Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 2/20/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya
Tammy: Choices, we make them every day, millions of them, what shoes to wear, which road to take to work. But some choices are tougher than others. Every action has a reaction. Every choice has consequences.
Reporter: In this edition of "Night On Springfield" this is opportunity scandals that happen to all of us, the billionaire, the man of God, the sisters who led their men astray. Springfield's power players are going nose to nose as the battle heats up.
Reva: Well, it could be worse. We look good. (Laughs)
Tammy: How many times do we wish would could take something back?
Josh: Hey, it's a beautiful day out there, isn't it, folks, huh?
Reporter: Did you know about the switch?
Josh: God bless you all. Excuse me.
Tammy: You tell yourself, I'm doing it for love, to minimize the pain. But when the smoke clears and the fallout begins, you wish you had another shot at it. What would you do this time?
Josh: Well, hello there. It's good to see you all.
Man: Josh.
Josh: Ah, you know, I don't have any excuses for you. I'm sorry. I should have had more volunteers there for the soup kitchen on Saturday.
Man: That's not why we're here.
Josh: (Sighs) Yeah, I kind of figured that.
Tammy: Take it from someone who knows, there's no going back.
Reporter: Josh Lewis isn't talking, is there a gag order?
Jeffrey: No comment.
Reporter: Maybe his wife's an old friend.
Josh: Well, I think I know how Custer felt.
Stephen: This is a difficult duty for us.
Woman: Given the circumstances...
Man: The council voted unanimously.
Stephen: You're suspended indefinitely.
Woman: Pending a formal review.
Man: Until a final ruling is made.
Josh: Well, um... when I took this job, I promised to do what's best for the church at all times. So... I accept your decision.
Tammy: Accepting and embracing are two different things. It takes time, and time doesn't always make it better. Sometimes it's fear, sometimes it's anger, sometimes it's love. But whatever the reason, we make our choices. The best we can do is hope they work out.
Reva: Huh... I thought it was your dream to be a minister. So now you're going to let a bunch of stiffs take that away from you?
Josh: They didn't take it away from me, Reva. I threw it away. Thanks for coming by. Hey, maybe I'll be better off, huh?
Cassie: Hello. May I speak with the head mistress? Cassie Lewis. Mrs. Dennis, hi. Um, I am the one who pulled my son Will out of your school, and I've come to realize it was a mistake. And I am just kind of wondering if... that would be great. I mean, if we leave right now, I think I could have him back there before lunch. Thanks.
Will: Mom, do you think I'm bad?
Cassie: No, sweetie, I don’t. I... sit with me. I don't think you're bad. I just-- I'm sending you back to this school because I know that you need direction. And it's really not that far away. And we're going to be able to see each other all the time. Will, you trust me, don't you? Okay. Ms. Dennis and the rest of the staff have a plan. So as long as we follow that plan and stick with it.
Will: I won't be crazy anymore.
Cassie: Honey, nobody thinks you're crazy.
Will: Maybe I am because I talk to her.
Cassie: You talk to who?
Will: Tammy.
Cassie: You talk to her like, you know, she's in heaven and you think about her?
Will: No. She's here when I'm doing stuff, and I talk to her.
Cassie: When you talk to her, does she talk back to you?
Will: She listens and then she says things and I feel better.
Cassie: What kind of things does she say to you?
Will: She wants me to be good and take care of you because she's not here. And she wants us to be a family.
Reva: Can I shut this door? Unplug the phone.
Jeffrey: That's not going to stop the reporters.
Reva: Well, at least I know I can outrun them. I took a detour. I have a lot more experience running through the woods in stiletto heels than that chick from the news. (Laughs)
Jeffrey: I think a simple "no comment" would have done it.
Reva: Oh, don't even ask what I wanted to say. Bunch of hypocrites. I mean, who made them judge and jury? I mean, it's not like they've never lied to protect a source.
Jeffrey: Well, that's not a felony.
Reva: Neither is protecting someone you love. And then there's this.
Jeffrey: I was wondering when you were going to get to that.
Reva: Yeah. I mean, can you believe how happy they look. But oh, they want to see Josh stumble.
Jeffrey: Josh? Well, what about...
Reva: Oh, no, I know Cassie’s in-- she's in deep trouble, too, but, you know, she had the, what do you call it?
Jeffrey: Mitigating circumstances.
Reva: Mitigating circumstances, yeah, she was out of her head with grief when she switched those paternity tests. But, you know, to listen to them, I mean, it's like-- now they want to go after Josh for trying to cover it up. Any judge would understand Cassie.
Jeffrey: He wasn't alone.
Reva: Oh, he's alone now, though. You know, I just came back from the church. They were having a nice, polite burning at the stake. Guess who's toast?
Jeffrey: Reverend Lewis.
Reva: Ex-Reverend Lewis. If those sanctimonious sheep have anything to say about it. They're suspending him for now, but they want blood. You can see it in their eyes, they want blood. And for what? Because he stood by his wife, even though he disagreed with her? He did all the wrong things for all the right reasons. And now they're going to drive him away from the pulpit, they're going to stomp on his dream, it's just not fair.
Jeffrey: Are you done?
Reva: I'm just getting warmed up. We have to do something! We have to help him! Can you hear me?
Jeffrey: They can hear you in the next county, Reva. By the way, there's a good chance that I might lose my job over this, too. Thanks for asking.
Josh: Cassie!
Cassie: Come up. All right. (Laughter)
Josh: What's going on?
Cassie: Oh, he's Lebron James. And I'm... who am I again?
Will: Dwayne Wade.
Cassie: I'm Dwayne Wade. Catch. (Laughs)
Josh: Will, would you mind giving your mom and me a couple of minutes alone.
Will: I didn't do anything wrong!
Josh: No. Nobody's saying that you did anything at all. Um, I'll tell you what, why don't you take this, and why don't you come back after you've sunk ten in a row.
Will: Okay.
Josh: Okay.
Cassie: I know what you're going to say.
Josh: We decided together. It wasn't me against you or me against Will. It was together.
Cassie: Yes, and I was all set to take him to the school, when...
Josh: When what?
Cassie: When I started to have second thoughts.
Josh: Well, you're always going to have second thoughts and third thoughts, but we both know what has to happen, Cassie. He made you feel guilty about it, didn't he?
Cassie: No, not on purpose. He just told me something that just cut really close to home, closer than he could know anything about.
Josh: What?
Cassie: He said he is afraid he is crazy because he sees his sister.
Josh: He sees Tammy.
Cassie: He sees her, he talks to her, and she talks back to him. And what am I supposed to say to that, tell him that I see her, too, or that I saw her, too? That that means that I'm crazy, and someone should send me away?
Josh: Cassie, I can't pretend that I can understand for a minute how you get through a single day without your child.
Cassie: No. And I hope you never find out.
Josh: Look, Cassie, Cassie, wait, wait. Okay? At some point you're going to have to stop letting Tammy’s death dictate every decision that you make in your life.
Cassie: Josh, losing a child is not something you ever get over. All it does is make me want to hold my other children all the more closely. I need to protect Will and R.J. You don't know what it's like to be unprotected. You've never been unprotected. I know what it's like. There was no one to protect me when I was Will's age, and so it kills me to see any child unsafe.
Josh: And that's why you did what you did with Beth’s paternity test, right?
Cassie: Yes. And I am sorry it all went wrong.
Josh: Cassie, I just came from a meeting with the church board. I've been suspended. I may never get my congregation back. There are consequences.
Cassie: I'm sorry, Josh, but I told you when you met these people, they're small-minded, narrow-minded people.
Josh: No, no, no. No, don't make it like this. This is not their fault.
Cassie: If they have the courage to weigh all of the good you do against your involvement in this.
Josh: Cassie, I would have done the same thing if I was in their shoes. I could have told the truth about Beth’s baby, but I chose, I chose not to do that.
Cassie: You chose to stand by your wife. And that meant a lot to me. I know you put me first.
Josh: It doesn't matter how you phrase it. I helped perpetrate a fraud, and I'm going to have to pay for that.
Cassie: And sending Will away is your way to make up for this?
Josh: This has nothing to do with that. Will has to go back to that school because it's what's best for him. It's what's best for us.
Cassie: Oh, I want to believe that.
Josh: I know that you love him. I know that you want him to be right here with you all the time. I get that.
Cassie: Well, of course I want him to be right here with me all of the time. He's my son. And I sent him away once, and look how that turned out.
Josh: If I believed for a minute that you could fix him, I would shut the hell up and I would let you do that. But you can’t. Aren't you the slightest bit concerned for R.J.'s safety?
Cassie: No. Josh, I told you, Will did not mean to hurt him.
Josh: Well, he never means to hurt anybody, I'm sure, Cassie. But you know what, people get pushed and they fall, and sometimes those people never get up again, ever. Now, is your conscience going to be able to handle that? How are you going to live with yourself if somebody else gets hurt, especially if it's R.J.?
Cassie: I don't want him to feel abandoned.
Josh: The sooner he gets help, the sooner we'll be able to live together as a family.
Cassie: Okay. I mean, that's what I want. I just, I want my family. So, I'll do this. I'll do it.
Josh: I'll be here for you every step of the way, I promise.
Will: No!
Cassie: Will, sweetie, it's going to be okay.
Will: No, it isn't!
Cassie: Yes.
Will: It isn't!
Cassie: It is, you just need to be a big boy right now. You be brave, okay? I'll do this, but I need to do it alone. Okay, champ, you ready to do this?
Will: Mom, I'll be good, I promise.
Cassie: I know. I know you'll be good, sweetie. But these people at this school, they're just-- they have a way to help you that I don’t.
Will: I'll be nice to Josh. I'll keep away from R.J.’s stuff.
Cassie: Honey, do you hear yourself? I don't want you to keep away from your brother. I don't want you to make an effort to get along with Josh. I want you to be a part of the family. I want you to be someone that we can trust, someone that you can trust.
Will: But what if they lock me away?
Cassie: Honey, it's not like jail. They're not going to lock you in your room. It's a school. It's a special school.
Will: For freaks!
Cassie: Don't ever, ever think that. Sweetie, I love you just as much as I love R.J., as much as I have ever loved Tammy. And all I want for you is to be safe and happy. That's all I ever want for you.
Will: Can I pick the CD?
Cassie: Sure. What do you got there?
Jenny: Hi.
Josh: How you doing? Oh, man, it's cold, a cold day for running, don't you think?
Jenny: I'm Jenny.
Josh: Josh Lewis.
Jenny: I know. Is it true you've been suspended?
Josh: Wait a minute. Are you a reporter?
Jenny: Let me tell your story, Reverend.
Josh: No. You know what, you wouldn't be able to print my words.
[Music playing]
Reva: Get in!
Josh: What?
Reva: Get in! She's gaining on you.
Josh: Okay. Okay. Thank you. Nice meeting you.
Jenny: Bye.
Reva: Okay. It's clear.
Josh: Are you sure about that? Maybe the waitress is a reporter in disguise.
Reva: Josh, it's just Gwen. You know Gwenny, she's all about the tuna melt. Come on.
Josh: Okay, okay, okay. Where is everybody?
Reva: Looking for their pitchforks and torches to come after you.
Josh: Excellent.
Gwen: It's just like old times.
Reva: Aw, thanks. Have you seen the news today, Gwen?
Gwen: Nah, nothing but bad news.
Josh: I love you, Gwen, really.
Gwen: Now he tells me. You look like you could use some water.
Josh: Yeah, a big old glass of water would be great, and two beers, please. What are you having?
Cassie: Hi. Fill it up, please.
Attendant: Yes, ma'am.
Cassie: Thanks. Okay, sweetie, we've got a little ways to go yet. So you want anything?
Will: Fruit punch.
Cassie: All righty. One fruit punch coming up.
Will: Can I get a bag of chips, some peanut butter crackers, candy, a license plate bingo game.
Cassie: Okay. I think I got the idea. I'll be right back.
Will: She looks too pretty for you.
Man: Get back in the car, kid.
Will: But maybe she'd like you if you had some money.
Man: Are you for real?
Will: How would you like to make $863.34?
Cassie: Do not die on me! I don't understand this. We have a full tank of gas. I had the guy check the oil. What is going on?
Will: What's the matter, Mom?
Cassie: I wish I knew. This cannot be happening.
Will: Where are we?
Cassie: Ah, well, we're somewhere between the highway and the road your school is on. But that's why it's a good thing we have roadside assistance, huh? Wait a minute. Oh, I don't believe this. I don't have my phone.
Will: You must have left it at the house.
Cassie: Yeah, with everything else that's going on today, maybe I did. But don't worry, sweetie, I'm going to get us out of this.
Will: I'm not worried.
Cassie: Good boy. Maybe it's just a loose wire or something.
Will: I tried to tell you, you shouldn't be taking me to that school.
Cassie: Well, I don't know what we're afraid of. We've got food, we've got water, and I always have a spare blanket in the trunk.
Will: I'm not afraid, are you?
Cassie: Of course not. It's not the busiest road, but I'm sure somebody is going to drive by.
Will: Let's go for a walk.
Cassie: No, Will, we're not going for a walk. We're not going in the woods. We could easily get lost in there.
Will: Fine by me.
Cassie: Will, I know you don't want to go to this school, but you don't want to be stuck out here, do you?
Will: Ah, I'd be with you.
Cassie: Will, did you...
Will: Did I what, Mom?
Cassie: Ah, nothing.
Will: What if I don't go to that school? How would you make me?
Jeffrey: I'm sorry. I don't pick up hitchhikers.
Cassie: Jeffrey, how did you know we were out here?
Jeffrey: I didn’t. For some reason, I decided to take the back road.
Cassie: Well, thank goodness for us.
Will: Lucky us.
Jeffrey: All right, well, don't just sit there freezing. Hop in.
Josh: Gwen, love of my life, two more, please. Thank you.
Reva: Ah, Reverend.
Josh: Yeah?
Reva: Maybe we should call a halt.
Josh: Wait, wait, wait a second. Who you calling Reverend?
Reva: You have been suspended. You haven't been defrocked. Thanks.
Josh: Well, that's true, I'm still frocked, aren't I?
Reva: You are totally frocked.
Josh: Yeah, I would say so.
Reva: (Laughs)
Josh: Thanks.
Reva: Hey, well at least you had the job.
Josh: Yeah, for about a month.
Reva: Well, I would have lasted probably a day.
Josh: You would have lasted probably a minute.
Reva: Okay, so I admit, the closest thing I've ever gotten to missionary work was that time we...
Josh: No, no. Reva, don't, don't, don't, don't even finish that sentence.
Reva: Okay, I have a better idea. What do you say we all leave tonight on a mission to some far away land. It sure beats the hell out of...
Josh: Why?
Reva: ...Going to jail.
Josh: Why, why would I want to do that? What are we afraid of? Alan, he's certainly is not a vindictive person, is he, really?
Reva: Oh, he is a very reasonable guy. Certainly considering the fact that we were conspiring to keep him away from his baby.
Josh: We were protecting Cassie. He'll probably admire us for that.
Reva: Of course he will. (Laughs)
Elliot: Hypocrite!
Josh: Huh? Maybe we should order some coffee. What do you think?
Reva: It's probably a good idea.
Elliot: That's right, Reverend, pretend I'm not even here. Pretend nobody matters but you.
Josh: Okay.
Reva: No. Josh, Josh.
Josh: No, no, no, Reva.
Elliot: You preach love thy neighbor, and what do you do? Steal babies?
Greg: Let's just have one day without any trouble, please.
Josh: Look, if you guys want to talk, we can talk.
Reva: Can we just ignore them?
Josh: Reva, no. I haven't been fired yet. I can't just ignore a member of my flock.
Jeffrey: All right then. I'll wait in the car. Good luck, Will.
Cassie: Will...
Jeffrey: It's okay.
Cassie: Come here.
Will: Mom, please don't leave me here.
Cassie: Will, I can't change my mind again. I won’t. This is the right thing to do.
Will: Jeffrey doesn't know me, neither does Josh. You're the only one who knows me. You know that I'm not bad!
Cassie: Sweetheart, I know you're not bad, but you do some bad things.
Will: I'll stop. I promise.
Cassie: Well, honey, you have to learn how to stop. And you have to learn why you started in the first place. And that's what this school is for.
Will: Don't send me away again.
Cassie: I love you, sweetie. I will always love you. And we'll be back together again really soon, okay? I promise.
Mrs. Dennis: Hello, Will, welcome back.
Cassie: Um, Mrs. Dennis, we're a little bit early.
Mrs.: Dennis: It's better if you leave now, Mrs. Lewis. We'll take good care of him.
Will: Mom! Mom! Mom, don't leave me! Mom!
Josh: It's Elliot, right, and Greg, the Michael’s brothers. See, I'm still learning the names.
Elliot: Oh, don't think you can charm me. Not after what you've done.
Josh: Look, I made a mistake.
Elliot: Well, tell it to my wife.
Greg: And my wife, too.
Josh: Your wife?
Elliot: Janet.
Greg: And Judy.
Elliot: You may not remember them.
Josh: Wait a second, what are we talking about right now?
Elliot: Our wives, they came home from one of your sermons and packed their bags and moved out.
Greg: To make this perfectly clear, Reverend, they left us for each other.
Reva: Ah, excuse me, gentlemen, but I don't really quite understand what the Reverend would have had to do with that?
Josh: Reva, it’s...
Elliot: She was my wife until he preached about, know yourself!
Greg: Yeah, and be true to who you are. And the next thing you know, they're both gone.
Josh: Okay, okay. Guys, listen, can we just take this somewhere else, maybe do some counseling about this?
Elliot: I hope they take away everything you have, especially that wife of yours.
Josh: Hey! Okay. No, no, no. You know what, stand up! No, Reva, I can...
Reva: Hey.
Josh: No, no, it's okay. First of all, you're a lot bigger standing than you were sitting. But sometimes you've just got to say, what the hell. So look. I...
Reva: Don't, please.
Elliot: Go ahead, Reverend, turn the other cheek. I dare you.
Greg: I'm begging you, turn the other cheek.
Reva: You hit him, and you won't have any chance of getting your job back.
Josh: Okay. Let's go.
Elliot: What was her name, Tammy? She doesn't know how lucky she was. She's not around to see how her mother turned out.
Greg: Look, just not in the face!
Reva: Wow, you've got such a pretty face!
Greg: Come on, come on.
Reva: I cannot tell you how good that felt. Hallelujah!
Josh: Reva.... send the bill to the church. Thank you.
Cassie: Jeffrey, I'm fine.
Jeffrey: I know you're fine, and so is Will.
Cassie: I told myself I wasn't going to cry. I'm doing the right thing. Will needs help, and he needs the kind of help that I can't give him. So I... I just don't understand. I love my children, but I couldn't save my daughter, and now my son.
Jeffrey: Everything I know about kids can be summed up in two words: Sticky fingers.
Cassie: I just keep hearing Tammy’s voice in my head saying life is nothing but choices. Until I think what choices did I make? What was the choice that made everything change, you know? What was the tipping point to this?
Jeffrey: You're going to drive yourself nuts trying to figure that out. Come on.
Cassie: Well, I have to know. I mean, what was it? Was it, when I switched the paternity test results? Was it falling in love with Josh? Was it back further, sending Will back to his father? Was it when I left you?
Jeffrey: Cassie, you can go all the way back to first grade, and you're never going to find the one, single moment that changed everything. Because it's not there. Everything matters. Every moment matters. Not just in the past, but also here and now.
Cassie: Well, that sounds good, but...
Jeffrey: But what? How do you do it? How do you live it? You just do, Cassie. You know, don't look back. Don't question what works. Just live it.
Cassie: I wish I knew how to do that.
Jeffrey: Well, you know what, I do.
Cassie: You do?
Jeffrey: Yeah, it's one of the perks of being the district attorney. You get a "get out of jail free" card.
Cassie: Oh, I get to shoot Alan? (Laughs)
Jeffrey: No, you can't shoot him and you can't burn down his house or run over his cat, but, well, maybe you can burn his cat.
Cassie: (Laughs) Nah, I like cats.
Jeffrey: Well, we're in.
Cassie: All those years in special op’s finally paid off, huh?
Jeffrey: Yeah. So now that we broke into the place, what's the plan?
Cassie: He's going to convince Beth to move in with this baby.
Jeffrey: Odds are.
Cassie: And he'll put the baby in here, and day after day, year after year, he will turn her into a Spaulding.
Jeffrey: I don't see how hey, I know. Why don't you let it all out, huh? Let's just like, trash the place. I'll help you. Go ahead. He's got insurance.
Cassie: (Laughs) Oh, I can’t. I can’t. I can't let myself sink to his level. But, thank you for giving me the chance to choose. I am making a choice. I am making the choice to go home to my husband.
Josh: In conclusion, I am not begging for another chance! I'm saying that I deserve another chance! I've given this church every part of me, the good and the bad, and I believe with all my... with all my heart that the positives outweigh the negatives. All I ask... what?
Reva: Oh, I'm sorry. I was just having a little deja vu. You standing there with papers in your hand, and me here, reminded me of that day that you told me about your plans for the veteran's project, and I was going to tell you that I had cancer.
Josh: Yeah. But you didn’t.
Reva: I made a choice. And it changed everything, for always. You're going to win this thing. You are. As soon as the whole story comes out, and people see you the way I see you.
Josh: I think you're just prejudiced.
Reva: You married my sister. I could easily go the other way.
Josh: Why don't you?
Reva: Good question.
Josh: It looks like it's going to snow out there.
Reva: Maybe you should get home before it gets dark.
Josh: Yeah. Home.
Reva: It's not here anymore.
Josh: Then why is it that I somehow always end up here.
Reva: Cassie needs you, especially having to send Will away.
Josh: Will's only part of the problem.
Reva: Well, you can't solve the problem here anymore.
Josh: Are you trying to get rid of me?
Reva: You need to work things out with Cassie. And I need to go smoke the peace pipe with Jeffrey.
Josh: Yeah, what's the forecast on that?
Reva: It looks like snow.
Josh: Uh-huh.
Reva: Uh-huh.
Josh: Thank you.
Reva: What'd I do?
Josh: Oh, you stood up for me against that big giant man. I was scared.
Reva: Big woozy. (Both laugh) You know what? Let me give you a ride.
Josh: Oh, that's right. I don't have a car here.
Reva: That's right. You don't have a car. You can't drive in your condition and with everything else you've got going against you. Besides, I need to stop by and see Jeffrey anyway.
Josh: Maybe I should talk to him myself. See how much hot water we're all really in.
Reva: You scrape the ice off the windshield, and I'll be happy to give you a ride home.
If the world would just end it the world would just end
Josh: (Laughs) What's he like when he wakes up?
Reva: Think grizzly bear, but not as furry. (Laughs)
Josh: I think I'll just talk to him tomorrow.
Reva: That's a good idea.
Josh: I'm going to go talk to Cassie.
Reva: Okay. Good luck.
Josh: Thank you. Um, thanks for smacking that guy with the tray.
Reva: No problem. I'd do it again.
Josh: I bet you would. See you.
Reva: Okay.
(Music playing)
Josh: Cassie? Cassie? Cassie, um... look, I don't know about you, but I need you right now. I need my wife. So no matter where you are, no matter what you're doing, know that I love you, and, please, just call me as soon as you can. And just in case you're wondering, yeah, it's Josh. Bye.
Cassie: You don't get to send your husband away and blame me for it, and then snap your fingers whenever you want him back. Your son is still alive. My daughter's dead. Your son comes back to you, and my son I have to send away. Don't you have enough! Oh. Go ahead, say something! I dare you. Will?
Will: I ran away.
Cassie: How did you even know that I'd be here?
Will: Are you mad at Aunt Reva?
Cassie: I'm a little mad at Aunt Reva.
Will: She's causes trouble. I'm mad at her, too!
Cassie: Will, Will, don't throw, Will! Stop throwing things! Will! Will!
Tammy: Sometimes you make a bad choice. And you just don't care.
Cassie: Will!
Will: No! Somebody needs to protect you!
Cassie: Honey, that's not your job.
Will: Where's Josh?
Cassie: I don't know.
Will: I'm here. You don't need anybody else.
Cassie: Sweetie, I'm going to make everything okay, for all of us. I am. I promise.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Cassie: You really think Will would try to hurt you?
Jeffrey: We all know what Will has done, and it's going to stop right here, right now.
Cassie: You're going to have him arrested? How long have you two been planning this?
Lizzie: Jonathan and I are getting married.
Bill: Well, I'm glad you think so. But the guy he murdered probably wouldn't agree.
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