Guiding Light Transcript Friday 2/15/08
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Proofread By Tanya
Ava: Is this?
Olivia: Don't, don't open them.
Ava: Then why are you giving it to me?
Olivia: Just Emma... wait until Emma is 13, okay? Or at least a very precocious 12.
Ava: I don't understand
Olivia: I need you to hand them out after I'm gone.
Ava: Gone? Where are you going? I can't even get you off the couch.
Gus: Yeah, hold on a second. Hello? Hello? Hello? Holding...
Natalia: No luck?
Gus: I don't know if luck is the word I would use for it, waiting around for somebody to die so you can have their heart. And it can't be just any heart. It has to be a specific heart match and the whole thing. I can't do this. Let's wait for Dr. Lester.
Natalia: How longs is it going to be like this? I'm sorry that I cost Olivia that heart, but it was an honest mistake.
Gus: Honest? Is that the word we're going to go with, honest? All right.
Natalia: Gus, please...
Gus: You locked a sick woman in a toilet while she's waiting for a heart, I mean, come on.
Natalia: I didn't know that it was going to be right then and she was trying to ruin our wedding.
Gus: So instead, you ruin ours? The only chance that Olivia had...I can’t do this.
Natalia: I understand.
Gus: Look, I don’t want to feel this way. You know?
Natalia: You know me. You know that I’m not a bad person. Gus, we didn’t even have a wedding night and we waited.
Gus: I hate that our marriage started out this way, I hate starting out like this. I hate it.
Natalia: let’s not.
Cyrus: So what's your fortune?
Marina: "Buzz burgers are better."
Cyrus: Nice hint. I'll get you one tomorrow.
Marina: Did you even go into Company? Or did you just see from the outside that it was crowded?
Cyrus: No, I told you, I waited.
Marina: Was my grandpa there, working?
Cyrus: I didn't see him.
Marina: Was Coop, maybe?
Cyrus: Um, he might have been, but I didn't see him either.
Marina: Even my dad? Wasn't he around? I'm just saying that, you know , if someone we knew was here, then maybe they would try to push our order through or something.
Cyrus: Well, I don't think Frank would do me any favors.
Marina: If he knew it was for me.
Cyrus: Marina...
Marina: I'm just saying it's weird that the place was so crowded, and we didn't know anyone there that was working.
Cyrus: Well, who cares who was there? I'm here now.
Marina: I know.
Cyrus: So what does this thing really say?
Marina: I don't know. It's stupid.
Cyrus: "A faithful companion is a sure anchor."
Marina: What?
Cyrus: Nothing.
Harley: Hey. I am sorry I'm so late. How was your little sister's baptism?
Jude: Scary.
Harley: Scary?
Rick: Um, hey, I need to talk to your mom alone for a second. Can you sit tight?
Jude: Uh-huh.
Rick: All right. I love you, son.
Harley: What happened?
Rick: Lizzie and Jonathan came here looking for Alan or Sarah, I'm not sure. There was trouble. A gun was pulled. Jonathan pulled a gun on Alan...
Harley: Alan?
Rick: ...And Alan took the gun, and to save her child, Reva decided to tell everybody in the entire church that Beth’s... that Beth’s baby belongs to Alan.
Harley: Why would she say that? Is that true?
Rick: Yes. And the other part of the story is that Cassie switched the D.N.A. results at the hospital to protect the baby. So that's it.
Harley: So Reva knew? I think I'm in shock. Oh, Rick, I'm sorry. Wait, you knew, too?
Rick: I knew, Josh knew.
Harley: Wow! I certainly missed a lot.
Rick: Yes, yes, you did. You missed your son really needing you today. So I'm assuming you had something more important to do.
Harley: Hey, I am so sorry that I didn't get here sooner.
Jude: Were you and Cyrus working?
Harley: No. We don't work together anymore. He takes care of Marina now. Um, is there anything I can do for you or Beth?
Rick: Well, Beth’s back at the house with the baby, but I could really use some company today. I'd like to take Jude with me, if you don't mind.
Harley: No, of course not. He has practice today-- you have practice today.
Rick: Yeah, he does. I'll take him to his practice and bring him back to you. Okay? Come on, little guy. Let's go. You want to spend some time with daddy today?
Jude: Yeah.
Rick: All right, come here, young man. Here you go. Here's the book.
Harley: Bye.
Marina: Hey, where are you going?
Cyrus: I'm just going to take this out so it doesn't smell like chicken lo mien in here all day. Then I'm going to come back inside, maybe sit over in that chair, maybe this chair here. I'm not sure. Sorry. It just feels like you've been grilling me since I got back.
Marina: I'm sorry. I guess I have. I'm just a little antsy for any news from the outside world, you know? I mean, I'm sitting here, in this room, all day, staring at the walls and wishing I was in France. Do you think you can pace around on one leg?
Cyrus: I guess I would be going bonkers, too.
Marina: Did you ever do something in your life, and that one little thing just seemed to change everything?
Cyrus: Yeah, I guess.
Marina: I never should have taken that case. I should have let Mallet take it, like my dad said.
Cyrus: Frank sent Mallet?
Marina: Yeah, but Dinah was at the party, and I wanted them to talk so that maybe they could patch things up. I don't know, I guess when you're in love, you want everyone else to be, too.
Cyrus: I'll try to get some more people to come visit you, so it breaks the day up a little bit.
Marina: That's okay. You're here.
Cyrus: Oh, this from the girl who can't get enough of her crazy family.
Marina: They've all been by, except Harley. I don't know, I guess she's stuck on a case or something. Hey, you better get used to it. It's just going to be the two of us in France.
Cyrus: They can probably smell this in France.
Marina: Hey, I was thinking maybe we could go to bed a little early tonight. I'm feeling a little better. (knock on the door)
Cyrus: See, your family heard you.
Mallet: Hey, Cyrus.
Cyrus: Hey.
Mallet: Don't tell me. Don't tell me. Pork lo mien.
Cyrus: Close. Chicken. (Laughter)
Marina: It's not close. They're two totally different animals.
Mallet: Oh, man! We eat way too much takeout on stakeouts for me not to have known that.
Cyrus: All right. You two are obviously going to have some cop talk, and so I'll leave you to it and, ah...
Marina: You can stay.
Cyrus: No, I'll take this out and I'll see you later.
Ava: I'm going out. Do you want anything?
Olivia: Ava...
Ava: Look, I already watched my mother die once. Don't let me go through it again.
Gus: Hey.
Natalia: Is she okay?
Olivia: She's having a hard time handling the thought of me dying.
Gus: Yeah, well, nobody's dying. I have some groceries. Natalia thought you could use them.
Olivia: Well, she's quite the gal, isn't she? But, yeah, no, a quart of milk, a loaf of bread. That ought to do it.
Gus: We're just trying to help out.
Olivia: Thank you for the groceries.
Gus: Well, like I said, it was Natalia’s idea. I'm going to get some stuff in the car-I’ll get the stuff in the...
Olivia: Would you just do me a favor? Just check on Ava and make sure she's okay?
Gus: Sure.
Natalia: Olivia, I want you to know...
Olivia: You really are unbelievable. I have a bad heart, but at least I've got one.
Harley: Hi.
Cyrus: Hi.
Harley: What are you doing?
Mrs. T: Mrs. Aitoro?
Harley: Ah, hi, Mrs. T. It's Cooper, actually.
Mrs. T: Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot.
Harley: That's okay.
Mrs. T: Zach is such a pleasure to have in class.
Harley: Thank you. He's such a good kid. I was just worried about him, his grades last marking period.
Mrs. T: Oh, he was working really hard to bring them up.
Harley: Oh, good.
Mrs. T: Enjoy you're workout.
Harley: Thank you.
Cyrus: Mrs. T?
Harley: Oh, Mrs. T, yes. She has a really long last name, and the kids can't pronounce it, so they just call her Mrs. T.
Cyrus: And you call her that because...
Harley: Because I don't know what her name is, so I just call her Mrs. T, and why are we talking about this?
Cyrus: Where are you going?
Harley: I just think we need to be a little more discrete.
Cyrus: Okay.
Natalia: I don't know if you're going to like this, but I used to make it for Rafe when he wasn't feeling well.
Olivia: Do you really think soup is going to make up for what you did?
Natalia: I just wanted to do something for you.
Olivia: Why should I help you clear your conscience? So you can go home to Gus and feel good about yourself while I waste away here? Of course, once I'm gone, you won't have to think about me all together, will you?
Natalia: You're not going to die.
Olivia: Everyone dies. You just bought me a seat on the express train.
Natalia: I'm a mother, too. I would never try to jeopardize your life and take you away from your children. I am so very sorry.
Olivia: I think you mean that.
Natalia: Short of giving you my own heart, I will do whatever I can for you.
Olivia: Okay. Give me your husband. Till death do us part. It shouldn't be very long, thanks to you.
Mallet: Are you in a lot of pain?
Marina: Sometimes, but the, um, pills seem to really help. Why are you looking at me like that?
Mallet: Because it could have been me, and it should have been me with the busted knee.
Marina: No, it wouldn't have been you. You would have been able to take the guy. I was just too weak.
Mallet: Oh, that's great. That makes me feel even better.
Marina: Hey, I volunteered to go.
Mallet: Well, I shouldn't have let you go.
Marina: You couldn't have stopped me.
Mallet: Well, then I should have gone with you, or gotten there sooner so I could have helped you. I want to make it up to you, okay? I'm going to be there for all of your surgeries, I'm going to help you through them. I'm going to get all of your medicines from the pharmacy. I'm going to bring you groceries, anything you want, any time. I'm going to drive you around, Miss Daisy.
Marina: Wow! Do you do windows, too? What is with you?
Mallet: It just really killed me finding you like that. And it really killed me not knowing how bad it was. And it really killed me not knowing how it all went down. Do you have any idea how much you mean to me?
Marina: Yeah. You can tell me again.
Ooh girl, what's going on inside your head?
Cyrus: Are you ready to hit the showers?
Harley: You have to stop doing that, popping up out of nowhere.
Cyrus: I was being discrete.
Harley: I meant it when I said that.
Cyrus: Who is Mrs. T going to tell?
Harley: I messed up, and I missed the baptism.
Cyrus: For Rick and Beth’s baby?
Harley: Yes. Well, Alan and Beth’s actually.
Cyrus: What?
Harley: It's a long story. All this stuff happened, and I wasn't there, and Jude was there. And my kids aren't so little anymore, you know? They understand things now. And they're going to see you here with me all the time.
Cyrus: What are you suggesting we do? Meet in hotel rooms or not at all?
Harley: Well, not at all doesn't work for me.
Cyrus: That's what I was hoping you would say, because we tried that.
Harley: And hotels, I mean, where, at the Beacon?
Cyrus: I already live there.
Harley: Yes. You live there with-- everybody lives there. Is that where you were?
Cyrus: I followed you here from the gym.
Harley: No. I mean, before that.
Cyrus: Yeah.
Harley: How is everything going there?
Cyrus: Harley, don't worry about it.
Harley: Yeah, right. So I guess we meet here during the day when the kids are in school.
Cyrus: Are they there now?
Harley: No. Jude is, um, Jude is at practice. And Zach, um, where is Zach? See, this is what happens, right? And I lose my head.
Cyrus: Is that bad?
Harley: It is when I have children that I have to take care of. I know where my children are. Zach is with my dad, and Rick has Jude. And if they start asking questions, I'll lie to them. Lying to my kids now, that’s so bad.
Cyrus: You won't have to lie to them or anyone for long. Just until we know Marina is recovered.
Harley: And then I don't have to be the other woman anymore?
Cyrus: You're not that to me. Come here.
Harley: I don't want to lose you. We'll figure it out, right?
Cyrus: Yes.
Rick: Harley, are you up there?
Harley: Rick, I didn't hear the bell. Um, you want to take those files and just put them down on my desk?
Rick: The front door was open.
Harley: Oh, you must have left the door open when you brought the boxes in.
Cyrus: Oh, I'm sorry.
Harley: I keep the case file boxes up here. There's more closet space and then I can work in bed. What's up?
Rick: I thought I would come by and pick up Jude's books since he's going to stay with... I thought you told me you were working together.
Harley: We're not. Which is why he brought over his files for me. I'm going to keep the company up and running. So you just take the files and take them downstairs and file them. I just came back from the gym, after I left the church, I was there.
Cyrus: The files?
Harley: The files, yes. You can just put them on my desk.
Cyrus: Okay. Yup, I've got them.
Rick: How is Marina doing?
Cyrus: She's better.
Rick: Good.
Cyrus: I'll tell her you're asking after her.
Harley: Yeah, please tell her I said hi, too.
Cyrus: Okay, I will. I'll go do that.
Harley: I'll get Jude’s books for you.
Rick: So that's why you were late for the baptism? That's why you didn't show up, is because you got all caught up with the boxes and the files?
Harley: Well, you know, with work, um... so busy, busy.
Rick: Are you sleeping with Marina's fiancé?
Mallet: Let me get you something to drink.
Marina: I'm not thirsty.
Mallet: Okay, let me get me something to drink.
Marina: Mallet, what is going on?
Mallet: Dinah turned my phone off when I wasn’t looking. So if I tell you to call me because you might need me, then my phone is always on. I always leave it on. I'm practically always staring at the phone, and I do that for you. I don't do that for everyone. I do that for you.
Marina: I don't understand.
Mallet: That's why I missed your call for backup and you had to call the station. That's why. And the time it took you to do that, that could have made the difference. You were counting on me, and I let you down. Whew! I just want you to know that I would never, ever, ever put you in danger. As soon as I found out about the phone, I really let Dinah have it. But anyway, I'm responsible, I screwed up, and you're suffering for it. Should I take those scissors away from you?
Marina: I'm not going to attack you.
Mallet: You can if you want, you can attack me. I deserve it. Just not with anything sharp.
Marina: I just can't believe Dinah. I mean, the whole reason I took that case was so that she could take some time and apologize to you, and you guys could work things out. I wanted that for you.
Mallet: Yeah, well, that didn't happen. Especially after I found out about the phone. Things are probably worse now than ever before.
Marina: Yeah, here, too.
Mallet: What?
Marina: Cyrus. I mean he couldn't get out of here fast enough.
Mallet: Why, what did he do? What's going on with him?
Marina: I don't know. I caught him in some kind of lie before about where he was. And the more I asked him about it, the more he lied about it.
Mallet: So what did he say when you called him out on it?
Marina: I didn’t. I couldn’t. He always makes a run for it every chance he gets. And I didn't want to give him another reason to go running. I know it's not my fault but I am the reason why our plans were all cancelled again.
Mallet: Well, maybe he's feeling guilty.
Marina: About what?
Mallet: Well, you guys split up. Before you were supposed to meet at the airport, right? And then this happened with the knee. So maybe he's wishing what I wish, that he would have stayed with you so he could have kept you safe, so you guy would be off in France right now, with him, like you wanted.
Mallet: Or maybe he's getting cold feet about what such a big move is.
Marina: Uh-huh. It was his idea.
Mallet: Well, yeah, but you kind of pulled it together at the last minute there pretty fast. Anyway, come on. He's probably in hell sitting here watching you be in pain.
Marina: Yeah, well, you're doing it. And you stayed with Dinah when she was recovering.
Mallet: Well, I loved her, and I was partially responsible for that, and I'm also a glutton for punishment.
Marina: I don't blame you for this.
Mallet: Well, thank you. Does that mean you'll still send me postcards from the farm?
Marina: It's not a farm. It's a farmhouse.
Mallet: Cows and pigs and goats and horses.
Marina: Okay, I don't know what my dad has told you, but, shoot! We never called and cancelled! Oh!
Mallet: Well, what are you doing?
Marina: No, Mallet --
Mallet: You can't get up.
Marina: We have to call and cancel or postpone it or oh, God whatever. We're just, we're paying for the place, and we're not even living there. We're not exactly rolling in it these days, and I'm not sure what my medical bills are going to be, and I'm not sure what this job is going to cover...
Mallet: Okay.
Marina: ...and so we cannot afford to keep paying for that house.
Mallet: Okay. Okay. Relax. Where's the number?
Marina: It's in my phone book
Mallet: All right. It's in your phone book.
Marina: "F" for France.
Mallet: France, "F," good. Here it is. All right, so, you know what, I will make the call and I'll go get us some cafe au laity, all right? And then maybe all of that will make up for the call that I didn't answer.
Marina: (Laughs) Oh, my goodness, this self-loathing stuff is really getting old, Mallet.
Mallet: Croissant?
Olivia: You know, this isn't exactly the proudest moment of my life, having to ask you to step aside for what little time I have left so that I don’t have to face this alone.
Natalia: Okay, you're not alone. You have us and you have your children --
Olivia: Children provide a different kind of comfort. I don't have a man to care for me. You went without that for a long time, so you, you know the difference. You know, what a relief it is to have someone strong to lean on when you're going through a tough time. I used to feel like I could get any man I wanted. And now when I actually need one...
Natalia: I can't-- I can't do that. Ask me anything else.
Olivia: Hi, baby girl! Come here. Did you have fun skating with Jane?
Emma: I want to skate with you.
Olivia: How about we read later?
Emma: We never go out anymore. You don't spin me.
Olivia: Mommy can't spin you right now, okay? Sorry.
Emma: Mommy, why are you sad?
Olivia: Ask Natalia.
Natalia: Olivia...
Olivia: Ask Natalia to spin you. Go on.
Natalia: Can you show me? Okay. He we go! We're spinning. Whee!
Olivia: You're spinning!
Natalia: Emma, you want to, you want to go ask your nanny if she wants to spin you?
Olivia: Go have fun, baby.
You don't know what to trust and you don't trust what you know...
Natalia: I'll think about it.
Now that it's too late, did you find..
Gus: Hey, hey, hey. Sorry I was gone so long. I come with good news.
Olivia: Did you find Ava?
Gus: I did. Yeah, she's good. Check this out, one of the doctors that I was trying to call, and he finally called me back. And it turns out, he says this thing to me that blows my mind. You might be a candidate for this new drug regime that will actually keep your heart strong while we're waiting for the heart, and he says he wants to come by today.
Natalia: That's great news.
Olivia: Gus, thank you.
Gus: How is it going?
Natalia: We talked a lot.
Gus: Yeah? Does she seem worse to you?
Natalia: I don't know. She's tired.
Gus: Yeah. Well, I'd like to meet this guy, you know. This doctor guy.
Natalia: Sure. Maybe we can get together later and talk and sort some things out.
Gus: I hope so.
Natalia: Okay.
Gus: Would it be okay if I just stick around and meet this doctor guy face-to-face? Is that all right?
Olivia: I'm sorry about all of this.
Gus: What?
Olivia: Have you even had a chance to have a honeymoon?
Gus: Don't worry about that right now.
Olivia: Look, I can't feel bad for Natalia. I'm not even anywhere near that, but you've been good to me, and I do feel bad for you.
Gus: Well, you know, we've got some stuff to work out. Holy cow! Look at this. They're advertising bathing suits in February.
Olivia: Yeah, yeah. Ava was showing that to me. I'm thinking of getting that little black one there for summer.
Gus: Really, yeah. You should put that on and sign up for lap swimming classes when you've got your new ticker in there that we're going to get you. You want me to warm this sp up?
Olivia: Yeah, that would be great. Thank you.
Gus: No problem.
Harley: Cyrus and I are friends.
Rick: So are we, Harley. A little ouzo and then came Jude.
Harley: We work together or we did. And, yes, we're close.
Rick: That's a good thing. It's a really good thing since he is marrying your niece, right? I know you, Harley. I know what I saw. I know what I saw.
Harley: There was an attraction at first, after everything we went through, you know, in that building collapse.
Rick: Did you go to the doctor I referred you to?
Harley: Yes, I mean, I'm going to.
Rick: How can you possibly take care of our son when you can't even take care of yourself?
Harley: I can. I can. They're not bad. They're nothing for you to worry about.
Rick: Cyrus or the panic attacks?
Harley: Both.
Rick: I don't want him around our son.
Harley: What do you mean?
Rick: The man is a known criminal! Harley, I don't want him around that! I don't want him around our son.
Harley: Rick, there is nothing going on with Cyrus.
Rick: I know what you're saying, Harley, but it doesn't jive with what I just saw.
Harley: He’s with Marina.
Rick: If you want to carry on with him, Jude is staying with me!
Marina: Hey, how'd it go?
Mallet: It's good. It’s all done.
Marina: Really? Great. Thank you. I wasn't sure how it was all going to go. I've never actually talked to the leasing people myself. Cyrus always did it. He's fluent in French. He's actually fluent in a lot of different languages so he just generally takes care of the phone calls.
Mallet: Do you want to watch some TV?
Marina: Sure. I'm sorry. Did they say if we were going to get the deposit back?
Mallet: Where is that remote?
Marina: It's over here. I'm not even sure how much the deposit was for. Did they say anything about it?
Mallet: It's good. It's all taken care of.
Marina: Okay.
Mallet: You know, I wonder what's on? Do you think there's a game on? Where's that remote? We'll see what's on. Oh, come on. The clicky pins, and now this.
Marina: I want to know what's going on with the house?
Mallet: It had already been cancelled.
Marina: Oh, so Cyrus must have called and cancelled it.
Mallet: Well, I don't know who called. I didn't say who called.
Marina: Well, who else could have called, Mallet?
Mallet: It was cancelled before you were supposed to go , Marina. So whoever called pulled out of the lease before you realized you were too hurt to travel.
Marina: Okay. So the leasing people probably made a mistake. You know, they switched up the dates or something like that.
Mallet: Yeah, that's possible.
Marina: Mallet, that kind of stuff happens.
Mallet: Yeah, I know, I'm agreeing with you. I agree. Can I have the batteries?
Marina: No. I don't want to watch TV.
Mallet: Okay. Cyrus probably changed his mind because he knows how much you love your family and how much you're going to miss your family. And he knows how much you love it here. And Cyrus was at the party, he saw all these people that really care about you. And this might have been little bit of a surprise for you.
Marina: My dad.
Mallet: What?
Marina: My dad. He probably called and cancelled the house. All day long he was going on and on about how much he didn't want me to go.
Mallet: Frank called France?
Marina: Yes. I mean, it makes perfect sense now. I'll take care of it.
Mallet: Okay. All right. Do you want to watch some TV?
Marina: No.
Mallet: All right. You... get some rest.
Marina: Thank you for coming over, and for my beautiful flowers.
Mallet: Beautiful, beautiful flowers, right? Call me if you need me.
Marina: Okay. And don't let Dinah near your phone.
Mallet: Bye.
Marina: Bye.
Harley: I know you're upset.
Rick: Don't patronize me.
Harley: Just calm down. With everything that happened today with Beth, I understand that you're upset and you want to keep your family close.
Rick: And away from danger.
Harley: People like Alan.
Rick: And Cyrus.
Harley: Cyrus is not dangerous.
Rick: You don't know that.
Harley: He is not Alan. And that's who this is about. I know how upsetting this must be for you, thinking that you could lose that baby. But that's just the beginning, Rick.
Rick: That's really-- that's comforting to me.
Harley: You're going to have a fight with him over that kid. You know it. Why pick one with me, too? And what about Jude? Do you think it's good to take him away from me, take him away from Zach? What are you going to tell Zach?
Rick: It's time for me to go.
Harley: I am not the one that you're mad at.
Rick: I have to pick up our son from practice. He's already had one parent show up late already.
Gus: I really hope the doctor hooks you up with that new medicine stuff.
Olivia: You know what? You sound really tired. Do you want to take a nap before he gets here?
Gus: No. I'm good.
Olivia: You know, there's more soup and more groceries, thanks to all of the stuff you brought over here. I'm a terrible host now that I'm sick. Gus?
I'm on the lonely train ready to run away
can't go forever dear tracks they will disappear
I'm going to disappear they rolled their eyes cutting me down to size straight line I couldn't face.
Marina: Hey.
Cyrus: Hey. How are you feeling?
Marina: I'm good.
Cyrus: Mallet left?
Marina: Yeah, a little while ago. Where'd you go? Will you come here, a second? I'd come over there, but it would take me longer.
Cyrus: Yeah. What's up?
Marina: I know this isn't fun for you.
Cyrus: No, Marina.
Marina: No, Cyrus. You don't have to pretend like it is. Okay, I can't even imagine, I am going crazy just sitting in here all day. I would rather be anywhere else. I feel like I'm losing touch with the outside world.
Cyrus: You look tired.
Marina: Mallet said that, too. But I'm not. (Telephone ringing) We really, really should turn those things off.
Cyrus: Well, why don't you rest here, and I'll take this. Out here. Hello?
Harley: Can you talk?
Cyrus: Not for long. What is it?
Harley: We have to be more discrete.
Cyrus: Yeah, you told me that.
Harley: Even more discrete than that.
Cyrus: You know, calling me here is not so discrete.
Harley: Well, I tried your cell, and it rang, here.
Cyrus: I'll come get it.
Harley: No, no. That's too many times in one day. Cyrus, Rick saw more than we wanted him to.
Cyrus: What, he didn't buy us working in your bedroom?
Harley: No. And I was really trying to sell it.
Cyrus: Yeah. I need to teach you a thing or two about really selling it.
Harley: He threatened to take Jude away from me.
Cyrus: He can't do that.
Harley: Well, he can try. I think I calmed him down. I hope I did. But, Cyrus, listen, next time we’re in bed together, we have to be more careful not to get caught I don't want anybody finding us out until we're ready.
Next on "Guiding Light,"
Alexandra: And you're thinking you're going to get her back.
Alan: I know I will.
Rick: He collects children like little trophies.
Dinah: You can let Harley steal your guy, or you can take action. It's called playing dirty.
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