Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 2/13/08
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread By Tanya
Reva: Joshua.
Josh: Hey.
Reva: I got a Valentine's Day card from Shayne. I thought you might want to look at it.
Josh: Thank you.
Reva: Okay, nothing showy, you know. Just a little sprinkle of water. You don't want to do the whole dip and dunk thing and freak everybody out.
Josh: I'm sorry, what?
Reva: Isn't today the baptism for Rick and Beth’s baby?
Josh: Yeah, Rick and Beth’s baby.
Reva: Uh-oh. I know that look.
Josh: I just don't know how to do this, Reva. I mean, how can I stand here before God and baptize a little child when I'm not even being honest about who she is. She is Alan’s little girl, not Rick’s.
Reva: But we all agreed to keep that secret. We all agreed to keep the secret because we knew it was the right thing to do. We knew that Rick would be a better father to that baby than Alan.
Josh: I don't doubt that.
Reva: So what are you going to do?
Josh: I don't know. How do I choose between my faith and my wife? Especially the way Cassie’s been lately, the way she attacked you.
Reva: You call that an attack? (Laughs)
Josh: How do I make her see the truth about Will?
Reva: You'll know what to do. You always do.
Josh: (Laughs) Well, that's not true, but I appreciate you saying it.
Will: Hey, can we go see a movie and get big popcorns?
Cassie: Okay, hold it.
Will: What? What's wrong?
Cassie: This has to stop. Get down.
Will: What?
Cassie: Come here. We are not on vacation, okay? You cannot go to the movies, and you most certainly should not have packed up Josh's things and left them outside.
Will: I thought Josh wasn't going to live with us for a while.
Cassie: No, sweetie, I told you that's only temporary. Josh and I still love each other. We're just working some things out.
Will: You mean me?
Cassie: Sweetie... I don’t... I don't want you to blame yourself. Josh and I both know you have some issues to deal with; we just disagree on how best to do that. But, in the meantime, you cannot act like this is a game. It's not a game. It's very serious.
Will: I'm sorry, Mom. I'll do better.
Cassie: I know you will, sweetie. I know.
Will: It's just that I don't like the way Josh treats you. He and Aunt Reva are always...
Cassie: Will, enough. I don't want to hear anything more about that, okay? Now, I'm going to drop you off with Daisy, and then I expect you to be good while I'm at the baptism.
Lillian: Oh, you are such a balloon machine, Jude, thank you.
Leah: He gets the hot air from dad.
Lillian: (Laughs) I wasn't going to say it. Your baby sister is going to be so welcomed because of you.
Rick: Oh, my gosh. You guys, this is really... this is beautiful. This is really nice.
Leah: Okay, enough stalling, Dad. I want to see her.
Rick: What?
Leah: Did you guys come up with a name yet?
Rick: We're still working on it.
Lillian: Oh, I keep calling her the baby Bauer. It's so wonderful to have another Bauer in our family, in our lives.
Rick: It's great. It really is.
Beth: Anyone want to say hello?
Rick: Oh, there's my little girl.
Lillian: Oh, a sweetheart. Look at this.
Rick: All right, guys, one at a time. Be gentle, be gentle. Love? What is love? Love is flowers on the table...
Leah: Dad, no poetry.
Rick: Why not? I have a baby girl here. I can be poetic, can't I?
Leah: I can't tell if she looks like you, Dad.
Lillian: Oh, no, no, she looks just like her mommy.
Beth: (Laughs)
Lillian: Just like her mommy.
Rick: And that's the way it should be. Hey, you know what? I'm going to give dad a call, give had him an update, okay? I'll be right back.
Lillian: Send him my love.
Rick: Yeah.
Lillian: Hi, sweetie.
Beth: I can't believe he hasn't called yet.
Lillian: Who?
Beth: Alan.
Lillian: Well, why should he?
Beth: Well, because, you know Alan never gives up. Mom, you should have seen how devastated he was when Rick and I left with the baby.
Lillian: You don't think he's going to take the baby.
Beth: No, no, it just... you know, he was there when I went into labor and he may have even saved her. And I just feel like... never mind. Never mind.
Lizzie: Okay, is it possible that she's bigger than she was yesterday?
Jonathan: One time I had to adjust her car seat three times in one week.
Lizzie: Don't you grow too fast, okay? (Laughter)
Jonathan: Did you hear anything from Alan?
Lizzie: What's he going to say? He thought he had had my mom and the baby, and now that he's lost them both, he's just a broken man. I think we might have won this time.
Jonathan: Do you really believe that?
Lizzie: I am enjoying my daughter right now, who is so cute, I could just watch you all day long. Yes, I could. Want to give her a bath?
Jonathan: Yeah, yeah, sure. Start the water.
Lizzie: Let's do it. We're going to take a bath, okay? (Gasps) Jonathan!
Jonathan: What?
Lizzie: There's a bug-- a huge, big bug in the bathtub.
Alan: Sarah, Sarah. Come here, sweetheart. Look how big you've gotten. Oh, that bottle. Yes.
Jonathan: When I hit Alan, catch Sarah.
Lizzie: No, no, you're going to hurt her. Granddad, give me my daughter. Give her to me now.
Alan: Here you go, Elizabeth. Here she is. I... I just wanted to see Sarah. She... she's really grown. How old is she, about 15 months now?
Jonathan: What do you want?
Alan: Jonathan, I want what I talked to you about on the island-- a truce. This has all got to end, son.
Jonathan: When you said that, you thought you were getting Beth and her baby.
Alan: True, but her baby's Rick’s. I don't want to lose everything. I want Elizabeth and Sarah to be in my life.
Jonathan: And you want me to believe that you're just going to give up?
Alan: I know it's going to take some time, but I will earn your trust, believe me. In the meantime, I want to contribute to Sarah’s educational fund here.
Jonathan: No, no. Sarah's not for sale.
Lizzie: Jon... Jonathan, look at me. We need this to be over. I know it took a lot for you to come here and to make this first step, so maybe there is a way that we can co-exist for Sarah and for my little sister.
Jonathan: Okay. We could all do that.
Alan: Good. Good. That's all I'm asking. I think you've done a terrific job, Jonathan. She seems to be very happy and healthy. Good job. Look, I'll... I'll leave you three alone.
Lizzie: Okay. I'm going to go put her in the bath. Hopefully, it will be bug-free.
Jonathan: You're a good actor.
Alan: So are you.
Jonathan: Hmmm. You come near my daughter again, I will snap your neck.
Alan: Only you don't know when that time is going to happen, Jonathan. Did you ever ask yourself how I got in there in the first place? All I did was pay a maid $20. That's all it took. So, any time... sleep well. And give Sarah a kiss for me.
Beth: Oh, another gift?
Rick: Yes, it is. It's from... it's from Michelle and Danny.
Beth: Oh.
Lillian: She's going to be the most spoiled baby in the world and her grandma's going to keep her forever. (Cell phone rings)
Rick: Who is it?
Beth: What? Oh, oh, it was... it was the furniture place. I'll just call them back.
Rick: Well, who did you think it was?
Beth: What?
Rick: Come on, I saw that look on your face, and so did your mom.
Beth: Okay, okay. Don't get upset about this. I just... I'm worried about Alan. You know, it was just... it was... he was there when the baby was born, and I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Rick: Shh, it's all right. You've been through a lot lately.
Beth: Well, I'm sure that’s... that’s... that's it.
Rick: And I understand.
Beth: What?
Rick: And I understand your feelings for Alan...
Beth: Rick...
Rick: Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh. It's okay. He's been a part of your life for a very long time, sweetheart. You just don't throw that history out the window. I understand that as good as anybody else, and it's perfectly natural for you to have little feelings for somebody that you spent a lot of your life with. And I just want you to know that I'm okay with that. You know why? Because that empty part of me that's been in my heart has been taken away and I have married my high school sweetheart and I have this beautiful baby girl. And I am going to spend the rest of my life making the two of you very happy.
Beth: You are a very good man, Rick Bauer. I love you.
Rick: I love you, too, sweetheart.
Leah: Okay, Dad, give up the goods. I can't keep calling my sister baby Bauer.
Jude: Yeah, what's her name?
Beth: Well, um, we were thinking about a family name.
Leah: You mean like Lillian?
Lillian: No, that would be confusing. We'd have Leo, Lizzie, Lillian... but Lily is a very nice name.
Beth: Lily is a beautiful name.
Rick: Lillian, Lillian, I love you, and the fact that you laugh at all my jokes, but I would like to keep it a family name. (Laughter)
Lillian: What about your great grandmother? She was a wonderful woman, was your grandmother.
Rick: Right. Baby Bert. Bert.
Jude: Bert? You mean like Bert Ernie? (Laughter) That's funny.
Rick: Hey, your great grandmother was a wonderful person.
Lillian: Well, Bert must have been short for something. What was her real name?
Rick: Bertha.
Beth: Oh, Rick. Okay. Okay.
Rick: You asked me a question, I answered it.
Beth: Look, I love... I love the idea about naming her after your grandmother. Love it. But can't call her Bertha. Can not.... can we just, you know, spruce it up? Spruce it up a little bit.
Rick: Alberta? Albertha?
Beth: Roberta.
Leah: Bernadette?
Lillian: Oh, I like that.
Beth: What do you think about that, Rick?
Rick: I think we are all looking at Bernadette Bauer. (Laughter)
Beth: What do you think of that?
Rick: What do you think?
Lizzie: I know you think I'm being a sap, but, you know, I kind of believe what my granddad said. You know, it would be nice... what? What happened?
Jonathan: That stuff does sound good, but it's not going to happen.
Lizzie: Why? Did he say something to you?
Jonathan: He just said that he paid a maid $20 to get in this room, that he can get in whenever he wants. When we're not expecting it, he's going to take Sarah.
Lizzie: Did he really say that? Come here, baby.
Jonathan: What, you don't believe me?
Lizzie: Well, no. I do, of course.
Jonathan: Do you think I'm paranoid? Do you think I want Alan to be coming after us so I have a reason to get rid him?
Lizzie: No. We have a lot of support this time. We have Reva and Josh, Jeffrey, Cassie. We could move in with your mom again. We could get married to make it look even more solid.
Jonathan: Married?
Lizzie: We already have the rings.
Jonathan: Yeah, well, it takes more than rings to be married.
Lizzie: Okay. I don't know. But we need to protect her, so...
Jonathan: I know. I don't know, I just... married... whatever.
Lizzie: We need more baby food, okay?
Jonathan: I'll go get it. And I'll get some lunch.
Lizzie: I'll keep thinking. We'll come up with something.
Jonathan: I'm going to take her with me.
Lizzie: (Making baby noises) Here you go.
Jonathan: Hey, baby.
Lizzie: Good girl. Good girl.
Jonathan: Oh, hi. Hi.
Lizzie: Good girl.
Rick: She's a Bernadette, Bernadette Bauer.
Beth: You know her initials are B.B., so we could call her B.B. Or Bebe.
Rick: Bebe or B.B.? You're tired, honey. You need to get some sleep. Don't ever call her Bebe. (Laughter)
Rick: Hey.
Josh: Hi. Hello.
Beth: Hi there, Godfather. I'd like you to meet your Goddaughter, B.B.
Rick: Bernadette. Bernadette.
Josh: Oh, Bernadette. I see. Hello, Bernadette.
Rick: Yeah, after our... well, my grandmother, actually, Bert.
Josh: Well, she was a great lady.
Rick: Yes, she was.
Josh: Yeah.
Beth: If you guys don't need me, I need to go get dressed.
Rick: Okay, sweetheart.
Josh: No, I just need to talk to him for a minute. Thank you.
Rick: Bye.
Josh: So... so you're going to name the baby after Bert?
Rick: Yeah, it's a family name.
Josh: That's kind of what I want to talk to you about, Rick. I don't think I can do this. I don't think I can baptize your baby.
Rick: What are you talking about? Of course you... Josh, you back out now, it will send out 100 red flags. What are we going to say? You've got to do it.
Cassie: Oh, he'll do it.
Jonathan: "Granddad came back. He tried to take me with him, but I wouldn't go. He's coming for Sarah. Pack Sarah’s things and meet me at the Bauer cabin. Hurry!"
Bill: Whoa, whoa, where are you going?
Jonathan: Get out of my way.
Bill: I'm sure Alan would love to know where you're going with that suitcase.
Jonathan: What are you now, a spy for Alan?
Bill: Listen, I knew Lizzie couldn't trust you, all those promises that you weren't going to take off with the child. But here you are, you're doing just that. Where is Lizzie? Nowhere to be found, right?
Jonathan: You have no idea what you're talking about.
Bill: I know you're not going to break Lizzie’s heart again.
Jonathan: If you don't get out of my face, I'm going to put this suitcase down. Then I'm going to have both hands free. You don't want that.
Bill: Do what you need to do.
Jonathan: I am.
Beth: How is she doing?
Cassie: She's just awesome. You know, I don't know if this Godparenting thing is going to be enough for me. I just might want to be a full-time babysitter, too. (Laughter) She's adorable.
Beth: I know. We did good. I mean, look at her. Look at you. She's got my mother's nose. She's got Lizzie’s mouth, and Leah says she doesn't see it, but I think she has Rick’s eyes.
Cassie: Oh, I definitely see it.
Leah: Come on back. I want to help you change my sister.
Beth: See? Ever since she came along, Leah has been so much more warm to me.
Rick: Well, Leah is finally happy now, too. Thank God.
Cassie: What a great family.
Josh: Cassie...
Cassie: I mean, did you see how happy that baby is, and Beth?
Josh: Okay, look... look, I went along with this lie, and I'm not going to say anything, but I can't perform the ceremony. I'm sorry.
Rick: What do you mean you can't do it?
Josh: I just...
Rick: People are going to ask questions, Josh. You can't back out now.
Josh: Well, I don't know what I'm going to say.
Cassie: Wait a minute. You're right, you can't perform the ceremony.
Rick: Why not?
Cassie: Because he's the Godfather. Doesn't someone else have to perform the ceremony?
Rick: Oh, gosh, you're right. This works out even better. You don't even have to be the person to perform the baptism.
Josh: No, I just have to take the vow.
Cassie: And the vow as Godparent is just to protect the child. So, unless you think that's handing her over to Alan Spaulding...
Josh: No, it's not.
Rick: Please tell me we've reached a compromise.
Josh: Okay.
Rick: Okay?
Josh: Okay, I'll... yes, I'll do it. I'll do it. I'll see if Stephen Rutledge is available.
Rick: Okay, thank you. That's great. I'm going to go check on Beth and I'll see you both at the church. Thanks.
Cassie: Great.
Jonathan: Lizzie? Hey, get your hands off her!
Alan: Elizabeth's not here.
Jonathan: What did you do with her?
Alan: Nothing. The last time I saw her, she was at the Beacon with you.
Jonathan: She sent me a message...
Alan: I'm not fond of text messages, but they do come in handy sometimes.
Jonathan: I can't believe I fell for that.
Alan: I told you, you wouldn't know when this was going to happen. Give Sarah to me.
Jonathan: No! Alan! Alan, I will kill you, I swear!
Alan: (Makes baby noises)
Bill: Lizzie, wait, wait, wait! Come on. I need to talk to you.
Lizzie: Okay, just not right now, okay? Today's my sister's baptism. I need to get her a present, eat lunch and get over to the church.
Bill: Okay, well, where's Sarah?
Lizzie: With Jonathan. He's picking up the food.
Bill: Are you sure about that?
Lizzie: Yes. Why?
Bill: Because I think Jonathan’s gone with Sarah.
Lizzie: Stop. Stop. I'm so tired of listening to you. You just keep trying the make him look bad.
Bill: Oh, you know what? I wish... I wish that's what this was, but it's not. Okay?
Lizzie: Okay. Well, good, I just told you he's getting us lunch.
Bill: Yeah? With a suitcase?
Lizzie: A suitcase?
Bill: Yes. I went to your place. I saw Jonathan coming out with a suitcase and Sarah.
Lizzie: I don't believe you.
Bill: Well, I'm sorry, Lizzie, but it's true. Jonathan's gone, and he's taken Sarah.
Guard: He's clean. No weapons. Just a cell phone.
Alan: Oh, what happened to your gun? Oh, wait, is this it? I found it outside my house in San Gabriel.
Jonathan: I don't allow guns around my daughter.
Alan: Don't worry, she's safe. She's in the bedroom with her nanny.
Jonathan: What are you going to do, kill me with my own gun? How are you going to get away with that?
Alan: No one trusts you, Jonathan. They'll just think that you took Sarah and ran away again.
Jonathan: What happens when they find out that she's with you?
Alan: They won’t. Don't forget, I kept Phillip hidden for a very long time.
Jonathan: What, are you going to keep her locked up in your mansion like it's a prison?
Alan: My home is no prison. She will have everything that she wants-- the best teachers, a beautiful bedroom, and, above all, she will be loved.
Jonathan: I love her. I'm her father.
Alan: Yes, and fortunate for her, she will forget all about you because she's a little, bitty baby. I'm also going to change her name to something a little bit more appropriate for a Spaulding, get rid of that connection between Reva and her mother.
Jonathan: Damn it!
Alan: You know, Jonathan, you just proved my point: Sarah will be much better off with me.
Jonathan: Okay. Okay. You win. I'll leave town. I'll leave town. I won't see Sarah again. It will kill me to do it, but she needs Lizzie. And she needs Reva. And you can be a part of her life if you want to, but you don't cut those people out of her life. And then you'll have what you want: Me gone forever.
Alan: Unfortunately, I don't believe you because I keep hearing the words "snap my neck" in my brain. So I'm not going to let you go because you'll come after me. All I'm doing is surviving.
Jonathan: Mind if I answer my phone?
Guard: It's your granddaughter.
Jonathan: That's not going to work. Lizzie trusts me now, not you.
Alan: That's why you're going to call Reva and you're going to tell her that you've taken Sarah and run away again. Elizabeth will believe Reva.
Jonathan: Why the hell would I do that?
Alan: Because then, and only then, will I allow you to say goodbye to your little daughter. (Cell phone rings)
Reva: Hey, I have a newspaper spread out right now, looking at ads for security systems.
Jonathan: Reva...
Reva: You wouldn't believe all of the stuff they have-- infrared security systems; they have security cameras with night vision.
Jonathan: Reva, stop. It's too late. I'm already gone.
Reva: What do you mean you're gone?
Jonathan: I hit the road with Sarah. I'm not coming back.
Reva: No, Jonathan. No. We talked about this. The family can protect you and Sarah now.
Jonathan: Not this time.
Reva: What happened? Something must have happened to change your mind.
Jonathan: Alan. He's back. He came by this morning and saw me and Lizzie.
Reva: It doesn't matter that Alan’s back because now we can circle the wagons and...
Jonathan: No, he got into our room. Me and Lizzie were getting a bath ready for Sarah and he paid the maid 20 bucks and he got into our room.
Reva: Oh, my God. Is Sarah okay?
Jonathan: Yeah, for now. $20 is all it took, Reva. He could have got in there and run away with Sarah. So I have to do this. For Sarah.
Reva: I understand that you need to be away for a while. But I'm going to ask Jeffrey to file charges against Alan for breaking and entering, for attempted kidnapping. We'll get him behind bars, Jonathan.
Jonathan: Reva, I'm not going to be able to call for a while because I think Alan will have it traced.
Reva: No, you have to stay in touch. It's important that you stay in touch. He could be in jail by tomorrow.
Jonathan: Listen, I'm just trying to say...
Reva: No, don't say it. I will see you again. I will see you again soon.
Jonathan: I love you, Mom. I'm really glad that you're my mom.
Reva: Jonathan? Jonathan?
Jonathan: Hey you. Hey you. Back with Daddy. Yeah, it's me, it's Daddy. God, I remember when Mommy first told me that she was pregnant. Daddy freaked out. Because where did I have to learn to be a dad from? Alfred? Yeah, I was pretty scared that when you got here, I would act like he did, but I didn’t. Because all I cared about was making you happy and safe. So now, whenever you see me and hear my voice, you smile, because I'm your dad. I used to hate that word, dad. Now it's my favorite word. Because of you. You know Daddy loves you no matter what, right? No matter where you are, no matter where I am, or where I end up, Daddy is always going to be coming for you, you know that. And I've got something for you. I've got something for you. You see this? Look at that. It used to be Tammy’s. And now it's yours, okay? Hey, you promise me, you let her keep this. I want her to have something of mine, okay?
Alan: Fine.
Jonathan: Yeah. Get the bottle. Where did the bottle go? Yeah. Come on. Daddy loves you, Sarah. Daddy loves you. (Cries)
Bill: Lizzie, you've been calling him a hundred times. I told you, Jonathan is gone.
Lizzie: I don't believe that.
Bill: Well, I'm sorry. He is.
Lizzie: Reva, what's wrong?
Reva: I just got off the phone with Jonathan. He took Sarah and he ran. I think Alan really scared him.
Bill: This has nothing to do with Alan. I told you.
Lizzie: No, no. Did he mention me? Did he say anything about me when you talked to him?
Reva: I'm sorry, no, he didn’t.
Lizzie: No. No, no, no, this can't be. We have a plan. We had a plan. Whatever we were going to do, we were going to do it together. I don't believe this.
Bill: Listen, Lizzie, I know this is hard to take, but, honestly, you haven't been the best judge of character lately. So, I think... it's true.
Lizzie: You're wrong. Both of you are wrong. Jonathan would not take Sarah away from me again. No way.
Jeremy: Sir, is there a baby in this house?
Alan: Of course not.
Jeremy: I swear I heard a baby.
Alan: Well, you didn’t. But now that you're here. I want you to tell the staff that they can go home immediately.
Jeremy: Excuse me?
Alan: Yes, I'm thinking about doing a little renovation around here. Alexandra is going to be going back down to the islands, and I think it would be a perfect time for that.
Jeremy: You don't want any of the staff to come to work?
Alan: They will be compensated. Just treat it as if it were an extended vacation.
Jeremy: Sir, is everything all right?
Alan: Everything, Jeremy, is completely all right. Now, go and tell the staff.
Bruno: I think she misses you, Alan.
Alan: Let me hold her. Oh, my goodness. Bruno, there's a blanket up in Elizabeth’s old room. It's in the chest there. I want you to get that. It used to keep Elizabeth comforted. I think I'll use it here. Looky there, baby. How are you? I love you so much. I'm so glad you're back in my life. I want to show you something over here. Now, you're a Spaulding. You can have anything you want. You know that, don't you? Well, things are going to be a little different now that you're here. You see, you're not going to disappoint me like some of the other Spaulding’s have because I'm going to raise you. Yes. Of course, you're going to need a mother.
Josh: Thank you for filling in for me, Stephen.
Stephen: Of course. You know how much I respect you. And who better than you and Cassie to give this little one guidance?
Beth: That's why we picked them.
Reva: Hey.
Cassie: Hi.
Reva: Shouldn't you be over there?
Cassie: Well, I was waiting for you. I wanted to apologize for what happened here.
Reva: You mean for pushing me?
Cassie: I overreacted, and I'm sorry.
Reva: It's fine.
Cassie: I just saw you and Jeffrey and Josh talking, and it really sounded like you were trying to take my son away from me.
Reva: Cassie, it's fine. But I just want you to know that you're not the only one with problems. There are other mothers who are worried about their sons.
Cassie: Why? Did something happen to Jonathan?
Stephen: Cassie, we're ready for you now.
Reva: But Cassie, if it happens again, it won't be fine. Not even close.
Lizzie: Wait! Wait! Help me! Hi. My granddad... my granddad, he collapsed behind the bar and I think it's his heart. Please? Thank you so much. Thank you!
Stephen: Rick?
Rick: Yes.
Stephen: Beth, do you wish your daughter, Bernadette Bauer, to receive the sacrament of baptism?
Rick and Beth: We do.
Stephen: And have you selected Godparents who will also be responsible to see that she is brought up with faith?
Rick: We have.
Beth: Josh and Cassie Lewis.
Stephen: Josh, Cassie, as Godparents, I also have to ask you to take a vow. Cassie, do you renounce all the evil in the world, knowing that it corrupts and destroys the children of God?
Cassie: I do.
Stephen: And Josh, now it's your turn. Do you promise to follow and obey Jesus Christ as Lord?
Josh: I do.
Lizzie: Thank God you're all right.
Jonathan: How did you know I was here?
Lizzie: Bill told me that you took off with Sarah.
Jonathan: Yeah, because I got a text message to meet you at the Bauer cabin.
Lizzie: You know the only person I texted today was my mom.
Jonathan: I know. It was Alan. He set me up to get me up here.
Lizzie: I knew it. I knew it. Reva said that you took off, and that you didn't mention me, but I knew you wouldn't leave without me.
Jonathan: Alan has Sarah. We need to get her back.
Lizzie: We have my mom. He's not going to let us anywhere near her, but he'll listen to my mom. He'll listen to my mom.
Jonathan: When I say move, hit the ground.
Lizzie: What?
Jonathan: Move!
Lizzie: That was good.
Jonathan: Yeah. Get in the car.
Lizzie: Where are we going?
Jonathan: Wherever your mom is.
Lizzie: The baptism.
Stephen: Bernadette Bauer, I baptize you in the name of Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
All: Amen.
Stephen: Let us pray. Heavenly Father, we thank you that by water and the Holy Spirit, you have bestowed upon this, your servant, the forgiveness of sin, and have raised her to the new life of grace.
Reva: Did I just see Jonathan? Lizzie, is something wrong?
Lizzie: It's really bad, okay? Jonathan didn't take off with Sarah. Alan set him up. He's trying to kill him.
Reva: Oh, my God.
Lizzie: Okay, listen: He has Sarah. That's why we're here.
Jonathan: Nobody's going into labor today. Not going to shoot off.
Alan: You kill me and you will never see your daughter again, Jonathan.
Jonathan: I guess I will take that chance.
Jonathan: Sarah? Get off!
Reva: Alan, don't! Don't!
Alan: No.
Lizzie: Granddad, no!
Alan: It's too late now, Reva. I may go to jail, but I will have protected Sarah from this poor excuse of a human being.
Reva: No, Alan. It doesn't have to be this way. Please, Alan, put the gun down and we'll all walk away from this. Just give us Sarah and we won't file charges.
Alan: What do I have to walk away from? I've lost everything that I love, Reva-- my children, my grandchildren, Beth. And now you want to sake Sarah from me? I will be left with nothing.
Reva: Alan, listen to me. You do have something. That baby is yours.
Alan: What?
Reva: Beth's baby. The D.N.A. tests were wrong. Rick isn't the father. You are.
Next on "Guiding Light,"
Josh: Alan, this is your baby.
Beth: Alan, I'd like you to meet your little girl.
Frank: My daughter is madly in love and ain't anything going to change that.
Jonathan: I'm not going anywhere.
Lizzie: Promise me that.
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