Guiding Light Transcript Monday 2/18/08
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Proofread By Tanya
Cassie: Hey.
Josh: Hey.
Cassie: How long have you been here?
Josh: A little while. I just thought I'd bring some firewood over to the shed.
Cassie: Were you going to come in or tell me that you're here?
Josh: I'm not sure. I was kind of thinking about it.
Cassie: It is still your house, you know.
Josh: Well, that's good to hear. (Laughs) I would hate that think that I'm doing all this work for nothing. I know you're still mad at me.
Cassie: I am.
Josh: When I told everyone at the baptism that Beth’s baby is Alan’s, I didn't do it because I was trying to back Reva up, even though it may have seemed like that to you at the time.
Cassie: It sure looked that way. At the time.
Josh: If it helps, my phone's been ringing off the hook, you know, angry congregants.
Cassie: Well, I'm sure they're not all that thrilled with this gal, either. But just so you know, I have no intention of apologizing to Beth or to the congregation.
Josh: Okay.
Cassie: So, I guess they're figuring out I was never meant to be a minister's wife.
Josh: No, you weren’t. You were just meant to be my wife. I got to go. There's something that I have to do. Could we...
Cassie: Yeah, later.
Josh: Okay.
Beth: What are you doing here?
Rick: I live here, remember?
Beth: No, I mean, you weren't here just a minute ago.
Rick: I just wanted to give you some space, that's all.
Beth: Well, I appreciate it, the space.
Rick: It's hard, you know, just staying away from you and little Bernadette. It's just hard. We're still calling her that, right?
Beth: Well, you know what, I would say that that's under review.
Rick: Beth, come on, that's her name, isn't it? Beth, that's our baby. That's our baby. D.N.A. does not make a good father. And D.N.A. doesn't matter when two people love a child as much as you and I love that little girl.
Beth: Well, you know something, Rick? D.N.A. does matter. In this case, yes, it does. Or Cassie wouldn't have switched the results, and you wouldn't have lied to me.
Rick: He has no... Alan has no interest in being a father. He collects children like little trophies.
Beth: Rick, I really don't think...
Rick: That little girl deserves the best parents that she can possibly get, and guess what? That's us.
Harley: Listen, let me worry about Rick.
Cyrus: Where does he get off?
Harley: You have to understand, his life just got very complicated. I don't think that he would do anything about taking Jude away. But there is a bigger point here.
Cyrus: I know, I know.
Harley: Marina. We have got to be more careful about what we let people see between us. If Rick guessed, that means other people are going to guess, too, and that will get back to Marina.
Cyrus: We just have to make sure it doesn’t.
Harley: But we can't just say that. We have to do it. We have been careless.
Cyrus: All right. Look, we're going to have to wrap this up.
Harley: Okay. Just one more thing...
Cyrus: What?
Harley: I miss you.
Cyrus: Me, too. Hey.
Marina: Hey.
Cyrus: Is something wrong?
Marina: Get out. Right now.
Cyrus: Marina...
Marina: Please, go. Go. Go somewhere. Go someplace and then go do something nice for yourself.
Cyrus: I don’t... I don't get it.
Marina: I... I'm punch drunk just sitting in this room all day, okay, and I don't want that to happen to you. So I want you to go out, and I want you to go do something, go get something to eat. Go get something to drink. Go rob a bank. Not really.
Cyrus: I just... I feel like I'm deserting you.
Marina: You are not deserting me. And I will let you know when you are.
Cyrus: That sounds like a threat.
Marina: Cooper’s don't make threats. We go straight for the jugular.
Cyrus: Okay.
Marina: Okay.
Cyrus: Actually, there is someone I should go talk to.
Marina: Okay. I'm just tired.
Cyrus: I'm counting the minutes.
Marina: Go, please. Go. Okay. How long? Cyrus, how long have you been doing this to me? (Cries) Oh! You're not that good. You had to leave something... something around here somewhere. Come on. No! (Cries)
Dinah: Whoa, whoa, whoa. All right, somebody's in a very good mood. Let's get to the couch, all right? Okay? What is this about?
Marina: Nothing. Nothing. It's not about anything. Where did you even come from?
Dinah: This isn't about Harley, is it? Guess it is.
Beth: You're doing that wrong.
Rick: Well, you know, I'm a doctor. I don't know anything about folding clothes. I suture. Are we going to talk about... you haven't said anything about...
Beth: You know, you're just like him.
Rick: Just like who?
Beth: Like Alan.
Rick: Don’t... don't go there.
Beth: Yeah, oh, okay... you know, Cassie switched the results, but you're the one who kept the lie going. You knew that you were... you were stealing another man's child and you let it happen. That's just like Alan.
Rick: You know what, just like Alan? You never were a trophy wife to me, Beth. I fell in love with you from the moment I set eyes on you. And you know what? Yes, I was trying to protect you and the little girl, period.
Beth: I bet that's what you told yourself. I'm sure.
Rick: You know, honey, I am so sorry about how this all played out. But you know what? I was right. Because we belong together as a family. (Knock on the door) Don't answer it. Please don't answer it.
Alan: I wouldn't walk away from someone who could make a lot of trouble for you.
Cassie: You know, Alan, I have known you long enough to know that it doesn't matter. You're going to do it anyway. So I think I'll pass on the gloating, if it's all the same to you.
Alan: You think I came here to gloat? What do I have to gloat about? I could have spent the last few months enjoying Beth and our pregnancy. When she gave birth, it could have been my daughter who I helped deliver. I could have also held my daughter at her baptism, but you stole all of that from me. You made me lose all of that time with them.
Cassie: Well, you can't really lose something you don't deserve in the first place.
Alan: Who are you to say what I deserve? Just because you had some kind of tragedy?
Cassie: A tragedy that you caused.
Alan: We've all suffered. Stop acting like what happened to you is something special.
Cassie: What happened to me was criminal. There's a difference.
Alan: Oh, yes, something you've become an expert on.
Cassie: Alan, you want to see me suffer? Come on up to the porch, pull up a chair. My husband may lose his job. I may lose my marriage. My son needs constant care that I'm barely able to provide. So it's misery central here. Does that make you happy?
Alan: And I'm going to make it worse because I have instructed my lawyers to research the penalties for someone who switches tests. And I can guarantee you I am going to get a good hanging judge.
Harley: That would be a big mistake. Because then Cassie would have to take the stand to make her defense. And she would have to explain why she decided that a killer who had not paid for his crime would make an unfit parent. It's just... it could get ugly.
Alan: If you will excuse us, Harley, Cassie and I are in the middle of a conversation.
Harley: And it's over. And you being here, that's trespassing. Unless, of course, she wants you here. Do you want him here?
Cassie: No, not especially.
Harley: Well, you don't want to break the law, do you Alan? I mean, more than you already have, obviously.
Alan: That's all right, I'm done here. She knows how I feel.
Cassie: Oh, and it makes me feel all warm and gooey inside. (Laughs) Thank you.
Harley: That? With Alan? No, that's a treat.
Cassie: Yeah, well, I've just been feeling like everyone's against me these days. So it's kind of nice to have an ally. Harley?
Harley: Cassie, you switched the tests? You essentially gave Alan’s baby to Rick?
Cassie: You know why I did that.
Harley: I know why you did it. I just... it's kind of extreme, don't you think?
Beth: I want to speak to Josh alone, please. Please.
Rick: I'll be outside.
Josh: How can I help you?
Beth: I know... I know that I'm being hard on him. But I am... I'm angry, and I'm hurt because I never thought that he could disappoint me like this.
Josh: I can understand that, Beth. But he loves you.
Beth: Well, you know what? Right now I'm not sure that that's good enough.
Josh: Well, it's usually a pretty good start.
Beth: What do you do, huh? I mean, what do you do when a marriage takes a hit like this?
Josh: Well... if I'm... if I'm honest with you, if I had some kind of magic potion that could make that happen, that could save a marriage, I would begin by using it on my own.
Alexandra: Well, what's going on around here? Welcome home to your sister.
Alan: Well, welcome home.
Alexandra: Really? If I wanted that kind of enthusiasm, I'd have gone to France.
Alan: Well, I would have the staff throw you a party, but I've sent them all home.
Alexandra: An interesting little addition to the furniture in here.
Alan: Yes. This was going to be Sarah’s crib.
Alexandra: Sarah?
Alan: Uh-huh.
Alexandra: Have we been skipping our medications or...
Alan: (Laughs) No. But Alexandra, since you've been gone, a lot has happened.
Alexandra: Like what?
Alan: Well, for starters, Sarah and Jonathan are alive and Jonathan and Elizabeth are working things out.
Alexandra: Wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait.
Alan: And that crib over there was supposed to be Sarah’s crib, but it will soon have in it, my daughter.
Alexandra: Your daughter?
Alan: Yes.
Alexandra: (Laughs) I've been a way for a while, but not nine months, Alan.
Alan: No, you don't understand. The baby that Beth had was our baby, my little girl.
Alexandra: Rick's?
Alan: No, mine.
Alexandra: No.
Alan: Yeah.
Alexandra: Oh, my lord. If there were room in this crib, I'd climb in and go into a fetal position myself. No!
Alan: And you know who is responsible for all of this mess? Cassie, Reva, the Reverend holier than thou, Josh, and I believe that Jeffrey O’Neill is involved in some way. They planned to keep me away from this baby forever. Now, we'll see about that.
Alexandra: Uh-oh.
Alan: Uh-oh, what?
Alexandra: We'll see?
Alan: Well, am I not entitled? They were going to keep that little girl away from me my entire life.
Alexandra: Okay, Alan, that's horrible. It is deplorable.
Alan: Now you're starting to get it.
Alexandra: Okay, well, how does Beth feel about all this?
Alan: Well, Beth is a little confused right now, and I understand that.
Alexandra: Ah, and you're thinking you're going to get her back now?
Alan: I know I will.
Rick: Oh, great. Cyrus. Just what I need.
Cyrus: Hey, Rick.
Rick: This is not a good time.
Cyrus: Why, are you busy?
Rick: Yeah. Yeah, a little bit.
Cyrus: It looks like you're just standing out here doing nothing.
Rick: Would you just please... would you just give me a break here?
Cyrus: Well, why don't you give Harley a break?
Dinah: I have no doubt in my mind that Cyrus loved you. No, loves you. Not loved.
Marina: I'm really glad that you came over here to say all of these kind words, but you're just making things worse, okay? I love Cyrus. I love Harley. I have never done anything but look up to her. I don't understand how she could...
Dinah: Steal your guy? It's been going on for centuries.
Marina: Well, I'm living in the one that's happening to right now.
Dinah: Right. Well, if you love him so much, why are you giving up?
Marina: Who's giving up?
Dinah: You are. You're sitting here near tears, "Oh Harley, Harley, I just look up to her so much." What, she wins because she's so smart and perfect?
Marina: It's already been done, Dinah, okay? The only thing left is for them to tell me, which they are apparently too chicken to do.
Dinah: Which gives you time. Precious time.
Marina: I don't understand. I thought that you were the one who thought that they made such a great couple.
Dinah: Well, they do. But so do you and Cyrus. I don't have a rooting interest, not yet. But you do. You can let Harley steal your guy or you can take action. It's called playing dirty. Interested? How many times in a row have you been dumped?
Marina: What does that have to do with anything?
Dinah: Well, I'm just saying, is anyone sensing a pattern here?
Marina: I'm sorry, didn't you just get a divorce?
Dinah: Which brings me to why I'm here today.
Marina: Why are you here?
Dinah: I need your help, Marina. I need your help, but obviously there has to be something in it for me.
Marina: I'm not so sold on wanting your help.
Dinah: Yeah, but you're sold on wanting Cyrus. I can hear it in your voice, and you'd be an idiot to let him go now.
Marina: What... what is in it for you?
Dinah: Mallet is furious at me because of what happened to you and I just would like you to talk to him.
Marina: Talk?
Dinah: Yeah, just talk. I'm not even asking you to do anything underhanded, anything like that. I need you to represent me. I need you to talk to him, let him know that it’s... it's worth taking a second chance on me, because I know it is.
Marina: Why me?
Dinah: Because you're his partner, you're his pal.
Marina: I don't know, Dinah. I'm not so sure that he's going to listen to me about you.
Dinah: I am willing to take the risk, and you should be willing to take a risk for a guy you love.
Marina: I don't know.
Dinah: Look, Cyrus is confused, okay? And Harley... I don't know. I think he thinks he wants to be with Harley. But, you see, men, they never really know what they want. They like it much better when you tell them what to want.
Marina: Oh, come on.
Dinah: Yeah. You have to make him know that he wants to be with you.
Cyrus: So what's this I hear about your baby turning out to be Alan’s? Glass houses, Rick. Cut Harley a break. Quit taking your troubles out on her or I'll take mine out on you. And as far as this kind of thing goes, you're a promising amateur, but I'm a pro.
Cassie: Of all of the people I know, I would have thought you would understand. This is Alan we're talking about.
Harley: Yes, and his baby, the baby that he fathered. You can't bend the rules entirely, Cassie.
Cassie: Okay, please do not preach.
Harley: I am not preaching.
Cassie: Not if you're walking around town panting after Marina's boyfriend.
Harley: Wow, that's not fair.
Cassie: Well, at least you haven't done anything about it. What?
Harley: How did this turn into a conversation about Cyrus?
Cassie: Okay, I'm sorry. I'm just frustrated.
Harley: Because I slept with him.
Cassie: You what?
Harley: I'm not proud of it.
Cassie: Harley. What did... how did Marina react? Have you not told her?
Harley: She's injured. We have to wait until she's better to tell her.
Cassie: Please tell me this is a one-time thing.
Harley: Not even close.
Cassie: So, what, you're going to just sneak around until he breaks up with her?
Harley: No. I think we can manage to control ourselves until we tell her.
Cassie: Sure.
Harley: I mean it.
Cassie: I am so not in the mood to be judged about this baby thing by you anymore.
Harley: It's not like that.
Cassie: No? Then what's it like?
Harley: We both want this. And we just have to figure out a way to tell her. Cassie, you know.
Cassie: No, I don't know.
Harley: We love Marina. We don't want to hurt her. But Cassie, if what Cyrus and I felt wasn't real, it wouldn't be happening.
Cassie: That's a nice rationalization.
Harley: It's not a rationalization.
Cassie: You know what, I thought I was going to be the town pariah, but thank you, because this is going to make things a lot easier on me.
Harley: It's not going to blow up like that.
Cassie: If you think that, then you are living in a dream world. Remember me and Josh?
Harley: Uh-huh.
Cassie: Forget that Reva practically forced us together. Forget that we never cheated on her. To a lot of people, I'm the woman who stole her husband.
Harley: This is different.
Cassie: No, it's not. You want it to be. You want to spin it because you're so in love and you want people to understand. They'll... they'll understand all right. Frank and Buzz, they'll understand perfectly. Just not the way you want them to.
Josh: Thank you.
Beth: You know, I just realized it's useless, me asking you what I should do because I don't even know what I want myself.
Josh: Yeah, well, that's the thing. We all know what we want, don't we?
Beth: We do?
Josh: We want what we started out with. I think that's true of pretty much any relationship.
Beth: I don't think it's that simple.
Josh: Maybe it is. We want to feel the way that we did when things were new. And we want to be with the person that we fell in love with. But then things change, people change.
Beth: They sure as hell do.
Josh: The baby isn't the only reason you were with Rick. Was it?
Beth: I don't know anymore.
Harley: You've been with Josh a long time now, Cassie. Nobody is judging you because he used to be with Reva.
Cassie: (Laughs) You aren't living it, so you don't know, but, believe me, they do.
Harley: Okay. The only thing that matters is what Josh thinks.
Cassie: Well, I worry about that sometimes, too.
Harley: Come on.
Cassie: You didn't see them at the church before.
Harley: Josh is not going back to Reva.
Cassie: Okay. I am sorry about Marina. I know you are, too. But for your sake, I really hope that Cyrus is 100% committed to you. Because it is awful living with the idea that your guy might go back to what had he had before.
R.J.: Mom!
Cassie: Hello. Hi. I didn't expect to see you. I'm so glad to see you.
R.J.: Me, too.
Josh: Hey, R.J., Why don't you go inside, set up "Guitar Hero," okay? I'll be in in just a minute.
R.J.: Okay.
Cassie: You usually call before you bring him over. I mean, not that I'm upset.
Josh: Yeah, well this is not just like a visit. We're coming home. It's time.
Alan: Beth.
Beth: Alan, I brought you your daughter.
Alan: My little girl. Where’s... where's Rick?
Beth: It's just the two of us.
Alan: Really?
Beth: Because I thought if Rick came along, it would be like it was at the church, with the two of you arguing and threatening each other and upsetting the baby.
Alan: I promise you there will be nothing that I will do that will upset this precious little gift of ours.
Beth: Well, I'm very glad to hear you say that, Alan, because I've come to lay out the rules.
Alan: Rules?
Beth: Yes, Alan. Rules.
(Cell phone rings)
Harley: Hi.
Cyrus: Hey, it's me.
Harley: Where are you?
Cyrus: I'm just on my way back to Marina.
Harley: You weren't with her?
Cyrus: That's what I wanted to tell you. I went out and saw Rick.
Harley: Tell me you didn’t.
Cyrus: I... I'm not sure I made it any better. I admit, I didn't go in with much of a game plan.
Harley: Promise me that you will let me handle my own stuff, because if you run around taking up my cause...
Cyrus: I know.
Harley: Marina will definitely find out. Hey, listen, I just came back from Cassie’s. I don't think she'll say anything...
Cyrus: She knows, too?
Harley: Please... please don't judge me. I've been judged by enough people. Please.
Cyrus: I'm sorry. Do you want me to come over?
Harley: No.
Cyrus: I'll be over.
Harley: Stay with Marina.
Cyrus: I just want to see how she's doing, and then I'm on my way.
Harley: Just for a little while though, okay?
Cyrus: Keep a light on.
Marina: Hey.
Cyrus: Hey. What's this?
Marina: You're home. I missed you. I just wanted to give you something nice to come home to. You know, something that you couldn't get anywhere else.
Alan: I... I thought about coming over to the house so I could see you, but I didn't want to upset everything.
Beth: Don't lay it on too thick, Alan.
Alan: I know that you and I want the best for her, and she will have the best, I assure you that. I remember right after you gave birth to her, you were holding her and I looked into her little face and I felt... I felt way down deep that this was our baby.
Beth: She feels good to hold, doesn't she?
Alan: Uh-huh.
Beth: Even with everything going on, she calms me.
Alan: You know, she calms me, too. It's almost as if I have a second chance. And I thought the second chance had passed me by.
Beth: Alan, you should know that I'm... I'm undecided about... about everything.
Alan: There you go. You know, I... I understand, Beth. And I'm not going to go on and on about what Rick did. It's just obvious to me that... that he was threatened by us. He was threatened by this baby. That's why he did what he did. And everything that he's done wrong... I know that you already know that.
Beth: He loves her, too.
Alan: Yes, he loves her. He loves her enough to lie about her medical records. Do you realize some day we may need those medical records to save her life?
Beth: Alan? Alan, I thought we weren't going to do this?
Alan: Am I breaking a rule, or am I just telling the truth?
Beth: Alan...
Alan: All right. I do have one question. The name...
Beth: Bernadette.
Alan: ...Bernadette. Is that name set in stone?
Beth: No, it's not.
Cyrus: You're not supposed to be doing things like this.
Marina: Why not?
Cyrus: Because you should be staying in bed. It's my job to make things nice for you.
Marina: Oh, really. Your job, huh? This isn't your fault. You're not the reason that I'm laid up. You have nothing to feel guilty about.
Cyrus: I don't feel guilty. I just want to make all this okay for you.
Marina: You are. Just by being here. I thought we would do something terribly romantic and go through the calendar. It's going to be a busy week before the surgery comes up, so I thought maybe we could map some things out.
Cyrus: Okay. Oh, the candle's gone out. I think there's matches in here...
Marina: No, wait!
Cyrus: What's this?
Marina: It's nothing... it was an accident. I was trying to tidy up the place and make it look nice. I accidentally fell over, and my crutches hit the desk, and it came tumbling off. But it's okay. I'm going to get a new one. I'm going to get a better frame for this picture because I just can't get enough of that smug face of yours.
Josh: Okay. All right. Cassie... here's what's going to happen, okay? Here's what, in fact, has to happen. First of all, no more living apart, because that's not working. Secondly, no more making decisions unless both of us are part of the process.
Cassie: Josh...
Josh: Just let me finish, okay? A lot has happened. A lot of things have gone wrong. And we have to get it under control, or we're never going to even get back what we had. We're going to lose everything, Cassie, if we're not careful.
Cassie: I love you.
Josh: I love you, too.
Cassie: That hasn't changed.
Josh: I love you, too. See, and that could be our start. That could be our foundation.
Cassie: What are you talking about? Will?
Josh: No. I'm talking about all of it. We have to be honest with each other about everything. Everything. You've made mistakes; I've made mistakes.
Cassie: It's just hard. I want to trust you. I want to trust us.
Josh: You have to trust us. I trust you, Cassie. I'm choosing to do that. The question is do you trust me enough to let me have a say in what has to happen with Will?
Cassie: Now that is really hard.
Josh: Do you?
Cassie: Yes.
Josh: Okay. Here's what I think has to happen-- he has to go back to that school. Because it's the only place that can truly help him. Just hear me out, okay? That means we're going to have to make some tough choices. Are you willing to do that with me? Can we do that together?
Cassie: Yes. Yes, we can do that together. (Laughter)
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Gus: All she does is give.
Natalia: I'm giving you Gus.
Gus: It's over.
Natalia: No, we're over.
Bill: You've got a lot going on for you these days. Maybe it's time to share the wealth.
Alan: The less her mother knows, the better.
Jonathan: What can I do?
Lizzie: Marry me.
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