Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 2/14/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya
Reva: Alan, no. It doesn't have to be this way. Put the gun down. Leave Jonathan alone and give us back Sarah. You're only doing this because you want Sarah, but you don't need her anymore because that's your baby!
Alan: My baby?
Beth: What is she talking about? What the hell are you talking about?
Alan: Reva?
Reva: Alan, just listen to me. The D.N.A. tests, they were switched.
Alan: I don't believe you, Reva.
Beth: Will somebody tell me what this is all about?
Reva: You are only doing this because you thought you couldn't have a baby of your own. But you do have one.
Alan: You're just bluffing to protect Jonathan.
Reva: Hand me the gun, Alan.
Alan: It's a lie!
Josh: Alan, stop!
Cassie: Don't say anything.
Josh: Stop!
Stephen: Josh, did you know about this?
Josh: It's true. Alan, this is your baby.
Cyrus: I tried that. I tried that, too. Yes. Yes, the cable box is on. (Scoffs)
Marina: Cyrus...
Cyrus: I don't know why you don't believe me. It's not working.
Marina: Cyrus, it's going to be okay.
Cyrus: Yes, yes. Yes, it is urgent. Because Ms. Cooper is stuck here. She is injured, she can't move around all that well, and she needs her TV okay? What, that would be great. I wouldn't think it was such a tough concept.
Marina: Cyrus, it's really okay.
Cyrus: It's really not. You're a hero.
Marina: Oh, please. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Cyrus: You were wounded in the line of duty.
Marina: You are right. How dare they mess with my cable television.
Cyrus: See, you're right. Get angry. They should be giving you a parade.
Marina: I think you're angry enough for the two of us. Don't take it so personally.
Cyrus: I'm not. I'm just... is there something I can get you? Something to drink or...
Marina: I'm not thirsty.
Cyrus: Or something more to read?
Marina: No. Actually, I'm tired of looking at that magazines.
Cyrus: I'll get you more.
Marina: I'm okay. I think that I have everything I need right here. It's Valentine's day, and I'm in love.
Frank: Hey. Did I scare you?
Harley: No. How did you get in here anyway?
Frank: Well, I came from downstairs. The door is wide open.
Harley: Hmm.
Frank: Is that your valentine?
Harley: He's a little square, but he's very sensitive.
Frank: It's one of those days, huh?
Harley: I don't know, but it might be. How are you doing? Did you talk to Marina?
Frank: Well, I was going to head on over there, but I figured she was with Cyrus, so...
Harley: She's with Cyrus?
Frank: Well, no secrets there, right?
Harley: Hey, Frank, um, you're not planning to give away her job or anything, are you?
Frank: What are you talking about? You know she's going to France with Foley, right?
Harley: Well, I just don't think that you should do anything rash.
Frank: Rash? I'm leaving that up to her these days.
Harley: Give it. Listen to me. She's going to be laid up for a long time with that leg. You know, anything could happen in that time. She may not make it overseas.
Frank: Quit making me feel better, okay?
Harley: I'm just saying, a month is a long time.
Frank: Yeah, four weeks, last time I checked.
Harley: She's going to need rehab. What if they say she needs surgery, or anything else? I mean, I shouldn't even have to tell you this stuff.
Frank: Ah, but we both know why you are.
Harley: We both know what?
Frank: Come on, sis. What, you know that we caught a break, right? You think that now Marina is going to have a little extra time, so maybe she is going to realize that Foley is not the one for her, right?
Harley: No, no, no, no, no.
Frank: Hold on one second. Honestly, sis, is there really any other alternative out there?
Harley: For who?
Frank: Well, for both of them. Listen, if Foley was going to skip out on her, he would have done it a long, long time ago. And she saw that. She knows that, right? So now she is reassured that he is the one.
Harley: Frank...
Frank: Sis, I appreciate your optimism and all that. But you know what, honestly, I'm resigned right now. Seriously. My daughter is madly in love, and ain't anything going to change that.
Stephen: Mr. Spaulding, give me the gun.
Alan: I knew she was my child. I've known it all along.
Lizzie: Where is my daughter? Where is she?
Jonathan: Just tell us where Sarah is.
Alan: Sarah's at the house.
Jonathan: Come on.
Lizzie: Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Jonathan: Are you kidding me?
Lizzie: It's my mom. I've got to see what happened.
Alan: Give me my daughter.
Cassie: No.
Alan: Cassie, you heard Josh. That is my little girl. Now, give her here.
Rick: Not another move.
Josh: Rick, Alan...
Rick: You stay away from my little girl. Leah, take the boys to the car.
Leah: Dad...
Rick: Sweetheart, it's okay. Dad is going to take care of everything.
Beth: Rick!
Rick: Honey, these tests, they don't mean a damn thing. They never have. Sweetheart, let me... I'll work it out.
Beth: What does that mean? What does that mean?
Rick: It means that he will never be a responsible father! That's what it means! That's what it's always meant!
Alan: The tests don't mean anything to Rick because he switched the results, Beth.
Beth: You knew about this, Rick?
Alan: Isn't it obvious?
Josh: Everybody, please...
Alan: And you're going to jail for stealing my daughter.
Rick: Oh, shut up!
Alan: I will personally ruin your life, Rick Bauer. Now, take a good look at the sky before they take you off to jail.
Cassie: Listen. Wait. Will you just listen! Rick did not switch the tests. I did. That's right. And I'd do it again.
Jonathan: Cassie? Are you kidding me?
Lizzie: Oh, my God.
Jonathan: Let's go.
Josh: Cassie...
Cassie: No, it's out now. Thanks to you, it's all out now.
Alan: Just give me my daughter.
Cassie: No! You are going to listen to this.
Josh: Cassie, please...
Cassie: Everybody needs to listen to this. This does not change anything.
Alan: Would you help her get a grip, Josh?
Cassie: This does not change anything. The baby's real D.N.A. does not matter. The only thing that matters is keeping you away from her. You've ruined enough lives. (Baby crying)
Beth: How dare you!
Cassie: What kind of chance would she have with you as a father? Somebody had to protect her, and I won't apologize for it.
Alan: I don't want your apology.
Cassie: Rick will love this little girl. To you, she's just another thing for you to own and to corrupt.
Josh: Cassie...
Cassie: You took Tammy away from me, from my very arms. And what have you done to pay for it? How is it that you're even walking the streets?
Alan: You know, you need help. I hope they have a good shrink where they're going to take you.
Cassie: You know what? I am not crazy. But you, you're evil.
Reva: Let's not do this, Cassie.
Cassie: Stay out of it! If you want to help, help stop Alan. That's what we all should be doing. We should be stopping Alan. We have been looking the other way. We have been letting him take all that is right and good in this town, and pervert it. We can stop him!
Alan: This ranting from a child thief!
Cassie: All we have to do is stand together.
Beth: Cassie, stop it right now! Stop it! Who the hell gave you the right to take my baby from her father? Who gave you that right?
Cassie: Beth, I am doing you a favor.
Beth: Cassie, you listen to me. This insanity has to stop.
Marina: Ow!
Cyrus: Oh, oh, oh.
Marina: No, I'm sorry.
Cyrus: No, I'm sorry.
Marina: No. Here. Maybe if... maybe if you were... ow!
Cyrus: That's it, that's it. Okay, that's it. I'm sorry.
Marina: No. I'm sorry. This is really embarrassing.
Cyrus: No, no. It's all right. It's just what happens when you get hurt. Things are different now.
Marina: Different?
Cyrus: Well, I don't know the right word, but we've got this thing to deal with. You just have to give it some time.
Marina: Well, however long it takes is too long in my book.
Cyrus: Yeah.
Marina: Some Valentine's day, huh?
Cyrus: Well, don't let that make it worse. It's a silly holiday anyway.
Marina: Hey.
Cyrus: It wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for the greeting card industry. It's a conspiracy.
Marina: Thanks for making me feel a lot better.
Cyrus: I'm sorry. Look, I've got an idea. I'll get you something to eat. Name your favorite restaurant.
Marina: Well, Company is my favorite.
Cyrus: Okay, then I'm off. Buzz burgers on the way.
Marina: Buzz burgers? I guess we won't be able to get those in France, huh?
Cyrus: Well, they'd be a pale imitation, even if you could.
Marina: You don't have to do this. I'm very happy with the two of us...
Cyrus: I'll be back in a flash.
Marina: ...Just hanging out.
Frank: Hey, sis, come here. Look at this. Do you think Marina would like the blue or the red one?
Harley: What is this for, again?
Frank: It's for Marina. I thought she might like something, you know. She’s... I feel bad that she's laid up. And while she is recuperating, I thought I would get her something nice, like a "get well soon" gift or a bon voyage present. I don't know.
Harley: A bon voyage?
Frank: I think we both know when she is back on her two feet, she's out of here.
Cyrus: Harley? I'm coming up. I hope you're not...
Frank: You hope she's not what?
Cyrus: Busy. I hope she's not busy. Hey, Frank.
Frank: Hold on one second, here. Did you just let yourself into my sister's house without knocking?
Harley: You did earlier.
Frank: Hold on one second. I'm your brother, and the door was wide open.
Cyrus: So it must not have been latched. It was open when I got here, too.
Harley: Yeah. I've been meaning to fix that.
Frank: You know, I could have sworn I'd latched that door.
Harley: Did you come here to give me an update about Marina, Cyrus?
Cyrus: Yeah, I did. I was going to look you up next, Frank.
Frank: How is she?
Cyrus: She's good. She's doing good. You know, she's a trouper. But you can imagine it hurts, the knee. And it's hard for her just lying there. And the TV’s out, too.
Frank: What?
Cyrus: Yeah.
Frank: The TV’s out? I know we were talking and all of that, but do you mind if I run over there and just...
Harley: No, of course not. You're her dad. What could be better than a visit from her dad?
Frank: All right. Thanks. I will see you guys later then?
Harley: Yeah.
Frank: Okay.
Cyrus: So what was all that about?
Harley: I just wanted you to downplay how Marina was feeling so that Frank wouldn't rush over, like that.
Cyrus: So what?
Harley: Now he'll tell her that he saw you here.
Cyrus: I have a perfectly good reason for being here.
Harley: Yeah?
Cyrus: We're still co-workers, right? There's that, too.
Harley: I don't know what we are.
Cyrus: I know what we are. If this is going to happen again, we need to develop a more reliable sign language.
Harley: Hmm. How about this one?
Cyrus: The thing is...
Harley: The thing is what, Cyrus?
Cyrus: We can worry ourselves to death about Frank seeing us here or somebody saying the wrong thing to Marina, or 100 other things, but eventually we're going to have to tell her.
Harley: Hmm.
Cyrus: About us... we're going to have to tell her. Hey.
Harley: What?
Cyrus: We're still... you know?
Harley: How perfect is it, that we can't even say it?
Cyrus: We're still together, right?
Harley: Yes. Yes.
Butler: What are you doing in here?
Lizzie: Lunch. I have something for the baby.
Butler: Nobody is supposed to be in here. Mr. Spaulding's orders.
Lizzie: I just thought you'd be hungry by now.
Butler: Nobody is supposed to be in here.
Jonathan: Well, it's too bad you're not going to get to enjoy that meal. Give me my kid.
Butler: I've been expecting you.
Lizzie: Were you expecting this?
Jonathan: Oh, shorty!
Lizzie: Oh!
Jonathan: Hey, baby. Daddy's here.
Lizzie: Yeah, and Mommy's here, too. We love you so much. Yes, we do. Yes, we do.
Jonathan: Okay. Okay. Oh! I thought I was never going to get to see you again.
Lizzie: You're here, we're all here. We're okay.
Jonathan: Alan was going to make me disappear. You still didn't tell me, how did you find me?
Lizzie: I found you because I had to. There is no way to explain it. Right, baby girl? I needed to get us all back together.
Lizzie: What's that? Oh.
Jonathan: Yeah. I gave it to Sarah. It was Tammy’s.
Lizzie: I wish I had something that special to give to my little sister, especially now with...
Jonathan: Alan...
Lizzie: I cannot believe Cassie did this.
Jonathan: Well, after what Alan did to Tammy... I mean, the more I think about it, the more it makes sense.
Lizzie: I know. But, I mean, it's going to cost her.
Jonathan: Maybe.
Lizzie: I still don't get who knew, who didn't know. The fact that Josh went along with it is incredible.
Jonathan: That's the problem with secrets, is that the more people know, the more likely other people are to find out.
Lizzie: Well, this one's out for sure. Some things really are better left buried.
Jonathan: Well, if this was still buried, we wouldn't be here right now.
Lizzie: Yeah, but... did you see my grandfather's face?
Jonathan: Yeah, I've seen that face before.
Lizzie: He thinks he's got a second chance. And we need to get out of here before he changes his mind.
Jonathan: He will. Yeah, we should go while he has a distraction.
Lizzie: My poor sister. My poor mom. Let's go.
Jonathan: Come on.
Stephen: I want you all to understand one thing. This is God's house. I will not have it demeaned with threats or violence or anything else. If you feel you must, take it outside.
Josh: Stephen, listen...
Stephen: Josh, I have to go put this someplace safe.
Reva: Well, well, I guess everything Stephen said was directed right at you, Alan.
Alan: If you didn't want a scene, Reva, you shouldn't have opened your big mouth.
Reva: You were going to shoot my son. I did what I had to do.
Alan: Well, then stop complaining about the consequences. Beth?
Cassie: Beth, don't listen to him.
Josh: Cassie, Cassie, no more. This is between them now.
Alan: Beth, you said it yourself, that you cannot keep a man away from his daughter.
Rick: Sweetheart, please, don't do this to me.
Alan: Rick has been lying to you all along. You and I have been had.
Rick: Honey, let's just go and we'll work this out. I promise.
Alan: Rick, we are the victims here.
Rick: Just let me... give me a chance to explain. Lillian, please.
Alan: No, no, no. This is between the mother and the father.
Rick: Just stop manipulating the situation.
Beth: Just shut up! You never should have lied to me, Rick. Alan, I'd like you to meet your little girl.
Rick: Don't do this. Don't give him our baby. (Baby crying)
Reva: Cassie, don't go...
Cassie: Oh, my God. I cannot watch this.
Josh: Cassie! Cassie, we need to talk.
Cassie: I don't want to talk to either one of you right now. You... you just had to open your mouth! And you, I cannot believe you said anything.
Reva: Don't blame him, Cassie.
Cassie: You know what, don't start!
Reva: How could he keep quiet?
Cassie: By keeping his promise to me, that's how! But look how fast you jump to his defense, and look how fast you jumped to hers first. Some things never change, do they?
Frank: Hey, baby, baby. Hello. Why aren't you using your crutches?
Marina: Oh, because I hate my crutches.
Frank: What did your crutches ever do to you?
Marina: They are a symbol of everything I want and everything I can't have.
Frank: That's a lot to put on a pair of crutches.
Marina: Okay, I admit it. It is easier than blaming myself.
Frank: Oh, here we go.
Marina: I'm serious. I should be in France right now with Cyrus. I mean, I was this close, and then I had to fall down and go boom.
Frank: That is so funny, because that is almost the exact wording on your department citation.
Marina: I'm getting cited for letting a drug dealer escape?
Frank: Well, excuse me. You had like a couple hours left of being a Springfield cop and you chose to mix it up with some bad guys. Now, to me, that's being a hero.
Marina: Uh-huh. Don't think I don't know what you're trying to do.
Frank: Oh. What am I trying to do?
Marina: You're trying to pump me up, make me feel good about myself so that I won't leave.
Frank: Okay, yes, I don't want you to leave. But your father made you a promise. I promised you that whatever choice you made, I'd back you up.
Marina: He is so good to me, Dad. He really is. I mean, I know it's hard for you to believe. But you should have seen him in here before, making sure I was okay and getting me everything that I wanted.
Frank: Yeah, well, he'd better.
Marina: Seriously. I mean, I... you would have never even know how disappointed he was. He is just so up about everything and okay. I mean, he thought we'd be halfway across the ocean by now. And instead we're stuck here. And he just seems to be okay with it all, even though, until I get better he's stuck here.
Harley: I think you should go. (Laughs)
Cyrus: Okay.
Harley: Don't do this.
Cyrus: If this was my place, could you just walk right out?
Harley: That's not a fair question.
Cyrus: Well, it's not a fair situation.
Harley: Not for anybody.
Cyrus: Not for anybody.
Harley: So if we're going to do this...
Cyrus: We are going to do this.
Harley: If we are going to do this, we have to figure out what is best for Marina. When do we tell her?
Cyrus: Well, there is no good time.
Harley: I think we should wait until she heals.
Cyrus: That's going to be a while.
Harley: This is going to be hell. (Laughs)
Cyrus: After surgery, there's weeks of physical therapy.
Harley: I don't care.
Cyrus: You don't?
Harley: I mean, I have to force myself not to care, thinking about what it means for us.
Cyrus: Yeah, right.
Harley: So... so until Marina is better, we have to stop. You understand, right?
Cyrus: Yeah.
Harley: So we have to keep a distance.
Cyrus: And how do you propose that we do that?
Harley: It's called willpower.
Cyrus: Oh, willpower.
Harley: Willpower.
Reva: Hey, you can't just say something like that and just walk away.
Cassie: I'm not in the mood for denials.
Josh: I'm not going to deny anything.
Cassie: Well, what a relief.
Reva: Will you just listen to him.
Josh: Look, I know you're upset. But I also know that somewhere deep down inside, you understand what happened here today and why it had to happen.
Cassie: I'll tell you what I understand. What I understand is Reva knew perfectly well what telling the truth was going to do to me, and she did it anyway.
Reva: Alan was threatening my son.
Cassie: And then you confirmed it. There was a chance no one was going to believe what she said. Even Alan thought she was bluffing. And then you had to say something, and then that was it.
Josh: Cassie, this is not about me backing up Reva.
Cassie: Well, it certainly isn't about you backing up me.
Reva: You've got to get it together.
Cassie: You know what? You two are like a tag team. And just stop!
Josh: Look, all I did... all I did was tell the truth.
Cassie: You told a truth-- a truth! Another truth is that Rick was going to be a wonderful father to that little girl. Was. And Alan is now going to destroy that poor little girl's life, just like he did to Tammy.
Reva: We knew none of this was going to bring Tammy back. But Jonathan and Sarah have a chance now. You've got to see that, right?
Cassie: I know what I see. I know the truth, that's it.
Josh: Cassie. Cassie, wait, please...
Cassie: You know, I guess it was just too much to expect that you two would love Tammy the way I do.
Beth: Alan.
Alan: She is just gorgeous.
Beth: Alan... Alan.
Alan: You know, I remember when you gave birth to her and you were holding her. I was looking at her at that time, and I knew then that she was a part of me.
Beth: Alan... Alan...
Alan: What?
Beth: This has to stop.
Alan: Why don't we take her home and get her settled into her room and then go out and buy her beautiful things, Beth.
Rick: No, no, no. I knew this was coming.
Alan: This is my child.
Rick: I am the father. I am the father in every way that counts.
Alan: Will you stop being so desperate. Beth, don't listen to him.
Beth: I'm not listening to either one of you. Right now I don't know what's best. I don't know what I want. But I do know that I'm not going to figure that out standing here listening to the two of you bicker.
Alan: Let's just go to the house...
Rick: Let's just go back to our house and we can work this out.
Beth: Stop, stop... stop it! You're going to need to find your own way home. And if you love me at all, you'll give me time to figure this out on my own. Mom?
Jonathan: Asleep already.
Lizzie: I wish I was like that.
Jonathan: What, tired?
Lizzie: Oblivious. She just looks up out of the crib and knows that the two people looking down at her love her, and nothing else matters.
Jonathan: Not so bad, huh?
Lizzie: Yeah. It's like the things that happen today don't even exist to her. I can't shake it.
Jonathan: Well, it's over now. We've got her back.
Lizzie: She almost lost you.
Jonathan: Well, she would have had her mom.
Lizzie: I almost lost you.
Jonathan: You didn’t.
Lizzie: I couldn't let myself imagine what it would be like if... if, you know...
Jonathan: I'm not going anywhere.
Lizzie: Today. Today... we won today. What about tomorrow?
Jonathan: I told you, I'm not going anywhere.
Lizzie: Promise me that.
Jonathan: I just did.
Frank: What the heck is the matter with this thing? Listen, honey, do you have a hacksaw or duct tape?
Marina: You just want to fix it because Cyrus couldn’t.
Frank: Are you kidding me? What do you think your father is that insecure. What's wrong with this thing?
Marina: Maybe just a little.
Frank: Okay. Let's make a deal.
Marina: Okay.
Frank: Maybe you can pull back just a little bit trying to convince me how great Cyrus is, and maybe, maybe I will try so hard to stop moping around about how I think he's taking you away from me, okay?
Marina: Okay. It sounds like a good deal to me. You're really going to stop moping? I don't buy it.
Frank: I can fake it. I can fake it.
Marina: Okay, well, I can't fake the way I feel about Cyrus. I'm sorry.
Frank: I know that. I know. So, you know what, bad idea. Bad idea.
Marina: It's really right, Dad. It really is.
Frank: Okay. Good, right? You know, I'm really sorry that you hurt your leg, but it's been really nice that it kind of afforded us the extra time to be together, you know? But, unfortunately, I have to get going and get back to the station. So, next time I come back, what would you like me to bring? How about a brand-new TV? (Laughter)
Marina: How about a piece of pie, actually. I have...
Frank: Some pie?
Marina: Yes. I have a sudden craving for pie. I can't explain it.
Frank: All right. Well, you know what? I'll tell you what, why don't I... I'll blow off that meeting at the police station.
Marina: No.
Frank: ...And I'll go to Company and I'll get you that piece of pie.
Marina: No, no, no. You know what? Never mind. I think I know exactly how to get some.
Frank: Okay.
Marina: Okay. Go to your meeting. Daddy?
Frank: Yes, my love.
Marina: I love you.
Frank: I love you, too.
Harley: We have to keep our distance now.
Cyrus: Yeah.
Harley: I mean it, and you know it.
Cyrus: Yeah, I do.
Harley: You know, one second you're practically out the door, and now...
Cyrus: What? I was never practically out the door.
(Phone ringing)
Waitress: Company.
Marina: Hey, it's Marina.
Waitress: How is your leg, sweetie?
Marina: I have decided that pie is the only cure. Is Cyrus still there, or is it too late to add to the order?
Waitress: Cyrus hasn't been in all day.
Jonathan: Whoa!
Lizzie: What was that?
Jonathan: I... um... that kind of came out of nowhere.
Lizzie: Yeah.
Jonathan: Yeah.
Lizzie: No... no, it's been an emotional day.
Jonathan: Right.
Lizzie: Lots of swings.
Jonathan: Yeah, up and down, all over the place.
Lizzie: I mean, that doesn't make that okay.
Jonathan: No.
Lizzie: We were just reacting.
Jonathan: Yeah. I mean, you know, I'm still never going to... you know.
Lizzie: You'll never be over Tammy. I've got this thing with Bill.
Jonathan: Good. Good.
Lizzie: Yeah. I can feel it. It's real. So that means that, um, we...
Jonathan: We should just stick to being parents.
Lizzie: Yeah.
Jonathan: Yeah.
Lizzie: One day at a time.
Cyrus: There she is.
Marina: Right where you left her.
Cyrus: Everything good?
Marina: Yeah, everything is great. Getting a little hungry, though.
Cyrus: Oh, you wouldn't believe how crowded it was at Company.
Marina: Really?
Cyrus: Yeah. The line snaked right out the door. I waited for a bit, but then it just got ridiculous. So I thought we'd order room service instead. Sorry about that. Is something wrong?
Marina: No, no. See if they have pie, okay?
Lillian: Oh, sweetie, this is just awful. How are you?
Beth: I'm tired.
Lillian: Oh, baby. Oh, Beth. Bernadette asleep?
Beth: I'm sorry, what?
Lillian: Bernadette. You know, the baby.
Beth: Yeah, yeah. Uh-huh. She’s asleep.
Lillian: Honey?
Beth: That name... I'm having a hard time getting used to it.
Alan: I don't think it's going to take Beth very long to make up her mind.
Rick: I'm done with you, Alan.
Alan: You're done with me? What have I done?
Rick: Good-bye.
Alan: I haven't lied to my wife, manipulated my wife, stole a child. You don't see the irony in all of this, Rick? You have turned into me. That'll keep him up tonight (laughs)
Tammy: Are you okay?
Cassie: No. I feel like I failed you.
Tammy: You didn't fail me. Maybe you just couldn't count on some people the way you thought you could.
Stephen: I'm sorry, Josh, but this one is out of my hands.
Josh: I understand.
Stephen: The church board makes that decision. But I have to say that keeping a lie like that to yourself for so long...
Josh: I'll talk to them.
Stephen: It may not do any good. I just want you to be prepared for that.
Josh: Yeah.
Cassie: I'm not even sure that they know that they're doing it sometimes, but he always takes her side. And she will always take his side. Maybe it just seems that way to me.
Tammy: What are you going to do about it?
Next on "Guiding Light,"
Natalia: Short of giving you my own heart, I will do whatever I can for you.
Olivia: Give me your husband.
Cyrus: What are you suggesting we do, meet in hotel rooms, or not at all?
Harley: Well, not at all doesn't work for me.
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