, you know, not everybody is going to understand us and what we've been through, and we know that you do. Sarah is everything to us. She is the reason we have to do this.
Josh: Okay, look, you both realize that a child can't save a marriage, right? Or keep two people together or...
Lizzie: Sarah can. Sarah, she's like...
Jonathan: ...Kind of like a miracle baby. I mean, look what she's done for the two of us.
Josh: Well, I can't marry you in a church, certainly not this one.
Lizzie: That means he's going to do it. You're going to do it.
Josh: What the hell? Heck, heck. No, what the hell. What the hell!
Jonathan: What the hell. (Laughter)
Rick: She's just a little congested, that's all. See, honey, if you rub her little chest like this, it'll ease her pain. She'll be just fine.
Beth: Thanks.
Rick: Beth...
Beth: Rick, I'm sorry. I know how much it meant to you to name her after Bert, but she's not a Bauer, Rick. Not anymore.
Rick: Beth, I had such big plans for this little girl. She was going to be a tomboy. You know, play basketball and football with the boys, but be able to actually beat them. And her favorite holiday is going to be the fourth of July, just like her dad's, and her wedding... honey, can't you just picture it, our little girl walking down the aisle in her great grandmother Bert’s wedding dress? I just can’t... I just can't let go of her. Not now, I can’t.
Beth: Look, I'm on my way over to see Lizzie because she hasn't had much time to spend with her little sister. So, maybe we could all go together.
Bill: Reva, it's important. It's about Jonathan and Lizzie.
Reva: Billy told me that you've got a thing for Lizzie. And you know what? I think that's just great-- I do-- because she's a great gal. So why don't you focus on that and stop trying to cause problems for Jonathan?
Bill: I'm not trying to create problems for Jonathan. I'm not, okay? I'm not. All right, I just... look, what I'm trying to do is find out a little bit more about this Aubrey that he keeps talking to me about. (Laughs)
Reva: He told you about her?
Bill: Yeah. Yeah, he did. And I thought maybe if I could reconnect the two...
Reva: Well, you know what, there's nothing else I can tell you about Aubrey Cross, or anything else.
Bill: You can't or you won't?
Reva: Both.
Bill: Yeah, it's Bill Lewis. I got that name we needed. It's Cross. Aubrey Cross.
Cassie: This wasn't Will's idea.
Reva: You know what...
Cassie: He saw what I was doing and he wanted to help.
Reva: There's a part of me that wants to go in there shake some sense into that kid. But that's just it, he's a kid, right? He has no idea what any of this might mean to me or to Josh. Do you think that's why he did it? Because he thinks of me as a threat to your family?
Cassie: How many times do I have to tell you, it was not Will, it was me!
Jeffrey: Okay, that's enough. You know what? We all know what Will has done, and it's going to stop right here, right now. Okay, I called the station. They're going to send a patrol car for Will.
Cassie: You're going to have him arrested? He didn't do this.
Jeffrey: Well, I don't believe that you did this to your own sister's house, to a house that used to belong to your husband.
Cassie: I'm getting him, I'm taking him home.
Jeffrey: It's not going to help anything, okay? He's going to go now; he'll be charged as a juvenile.
Cassie: And if he doesn't go now?
Jeffrey: Well, then, they'll show up at your house and arrest him there. Is that what you want?
Cassie: So you're basically saying he has no choice.
Reva: Oh, he had a choice, Cassie. He had a choice not to push Edmund. He had a choice not to put those buttons in my purse.
Jeffrey: Not to do what he did to his father.
Cassie: Wait a minute, how long have you two been planning this?
Reva: Planning what?
Jeffrey: This is about getting Will help, Cassie.
Cassie: Oh, and you think jail is going to help him?
Jeffrey: Juvenile center. It's not jail.
Cassie: You think taking an eight-year-old boy away from the one person in the entire world that he trusts is going to help him?
Reva: Cassie, I know this is hard.
Cassie: No, stop it, just both of you. If you want to arrest somebody, arrest me. But stop conspiring against my son.
Jeffrey: Well, you know what? This isn't about what Will did here today! It is about him being out of control, Cassie, and about you not seeing it.
Reva: What if I'd been here alone? What then?
Cassie: You really think Will would try to hurt you? Oh, come on, after everything we went through because of your son? Already? I don't even know how I'm going to explain this to him.
Jeffrey: I'm sorry.
Reva: I know.
Cassie: Come on, honey. Grab your stuff. Can I at least ride in the car with him while we go to the station?
Jeffrey: Of course you can.
Cassie: Take this, sweetie. I'm going to call Josh and make sure he meets us there. Unless, of course, you've already turned him against me, too.
Bill: Aubrey Cross, Tourmaline, California. Boom boom boom boom boom. What you got for me? Come on. Tourmaline sheriff... blah, blah, blah... "Sheriff Cross, who has been missing for the last couple of weeks, found dead." Wow.
Josh: Cassie.
Cassie: Oh, thank God you're here.
Josh: Where's Will?
Cassie: They're interrogating him. Josh, it was awful. The whole thing is awful, and it's my fault.
Josh: No, Cassie, come on, you've got to stop blaming yourself.
Cassie: No, really. It really is all my fault this time. I... I snapped. I snapped at Reva’s house. I threw a picture and it broke, and there's glass everywhere.
Josh: And?
Cassie: And... it was just everything, Josh. It was the baptism, it was Alan finding out the baby is really his, it was seeing her torn out of Rick’s arms. It's just everything.
Josh: Cassie, where does Will fit into all of this?
Cassie: Okay, I dropped him off at the school. I did. Jeffrey and I dropped him off at the school. And then he ran away. I don't know how he got past the guards, but he did. And he found me at Reva’s, lashing out.
Josh: Lashing out?
Cassie: Yes. And then Jeffrey and Reva walked in, and they think he's to blame. And he took the blame for everything.
Josh: Cassie, this may be the best thing for Will. Just hear me out, okay? We haven't been able to do anything for him. But maybe with the police involved, they'll be able to get him the help that he needs.
Cassie: No, Josh. I need you to help me. I need you to help me get him out of here.
Bill: Lizzie.
Lizzie: Bill.
Bill: Promise me one thing. I know you're angry, okay, but promise me that you will listen to me for one second.
Lizzie: What?
Bill: Just forget that you're angry with me and listen. I need to tell you something.
Lizzie: Me first. Jonathan and I are getting married.
Bill: Are you serious?
Lizzie: We're a family, Bill. Jonathan, me, and Sarah, and he's a great father to her.
Bill: Well, I'm glad you think so, but the guy he murdered probably wouldn't agree.
Reva: We had this in our first house together. I know it's damned ugly, but I could just never part with it, you know. And this frame... Marah made this frame in art class. You see what it says?
Jeffrey: It says "Daddy's little girl," but it's a picture of Shayne.
Reva: It was a family joke. Shayne hated it. And then, of course, there's this. This was my mama’s. It's a Christmas ornament. You see the wings?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Reva: They're broken. But Josh and I put this on top of our first Christmas tree that we had together.
Jeffrey: You know, I might be able to glue that.
Reva: Maybe it's time.
Jeffrey: Time for what?
Reva: To let this all go.
Beth: Lizzie? Lizzie?
Waitress: She's not here.
Beth: Oh.
Rick: Maybe we should give her a call. You know, I mean, Lizzie really needs to spend some time with the baby. What do you think? I can give her a call.
Mel: Hey, guys.
Rick: Oh, hey.
Mel: Hi. I was just meeting a client. I'm early. Can I see her?
Beth: Of course. Of course.
Mel: Oh, let me see. Hi, there. She's beautiful. Oh, Leah told me, but, oh, wow, look at her. Hi, sweet pea. Oh, you know this baby means a lot to our daughter. She really wanted a baby sister. What do I tell her?
Beth: Well, we haven't decided yet, any of this.
Mel: She's beautiful. Well, Alan’s lawyers keep calling me. They... they thought I'd represent you.
Rick: Oh, I'm sorry... I'm really sorry about it. I'll call them and tell them to stop bothering you.
Mel: No, it's okay. You know, if... I'll help, you know, if you want me to. I'll do what I can do.
Rick: You would do that for us? Wow. Mel, thank you. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate this.
Mel: Well, it's not going to be easy. They've already put in a bid to have Alan’s name on the baby's birth certificate since he's the biological father.
Rick: There's got to be... there's got to be one thing we can do to fight Alan. I mean, one option.
Mel: There's not much. You know, he's the dad, and he was kept from his baby. I mean, the only thing you can do is just make this last as long as possible, tie him up in court. And hopefully it will get him frustrated enough to do something illegal.
Rick: Yeah. That's it? That's my only option? (Baby crying)
Mel: Well, you know, if you hadn't known about the paternity switch, it might be different. But you did know, and you didn't do anything about it.
Rick: You had to throw that one in there, didn't you?
Beth: She's hungry. I've got to...
Rick: Okay. Okay.
Mel: Look, you want my real advice?
Rick: Do I have an option? Do I want to hear this? What is it?
Mel: I think you should cut your losses.
Lizzie: I am very busy planning a wedding, and you're not invited.
Bill: Okay. So you are going to go on and marry this guy even though he murdered somebody?
Lizzie: He didn’t... if this is your way of trying to stop me from marrying Jonathan, it's lame.
Bill: Okay, no. You heard of Aubrey, right?
Lizzie: How do you know about her?
Bill: It's not a big secret. Apparently she had a thing for dead guys.
Lizzie: He liked her. What's the big deal? I'm sorry, is he supposed to become a monk just because he lost Tammy?
Bill: Oh, please, come on, no. Do you know about her father, the sheriff? The man mysteriously disappears, they find him a month later dead in the woods. Kind of makes me wonder why Jon had to get out of Tourmaline. Fleeing the crime scene, hmm?
Lizzie: Even if this is true- - and that is a big if because I trust you about as far as I can throw you-- listen to me: I do not ever want to hear you mention it ever again.
Bill: Or what? What are you going to do? So you're just going to go on and marry a killer, just so Sarah will have a dad, hmm? And a lousy one at that.
Lizzie: Jonathan is the best father Sarah could ever have.
Bill: Oh my goodness.
Lizzie: If you breathe a word of this to him, and you give him any reason to leave this town...
Bill: Yeah? What are you going to do?
Lizzie: I don't know, but it will be bad. As soon as I think of it.
Josh: Lots of cream, lots of sugar.
Cassie: Did you talk to Jeffrey about getting Will out of here?
Josh: I didn't see him. Cassie, I still think that this may be the best thing for Will.
Cassie: Josh, the special school was one thing; jail is another.
Josh: It won't be jail. It will be a juvenile detention facility of some kind.
Cassie: It's the same difference.
Josh: Come here.
Cassie: No, I need to figure out what is taking so long.
Josh: Cassie...
Cassie: Jonathan?
Jonathan: Cassie, hey. How's Will? Is it that bad?
Cassie: What are you doing here?
Jonathan: I'm on my way to the courthouse. Actually, I'm glad I ran into you. I'm picking up a marriage license. Lizzie and I are going to get married. This marriage with Lizzie, it doesn't mean anything. It'll never compare with what I had with Tammy.
Cassie: No, it never will.
Jonathan: I mean, what we had was sacred, but Lizzie and I, we have Sarah. And we have to do what we have to do to keep her safe, give her the life that she deserves.
Cassie: Yeah, you have to keep her safe from Alan.
Jonathan: That's all that matters, right? I mean, I was out on the road, I was working odd jobs, doing whatever I had to do to make sure I had enough money to keep her safe.
Cassie: Sure. I mean that's what I did for Tammy, you know. I tried so hard to get her out of foster care, and I worked the jobs I did, at the strip clubs and...
Jonathan: She always knew, didn't she? How much you loved her?
Cassie: Do you think you can pick up R.J. from soccer practice for me?
Josh: You don't want me to stay until they're done questioning Will?
Cassie: No, no. I mean, I'm here for him, and he needs his mom. I mean, R.J. needs us, too. And I've just been thinking that you're right. That this really is the best thing for Will, and I need to just keep reminding myself of that, so...
Josh: Okay. Then you'll call me if you find out anything new?
Cassie: Yeah. And just let R.J. know how much I love him, okay?
Josh: I'll see you back at the house.
Cassie: Okay. I'll see you back at the house.
Josh: Okay.
Beth: She is full and sleeping.
Rick: Good, good.
Beth: You know, I've been thinking about what Mel said.
Rick: Good. And?
Beth: Well, I just decided that no judge is going to decide what's going to happen with my baby. I mean, she's not some piece of property that is going to be divvied up.
Rick: Exactly.
Beth: It's my baby...
Rick: I'm so glad that you said that.
Beth: And I'm going to decide who her parents are and who is going to raise her.
Rick: Right.
Beth: You know, I've been a victim my whole life. "Poor Beth, getting jerked around again." Well, no more. This baby is going to stay with me. And, frankly, I think it's pretty simple what we have to do.
Rick: And what would that be?
Beth: Pin the whole thing on Cassie.
Rick: What? You're kidding, right?
Beth: No.
Rick: Honey, she may have started this whole thing by switching the D.N.A. test, but I knew about it. Josh told me. I knew about it from the very beginning.
Beth: Then you tell a judge that Josh threatened you to keep his wife's secret or else.
Rick: That would be a lie.
Beth: You had no problem lying to me all these months, letting me think that she is yours.
Rick: Okay, stop. I know I'm in the doghouse, okay, but this was hard for me. It was very hard. I couldn't sleep at night.
Beth: Then I guess this won't be so hard, will it?
Jeffrey: Okay. Sure you don't want to salvage any of this stuff?
Reva: What for? All my memories, my life with Josh...
Jeffrey: So it's all garbage?
Reva: I was going to say that it was all stored in my mind forever. You know, the other day...
Jeffrey: Hmm?
Reva: When I burst into your office and I was acting like a crazy person?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Reva: And I was going on and on about how unfair all of this was to Josh? I was... I was such a jerk.
Jeffrey: You were.
Reva: I was, I know. Can you forgive me?
Jeffrey: Well, let's see. I think maybe you could make it up to me. But you know what? It's going to have to wait because I have to get down to the station and see what's going on with Will.
Reva: Okay. But before you go... before you go, I... don't laugh, okay?
Jeffrey: Okay. Okay.
Reva: You could have walked out of here today. You could have. You know you could have. I mean, somebody else might have. I mean, with all the drama, you know, with Cassie and Josh and Will, not to mention Jonathan and Lizzie and Sarah, but you stick with me. And I never would have predicted that, but you do.
Jeffrey: Well, thanks, I think.
Reva: I'd just hate to think that you might just get away from me if I'm not careful.
Jeffrey: Shh, stop talking now, okay?
Lizzie: Thanks, Billy. And tell her that mommy misses her and give her that bear that she likes or she gets fussy. Okay, thanks. What are you still doing here?
Bill: Well, there he is, the runaway groom.
Jonathan: Lizzie told you that we're going to get married?
Bill: Yeah. Yeah, she told me that.
Jonathan: That's it? No congratulations? No confetti? No fireworks? Or are you just really sad that maybe you missed your chance with her?
Lizzie: Let's go. Let's go. I'm afraid Billy is going to give Sarah carrots. Come on.
Bill: Hey, Jonathan, why don't you tell us what your secret is, huh?
Jonathan: Huh?
Lizzie: Secret?
Bill: Yeah, your secret. To making this one last. You know, all your other relationships, they end kind of tragically...
Lizzie: Bill.
Bill: ...Don't you think?
Jonathan: What's idiot talking about?
Lizzie: Nothing. He's trying to get under your skin. Come on, let's go.
Bill: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Just don't ruin her life, okay?
Lizzie: I need a haircut. What is about becoming a mother that makes you... what is that?
Jonathan: Open it. You don't like it?
Lizzie: No, it’s... it's great. It's so great. It is.
Jonathan: I mean, we can upgrade it to a bigger diamond when we have money.
Lizzie: No, it’s... it's beautiful. I... I just care about family and us being together. You want to put it on me?
Jonathan: Yeah. Do you want me to do the down-on-one-knee thing?
Lizzie: Please don’t. Did Reva help you pick it out.
Jonathan: No, why?
Lizzie: You have good taste.
Jonathan: So you like cubic zirconium? Cool.
Lizzie: It better not be!
Jonathan: (Laughs) I'm just kidding. It's real.
Lizzie: Great.
Jonathan: (Yawns)
Lizzie: (Laughs)
Josh: Can I give you a hand?
Reva: Sure.
Josh: I'm sorry. Cassie, she told me what happened.
Reva: I really don't want to talk about it now.
Josh: Okay. Here we go. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. You kept this? Reva, I bought this for a dollar.
Reva: I know. From that guy in Vegas.
Josh: Yeah, it was that trip where you lost all our money playing Russian roulettes.
Reva: Well, you helped. We had to hitchhike back to Tulsa.
Josh: With three showgirls.
Reva: You liked that.
Josh: (Laughs)
Reva: And their big, old stinky dog.
Josh: That's right.
Reva: What was his name? Russian roulette.
Josh: Russian roulette, that's right.
Reva: Good times, huh?
Josh: Good times, yeah.
Reva: So, how did it go with Will?
Josh: Not too good. In fact, that's part of why I'm here. Cassie seems to think that we're all conspiring against her to take Will away from her. She doesn't realize that we're just trying to help her out. So I thought... I thought if you could talk to her, maybe...
Reva: No, I can’t. I... I can't talk to her about this.
Josh: Okay. I mean, I realize that it's difficult because she keeps blaming you for things, but...
Reva: It's not just that. It's not. Do you know who's been here with me all day helping me clean up this mess?
Josh: Jeffrey?
Reva: Yeah. And we're happy together. I mean, more than happy. We're good. We're good for each other. And when I walked in here today and saw my living room smashed to pieces and saw Cassie standing there with her son at her side, it hit me. I can't do it anymore. I can't be involved.
Josh: Is this because of what happened when she pushed you at the church?
Reva: Yes. Yes. But it's not just that. I mean, I love Cassie. She's my sister and I'll always love her. But you have to fix this now as her husband.
Josh: So what are you saying?
Reva: I'm saying I can't help you anymore. Especially not when it comes to Cassie. You're on your own.
Cassie: It's bad, isn't it?
Jeffrey: Cassie, I'm sorry, but as D.A., I am going to have to press charges against Will.
Cassie: Jeffrey, can you at least... will they let you go in there and see him, just give him a friendly face to look at. I mean, I can't even imagine how scared he is in there. Jeffrey, this is all my fault.
Jeffrey: You can't blame yourself for this.
Cassie: Well, of course I can. I'm his mother. I'm supposed to protect him and I failed him, just like I failed Tammy. And now my whole world is falling apart.
Jeffrey: No, no, no. It just seems that way.
Cassie: Remember when we were in your car and I was trying to figure when everything started to go so wrong?
Jeffrey: Cassie, really, there's no point.
Cassie: And it hit me. It hit me-- it was the very day that you and I split up.
Next, on "Guiding Light"...
Cassie: I need you in my life, Jeffrey, more than ever.
Rick: You let me get attached to her, Josh.
Josh: I didn't let you.
Rick: Yes, of course you did.
Josh: You wanted to. That's how you kept your hold on Beth.
Rick: And that's the way it's going to stay.
Cyrus: So, what do you say we push up the surgery?
Josh: Do you want to make a confession, Harley?
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